View Full Version : Adjusting (Open)

Sep 7th, 2002, 05:35:28 PM
Ansatsu stepped into a room and saw that it was empty. He pulled in many boxes and then pulled in his swords and weapons. He pulled out the wrecks and a few target boards. Hung up all his weapons, practiced a bit, and then laid out his ninja cloak. He looked at his Jedi cloak. "Too bright, I need to make some changes." He pulled out the cloak and began sowing. Within hours he had changed it. It was now black and had a mask for the face. He slipped it on and turned his arms on. He let all the weapons shoot out creating holes in the arms. He then slipped on his gauntlets and his leg guards. It was time for a new look. "So I guess now I should make some tea and wait for someone to arrive. Hopefully a woman." He took of his cloak and slipped into his robe. He walked over to the kitchen and began to make some green tea.

Adisha Dije
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:47:04 AM
Adisha was wondering the halls when she noticed an open door. She peeked inside and saw a black cloaked figure working at a stove. She also noticed the boxes laying around the floor and smiled, "The joys of being new" she thought.

Adisha brushed back a loose braid and stepped up to the door. She knocked on the frame. "Hello, need any help?"

Oct 2nd, 2002, 03:16:10 PM
Ansatsu looked at the girl, "Yes please. I would love that. Would you like some tea?" Ansatsu smiled and looked at her with interest. He was waiting for her response.

Adisha Dije
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:14:39 PM
"Tea would be great." she replied.

Adisha knew what it was like to be new, and still had not met many other padawans. She was always up to meeting new people.

Her lekku, laying in among her auburn braids, conveyed her happiness as she walked in and joined him for tea.

Oct 10th, 2002, 08:18:19 PM
I knew most of the odd ways in and out of this place. Air conditioning ducts, serviceways... the lot. I usually hunted rodents. This time, I had been curled up in a corner, asleeep, unnoticed. Right now, I yawned, stretched, got up and sautered out the door, into the corridor.

Hey, why no? I was owned by a Jedi

Oct 12th, 2002, 09:13:10 PM
Ansatsu walked up to the girl and sat her, "What is your name?" Ansatsu smiled again. He saw the cat walk out a door. He looked a little scrawny so Ansatsu gathered some milk and put it in a bowl. "Excuse me please." He ran outside and put the saucer down, "Here kitty, kitty, kitty." Ansatsu smiled, "So anyways what was your name again?"

Adisha Dije
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:13:35 PM
She smiled at his thoughtfulness for the feline and replied,"My name is Adisha'Dije."

Oct 15th, 2002, 07:43:11 PM
"Adisha Dije. By the way my name is Ansatsu. Very nice to meet you. Is this your cat?" Ansatsu looked at Adishe, "You are very beautiful. Would you like something to eat as well?" Ansatsu smiled. He tried not to look to old-fashioned, "Sorry, talking to people is not my strong point." Ansatsu laughed for a moment.

Adisha Dije
Oct 22nd, 2002, 02:30:59 PM
Adisha laughed as well, "Don't worry, you'll get better. Plus being old fashined isn't all that bad." She paused, thinking fondly, then spoke. "And yes, I would like something to eat."

Tomak Ohara
Oct 30th, 2002, 08:49:26 PM
Ansatsu went and popped a pizza in the oven. "So why are you with the Jedi anyway?" He smiled and looked at her.

Oct 30th, 2002, 08:52:05 PM
OOC: Sorry bout last post. I play Tomak too. Sorry! ^.^

Adisha Dije
Oct 31st, 2002, 09:52:47 AM
OOC: that's alright I do that alot too. :)

IC: I'm here because of my mother. I grew up on Dathomir, home of the warrior women, the dark witches, and rancors. A large part of the people I lived with were force sensitive, but the only training on our world was from the witches and they used the dark side. She wanted more than that for me, so she made my father, a Twi'lek bounty hunter, take me with him. Eventually he brought me here, but I did spend a lot of time travelling with him. It was fun and I miss him a lot, but I'm glad I'm here."

She took a moment remembering and then said, "How about you? Why do you want to be a Jedi?"

Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:57:43 PM
Ansatsu's expression changed quickly, "I wanted to repent for my sins. I was a wanted assasin. I still am on some planets. I was hired by so many people. That was after my father left me in the woods. I was trained by a master there. I created the Fuma art and went out to do the only thing I knew how...kill. When I was hired by a certain person. Someone wasn't paying their 'protection money', and this man wanted him dead. I tracked the man down and when I found him I noticed something about him. It was my father. I dropped him and left. I never completed that mission. I wish I could remember who hired me. So then I came here. I heard my cousin Wei was here. I found him and I have been here ever since." He looked at her again, "So do you like it here? By the way, what is a rancor?"

Adisha Dije
Dec 4th, 2002, 10:56:29 PM
"Yes I love it here" Adisha responded. "My training is going a little slow, but all in all I'm having fun."

She smiled with his last question. "Rancors are amazing creatures. They are native on my home planet, Dathomir. They are the favorite mode of tranportation, and they are actually very loving. They have a bad reputation throughout the galaxy as pets kept to torture others or to dispose of people, but the captive ones can be quite pleasant."

"When I was born, I was given one as a pet, Dinha. She was allowed to run free, and whenever I wanted her, all I had to do was reach out with the force to call her. She died the year before I left, a wild rancor tried to attack me and she sacrificed herself for me. I miss her alot, she was one of my best friends."