View Full Version : Question, Using OOC for IC RPING, is it ok?

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:03:15 PM
The Sith Order has staged a little stealth raiding party of an Imperial Bacta plant. But, keeping with fair play, I sent a OOC Message to the Imperials (Telan Desaria) telling them about the plans, so he would have a chance to defend it. Sending him this after a heads up post:

Be a good sport and keep this all OOC please, find a way for a trooper to send an SOS. We did destroy the Communications

To my shock and suprise. A entire Imperial battle regiment showed up to stop us! I only ask for others to think this over, and help me see whats wrong with this picture.

Dae Jinn
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:09:03 PM
Imperials suck? I dunno ^_^;

Don't ask next time? :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:38:50 PM
Using OOC knowledge you would not have IC for IC gain is God-Moding


Tis true

Dae Jinn
Sep 8th, 2002, 11:38:15 PM
MArcus is right, as usual :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 9th, 2002, 12:36:01 AM
now if only others would understand...

Bette Davis
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:06:25 AM
No, that makes sense. It is GMing, and should be edited, imho. But perhaps a mod could help you more. :)

Telan Desaria
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:15:30 AM
Here are the posts. You decide whether I am mixing my themes…

Time is Now to Strike (IC)
The time to kill the Jedi is almost at hand. If you can spare ships, we can blockade the planet and capture them in.

On a side note: What is your current fleet strength, the question, comes in line with what we at TSO are considering. We belive that a direct alliance with the most powerful Imperial group
might help us.

Re: This is going to be a IC Warning
Many thanks, so are these on loan? Or am I just spose to send a message to Commodore Gerion when the time comes to strike at the jedi scum?

Re: Time is Now to Strike (IC)
IC: Many thanks, send as many ships as possible, I want to neutralize this planet. The Sith Order Fleet is spread across the galaxy last time I checked, I have currently the Imperial Class Star Destroyer II Shadow Rose, the Interdictor Soul Binder, in this current battle. I want this planet razed to the ground, and I need more firepower.

Re: Time is Now to Strike (IC)
IC: My plan is working perfectly! I need ships to blockade the planet while I strike the true target! I want to rub the Jedi noses in this defeat, I made a post in which my SD contacts your fleet. Bring in as much as you can spare!

Re: Battle
I think you misunderstood, the planet we are fighting on is a pre-emptive strike. The planet was being used as a base to prepare a attack on a direct imperial controlled bacta refinery. I need help in blockading there planet and then melting it down to slag. My single SD isn't up to it. I needed someone with some power to help out. You might call this mission a "test" to see how well Sith Order members work with Imperial Members. I want to see how compatible we are before any, real mission, is undertaken.

Excerpt from another:::
OOC: On a side note, you are no longer needed in the RP if you do not wish to continue, I was operating on the fact that I am not willing to post made up ships until I obtained confirmation that I still commanded Gamma Fleet. But if you still wish to join in, that would be great, I wouldn't have to RP my fleet into joining. And you might like the suprise we have for the Jedi

OOC: Remember all those little IC posts I sent ya? Well, they where just cover. I was just being my Evil Sith Self and lying. ALl OOC of course. In the sense of fair play, I invited you in on a RP, but you kinda... dropped out. If you stayed with it, you would of found out our target was one of YOUR Bacta Storage/Processing Plants. Remember how many questions I asked? Well, it all led to something. So this is just a heads up, and I'm giving you a chance to defend yourself. It's nothing personal, Its just a training mission. The plans did kind of crumble in on themselves, mostly due to one slip in the information. The Jedi, where spose to show up on your planet and save your planet without knowledge. Then, as Sith Do, we would of made it look like a set up. We had plans to make it look like the Jedi stole the bacta. Seeing how its a RP, it would of been feesible. But seeing how we forgot to mention one tiny little detail... we just raiding the place. Have fun trying to save it. Be a good sport and keep this all OOC please, find a way for a troop to send an SOS. We did destroy the Communications.

If using this information is godmoding, then I am guilty. But IMperial ships along with Rapid Deployment Force were sent with Dyzm to the planet to defend against the JedI. When that threat materialized in betrayed form, the troops were already there…and defending.

What he killed first were parts of the stationed defense battalion.

And as Visc told me, there are many othe, unjammablforms of communication: namely hyperspace carrier and laser link...both of whcih field units could use.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:41:14 AM
I would like to note that if someone does not follow or read the entire RP, then It is unwise to start doing things which contradict the existing story.

Again I say, There are 2 different planets!!!

Here is the RP in a nutshell

A while a go the Imperials decided to charge for Bacta. Something, a few sith and I agreed was not acceptable. They should not charge for something they should be giving to us out of respect and protection. The entire first mission was a ruse to pull the Imperial's away, but I needed bait, the Jedi. Claiming to lay waste to a planet and asking the imperials for help. I managed to draw away some of there fleet. Sadly, it was not enough so that plan kinda went... Ka-splat. Luckly, I had alternate goals. In my posts I claim it was a trap, knowing the jedi would read it. With Jehova's team, on the same timeline, but another world, he was striking a Imperial Bacta Facility, hence some of the clues we are dropping about Stormies. Right before the attack starts, Jehova is spose to give out the real details, allowing the Imps to defend themselves, but we are also hopping to pull the Jedi in, so we might mock them when they are defending the Imperials. So, instead of Jehova telling them in the post. I sent a OOC message. (see above) Yet, again, things didn't go as planned. Due to a mistake in Communication, and the lack of reading entire RPs. The Jedi think its the same planet. As do the imps. But if you read, you will find clues that we have left the planet.

Telan Desaria
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:46:52 AM
To be honest, I did not know it was a seperate planet...I did not read the entire rp since you said you did not need me anymore...

And if it is a separate plant then count that force lost..

Can we try this again?

Serena Laran
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:36:43 AM
Can we still war with Corellia?!!? :crack Will try to post tomorrow to that, Telan..brain is fried tonight. :x

Jehova Eaven
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:20:02 AM
Indeed, I read Dyzm's post when he kinda.... integrated the rps. I was confused myself. You should have stated something along the lines in big bold letters "On another unnamed planet...". Then the rp would have gone along more smoothly... all in all though I think this training mission was a failure. The apprentices won't be penalized for it though. The apprentices that participated will be looked over by myself, Dyzm, and other active masters for promotion. I'll end my part of the rp soon enough.... have to go to class.....