View Full Version : Giving in

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:58:47 PM
<center>Will you, walk me
To the edge again
Shaking, lonely, and I am drinking again
Woke up tonight and no one's here with me
I'm giving in to you

Take me under
I'm giving in to you
I'm dying tonight
I'm giving in to you
Watch me crumble
I'm giving in to you
I'm crying tonight
I'm giving in to you

Caught up, in life
Losing all my friends
Family has tried, to heal all my addictions
Tragic it seems, to be alone again
I'm giving in to you

Take me under
I'm giving in to you
I'm dying tonight
I'm giving in to you
Watch me crumble
I'm giving in to you
I'm crying tonight
I'm giving in to you

I look forward, to dying tonight
Drinks still on myself, life's harder every day
The stress has got me
I'm giving in
Giving in now!

Take me under
(I'm killing all the faith)
I'm dying tonight
(I'm sick of all that faith)
Watch me crumble
(I'm killing all the faith)
I'm crying tonight

I'm giving in to you
Take me under
I'm giving in to you
I'm dying tonight
I'm giving in to you
Watch me crumble
I'm giving in to you
I'm crying tonight
I'm giving in to you
Take me under
I'm giving in to you
I'm dying tonight
I'm giving in to you


A message had arrived at the GJO, from a man named 'Victor Draken'. It was a summons to the Jedi Knight Dawnstrider - the younger, that being Xazor. It said she was to come to the Dao Chao mountain range, on some planet-come-asteroid in the same system as the GJO home planet. At the foot of the ridges would be a man waiting for her, who had important business to discuss ...

He stood waiting ... Vega, that is.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 02:12:33 PM
The Knight Xazor had received a message from a man she had never heard of before. Her thoughts had been distracted as of late, so she decided that this 'meeting' would be more of a relief and a get-away. The Knight packed a few things....some essentials and that was it......for the trip was not a long one. She had embarked shortly there after in her X-Wing Fighter...the coordinates set for the planet-gone-asteroid. Reclining in the chair, she rethought the message in her mind. It was not odd for someone to randomly request her presence......so it did not worry her a great deal though she did have a funny feeling about it. Perhaps because of the location was so.......remote. She knew of this place and knew of no inhabitants there. It struck her odd a bit, but she soon pushed the thoughts from her mind as she continued one and slowly entered the atmosphere of the location. Slowly the skilled Knight set the ship down close to the Mountains....on a flat stretch of land...and then departed from her ship to find this man.

With no sight of him at first, she continued on.......searching the horizon for him....but she was unsuccessful. The thought of a hoax crossed her mind.......a wild goose chase....but something drove her to continue looking for him. Suddenly her eyes locked upon a dark figure at the foot of the ridges. Somehow from a distance he......felt familiar. It raised a question in the Knight's mind and she continued on. The sand at her feet got caught up in her red robes for a moment....but she shook it out and continued on...not wishing to be 'late' for this so called meeting. All the while she became even more suspicious and soon placed her hand upon her saber. Something just told her that it wasn't right...and the Force warned her to be careful...but she would soon see for herself.....

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 7th, 2002, 02:19:07 PM
The window picked up, causing the base of the figure's slate-grey trenchcoat to whip against his ankles. His head was canted up towards the peaks of the hills before him, and his hands pushed into his pockets. As if he were taking in a deep breath, his shoulders rose then feel as the breeze whispered through his hair, tousling the blonde mass.

Of course, he had been inhaling. Her scent. Her force signature was no longer enough to provide proof of identity, as she was becoming more and more like the others ... or rather they like her in their ways and sometimes even species, unfortunately for Garou kind.

"Xazor," he spoke the name fairly loudly, allowing the r's to roll off of his tongue. It was a natural sound for his accent, very regal and appropriate.

Without the Jedi being able to see, his lips turned vertical at the corners into a devious smile.

"I've missed you."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:45:07 PM
The voice.....it was all to familiar. The Knight opened herself to the Force and it was revealed whom it was before he spoke another word. What he said though......shocked her beyond belief.

"Xazor, I've missed you."

She could not tell if it was said with a sadistic tone.....or if he really meant it. Quirking a brow, she proceeded forward until she stood only a few meters behind him.......facing his back. Though they had experienced some rough times.....the Dark Jedi and she had become good friends....so she decided to put a few past experiences behind her.

Dropping her hand from her saber, she let the trust in him return slightly.....but not fully as before. It would take a while, but it would be restored....she hoped.

"Miss me.......you? But why Vega.....why is it you deny yourself to me and then call for me?"

It was not a taunt....for the way she spoke the words were soft and gentle.....honestly curious. The Garou Knight was puzzled as to this....and wished to know what his reasoning was. But perhaps it did not matter.....maybe she had her friend back.....

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:08:55 AM
"Surely you have the intelligence to understand my dilemna, Xazor. It is not as simple as you may believe it to be."

He turned and rose his eyes up from the ground, the low sun glinting against the cyan and thin band of black. The scars he bore beneath his eyes and over the bridge of his nose looked darker than previously noted, especially in such bright light. Though his general appearance gave the air of malevolence, it was true that his expression was soft and almost welcoming. Rarely was he seen in such a fashion by those outside of his home.

"The darkside and light do not mix well, as your brother Chaos will testify. The fact that were are to be considered mortal enemies and rivals is reason enough for my opinions and actions towards you to be erratic,"

Almost lazily his eyes seemed to wander down from her face to regard the rest of her body before easing shut.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 01:27:34 PM
Xazor nodded slowly and walked toward him a few paces. Her eyes rested gently upon his face as she crossed her arms just below her chest and eyed him curiously.

"What is this you speak of? Did you call me here to tell me that?"

It was getting to be an even more curious situation now. She smiled at her own wonderment and shook her head slightly, still unable to gather what he was trying to say to her.

"Indeed...the Light and Dark do not go together well...and I have forgiven you for things of the past and we have seemed to preserve our...friendship...."