View Full Version : Test of Time: War on the Sith

Telan Desaria
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:42:25 AM
OOC-I know that, since this is their only planet, I cannot take. But I can attack it if I do not plan to conquer it. I will merely be wreaking havoc and sowing the oats of vengeance. Maybe a city slag or two…depends on my recharge rate…

The Sith had seen fit to assault the domain of the Empire. They had made a powerful enemy when their troops assaulted refinery XVIII.

Now they would pay for it.


The Imperial IV-class Star Destroyer Interrogator was heading a truly Imperial Fleet: four Star Destroyers and four heavy support ships, all heavy cruisers. Two Guild warships took up the flagships’ flanks, with the first refitted VSD V at the end of the Destroyer diamond. Around them on the planes between the heavy warships were the cruisers. Among them, there was not a single arc of fire that could not be smothered in a rapid defilade.

Corellia, a world that had seen the death of two Grand Admirals above it, would have the first man to bear that rank in its proximity for two decades. And it would be in a capacity less than amicable.

“ Admiral, we have five minutes to reversion.”

“ Excellent. I want last minute checks on all batteries. All crews to their fighters, and make ready to deploy gunboats. “

“ As ordered, Admiral.”

The men of the Imperial task force, unnamed for security reasons, prepared for their first true test, a true war. While the Sith had not claimed responsibility for the assault and loss of civil communications with XVIII, it was obvious. Who else would dare attack the Empire? Who else wielded light sabers? Which of those enjoyed killing?

“ Maintain tight frequency with all ships. Rotate frequency every minute. Order Fighter Command to rotate on the Alpha band for unit transmissions, and Delta for support.”

The time was read off every thirty seconds; with every call by the jumpmaster, the crew grew more tnse and more quiet. The birdge was dark, as it always during combat. The thrum of the engines could be felt in the decking, a giant awoken and thundering towards its prey. If one put ones ear to the floor, the elevation of the command tower‘s single turbolaser emplacements could be heard as slight creeks in the persistant sound.

One did not become a Grand Admiral without anticipating all; thus Desaria, a proud wearer of the white, was formulating plans and contingencies as his bridge tensed around him. With one minute to spare, he had acted on one of his anticipations.

“ Captain, bring us out of hyerpspace now.”

“ Sir?”

“ Do it.”

Without question, the task force reverted to real space, only slightly out of battle alignment, the lead cruiser a kilometer ahead.
Around the fleet was the Corellain system. Tallus, Trallus, Corellia, Selonia and Drall, all once shipbuilding centres of the galaxy.

Now they were homes to the Sith.

“ Scan for defenses. If you find an Abolisher, relay its position to my console. Captain, deploy first flight and gunboat wave 1.”

“ Aye sir.”

With that, dozens of fighters left their launch bays, followed by a total of twelve assault gunboats, top of the line Imperial non-capital combat vessels. Deployed, they added greatly to the mobility the force did not have, the smaller ships remanded to Thyferra for defense.

In all, eight squadrons of fighters had been deployed, from the Destroyers alone. The cruisers held theirs, along with the sixteen more squads anxiously waiting in the cavernous flight decks of the Destroyers.

“ Deploy Close in Defense. Raise shields and lock on targets for all weapons…”

The Imperial formation was twenty minutes from Corellian orbit, its ships safely out of the range of any possible Abolisher cruisers of Immobilizer arrays. Their weapons would not come into extreme maximum range of the planet for twenty minutes.

And there was a shiled to deal with…

As well as a rather imposing battle station that was receding over the horizon as the warships neared.

“ Commence in system electronic countermeasures…let the battle commence.” The non Imperial comms were jammed, which would throw civilian into chaos. But whatever Sith military response would arise would not be prone to a communications inability. Either way, there was no turning back…

Gav Mortis
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:11:10 AM
Despite no longer being a member of the order of Sith had resided on Corellia, Gav still frequented the grounds of his one-time home for four years for more personal reasons these days. Being who he was, the Sith was allowed a reasonable degree of freedom walking the Order's grounds and it was in the garden's he had been sitting when the alarm of a pending attack was raised. Sirens sounded, soldiers ran to their posts and the sir was riddled with a feeling of worry and urgency.

"And I haven't even seen her yet." He said to himself with a groan, referring to Catherine, who he had come here to see. He stood and began walking towards the nearest docking bay. "How convenient."

Now inside the docking bay he informed the gaurd on duty he was leaving and asked if the planetary shields had been raised yet. He sat on his speeder bike as the man found out.

"Yes sir, all three are up." He answered with a great deal of respect in his voice. Despite having left the order, his reputation amongst it's members preceeded him. With a nod of gratitude he started up the engines and zoomed off beyond the horizon at a startling speed.

Five minutes, later and he was in a clearing within a nearby forest and in which was a large, perfectly spherical object geaming in the sunlight. It rested comfortably on four stabilizers. With a flick of a switch on the control console on his left arm, hidden under his clothing, a rear hatch opened and from it extended a conveyor belt until it was at it's maximum length. Once it started, Gav's speeder was suddenly lifted into the air by an invisible force and rested carefully on the moving belt.

"Let's see who's up there then." Gav said to himself, jumping onto the conveyor belt he was taken into the belly of his starship, The Narcissus Retribute, and activating the same switch as before, the hatch behind close and the conveyor belt retracted back ionside the ship. Now inside the cargohold where his speeder bike was being stored away by an automatic crane mechanism, he jumped from the now slowing conveyor belt onto a ladder which lead straight into the bridge.

"Take-off sequence activated. Time to breaking atmosphere: one minute, thirty seconds." The automated voice announced after he had keyed in a number of commands and dissapeared further up the ladder into his quarters.

With that a gleaming sphere of metal lifted off and hovered above the forest. Fifteen meters in diameter which although not long but due to it's rather unorthadox shape made it rather large for a mere starship. Then the shields came online and the vessel simply dissapeared. To both eye and sensor readouts, the ship did not exist. This was not a cloaking device but an ingenious new piece of technology researched by Imperial scientists in the Corporate Sector. Shame those scientists didn't survive the unfortunate incident that happened on that same station oribiting one of the moons of Duroon. Neither did the designs for this revolutionary new shielding system for that matter.

At the rear of the ship, four plates slid down and dissapeared behind the molecularly-bonded hull revealing four engines. With a roar the ship soared away from the forest and up towards the upper atmosphere. In just under ten minutes the firing would begin.

Telan Desaria
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:04:17 PM
The warships of the Sovereign assault fleet inched ahead from the edge of the Corellian system, prematurely brought from hyperspace to avoid any unforseen troubles.

The Fleet was moving with all weapons armed and shields up. Fighters were deployed to face any threat, as were twenty gunboats and assault craft, significantly bolstering the armada's strength. Thousands of men's eyes were locked into the depths of space from where Sith ships could emerge.

" In-system response?" asked Grand Admiral Desaria.

Admiral of the Fleet Serena Laran moved up the catwalk to just a meter behind the Grand Admiral. Her uniform was perfectly pressed and not a spec of dirt could be seen. She was a shining example of why women should-and did-serve in the Imperial Fleet.

" A total of twelve system patrol craft have been detected, only now coming into a defensive stance. "

" Anyone else responding? I find it hard to believe the Sith, even after having been stripped of their military, would leave their capital world undefended."

" They have not, Grand Admiral." Laran replied. " Their shield is comparable in strength to what is above Thyferra."

The Grand Admiral smiled to himself, confident he had chosen an excellent officer as a second.

" Move out the gunboat squads and eliminate the corvettes. Dispatch three Defender squads to support. Any veessel not specifically designated as civilian or non-combat is to be fired upon and destroyed."

This was far from the Grand Admiral's typical battle posture or the doctrines of honour he followed: the stabbing of his back by the Sith had enraged him. And thus he was willing to sacrifice a measure of his dignity for vengeance.

Serena Laran
Oct 14th, 2002, 02:09:39 PM
Admiral of the Fleet Laran stood at ease, her feet slightly apart, and her hands clasped behind her back as the TIE Defenders launched, swarming towards the enemy patrol ships. Soon they would be on their comms, desperately calling for back-up from the main planet.

The gunboat squads moved forward, and engaged the ships before them. Serena lifted a hand and tucked one errant hair behind her left ear. "The Order will pay for their arrogance, sir." She turned her head to look at Grand Admiral Desaria. He had been enraged at the course of action the Sith Order had taken when they had attacked a bacta plant belonging to the Sovereignty.

It had been an act of war. And the Sovereignty would protect its own.