View Full Version : Diamond Dust: If only I didn't exist.

Lara May Lee
Sep 7th, 2002, 09:16:52 AM
OOC- Only character developpement. Don't have to fight. The scene is in a hospital.

"How are you feeling today, Lara ?" The man in white answered.

"Much better, doctor. Just a few headaches, but nothing serious."

"Very well."

The man left the room as the Lara stood up from her chair. Wearing a white lab coat over her brown ensemble, she watched him leave silently. Due to a serious heart condition, Lara was forced to live in this hospital, but she didn't mind. Staying in one place was easier to be found by ... After long months of hard work, the doctors here have finally figured out what caused her heart condition.

A year ago, Lara was merged with a monster/demon named Selune - a blue eyed ice creature. Unable to control it, she had gotten rid of it after a year. That was when the heart problems started. Now, they found Selune once more and merged it back with Lara. The heart healed, but the seizures came back. Well, life can't always be good, she thought. She twirled a black pen between her fingers before sitting back down, tapping a few keys in her datapad.

Meanwhile, outside that room ...

"How is she doctor ?" An old nurse asked.

"Her heart is in a better shape, and she'll live longer ..." The doctor's voice trailed off.

"But ..?"

"I'm afraid Selune will take totaly control of her and, well, we might never see her again."

The nursed sighed and wondered why life was cruel.

Emily Rochette
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:27:34 PM
"Don't touch me, don't touch me!" The Jysbena shrieked, writhing in the grip of two large staff members. Her pale legs kicked in the air and she let out a raging scream, nearly foaming at the mouth. The heavy, decorative chain and collar that hung from her neck was whipping around, beating against both her body, and the bodies of those around her. Her firey eyes were clouded over, lost to another world. A frantic nurse quickly jabbed a needle into her arm and soon the girl dropped limp.


When Emily pryed her eyes open, she found herself with a throbbing head, trapped inside one of the hospital's rooms in the mental health wing of the building. Her dress had been replaced by a papery hospital gown, and her arms were bound under the heavy cloth of a straight jacket. A growl left her mouth and she rolled ackwardly to her feet, making her way to the barred door with groggy steps.

"Let me out.." Her voice was hoarse from yelling. After looking around, and waiting for her head to clear a bit more, she stepped back and ran straight towards the door, putting all her strength into her twisted arm. The padding softened how hard she hit the door, but she was still able to give enough force to it that it fell to the ground with a thud. Emily grinned lightly to herself and started roaming towards the rest of the hospital, peeking in each room with curiousity.

Lara May Lee
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:29:23 PM
WARNING ! WARNING ! A patient has left the temporary 'asylum' and is now roaming through the halls of the hospital. Please exit NOW.

The speakers were loud. Lara put her hands up to her ears to cover them up, but loosely enough to hear the muffled message.

"Patient ... Asylum ... Hospital ... NOW."

Lara's brown eyes blinked. She took off her glasses gently, turning to look at the door. All the patients' rooms were locked up for security so only the doctors were running through the safe exit. How cruel. What if the building burned down ? She thought. She stood up from her chair, putting her datapad on a table and slowly paced towards the exit, still holding her round glasses in her right hand.

Something seemed to be going on ...

Emily Rochette
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:37:09 PM
Even with the thick, canvas jacket and the gown that reached mid-thigh, Emily felt naked as she roamed the hallway. She ducked into shadows and hid behind trays carrying cups full of medicine whenever someone entered her line of vision. At each door, she could see the blinking red lights of the air-tight locks. The girl jumped as she noticed one girl pacing inside a room, her view reaching only as far as the little window would allow. She approached the door and stood on tip-toes to peer into the room, pity gleaming in her eyes.

Lara May Lee
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:43:50 PM
Lara's eyes widened as she met the girl's. She stepped back, a slight gasp escaping her mouth, putting her hand over her open mouth. She began to tremble of fear, not sure of what to do before a striking pain hit her chest violently, making her bend down, sitting on her knees. Selune was awake and there was that ... that thing outside the room. She tried to resist, waiting to see what was going to happen.

Emily Rochette
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:47:41 PM
Glancing over her shoulder, Emily seemed to be checking for staff. She looked through the window again before repeating the actions she'd done on her own door, the heavy metal crushing against the floor. The girl stepped on the door and walked over to look the girl in the eyes, a rather innocent smile on her lips as she whispered.

"You're free."

Lara May Lee
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:54:01 PM
"W-Who are you ..?" She murmured.

Her body began to shake, and her mind getting more and more confused by the second. In a matters of seconds, her brown eyes turned blue and the tips of her fingers turned into a light blue sky kind of color, going up her arms.

"You better .. better leave here i-immediately .."

Emily Rochette
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:00:43 PM
Blinking, Emily watched the odd color-change of her skin and tilt her head.

"Are you okay?" Her head lifted as she looked at the woman's eyes again. Her arms struggled a bit against the jacket.

Suddenly, several security officers appeared in the doorway.

Get away from her!

It was unclear which of the two they were talking to, but when neither moved, the men flooded into the room and grabbed a hold of Emily's shoulders, automatically launching a high-pitched, rather terrified scream from her throat.

Lara May Lee
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:11:54 PM
Her body turned blue, as long yellow sort of horns grew out from the sides of her forehead, her hair wrapping together to turn into a green-ish blue and a blue diamond location on her forehead. Her clothes were destroyed by the transformation, but all of her intimate parts were covered up. She held a hand up to the security and then immediately, ice covered over their greasy body, keeping them frozen in there as they let go of the girl.

The creature seemed to hover over the floor. She looked down to the girl.

Who are you ? She asked.

Emily Rochette
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:16:33 PM
The Jysbena stared up at the creature in a fixed gaze, taking in a rather trembling breath.

"Emily.." Childishly, she gave a small, ackward curtsie and licked her lips before smiling up at her.

"You're pretty.."

Lara May Lee
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:25:39 PM

The creature squinted her crystal blue eyes, her head slowly tilting to the side. Her ? This beast, this monster - pretty ? This girl was not normal, her face already showed it. She held her pale blue hand up and ran her finger down the girl's face before landing slowly on the cold white floor.

I am Selune. She murmured.