View Full Version : Foolish: Without You [Closed, Stormriders]

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 08:34:45 PM
OOC- Only open for the Stormriders

Juclesia sat down by a tree, exhaling for a long moment. She had been walking for days and now ran out of water. She pulled her long black hair over her left shoulder then leaned back against the tree. The heat was overwhelming but still somehow, refreshing. She closed her eyes, feeling the heatwave hit everything in its path.


"Mommy ! Mommy !" A little girl cried.

"What's wrong, darling ?" Juclesia asked.

"I fell and scraped my knee ..." The little girl muttered.

Juclesia smiled and held the little girl in her arms.

"I wonder how your brothers are doing ..." She murmured.


She sighed. "Destiny, Xenodoros, Lance ..."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 09:03:52 PM
Xeno was a traveller. The truth, the opportunities that were ahead of him seemed to lead him to many places. But the strange thing was, he thought he travelled for no reason. But then again, there were reasons. Moral reasons that he gained by thinking about his life.

His past, his present, his future stormed threw his mind, yet there was nothing really he could do. He always seemed to ask himself why things were like they were. Why did everything have to change?

The young, blue-eyed man remembered when he used to run around the plains, or when he was taught by his father how to maneuver a ship.

But what puzzled Xeno was his mother. He didn't know who his mother was. Xeno's father never seemed to mention her. And when Xeno asked about her, his father seemed to change the subject.

Xeno's life is a real mystery. Walking on a path that he had began to form, Xeno noticed a sweet woman near a tree. He did not hate her like he did with other beings. He didn't ignore her. Xeno's attention was brought to this lady, who seemed to have a little hydration problem

What Xeno was about to do next was really an act that was very odd even for him. He took out his cantine full of water, and set it in front of the lady.

"Here, have some", Xeno's voice seemed softer.

It was a heat that left mouths and lips dry. He knew the sensation of the mouth quenching for something. The lady seemed to please his eye though, something extremely rare to do to Xeno.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:00:31 PM
:: What a strange feeling, what a strange story it was for Lance to have to follow his brother from planet to planet just to watch over him, he thought to him-self that he was foolish becuse he wasn't really gonna do anything to stop him he was just worried about what might happen to his big brother he was the only family left in the galaxy even though he didn't consider him as a brother Lance did.::

I'll follow him everywhere...whenever I can I'll just take a break and hit the road following the footsteps of my brother

:: Those thoughts crossed Lance's mind at each foot step each wounce of breath he let escape, he knew his brother could sense his presence but he hid from a distance following him untill suddenly something..unusual happend...a familiar...yet beautifull and...warm feeling took over Lance's heart, hidden behind a tree he tilted his head to the side to observe Xeno....giving water to a lady..wait...that lady....she wasn't like the others...that little girl...a storm...a spiral of wind formed into Lance's mind...Lance went to hide at a more far distance and sat down on the ground trying to clear his mind out..what could it be...this was unusual.::

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 12:23:11 PM
Straffe had fallowd Lance on his jouney since he was his Master. He fallowed closely behind him and observed the others. He stood in the shadow of the tree to not be seen. He watched as the man offered the strange woman water. He observed her every movement. She seemed familiar in his mind but he could not tell from where. The man had seemed familiar to him to but he did not know his origens ether. He looked over at Lance and noticed that something was bothering him. It must be the aura the woman was giving off in the heat. Something was all to familiar about the woman, the way she talked and moved. It was all to familiar to him.

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:18:05 PM
Juclesia looked up and smiled warmly, her eyes closing for a moment as she held her hand up to take the cantine. She looked at it for a long silent moment before speaking with a soft gentle voice.

"Are you always this nice to strangers, sir ?" She asked, smiling to him.

She then chuckled under her breath and stood up, pulling up her white long dress slowly then looked at him again as she pushed a few strands of dark hair behind her ear. He reminded her of Jecht ... Not physically, but something inside looked like her lost lover.


"Xenodoros Stormrider ! Don't hit your brother !" Juclesia yelled to her son.

"But !"

"No buts, young man. Apologize right now."

"Okay .." The little boy sighed.

Juclesia held a baby girl in her arms as she lectured her son. She then kneeled down and kissed Lance, her second son, on the forehead to cheer him up. She gave Xenodoros a sort of 'motherly' glare, waiting for him to apologize. And when he did, she smiled and ran her hand down his cheek.

"I love you too, you know. I love you all."

She held onto her daughter tighter, looking up to the sky, wondering when Jecht was coming home today. She rarely seen him lately and began noticing that her husband began keeping stuff from her. Late that night, the boys were asleep and Destiny also. She approached her husband. He sat next to an opened window, his face turned away from her. Her eyes sadened as she ran a hand down his cheek.

He looked up to her and kissed her palm. "I have to go ..."


"Well ?"

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:34:34 PM
"Are you always this nice to strangers, sir ?"

Xenodoros blinked for a moment. The warmth of the woman, was comforting, yet disturbing. He felt like staying there, yet he felt like running away from the woman. Her warm smile, killed him inside. Thoughts travelled through Xeno's mind: What the... Who is she? Why am I still standing here?

Xeno's throat was tied up. The familiar figure, the warm touch confused Xeno. His mind was racing, and the blazing sun began to sting as he stood there.

"Well ?"

Xeno shook his head. He couldn't even speak. Why was it so hard for him to answer a simple question. In fact, why was he even offering the woman something to drink? He stood there, mouth open, not knowing what to say.

"No.", he answered, still wondering.

Nothing seemed to matter there. His full attention was focused on that one woman. Xeno's soul felt warm, and confident. Yet he hated it because he didn't know what was happening.

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:42:52 PM
She smiled gently again, tilting her head to the side. Though he was much taller than her, she could tell by his voice that he wasn't some old man. Besides, she was old herself, it just didn't show physically. Though she wasn't much of a fighter, she was very Force-sensitive, which meant she could easily spot people from miles away.

"Seems that you are being followed, young man ... Did you do something bad ?"

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:56:05 PM
Observing her well, Xenodoros tilted his head in the direction she had. It was Lance once again. Xeno had sensed Lance nearby. But Xeno thought only he could sense him because they were family. Narrowing his eyes, he tried looking, but his vision could not reach that far. Xeno could only feel Lance. Xeno thought it was strange that he had brought someone with him. He didn't know who it was, but it was familiar.

Looking at the woman again, he decided not to think about the person that was with Lance. He looked at the woman, as if he were asking for forgiveness. It looked as if her authority had come to play.

"I guess he's not hard to spot. I didn't mean to... but he just...", Xeno paused a moment, a bit angered

"I have done many bad things. I'm sorry", Xeno's guilt made him apologize.

Xenodoros is a stubborn person, and admiting to something was miraculous. He set his head down, as if he were going to be punished.

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:26:24 PM
"I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry, Mother ... I'm sorry, Lance."

The first apologie was more soft, the second one seemed more embarassing for him to admit. Juclesia leaned down on the little Xenodoros and rested her forehead on his, both of them closing their eyes.

"I love you too, you know. I love you all." She murmured.

"It's ... It's alright. Everyone does bad things." She smiled. "You remind me a lot of my first son, at this moment."

She giggled again. The men who were following him didn't seem to want to hurt him, so she just shrugged it off. She dusted off her white dress, then took a slight sip of his cantine, elegantly and well-mannered.

"Thank you. And what is your name, young man ?"

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:47:12 PM
Straffe still stood there and watched as Lance was deep in his thaughts. He turned his attention to the tall dark man who cancerned him a bit. He could feel something in him that was like a itch that he couldnt scratch. He saw how he was kind and curtious but to Straffe he knew that was not his normal being. He looked at the woman as she drank from the cantine. The way she put her hair behind her ear was very paculiar. Straffe had a quick flash back to when he was quite young. He invishioned a woman like her talking with his mother, she had a tear coming down her cheeck. Straffe shook his head and focused on the two of them, he woundered what the man was up to.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:38:51 PM
:: Lance's mind was finally cleared out of this off turmoil..and he rose to his feet still leaning against the tree, he tilted his head to the side to see what Xeno was up to the woman..each time his gaze stopped on her...a feeling...something he hadn't felt...in...wait..Lance suddenly wondered...when did I feel it?......suddenly a lot of questions came to Lance's mind...he started to try to remember things..about him...his father...his brother...but most of all...his mother...what had happend...to her....who was she...but why are these thoughts coming...GO AWAY! Lance then fell on his knees his two hands on his head...there was something wrong..::

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:06:35 PM
Destiny was going around looking for her mother. Her mother wasn't often there for her because she wanted her daughter to become independant, but motherly affection was still needed by the little one. As she passed between all these trees, Destiny noticed a man on the ground with his hands over his head. He looked quite confused or so.

"What's wrong sir?" asked the young girl with a soft serene voice. When she saw the man's face, she felt stunned for a while. It was almost scary to her how he resembled her...the same eyes...same haircolor...

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:35:24 PM
"Your son?", Xenodoros asked a bit surprised.

Xeno imagined that she had a very young child, because the woman appeared young. He let out a sigh, as he remembered the sins that he had done. The lies that he had told, the people he had hurt, the lives he had killed ran through his mind.

"Your son? I don't believe your son can be as terrible as me. I have cut men's heads for money. I have stolen valuable objects to not starve. I don't believe that your son can be compared to me..."

Xeno paused and turned away from the woman. Her sweetness, and beauty was too familiar. He looked again, trying to spot Lance. But he could not see him from that distance. Xeno turned back to the stranger and with the most confident, proud, and firm voice he said:

"My name? They call me Xenodoros Stormrider."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:37:06 PM
:: Lance suddenly heard a voice...another feeling he shook his head and took his hands off..his gaze then suddenly moved above as his jaded eyes encountered Destiny's own jaded eyes...yes indeed she looked a lot like Lance...but Lance wondered who she was...she was very cute..and looked very young too.::

"Uh?...I'm alright young girl....but my who are you? Walking around the woods I suppose eh?" Lance said quietly and shaking his head...his sweat dropped critically as his face was completly wet...he tried to maintain his breathing normal but something prevented it.

:: He then rose to his feet and somehow took the young girl into his arms jsut like he use to do with Kaytor and ran awway from all the others, as soon as they were in a safe distance Lance let her go back down on her feets.::

"Sorry for my sudden insanity...but may I ask who you are really?...Cause you awfully seem familiar" Lance said observing her entirely his eyes not going out of her range.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:16:03 PM
Straffe was there...all alone. He quickly jumped into the tree and hid in the shadows. He was not much of a sociable person but at times he can be. He watched the dark man and the woman in white. He also observed Lance and the young girl in the distance.

Straffe was used to being alone. Being braught up by his mother with out his father, who died when he was very young. He pulled out a picture from his pocket and gazed into it. He spoke with a faint voice.


After his mother died he had set out on a journey to find the others his mother told him about. She said that there were few but others that were like him. After he had reached The Greater Jedi Order he met a man who soon became his master. All that were here seemed to familiar.

He slowly folded the picture and put it back into his pocket. He watched Lance with the little girl and the dark man with the woman dressed in white. He couldn't figure out where he saw her, it was very strange how she looked so familiar. It was her warm smile that was the most familiar to him.

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 09:57:02 AM
Juclesia's eyes widened slowly, though her smile didn't fade. She stood there silent for a long moment. Finally, she had figured out who he was, why he was familiar. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came. Her eyes slowly slid down his cheeks as she pressed her forehead against his, her eyes closing - She used to do this almost all the time when her son did something bad.

"I finally found you, my son ..." Her voice almost broke. "I am Juclesia Stormrider - your mother, Xenodoros."

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 04:32:50 PM
As their eyes met, Destiny saw the man get even more confused. Destiny started fearing the man, so she decided she would try to make the conversation as short as possible. Sadly though, her plans failed as she saw the man take her and start running. That was it, as soon as she felt her feet touch the ground once more, she decided she would listen to whatever the man had to say and then would make up an excuse to leave. She then heard the mans say:

"Sorry for my sudden insanity..." "Sorry?! What do you mean sorry?!" she thought to herself. The stranger kept on asking her what her name was and said she looked familiar, but she had never seen him before. His face wasn't one you could forget.

"My mother taught me not to talk to strangers!" was the first reply that came to the girl's lips. She didn't really feel like telling someone that looked like having mental dilemmas what her name was. Who really knew what was behind that handsome stranger's mind? Somehow, some bond made her say it against her own will, some bond she herself did not understand...

"The name's Destiny! What's yours?" said the teenager with attitude. From what she had heard from her mother, attitude ran in the family: her oldest brother Xenodoros had it, so did the younger one, Lance. Her mother also told her she talked like Lance, same speech, same body language, it was almost as if they were two parts of one soul.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:35:52 PM
:: Lance got up and scarcthed his head lightly "DESTINY"....that name it just...rang something in Lance's head......Lance stood there ashe was listening but he wasn't...he was like in another world... having a flashback.::

:: A soft but distant and uknown voice...spoke while Lance having a flashback...::

"Lance Xeno!...Come and see your little sister"

:: Another voice that sounded more calm and strong ws heard within the flashback..the fadded image of the past..wait what past!? Lance was wondering...when did this happen? Did this even happen...oh god I think I'm going nutts....but the flashback continued on even with Lance's confused::

"Yeah...I think we'll name her...Destiny" The voice...it was him..it was Jecht Lance recognized it even if ti sounded stronger then the Jecht he knew.

"Dad!" His tone was loud as Lance's mind came back to the real world, his gaze then turned back to Destiny as his critical moves and attitude made him talk.::
"I mean! Hey! Nice name Destiny! Name's Lance!" He said extending his hand and then fixing his hair with his left hand.

"Hmm you sure we haven't met before?"Lance said forming an egg with his lips and passing his finger on it.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:59:59 PM
As she saw the young man get up and scratch his head, Destiny wondered what he was thinking about. "How hard can it be to tell your name?" she wondered. She then saw the man have flashbacks, or so it seemed since he did not react when she shook his head. She stood there looking at him, contemplating his confused face. He didn't seem as scary anymore. He looked like a really nice guy with a lot on his mind currently making him go nuts.

Destiny's thoughts were blurred when she heard the man shout "Dad!" out loud. "Dad?! What kind of a name is that?!" she thought. She was about to laugh out loud when he came back to his senses.

The Stormrider girl was flattered to hear that she had a nice name. Lance sounded pretty cool to her aswell:

"Thanks! Yours is pretty nice too! In fact now that I think of it, someone in my family had that name too!" Destiny was reminded of her long lost brother. It pained her to be lucky enough to have two big brothers but to have never had the chance of actually meeting them. She did not feel like discussing her private life with a total stranger at the moment, but her inner pain let it out:

"It was my brother's name..." she said with a tear running down her cheek.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:12:37 PM
:: Lance caught the tear with his finger before it fell down.::

"Hey girl! Chill down" He said scarcthng the back of his head.

"Your brother must've been someone really cool to have the same name as me" He said letting a wink out.

:: Lance then paced around slowly observing her quietly.::

"Hmm how old are you?" He said puzzled.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:27:21 PM
Straffe sat in the tree, almost completely hidden in the shadows of the leaves. He continued to watch the four people and saw how some of them looked and acted quite familiar. Something from his past, before his father died. It was the woman that concerned him the most, he just couldn't figure it out.


"Hey Lance...Xeno...Wanna play tag...Your it!!!"

The three boys ran around trying to touch each other, smiling and laughing.


Straffe shook his head.
"Couldn't be...."
He closely examed both of them.


"Auntie Juclesia!!!"

A little boy ran and gave a woman a hug. He was about four years of age. After giving the woman a hug he looked at her and asked

"Wheres Lance and Xeno? Didn't they come with you?"

She smiled and knelt down to look in his eyes.

"No...They didn't come this time they are.....on a trip with their father."

It seemed to break the womans hart saying those words but she always seemed to have that warm smile.

"Oh...Ok, tell them to get back soon. We still have to find that tresure the pirates burried"

The boy smiled and ran off to his room to play.


Straffe shook his head again and regained his composure.
"Whats happening to me?"

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:33:35 PM
Destiny felt better hearing that his brother must've been someone cool. "Of course," she said to herself, "it runs in the family...". A small smile formed on her lips.

"If he was as nice as you, then I'm sure he was a great person, maybe even still is..." she said to Lance.

"You know, sometimes your first impression of someone isn't always right.... Anywho....my age eh? Well I'm 15, but why do you ask? And how old are you?"

The young girl was feeling a new friendship, or at least aquaintance was about to be formed. Lance seemed to be a good person after all...

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 09:50:14 PM
Observing the woman approach her, and her forehead touch his, Xenodoros let her do this. It felt right, and Xeno didn't want to leave from that small fraction of a second.

"I am Juclesia Stormrider - your mother, Xenodoros."

His eyes suddenly opened wide. Xeno froze on the spot as he slowly and nervously moved his way back. A gulp was felt as his throat untied itself a little. He kept looking at her, her familiar face, her gentleness; something he would never forget.

Xeno knew it was her, but he didn't want to admit it to himself. It was too good to be true. His fears, pain, suffering, and anger faded away from his soul. But he came back to his senses, and he began to rapidly walk away. Xeno turned his head away, stumbling on a small plant. He got 2 trees away from her, that were not so far. He hid behind the tree and sat down on the floor, letting his head lean forward towards his knees. Xeno's mother, Juclesia, was only a few feet away from him, but he could not confront her.

Xeno felt like he was a piece of trash, nothing worth to be proud of. He closed his eyes slowly, as a tear travelled across his cheek.

"She can't be my mother...", his trembling voice said, "I don't have a mother."


Young Xeno had regretted to have hit his brother. Sometimes it seemed that Lance had more attention than him. Even though they were treated equally, Xeno envied Lance's enthusiasm. Looking at his new born sister, he smiled. She seemed to please him very much. Hearing his mother's angelic, and soft voice he didn't have a choice but to say:

"I'm sorry mother... I'm sorry Lance."

Juclesia, Xeno's mother, was very affectionate, and was the only one that could understand Xeno. But Xeno felt something inside of him, trying to rage its way out. He held it there secretly, trying to live with it. Looking at his cousin, Straffe, and his enthusiasm to play, Xeno smiled. The soft silky skin of Juclesia approached young Xeno. She set her forehead on his and with the softest sound was heard from his mother:

"I love you too, you know. I love you all."

Xeno knew it was true. But he didn't understand where all this anger came from. Xeno admired his mother. She was irreplaceable in his heart.


As the tear shed, Xeno remembered this beautiful past. The happiness they felt was like no other. His heart was filled with joy, but everything changed.

Xenodoros loved his mother. He still didn't believe who was only a few feet away. Why hadn't Jecht, Xeno's father, ever mentioned his mother? Why didn't Jecht ever tell Xeno that there was someone home who still loved him?

The confusion blurred Xeno's mind. Xeno shook his head, and moved his only tear away. He sat straight, and spit at his right side. The memories kept repeating themselves in Xeno's mind. Xeno took a lonely flower, surrounded by infertile dirt. The flower didn't seem to belong there. The flower was bright and beautiful, while part of the ground around it was not.

Xeno picked the flower, looked at it and asked:

"Who am I?"

Xenodoros sat there, knowing that his mother would come to comfort him...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:29:28 AM
:: Lance thought momentirally about her age....15!.....About the age that sister in his flashbacks would have...::

"Hm...just like her...I must be nutts or something" He said softly...and out of this world.

"Euh I mean...I'm ...euh......19..yeah that's right I'm 19" He said with a wink.

"Knight of the greater jedi order" His words finished with a light bow of the head.

:: He then patted the back of his head his grin still wide when suddenly he felt a great pain and sorrow within Xenodoros's heart...he tilted his head to the side it was almost as his sight covered the entire universe..he had to go back and see what was going on::

Hey Destiny....do you know who that woman over there is!?

:: He asked with his puzzled and somewhat confused voice.::

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:51:04 PM
By this time Destiny was feeling a little lazy, so she decided to lean against a tree. Her back hurt a bit at first because the tree was rough but that was the only thing available for her convenience.

The youngster found it weird that Lance often winked. "Weird habit..." she thought to herself. She soon realized she had a puzzled look so she took a serious face again.

Hearing the green eyed Jedi's age she giggled: "Boy he was right! He really does have a lot in common with Lance...It would be really funny if it were him and none of us knew!"

She straightened up when she heard he was a Knight of the Greater Jedi Order. She had been taught to respect these people who serve the universe.

Afterwards, Destiny turned towards the woman Lance was talking about. A huge smile appeared on her face.

"Mother!" she let out. She then turned back towards the Knight and continued "Well, that's my mom! What about her?" It was only then that Destiny saw another man a feet away from her mother. He was crying and looking back towards her mother, Destiny saw affection for that man. "Who could that be?! Might be family but I don't remember ever encountering him..." She wondered..."Wanna get introduced to her?" she asked Lance. At the same time, she would be able to get to know who that other guy was.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:41:12 AM
:: Lance leaned his hand against his chin.::

"Nah I don't want to be introduced" He said knowing that his brother was just over there, then seeing her yell it out loud Lance decided to make a run for it.

"uh!No wa wa wa waiiiit! Ah! Dagnit! This is my time to run CYA!"

:: Lance spoke the words with the same haste he had to escape, he summoned the force through his body and visualized the place where he wanted to go near Xeno at the moment he wanted to see what was going, as he visualized it he let his legs run alone for him running at a blinding speed the knight let Destiny behind on a long distance, through the force a message errupted in Destiny's mind.::

We'll meet again count on it.

:: As the knights crossed the forest towards the spot where his brother ws he stopped right next to the tree where Straffe was.::

"Come back down!" He said with a soft voice.

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 09:51:41 AM
"...." Juclesia's expression sadened every step her son made.

All these years not seeing him and he still walked away from her. She couldn't really blame him. She put her hands together and sighed. The heat was still excruciating. She looked back at Xenodoros before speaking softly, a forced smile tugging on her lips.

"I understand, Xenodoros ... I .. I will be on my wa--" She was suddendly interrupted by someone who called out 'Mother'.

The voice was familiar, of course it was Destiny. She was a lot more different than the past, 15 years has passed now. She turned to look in direction of her daughter, spotting another man running from her. She arched an eyebrow.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:50:57 PM
Straffe jumped from the tree and laned beside Lance

"What's going on? Who are these people?"

Straffe was confused and lost with the sudden erupt of emotions. He saw the man dark man sitting on the floor with a tear on his cheek.


"Hey Xeno...It's ok...Don't worry, we can get you another ice cream"

Little Xeno sat against a tree, with a tear on his cheek. He had droped his ice cream cone, Lance and Straffe strood near him offering to get him another one.


Straffe was lost in his thaughts, thinking about his past

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:05:44 PM
Still hidden behind the tree, Xeno thought of what he was doing. He looked back, and saw his mother, and a sweet girl calling her. The girl was being followed by Lance. Xeno then took a moment and closed his eyes. Xeno called on Juclesia through the Force saying:

Mother... I have... something to tell you... Please, come here, and don't let the man who is coming get near you... yet.

Xenodoros stood up and wept the tears away from his face. He set the flower on the floor, and kept looking at Juclesia.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:31:22 PM
Destiny had already taken a step forward when Lance started freaking out. A moment later, she could not spot Lance anymore. Destiny turned around and checked but he was nowhere to be seen, there were only tons of trees in sight. She was about to walk towards her mom, but changed her mind.

"Maybe mother has important stuff to talk about with that silver haired man..." she thought to herself. So she stayed there,behind a tree, her back turned against them.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:28:28 PM
"I have no idea...that over there though is Xenodoros...my brother.." He said crossing his arms over his chest...his voice was calm and silent...he shrugged a bit and then wondered why Straffe was here..

"Now..tell me my young padawan what has brought you here" He said then patting his right shoulder.

"Are you stalking me" Lance said covering his mouth not to laugh.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:57:57 PM
Straffe smiled slowly
"Yes....Yes i'm stalking you"
Straffe gave Lance a little nudge on the shoulder in a jakeative manner.
"Actually...You kinda left in a hurry, I thaught something was wrong so I fallowed you"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:48:46 AM
"Heh..maybe there is..I don't know...kinda confused" Lance said leaning his hand against his chin.

:: His hand then slid unto his hair as he let a sigh escape.::

"Do you feel it too?...A great fear...and pain hatches within the force...something is coming...something is about to happen" His tone was cynical...for absolutely no reason...it was very odd..Lance was troubled...

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:13:02 PM
Being called Mother by one of her lost sons felt good, Juclesia smiled gently and nodded. She had taught Destiny not to interrupt things when she was conversing with another, so she knew Destiny wouldn't come near them. As for the two other presences, she felt that they didn't want trouble. Her gaze never leaving her son, she held her head straight up.


imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:37:53 PM
:: Lance's eyes then tilted to the side to see the woman not hugging Xeno tightly.::

"What the frelling hell....did Xeno get a girlfriend" His tone was sarcastic of course..but still hsi mind was troubled..it couldn't be his girlfriend...but what was that woman doing...Xeno was a monster...he was heartless dark...posessed-like...why would someone care for him? Those thoughts jumped in Lance's mind as he approached them slowly without making a noise, he motionned Straffe not to do any noise as well.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:54:06 PM
Destiny was thinking about her life, and other things that came to her mind. But after a while, she got bored, how much can you possibly think of?! She turned around a bit, just to check where her mother's conversation was at and noticed that time was passing very slowly, as her mother had barely moved.

"Come on people...what you waiting for? I'm running out of things to think about...." she said in a very low voice.

She turned back to her original position and passed her hand in her hair in an upwards movement. A few seconds later, she turned back around, as she wasn't a very patient person. She was about to turn back around when, amongs the trees, she saw someone approaching the two figures she was looking at.

"Now who can that be?"

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:08:22 PM
Straffe fallowed closely behind Lance, not knowing why he wanted him to fallow. He walked as light as possible to not make a noise. I was weird how Lance told him to keep quiet, he thaught he knew these people since he grabbed that girl before. Also his brother was here so he didn't understand

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:50:46 PM
Xenodoros walked towards Juclesia, keeping an eye on Lance. Once near her, he looked down at his mother, remembering his childhood. In a low, quick voice Xenodoros whispered to his mother.

"You see that blond man over there, it's Lance. I'm not sure who the other person is, but I'm guessing it's his Padawan. Like our father, Lance took the ways of the Jedi. I... didn't. I can't really speak to you now, because I have had a few conflicts with him. Don't ask why. I want to talk to you alone; there are too many people here. Hmm... Who's that girl?"

Xeno paused briefly, he didn't feel comfortable in this crowd that he felt everyone was overhearing.

"I can't stay here...", his struggling voice kicked in, "I must leave..."

Xenodoros observed the little details of his mother. She had not changed. She was the same beautiful, sweet mother he had always known. Xeno regreted leaving, but he felt that he had no choice. He immediately turned around and said:

"Goodbye, mother... I love you too...", his voice trembled as he got away.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 05:01:54 AM
:: Lance now nearby hear the word "mother".........his eyes widened as he lost his breath he coughed a bit and then his emotions...his memories...suddenly...he realised..he had no memories...he had no real past..or maybe he just forgot....Lance ran to the edge of the forest and jumped out of the trees the noise of the leafs scratched everyone's ears, as Lance landed on his feet perfectly.::

"Now wait a darn minute" He then paused a bit, trying to take back his breath from all the commotion.

"MOTHER!? What kind of joke is this, Lance then turned around to face Juclesia.

"Erm! I don't understand....." He moved his arm brutally.

"This must be a set up...now it can't be" He started to walk backwards slowly untill he reached the other trees, he slowly bumped into Destiny and turned around his jaded eyes fixing her own greenish eyes, he now realised how much they looked alike, even though Lance wasn't originally blonde...sh still looked a lot like him.

:: He tiltes his head once again to the side and turned around to face Juclesia once again.::

"Who are you exactly?....Xenodoros called you mother...but...if your his mother...then it would mean your mine too....but I don't have a mother...no I don't....no..." Jecht had infused the fact that he didn't have a mother..those words were still grieved unto his heart.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 15th, 2002, 02:57:17 PM
Straffe watched as Lance was talking to the woman. He also saw the little girl beside him who look practicly like him. Straffe also saw the dark man leave for some odd reson.
"I really need to know whats going on here..."
Straffe stood agaisnt the tree, waoting to see what will happen

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 09:01:52 AM
Juclesia watched her first son leave, her eyes already filling with discreet tears. But they quickly were hidden when her second son came. Letting him do his panicking and questioning, the woman with dark long hair remained silent, but smiled gently. Finally, when he finished, she put her hand on his cheek and caressed it gently.

She smiled and murmured. "Shush. I'm here."

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 16th, 2002, 03:18:35 PM
Destiny kept observing the shadow approaching until she saw "it" run towards her mom and start freaking out. "Freaking out" never came to her without Lance, it was him once more that was in front of her. He started screaming about some Xenodoros calling Juclesia mother! Wasn't that Destiny's oldest brother's name? As she turned towards the masked man that stood there before, Destiny realized he wasn't there anymore.

"Could that really have been my brother?" the little girl pondered...

"No human is born without a mother! Haven't you ever heard that before! What a lousy Jedi you make!" Destiny couldn't control herself, this man was too much for her!

Realizing her mother would be upset, an apology came as soon:
"Sorry, I didn't mean what I said..." Her childishness took over her, as she made an innocent looking face.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 17th, 2002, 09:13:23 PM
Xenodoros left the area where Juclesia and Lance were. He would let time for them to reacquainte themselves. Xeno wanted to talk to his mother in private, not with everybody watching. He knew that everyone's eyes pointed towards Juclesia.

Memories hit the Xeno, as he remembered his childhood.

"Agh. Memories give me headaches.", he said struggling to digest the news.

Xenodoros looked at the 'assumed' Lance's Padawan. Xenodoros crept into a tree, and hopped from on tree to another. He knew that everyone felt his presence, but it began to fade away from them because of the distraction. Xenodoros quietly, and comfortably, sat down near the Padawan.

"Family reunion.", Xeno said as if he were talking to himself, but he was addressing himself to the puzzled Padawan.

The Padawan had not noticed Xeno until he spoke. Xeno had learned to lurk around without getting spotted.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 18th, 2002, 04:57:02 PM
Straffe was so startelled that he had jumped. He turned around and saw the dark man. Straffe was a little sceptical of the man since he knew that he was a Sith. He turned towards the man
"I hear you are Lances brother"
He kept his guard up, Straffe was always taught not to trust the Dark Side

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 18th, 2002, 09:36:49 PM
"You know your people.", Xeno said in a calm tone.

He observed the young Padawan. He seemed familiar, someone he had seen before. Xeno's spherical blue eyes looked at Lance, then the Padawan.

"You're lucky that I'm not here to hurt you... yet.", Xeno said in an amuzing tone.

"Say, you seem familiar, haven't I seen you anywhere before?"

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:05:26 PM
Straffe was looking at Lance but slowly turned towards the man.
"I don't know but come to think of it...You do look familiar"
He could think of where he saw this man before but his eyes seemed to familiar to him

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 06:38:41 PM
"Tell me... What's your name?", Xeno asked, knowing that even if the young Padawan didn't tell Xenodoros, he would still be able to find out.

Xeno picked an apple from the tree he was sitting in. He crunched it then threw it away.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:23:44 PM
"They call me Straffe Stormrider, Padawan and Strider"
He said with a tone of honour in his voice. He seemed to stand taller, it felt good to say that.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:28:52 PM
:: Lance had just received the confirmation he had been fearing... a feeling an emotion overtook his soul...as multiple memories surrounded his mind.::

Shush. I'm here

:: Lance walked a few steps away his two hands on his head.::

"What are you talking about!!???....." He slowly started to fall on his knees...the presence of his brother nearby his apprentice struck him just like a blade would've struck his flesh..

:: Memories..of his father..Jecht...memories of his past...flashbacks.... about his family...::

"Wha...I'm lost...no I don't have a mother...no I don't have one..I DONT HAVE ONE!" His jaded eyes fixed on the dusty floor he then heard the voice of Destiny errupting from the forest...

:: All those things..mixed up in his head... as he thought more and more... even Kaytor came up in his head... as suddenly....::

"Gah..." Lance fell , his body hit the floor with a loud thud, unconscious the Jedi Knight remained down. Whatever was Lance was.. was about to change..whatever he had accomplished was erased... who knew for how long.. all that was known is that a part of him had vanished blasted into oblivion..


OOC: Sorry peeps it took me so long but I was at one step away from completly quitting swfans.net >_< don't ask why cause it's too long for mt type. Yeah I'm lazy so what. :p

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:16:34 PM
Straffe?, Xeno thought to himself.

Xenodoros was experiencing too much emotional stress, and Straffe's sudden appearance did not help. His stress did not even let him react in a decent way. He didn't know what to say, or how to react.

"Straffe? What is this... a family reunion?!", Xeno said out loud, thinking that this situation was too much for him to handle.

"And... I believe you're Lance's Padawan?", Xeno asked Straffe.

Xenodoros thought that Straffe knew who Lance was. But the problem was, Straffe had no clue of who they were exactly. So Xeno kept asking questions, as if everything were cool and calm.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:39:46 AM
Something weird was going on and Straffe didnt know what.
"What do you mean familly reunion?"
What was this guy talking about...Something was up and he had to find out what
"Ya...Thats right, Im Lances padawan"

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:51:50 AM
Destiny was really scared. She walked slowly to her mother and asked permission to leave. Without waiting for her answer, the little girl started running. This man was too scary for her to handle, and she did not feel like talking about the past right now. She was too shocked.

"Mother won't be mad, she always said to ask for permission, she never said anything about getting it as well..." Destiny was trying to comfort herself.

She stopped after a while because she felt tired, she wasn't someone that ran a lot. She was looking around and trying to get her breathing back at normal when she noticed the man that was talking to her mother before. Xeno...

Now she was wondering if she should go and talk to him. Would he recognise her? What if he didn't want anything to do with her, or worse, what if he were crazy like Lance! Couldn't be, she was related to Lance too and she was normal, from what she thought of herself.

She walked up to Xeno. She was less than a meter away from him when she noticed he was with someone else. She felt uncomfortable but then again, it was now or never...

"Hi! I"m Destiny...Destiny Stormrider..." she said with a bit of uncertainty. Her eyes met Xeno's, and she kept staring at him expecting something, anything, just a reaction...

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:39:07 PM
Err... Now her!?, Xenodoros asked himself.

Speechless, Xeno observed Destiny quietly. Xeno's mouth was wide open, he could not believe it. He had always loved his sister, and now she had grown up. Another tear spread across Xeno's cheek and he quickly wiped it off.

"You're... a beautiful young woman now...", Xeno's words came out at last.

Xenodoros closed his eyes and set his attention to Straffe.

"Does this explain the family reunion, Straffe?"

Xenodoros brooded on the situation. His past had come back to him, but his conscience tormented him. One side of Xeno's heart was telling him to leave and forget all of them, yet the other was telling him to reacquaint with his family. It was not easy for him to leave because he had shared so many memorable moments with the people in front of him. They were a major part of his life, and erasing them from his mind would be impossible. But he could not stay because the sins and horrible acts he had commited would make him a disappointment to the family. Xeno was afraid that his family would be disgusted by his actions.

Xeno's face looked puzzled and confused. His lips were trembling, and his eyes were moving quickly, not knowing what to do. Xenodoros' emotions were enough to consume the Dark Side inside of him. He felt the anger, rage, suffering, and pain. The darkness ran through his blood, as he moved away. Xeno used Force Speed to move away from them as quickly as possible. He wanted to escape them. The world seemed to stop, but it had not, he was moving at an incredible speed.

Destiny and Straffe's eyes saw only a blur, and Xeno hid in another tree, trying not to be spotted. The sombre tree hid him from everyone. He was confused, why was he still there?

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 04:22:43 PM
Destiny would've cried of happiness when she heard Xeno's voice for the first time You're... a beautiful young woman now... if it was something that happened to her when she was happy. She closed her eyes and those words kept repeating themselves into her mind. When she opened her eyes again, he wasn't there!

Tears ran across her face. "How come my own brothers, the only two other people that share the same exact blood as me run off when they see me?" she said in a low, saddened voice.

No! She would not let them get away so easily! Just because they're older doesn't give them the right to do that! She took control over herself once more and asked the stranger to help her.

"Um...I don't know what family reunion you people were talking about..."Destiny mumbled "but will you please help me find that man again? The one you were talking to before he ran off..." Destiny was desperate. She needed to talk to Xeno, she needed a hug from him, he somehow reminded her of her father, even though she had never met him.


Straffe Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:08:50 PM
Straffe was deep in thaught when he heard those words broke his tahughts

"Um...I don't know what family reunion you people were talking about..."Destiny mumbled "but will you please help me find that man again? The one you were talking to before he ran off..."

Straffe shook his head and looked at the girl

"Hunh....Wha....Sorry I was thinking"

Straffe looked at her and it finally clicked. This was what he was searching for all this time. The others his mother had told him....His family. This people were his family...even his own master, his family. Straffe almost let a tear stream down his cheek but he kept it in. He spoke to her in a soft tone

"Anything for you.......Destiny, my cousin"

Straffe got up and looked around in hope of picking up where Xeno is.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:28:58 PM
Destiny started walking to look for Xeno, she had not heard the last part of Straffe's words; stressed, she only heard Straffe accepting to go look for her long lost brother.

After taking a few steps, she thought she had heard the stranger call her cousin :

She laughed and then proceeded, still walking: "It's funny I thought I heard you call me cousin" and she giggled again.

She then stopped suddently and turned around quickly: "Did you just call me cousin ?!" A look of confusion took over her.

What the...? she thought to herself.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:34:37 PM
Straffe looked to the ground
"Yes....You are my cousin"
It hit him like a ton of bricks saying those words. It had been so long since he saw his little cousin. They had always had a connection between each other. This time was different though, they were strangers to each other. Straffe always thaught about seeing her again, she always made him laugh.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 03:02:46 PM
Destiny was feeling weird. Where did this cousin so suddently pop out from?! She took a step towards him to ask him all the details about the relation, but remembered her brother was there somewhere.

"Oh, of course....you are....Let's go look for Xeno first though, okay? And I also need to talk to you about something, later on." Her voice was uncertain, but she did not care. For all she knew, her oldest brother was there, he whom she had wanted to see, to know since she can remember of. She turned back and resumed walking.

Straffe Stormrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:33:21 PM
Straffe stood a good foot over her and couldnt help but smile. They walked looking for him. He tryed to pick up his signature but it was hard since Xeno wanted to be alone. After awhile of not getting it he decided to get to higher ground to see if it will work.
"Hang on a second"
Straffe jumped into the tree that was next to them and went to the top. He stood at the tallest part of the tree, holding onto the tip. He searched around a bit until he picked up where Xeno was.
When he finally picked up his signature, he jumped from the tree and landed near Destiny.
"Hold on"
He grabed her in his arms and used Force Speed to appear a few feet behind Xeno.
"Here you go...I must leave but we will continue this another time"
Straffe gave her a wink with a smile on his face as he used force speed again to appear beside Lance. He was shocked to see what was in front of him. Lance was on the floor unconcious and the woman in white stood there over him.
"What have you done!!!"
Straffe quickly went to his side and pushed the woman away.
"Dont worry Lance...Im getting you out of here!"
He picked him up and put him over his shoulder. He used Force Speed again to bring him back to the Living Quarters.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:20:10 PM
Destiny followed Straffe around, without losing hope. She felt Xenodoros was somewhere near, so she kept looking. Straffe had the brilliant idea of climbing up a tree to spot Xeno. He went up and came down in what seemed an eternity. Destiny felt her feet lifting from the ground again and in the blink of an eye, she was there right beside Xeno.

"Here you go...I must leave but we will continue this another time"

Destiny smiled at her "cousin" before he left and then grabbed Xeno really tight. She was probably squeasing him, but she didn't want him to leave again.

"Why did you leave like that?! There was so much I needed to talk to you about!" Destiny remembered how she had sensed that Xeno and Lance didn't like each other much, so she tried reverse psychology "Why are you acting exactly like Lance? Leaving me like that!" There was a twinkle in her eyes. "Didn't you ever miss your little sister?"

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:11:11 PM
"It hurts...", Xenodoros said softly.

He turned to Destiny, looking at her, knowing that it had been so many years that he had not seen his radiant sister that lid up his world. The sorrow that clouded and created a dark world in his mind would be subjected to sudden happiness or confusion of emotions. It wouldn't be an easy transition, and the dominant emotion would surely reign his soul. Xenodoros had to find himself. He did not know who he was or what he was doing in this world.

Xenodoros was a great mystery. But the great symbol that stood before him would change his entire life. The grace of Destiny's voice threw rings through his ears and showed that he still cared about his lovable sister.

"Do you know what it feels like... to see what I have seen? To do what I have done? To kill who I have killed? To steal what I have stolen? To see the heads of innocent little kids decapitated from their bodies? Do you think, after seeing what I have seen, after hearing what I have heard, after smelling what I have smelled, after tasting what I have tasted, after touching what I have touched, that I would easily show myself to you and tell you that I am okay, and that I couldn't feel any better?"

Xenodoros paused. He hands met his knees, as he sat there on a tree so sombre, that he could almost seem invisible. Xeno's head leaned towards his knees, showing that his emotions would tear his soul.

"I really do apologize, Destiny. But I must find out who I am, before I tell you who I am. I am ashamed of myself, and I pity myself for not confronting you formaly."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:50:09 AM
:: Lance's hair swifted in the air as Straffe led him back to his room in the Living Quarters (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23182)

Juclesia Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:11:15 AM
Lance was gone before the woman could react and help her second son. Her eyebrows arched up in sadness as she bit on her lower lip. Though she had found her sons, once again, she lost them in a matter of time.


"I have to go with Lance and Xenodoros." Jecht repeated, but more firmly.

"Don't be ridiculous, darling. We're all perfectly happy here." Juclesia replied.

She pushed that awful suggestion out of her mind before forcing a little smile and stroking his lips with her fingertips gently, but he grabbed her wrist and threw it away. Surprised, she held her hand silently. He seemed angry.

"Stop it, Juclesia. You know we have to go." He said in an low voice.

"But ..." She murmured. "... What about Destiny ? What about me ?"

"You ... You two will stay here."

"Jecht, darling .. Please, no harsh decisi-"

"Don't touch me !"

Juclesia immediately retrieved at his command, almost being pushed back by his shouting. Her eyes, widened, slowly closed, her head turning to the side. The man stood up from where he was sitting, and stepped angrily towards his sons' rooms. Juclesia remained silent, discreet tears wetting her porcelain skin.



"But .. wait ..." She said weakly before sighing.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 03:07:07 PM
"I don't believe a little girl such as myself can hurt a strong young man like yourself!" Destiny acted tough but felt bad on the inside, so she held Xeno less tight, and with only one hand. After all these people leaving her, she had become insecure.

Destiny was almost dreaming, she coudln't believe Xenodoros Stormrider was right in front of her! But after listening to what he had say, looking at the pain in his eyes, she felt bad. She then softly spoke:

"Maybe I know how it all feels, but I just don't know what you're talking about. I'm sure you did what you did for a reason, even if you didn't, everyone makes mistakes; of course taking a human life away isn't a common mistake, but then again, you're special you know..." She tried to give him a smile. "And I never asked you to tell me you're okay. Everyone has problems, inner happiness isn't known by most; it's almost a myth. And why are you ashamed? I would still be extremely proud to go tell everyone YOU'RE my brother. You tell me, do you know how it feels when everyone around you talks about how they have fun in family, but you don't even know for sure if you have any family left or not?! You knew your sister was somewhere, but you never came looking for her, but I didn't even know what happened to you! You saw me, but I don't even remember you, I only heard that I had two brothers, whom I would never meet."

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:11:17 PM
Xenodoros thought he was dreaming. The images in front of him seemed like illusions. He didn't know what to expect next, nor what to feel. Xenodoros closed his eyes for a moment and brooded.

Maybe it wasn't bad after all, maybe they wouldn't be mad. But how can I walk up to two strangers and be happy about it?

These thoughts gave him a sharp pain, twisting his mind, not knowing what to feel.

"You don't understand, Destiny. It's not you that is hurting me. I'm hurt myself. I don't know what to feel or what to do. I'm confuzed. It's annoying, and all I want to do right now is escape from everything and everyone."

Out in the distance, he saw that Lance was gone. What had happened? Knowing Lance, he would be joyus to know that his mother was there. Xenodoros quirked a brow and saw his mother, sad, alone.

Xenodoros felt the pain growing sharper and sharper in his heart like daggers stabbing through. He didn't know what to do, and what followed might be unexpected.

"I don't know what I'm doing. But... I feel... that if I talk to you and Mother, that maybe it would ease me..."

Xenodoros said, still looking in the distance at his lonely mother. Xeno was reminded of himself, venturing around the galaxy alone, and sad. He knew how it felt, but what it took to heal it was a mystery to him.

Destiny Stormrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:14:40 PM
Destiny did not understand what Xeno meant when he said he was hurt himself. But she understood what he meant by escaping...

"You say you want to escape, but what you really mean is that you want to run away like a coward, isn't it? Like a sissy...Running away doesn't help, you need to face problems to be able to solve them. When you run away, it all just accumulates, and it's even harder to face them."

Destiny realized Xeno's mind was occupied by something else. She looked in the direction he was looking, and saw her mother...THEIR mother. She heard him talk once more.

"Do whatever your heart tells you to do, because it's the only one that's always right. You need me to take you to mother?" Destiny wished deep inside he'd go to her, she'd be able to have the happy family that they were back. She took his arm and pulled it lightly towards the lonely figure standing a few meters away.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:04:52 PM
Following his beloved sister, Xenodoros did not know what he was doing. He was blinded by the current situation. What could he say? What would he say? Once in front of Juclesia, Xenodoros was speechless. His mother meant everything to him. She was too sweet of a woman not to be an angel.

"My Father, Jedi Knight Jecht Stormrider,died... H-he was being searched by many bounty... hunters.", Xeno paused - this was the only thing that came to mind when looking at his mother. She had not known about Jecht, but he expected her not to know anything.

"They found him... and brutally killed him."

Xenodoros brooded. He felt stupid, useless and pathetic because for once, he felt that authority stood in front of his eyes: Juclesia. Xenodoros turned to Destiny and said:

"You never knew my father... To me, he was a man to admire. He made his mistakes, but at the same time, he did all he could to protect us.", Xeno's words were soft and honest.

Xenodoros' eyes filled up with tears. I'm dreaming, he said to himself. All this time, that he lived in misery, he discussed it with two 'strangers' that were his same blood. Why was he never able to discuss like this with Lance? Xeno turned to Juclesia and kept talking.

"Lance and I... We don't get along well... I acted foolish, but I have learnt to hate him. The darkness accumulated in me and created sorrow. I'm sorry, Mother... I'm sorry you had to have a piece of sh¡t for a son."