View Full Version : To track a murderer (Tempist)

Sep 8th, 2002, 11:16:02 AM
Satine lands Dark Star, and quickly unbuckles his crash webbing. The screens buitl into the walls of the pilot's sphere--there to make it seem like he was actually in space himself--shut down, and the top opened, a ladder dropping down by the droid brain controlling the ship.

"Dark, when I leave, activate security measure. No one comes into this ship unless it's me, or another Jedi."

"Confirmed." the droid brain's voice says, through the speakers.

Satine climbs up the ladder, and onto the main deck, reaching out with his mind, searching for Tempist on this planet. at the same time, he grabs his gear, and heads into the rear cargo bay. Hitting a button, the back of the bay splits in two--the two parts of the loading door sliding into grooves. Hopping onto a motorcycle--one modelled after his friend's, Eve Siren--Satine gunrs it, and zooms out of the cargo bay, the doors closing behind him, and defensive weapons activating on Dark Star. It was time for Satine to find Tempist...

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:45:11 PM
It was dark this evening, perfect for the scum of the universe to show itself. No one in their right mind was out today. Most wouldn't last long.

One man walked alone though, with a large, unique case straped to his back. He paced down a narrow street, and turned into a dark alley. A small gang of vagrants were waiting there, with various weapons in hand. One steped forward out of them, in a tight leather jacket.

"Yoo gots balls to show up punk. Aftah wat yoo did to Kampin yestahdaie, yoo gots a wowld ov hurt comin to yoo."

The man simply smiled, and lowered his head slightly.

"According to whom? I don't apprecieate it when one of your men trys to pick my pockets. He deserved to die."

"Too bad, yoos is gunna pay."

"Bring it on, little man."

The man in leather ran twards the Dark One, with a dagger tight in hand. The shrouded man lashed out with a red beam of energy, and the gang leader found himself severed in two, right down the middle. Many of his cronies followed in suit, and were all hacked down in a similar fashon. After a few minites, only one man stood, with a pile of corpses at his feet.

"Should've planned better. Too late now."

The rogue Sith Tempist Opps smiled, and kicked the closest corpse's head.

Sep 8th, 2002, 05:09:43 PM
Satine feels the pain through the Force, and guns his cycle, the roar echoing into the alley Tempist was in. Satine could feel him. Pulling out one of his SOCOMs, Satine turns into the alley, takes sight of the Dark One, and lets loose a hail of bullets, stopping the bike, and emptying the clip. As he holsters his weapon, Satine jumps from the cycle, and ignites one of his black-bladed sabres.

"Hello Tempist. More death and destruction, I see?"

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:13:30 PM
He spun on the ball of his foot, deflecting each and every bullet that threatened him with the saber, most either discentegrated or flew into the wall.

"Indeed, but not without purpose. What brings you to this sphere of hell?"

Sep 8th, 2002, 05:51:26 PM
"You do. It's time to make you pay for those you have killed. The dead cry for retribution! I can even let you hear them personally." Satine says, smiling grimly.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:00:54 PM
"Oh really, and who is this avenger you speak of? They'd better show up soon, or else I'll send you with a message for them in the afterlife."

As he said this, he removed the package from his back, and opened it, his eyes never leaving Satine. He opened it, to unveil a huge battleaxe, with a head as large as the average soldier's torso.

"See this? This is my friend, Misery. Made it myself, right before the fall of my home. Can't be destoried by anything, can even stand up to sabers. I've demolished dozens of lives already with it, only thing stoping me from killing you right now is the enjoyment I get from arguing with you before the slaughter. You always had been one of the more amusing opponents..."

Sep 8th, 2002, 06:12:05 PM
"and I still will be, for a long time to come, Tempist Opps." Satine says, using the Sith's full name--at least that he knew of. He looks at the axe, and then ignites his second sabre--this one having a silver blade. He gets into a fighting stance.

"Tell me, do you have any family, you want me to send your remains to?" he asks. Both opponents knew this would be a fight to remember...

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 11th, 2002, 03:23:00 PM
Tempist simply grinned, holding his anger back. He grew bored with Satine, and decided it was time to end this chat.

"Perhaps, perhaps not. But now is the time to shut up, stupid lightsider. You have outlived your amusement value."

With this, Tempist held out his free arm, aiming it above Satine's head. Above the jedi, clay shingles from the roof began to fall down on him, at a decent speed and velocity. Although this would do little to nothing to his opponent, Tempist just wanted him to be silent.

Sep 12th, 2002, 06:12:09 AM
Satine isn't though. He creates a bubble of Force shielding, and then sneers at Tempist.

"you've been reduced to throwing shingles at people? My turn..."

Forming a ball of Force concussion, Sarine sends it at Tempist...

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 13th, 2002, 09:56:52 PM
Grinning at Satine, Tempist simply cartwheels to the left, calling his axe back to his hand. He'd left it on the ground when he flipped.

"No you moron, it's called creativity. Killing is a fine art, you simply have to learn the more brutal ways to do it."

With this, a large steel drum by the entrence to the alley was hurtled at Satine through the force. The flaming trash within scattered all over the place, leaving a burning wall of waste in it's wake. A barrier between Satine and any cowardly alies he may have present. The jedi are weak, but not all stupid. They like to attack in packs.

Sep 14th, 2002, 08:29:00 AM
Satine growls. He knew Tempist thought there were more JEdi around, but he was the only one that he knew of. Seeing the flaming wall, Satine knows he is cut off even if there was more Jedi. Spinning his weapons, Satine motions for Tempist to attack.

"What are you waiting for?"

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:13:14 AM
"Jedi, you are the one who picked this fight. It seems to me that if you do not posess the genetalia to go through with your own plans, then you are not worth me wasting my energy on."

Tempist turned his back to Satine, and walked twards one of the bodies. He picked it up by the back of it's neck, and showed it to the young jedi knight.

"See this? This man was better than you. He challenged me, I accepted, and he did not cower in fear when he saw his alies dying. He attacked when he created a poor situation. Are you really going to let a gang lord be a better man than you?"

Tempist knew he had already won. If Satine attacked, then it would have shown his partial consumption by the darkside, and would most likley be shunned by his order. If he did not, then he would be branded as a coward.

"The clock is ticking, child."

Sep 14th, 2002, 12:07:33 PM
Satine growls, and jumps at Tempist, shutting down his lightsabres, and swinging a punch at Tempist. The Knight knew he had given in to what Tempist had wanted, but he didn't care. As long as he didn't go farther in, he would be alright...wouldn't he?

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:51:28 PM
Happy with Satine's response, Tempist lifted the body higher, using it as a sheild to block Satine's attack. Tempist brought misery around to hack at the jedi, in a downward motion, aimed at his stomach. Tempist began to speak straight into Satine's mind through the force, taunting him and enlightening him.

You are already a dark sider, you are no better than me. Every attack you make draws you further and furtehr into my world, every swing you throw at me brings you one step closer to me. Congratulations hypocrite.

Sep 14th, 2002, 01:30:48 PM
Satine rolls away form the axe, and ignites his sabres again.

"Wrong Shapeshifter. I'm a Jedi Warrior and Defender. Sometimes the only way to get rid of evil is to cut it out at the source." he says, swinging his sabres down...

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 16th, 2002, 11:51:12 AM
Grinning, Tempist spun Misery in his hands, bringing it around to block the sabers. Amazing what Tempist could create in that forge of his...

Ahh, so you think that by challenging me, therefore killing yourself, will end the evil brewing in you before it hatches and consumes you again? Pills are much easier for that, little one.

Edit: ooc: TTT

Sep 20th, 2002, 07:16:43 PM
{OOC: Oops, sorry, forgot about this for a while! lol...}

Satine spins, and lands a snap kick into Tempist's middle, knocking him back, and then stabbing with his sabres.

"The darkness in me will not grow. It's contained deep in me, and won't escape."

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 21st, 2002, 06:31:01 AM
The kick knocked Tempist far back enough for Satine to overshoot his target. Stupid jedi, should have planned your attack better. he thought to himself.

Tempist raised a hand, and lifted one of the corpses through the force. He held it in midair for a moment, grabbing Satine's attention. Much to Satine's suprise, that corpse did not move. Instead, one behind him slammed into the jedi's back with enough momentum and kenetic energy pushing it to leave a nice hole in a brick wall.

As long as the darkness is within you at all, then you find yourself as bad as I.

Sep 21st, 2002, 04:36:06 PM
Satine's Force enhanced muscles survive the impact, leaving him dazed, and stunned. Hearing Tempist's voice, Satine shakes his head.

"I have never been as bad as you..."

Getting to his feet, Satine recalls his weapons in time to block an attack, and then slashes, one low, one high.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 21st, 2002, 06:45:10 PM
Oh really...

Tempist's inner darkness had grown in leaps and bounds. The force was now the greatest weapon he could ever weild, even more masterfully than his swords had been. Although he still wasn't as good as some, he was better than most.

He closed his eyes, and reached out to Satine's mind through the force, picking at it, tearing every bad memory, every act of hate, pain, or affliction the jedi had ever committed, and placing them on the top of his mind.

You are still a Sith. Don't hide behind your false faith.

Sep 21st, 2002, 06:53:04 PM
Satine drops to his knees, struggling to get a hold on his thoughts.

Damn him, Satine thinks, finally getting a hold of his thoughts, and breathing deeply, shivering.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:20:31 PM
Cut the evil out of yourself. Do it! Or it will manafest, and you will be worse than me. Do it Satine! For the good of all who are truly innocent and just! You know I will spare them, but you may not if you let it grow!

Sep 21st, 2002, 09:28:56 PM
"You don't spare anyone!!!" Satine shouts, his head flipping to face Tempist, his silver quills flipping around. "I, on the other hand, have the best handle on my emotions."

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:43:23 AM
"I don't spare anyone, hmm? What about that sister of yours, Xazor? I left her alive, didn't I? And you! Ungreatful! I left you living many times, yet you still seek me! I leave those who have not wronged me greatly living, with a few exceptions of extreme anger. Otherwise, yes, I do spare people. Why do you have this deathwish? Why do you keep disturbing the sleeping beast? Do you really want to wrong me till you die?"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:38:24 AM
"I won't die by your hand Tempist. I seek you, because you are a part of the darkness, and I am a Jedi. Jedi seek to destroy the darkness, and the Warriors seek out those of power to try and eleiminate them."

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:36:11 PM
The jedi are not warriors, they are guardians. Had these men been left alive, then they would have caused more pain than I have, despite my enormous lifetime. This is what makes me better than you; I kill out of nessisatie with a few mistakes. You kill out of spite and anger, although you won't admit it to yourself. Your angry that you couldn't defeat me before, and that you can't now. So you keep trying untill one of us is dead... I don't keep trying. If it can't be done the first time, then it wasn't worth doing.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:36:02 PM
"Basically saying I'm not worth killing? Yes, Jedi are defenders, but ever heard of proactive defense? And besides, what about you, and burning that city to the ground?"

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:39:46 PM
That, child, was one of those rare outbursts of pure anger I spoke of earlier. Only once in three hundred years have I done that. When you lose everything you've ever cared about, see how you deal with the pain.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:37:05 PM
Satine is silent, thinking. He had lost a lot, but not all at once, and not all so fast.

"Remind me not to piss you off then..." he says, quietly.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:55:19 PM
Consider it done.

Tempist threw one last corpse in the air, only to obscure Satine's vision. When the body hit the floor, the Sith was gone. His force signature was still present, but he was no where to be seen. He simply didn't want to fight anymore. He was tired of killing, espically when he didn't have to. He had no intention of killing Satine now, he was getting bored with it. He was still dark, a definate Sith, but he grew bored with his lifestyle. He just wanted a chance to cause a bit of chaos without ending any more lives.

He'd released his hate, it was gone. His anger was still there, but only mildly. All he had left was pain. More pain than anyone should ever endure alone.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:24:58 PM
Satine ducks the body, and, when he gets back to standing, he sees Tempist gone.

Looks like we both go away healthy thisd time... he thinks to himself, recalling his fallen gun, and putitng another clip in it, holstering it, and jumping onto his motorcycle. He guns the motor, and speeds off to his ship...