View Full Version : Change.... (Alpha and Open)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 09:34:25 PM
By: Creed

Caught up in the middle
Had no choice, had no choice
Birthright forgotten, so silent
No voice
I see you
You know who
Little sister, little sister
Now realize little sister
Overlooked little girl
Bottled up and empty holding back
At loss you're forgotten
Getting back, get back
Expectations of another
Love given to the younger
Broken father, broken brother
Emptiness feeds the hunger
I see you
You know who
Little sister, little sister
Now realize little sister
Overlooked little girl
Change, change, change


A calm wave passed over the Bar and Grill as a woman passed through the doors, clad in white robes. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in several braids which wreathed her head.....dotted with several white flowers. A cicle with silver coins rested atop the braids and they shined in the light from the ceilings. Slowly she walked toward and empty booth beside a large window and sat down. Gently she took her hand to the necklace that she wore and smiled.....recalling how five years ago that very day, she and Satine Capashen had become blood siblings. It was definatly something to remember....something to celebrate.

In her hands she held a long wooden box with his name engraved upon the lid and the Jedi Warrior symbol below it. Inside the box was a beautiful weapon.....a sword. It's hilt was black with blue engravings upon it in a language only known to a few about the Order. A form of Elvish it was......Quenya.....something she had picked up from Dasquian and Marcus, and now spoke fluently. The words which were written meant: "Forever in my heart you will be.....". Truly, that phrase was written. The blade was long and wide.....silver in color with black engravings spanning up the flat, curved side of it. Inside the hilt were three bluish colored crystals and one clear focusing crystal. A black button rested in the middle of the hilt and when pressed.....two blue beams of energy would shoot forth from the middle of the hilt.....and coil around the blade, creating the effects of a saber, but upon silver. It was truly magnificent.

A few passerbys eyed the box curiously, but quickly diverted their attention away as Xazor tucked it away on the side of her so that others would not be standing around when she gave it to her Brother. Now she would sit and await his arrival. The Garou had sent word to him through his com-link that she wished to see him in the Bar and Grill this eve.......but he had no idea for what.....so it would be quite a surprise......

ooc: Just in case anyone is wondering, this is set five years into the future from where my time line currently stands.

Sep 7th, 2002, 09:56:54 PM
The Jedi Warrior-Defender walked through the halls, tucking a little package into his belt, underneath his flowing silver robes. The package was very special to him. Nothing much, but one of his most prized possessions he wanted his sister to have. It was, after all, five years to the day they had met.

Running one hand over his braided silver ponytail--he had decided to let it grow out, and braid his silver hair--and then scratching his goatee, Satine grins, remembering all that had happened. He had become a Mastre, gotten rid of his evil version of himself, and through it all, Satine had kept his sister.

Now he was giving Xazor the sabre he had earned through the trials of Sorsha. the one he had used during his time as a Warrior Jedi Knight, Engraved on the well worn handle was Satine's own personal symbol, and, written in runic underneath was:

May this serve you well,

Walking into the bar and grill, Satine looked around, and sent a warm wave of thoughts at Xazor.

Hello sis. I heard you wanted to see me? he sends through the Force, grinnign as he steps up behind her.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:23:55 PM
Xazor closed her eyes and grinned to herself at his words. Something told her that he knew exactly why she called her there. Opening her eyes once again, she turned around and eyed him curiously and then giggled to herself.

"Indeed......I did......."

The Jedi Master rose from her seat with the long wooden box in her hand. She approached her Brother and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him tightly. Many things had changed in the last five years.....but their relationship had not. They were closer than ever now, and blood did not matter to her. He was her blood......her family. Smiling, she pulled away and looked him over. He had become a great Master and so had she. They served the Light together and fought for Peace and Justice. So many other things around them had been altered.....but not them......she had him through everything.......

"You know what this day is, I am guessing.....since I know you so well......I am sure you know."

She winked gently and moved back to the table, waiting for him to sit before she herself did. This would prove very interesting indeed......

Sep 7th, 2002, 10:31:30 PM
Satine hugs back, and grins as he takes the seat offered to him--a cocky grin. One that wasn't seen very much anymore--looking at his dear sister.

"Yes, I do know. Five years ago, on this day, we met." In reflex, Satine's left hand goes and fiddles with the ring he wore on his right--the one Xazor gave him.

"I have something for you actually." Satine says, reaching for his belt.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:46:58 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded......she too in reflex reached up and touched the necklace that he had given her. She had never taken it off since the day he put it on her. Smiling, she blushed slightly and let her eyes fall to the wooden box in her hands. It was rather heavy, for having the beautiful sword with exquisite design inside.

"I too have something for you......"

She said softly, placing the long box upon the table and then sliding it over to him. A large grin passed over her lips and stayed upon her face as she waited for him to take the gift from her. The Garou had crafted it herself....and it had taken her a long while to do it. Hopefully he liked the sword.......

Sep 8th, 2002, 09:51:54 AM
Satine smiles, and opens the box, giving a little gasp. He takes the sword out, looking at it in awe.

"It's magnificent...Thank you." he says grinning. Then he falters. "Though it makes what I have to give you trivial, and definately not enough..."

He takes out the sabre--one he had constructed when he was a Padawan, with the rare silver gems from Kirin Taq--and puts that on his sister's side of the table.

"It's not much, but...Well, you know I've never been good with these kinda things."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:56:25 PM
Xazor smiled brightly, glad that her Brother had liked the gift she had given to him. Her eyes shift to a saber that was placed before her. She gently took it in her hands and marveled at it...then noticed the words. Smiling once again, she looked up with a glint of moisture in her eyes...hinting of a tear, perhaps. She held it back and beamed.

"Not much?! It's beautiful and I say that I am unworthy of such a gift dear Brother....."

Her curiousity was sprung then as she thought of the color of the blade. She remembered him having this saber...but she recalled little of it. Perhaps he would tell her of it or she would find out on her own. Again her eyes shifted to the hilt...it was magnificent in construction and shined brightly in the light still to that day.

"Tell me....is this the saber you built as a Padawan?"

She was really curious now and wished for him to tell her about this weapon....and all that he had been through with it.....

Sep 8th, 2002, 06:06:16 PM
"Yes." Satine says, looking at the silver blade. "I constructed it out of a silver gem known for its beauty and rarity on Kirin Taq. Though I switched to my Loris Daggers, and then my black-bladed sabres, this has been with me through it all...Though you probably would get bored with its history."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:31:58 PM
Xazor was fascinated already. A silver gem....how curious! She smiled and shook her head at his assumption and nodded for him to continue.

"Why would I become bored of such a thing? I lost my first saber to Athena in Battle...so it hardly has any history. I wish to hear of yours....."

She smiled brightly as she spoke, truly wondering about the background of this spectacular weapon....

Sep 10th, 2002, 07:20:18 PM
"Well, I built it during my first time in the Jedi--back when Shay Katylon and I, along with Spadix and Bourica formed the Yougn Ones--and it served me through the assault on the Sith Empire's Headquarters. I set it aside when I became a Knight then, in favor of a pure white blade, and then I took it up again after Sorsha tricked me to rejoin the Sith. I used it ever since. It was with me when I defended Iyza that last time. It was there when I faced off with Sorsha, and finally bested her, along with Dark Alpha's clone. Basically I have used it for some of the most important things in my time here." Satine smiles and thought about the silver blade.

"For some reason I always have used the color silver. Silver hair, and eeys, silver bladed weapons, the necklace I gave you even had a silver stone....Odd, huh?" he asks with a smile.