View Full Version : Dont Judge A Book By Its Cover (Loki, Estelle & open)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 9th, 2002, 07:33:53 PM
It had been on her second or third visit to the Bar and Grill when she heard the little tidbit dropped casually in conversation at another table. Daiquiri hadnt given it much thought at the time and she certainly hadnt spent her time dwelling on it but nonetheless the words had stayed and had slowly grown into a thought and from there progressed into an idea.

And thats why she was at the B&G now, residing comfortably in a booth, one foot proped up on the seat opposite her. Daiq had forgone her usuall Corellian whiskey and opted for a water instead which sat untouched on the table. On the seat beside her was a large, worn leather pouch, its flap hanging open and displaying the contents within.

Books. Several in fact. Each was different in size and text but all were similiar in content. Jedi and Sith lore was something that interested her and Vega, who had chosen to remain back at Fascinataru instead of joining her on this venture.

Daiq had pulled one of the tomes from the pouch and was currently perusing one of the chapters, skimming lightly through the pages when she noticed a young boy, perhaps 10 to 12 years of age gazing longingly at the books stowed in the pouch.

"Can I help you?"

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:41:54 AM
"Oh! I'm sorry." The boys stood from his seat with a half-suprised, half-appologetic look. He hadn't realised he would be seen but suffice to say his curiosity had the better of him and in retrospect he lost his suprise, his staring was probably more than noticeable. "I didn't mean to stare, curiosity gets the better of me sometime."

He had now made his way over to the ladies table and once arrived he held out his small hand, a warm face wearing a pleasant smile greeted her. "I'm Loki Ahmrah. I guess I've gave away my achilles heal now--" He said with a laugh, the lady looked at him not understanding what he meant or at least she didn't seem to understand. He pointed at the leather pouch and grinned. "Books. I couldn't help but notice them, I have an affinity with reading and learning new stuff from the most vague and useless pieces of informtation to the most fascinating and complex of texts one can read. Some kids love toys. Others can eat candy until it is coming out of their ears. I have my books."

He cut himself quickly realising he was going on. He hadn't done that in a while but instead of becoming embarrassed by his talkative nature, he used it to compensate and he chuckled. "Forgive me, I have a habit of talking too much--" He hesitated, the lady interested him - perhaps it was the books, maybe they shared the same passion for reading - then he gestured to a chair and asked, "--do you mind if I join you, miss?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:29:48 PM
Reaching out, Daiquiri takes the young boys hand in hers, giving it a firm shake and gesturing to the empty seat.

"Nice to meet you, Loki, Im Daiquiri and please join me."

The young man slides into the empty booth seat across from her, hie eyes darting to the open tome in her hands.

"I enjoy reading, myself but unfortunately I dont have the time to spend doing it as I once did. Here. See if there is something among these that interests you."

Carefully laying her book face down on the table, Daiq picks the pouch up off the seat beside her and places it in front of Loki.

"Most of these books concern Jedi and Sith lore but I have many others back on my ship that range from a complete encyclopedia of old ships to the best fertilizers to use for hydroponically grown vegetables. Ive spent the past few weeks traveling and buying out personal and estate libraries. My cargo hold is stuffed with them."

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:20:24 PM
OOC: I'm terribly sorry for the delay. Haven't been feeling up to roleplaying over the last couple of days.


"Daiquiri." He repeated taking a seat, he looked up. "That's a really lovely name." He commented with a brief smile. He took a sip from the glass of water he'd brought over then placed it down.

Loki's interest piqued once she mentioned that some of the books she had contained not only Jedi Lore but that of Sith practices too. It had been a topic contained in the restriced section of the archives and the boy had much longed to learn about the Sith and their ways. It had really ate up at him that the information about Sith were available to some Jedi but not all, now was his chance to expand his knowledge.

"Wow!" He said exasperated. His eyes looked longingly over at the bag, eager to know what it contained. He listened some more until finally she gave him the permission to have a look. He tried to make it look like he wasn't too excited about exploring the contents of the bag so casually leaned over and pulled the bag a little closer.

"You must be a very successful businesswoman, Miss Daiquiri, to be able to purchase such a vast collection." He casually observed whilst looking over a book about the history of the Jedi Order. Probably not as in-depth as what the archives will tell but possibly containing something new. His hands casually fumbled over the book as he pretended to be very interested in it however his thoughts lie on another, the title he could just about make out: "The Days of Rah" - the infamous accounts of an old Sith master.

"Oh!" He said subtly, trying to hide his interest, slowly pulling out the book. "What's this?" He asked, lifting up the book to the lady. His face turned a little red as if he was holding up something taboo or engaging in something illegal. He felt a little embarrassed and hid the fact that he knew full well what the text was.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:48:50 PM
"Thank you. And yes, I have a bit of money to do with as I please. Good investments, business ventures and the like. And its alright.....I was excited myself by a few of these."

Loki's boyish attempt at nonchalance was engaging but doomed to fail. She could feel his excitement from across the table and see it as well--his fingers trembled as he reached for and drew out one of the older tomes.

Interesting. He went for a book about the Sith. Hmmm.

"I dont suppose the Academy or the Masters allow this sort of book into the hands of the younger students, do they? I wouldnt want for you to get into trouble by having that."

Daiquiri doubted that he had even heard her words. His wide, innocent eyes were already skimming over the pages as his fingers turned the delicate pages with a solemn reverence.

So eager to learn! A pity its being wasted on the Jedi.

Pretending to read a little more of her own book, she finally closes it and regards him openly.

"Loki, I have a lot more like these back on my ship, if you'd be interested in a few. Some of them would make for easier reading than the one you have now."

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:00:44 AM
Quietly, the boy skimmed over the delicate pages carefully selected random paragraphs to read and with a smile on his lips he was satisfied that this was the real thing. He had always been interested about Sith history and culture, there's thousands of years to study and discover. He would always abide by the belief that knowledge and wisdom were man's greatest assetts.

"Well--" The boy hesitated, he looked from Daiquiri out to the bar then back to the book in his hands. How could he pass up on the opportunity to have a look at some books and learn about the one thing he was unable to access. He smiled and his face began to glow with delight. "--well certainly! I'd love to see them although I assure you I have no trouble with reading. I've been devouring the most difficult of novels for years." He laughed and began putting the two books he'd taken out bag in the leather pouch.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:34:39 AM
She beamed at him, her teeth flashing white in a large, benign smile.

"Wonderful! And if you find one or two that you like, I could probably be talked into lending them to you. As careful as youve been with that one I know you would take good care of it."

Daiq finishes tucking both tomes back inside the soft leather pouch, slipping her own beneath her arm as she stands from the seat. Pausing, she glances down at the young man.

"Is there someone you need to inform or tell where youre off to? Again, I wouldnt like for you to get into any trouble with your elders."

Her blue eyes soften as she gazes down at him. So cute! With those big blue eyes he could almost be my son. Smiling gently at Loki, Daiquiri waits as he considers what he should do.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:04:58 AM
"No, I should be fine." He concluded, "After all, we're only off to your ship, it's not like we're leaving the city or anything!"

With a chuckle, Loki made his way out with the lady. She was remarkably friendly and reminded him of Estelle, his sister of sorts, they had warmed to each other immediatly and they filled the empty space in each others hearts left behind when they had to leave their families. They looked out and cared for one another. He hadn't seen her this morning but perhaps they could have dinner later.

"So what brings you to Arcan IV, especially this bar of all places for a lovely businesswoman like yourself?" He asked curiosly as they stepped out into the natural warmth outside.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:04:58 AM
"No, I should be fine." He concluded, "After all, we're only off to your ship, it's not like we're leaving the city or anything!"

With a chuckle, Loki made his way out with the lady. She was remarkably friendly and reminded him of Estelle, his sister of sorts, they had warmed to each other immediatly and they filled the empty space in each others hearts left behind when they had to leave their families. They looked out and cared for one another. He hadn't seen her this morning but perhaps they could have dinner later.

"So what brings you to Arcan IV, especially this bar of all places for a lovely businesswoman like yourself?" He asked curiosly as they stepped out into the natural warmth outside.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2002, 01:33:31 PM
"Whoever has been teaching you how to treat a lady has done a wonderful job! Youre the most polite and respectful young man Iver met, Loki. Its a pleasure talking to you."

Smiling graciously as he holds the door open for her, Daiq steps out into warm late afternoon air and waits as Loki gently closes the door behind him then falls into step at her side. She gestures to the Bar and Grill.

"Its quite famous, you know. Beings from far and wide come to eat and drink and to spend time here. The atmosphere is peaceful enough and I assume its because of its locale so close to the Temple. I know I dont have to tell you that the Jedi themselves draw curiosity seekers. Everyone wants to see a Jedi! Perhaps the Temple should start charging for a peek, hmm?"

Grinning down at him, they walk along the tarmac towards a fairly large variety of ships, passing beyond several before she indicates hers with a nod.

"Thats mine. The Better Days . I know she doesnt look very impressive on the outside but looks can be deceiving. She has remarkable speed when I need it. Did I mention that my last time out, pirates tried to board me? I didnt? Well, I will later, if we have the time."

Truthfully, she had thwarted a boarding attempt but she had been on a run for ShadowFaene and it was a couple of Admiral Lebron's battlecruisers chasing her.....and yes, she had stolen her cargo from them....but Daiquiri thought it would sound more exciting to a young boy to add the pirates to the mix.

Tapping out a silent code on her small wrist comm, the ramp of the Better Days lowers obediently and they stride up together. Waving a had towards the back of the ship, she indicates for him to go ahead and look.

"Its only myself on the ship so you need not worry about bumping into anyone. All the books are in the back, just behind that door so go on and make yourself at home. Im going to lock these up then I'll join you, alright?"

With a reassuring smile, Daiq disappears down a corridor and turns into her room off to one side. True to her word, she does indeed lock the precious and rare tomes away then steps back into the corridor, calling out as she moves to the cargo hold.

"Have you found them alright, Loki?"

Estelle Russard
Sep 13th, 2002, 10:43:12 PM
The morning had been a busy one.

It had started at the break of dawn, or rather, well before dawn. The young pilot Estelle had been training with had been eager to get the day's tactical flight excercise done well before he was scheduled to be on duty in the hangar bay. It was his turn to go over the maitenance check on several fighters and he didnt see how it was all going to get done.

He knew Estelle wouldnt be content with just the pilot training - she would want in on the mechanics side of things as well, her desire to excel was quite time consuming.

The pre-dawn flight had gone as smooth as a page from the text books and so they were well onto the grimier work of engines and hydro spanners.

The pilot had gone for coffee break, Estelle opting to stay and just "tinker" around in the tool box and get more familiar with its contents.

She saw Loki the instant he appeared in the hangar and waved hello from where she stood beneath the x-wing overhang. A woman was with him whom she didn't know, and for all her smiling and the "thumbs up" gesture, Estelle felt an odd check in her spirit.

Wiping her hands on a grease stained towell - which seemed to put more grime on than take grime off - she looked on as Loki disappeared into the strangers ship.

....whats my inquisitive friend up to now....

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:17:38 PM
Loki stepped back a little to admire the full scope of the ship. He knew little about ships but he liked the "Better Days" and looked up at his new friend with a smile.

"Well, as pop always says: 'Don't judge a book by it's cover.' And he's right, it's what on the inside that counts. But regardless I think it is a lovely ship, mind you I don't know much about them!" He confessed, he had promised to read up on the mechanics of ships and had only so far read up on the history of the hyperdrive.

"Pirates, you say!" He repeated with interest, stepping up the ramp. Suddenly someone caught his attention, it was Estelle, he had an idea she was there before he looked. Anbira said that the precognition would begin to kick in soon enough. He lowered his head so that she could see him and with a big grin waved.

"Hi Estelle!" He called, then after a moment dissapeared up the ramp. At least he knew she was around now, they should be able to have dinner together but it would be difficult to pull himself away form these books his eyes now stared at. There were so many.

"Miss Daiquiri--" He called back, not taking his eyes away from her remarkable collection of literature onboard a ship of all places. He smiled at the spectacle then continued. "--I really don't know where to begin. Do you have any favourites?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 14th, 2002, 07:02:37 PM
Moving up to stand beside him, her blue gaze ranges up and down the stacks of books. She had rigged a stasis field to keep them in place during actual flight time but once firmly set on ground, the field cut off, allowing her to add or subtract to thier ranks.

All of these were new to her so she really didnt have a favorite among them. Out of the recent purchases the only ones she was interested in were the very old ones she had just locked up in her bedroom.

Tilting her head down with a wry smile, she shrugs her shoulders slightly.

"No, out of these, I dont. About half of them arent cataloged yet and wont be until they reach thier destination. And Im not at all sure what all there is. I bought them as a whole."

He was hiding it well this time but his impatient eagerness to dig and shift through the large stacks seeped through to her and she chuckles softly.

"Its alright, Loki, go ahead. Dig to your hearts' content."

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:39:59 AM
"Ok, let's see what we got here." The boy said happily, beginning to pace the length of the room, scanning the shelving of books. Some looked utterly decrepid, others brend new. He began to talk to Daiquiri casually although not averting his gaze from the shelves whilst looking. "I think it's a shame that books aren't appreciated anymore, I've grown up with a generation that prefers a good holonovel or datapad as opposed to hundredds of carefully printed pages backed by hard-back leather. It's so much more relaxing to read that way. Don't you--"

He cut himself off suddenly, he stared at something his jaw slack from talking and eyes wide with amazement. He dropped to his hands and knees and scurried into the shelf, carefully taking out a heavy tome. He held it so that the binding faced him, he looked at an insignia on it. His finger carefully traced a goldnen "O" with three golden rays of light coming from it.

"This--" He began with disbelief, he looked up at her, "--do you know what this is?" He asked, but looking back at the book with wonder answered for her, "This is the symbol of Ossus. This is an original piece from the library of Ossus, how has it survived!"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:48:25 PM
Who the frell was Ossus?!

Loki's excitement at the discovery was bordering on awe. His eyes were wide with astonishment at his find and he held the book delicately, as one would with a newborn babe, his finger gently tracing the spine of the old tome. The smile that slowly formed on his face was dazzling as he slowly opened it, his innocent eyes devouring every word.

It was at this point that Daiquiri almost backed out of her plan......
almost. Perhaps it was his innocence that drew her now whereas before Loki was simply going to be a tool to stir up the Jedi. Whatever it was though, it failed to stay her hand. Walking over to him, Daiq squats down beside the lad, angling her head to get a better look at the page.

"Yes, it is an old one. The pages seem to be in very good condition, dont they, as well as the binding. Seems we've made quite the discovery today."

Daiquiri smiles at him and reaches out, ruffling his hair lightly.

"Will you be alright in here for a bit while I take care of a couple of things here on the ship? Why dont you stay here and read some of that and I'll check on you in a few minutes. Do you mind?"

Estelle Russard
Sep 17th, 2002, 11:22:50 PM
The good-looking young pilot came sauntering back from his coffee-break, and he flashed Estelle what was one of his trademark smiles. Estelle grinned back at him and shook her head slightly...the pilots rep had preceded him and she had been waiting for the charm to begin to be applied, and there it was -just as she had been warned by more than one of the female groundcrew.

He jumped up energetically on the small step stool that enabled him to climb up into the x-wing they had been working on, Estelle nodded in the direction of the ship Loki had gone into.

"Did we run a check on that vessel when it docked, Ed?"

"Yup. Standard protcol."

"Do you think I could have a look at it?" She smiled broadly in her best immitation of the one he had flashed at her just moments ago.

"Of course. Got it here someplace." He rummaged about and came up with a data pad. With some quick expert taps of his fingers, the data scrolled up on display and he handed it to the Jedi Knight to look over.

Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:22:28 PM

Taa yelped, cursed, and made a scene, sucking on her finger as she hopped around in the nearby metallurgical workshop for Padawans. In her tantrum, she kicked the table over, which she tried to save the contents of, a half second too late.

Oh frrrell!!

The soldering iron, and several dozen bits of metal she was working on went clattering on the ground. She whined, disturbing some of the other students in the room, and unconciously returned her scorched fingertip to the cool confine of her mouth, and tried to suck away the pain. Her ears sagged, as she picked up her book "Lightsabers for Dummies, setting it back on the righted tabletop. She squinted through her glasses, looking at one of a hundred confusing diagrams, sighing in a vexed manner.

jI'll neverrr get the powerrr sssourrrce ssset! What do jI know about flow capacjitorrrsss!!

As she complained, she noticed Loki leaving the B&G from her window vantage, being led on by a stranger...a blonde-haired woman she'd never seen. Watching the woman lead the boy onto a strange ship, her ears fluttered.

Who'sss that?

With a concerned, toothy pout, Taa abandoned her futile lightsaber construction, making her way outside toward the landing tarmac. As she approached, she noticed a familiar face, also approaching the ship.


Loki Ahmrah
Sep 24th, 2002, 06:01:43 PM
"I don't ever wanna leave!" Loki then shyed back to the book, realising his response seemed a bit too enthusiastic and childish. He hated to feel like a child sometimes but in his hands he held what was to him the Holy Grail an original from the legendary Jedi library on the planet of Ossus. the planet had been destroyed and how this book could've possibly survived was nothing short of miraculous.

"I mean, sure, yeah! Take all the time you want." He corrected himself with a smile then sat cross-legged on the floor and carefully opened the old thing after analysing the cover. It was called "The First Arts." As Loki began to read, Daiquiri's footsteps faded to nothing but ambiance and soon he was lost in the literature, oblivious to that which was going on.

Estelle Russard
Sep 24th, 2002, 07:35:17 PM
"Good morning, Taataani"

Estelle welcomed the Cizerack woman warmly. She had been pleased to hear of her joining the Order and was glad of an opportunity to see her once again. The Knights limited exposure to the Cizeracks in general had all been good. The recent night spent with Keerrourri Sarrtarroa still made the blood rush to her cheeks with a pleasantly guilty blush.

She knew too that Taatanni was fond of Loki, and vice-versa, and that the Ciz probably shared Estelle's curiousty and perhaps the same tugging apprehension at seeing him disappear into the strangers ship.

"Do you know this ship, Taatanni?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:22:29 PM
How sweet, the innocence of youth! Loki wouldnt pull his nose out of that book until he felt the engines rumble to life and by then it would be too late.

Exiting the room, Daiquiri quietly locks the door behind her, sealing Loki in, she hopes, for the duration of the trip. The boy might be far enough along in his training to manipulate the force into opening the lock but it would do him no good.

Striding towards the open ramp, Daiq lifts her hand, palming the curved button that would draw the ramp up into the ship. Two females standing out on the tarmac catch her eye, one seemingly human and the other a Cizerack. As if they sensed her gaze, they turned in unison, identical looks of concern on thier faces. With a jaunty, insolent grin, Daiquiri waves at them as the ramp finishes its upward climb then quietly clangs into place.

Hurrying to the cockpit, Daiq slides into the captain's chair, flipping the switches that energize the engies to the Better Days. She had already laid in a preset course back to Fascinataru and all that was needed now was simply to lift off.

Registering her engine activity, the Arcan lV spaceport authority signals, asking if shes ready for take off and is she requesting clearance? Daiq doesnt bother to answer as she lifts the vessel from the tarmac and gives her ship more power, pulling up hard to barely skim over the top of two other ships. Landing struts retract and at a flip of another switch, the Better Days belly turrent drops, angling back to deter any would-be rescuers.

Keeping her nose pointed up, the ship quickly gains altitude, leaving the spaceport behind. Upon breaking out of the planet's atmosphere, the naviputer beeps its readiness for hypersapce and with her hand on the lever, Daiquiri sends the ship hurtling through the star-streaked darkness of space.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:34:45 PM
There was a clunk that made the boy stir from his reading for a moment, little did he know that it was the ramp of the ship closing read for departure. He shrugged it off and smiled at the way Daiquiri had closed the door to give him so quiet reading time. He was now laying across the rather cold floor, oblivious to the discomfort he was several pages into the book when he absent-mindedly began to flip over the pages. Somewhere towards the back of the large tome a thin piece of wood fell out. Upon inspection it looked like a simple bookmark but looking closer, it had on it a number of carvings, hand-crafted in a series of indecipherable symbols that spanned the length of the bookmark.

"Oh wow!" Loki whispered at his discovery, he handled it carefully and turned to look at it's back when the was a sudden shudder. The ship trembled as beneath him, the engines came to life with a roar, he could also hear the landing braces detatch. The ship was leaving!

"Wait! Miss Daiquiri, wait!" He shouted, running over to the door. He hit the release button and nothing happened, he had already lifted his foot to step out of the room. Maybe there's a systems malfunction. He began thumping the door as hard as he could, he charged at it then fell back, hurting his shoulder. He then ran over to a control console and tried to unlock the door but that required clearance. Audio transmissions seemed to be offline so he sent a text message to the bridge, his fingers nimbly flying over the keys.

Miss Daiquiri, there seems to be a problem. The doors locked and the ships moving. What's going on?

Estelle Russard
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:44:01 PM
She broke into a run, leaving the Cizerack woman where she stood, waving back innocently to the strange blonde woman.

"Get a tracer on that ship! Now! Hurry!"

The handsome young pilot took in at a glance Estelles panicked features and the departing ship that moved way too fast out of the docking bay to be safe.

He immediately spoke into the transmitter unit clipped to his belt to give the urgent information to central control.

Estelle had reached him by this time.

"We need a ship now! She's taken Loki!"

Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 27th, 2002, 08:31:22 PM
Hejy wajit!

Taa broke into a run, following behind Estelle as the woman's concern rose. She'd barely caught up when the suspicious ship blasted off.

Who? Wha? Wherrre arrre thejy takjing Lokji??!!

She whirled around, looking to Estelle for answers. This wasn't like the little boy at all. He would always let her know where he was going...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:54:42 PM
Smiling blue eyes shift down to the small screen on the ships' console, the blue text flashing to catch her attention. With a swift re-check to make sure that no ships were in pursuit, Daiquiri opens the intercom into the cargo hold.

"Not to worry, Loki. Everything is alright. I thought you might like to take a little side trip with me. You seemed so intrigued with the book on the Sith and the darkside that I decided to take you to a place where you could learn more about it. You'll even get to meet a Dark Jedi friend of mine. Doesnt it sound like fun?"

What Vega would say when she caming dragging a child into the castle was anybody's guess but since Loki was a Jedi padawan, Daiquiri was fairly certain that Vega would soon see the advantages of having the young boy around. There were secrets to be learned from him and Vega was a master at 'helping' people talk.

Daiq would make sure, of course, that no permanent damage was done to Loki. Truthfully, she would prefer the boy not be harmed at all. He was so quick and intelligent with an engaging charm all his own. She was smitten.

I wonder if Vega will let me keep him?

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 29th, 2002, 12:20:47 PM
[OOC: Continued here (http://meras.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=109611) ]

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 10th, 2002, 09:35:18 PM
OOC: This roleplay is now underway once more. Sorry about the ungodly delay guys but a break's a break, a toll's a toll and a roll's a roll and if we don't get no tolls then we don't eat no rolls. :D

Ahem. Anyway, just follow the link above. :)