View Full Version : Looking up a Pad.

Axel Grievers
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:20:17 PM
After a long period of wandering around the complex lost, Axel finally found one of the several enterances into the Dormatorys of the Jedi Order. Walking, and using his sleek scythe as a staff, Axel strolled down the middle of the hall sometimes heading off to the left or right to avoid collisions with others.

After nearly an hour of walking down one single hall, Axel finally came to a crossing and stood there looking at the three options.

"God, why is this place so big!"

Rognan Dar
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:29:20 PM
Rognan was walking the halls when he saw a man with a scary looking Scythe, man he could poke a eye out with that thing, and looking lost. So I went to him to see if I could help. "Hello there, I'm Rognan Dar, are you lost?" He asked with a simle.

Axel Grievers
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:54:12 PM
"Yeah, Totally lost." Axel replied, giving a shrug, "This place is huge, I'd say, and getting a room must be a pain!"

He glanced over at Rognan, "Know where any rooms are open?"

Ange Tot
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:07:33 PM
A door opened down one of the hallways, and she stepped out. Someone was yelling when she was trying to take a nap, she snorted and walked down the hall till she came to the crossing and saw Axel and Rognan.

"Can you two be quiet? Some people are taking naps right now..."
she said slightly peeved, her hands on her hips.

Axel Grievers
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:08:41 PM
Axel gave a short smile while scratching the back of his head, "Sorry bout that!" he apologised to Ange, then looked down the hall that she came from, doubt there were any open doors...

Ange Tot
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:19:55 PM
She yawned.

"You don't wanna live in this hall anyways, all the crazy Jedi Padawans live down here. Me, Wei Wu Wei, Zeke, Kindo um.....I forget the rest, but if you wish to stay sane....."

Axel Grievers
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:58:46 PM
Axel gave a short grin, "Ya' mean the psycho asylum's down thataway?" He points past Ange then added, "--Sounds like a place worth living at cause if the rest of the place is like that--" he points behind himself, "-- then it's really boring."

Rognan Dar
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:29:09 PM
Rognan smiled at the two talking. "Well anyways, yes there is lots of room down that way," pointing the way Axel just ointed, "or you could be with the 'psycho's' this way, there might be some room down there." pointing behind Ange.

Ange Tot
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:39:15 AM
"It's possible. I'd share my room with one of ya's, but my Boyfriend might not like it."

she grinned and headed back towards her room.

"If ya like I can give ya the tour."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:30:29 AM
Wei Wu Wei stood behind his door. He had left it slightly cracked and was now watching, laying in wait for Ange. It had been a while since they had actually done something out of the ordinary and Ange needed to relax a little, and have fun. Or at least get the heebee-jeeebies scared out of her. As Ange arrived at her room, Wei flung the door open and jumped on her, tackling her to the ground.

"RAAAAHH! Got you!" Wei said laughing, as he took a clumsy seat on the floor.

Axel Grievers
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:36:19 AM
Axel held his ground for a moment, looking at the other two options before heading after Ange with a wave a Rognan. Then one of the doors burst open and a guy jumped out onto Ange, which Axel just loft a brow and stopped.

"I'm becoming quite sure this is the crazy hall.." The Garou spoke,

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2002, 09:27:22 AM
Wei looked up at Axel. "Crazy hall? Nah."

Wei got up and extended his hand for Axel to shake. "I'm Wei Wu Wei. We don;t really like to call ourselves crazy. We just like to think we do things differently." Wei laughed.

Rognan Dar
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:36:27 PM
"Ya thats it," Rognan said laughing, " but you chose what section and i'll find you a place Axel, if I have to kick someone out to do it." with a big grin still on his face.

Ange Tot
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:51:26 PM
Is tackled, falls on her bum, and glares at Wei.

"Don't do that!"

she half-shouted half-laughed at Wei, and then grabbed Wei's glasses and got up and ran down the hall grinning.

":p Behold, only the truely sane can live in this hall."

she said, and put Wei's glasses on the top of her head.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:00:02 PM
Wei stood up and looked at the retreating fuzz that was his girlfriend. "Ever since I came here, everyday life has been another training drill involving the Force."

Wei used the Force to boost his vision, and Ange became clearer. "I heard Ange mention a tour. Well, if you are able to keep up, you just might learn your way around."

Wei ran off after Ange. "You give those back!" Wei laughed.

Axel Grievers
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:32:48 PM
Axel firmly shook Wei's hand, "Name's Axel," he spoke, then gave a funny look as Wei and Ange shot down the hall with wilde screams.

Glancing over his shoulder at Rognan, Axel gave a slight shrug before spinning the Scythe around so the blade pointed at the floor before dashing after the two crazies.

Soon, the Garou began to catch up with the tailing Wei. Grinning slightly as he pushed his normal limits up a notch, and having a little fun in the process, "So, Do this often?" He spoke, doging a patron in the run.

Ange Tot
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:37:03 PM
"hee-hee! No way Handsome!"

she shouted at Wei taking off down the hall, grinning like a two year old.

"That's Kindo and Zeke's room over on your right!" she shouted back, pointing at a closed door, she turned so she was running backwards.

"I do believe we will be coming up onto Dios Kane's room next. Gah!" she tripped over her own feet and fell backwards, and starting laughing like crazy.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:41:52 PM
Wei finally reached Ange and took his glasses back. "Silly banana..." Wei said as he helped Ange up.

"Not often. only twice a day."

Axel Grievers
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:41:59 PM
Axel gave a moment to glance at Ange's touring spots before she tripped on her own feet. Laughing heartily, and not noticing a duratsteel storage closet door swinging open, Axel began to slow down...


...before he hit the door and dropped backwards like a sack of rocks. Rubbing his forehead, and trying to stop the pain, he suddenly burst out in a fit of gleeful cackles..

Ange Tot
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:45:17 PM
She laughed at Axel.

"Oh hohahahahahahaha! Oh, by the way, name's Ange Tot, saiya-jin Jedi padawan."

She grinned as Wei helped her up, and she walked over to Axel.

"I think the one of the rooms between me and Kindo's is open, maybe you could move in?"

Axel Grievers
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:54:25 PM
Axel calmed down a bit, rubbing his forehead vigorusly. "I'm Axel, Garou. Damn, I'm gonna hafta watch out for those doors." He fussed, examining the dent in the steel.

Looking back at the doors between Ange's and Kindo's rooms and smirked as one of the doors were open slightly with no tag on the front. Picking up the slim scythe and used it to lift himself back up. On his forehead, under the brown bangs, a big spot in inflamation began to show and Axel stood against the wall.

"Doors door doors dooors..." He spoke over and over to himself, comitting the warning to memory. After a few moments, he turned to the other three; "What else do you guys all do here?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 9th, 2002, 07:24:15 PM
"There is a place called Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. That's a nice place, and full of colorful characters." Wei said, taking Ange's hand.

Axel Grievers
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:28:23 PM
"And food!" Axel added on right after Wei finished speaking, standing fully erect the Garou slouched against his scythe. "I'll hafta check that place out later indeed,"