View Full Version : Infinite Syndrome [Masterless Padawans]

Salemn Lysce
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:00:40 PM
Salemn sat on top of a boulder, admist the lush greens of the forest. Trees blanketed the ground as their branches swayed in the gentle breezes. A few of their leaves littered the ground. Birds sang cheerily in the background as they continued their neverending search for food, while a butterfly flittered to a blooming flower.

It could almost be called paradise.

The Knight craned her neck so she could look up into the blue sky, calling out with the Force. It was a message for the accepted Padawans who hadn't a Master yet. She wanted them gathered here so they could have an official training class to get them started on their journey for the Light.

Even though the air was humid, she was dressed in the traditional brown robes of the Jedi. The hood was drawn up as to cover her face as she waited ...

Axel Grievers
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:39:17 PM
In a sole room within the dormitories of the Order, a certain Garou had been busying himself folding up several pairs of dark clothing that seemed newly purchased. There were two stacks of clothing as well as a few other unimportant articles; one with several pairs of black jeans and one with black long sleeved and tee shirts.

Anyway, as the Garou Padawan was arranging his room, a call ebbed into his mind. Confused, he lifted up his head and stared out the only window in his room. Outside, the jungle sat motionless and without a sound from the room. Halting his chores, Axel moved over to the window and stared out as the call resounded in the back of his mind.

Letting out a thoughtful mumble, Axel exited the room and briskly walked to the nearest exit into the area outside. As one of his steel tipped boots touched the soft dirt, Axel scanned the area with alert eyes and ears. Where was the summons from? He thought, walking again and into the dense foliage. Birds sang and insects chirped as well as a few animals adding their own unique calls into the mix and created a peaceful and nearly intoxicating aura.

Moving vines out of his way, Axel noticed a sole figure sitting in atop of a massive boulder. Keeping quiet, he exited the wall of emerald and entered the clearing and stood in place..

Yuran Fur'Dun
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:20:05 PM
In the depth of the forest, the thick-shouldered buck stopped running, faltered, and fell to its side. The thick arrow shaft glistened with red blood in the early morning sunlight. Its mighty head was adorned with a majestic crown of antlers, which it slowly lay against the mossy ground for the last time. From the underbrush, Yuran stepped forward, a large knife in one hand. The buck stared at nothing with glassy eyes. With a gentle motion of his hand, Yuran closed the eyelid for the last time, and thrust the knife between the deer's forelimbs, as he pried the arrow out. Within moments, he had pried the animal's heart out. holding it up in the wan light of the forest.

Die ye well! And carry your wild spirit high to your ancestors!

He plunged his teeth into the heart, pulling away a bite. As he swallowed, he placed the remains on the ground, digging away the earth around where it lay, and arranging sticks around it. Producing a lighter, he set the heart ablaze, sending a finger of acrid smoke up through the trees. As the crimson pooled around the fallen animal, Yuran reached forward, moistening his fingertips in the blood. With slow, deliberate movements, he drew intricate patterns on his face that he had committed to memory as a child. On his knees, Yuran looked up through the forest canopy, watching the sacrificial smoke ascend to heaven.

Ancestors, I hunt and break the famine by the toil of my hand. Take the spirit of this mighty beast of the land as sustenance, as I take upon its flesh and will to survive. I give thanks to the high kings of old, and to those I saw in the lands of the living, now look upon me as twilight stars.

Bring me victory, and I will bring you honor. In all things, I offer to thee.

Yuran closed his eyes, and moments later, felt the distinct calling of a will not his own. His eyes opened. The spirits of the kings had spoken through an intercessor. He would not ignore it! Rising to his feet, he took a meager amount of rope, stringing his kill high in a tree, where it would be safe in the meantime from predation. With that, he was off, running through the forest to the point where the disembodied voice beckoned him.

Rognan Dar
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:21:50 PM
Rognan was in the Living Quarters when he felt a felling, almost a person calling, pulling alomst. Stopping died in his tracks he closed his eyes focusing on the location of the calling. after some time he set off searching around, hearing the calling getting stronger and stronger until it stop and he opened his eye's. Looking around he saw he was in a green forest with the sound of bird songs in the air. Starting off again through the bushes and shrub pushing then aside and say a figure on a boulder sitting, after staring at the person for a moment he walked to it.

Temura Morningstar
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:36:33 PM
Temura was in an empty training room, doing the exercises her great-uncle had taught her when she felt a familiar call. It was Salemn, the one who had first greeted her when she joined the order. She had heard something about her being promoted to Knight, but had not had a chance to congratulate her. She called to Podo, who flittered to her from whatever corner she was busy making mischief in and landed on her shoulder.

"It's Salemn, Podo. Remember?" and she got images of sticks, fruit and a young woman in brown Jedi robes in return. The afreet chittered and fluttered down the hall towards the door. "I'm coming, impatient," she admonished the bird as she trotted down the hall and out the door.

The humid jungle air was a palpable presence, but Temura didn't mind. It rather reminded her of her homeworld of Onderon, a poignant comfort. She followed the frantic fluttering of the afreet, as well as her own feel of the "call," and arrived in a clearing where Salemn was sitting on a massive boulder. Podo was perched on a branch above the young Jedi, and called out raucously.

"I know -- I'm here," she told the bird, then added silently, Hi Salemn. I'm here for training. Oh, and congratulations on the promotion. She found a dry, bare spot on the ground and sat down, leaving Podo free to flutter about in the trees.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:42:52 PM
Already some had gathered before her, and Salemn watched from under her hood. They seemed refreshed from the morning air, which was always a good sign. As Temura spoke through telepathy, a smile was drawn across her face though none could see it.

< Thank you, Temura. >

Silence filled the area except for the sounds of the nature and the rustling of the Padawan's feet. Hopefully they wouldn't get impatient, for they would have to wait a little while longer until Salemn was sure all were here.

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:22:36 AM
Rinoa was walking around in the LQ, trying to think of something to do, since her furniture hadn't arrived yet, when something picked at her head...almost like a call, but really, realllllllly quiet...

The next second, before she was even sure what she was doing, almost like her feet were moving on their own, she was walking down the hall...

...she got in a turbolift and descended to the lobby of the LQ, still curious. As she continued on, her interest grew, and soon she was jogging, then running towards the forest, her light blue clothing flying out behind her...

...and then, abruptly, she burst into a sort of clearing, and noticed...erm, Salemn, as well as a bunch of padawans, sitting around....

Panting heavily, she breathed an apology as she clutched at a stitch in her side...it'd been a long time since she'd really bothered running any kind of distance...

Yuran Fur'Dun
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:35:38 AM
Yuran sat cross-legged at the edge of the forest clearing, watching the others arrive. His face was still a mask of painted blood, as he removed his knife from its sheath, drawing it across his whetstone in calculated strokes.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:57:54 AM
For such a floral planet, there were a great number of rocks littering the paths through the woods. Fallen tree trunks and boulders made the walkways into literal assault courses, and lead Dasquian to end up hoping from one stone to another - tiresome, though admitedly somewhat fun.

He was approaching where he had sensed a beacon from, a calling to the Padawan's by a fellow Knight. Dasquian wasn't entirely sure whether his help would be needed or not, but it wouldn't harm at all for him to be there. If his assistance was not required, then it would be a chance to see some of the Order's newest recruits in action.

Pacing towards Salemn, with no attempt to hide his presence, he bowed, then nodded in greeting to those already assembled before taking a perch on one of the other rocks.

Sevaan Evine
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:47:54 PM
The call hadn't surprised him. There was little that did anymore. Pulling himself off the floor, away from the safety of coffee, thoughts and a stuffed puppy toy, Sevaan sighed and pulled a t-shirt out of his bag. Pulling it on as he walked out the door, not bothering to tidy, he made his way to the outside world. It took a moment for his eyes to get used to the light for his own room was kept dark as a preference.

The thirty year old man, much older in spirit, took a moment to get his bearings and then began to walk, taking his time. It really was peaceful here and for a moment he felt his emotions ease, the weight on his chest lift. Letting the faintest of smiles cross his face, Sev continued to walk until he spotted what he assumed to be the spot. It was hard to miss for there were already several others there.

Giving a silent nod in greeting, Sev sat down on the forest floor, back to a tree. He positioned himself so that he was slightly away from the group, the tiniest sliver of isolation.

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:35:23 AM
Rinoa had caught her breath by now, and walked over to the man that was standing on the rocks. He had bright purple eyes, and long, almost white hair. She looked up at him. She was 5'9", which wasn't short, but he looked a lot bigger than he had seemed...he seemed to radiate power...must be one of the Knights...she smiled, and flashed her perfect, expensive teeth at him...

"Hey...may I ask what your name is?" she said to the man, bouncing on her heels...

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:47:19 AM

The Jedi Knight gave a warm welcoming smile and bowed his head in greeting to the girl.

"I am Dasquian Belargic, a Jedi Knight of this Order."

Looking to the girl, then to the others assembled, he folded his arms behind his back, awaiting the welcome that Salemn would undoubtably give.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:53:11 AM
Without seriously being aware of it, Pierce Tondry came upon the gathering.

He'd been out doing a bit of local reconnaisance- seeing what was where, and what was inside that what- not really paying attention to anything, instead just mentally mapping the area.

He hadn't really intended to be here, but was, for some reason or other. Maybe he'd made a turn without having noticed.

The group had already seen him, and even though Pierce had a Jedi Master for instruction, he mentally decided to stay and stick around. You never knew what you could learn.

"Hey," he said by way of greeting. "I'm just going to sit over here and relax for a while, if you don't mind."

His hand gestured at an unoccupied spot of grass somewhat apart from the group.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:22:44 PM
It seemed like pretty much everyone had arrived - including Dasquian himself. She nodded her head back in a greeting before casting her eyes on the others. Reaching up, she lowered her hood, revealing her face. Looking like any other normal fifteen year old girl, Salemn smiled slightly as if to reassure the others.

< Greetings, I see you all didn't have to keep me waiting. >

Standing up, she balanced herself with ease on the boulder and glanced at Pierce, nodding slightly at his words. All were welcome to learn.

< For starters, I would like everyone to introduce themselves. I am Salemn Lysce, a Knight of this Order. >

By now, they must've guessed that she was a mute and had to send her messages out with the Force.

Axel Grievers
Sep 14th, 2002, 01:50:12 AM
Axel moved from the line of trees over diaognally to another tree and faced both Jedi Knights. As each spoke, The Garou noted down features out of habbit (which need not be discussed at the present time).

Leaning back, looking over his shoulder at the time to make sure the tree would not cave in or such, Axel quiet listened and waited until the smaller one (now known to him as Salemn) spoke her identity.

Giving enough time for a short silence, he spoke up from behind everyone else,

"Axel Grievers, Untutorted Padawan. Garou Warrior of Wendigo."

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:33:26 AM
Sitting down on the grass against a rock, near Dasquian, Rinoa was thinking when all of a sudden someone said something...sort of in her head...

"So, this must be force messaging..." she thought...she'd heard of this before...

Rinoa got to her feet, smoothing out her blue skirt as she stoof up, listening to a man named Axel introduce himself...he was actually kind of cute...

Smiling, she stepped forward a bit and spoke, loudly:

"My name is Rinoa Heartilly, Human, from the planet Caliban..." she said, as she strode towards the front of the little group...

(ooc: You want me outta this, since I just got Lance as my master?)

Rognan Dar
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:31:20 PM
Rognan was still standing when the brown clocked figure lowered her hood. Then he heard a greetings, but it wasn't one that he ever heard before, it was in his head. The figure(now noticing that it was a her) didn't even open her mouth and realized that she was mute.

After she stood he heard, no more like felt, her say. "For starters, I would like everyone to introduce themselves. I am Salemn Lysce, a Knight of this Order."

Then after hearing Axel and Rinoa he folded his hands behind his back and presented himself.

"Im Rognan Dar, Lorrdian, from Lorrd." He siad feeling all eyes on him.

Sevaan Evine
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:38:36 PM
His eyes had been closed and Sevaan didn't bother to open them before quietly introducing himself.

"Sevaan Evine of M'haeli."

Frae Raith
Sep 17th, 2002, 09:54:08 AM
Frae, In a rushed manner, quickly arrived at the clearing.

"I'm sorry for being so slow...I am new to this place"

Everyone stared at him, in an immature sort of way, as young boys were not common.

"I'm Frae Raith, and I'm here to finish what my...brother... had started."

It was the word brother that had ignited a spark of tears to slowly slide down his face, then drop down to earthen ground below. He pulled out a lightsaber, an uncommon one. It seemed a little shorter, in fact, quite a bit shorter then most lightsabers.

"So... Lets start!"

The boy was very eager as the others could see easily.

Temura Morningstar
Sep 19th, 2002, 02:24:23 PM
Temura watched as the other padawans introduced themselves then stood up. She was about to introduce herself when a young boy rushed into the clearing and introduced himself as Frae Raith. She caught the catch in the boy's throat as he proclaimed that he was here to finish what his brother had started and the tears that began to trace his face. Her left hand moved to caress the hilt of the Blue Legacy as she remembered her own promise to her great-uncle Oron.

Using a trick that he had taught her to make her voice carry without yelling, she said, "I am Temura Morningstar from Onderon, here to carry on the family name in the Jedi Order."

Salemn Lysce
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:59:24 PM
< With the introductories done, we will begin .. Unless, of course, there are any objections. >

The Knight looked at one eager face to another, seeing the hope and dulled passion within their eyes. Soon, though, they would learn the true power of the Force.

Since there was nobody who spoke up to stop her, she nodded once before beginning once more.

< Excellent. Training begins .. now. >

There was a hint of a grin on her face as she leapt into the air, landing gracefully on the ground. It was a long way done, but yet, she seemed unaffected - thanks to the aid of the Force.

She began to pace back and forth infront of the Padawans, looking down at the ground as if studying it hard. There was a moment of silence before she looked back at them.

< I want you all to find an object ... a rock or plant - something that you'll find here, and bring it back here. >

[OOC - Sorry, I just want this thread to get moving along. And Rinoa, you're willing to stay only if you want since you were just appointed a Teacher. I'm pretty sure Lance will teach you everything that I'm going to be doing here, though.]

Rognan Dar
Sep 19th, 2002, 09:06:43 PM
After Salemn finished her speech, Rognan started walking off in search of a thing. He was walking along when he stepped on a rock, what the heck he thought as he picked up the rock and walked back to Salemn. He held out the rock to her wondering what she wanted the rock for.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 19th, 2002, 10:31:15 PM
< No, no, Rognan. You keep it until the others are done. >

She smiled gently and patiently waited for the others...

Korik Bannor
Sep 20th, 2002, 01:57:55 AM
The Jedi Knight did not have long to wait as the Haruchai quietly entered the clearing. His steel blue eyes appealed to Salemn as he spoke, his voice just above a whisper, "Greetings Jedi Knight Salemn, I am Korik Bannor of Melenkurion. I am here to serve the Order."

Axel Grievers
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:31:58 AM
Rolling off the tree, Axel jumped over some brush and into the forest once again. Slowly walking, and stooping down every few steps or so to examine a rock or small plant, the Garou soon came apon a white rose poking out of a tangle of weeds.

Bending down, Axel withdrew his silver pocketknife from his left pocket and dug into the dirt surrounding the rose carefully. Within a few breaths, the rose freely plopped out of the mass of tangle and flopped to the side. Smirking slighly at an inner thought, Axel gently picked up the plant and retraced his steps back to the clearing.

Instead of jumping over the bush this time, he stepped around it cradling the rose carefully as not to let it fall.

"Got one," Axel spoke, lifting up the plant with a small smile.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 20th, 2002, 08:57:08 AM
Pierce, who had not introduced himself, quietly watched Salemn's impressive departure from the boulder. He could have accomplished the same end, but not done it nearly as gracefully or lightly as she had, and his version would have been more utilitarian- a simple jump as opposed to her leap.

So maybe she knew something he didn't.

Pierce plopped himself down in some nearby grass, and running his fingers through it, he came up with a small, flat stone, the kind perfect for skipping on a river.

With a deft movement, Pierce concealed it in his hand.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Sep 20th, 2002, 09:58:18 PM
A small metal sphere floated from the shadows and hoverd around Salemn. It stayed there a moment untill it finaly came back near the shadows. A hand reached out and grasped it followed by the entire body of the figure.

Sia-lan Darkheart, a former jedi knight of the order stood there, looking around. She smiled and bowed to Salemn.

"Much like this object, Master Salemn."

Sia-lan had just been accepted back to the order and had heard of this little training class. Beings she did not yet know what would happen to her, she decided to come and see what was going on.

She had known Salemn a little befor the betrayle but not as much as some of the other jedi.

Korik Bannor
Sep 21st, 2002, 02:12:20 AM
Korik observed the Jedi Knight, trying to figure out what she gesturing to the forest floor about. He glanced at the other Jedi, watching them collect different objects. Stone. Rose. Etc. Following their example, he looked at the ground surrounding him, when his eyes caught something. Stooping over, he picked up a fairly large green seed. Korik raised it, pinched between his thumb and forefinger, for the Jedi Knight to see.

Yuran Fur'Dun
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:37:26 AM
Yuran had stayed silent through the introductions. They were frivolous and silly, for a man's actions were the most fitting of all introductions. His name would be known soon enough. Rising to his feet, Yuran stalked through the woods silently, eyes piercing the morning fog, and filled with intent. The gleam of his blade was a wan light, catching the pale rising sun. As he stepped through the brush, he came across an object that seemed to call to him. Stooping down, he turned it over though a thin layer of detritus. It was a deer's antler, likely shed in the past rutting. Picking it up, he returned to the group.

Sevaan Evine
Sep 21st, 2002, 04:11:11 PM
Everyone seemed to be moving around an awful lot. Sev didn't bother to crack his eyelids open or move from his spot. Rather, he grabbed the first thing his hand closed upon, a small pit from some fruit he probably didn't know. It had long since been seperated from it's outside protection and it was rough, soil clinging in the grooves. Not that he noticed. He hadn't bothered to look at it yet.

Frae Raith
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:02:56 PM
With an excited dash, the boy glanced around and saw a fist sized rock and picked it up, tossed it up a few times, and ran over to Salemn to show the knight.

"Is this any good? I hope it's good. I don't like being wrong. It's good isn't it? Or is it bad? Oh no..."

Salemn Lysce
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:01:40 PM
< Greetings Korik, but you must know that I have just asked for everybody to find an object .. >

Salemn turned away from the boy and looked at the rest, brown eyes scanning what the others had found. Until a metal object floated infront of her eyes. Turning her head to see who had caused it to float, she saw Sia-Lan, and smiled slightly. It was good to see a former Knight of the Order to return after a such an ... 'experience'.

< It's very lovely, but what I have in mind is something more of .. the earth. >

The others had found a variety of things - such as a rose, a seed, a deer antler, and a rock. Well, it wasn't too hard to spot the rock since the boy, Frae, rushed forward with it.

She placed a hand on his shoulder to reassure him, so he knew that it was fine, and then withdrew her hand.

< Excellent, I see you all have picked something different. Now, I want each of you to state why you picked it. >

Rognan Dar
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:08:25 PM
Rognan thought about the question for a moment before answering. "Well, you said to find somthing out here, and I chose this rock because I stepped on it and thought why not." He answered looking at the rock in his hand, flipping it over with his hand.

Korik Bannor
Sep 24th, 2002, 01:58:08 AM
Korik pondered her question while the other padawan learner spoke. He answered next, "I chose the seed because it appealed to me. Also because it is a wonder of nature. Representing birth, growth, life, healing, and rejuvenation. The cycles and changes this forest endures is much like our personal lives and our galaxy as a whole."

Frae Raith
Sep 24th, 2002, 05:54:54 AM
Frae, puzzled, wondered what this has to do with jedi training, but answered anyway.

"I chose this rock because...I saw it first."

Then Frae thought that probably wasn't good enough, so he made up a false answer that he thought the jedi couldn't sense.

"Actually, It's because this rock sort of looks like a face..."

Frae stared the rock, knowing his 'excuse' wouldn't be reasonable as the rock resembled more of a well...Frae thought, rock look. He shrugged and hoped the jedi wouldn't notice.

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:32:29 AM
Rinoa sighed, and then flipped her rock over, tossing it into the air. That little Frae kid was...well...a kid...

"Erm...I kinda picked this rock because it was...a rock?" she finished, stupidly...oh well, that answer was better than nothing...

(ooc: Might as well stay in...:lol)

Pierce Tondry
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:16:16 PM
"What they're saying," Pierce said, tossing his own stone up and down. "Is that they picked whatever was closest to hand and among the list of examples."

Pierce took a moment to examine his rock. "Reminds me of the stones I used to skip with my old man, when I was young," he said.

Axel Grievers
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:48:56 PM
"It looked different from the rest of the plant'life." Axel spoke, poking a lpetal with a finger, "Ya know, like it was the only one of it's kind."

Salemn Lysce
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:29:21 PM
This could pose as a problem.

The only Padawan that seemed to take time to observe before choosing was Axel - and possibly the man who stayed away from the group, yet watched and voiced his own opinion.

The response Frae gave about the rock was somewhat amusing, but not a smile cracked on her lips.

< Padawans, your answers disappoint me ... But no matter, this is your first training session and there is much to be taught. Why do you think I asked you to take an object from this earth ? >

Now, it would be very interesting to hear some of these responses.

Frae Raith
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:06:07 AM
Frae, with a quick pause, decided to blurt out what was on his mind.

"Because you're a jedi and you wanted to see if we'd listen!"

Rinoa Heartilly
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:13:03 PM
"Errr...because its part of the earth, even if it's tiny?" Rinoa asked, not really used to this kind of stuff.

The little kid was cool, though...kinda hyper, but cool....

Salemn Lysce
Sep 29th, 2002, 10:26:17 AM
Salemn bent down and reached out to scoop some of the dirt, and stood up.

< The thing that surprises me most .. is that none of you chose the most simplest and important thing of all ... dirt. Without it, life would hardly even be possible on this planet. There would be no plants and flowers that would grow, to appease to the eye and add a lovely scent to the air. There would be no herbivores who depended upon these things, and therefore, there would be no carnivores. It would be a vast, barren land without such a simple thing as dirt. >

She spread her fingers and the dirt fell once more to the ground, where it would be stomped and trodded upon like it did so many times in the past.

< With that out of the way, I'd like you to return the objects where you found them, and we will move onto the Force. Unless, of course, you'd wish to keep them .. >

Frae Raith
Sep 30th, 2002, 05:55:44 AM
"I want to keep mine, I bet it'll bring me good luck!"

Frae quickly shoved the rock into his pocket. The rock was pretty heavy though, and Frae had to keep pulling up his pants to stop them from falling.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 30th, 2002, 12:13:05 PM
"Well, now wait a minute," Pierce said, tossing the stone in his hand up and down. "Dirt's gotta have something to stand on, right? Scientists tell me that we're all sitting on top of a huge mass of rock, and only on the very top of that is actual dirt. Wouldn't a rock be just as important as dirt in the bigger picture? And what about stars? Don't they have to fit in there somewhere? No life without solar energy, that's for darn sure. What I mean is, isn't everything pretty much connected when it comes to life?"

Pierce suddenly realized he'd been talking quite a bit, despite his claim that he was just here to watch, and so his mouth abruptly closed, cutting off his line of questioning. "Er- sorry," he muttered. "Didn't mean to interrupt."

Salemn Lysce
Oct 1st, 2002, 02:49:29 PM
Ah, finally. The one man with good sense brought up a possible debate topic.

< Ah, I could not agree more with you. However, I didn't ask for the stars or the rock that stands firm beneath our feet. I asked for something that could be held - but, that doesn't mean you haven't brought up a good point. >

The other Padawans seemed to have gone somewhat silent, and so she waited.

Maia Tharrinn
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:46:01 AM
Maia entered the training room and approached Salemn. She had been informed the a new recruit "Rognan Dar" was to be her Padawan. Leaning close so she did not disturb the class. She requested the leave of her student.

"I'm sorry to disturb you Salemn but I need to begin training with Rognan, If you wouldn't mind I would like to have him dismissed from this class."

Salemn Lysce
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:59:01 AM
Salemn looked towards the direction of the voice and saw Maia, then nodded once.

< Rognan, you are dismissed from this class. Maia has graciously taken you on as a Padawan - May the Force be with you. >

Rognan Dar
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:45:18 PM
Rognan looked from Maia to Salemn, wondering what was going on but once Maia said I was going to begin training, he relaxed and bowed to Salemn before following his new master away from the group.

Rinoa Heartilly
Oct 9th, 2002, 08:16:53 AM
"Well...duh..." said Rinoa, rather amazed at missing the whole point of the subject. She walked over to where she had found her rock, and placed it back down, since it wasn't really that intersting...just a rock...

Oct 10th, 2002, 06:00:12 PM
Zeke watched from a tree, eyeing the new padawans. Perhaps he'd take one or two offa Salemn's hands...but first, he wanted to see how they dealt with her. She seemed to be teaching them well enough, but he wasn't sure it was a good thing to insult their intelligence like she had.

imported_Jackson Mcgraves
Oct 24th, 2002, 12:31:58 PM
Jackson walked through the forest slowly looking for a destination that was giving to him. The air was humid witch made Jacksons clothing stick to him. Jackson was sweeting a bit but he had endured much more heat then this in his past adventures.

Jackson was dressed in a long reddish shirt with the sleeves rolled up, He also was wearing Kaki pants and long black civil war type military boots. only because he had not gotten his jedi garments yet. Jackson had no distinguishing marks on his face or arms and he was a descent looking man but not drop dead good looking.

Jackson continued to walk through the forest and he could here the sounds of voices and he knew he was coming close to his goal. he soon broke out of the forest into a small opening and there he saw a gathering of other jedi witch Jackson suspected where master less padwans like himself.

" Hello I heard calling is this where the master less Padwans are to meet?"

Jackson spoke smoothly and calmly his demeanor was calm and cool and he didn't seem nervous about his first meeting.

Salemn Lysce
Nov 2nd, 2002, 12:48:02 AM
< Yes, this is the place. >

She smiled and gestured towards the others, indicating for him to step up with them.

< Alright, with that lesson cleared, I want you all to clear you minds and reach out with your entire being. Feel the life that flows from the earth surge through your veins as serenity and tranquility surrounds you. >

Rinoa Heartilly
Nov 23rd, 2002, 08:28:49 AM
Rinoa didn't know how to clear her mind when thoughts like "This is stupid" were flowing through it, but she shook her head and closed her eyes and tried to relax.

It was kinda working. She could feel a peace settle over herself, like a blanket...

...and there, she felt it. It was like a pulse from the planet itself that surrounded her. It felt warm and inviting, and thudded in her ears like a heartbeat. Abruptly, her eyes flicked open, and she noticed that she was drawing sharp breaths.

"Whoa...that was intense..." she said, between gasps.

Quay'Na Rakai
May 24th, 2003, 12:05:33 PM
Eve had fallen as a lone, cloaked and hooded figure stepped out into the stillness of the vast forest planet from the dark depths of the Corellian sport ship.

The figure kept it’s distance close to the ship as it removed it’s hood and revealed a young, human female with short light brown hair and a Padawan braid woven with light -colored ribbons that hung loosely down behind her right ear. This young Padawan went by the name of Quay'Na Rakai; a name given to her by her late Jedi Master, Ira Valko.

As she glanced throught the vast tree line, it seemed strange to her to find another Jedi Master here of all places. But, this was where she was to come to meet other masterless Padawans.
Masterless Padawans, the thought filled her mind with despair. It hadn't been a month since the loss of Master Ira. With a deep breath, Quay'Na let the despair wash over her and was supposed to let it go, but it was all to fresh yet. And now she needed the guidance of another to help her let it go. If that were all possible. She would find a way.
She trudged onward towards a clearing, where she saw the group standing about, obviously in the middle of an exercise. Not wanting to disturb them, she found a spot near the back.