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Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 9th, 2002, 07:34:11 PM
Daybreak, such a beautiful sight to behold, the initial start of yet another unpredictable day in the life of a Jedi. The fresh sunlight bathed the lush gardens with thick coat of life, and whatever the situations the day would bring, the Greater Jedi Order would be operating has usual. Kindo strolled slowly out to the fertile gardens outside of the Complex, admiring the astonoshing view from his standpoint. A bright smile came upon his face, blending in with his lovely enviroment. He was gladdened to be part of the Jedi, has he always would forever and ever on. The Jedi's thoughts dwelled upon the day's when he first joined the Order, how he dedicated more than his life, his very soul. He had learned so much since he first united with the peacekeepers, how he had grown wise and mature with the Force deep within his heart. While those great memories coursed through his mind, he stood surrounded by nature, in the midst of it's majesty.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:45:00 PM
Sejah saw somethign different in the gardens of the Jedi Complex.

He saw water.

Water, care, and peace. The three things plants needed to grow, other than sunlight. Nehantish ahd plenty of that, but a garden as verdant as the one he stood in was rare, and often charged admission if it was not city-sponsored. He saw life, if not sentient, but life nonetheless. Rubbing a large, flat leaf between his thumb and foredigit, the mongoose was grateful for the respite from the burning sun and hot air of his home.

During his four months with the Jedi, he had not learened as much as most, but was content anyhow. He had made friends who did not judge him, he had learned new skills, though they were not truly extrordinary, and he had also begun to lift his confidence in himself. Like Ki Adi, he was glad to have joined, but still a sadness was in his heart. He missed his home, his kind.

But to be a Jedi was enough to overbalance that longing, he was told, and he tried hard to believe it. Letting go the leaf, his sandaled footpaws quietly thwapped along the stone walkway and he rounded a corner to see Ki Adi standing there. He knew he was a padawan as well, but did not truly know him. Clearing his throat lightly, he said, "Good morning, I see I'm not as alone here as I thought." A light smile graced his muzzle as he clasped his paws behind his back politely.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2002, 07:23:31 AM
Wei sat in a tree, as was his custom when in the gardens. Wei took a deep breath, relishing in the wonderful feeling he got as his lungs filled with the crisp, clean air of the morning. He yawned: the gardens were so relaxing. He heard voices somewhere on the ground below him, but did not go see as to who it was.

"If you listen closely, you can hear the birds singing," Wei said to himself.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:26:48 PM
" It is great to see you, Sejah. How have you been holding up lately? "

Kindo had conversed with the mongoose before, but the pair had yet to become familiar with one another, such has great friends do. The glorious sunrise was still spreading throughout the vast skies, still quite an astonoshing sight to behold.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:33:47 PM
"Oh, I'm doing okay, Ki Adi, though I did make the mistake of going for a run with Zeke and Wei yesterday," he said with a smile. It hadn't exactly been what he was thinkign of when they started out, but, somehow he had made it through.

"This garden never ceases to amaze me, especially in the morning. Look, the buds haven't even opened yet," he touched a flower still curled up in its green budding, waiting for more sunlight to open and spread its petals. "What brings you out this early?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2002, 03:14:30 PM
Wei opened and eye as he heard Sejah's remark. "A mistake? Oh, I would disagree. It was great training for you. You were an example to follow. I learned a lot taking that run with you. And I think we all gained a little something out of it besides exercise. Wouldn't you agree?"

Wei hung upside down from the tree, in the middle of Kindo and Sejah.

Sep 10th, 2002, 03:35:10 PM
Ebony looks down from her seat in the shadows of one of the trees when she hears voices of Padawans talking in the garden. She had come out here early in the morning to revisit her memories of her past few weeks and the change that had come over her. She then gracefully jumps out of the tree and lands softly on her feet. Twitching her ears slightly she faces the her fellow Padawans.

Still dressed in her black pants, shirt, gloves, and boots with her crimson red belt upon which her lightsaber hangs, she blinks her cat eyes at the group. She had not met them before. In fact, she has not met many ppl since her arrival here. She starts to speak quietly, but obviously a confident and sturdy voice.

"Hello there."

Axel Grievers
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:39:46 PM
The night before had been so peaceful, and the dinner before that so fulfilling that it induced a calm slumber once the Garou entered the Garden.

The Next Morning (Now), Axel awoken to a bit of chitter chatter coming from behind were he lay, slowly moving and groaning to a sitting posistion Axel rubbed a weary hand through his hair before jumping to his feet and retreiving a white overshirt.

Stepping past a rose bush, and Seeing others within the small clearing he stepped forward and rose a hand in salute. "Mornin'!" The Garou spoke with entusiasm, taking a seat near another rose bush which flowers matched his red t-shirt. Other than the shirt, Axel wore a baggy pair of denim jeans, black boots and the white overshirt.

"I don't belive I'm met you three," He spoke again, glancing between Ebony, Kindo, and Sejah. "Name's Axel,"

Sep 10th, 2002, 05:00:07 PM
Ebony looks at Axel and hisses slightly. Her ears flatten slightly as her gaze keeps on the Garou. After only a couple of brief moments though, she raises her ears and smiles.

"I'm pleased to meet you Axel. My names Ebony. And I would have been surprised if you had met me before unless it was in combat."

Rognan Dar
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:25:39 PM
Rognan dressed in a white Jedi robe, entered the garden and was dumbfounded at the beauty of the garden. So green and lively, birds singing there song, insects buzzing around and even the sound of water, it was so perfect.

Having been from Lorrd he never saw a garden in the daytime, oh he's seen gardens alright but only at night, he himself always enjoyed nature at night, it was much more relaxing for him.

Continuing through the wonderful smelling garden he heard voices behind a bush that was infront of him. Walking around it he saw four people, and one even in a tree hanging upside down, talking to each other. So picking up some courage(kind of shy)and walked to the groud.

"Hello, beautiful morning for a walk." Rognan said seeing a cat like woman in black hiss at Axel, Rognan being Lorrdian could tell from her body language that she was grieving over something but didn't know what.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:46:46 PM
" Greetings Axel, my name is Ki Adi Kindo, Padawan of the Greater Jedi Order. "

Kindo was greatly pleased to meet the newcomer, for not long ago was he one himself. He then began to take notice in the increase of surrounding people, and he was gladdened to be granted the chance to meet them. The Jedi then leaned his attention towards the obsidian lady who was just alongside him.

" Greetings friend, what is your name? "

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 10th, 2002, 06:57:49 PM
Wei saw the people arrive, and let go of his branch and finished his flip so he landed on the ground on his feet.

"Hi, all."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:29:00 AM
All the newcomers surprised Sejah, and he packed away slightly as to open the circle so they could all talk.

"Show off," he whispered mirthfully to Wei as he flipped down from the branch.

It was an interesting assortment of padawans indeed, that had assembled in the garden that morning. One was garou, he could tell by his smell, and feline woman as well. The others appeared quite human, and he knew Wei and Ki Adi, already. The others though, he would introduce himself to. Straightening his shirt, the brown mongoose nodded hello and said in a gentle tone, "I had no idea there were this many new faces I didn't know. I am Sejah Haversh, but you can just call em Sejah, or Sej, if you really want. I've been here about four months, myself, how long have you three been here?"

He didn't have his lightsaber with him that morning, not thinking he'd need it for a simple walk in the garden. Then again, he also hadn't expected to meet anybody else, so, the Nehantite felt a little embarassed for not having it with him, even for looks alone.

Sep 11th, 2002, 01:58:13 PM
Ebony looks around her as the others introduce themselves. She makes a mental note that these ppl here were also Padawans like herself. She looks over the others that are there and commits them to her memory.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:24:45 PM
"My name is Wei Wu Wei. Most say Wei." Wei smiled, then whispered to Sejah. "Am not." Then he laughed. It was fun to hang out with friends. And it seemed he was going to make a lot of new ones.

Sep 11th, 2002, 02:35:36 PM
Ebony twitches her ears slightly as she glances at Sejah and Wei as she hears Wei whisper sligtly.

"Wei, if you have something to say, it is only polite to say it loud enough for everybody to hear or else they will think that your talking about them and not saying nice things about them."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:56:50 PM
"In most cases, what you said would be true, Ebony, but, we were having a bit of harmless fun, no reason for concern," Sejah said, though trying not to sound harsh or berating.

Sep 11th, 2002, 03:06:49 PM
"Harmless fun or no, you should always speak loud enough for ppl around you to hear if you are a part of a gathering of ppl."

Ebony says this as she looks at Sejah. She knows that she's slipping back into her Mother mode since it's easy to when things aren't going the way your used to them.

"How would you like to have somebody whispering to somebody else in your presence and not know if they mean you harm or not?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 03:33:57 PM
"If I could see they were smiling, and obviously knew each otehr, I wouldn't mind. Friends are allowed to talk to each other, and I figured that a little fun with Wei was not rude at all." Sejah returned, "If we had been pointing and laughing, or saying something more than just two words, then I might be concerned, but, it was a private matter, and that was why I whispered. No harm done."

Sep 11th, 2002, 03:41:46 PM
Ebony laughs slightly for a moment.

"How do you know that no harm was done? As far as I am concerned, you just insulted me and everybody else that is here with the fact that you were whispering."

She takes a deep breath to keep her calm. Remember, things are different here. You have no right to attack him like you would have done a month ago. These are Jedi, sworn to peace like you are now.

"You should feel happy that I don't attack you right here and now for the insult you gave us. When a person whispers, it means that they do not believe that those around them are worthy of there words."

Rognan Dar
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:15:59 PM
Rognan listened to the argument that was before him thinking to himself, man cat fight for real. "Well I think she has a point there, it is rude, but you shouldn't blow up about it. I mean where all friends here right, all on the same team." He said looking around, feeling like he shouldn't have spoke his mind.

Axel Grievers
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:53:59 PM
Axel also listened to the argument/conversation, leaning forward, the Garou added in his 'little two penny's'.

"Not nessarily, Ebony, some things are not for others to be interested in, such as Wei and Sejah here speaking of Wei showing off. Now, if the whispering has somthing to do with you or someone you know of and plans to do harm, then it is an affront and rude to say the lease," Leaning back again, Axel regarded the felinoid cooliy, "Plus, the whispering may be somthing private."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:22:07 PM
Wei smiled at Axel's words, but took care not to berate Ebony when he spoke. "Well guys, some people are the way they are, and it can;t be helped. As Jedi, we must learn to be patient, and give a little in order for things to remain peaceful."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:34:07 PM
"I'm sorry if I came across wrong to you, Miss, but if you had given five minutes of observation, I believe you would have set aside your first assumption. I do not speak ill of others behind their backs. If I had a problem, I would let them know it. We are Jedi, being petty and rude is not our way." Sejah said, trying to finish the small argument. Ebony seemed to have jumped on his case for little to no reason. It had been obvious from his body language that he was not spreading rumors or insulting. Well, other than plafully makign fun of Wei, that was, but still, she had accused too quickly, he thought.

"In any case, might I ask what brought you all here? To the Jedi order, that is." He asked, trying to change subject.

Sep 12th, 2002, 02:12:30 PM
Ebony growls slightly as she looks around at the Padawans and shakes her head slighty. They are to corrupted by what they have been taught here already to see the truth to her words.

"When a person whispers, it is an insult to all around them because the person whispering believes that they are superior to everybody else. If a person has something private to say to somebody else, it can wait until a time when the two are alone together. And if any of you wish to ever become true Jedi, then you will have to learn about ppls different beliefs and understand that there are a good number of cultures out there where whispering is rude and a grave insult."

She then looks around the group again and gives a slight hiss at Axel. After a moment she speaks up on why she's here.

"Me, I'm here learning to be a Jedi because it is something my daughter would have wanted. She told me when she was 5 that she wanted her Mother to be a Jedi, not a Sith. A short while ago, my Sith Master made a grave mistake by killing her because I had failed and it was punishment for my failure that resulted in my daughters death."

With that said, she growls slightly as her voice flashes with anger.

"To add insult to injury, my Sith Master said I had no power to do anything to stop him at any time in my life. At that point, I realised I had made a mistake and thought I would give being a weak Jedi a try even though I have vowed to kill the Jedi which killed my parents."

A smile on her face, she looks at the Padawans which have gathered here this morning to see there reactions to this.

"Now for the rest of you, it's your turn to spill your story."

Rognan Dar
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:53:34 PM
Rognan listened to Ebony's story, how tragic, and felt sorry for her. Losing your only child most be hard, but has shown great strength through it all. After a moment, Rognan 'spilled' his story.

"Well, I'm from Lorrd, the Lorrdian home world. I was raised as any Lorrdian boy, but I was the fastest at everything, learning, movment etc. By the time I was a young man most people, you could say feared me, so I never had a friend, and the bad part about it all, I kept running into people." Rognan said pausing, taking a breath. "Then I heard there was a place where people welcome you for your special abilitys. I saved some money and flew here looking for that place. Eventually I found it, I was so happy just to find this place that I forgot to go in. So the next day I entered and was amased at the beauty inside as well as the outside. Not long after that I joined the order and...well here I am.

Rognan finished his story with a faint smile on his face, breathing heavily, then looked around the faces that were looking at him.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:58:03 PM
Though she seemed intent not to drop her argument, Sejah let it pass and was next to go.

"I didn't join for any main reason, myself. I was a fencing instructor on my homeworld, and a Jedi who was there on a trip of some sort caught one of my matches, and afterward he pulled me aside. He told me that I might have a connection to the Force, and so, not having much better to do with my life, I came here. Simple story, yes, but it's my story." He explained casually.

--edit-- It seems Rognan and I posted at near the same time. Minor continuity issue, but we can overlook it, I think.

Axel Grievers
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:58:20 PM
"When a person whispers, it is an insult to all around them because the person whispering believes that they are superior to everybody else. If a person has something private to say to somebody else, it can wait until a time when the two are alone together. And if any of you wish to ever become true Jedi, then you will have to learn about ppls different beliefs and understand that there are a good number of cultures out there where whispering is rude and a grave insult."

She then looks around the group again and gives a slight hiss at Axel....

"Belive what you must, Ebony. But, no to be rude, you also need to learn about everyone else's beliefs as well." Axel responded, eyes narrowed at the hiss at the end directed at himself. After Rognan and Sejah finished their stories, Axel begun his.

"I am here because of the need to stop being a shimigami of my tribe and instead help others with what skills I have rather than burying the slain and deceased." Axel ended the rather short, but summarised, story with a nod and casting his eyes low to the ground...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:09:00 PM
Wei raised his eyebrows at Ebony's story. He felt sorry for her. He hoped she would be do well in her training. Rognan seemed to be misunderstood, but all that would come to an end at the GJO. Wei had heard of a shinigami in his travels with his family but had never seen one. Sejah;s story sounded a lot like his own.

"Such a variety of people....I like it. As for me, I came here to fulfull my Grandfather's wishes. Before he died, he asked me to extend my training and to use it to help people. Some thought I had control of the Force when they saw me fighiting in martial arts tournaments or on the streets, so I came to here to Learn the Force and become a Jedi."

Sep 12th, 2002, 03:30:17 PM
Ebony, after listening for a couple of minutes, jumps up into one of the trees and sprawls out on one of the branches and continues listening to the stories being told. That seems to be the one of the few ways to keep her attention and prevent her from doing something which would be frowned upon.

"I've heard of you Lorrdians. You can mimic ppl rather well and you have your own unique sign language."

She then looks at Sejah and smiles before looking around at the others again.

"Simple stories are always the best since they don't take long to tell. If nothing else, you get the simple beauty of a story, all in a short time. Those are the ones you tell your enemy before you chop there head off in a fight"

Ebony licks her lips as she looks down at the others gathered in the garden and then finally letting her gaze rest upon Axel for a moment before she continues looking at the others.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:32:25 PM
With a smirk, Sejah couldn't help but speak his next statement, "Why kill anyone? What would they learn by dying?"

Sep 12th, 2002, 03:40:58 PM
Ebony smiles as she stretches out.

"You kill them for the fun of it. To see there life leave there body. If they are ment to live through the fight, then they would not be killed in a fight. If they live, then they will get a chance to fight again. If not, they are with there loved ones that died before them. But I do not expect any of you to understand the thrill of killing."

She then rests her head on one of her hands and lazily looks down at the others.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:52:07 PM
His eyes changed shape ever so slightly as he decided to play the Devil's Advocate.

"So, your daughter was meant to die, and there was pleasure taken in her death as well. Goodness, form your explaination fo death, I would think you wouldn't be too awful mad that she is dead. After all, it was a thrill for someone. Perchance you're mad that that thrill wasn't yours, from the way you explain it." He said flatly.

It was meant to be rude, and in her face. Those who took pleasure in death had no honor, and no decency. A life was sacred, and if she cared enough what a whisper meant, then it surprised him how lightly she took death. To kill was wrong, unless in defense as a last resort. This was not something he had been tought by the Jedi, but a universal truth.

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:05:55 PM
Ebony shakes her head slightly.

"You misunderstand Sejah. My daughter was slaughtered like an animal, not killed in a fight. It is the fight which gives the true thrill. The death at the end of the fight is just a bonus to reward you for a fight well fought. I kill in fights. Not innocents who do not have a chance. Espcially not children.

And I am not mad at my daughters death. I'm down right angry at it especially seeing as how it was a Master killing a Padawan. Even I will admit that it's wrong for a Master to kill a Padawan seeing as how the student does not have the skill to handle the fight. But my daughter was not killed in a fight. She was tied up and slowly killed over a period of 3 days.

Speak only what you have full facts on Sejah, for if you speak otherwise, it will get you killed. And do not, I repeat, do not use my daughter or her death to try and prove your point."

She shakes her head for a moment

"You have been training to be a Jedi for awhile. I have not. Only teachings I know are that which I had been taught by my Sith Master. You think one way, I think another. They will never be the same."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:15:02 PM
"It would behoove you to listen to your own words. Earlier you bit into me for whispering a joke, that--if had not been delivered at that particular time--would have lost effect. To know the whole story does help, doesn't it?" He replied, and then continued on. "I have been witht eh Jedi a short time, and my training has been minimal. I spoke of what I know as a man, a man of honor, and not as a Jedi."

Looking back to the others, he let his tail twitch idly as he went on, "Still, even in a fight, death should not be your goal, but correction. Again, somethign I knew before I came here. If you were to kill your opponent, they cannot look up to you and admit defeat. You could have perchance been lucky with the killing blow. No, defeat without death holds more satisfaction, for it is longer lasting, and you might be able to witness to your opponent and help them to correct their ways. Death teaches nothing. And with lack of teaching, comes ignorance. I prefer to life in a galaxy of sensible folk than those who seek shortcuts."

He had only meant to go for a walk in the garden that monring, not get into a philosphical debate.

Rognan Dar
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:35:46 PM
Rognan was surprised that Ebony knew about his race, not many did. But the argument that was going on was two people's beliefs on death. Although he agreed with Sejah, Ebony had her own still of dealing with it, but it made him nervous just hearing how calmly she talkes about killing someone.

"It would behoove you to listen to your own words." Rognan mimic. "You talk about killing like it was a game, but games aren't flesh and blood." Returning to his voice. "Did you ever think that the person you killed mite have had a family? What happens to them then? Thay will hate you and want revange.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:51:15 PM
Kindo had concealed himself within the verbal debate of the gathering of Padawans, listening closely to each of the numerous comments made. At last he stepped forth towards the midst of the conversation, ready to speak his what thoughts dwelled upon mind.

" I think it is quite obvious that this argument leads to more vast hollowness, so why continue, but I shall speak my mind of this matter nonetheless. Ebony, during my duration here at the Greater Jedi Order, I have seen many people, from all walks of life, enter strong in their own ideals and values, but if you wish to become one of the Jedi, you must learn to submit those independent ideals. You possess many values which shall not be tolerated in the Order, such has searching for combat for some thrill you obtain from it. You must learn, has all of us do, that above all peace reigns, so if you follow the Jedi, obeying these values and ideals, submitting your own, is nesessary, sacrifice, is neseccary. "

The Jedi was in shock of his own words of wisdom, for never had such meaningful phrases flowed from his tongue before. During his childhood, his father was usually the one to quote the great speeches to the crowds, yet now the son was alike the father. It was very apparent to him that through his arduous training and perceptive learning, in the depths of his heart he had grown greatly in the Force, separate from when he had first dedicated his soul to the Order, and that made him smile.

" Has for my story... "

Kindo paused momentarily, briefly looking back on his extensive past. So many memories, pain, joy, sorrow, pride. He knew that it was not the time or place to reveal himself openly, unlike other times when he normally would. Still maintaining his broad smile, he turned his attention back to the other Jedi.

" ... that is for another time. "

Sep 13th, 2002, 08:33:34 AM
"In a fight, especially with ppl you know who will kill you at the slightest whim, you have no choice for if you beat them and they live, and when you walk away, then they will stab you in the back, caring nothing of you or your family. Every person has a family of some sort. And there is nothing wrong with them wanting revenge for with it, they will look for you and when they have found you, they will attack you. Then you feel the thrill of a fight. I doesn't matter to me though what there families feel at the death of the person I kill.

Life is a game. It is all about flesh and blood. Life or death. Only the strong survive and I will admit, my daughter wasn't strong enough to survive, but I shall get my revenge for her death. It is only natural to feel emotions and you should use them to your advantage."

Ebony looks around at everybody as she continues to be sprawled out on the branch.

"With the values that I hold, which won't be tolerated here, they will have to inform me of them, but until I am informed my the Master that I'm assigned, I shall keep my values for I know not what other values there can be since I was raised amongst Sith. Considering that, I am very peaceful and I am sure that if my parents were alive, and not dead at the hands of a Jedi, they would be ashamed of me.

As for a thrill in fights, there is nothing wrong with that. It just shows that you like your fights. What I would probably have to learn is what fights to fight, and what fights to walk away from."

Ebony lets her gaze rest on Axel again, a slight hiss escapes her lips again as her hand drifts to her lightsaber for a moment before she turns her attention else where.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:52:55 AM
Wei spoke up. "Jedi are not supposed to like fights. Lightsaber duels are not fun. Fighting in the last thing a Jedi should ever want to do. If people can talk, and come to an agreement, there is a chance that they just might become friends. People can be persuaded. Sith can be turned. Sith such as yourself."

Wei crouched down, and leaned back so he sat down. "Jedi never want to kill. We defend others. As long as the opponent is no longer able to fight, he should be allowed to live."

Wei thought back to all the thugs and murderers he had crippled in the past. No longer able to do evil, they settled and began to live honest lives. Wei hadn't enjoyed it though. "Hurting people is never the right way to do something."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 13th, 2002, 11:09:04 AM
" Our thrill comes from having the chance to protect the innocent and save lives. Fighting is a last resort. "

Kindo felt very confident in his words, for he knew that even in his own experience, that defending the innocent gave him a warmth that combat never could, or would.

Sep 13th, 2002, 04:28:50 PM
Ebony smiles slightly.

"You ppl have never known a true fight then. You have only known a cowards fight.

Sith may be able to be turned, but it works both ways. Jedi can be turned as well and from what I hear, you have Jedi turning all the time. Everywhere from kids to adults. Kids like Natia who had hopes to find help here, but found it in the Darkside."

Ebony keeps smiling but she shakes her head.

"If Sith are left alive, they will continue fighting. I know. A Jedi in weakness spared my life. A month after that,"

With that said, her smile gets bigger at this point.

"I killed that Jedi after making her see her mistake in letting me live. I was in a nice mood that day. I killed her quickly. That was a good kill though.

Hurting ppl may or may not be the right way to do things, but it's the fun way to do them. Only if they deserve it though."

Ebony's eyes narrow drastically.

"Like the Jedi which killed my parents. They will pay with there blood."

She then smiles at the others around on the ground as if this is a perfectly normal day for her.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 06:15:17 PM
Wei raised his eyebrow at her. "Are you sure that joining the Jedi Order was something you wanted to do? Because you are now going to be living by those 'weak' morals and standards that you are insulting us for. If the Jedi disgust you that much, then why did you ever join us in the first place?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:21:57 PM
Sejah only looked at her and shook his head. She was bitter, calloused, and jealous. She didn't want to learn, only to mock and be rude, the marks if ignorance and foolishness.

A coward's fight? How is it cowardly when you let your opponent live so that one day he might find you and force you into combat again? Wasn't that the braver way? No, Ebony was wrong, her heart was twisted, and she had no desire to make friends, or wantt o be a Jedi. She was only there to mock, no other reason that he could see.

Turnign to Wei, he completely ignored the cat, she was no longer worth paying attention to. "So, Wei, tell me more about your grandfather. What did he teach you and for how long?"

If Ebony wished to be a broken record of bitterness, she could be so, but he would not be her audience. One who flaunts themself as flagrantly as she did often had not the skill they yammered so incessantly about. If you were good, you could be quiet and everyone would see you skill, no need to advertise it.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:18:27 PM
Wei smiled at his grandfather;s memory. "He taught me the moment I learned to stand. He taught me lots of things. I know punches, kicks, chokes, holds, throws, self-defense techniques against knives and guns. Grandpa also taught me other things. Like protecting people, and keeping my deeds to myself. in other words not to brag. If my good deeds were meant to be talked about, then someone else would mention them. Next time you want to talk about some good deed you did, think of the flowers."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:23:09 PM
"The flowers?" Sejah questioned, "What do you mean by that?"

He must admit that if it were an expression, he had never heard it before. But then again, he had several expressions he kept from usign himslef because they would not come across well."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:26:07 PM
"The flowers grace the world with their beauty, but not once in their life do they boast about it. We as Jedi should be like the flowers."

Sep 14th, 2002, 08:40:37 AM
Ebony looks at Sejah and then Wei and shakes her head. She knows that they would never understand the way she is unless they experience it themselves, but with they way they are, they never would experience it. After several moments of being quiet, she answers Wei's questions, not caring if anyone is listening to her or not.

"No Wei, joing the Jedi Order is not something I wanted to do because I despise the Jedi. I joined because of a promise I made to my daughter. She wanted to see me as a Jedi. So I must keep my promise even though she is not alive anymore to see me be a Jedi. Perhaps given time, I may even like it, but until then, well, I'm going to continue insulting them even though I know it also means insulting myself in the process."

She then looks down at the ground, a look of complete softness appearing on it whereas a minute ago, it had no softness in it.

"My flower was my daughter. She ment everything to me. I raised her without ever using a harsh word on her. She was everything I had wanted to be in life when I was a kid. Kind, caring. But most of all, she loved everything and everyone. And I never called her weak because of it. She had a strength I shall never know."

With that said, she looks up at the sky.

"She was much like her Father when I first met him, only he had anger in him and didn't know how to use it."

Her voice trails off as she starts thinking about some of her memories.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:54:22 AM
" Ebony, dedicating your life to the Jedi is a matter more complex than a few simple promises, it is sacrifice of your own ideals to come toghether has one force, one force halting the strengths of the darkside. If you agree with this not, you should consider rethinking your recent choices. "

Kindo was growing tired of the lady's irritating views, but he knew very well that she would soon see the consequences of her own ignorance. Turning his attention alongside himself, he began listening to Wei and Sejah, for he was very interested in their current conversation.

" I completely agree with you. Most Jedi believe that they should receive glory from what they do, yet our praise comes from knowing others are safe thanks to us. "

Rognan Dar
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:23:17 PM
"I agree to, but we shouldn't think that we need glory at all. Even if we do help and there is no thanks, we should still be happy that we did the right thing." Rognan said trying to see how the others reacted to what he said through there body language.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:55:41 AM
"Exactly. The spirit is selfless, cheerful service. Be happy, confident in the fact that what you did helped somebody." Wei smiled.

Rognan Dar
Sep 16th, 2002, 10:31:03 PM
"Well talking with you all has been a blast but I need to get back to my room and feed my wevicat before she get's mad at my." Rognan said starting to walk away from the group of padawans and out of the garden.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 20th, 2002, 04:19:38 PM
" I too must return to my daily training... "

Kindo began to slowly stroll back towards the academy to complete his routine training session. He turned momentarily to bow towards his other fellow Padawans who were still assembled toghether.

" May the Force be with you. "

Kindo enjoyed meeting some of the newer recruits, it vividly reminded him of not long ago...