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Taro Idol
Sep 8th, 2002, 11:14:33 AM
OOC: Follow-up thread to Count To Six And Die (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21515)

Datunda - 4 - Melona.

It's been just over 2 standard weeks since the cantina incident and the tenament building...massacre. I haven't seen Taja for eight days. I wonder what she's been up to. Last time I saw her was in a club. Heavy music. I liked it. Keeto contacted me two days ago. We met up at a quiet bar - very low profile kind of place. He brought me some very interesting news indeed. Plans are already being implemented this very evening for tomorrows announcement. I've also been informed that Hermes Spearman is to make the announcement personally. To think - the big cheese of GNN will be present outside the Imperial Justice Court - on the day of the trial of my dear friend Naol, who's under arrest for the murder of a burglar. A force-user. So, plenty to do tomorrow. I think I'll spend the remainder of the evening pondering over the events of the last two weeks. After a few glasses of Absynthe of course!

Two weeks earlier...

Twelve hours ago, several murder-death-kills had been reported in a small, poverty-striken district of Coruscant, on one of the lower levels with a bad reputation, high crime rates and low life expectancy. The front of the old tenament building was strewn with police units, as well as nosey members of the public. The yellow barriers were up about four hours ago, as that's when the punters started to arrive. And now, I arrive. But I'm not Taro Idol this morning - the sun's not even up yet. I'm Detective Idonbarre. And I'm already in control of the situation. I pull up between two police speeders, bring my stolen unit to a complete stop, and casually exit the vehicle. Immediately I'm confronted with reporters, members of the general public, and one or two police officers.

"Please, people, save it. It's early in the morning and I haven't had my coffee yet so I'm finding it difficult to come up with a more colourful way of saying who gives a crap!!!

I turn from them and walk over towards the building. I didn't expect myself to be as short as that with them!

"...actually, that wasn't bad!"

The officers stop me without even seeing my badge. They then look down a little, realise their mistake and move back from my glare. Rookies! So am I, of course, but that's neither here nor there! I proceed inside. Up the stairs. Along the hall to the apartment where I killed Mr Arnold. or rather...where Taro Idol killed Mr Arnold. There's a forensic team just coming up the stairs behind me. Luckily they enter the family's apartment. That gives me about fifteen minutes or so. I only need about seven. The officer inside is timid and nervous-looking. He screams "rookie". Not that I'm a veteran at this sort of thing myself of course, but I'm more or a professional than him!

"What's the score here, officer?"

"Multiple MDK. This guy was stabbed. The others were shot with a blaster. We think it was planned - like the perp was really pissed off about somethin'. No way it was on a whim! The first ones - the family - it's a goddamn shame!"

A shame? They were a menace to society! Who knows what they could have become or what they could have been capable of!!! I did the Galaxy a selfless favour last night. I do a good deed and ask for nothing in return.

"Any prints?"

"None. Not even a murder weapon. We thought there might have been some on this guy, but no such luck."

Hmm. That was Taja's doing. I wonder how she managed that! This guy was pretty big and she's not exactly muscular and "capable" of taking down such a behemoth! I ponder on that briefly before deciding...

"Mind if I take a look?"

"Forensic haven't had their turn yet but I guess it's alright."

Fatal mistake! But good for me! As he turns away to make some notes, I approach Mr. Arnolds body, taking out a small cellafane bag with black powder in it, and a small tube. I quickly squirt the tube's contents on his sleeves and chest, then place the cellafane bag in his inner-jacket pocket. Then, I take a small necklace and place it in his outer pocket.

"What the hell's that smell?"

The officer turns back to me and sniffs the air.

"Smells like some sorta fuel!"

"Well whatever it is, it's all over the guy! And check this out!

I show him the bag.

"Whaddya think?"

He looks puzzled at me - a real winner!

"I'll bet it's Angel Dust or Black Ploovar, or perhaps one of their other cocktails! Get the lab boys to analyse it, and find out what this guy's covered in. Maybe Hellixel or some other fuel like you said. I want prints taken and analysed ASAP."


I stand and make fore the door. A few seconds later, the officer calls me in again.

"Sir - look at this!"

He's crouched by the body holding the necklace at the end of his pen. Good job I was wearing gloves!

"There's a name on it. *Janie Wilks*"

Perfection, I know!

"Janie Wilks - that's the name of the girl that went missing three days ago."

"Bag it 'n tag it! File the report - could get you somewhere 'up there'."

I leave him and his smile and exit the room again. Time to leave. I return to the stairs just as the forensic team leave the first apartment and head for Mr. Arnolds. I'm sure they'll love the small gold mine I've just set up for them. And I bet they make the connection between him and Janie Wilks. That'll increase the investigation period and reinforce the search for her. Leaving the building, I return to my speeder amidst the ever-growing sea of pedestrians. They stare at me with blank faces. I guess they don't really like me. How lovely. After ordering the control officers to get them out of my way, I get into the stolen speeder and leave the scene of my crime.

Present day...

It's morning finally. After last night I don't think I could look at another cup of Corellian Coffee for as long as I live. The last two weeks of preaching went much smoother than the cantina venue, and I've accumulated about a hundred and sixty new followers, bringing me nicely to around two hundred. Once I'm dressed and full of a nice breakfast (substitute 'nice' for 'crap' since Hal made it!) I leave the building and climb into my limo. The driver asks "where to?" and I reply...

"The Justice Court."

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:01:04 PM
Taja cleared her throat loudly and stared down at the tip of the lit joint hanging from the corner of her mouth. The drug was significantly stronger than she remembered it to be, from her days as a youth suffering from the overly hackneyed illness known as 'teen angst'. Not that she needed to alleviate her depression right now - the chemical had little effect on her, and was only to abet the facade of blunted indifference she was trying to feign.

It was ironic how the legalization of this same substance was a matter argued most controversially about within the walls of the imposing building before which she stood now. Members of opposing newsgroups as well as several inquisitive bystanders were already beginning to congregate outside the gates of the Justice Court, in eager anticipation of Spearman's arrival.

The announcement itself was not what lured Taja here this day, but instead the issue that was to be discussed. There had been a recent resurgence of hate crimes directed against all Force users, and one such felon was being detained in that very Court. No doubt an accomplice of Idol's.

She frowned unconsciously at the thought; so basically, she was here in the hopes that he would turn up. A waste of time? Perhaps ... But on the other hand, she had already murdered an allegedly 'innocent' man, simply because Taro wished it so. In retrospect, her trip here did not seem so grand an undertaking. She was merely curious.

This interest was the very reason she was taking great care in appearing as inconspicuous as possible. The fact that many police Sensitives would be skulking within the crowds and keeping vigilant watch was indisputable, especially given the slaughtering that had taken place at the tenement building only two weeks ago - and which Taja partook in.

Wanting to provide them with no evidence that could incriminate her, she chose such attire that she seemed no more noticeable than any average adolescent hopelessly roaming the streets during the early hours of morning. She already looked the part - Taja's visage did not betray her years, if only for the dull luster in her eyes archetypal of most teenagers.

With her back leaned against the door of a still closed coffee shop on the opposite street, Taja drew in another breath of the noxious fumes and waited.

Hermes Spearman
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:44:00 PM
"So let's see what they said: 'GNN: A news network or gossip mill?', 'Galactic Nosense Network strikes again!' and 'Mr. Spearman is a smudge on the oil-canvas of media.' Lovely!" After reciting the comments of some of his rivals from each datapad, a very regal looking Hermes Spearman would throw it to the ground with the attitude of a man who was untouchable; and he knew it.

He looked up at his wife, Cassandra, and smiled a smile so carefree one would think that even if his media empire came crashing down all about him, he would simply shrug it off and move on. Not like that is about to happen of course. He dropped down on the lush couch next to her, they were spending some quality time in his private lounge. Lounge being an understatment naturally.

"Honey, what do you think?" He looked at her then his face tilted upwards and a look of power and control came over him, a dominating face, one which would watch on as the galaxy ate from the palm of his hand or at least that's how he would have it. That's how he will have it.

"Awe inspiring!" She answered with a look of delight she clapped her hands in a glamarous yet sincere way. She was a stunning woman, GNN didn't need to have her on it's front page for every other media companey would make sure their readers would be able oogle at her; desperate to increase their numbers.

"The Jedi Council will be thinking: 'Now how on earth did he know that?' I even know the ins and outs of the Jedi. Do you think I should feel guilty about scooping them from announcing their own news?" He asked rhetorically, a big, toothy grin followed by laughter which his wife accompanied in unison.

"No of course not, baby!" She said in a mothering tone, resting her hands on his face she pulled him in close. "After all, you worked hard for that scoop!"

"Real hard..." He replied moving in closer to satisfy her beckoning. Then there was a beeping coming from his jecket pocket. He groaned as he pulled away and delved into his pocket to answer his comm-link.

"Yes?" He asked with a voice of irritation.

"Mr. Spearman, sir, your transport has arrived." Came his reply, it was Mrs. Soyeur, his personal assistant reporting from down below; several hundred feet down below actually. Standing up, Hermes made his way to the huge window that stretched the perimeter of his enormous lounge that consisted of an entire spare floor near the top GNN's Main News Centre in the middle of commerce capital. Looking out across the undending metropolis from his cloud-touching ivory tower, he couldn't help but feel like a man of great power and importance - which needless to say, he is - someone like Emperor Palpatine. His faced brightened.

"My wife and I will be down shortly."

Taro Idol
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:11:09 PM
Almost half an hour later, the damn limo finally arrives at the Justice Court. I was beginning to develop claustrophobia. Outside, I look up the steps leading up to the Court's entrance. There's the podium. All ready for todats announcement. And to think that I'm going to be the showstealer once again. Poor Spearman won't know what hit him! It'll probably be some huge, longwinded speech about the Jedi officially returning to Coruscant and building up all hype and publicity and a whole bunch of other crap that I'll put a stop to!

"Here sir?"

My driver. He's been with us for a couple of days and seems alright so far. Though I wouldn't fully trust him with anything important just yet!

"No. Carry on three blocks and take a right, then stop at the alley."

"Yes sir."

He carries on, past the already large gathering of reporters. If I were Hermes Spearman I'd tell their noses out of my damn scoop! Pathetic creatures! As the limo turns the corner, I can already see my contact waiting just inside the alley. The limo comes to a stop...

"Let him in."

The driver gets out, and nervously runs around. All he's got to do is open a damn door - what's so complicated?

Gav Mortis
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:20:15 PM
It was a chilly morning; the air was crisp and relatively still for Coruscant but that is not to say that there was no traffic, afterall Gav was in the very nerve-centre of the city planet and there was a fair bit of activity in the airlanes above. The quiet before the storm. He had been waiting here for about ten minutes now, although he was out of sight he would occassionally pace the sidestreet casually until finally an elongated luxurious vehicle pulled up alongside him.

"Good morning." Gav said with a bow to the cheuffer, playing up to the role that would ensure his identity would remain undisclosed. His clothes were rather elaborate but due to the thousands of sub-culture groups that inhabbited the planet he went relatively unnoticed.

"So what do you think?" He asked once inside. Taro was looking at him with a face lined with amusement. Gav was pretending to be a force-user of some anonymous cult of sorts. His trousers were a bold red, dotted with silver lining down the sides, the trousers were huge and their width was pulled in at his waist by a silver belt made of synthetic leather. On top of that he wore an equally dazzling red tunic and a gunmetal-grey surcoat with matching boots. To hide his face, he wore a turban made of many layers of silver and black materials that wrapped around his foread and across his face so that only his eyes were visible.

"I thought as much." He confirmed, his eyes narrowed as he smirked beneath the disguise. Of course, Taro had never seen Gav's face and he was known to him as Keeto Mora; one-man-army and hater of all force-users as opposed to Gav Mortis; Sith Master and manipulative genius. Without his input, none of this would be taking place today.

"At least it's convincing. Your men know what they must do? Are they in position yet?" He questioned, although they had an hour and a half before the revelation was to be unveiled, he wanted to make sure everything was going to plan.

"I can't help feel a bit guilty. After all it was I who informed Mr. Spearman of the news, now we are going to gatecrash his party. I can't help but wonder what the general consensus will be with regards to the jedi returning to Coruscant. How do you think the people would react without our intervention?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:46:51 PM
"They'd react however they were told to react"

Diego's voice was deadpan and cool, from the opposite seat, facing Gav and Taro. His hands were folded neatly in his lap, and the custom suit he wore gave him the image of professional intimidation. His normally-wild locks were pulled back tightly, and his blue eyes were concealed behind dark sunglasses. From Diego's standpoint, public opinion was not his concern. Wisely, he'd seen Taro's skill in such an arena for what it was, and fortunately for Taro, Diego could appreciate the rhetoric. He had become an unspoken follower, as satiated by Taro's designs as he was by the wages paid for his protection. Meager, perhaps, but it was all for a good cause in his eyes.

He glanced outside, to the crowd outside the building.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:33:37 PM
Vymes grimaced, allowing the bitter headache powder to slide into his mouth. Quickly, he chased it with lukewarm coffee, which didn't exactly help the bitter taste. For that matter, it didn't seem to do much for the headache either. The Wilks case had the kind of resolution to it that seemed to be of divine origin. A Mr. Tam Arnold, murdered, and with enough contraband on his person to put him away for a decade if he wasn't so inconveniently deceased...and just so happens to have Janie Wilks' necklace. Not that she'd mind, since she'd been found face-down in a garbage compactor a week ago. Vymes was a fan of open and shut cases, but there was such a thing as "too convenient". Something, at any rate, didn't sit right with him...if the headache was any indication. Then again, Chief Saxur himself had closed the case. Unless a magical smoking gun rose from out of nowhere to point them in a different direction, it was the best Vymes could do. For now...there were bigger things on his plate. For one, the newest visitors to Coruscant. The signs were all there on the wall, sure enough...but what few knew, and those few including Vymes, were that the Jedi weren't just increasing their presence on the city planet. They were returning their full operation to Coruscant...rebuilding the Jedi Temple, and probably starting a viciously-capitalistic chain of coffeehouses to boot. Or at least one greasy spoon down in Coco district. It hadn't begun to cramp his style...yet. Hell, if the Jedi decided to set up shop on Coruscant while saving the galaxy, that was fine by him. But so long as the local perps were still his responsibility. Vymes didn't like to get his toes stepped on. Even if the feet stepping on his toes were "enlightened", or whatever mantra the Jedi believed in.

For now...it was another day in the mid-levels...and Vymes was ready for a new day's challenges.

Hermes Spearman
Sep 17th, 2002, 09:47:14 AM
When the turbolift doors slid open, the Spearmans expected to blinded by a great many flashing lights and inquisitive voices. but no, security had kept their promise and all photographers and reports were outside, pressed up against the glass, peering inside desperately. There were a few dimmed camera flashes and muffled voices but not enough to distract the couples attention as they walked past and around to the other side of the building.

"Ah, good morning, Mr. Soyeur!" Hermes chirped, shaking his hand. His assistant knew it was big when his boss acted like this. He smiled in return.

"Good morning, sir. Good morning, Mrs. Spearman. Your transport is this way."

The trio begun there descent down a flight of steps and into a private parking facility were an elongated speeder was found, complete with roof and dark windows for privacy. The engine was humming, ready to go and the chauffeur stood at the door ready to greet his passengers.

Once inside, Hermes and Cassandra helped themselves to a bottle of water and were then on their way. The news crews outside darted after the vehicle until it picked up speed and was out of sight. The time for rehearsals was over, the head of GNN was bursting with confidence and nothing would spoil his day.

Taro Idol
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:04:18 PM
"The people, as you so eloquently put it, would probably react with smiles and open arms as it stands. But once they know the truth, they'll wish the Jedi never were!"

Too right! And if I have anything to do with it - which I will - then the "people" will find out the truth sooner rather than later. Much to the dismay of the fabulously fantastic Jedi peacekeepers. And what a day to make an appearance as well! It's not long now until the Jedi actually do return to Coruscant. And that day is a very special day indeed. Not just because they return either! But in the meantime, I have work to do. But I'm not going to tell you what it is just yet as that would spoil all the fun and frolics!

My limo makes a three-point-turn and heads back round the corner to the Justice Court. Who's that on the opposite side of the street, next to the coffee shop? Maybe they're here for the press-release! There's not long to go now, and....

...That's more like it! The reporters are now arriving en masse! Which means that I'd better make sure everybody is in place. We can't have hiccup's on opening night - and this might as well be a dress-rehearsal! They are, after all, both as important as each other!

I speak to my two newly-made friends in the limo with me, both of them just as imposing as each other, whilst simultaneously pressing a button on my wristwatch...

"Are you gentlemen ready to rustle some feathers?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:19:43 PM
Diego gave a subtle nod, as if Idol needed his rhetorical question answered.

"I'm not very likely to preen them."

Gav Mortis
Sep 30th, 2002, 08:31:54 AM
"No doubt." Gav replied blankly in response to Taro's question. He glanced outside, the density of people was increasing as they neared the Justice Courts; the masses blindly followed the media like lambs to the slaughter. Today, unbenknownst to both Idol and Spearman, Gav hoped to forge an unspoken alliance between the two for they were but pawns in his scheme but if these two titans can find some common ground from which to speak then their message will be heard and believed.

"Remember, allow our Mr. Spearman to have his limelight before the interruption. This has to look completely natural when the cameras are rolling." Gav's small words of advice were all that he thought were neccessary to make certain that everything went to plan, Taro knows what he's doing or at least he thinks he does which is good enough. If all goes according to plan then Mr. Spearman will indeed have a good story to tell to the rest of the Galaxy.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:04:49 PM
She was just about to turn away from the growing scene when a black limousine pulled around the corner, and with it, a few rather distinctive auras entered her field of perception. One was instantly recognizable due to the dark impression he created in the Force; identifying the others accompanying him was not so simple, but their contrasting attitudes made it easier for the empath to distinguish between them.

Unfortunately, one of the pair had not taken a very benevolent approach to Taja when first they had met, but it was he who felt most familiar. With an unnecessary sigh, she quietly slipped into the crowd as the vehicle proceeded down the congested road.

Taro Idol
Oct 8th, 2002, 02:37:04 AM
"You needn't worry. Everything's taken care of!"

Well, theoretically speaking, everything's been taken care of. Chaos theory would suggest that absolutely anything could happen here today, but I'm not a Chaotician. I'm not even chaotic - contrary to what you may think. However, I'm scientifically-minded enough to realise the impact of extraneous variables on the outcome of a situation. The bunsen was on just too high. Poor Mrs. Fletcher! I told her to leave it alone but she wouldn't listen. Happy days long gone - I loved school! I'm not certain if the feelings mutual though!

The limosine literally ploughs through the mass of reporters and camera's and flashing lights of security vehicles - all gathered for the GNN press release which is being made in just a few minutes. Beyond the podium and up the Court's steps, I notice the doors slowly open. I guess that means Hermes Spearman's arrived. I glance quickly out of the back windw of the limo. It's tinted so she doesn't see me. But I barely notice her. Taja. What's she doing here? Maybe I'll buy her a coffee after the press release. If I survive it.

Of course I will.

Who can stop Me?

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:50:58 AM
Taja drew in a deep breath and swiveled around, veering quickly out of the way of a woman who the Dark Jedi immediately sensed was working for the authorities. Needless to say, they had no evidence linking her to the crimes at the tenament buiilding, and so no reason to doubt her for anything. But the dark side energies she manipulated and which coated her being would be a dead giveaway to any Force sensitive officer.

She could feel him, closer now. But that wasn't her main concern at the moment: she was here to obtain information for a friend, and Taro just so happened to be involved. If she were to stumble across him along the way ... well, so what?

An announcement blared from the podium, introducing Hermes Spearman to the crowd and issuing standard warnings for all those gathered from opposing newsgroups. Attaching herself to a small group, a considerable distance away from the stand, she watched.

Rath Ancabra
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:58:34 AM
"C'mon, c'mon! Can't you bastards move any faster?"

The man's nearest neighbor received a nasty jab in the side as Rath violently elbowed his way past the mob, teeth gritted and through which a flurry of curses were being voiced. He was late. But as he finally managed to shove away the last idiot standing in his path, his starkly painted face cracked into a grin: his 'master' hadn't arrived yet.

The thought was, however, short-lived. That old geezer Spearman would be starting the show soon enough. Where the frell was Taro?

Taro Idol
Nov 12th, 2002, 07:35:49 AM
On time.

That's where I am, Rath. You see, the brilliance about my cognition is that I can subconsciously, unconsciously and consciously read the thoughts of others and interpret them to you whilst allowing you to hear some of my internal thoughts. Albeit internally of course, but you already knew that, didn't you?

The limo comes to a stop on the corner of the bock that the Justice Court resides on. Between me and the pedestal lies a swarming sea of reporters, further separated by several security personnel around the steps leading up to the buildings entrance. Instead of waiting for my nervous and rather insufficient chauffer to get out, run around and open my door, I get out myself. When you want something done right - do it yourself! I guess you could say that's what all this is about.

Stepping out into the cool, not-so-fresh, early morning Coruscant high-street flash-photography-filled air, I reluctantly inhale slightly. Where's a nebulizer when you need one? Like a jacked-up thug looking for drugs in a baby's dirty cot, I see Taja on the opposite continent (damn reporters!). She looks over but I don't know if she can see me. I "smile" her way in case she does. Then it's off towards the front. And that's not exactly a small inconvenience. I think crowd-surfing would be a quicker option. Where's Rath's band when you need it? After a few seconds of trying to actually get into the crowd, I decide it's easier if I simply walk around. The collumns on the far left hand side of the crowd seem to be attracting a minimal amount of the security's attention, so I think I'll take that route. If I know this Spearman as well as I think I do, he'll be about another three and a half minutes. But then again - I don't know Spearman at all aside from his face being plastered on the first issue of GNN Weekly. (They have a daily version, but an event that occured yesterday is of little concern to people who live six days away on the tenth moon of Vesper Kindi - no such place, but you get the idea!). I'm sure if I got to know him he'd turn out to be a Force-hater like myself.

Sorry, let me re-phrase that. I'm sure if he got to know me, he'd be a Force-hater like myself! Maybe we'll do lunch sometime!

Hermes Spearman
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:10:55 AM
"A reasonable turn-out." He commented as he peared out of his tainted window. Outside there were several hundred spectators, a percentage of whom were naturally reporters and correspondants for other media networks wanting to gobble up the scraps from the GNN table. "Ok, here we go."

With enthusiasm he stepped out of the speeder once it had been opened for him, he knew it was important to generate his own enthusiasm through his words and actions into the crowd. It wasn't just the content of a speech that was important, it was naturally the delivery that was equally important. He was yet to meet a man who could rival his ability to sway the masses.

His transport had pulled up alongside the stage on the stairs of the Justice Court, he made his way up to the podium that was covered in microphones and had a bold GNN banner draped from it's imposing face. He smiled upon reaching it and looked out, the boulevard seemed to stretch on forever, one day he would fill it, one day. But for now there was an impressive sea of people all eager to discover what he was to announce.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I considered opening with something catchy along the lines of: 'I am honoured to bring you a GNN exclusive'. But then again, one finds the blatantly obvious to leave a sour taste on the tongue." He chuckled looking down at the other newsgroups and their common visage of dissapproval. How the truth stings.

"So my fellow citizens, I can only take delight in delivering personally this most important announcement that will effect the very future of our precious world. The very epicentre of the Galaxy." His voice clear and bold, but not overly-dramatic. He had a flare for keeping his audience in nail-biting anticipation. He held his silence a moment longer then lifted his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Jedi Order is coming home!"

His announcement was accentuated with flashes of light and met with a universal gasp from all; those in his presence in front of the Republic Courts and the billions who were tuned in across the Galaxy to witness his historical presentation.

"I promised you a piece of news that would prove pivotal in the very future of our Galaxy. With the Imperial threat weakened dramatically and the glorious return of the New Republic; the Jedi have multiplied on Arcan IV and will establish proper residence here within the next three months. So I, Hermes Spearman, have to present the people with the following question: 'What will this mean for the future of the free people and free democracy?'"

He delivered the question with such gusto and significance that the voices in the crowd were piqued and the response was more than he had hoped for. They were already immersed in heated discussion; some happy, others outraged. The tip of the iceberg and he gave a moment before coninuing, allowing the enthusiasm to grow.

Gav Mortis
Nov 25th, 2002, 11:54:05 AM
Carefully watching Taro dissapear into the crowd, Gav made sure to make his way to roughly the same place on the opposite side of the crowd. He had a feeling Diego would follow Taro to a degree being somewhat of a bodygaurd to the eccentric revolutionary.

The speech had begun, not without Spearman feeding fat his own ego first. How devastating a public-relations duo he and Taro would form. Gav stood near a Correlian newgroup when the big-cheese came to his big announcement, he mockingly feined shock in front of them.

"That will be good for us Force-sensitives. We've been on the receiving end of enough abuse and with the Jedi here--" His absent-minded commentary was lost amongst the crowd's noise but at least he contributed. He smiled under his headress and tapped the lightsaber hidden in his garments.

Taro Idol
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:02:06 PM

My voice is, as ever, audible above the uproar. And in an instant, it kills the uproar. Those nearest me look straight at me in horror whilst the rest who hear me look in my general direction with looks of confusion, astonishment and disgust. Hermes Spearman even takes time out from his busy schedule to glance over at me. Slowly walking over to the empty space to the left of the podium, I plant my cane into the ground with every other step I take.

"The End. That's what it will mean...the end."

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 2nd, 2002, 03:50:29 PM
Diego steps silently behind Taro, blue eyes glancing about with a fierce edge to them. His suit is cut so as to show exactly how much mass the man carries with him. Leaving the oration to Taro and Gav, Diego waits for his moment. Action suits him better than words.

Hermes Spearman
Dec 2nd, 2002, 06:04:34 PM
He smiled, pleased with himself. Just the reaction he had hoped to get out of these people. Some shrugged and didn't seemed to care to much and that Hermes hoped would change soon. Other than the few who didn't seem to be particularly bothered, the crowd seemed divided. Now to rattle the sabre.

"At last the Jedi Knights that once upheld the values of peace and justice for the Old Republic will now return and enforce the laws of the New Republic and help govern control throughout Coruscant. Who knows, perhaps one day the Jedi will restore order to the galaxy. To this humble man of the people, that day seems so far away." He gave a sigh of unhapinness, acting his speech through to the end. He suddenly perked up.

"But I believe that the people are those who should decide how their lives and ways are to be governed. Will the return of the Jedi Order threaten democracy and let us not forget what happened the last time we all believed justice and order were strong. Then came the Emperor and his reign of terror. Perhaps we can consider the return of the Jedi Order a trial run or perhaps the decision is out of our hands but I have to ask is the change happening to fast and do things look worryingly like the past. Will we see a viscious circle of history repeating itself or is this a new age of civilization?"

Taro Idol
Dec 11th, 2002, 10:08:31 AM
Walking up beside Mr. Spearman, I lean in slightly so that the camera's capture both our faces for the numberless viewers, as well as to get mic coverage...

"If you ask me, it's not the speed of the change that's the problem, it's the mere existence of the change I don't like!"

He looks puzzled, as if to say "Who the hell do you think you are? That's my mic!" R-O-N-G - WRONG! This is my mic. And this is my podium! So get off it. Here, I'll help you. Nudging him aside politely, I centre myself behind the podium and, as a result, the array of microphones atop it.

"If something is'nt broke - don't fix it. Okay, so the Galaxy isn't perfect as it is, but you certainly don't bend something even more once it's been broken. And believe you me - allowing Jedi to set up shop on Coruscant again will be like pouring helixel on a raging inferno! For what they are you might as well call them thought-police. What can they do that normal law enforcement can't - aside from control the minds of the people they meet. Your average cop can subdue a criminal, but he can't talk them into slitting their own throats to save money on incarcerating them. A Jedi can. If the Jedi bring their power back to the capital then their won't be a free people to decide anything. And that will allow the 'upholders of peace and justice' to make up any rules and regulations they like. And even if things go well with the Jedi, who's to say one of them won't gewt the bright idea of taking all the power for themselves. It's not like they saw Palpatine coming!"

Looking down slightly, I notice Hermes' untouched glass of water. I take a sip, receiving a few giggles from the crowd, before continuing.

"It's too much a risk allowing the Jedi to control things. They may mean well, but in the end absolute power corrupts absolutely. I think one chance is enough - and they failed first time round as far as I'm concerned. If it wasn't for the Jedi, then Vader and Palpatine wouldn't have showed up and destroyed Alderaan all those years ago! Next time, it could very well be Coruscant that goes!"

Gav Mortis
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:05:14 PM
"Oh really!" Gav cried out over the now tempestuous crowd, the immediate groups of people around him went quiet to listen to what he had to say. "And what would someone like you propose we go and do? What about the rest of us force-sensitives who need protection from people like you and your intolerance?"

Gav had now made his way through the crowd to the bottom of the stairs where he could no be clearly seen. The heated discussion between himself and Taro Idol sparked the interest and the many opposing views of the crowds. No matter how many people in the crowd agreed with Idol's words, an equal amount were angered by them, likewise for what Gav said.

"If it were up to you and your kind, all of us force-sensitives would be locked away and cast out to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy!" He scoffed with fury, now ascending closer to Taro's position. There were cheers of agreement and counter-arguments, both laden with cursing and abusive language. It looked like he and Taro were tapping a nerve with the people.

"Let's think back to how the Empire formed! With the massacre of the Jedi Knights. The Jedi are our protectors, are carers who crave not power or domination. Without them the free people will not be safe." Now standing on par with Mr. Idol, Gav in his disguise, pulled him down from the podium and took his place.

"People of Coruscant, I plead with you to give the Jedi Knights a warm welcome back to their home. Rest assured with these great and wise warriors we will be safe and the torment of force-sensitives like myself will one day be brought to an end. Let us make a stand against this discrimination, this outrage and intolerance. Welcome home once again, Jedi Knights!"

There were cheers and angry retorts, argunments had begun all around, heated confrontations ensued as the police and authorities began to look concerned and took the places.

Hermes Spearman
Dec 11th, 2002, 02:14:25 PM
Looking somewhat flustered, Hermes stepped away from his podium and glanced over to his security gaurds for assistance. But there came none for at a second look he realised something was odd about them, he hadn't seen these men before. Perhaps they were new to the job but surely they wouldn't allow these two nobodies to steal the show.

Looking to his right, Spearman ordered his camera crews to pull out and move into the raging masses that surrounded the Justice Courts. Trouble was brewing and the media mogul would ensure he would have the best footage.

"Perhaps some good will come from this chaos after all."

Taro Idol
Dec 11th, 2002, 03:03:48 PM
Welcome home Jedi Knights.

"And farewell democracy! Farewell free-will! Farewell liberty. Farewell free people!"

Who needs a mic when you've got a voice like mine. I always was good at shouting.

I'm not discriminating. I'm not intolerant. I'm fearful. Fearful of the inevitable. Like it or not. If the Jedi are allowed to exercise such power and authority over not only the people, but the governments and leaders, then there will soon be no such thing as a free people. Democracy will perish under the foot of deception amidst the flames of abuse. I'm not asking anybody to wage war against the Jedi. All I'm asking is for somebody to put a stop to the crimes against existence. In the eyes of existence, that's what people who use the force are - criminals. What could be worse than a crime against life itself? Not against the living - but against life! This abuse of nature must be stopped before irrepairable damage is done! It's people like this man that will bring about the downfall of nature. If no Jedi were trained, then they couldn't be corrupted in the first place, so there would ge no fear of Sith or Dark Jedi showing up and spoiling what we've worked so hard to achieve."

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 12th, 2002, 02:36:26 PM
It takes a spark to ignite a flame.

The crowd grew restless, as Diego slipped to the periphery, where two confused and overwhelmed police attempted to keep the peace, in a mob that was growing more and more outraged. Chanting turned to indecipherable shouting, as fists shook in the air. The two cops, nervous and unsure, attempted to sooth them. Diego stepped forward to the younger one...and smiled.

"It just isn't your day, son."

He clapped one hand on the man's gun arm, holding his hand in place and preventing him from drawing his weapon. With his other hand, he reached across, and tugged at the man's jaw, until his neck snapped. The other guard drew his weapon, but Diego had already placed the corpse between the last remaining officer and himself. Now...the crowd would follow suit, and take care of the other.

imported_Taja Loraan
Dec 27th, 2002, 04:51:27 AM
She returned Taro's smile when he glanced towards her direction, although it appeared insincere and plastic. The Dark Jedi was preoccupied with locating another... Diego. He had silently left Taro's side while he and Metal Man - who, it seemed, had opted to delve through a more 'cultural' wardrobe today - gradually worked up the crowd. They were openly trying to instigate a riot... and Spearman was all too willing to oblige them.

Taja separated herself from the group, who were hurling insults and threats at whoever happened to be on the podium, and moved to where the Lupine stood. Without warning, someone on Taja’s right lunged forward onto the man in front, then followed with a volley of wild punches to his face and chest. Similar outbreaks of violence were taking seed throughout the assembly, beginning with Diego’s attack and spurred on by the age-old ‘debate’ between Gav and Taro. Not that any of this concerned Taja… there was only a single (main) motive for her to be here, and that was to observe the Lupine.

Taro Idol
Dec 27th, 2002, 03:14:57 PM
And the penny dropped! And it dropped so silently and suddenly that I almost missed it hit the ground with a crack. Rather like that poor fellows bullet-riddled body. So that's where Diego got to! Time to rock the proverbial boat. Grasping my cane firmly, I look out to the crowd once again. Everything seems to be in slow motion. How dramatic. Eyes in the crowd acknowledge my signal as they move to start the riot. One of my larger "apostles" leaps up out of the crowd right at me.


His red-stained cheek runs with blood in the rain as around him others fight the good fight and all that nonesense. I just wish this would hurry up and be over with. I hate bad weather! I suppose it's not too bad - the rolling camera's make it all worth while.


Another malcontent lunges at me. I hope Diego isn't too far away - this guys rather big and Keeto's posing as a force-user so he can't exactly help me!

In your own time Diego!

Diego Van Derveld
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:43:23 PM
In the powderkeg, it was easy to slip unnoticed and reappear in due course. Diego slipped away from the riot's flashpoint, and proceeded to the podium, where the shockwaves were just being felt. Those against Taro's rhetoric were now advanding on him...one in particular. With an easygoing stride, Diego reached the stage, pressed the heel of his shoe against the man's forehead as he precariously surmounted the top of the stage, and pushed him back into the crowd below. Already, there were others who agreed with Taro, flocking to the rabble-rouser like vultures to carrion. One smashed a bottle over the bald man's head, bloodying him. Diego closed his eyes, the scent of blood a bit of a temptation.

Taro Idol
Mar 21st, 2003, 05:09:27 PM
That was close. Diego could have lit his cigarra there and then. Some people had gathered around the base of the podium, separating myself and the crowd in its entirety. I hadn't even been here for fifteen minutes and already there were people here who were willing to lay down their lives to protect me. Already the seed was planted and the passion would grow bigger and bigger until it was ready to be set alight. But not yet. It's too soon. I need more support. And this is the perfect opportunity. Like I always say - there's no such thing as bad publicity. Scanning the immediate vicinity, I notice several small black droids bobbing to and fro in the air above the congregation of hatred. On the casing of each surveyor I notice the GNN symbol. Perfect. I grab one of the microphones and remove it from its holder on the podium. Following that, I remove one of the shoes belonging to a man who's either unconscious or dead on the floor to my left. Jogging slightly, I reach the top of the stairs. A careful aim and an impressively accurate throw later, three of the five droids are moving closer to my position in front of the Justice Court's main doors.

People of the Galaxy viewing at home. Already you can see the effect of Force sensitives on society. Somebody expresses a view of supporting peace, and nobody says anything. But if people wear t-shirts and caps with logo's promoting war and the everyone would have something to say about it. It's the same thing here. The Jedi cause so much malcontent by returning that it tears society apart. Normal everyday people fighting and killing each other over wizards in ivory towers who don't even care what happens to them. Well I do. And I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back while the Force-users manipulate and deceive the people. I'm going to fight back. How many of you are going to fight with me?"

There were cheers from the crowd. It was somewhat audible above all the shouting and screaming. Looking to my right, I notice Hermes Spearman surrounded by security guards.I throw him his mic.

"Thanks for the air time! Until we meet again!"

I give a mock salute and leave him with it. As I descend the steps, my transportation tears around the corner, knocking Keeto over. As I hurry inside, he standsup again and jumps onto the hood and aims his blasters at the window and opens fire. But the blaster-proof glass simply deflects the lasers off into the air. A stray shot hits one of the GNN droids. Unfortunately I don't think it counts for damaging company property. Never mind. Time to go. The alcohol needs to ferment before it's flammable.