View Full Version : Tales of the Millards: Bloodlines

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:45:08 AM
OOC: This takes place about 33 years from now in SW time. ic:/

"C'mon sis, I know ya can catch up!" the young man ducked beneath one of the many stone arches in the canyon. The man smiled as spun in the chasm, staring at the various tourists who gawked at the flying display.

Lawrence Trent Millard was happy. He'd just gotten his commission into the Imperial Navy, and now nis sister had finally decided to race him. And now the two raced pell-mell down Kyry's Canyon....Law in an old missile gunboat (one of his father's antiques) and Vera, his sister, in her Surrorian Conqueror-class assualt ship.

Law whooped as he pulled ahead of his sister, then he hit his SLAM overdrive sending his ship even farther ahead of his younger sister.

Today was a good day...

Forty Minutes Later

"I really did a good job racing you there," Lawrence was quite happy with himself as he leaped out of his father's fighter.

He ran a hand through his blond hair and gave his siter a grin.

"What's wrong sis? You're quieter than normal."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:57:55 AM
She tossed her leather gloves at him, and would have hit him square in his grinning face if he hadnt been so quick to catch them.

"Just like old times eh Law - I let ya win again."

He laughed and tossed the gloves right back at her, hitting her in the back of the head as she swaggered past him.

And then his mood grew more serious as Vera eased herself into the overstuffed leather chair in their family living room.

"What's wrong sis? You're quieter than normal."

Vera looked at him with intense brown eyes, her toussled hair falling softly to frame her face.

"How would you know, Bro. You haven't been around much."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:05:23 AM
"True," Lawrence replied, "But I know when something's on your mind.

"What...Father catch ya with Darcy Hollinsworth in the stables again?"

The older Millard ducked his sister's hand as it shot towards him in a playful punch.

"Seriously," his blue eyes mellowed a bit, "What's wrong? What're you planning?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:11:41 AM
"You wont like it Lawrence" she replied grimly.

"........And neither will Father."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:15:12 AM
"Well with Mom right by his side, I'm sure he won't be too mad," Law sat in an overstuffed leather chair, then pulled a light cigar from the humidor on the table.

Cutting the cigar he placed it in his mouth, then lit it with a gold butane lighter.

"C'mon sis, this is me. You told me 'bout Darcy...and I told you 'bout Rain..."

He leaned forward, smoke billowing around him as he poured both he and Vera cups of tea.

"What's wrong?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:27:06 AM
She smiled as he mentioned Darcy again. And Rain.

"Aahh..the great Millard romances . Such saucy tales!"

Despite her joking, it was true that Lawrence was her best friend and confidant. She was closer to him than anyone. They had grown up depending on each other - life as an Imperial Admiral's son and daughter had been demanding - strict behaviour and a certain decorum was insisted upon. But, alone in each others company, they could be themselves without fear of mis-speaking or embarrassing their father unwittingly. They relied on each other, trusted each other, needed each other.

She sat forward and took his hands in her own, lending a gravity to what she was about to say.

"I do beleive I am going to leave the Empire."

Lawrence reacted by sitting up, his back ramrod straight.

Vera nodded.

"Theres more. Ready for it?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:33:54 AM
Law almost dropped his cigar at the sound of Vera telling him she was leaving.

Something had happened while he was gone at the academy.

"Go on...what else are you planning on doing?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:38:35 AM
"You no doubt are familiar with the Greater Jedi Order, big brother?"

She watched him and waited as the penny tumbled into place..

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:45:44 AM
Lawrence thought he saw where this was going.

"Ye-ah, they're out on Arcan IV. I know they gave Father some trouble while we were kids. They're associated with the New Republic too."

His eyes raised in surprise, "Wait a second...you're not telling me that you're showing Force powers? I thought Father said we couldn't posses the Force because of...the way we were born?

"You're not thinking of joining them are you?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 03:32:21 PM
She tried to sip her tea, but she saw her hands trembled slightly. If she was nervous to tell Lawrence - someone who supported her wholeheartedly in everything she did - how was she ever going to tell her father?

"I had been thinking of it a long time."

Her brother noticed the "had" in past tense and he let his breath out slowly.

"I believe in them Law! What the Imperials have been doing all these years - what Father has given his life to all this time - is just so wrong."

Her eyes sparked with fire and Lawrence could see she was firm in her belief.

"I cant go along with it any longer. In fact, I have left the Empire long ago in my heart. Now I just have to do it officially."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:49:27 PM
Law nodded, "You believe in the Jedi as Father believes in the Empire. As I hope to do what he did- when he was a ranking member there."

He took a sip of his own tea and sighed. The cigar lay in the ashtray on the glass table forgotten. His blue eyes stared into his sister's brown.

Lawrence shook his head and grinned.

"Well it seems the Millards have better have atleast one rebel in the famly."

When his sister gave him a sharp stare he continued.

"You remember Father was the rebel of his family. His father sided with the Rebellion during the first Galactic Civil War."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:09:15 PM
"If you have such an understanding of the Millard history, then maybe you can tell me why the men are all so bent on making a name for themselves by breaking the backs of the weak."

She was angry now, but Lawrence just laughed at her.

"Is this just a game to you, brother?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:30:05 PM
"What? Of being a pilot? Ver'...you know I do it 'cause I'm good at it. And those slow freighters don't cut it with me. I gotta have speed."

He drank from his cup again, "You know Father doesn't like everything in his past. And he didn't break the backs of the weak. He's got a love for Order, and he believes the Empire provides it better than a democracy.

"Look I'm not going to stop you, but what has mom said about your decision?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:35:25 PM
She averted her eyes, not wanting to answer.

Neither of her parents knew.

Maybe she was a rebel after all..

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:37:41 PM
"Oh my Lord you haven't told either of them have you?" Law set his teacup down.

"Sis...I love you and all but sometimes you don't think things through. What's Father going to say when you leave? What're the Empire's leaders going to say?

"Have you considered what you're giving up?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:41:49 PM
She lifted her brother's teacup using the force and brought it over to herself.

She would have split her sides laughing at his consternation had their discussion not been so serious.

She sipped from the tea to compose herself while her brothers mouth silently worked open and shut like a codfish.

"I am giving up wrong for right Lawrence. Oppression and violence for Truth and Justice. Tell me how Mom and Pop can argue that?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:47:49 PM
"Mom wouldn't," Lawrence said, "Hell she still goes to Coruscant occasionally to 'acquire' a new piece of artwork."

He shook his head, "Father though..." his eyes closed, "Mom's gonna have to do plenty to calm him down.

"When'd you find out you had Force powers?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:55:38 PM
"Truthfully? About six years ago, but I only acted on them about two years back."

She thought about how her father would take it. Hard, definitely. Her Mother was much more understanding, though, and had a gentler more approachable sipirit. The two of them made the perfect match - a perfect balance, though Vera wondered how her mother tolerated her father at times. He could be so impossible, but maybe that was just how he was when it came to his daughter.

Vera did not look forward to the inevitable conflict that was yet to come when she told Taylor Millard, former GrandAdmiral of the Imperial Empire. Even now it sent a shudder through her body.

"When do you think would be a good time to tell them?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:01:37 PM
"Honestly, I don't know Vera. You're gonna have to tell them some time."

A new voice, older, carrying an ordered sternness and precision came from the doorway.

"Tell us what?"

It was Taylor Millard.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:06:35 PM
Vera almost dropped the teacup as their father walked up behind them. As it was, she tumbled it from hand to hand in order to not drop it, that she managed to splash tea all over the place.

"Oh, hello Father. We didnt know you were there."

Taylor Millard
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:16:37 PM
Retired-Grand Admiral Taylor Millard smiled.

"Apparently I can be sneaky like that. Or so your mother says," he walked in the room looking at this two children. They were almost the direct opposite of each other. Vera was troubled today, he could tell that...she had something on her mind. Law was quite happy, he'd just been assigned to the Super Star Destroyer Draconian stationed near Tattooine. It was a respectful position but a dangerous one also.

"Lawrence, I received a report from planetary security saying they saw an antique missile boat along with another craft," he glanced at his daughter, "Racing haphazardly down Kyry's Canyon."

He crossed his arms in displeasure, "I thought I told you two to race at night when no one was there," his blue eyes twinkled.

"Now tell me," he sat down in another over-stuffed chair, "What am I not going to like?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:32:38 AM
Lawrence looked up, biting his tongue as his father walked in the room.

He hated when his dad did that. During his childhood, it was annoying to 'get away' with little 'projects' such as coloring or, much later in life...girls. Somehow Taylor always knew when both Law and Vera were up to something.

It wasn't that Lawrence's father used the Force, but it was as if he'd done this sort of thing before...back when he was young.

"Father, if you do not mind...I will go set the missile boat up and wash it down."

His father nodded and the son quickly exitted. But before exitting, Lawrence looked at Vera and mouthed, 'Good luck.'

As he ran towards the hangar, he called on the technicians to prepare his sister's ship for departure. He had a feeling she would need to leave quickly after talking with Millard.

Lawrence ducked under the hull of The Rascal King, as he walked towards his own fighter.

"Mom? Hey Mom you here? I think ya need t'go to the house soon."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 8th, 2002, 02:23:32 PM
Vera watched as Lawrence abondoned her to her fate.

Now was as good a time as any to die she thought despondantly as she watched his retreating back. She just knew he was smiling, but she knew also he would say a small prayer for her too.

Not that she didnt want to finally face her father and make her stand for what she felt was right. Its just coming finally face to face with it, those peircing blue eyes searching her own...she just felt so much like a little girl again. Her father's approval had always meant so much. Everything really. And she knew it was not approval that she would receive from him once he heard her news.

She remained standing while her father sat - even looking up to her, her he commanded a formidable prescence.

She swallowed hard.

"Father, I have some news for you."

Taylor Millard
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:16:57 PM
"Go on Vera," Millard said as he looked at his daughter, "What's troubling you?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 8th, 2002, 03:47:22 PM
"I guess the best way is to just come out and say it.."

She stood straight, as if at attention, and made her announcement.

"I am leaving the ranks of the Empire. I..I have left actually."
(voice dont fail me now)
"And I have become a member of the Jedi Order."

She paused for breath.

"I will be taking my things and moving from Balmorra in the morning. My letter of resignation will be received by my commanding officer sometime this evening."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:36:10 PM
33 years tended to mellow people; to cause them to take their time when doing things, think things through, or sit back and relax while drinking a nice hot coffee or tea. When one gets on in age, he/she tends to slow down and take life at a slower pace.

Not Loklorien s'Ilancy-Millard.

She hadn't slowed down one bit in her years. She still spent time on Yag'Dhul, watching over Terrisz'Voss, and even found time to sneak off to run a blockade here or there.

At the moment however she had one of the lifts toward the back of the King lowered to the hangar deck, and a small-ish fighter sat up on blocks. Next to it, also on blocks, was her old tagwing, the Shirow.

She'd been working most of the morning on the newer ship, the Einhander; rewiring its firing controls and sensors. Sitting in the cockpit, with the canopy wide open, s'Il was buried in wires, and every so often a muffled curse would come from the mass of electrical equipment and wiring.

MMU, always by her side, sat on the lip of the cockpit, his little legs dangling and humming a low tune. He hadn't slowed down either over the course of the years; if anything, he'd become even more neurotic.

Bent down below the small control dash, s'Il reached a hand up, her fingers grabbing a hold of the little avatar, and yanking him down into the cockpit with her, she proceeded to point out what the problem was.

"What's this?"

The small droid, from his cramped and almost inverted position, stared at her with his glowing green eyeports, and the first thing to come from his mouth was I didn't do it....


It was Law, not me....

She let out a sigh and was about to threaten another trip to Tattooine when she heard her son calling for her. MMU was the first to poke his head out, his eyeports looking down at his "little brother" as if to say 'You're gonna get it now....'

s'Il followed suit, her own head rising from the mass of wires, and extricating them from around her (with a few helpful expletives, of course), she sat up to lean on the edge of the cockpit. Her metallic eyes cast downwards from her perch, and she looked at Lawrence with a slight smile coming to her face.

"What'd you do now."

Taylor Millard
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:37:37 PM
"I see..."

Millard's voice didn't raise, but it held a dangerous edge to it.

"Tell me, Vera, have you considered the consequences of your actions?"

Vera began to open her mouth but Millard interuptted her.

"Because if you haven't, I wish you to consider them now. The Jedi are a group that will keep you there...hold you hostage until you believe what they believe. If you do not, then they will not release you, not even to communicate with those you love.

"That's how they did it for me atleast."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:10:28 PM
Vera dropped her eyes as her father spoke. He still saw her as the brash little girl who used to skin her knees when she insisted on running and crashing heedlessly with her bigger brother in their make-beleive war games.

He had always told her then to "think before acting."

Seems nothing had changed. He still thought of her as impulsive and, worse, young.

But she was a woman who knew her own mind - more importantly, she knew her own heart.

"Nothing will ever take me away from you and Mother and Lawrence. Maybe in distance, but never for very long."

Her voice held a timbre of pleading to it, willing for her father to atleast understand if he couldnt approve.

"I cannot abide the actions of the Empire any longer. I dont believe in their ways of bringing order and peace. Their methods are tyranistic and brutal. I wont serve such a master any more."

Taylor Millard
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:21:33 PM
"VERA I FOUGHT IN THAT WAR!" Millard roared, letting his anger get the best of him.

"The New Republic and the Jedis hands are just as bloody as mine, maybe more! Remember, they took Coruscant three times. And all those times were bloody and disasterous."

His eyes darkened as he remembered his time with the Jedi.

"The Greater Jedi Order is no different from the Sith. They crave power and control. Although they do it in ways that would make a politician beam.

"You will have to trust me, Vera...the Jedi are no good."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 03:43:06 PM
Lawrence gave a look at his 'older brother' then towards his mom.

"It's not me whose done something, it's Vera."

He saw MMU's Green Eyes light up at the sound of his 'sister's' name. MMU had always enjoyed getting both Millard children in trouble but mainly Vera, especially after seeing her and a friend, "declaring their love for each other" as 'Uncle Silus' had told him.

"She's leaving Balmorra...and going to the Jedi Order. And she's telling Father now."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:54:39 PM
s'Il stared at Lawrence, not saying a word before carefully standing up to make her way out of the cockpit and down the length of the nose section of her fighter. Dropping to the ground, she dusted herself down while ambling up to her son who, just like his father, towered over her.

Staring up at him, she didn't say anything for a few seconds, simply digesting what her son had just said. Lawrence had always had the desire to follow in his father's footsteps, but Vera had always walked her own path; one that s'Il encouraged. If she wanted to leave then s'Il wouldn't stop her... but she knew Taylor would do everything in his power to talk his own brand of sense into her. She couldn't really blame him, but his experiences were his own. Vera's situation was a little different than that of her father's.

s'Il let out a hissing breath.

"She's leaving..... for the Jedi Order?? And you left her alone with him??!!"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:10:40 PM
"We all know Vera can handle herself," Lawrence said matter-of-factly as he looked at his mom.

"She and Father have clashed before over decisions. If there was anything the both of us got was both Father and yours stubborness."

He looked back towards the castle, "She'll be all right...but what might posses her to leave? She says she's frustrated with how the Empire acts...Looks I admit we're not all patron saints but we're not that bad...

"I dunno, you've been married to Father longer than I've been alive. What's your experience been?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 06:04:17 PM
s'Il pursed her lips while pulling out the tie that held her hair up. She'd let it grow down to the small of her back; often blaming her laziness for not getting it cut. It was still dark blonde, and not a strand of grey had made an appearence yet as it fell over her shoulders. Brushing a long strand back out of her eyes, she sighed.

"It's been... interesting. I made my money off both the Empire and the NR, and I've got friends in the Order... but..." s'Il followed his gaze back to the castle.

"Lawrence, I know she can stand up to him, but she's telling him she's joining the Jedi Order... I don't know rightly why though; I would have thought going to the NR would be more logical. I personally don't care what she does; she knows she can come to me if she's got problems, and you know you can too."

s'Il shook her head, reaching up to pat her son's cheek as she began a slow gait back towards the castle. "I guess I should go in there, then.

"Watch MMU for me, would you?" she called over her shoulder.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:15:21 PM
His outburst caused Vera to visably shrink back, but her neck remained stiff and unyeilding.

"How can you possibly say that! YOU of all people. The Jedi are nothing like the Sith. They fight against everything they stand for. Them, and those like them."

She referred to the DarkJedi - the ones her father at one time had striven to be. And her sleight was not lost on Millard.

His face darkened and he glared at her.

Neither of them had noticed s'Ilancy by the doorway.

"And before you lecture me on, "back in the good old days of the Empire" ..... (she was on a roll, no going back now).... I bid you recall I lived with you during those years. And trust me, if that life is what your cause brings you, then I will never, ever be a part of it."

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:34:47 PM
"I, my dear DAUGHTER, am NOT a Sith!" Millard shot back, "I never will be one nor do I CARE to be one!"

The retired Imperial Grand Admiral shot up from his chair staring down at his daughter with his cold eyes showing a fury little knew.

"And remember...I kept a delicate balance as a member of the Black Hand...I, along with several others, kept them from becoming something like those Sith Bands."

He turned from her, staring out over the Bin Prime cityscape.

"I never forced you to do anything. You CHOSE to stay here! You CHOSE to enjoy your time here! Was there ever a time you remember treating anyone...ANYONE...without the decency and respect they deserve!?! IS THERE!?!"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:02:14 PM
"How about right now, father"

Her reply was quiet, but full of bitterness.

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:03:51 PM
"You...like Lawrence...are different," Millard calmed a bit.

"You're my child.

"And you speak of respect...what about the respect of the daughter to the father. Have you considered what this might do to our family?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:22:08 PM
s'Il had stood, watching for a few minutes, completely silent. Neither father nor daughter had noticed her arrival as she stood in the doorway, leaning up against the frame, and as she continued to observe the argument, s'Il decided it was time to put a stop to it.

Standing up straight, she strode silently the rest of the way into the room to stand behind and a little to the right of Vera; even her own daughter was a few inches taller than her. Laying a hand on Vera's shoulder in support, she narrowed her metallic eyes at her huspand's back as he stood, staring out the window at the city below them.

"Taylor," she said firmly, "... stop this. You of all people should know what it's like to do what you believe is right."

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:25:43 PM
"Yes but I didn't slap anyone in the face over it. My father was dead when I made my choice."

He sighed, "Last I checked, I was still alive."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:39:10 PM
"Is that what you see this as? A slap in the face?"

s'Il stepped forward a little. "Be reasonable here. Your daugher... our daughter, is doing what she feels is the right thing. I know that's all I can ask for."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:45:48 PM
She knew he would react this way. Sometimes she thought she hated him.

A check in her spirit told her this was not so. He just made her so angry. Her thoughts strayed to her Jedi training, and she knew she was not controlling her emotions like she should.

But he always did this to her. Made her angry, then made her feel it was her own fault.

Well not this time.

Vera stepped forward and hugged s'Ilancy. Her mother always tempered things with a calm perspective and Vera always knew she had her acceptance no matter what she did - or didnt do.

"Thanks for understanding, Mother. I knew you would."

She shot a glance at Millard. I knew you wouldnt.

Turning again to give her a kiss on the cheek.
"I will say goodbye before I leave in the morning."

And without another word to her father, or another look back, she walked out of the room.

Taylor Millard
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:52:56 PM
"DON'T YOU DARE WALK OUT ON ME YOUNG LADY!" Millard roared as Vera began exitting.


He took a step towards where she was headed.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:04:27 AM
Metallic eyes flashed as Millard made for Vera as she strode out.

"Taylor Warren Millard."

Her voice was deadly quiet, and she cemented herself directly in his path. s'Il could see in his eyes the fury he barely held in check as he marched closer. He wasn't stopping, and damned if she was going to move out of his way.

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:21:37 AM
"You have something you wish to say, Loklorien Iakyn s'Ilancy-Millard?" Millard stared down at his wife as he approached her.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:40:12 AM
"Do I have something I wish to say?!" She remained rooted to the floor, "I should think I'm entitled to something of an understanding on your part."

Her eyes remained steely, narrow slits. "I will not let what happened between my father and I happen to you and Vera. If that means you have to suck in your gawd-damned pride then so be it. She's following her heart; taking the initiative to make her life come out the way she wants it.

"You did it, I did it... " she paused, looking him straight in the eyes.

"... else I wouldn't have been on Omar Prime that night."

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:17:15 AM
"But she is openly defying me!" MIllard was still not convinced.

"She knows the history this family has with the Greater Jedi Order...she knows there are few Jedi I have respect of at all in the Order...and she knows what happened to me when I was there.

"I was imprisoned Lok...Imprisoned and treated like some damned guinea pig."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:28:25 AM
Now she was getting mad. Before it was a slight frustration, but at his mention of what happened all those years ago, s'Il had to keep herself from slapping him outright.

"Don't you think I know that?!" Her fists clenched as she stayed her hands, "... do you honestly think that you were the only one hurting?!"

He neared her, and she shot a hand out to stop him. "Is this so different from whenever I defied you?

"Criminy Taylor, I still do!"

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:33:22 AM
"Yes but you're my wife...and I don't mind that you go out and steal a painting here and there or run a blockade. It's your job and it's something you enjoy. I still get asked, why I'm married to you. Why I married an art thief and smuggler. And I tell them, I don't care because I love her and she comepletes me."

He took Lok's hand in his.

"Vera, on the other hand, is our child. She is still under our roof and she is a member of the military here on Balmorra. She is disobeying direct orders by her decision.

"She cannot go...at all."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:42:47 AM
He'd decided that waiting on Vera wouldn't do at all. She would probably go to her room and grab her things, before heading back to her ship.

Law sighed...Vera always did things the hard way. He did too, but not as much as his younger sis did.

The older Millard child carried MMU (his "little brother") with him as he slipped back into the castle.

"Is Vera gonna be in trouble?"

"Yeah MMU...she's in a lot of trouble. Father isn't going to let her go so easily."

The little droid looked up at him.

"If anyone can convince him, s'Il can!"

"That might be true," Lawrence replied, "But on this kind of situation, I doubt the relationship between Father and Vera will ever be the same."

He knocked on Vera's door, then poked his head in.

"Hey sis...ya gonna be all right?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:46:30 AM
"She can, and she will."

s'Il spoke with a finality that she knew would most likely incite another fit of near-rage in her husband, but right now she didn't care.

"Where would I be if I had stayed with CorSec? Where would I be if I hadn't decided to leave tradition behind and make a life for myself?

"I certainly wouldn't be here now, with you.

"Would you deny our daughter the chance to do the same?!"

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:55:48 AM
Millard bit his lip and scowled. Lok was right and he knew it. He also knew he wasn't wrong either...it was only his point of view was askew.

"I would prefer not to think where you would be if you'd stayed with CorSec...or where I would be if I'd followed my father. But I wouldn't be here, with you now. And I'm glad I am here.

"There are times, my dear Loklorien, that tradition is a good thing. Vera is following a tradition she never knew she would. She is the rebel of the family...as I was...as my father was."

He sighed and shook his head.

"She will be labelled a traitor and a coward. There are some things...even I cannot stop..."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:20:37 AM
He still held on to her hand, and bringing her other up, placed it on his chest. It was easy to see he was torn between his love for Vera and his desire to see her succeed in all that she set out to do.

"I think she knows that already. You don't give her enough credit, Taylor.

"Look. Would it put you at ease if I called Master Ahmrah? I'm sure he'd be more than willing to look out for Vera... "

Pulling away, she gave Millard a comforting smile; the iron in her eyes now gone, and once more they shined a comforting metallic as she made her way to one of the chairs in the room, and lowering her small frame into it, she smiled warmly.

"I might even go with her... Loki and I haven't talked in a while, and I know MMU would just love to see him again."

Taylor Millard
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:33:09 AM
"Do it. But also tell Vera she can never come back to Castle Millard or Balmorra. I will see to the preparations for her departure."

He then turned and exitted the room.

Taylor walked from the living down into his library. The large books were a comfort to him, when Lok was out doing her smuggling and when Law and Vera were gone. He had a small desk, his own personal one...different from his study desk, sitting in the middle of the room.

The angry father opened the desk drawer and stared at the contents. What stared back at him was supposed to be a gift for Vera's 20th birthday, the day after tomorrow actually.

He'd hoped to give it to her then...but now...it was impossible.

He pulled the box out...and sighed.

The day had been difficult.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:44:05 PM
She was moving with great speed around her room, and was snatching up clothing and small knick-knacks with an energy that was worthy of some tactical combat excercise and quite wasted on such a mundane task as packing a suitcase.

Lawrence would have laughed only the timing was all wrong..Vera had just picked up a heavy marble paperweight and his head would have provided a target and opportunity that she just would not have passed on.

Instead, he let himself in and perched himself on her fast-emptying dresser. The antique wood groaned a little under his weight, and they both smiled.

MMU's green view-ports were blinking brightly and he looked from his brother to his sister. Vera "tinked" him on his metallic head with a light flick of her fingers and grinned kindly at him. "How's it going metalhead."

"Wonderful to see you home, Vera!"

MMU was always so chipper, and he always managed to cheer her up.

"Im not home for long though, I leave in the morning again. But I will visit you again soon."

She looked at Lawrence, both of them knowing that probably would not be true. Atleast for quite some time to come.

"Fathers furious. And as pig-headed as ever. Mom's still trying to reason with him. I dont know how she has such patience. I'll be glad to be gone." Her eyes saddened. "I'll miss you the most."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:56:44 PM
Law smiled, "Knowing Mom, I bet she'll be smuggling you into Balmorra for b-day parties every year. And WinterFest on Omar Prime."

He leaned forwards, MMU hopping down onto the floor. The little droid began running around the room, madly trying to keep Vera from leaving by throwing clothes in the air.

"Look," the Imperial Pilot said, "Father does love you. He just feels scorned by this. And while I think it's your choice and I'll always be here for you, I don't blame him.

"When you're in the Empire for so long how can you not feel hurt when your only daughter leaves for the 'enemy camp'.

"Any Jedi in particular you'll be studying with?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:42:53 AM
s'Il sat alone for a few minutes, her breathing quiet as she let her mind wander. She could understand Taylor's unhappiness, why he'd exploded at Vera like he had, but she also knew that, aside from following Taylor's "black sheep" tradition, her daughter was doing exactly what s'Il herself would have done in such a situation. She only hoped Taylor could find it in himself to not close himself off from Vera.

Dharkharon s'Ilancy, s'Il's father, had done it to her, and no matter how often she'd tried to talk to him he refused to acknowledge her. It was as if he considered her dead to him. A single tear welled in one eye, and s'Il leaned back. She prayed that Taylor would not do what her own father did.

She turned her head then, looking towards the window at one end of the room, and with a sigh, pulled herself to her feet.

It was a quiet walk back to her ship as it sat silent in the hangar, it's massive bulk resting over her, and stopping, she stared up at it. The graceful curves that accented each and every line swept back in fluid motions, and she smiled a little.

The forward boarding ramp was already down, and s'Il made her way into her ship, running her fingertips along the bulkheads.

Her office was much the same as it always had been; spartan and almost completely unfurnished, and as she lowered herself slowly into her chair, she tapped the holoprojector that was built into her desk to life.

As the connection routed itself through, s'Il leaned back, waiting patiently for Master Loki Ahmrah to answer her call.

Taylor Millard
Oct 4th, 2002, 02:44:02 AM
Millard walked up the stairs of the castle, anger still in his eyes. He felt betrayed, even if Vera was an adult...she was still his child...and still a Millard.

The parcel he held in his hand was wrapped carefully, hiding the contents of it.

He opened the door to Vera's room, startling both his children, and almost glowered at Vera.

"Open it," he said as he set the parcel down.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:19:55 AM
Vera didnt get a chance to reply to Lawrence as their father entered the room. Even in a good mood, retired Grand Admiral Millard had a commanding presence, but in his current stormy frame of mind, a whirl authority swept into the room with him and the conversation stopped short.

Vera considered for a very brief moment of refusing the gift, but her common sense held. She also did not really want to hurt her father. Deep down she knew she had disappointed him and her anger was the only way to stop her from dwelling on it.

She crossed over to her father obediently and took the wrapped package.

"You are a day early, father."

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:24:05 AM
"Since you are leaving today, I thought you should have your birthday gift now," Millard cast a stare at his daughter.

"And since you are a Jedi I thought you would appreciate it even more."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:44:00 AM
Lawrence's faint shake of his head warned her not to bite the bait of Millard's remark..and for once she took his brotherly instruction.

A deep breath, and she instead focused on unwrapping the gift.

Inside was a beautiful hair-comb, decorated with pearl inlay and it was the most delicately exquisite thing Vera had ever seen. This was the side of her father - sensitive, thoughtful, intuitive, that the little girl in her longed to be close to.

The second item in the box was one that held many messages from the man himself. Messages of who he had been, of who he was - and who she was.

Lifting it carefully in her hand, her richly deep brown eyes sought his cold ice blues.

"This is your lightsaber.."

Taylor Millard
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:48:02 AM
"Yes...it is. I have no use of it now. You are the Jedi...it is your tool to use now."

He walked towards her, his eyes still cold, "But remember this...you will always be a Millard. No matter what you do. You may put a hyphen in your name, you may change it, but you are my daughter and I am your father.

"Remember that. Good luck on your trip. I hope you find what you are looking for," and with that, Taylor Warren Millard- retired Grand Admiral- walked from the room again.

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 7th, 2002, 10:48:47 PM
Law shook his head.

"Incredible...simply incredible."

His younger sister looked at him, a questioning look in her head.

"I never would have thought he would've given you that old relic of his. I hear it still works too.

"It could be sign, Ver...a sign he accepts what you're doing. He just might not like it."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 8th, 2002, 11:33:25 PM
Vera shrugged, trying to hide how much the gift actually meant to her, though she doubted Lawrence would be fooled.

"It has been a long time since Father liked any of the choices Ive made."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 8th, 2002, 11:56:16 PM
"Yeah, so?" her older brother said at he took the lightsaber from his sister. He'd never really cared to learn the ways of the Force...not that he didn't have it. Law was a pilot and personally, he was happy to be one. And to do it on his own ability.

No one could say he rode his father's coat tails.

"Dad wouldn't have given it to you if he didn't want you to be prepared. Just because you two aren't getting along doesn't mean he doesn't love you."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:01:07 AM
"Maybe not. But he could act like it once in a while."

She sat on the bed and watched Lawrence examine the lightsaber.

"So.......will you come visit me at the Order?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:20:39 AM
Lawrence sighed...this was the problem. He did have to be careful, being a member of the Imperial Navy. While his father's influence was large and wide-spreading (he was a retiring war hero after all)...but there were still times he had to be careful.

"I'll try Vera," he said earnestly, "I mean it. A neutral world, like Yag'Dhul might be better were we to visit each other. And I won't forget your birthday either. I promise."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 01:44:29 AM
She was a little disappointed by his answer.

Not so much that he wouldnt come to see her where she would now be calling home, but rather, the fact that their roads in life were about to take a severe divergence from each other.

The enormity of her committment suddenly seemed to drain the energy from her.

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 01:48:19 AM
"Vera is there anything else I can do for you?" Law asked, feeling Vera's disappointment. He could see it on her face.

"Who will your..umm...master be at the Jedi? Or is...since you've said you've been doin' the Jedi stuff for a while."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 01:55:58 AM
"My master is Loki Ahmrah..."

She got up from the bed and gave hugged her big bother tightly.

"Just promise me, you and I will always stay close. No matter what."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:01:49 AM
"Sure," was all Lawrence said. If there was one thing he did tend to get from his mom was her laid back attitude.

A puzzled look came to his face.

"Doesn't Ahmrah and Father have a history together?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:10:06 AM
Stepping back a pace, she looked at Lawrence curiously.

"History? What do you mean?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:17:41 AM
"I suppose both Father and Lok are being quiet about it," Law said a look in his face.

"You remember Father was captured by GJO a long time ago right?"

He saw Vera nod. Of course she knew...it was something the schools on Balmorra talked about. Grand Admiral Taylor Millard, hero of the Balmorran Civil War, captured by the Greater Jedi Order and the New Republic. Escaped, terms still unknown by another hero of the Empire...Silus Xilarian...and so forth.

"Loki Ahmrah, I believe, was Father's profiler there. But I'm not sure."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:30:22 AM
Vera's eyes widened a little.

This was a history that was rarely spoken about in her family...and it had not come up in her discussions with Master Ahmrah. She suddenly wondered why.

She was embarressed that Lawrence saw she knew nothing of what he was speaking.

"It..it hasnt been an issue in my training..."

She brought a finger to her lips in thought and gnawed a little on her fingernail.

"Master Loki was quite curious about me when I first arrived at the Order, but I put it down to the natural draw of questions the "Millard" name always generates."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:36:03 AM
"Yeah well there're plenty of things Father doesn't like to talk about. He being a prisoner of the Jedi is just one of them," Lawrence scratched his head as he looked at his sister.

"Mom's pretty quiet about it too. And don't look at me for answers. I have no clue myself. I tried to ask them and they said 'some other time'...the same for Adm- I mean- Uncle Tomar."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:44:06 AM
"Yeah..." The wheels of her mind were ticking over.

She knew if she asked her Master straight out about it, he would tell her.

Then another thought occured to her.

"What about Silus Xilarian...would he speak about it?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 9th, 2002, 02:56:48 AM
"Probably not. Admiral Xilarian would probably be quiet about it too."

Lawrence shook his head, "Let's face it sis...sometimes...Imperials are too quiet. It's not great when we want to find out what happened to Father, but we just have to accept it and move on.

"Or that's what I do."

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 10th, 2002, 02:41:45 PM
The skyline of Coruscant after a stunning, clear day was truly a sight to behold and from his vantage point in the Jedi Temple, Loki was able to witness the sky sift through it's palette of colours; moving from the bright blue into subtle pinks and radiant amber concluding with deep, crimson reds. He sighed and moved away from the window of the Council Chamber towering high above the traffic and mayhem of the lower levels feeling somewhat too priviledged.

One of the things about a Jedi such as he was whilst on the Galaxy's Capital he could do nothing to escape the ruckus of life all around and it was about this time that it's daily composition would reach it's crescendo. Children playing after a long day at school, parents returning home from work picking up their staple groceries and the chaotic traffic during rush-hour all contributed significantly. The presence of so much life was comforting to a degree but when you have an abnormally heightened attunement to life and emotion it can naturally become quite disturbing. With each night came a new storm of evil manifested in all it's forms; ranging from crime to domestic arguements, Loki felt it all and in the more potent of cases, saw it too.

But instead of shutting himself off the Jedi Master allows himself to perceive all for it is a blessing as much it is a curse and in times of doubt or during discussions he will simply answer, "We each have our burdens and can either hide them or use them but regardless of our efforts they will always be with us."

He closed his eyes and thought about his padawan, Vera. He often pondered on how her father would react were he to discover the truth behind her aspirations. She is a very capable and mature young woman and as certain he was that Taylor knew that, he doubted his ability to accept her as a Jedi.

"Her mother on the other hand--" He thought with a smile. "--her time would be spent calming her husband than coming to terms with the reality of the situation herself. Perhaps we will be able to meet again some--"

With a sudden turn, Loki's eyes opened and he headed immediatly for his quarters. Sometimes we think of the past for the sake of thinking about it, sometimes we like to be nostalgic and occassionaly there are unconcious reasons behind our thoughts. The difference with him was that he knew the difference between each instance. A moment later he recieved a message from a fellow council member informing him he has an incoming holonet transmission.

"I know."

When the call was answered, the projection received was that of a man in his early fourties with youthful looks maintained, a cleanly shaven face and his thick, dark hair now cut short and neat. Certainly not the little boy she had met decades ago on Arcan IV but most definately the same person. He smiled.

"Greetings Miss s'Ilancy. It is a pleasure seeing you again. How are you?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Nov 14th, 2002, 09:24:34 AM
Brushing back yet another errant strand of long hair, s'Il grinned at Master Ahmrah, and her metallic gaze swept over his features; gods he still looked like just a kid. Leaning forward a little, she rested her arms on her desk.

"Master Ahmrah, I've told you before you don't need to call me that," she laughed a little, "Lok is just fine."

Her eyes were calm, and she let out a long breath before going on.

"I... have a favor to ask you though."

Taylor Millard
Nov 21st, 2002, 12:45:48 PM
Millard left his children in Vera's room, marching straight for his study.

As he walked the halls of his castle, his mind wandered to things which used to be. The destruction of Castle Millard...the rebuilding into an immense structure towering over Bin Prime...the betrayal by one of its leaders...the war...the birth of his children. Lok's leaving him and then returning after almost two years. The Black Hand. And then his imprisonment at Greater Jedi Order.

There was a part of Taylor that rarely came out...something he preferred to keep locked up and away. s'Il knew about it...so did Tomar and Jaranda.

He opened the door to his study, running his hands over the oak of his desk. He noticed markings on one of the walls...undoubtably MMU practicing his 'art'.

Taylor Millard ignored them, choosing to sit at his oak desk. Fine linen paper came out of his desk drawer and Millard dabbed his writing pen in it's ink housing.

There was only one person in the Greater Jedi Order, Millard trusted. Well...more along the lines of trusted as far as he could throw him.

Millard set the pen down on the paper...and began to write.

Dear Loki,

I have followed your career as a Jedi closely, since our last time together. In our discussions down in the dungeon it was apparent to me that the death of your parents, figure largely in your personal values. Do you still hope to please dead mommy and daddy by being a Jedi? Do you see your service a way of honoring their deaths? By serving the light?

Is your worst fear that people will remember you only as a Force User from a backwater planet with long dead parents? Does that haunt you as you lay down to sleep at night? Hmm?

I imagine you now staring out over the skyline of Coruscant, pondering the events of the past. I can only assume that includes me. Does our time together make you question the Jedi still? Or does it make you only want to fight those who are against you...Including former Dark Jedi Masters?

I couldn't help notice the Jedi still have a reward out for my capture. Interesting...considering I am enjoying my retirement with my family. Those who I love, oh so dearly.

But I suppose killing four New Republic Soldiers and Two Jedi Padawans still accounts for something in this golden age. I do encourage you to increase the reward- perhaps some poor soul with want to seek the hero of the Balmorran Empire out, and dispatch him from this galaxy.

Vanquish those who are evil! Isn't that the Jedi Code? Do you see me as an evil person, who willingly wants to cause chaos and destruction? Or what I really am...an old man, wanting to spend the rest of his life in retirement with only a few adventures here and there.

One final question, Are the scars of the past still on your body, Loki Ahmrah? While bacta is still a strong medicine, it sometimes takes a while for old wounds to heal.

Regards your old pal,
Taylor Millard, Grand Admiral...retired.

P.S. I hope you find training Vera quite invigorating, after all, she does take after her mother more than I. I suppose you will see her not only a good student, but a stubborn one at that. Although she believes in the Jedi Code, she is strong headed and might rush out into danger. I only hope it does not end her life. Or else I might be forced to take up a mantel I wish not to take.

P.P.S. I am curious for your reasons on taking this assignment. Do you think the ability to turn one Millard to the light side, redeems your failure with another? Tell me please...Jedi Master Loki Ahmrah.

If so, feel free to drop me a line anytime. s'Il does have your direct extention. And you have mine. I would like regular updates on Vera's training, after all, she is my daughter...and Jedi or not...I do love her.

I am not so sure how well I should wish with you with training Vera, after all she is stubborn and going against almost everything I believe. But regardless, I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.

Ta ta,

He looked at the letter, then folded it into two folds. He wrote Loki's name on the front (both names first and last) then sealed it with red wax of the Balmorran Empire Logo.

The letter would go with the same transport that Vera would take. Millard hoped Loki enjoyed the letter. Then placed it in a larger envelope, then sent it off.

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 22nd, 2002, 02:12:30 PM
OOC: Bloody hell! I'm terribly sorry, s'Il, I hadn't realised you had replied otherwise I would have done likewise much earlier than this.


Loki smiled, amused at his own inability to let go of the child still much a part of him. "Forgive me, old habbits die hard. Similarly Lok, 'Master Ahmrah' is far too formal a way to address an old friend."

She hadn't changed much, age had weathered her slightly but apart from that the same wonderful person shone through, ever attentive and equally curious. She was most definately burdened, it didn't take a Jedi to sense that. He grinned.

"So he knows?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 22nd, 2002, 08:38:02 PM
Vera clambered onto her bed and stretched lenthways out on her back as Lawrence spoke.

She reached up and bent her arms beneath the back of her head, cradling it as she stared up at the ceiling. The wiggling of her feet off the other end of the bed was the only indication of how busy her mind was turning over.

"hmm..." she said almost to herself, "....well we can be sure Father wont be 'sharing' his side of things with us anytime soon. He preferred to keep us from knowing anything that might reflect any weakness of humanity in him. Admiral Millard, the rock."

She thought to herself that she sounded bitter.

Maybe she was.

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 12:25:39 AM
"Oh c'mon Vera you know that's not true," Lawrence retorted, "You know Father tried to be there for us when he had the time."

He stood up and got himself a glass of water from the sink in Vera's room.

"So he didn't tell us everything...so what. Did I ever tell him about all of the women I had around here. Did you tell him about the guys you had here?

"It's a two way street, sis. To get info ya gotta give it sometimes."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 02:35:28 AM
Vera's laugh began as a giggle, but by the time she rolled over and sat up, she was laughing loudly.

"ALL the women Lawrence??"

She managed to duck in plenty of time as a toothbrush came hurtling at her from where Lawrence stood at the sink.

Lawrence Trent Millard
Nov 23rd, 2002, 02:40:54 AM
Law smirked, "You get my point though. We can't tell Father everything and he won't tell us everything.

"And you know it was plenty of women...atleast I had the audacity to bring them here. You used the hangar more I believe."

He shook his head and barely ducked a pillow, flung at him.

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Dec 1st, 2002, 03:05:42 PM
Falling back again to the soft covers of her bed, Vera again grew serious.

"Well, it looks like the gap will grow even wider now."

Staring at the ceiling, "Things will never be the same, Lawrence now that I have joined the Order. Nothing will ever be the same."

The siblings grew very quiet as the laughter faded from their lips. They knew it to be true, though what it would all mean and the scope of the changes, would only be revealed in time.

Their Father had always told them to "live for the day." That one never could count on tomorrow, but only the here and now was what they could be sure of.

Vera looked over at Lawrence, and they both knew what the other was thinking.

Softly, in almost whispers, they spoke in unison.

"live for the day.."

Finally, after all these years, they felt they completely understood Grand Admiral Millard's advice. And it made them a little sad.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
May 28th, 2003, 11:20:29 PM
ooc: ok, so i'm a bad person, i know. ive neglected this for a while; ok, a little longer than awhile, and im sorry yall.


A nod was all it took; all that was needed to give an affirmation to Loki's question. s'Il tapped her fingers on her desk for a moment, then leaned back in thought. Her eyes went over Loki's countenance; he was definately older; had seen many things since she'd first met him, and she could see the wisdom in his eyes. It was almost a tangible thing.

"In some ways I suppose it shows him that not everyone wants to do what he wants them to do, and maybe that's a good thing; I'm not sure. The only thing I'm sorry for is the fact that I know what happened between me and my father is going to happen between Vera and Taylor. And there's nothing I can do to stop it. That's what kills me."

With a sigh she stopped the tapping. "He'll mellow though; my dad did, and I know Taylor will too. It's just that things like this take time."

Lawrence Trent Millard
May 29th, 2003, 01:02:06 PM
"At some point Vera," Law said still staring up at the ceiling. He had mixed feeling about this.

His own path had been set before him from the day he'd been 'born'. Not that his father pushed him towards the military...Millard had encouraged it...but Law himself wanted to follow his father's footsteps. He wanted to be a leader, have people look up to him. In hockey he'd been team captain, not because he demanded it...but because people entrusted him with it.

He was quick to learn the art of piloting, something bred in both his parents. Law'd preformed excellently in the Balmorran Flight School, beating several records...including ones set buy his cousin Alexander and his own father.

Now, with the military, he was going to be Squad Leader soon. Through quiet leadership and the ability to handle situations and still 'have fun'...Lawrence Trent Millard was becoming his own man.

And now Vera was becoming her own woman...whether it was a Jedi or a Balmorran...she was still his sister. No matter what.

Rising, he gave her small frame a hug, then kissed her head.

"You're always gonna be my sister, Vera...no matter what. You're always gonna be my sister."

He looked into her eyes, giving a sort of half-smile, "Make me proud, Vera. I want to be able to tell my friends how my sis is a badass Jedi. Got it?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jun 3rd, 2003, 11:00:08 PM
She smiled. And instead of releasing the hug, she pulled in tighter and held her brother like he was some form of life preserver.

Lawrence murmered "there,there" just like he would whenever she would get upset over some teen drama, or boy troubles or some other equally overwhelming adolescent tragedies.

She screwed her eyes shut tight, fighting the urge to let the tears fall.

She was going to miss her brother most of all. Suddenly Vera felt so small, and unequal to the task of being a Jedi and all the ramifications that would bring.

"Im....I....I hope I dont disappoint you, Law.."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Jun 3rd, 2003, 11:27:44 PM
"Well if ya do Ver..." he gave a playful smile, "I'll come all the way to Coruscant or Arcan IV or wherever you are, just t'kick your tail into gear."

He didn't let go of her though. He knew how much this meant to her and Lawrence saw something in his little sister he hadn't before...drive. She legitimately wanted to succeed no matter what the consequences were.

"Look at it this way...you prolly have a better shot at succeeding than I do. I'm gonna go into politics at some point. You know how much Father loves that."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jun 3rd, 2003, 11:52:42 PM
"I think youre just trying to secure your place in Father's will" she joked.

Politics....boy, that was something.

She stepped back a pace now, and looked up at her brother.

"Really? You think that is where your road will take you?"

Lawrence Trent Millard
Jun 4th, 2003, 12:00:43 AM
"Yes," Lawrence replied, brushing some hair from his ears. He'd need a trim soon.

"I've talked with Father about it. He wasn't too pleased, but he understands. He just made me promise never to try and consolodate the military and the political spectrum into one being. I think he prefers them being seperate. And so do I."

He looked a bit deep-thinking, "What would you do, sis...if in the future you were some big Jedi Master and I were Emperor of this place? Would we still be friends?"

Master Ahmrah
Jun 6th, 2003, 05:00:51 AM
"Yes, I can see it's having that effect just by the look on your face, dredging up old memories. Just remember, Lok, Taylor is not the same man as your father. Of course you know him better than anyone but try to relax, he may suprise you." It was with silent skill that Loki slipped into the old councelling shoes, they seemed to fit him quite well but he never wore them for too long. After all, no-one needs a shrink for a friend. "So I'm guessing it went as well as was expected. Taylor's a proud man, isn't he?"

That was a rhetorical question, he's a retired Imperial Grand Admiral and as such pride went hand-in-hand with the title. That's not all he had been but the Jedi decided to avoid that for bringing up the darker parts of Millard's past would serve no purpose and do little to help Lok. She had rolled her eyes a little at Loki's mention of pride, despite the tense atmosphere at home she was still able to be herself; she was so strong.

"So how are you now?" He asked, then quickly atattched two more questions, he not being one to resist inquisitiveness. He leaned closer to the Holoprojector and spoke with a more hushed voice, conspiritorially. "How is the family? Is Vera alright?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Jun 6th, 2003, 11:31:55 PM
With an easy smile, s'Il leaned back to stretch her legs. Loki was always an easy person to talk to; provided a multitude of information... not to metnion it was always nice to catch up on old times. s'Il always enjoyed talking to him. Provided a nice break from the sometimes rigid happenings that surrounded her daily life.

"Oh I'm fine; still overhauling fighters and the such. As for the family, we were doing fine until Taylor decided to let his arrogance get in the way of things; but like I said... he'll get over it. He really has no choice. Vera will do what she wants, and as long as she feels its the right thing, I'll support her in whatever she does."

s'Il smiled then, propping her arms behind her head. "I'm coming out a few weeks after she gets there to check up on her. Don't convert her into a completely law-abiding citizen and Jedi, if you don't mind. I still have things I want to teach her that she hasn't learned yet."

Master Ahmrah
Jun 8th, 2003, 06:14:17 PM
"Now, now, would I even think of doing such a thing?" Loki laughed at Lok's defensiveness, she was clearly worried about Vera and how much she would change at the Jedi Order. The Jedi Master tended to think of it as growing rather than changing but could understand her concern. There'd be nothing worse than having one of your children leave and return a different person. It would be scary.

"So you'll be coming to check up on her, eh? I akways knew you'd make a wonderful mother." He laughed suddenly and added. "Ever since you helped me up into that ventilation shaft back on Arcan IV."

Loki then sat back, his traditional attire fitting him comfortably but wasn't quite as pristine as it used to be, a testament to the dedication and permanent commitment a Jedi gives to their way of life. A Millard following the ways of the Jedi is a wildcard to say the least but judging by the way in which Vera is developing both as a Jedi and young woman makes the Jedi think that it was down to fate.

"Try not to worry about Vera. I'll take good care of her and if there are any changes to be made I assure you it will be Vera, not I, who makes that choice. But I'm sure you already knew that, she takes after you for that undiminishing independence."

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:41:24 PM
"Of course we'd still be friends." She held no hesitation whatever in her reply.

"You and I disagree all the time, but that doesn't change anything between us."

She took her brush and ran it through her hair, noting suddenly that she was looking a little rumpled and didnt like it.

"Politics though Law...You've seen what it did to Father. Do you think you can live like that? So many shades of grey at work in the Council...so much compromise. Its easy to loose oneself in such a place."

Lawrence Trent Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:50:22 PM
"However there aren't any Tyrel Kiterixes on the Council," Law replied, his eyes darkening.

"Father never went into politics because he hates it. He wants to serve the Empire through the military not make policy. I believe I can remain firm in my beliefs, make policy, and serve the Empire well."

She still didn't look convinced.

"I know it's dangerous, Vera. But is it any more dangerous than what you're doing?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 07:58:37 PM
"I have people to teach me..to guide me. People I trust implicitly."

Loki Ahmrah appeared in her mind. He was her Master, her mentor. And, not to mention, he was so very handsome. A smile played about her lips momentarily as she thought about him, but she was quick to quell it. Lawrence would be merciless if he found out she had a crush on an old family friend..

"You, on the other hand, have to fend for yourself amongst vipers and theives. There are many such as Tyrel Kiterix, Lawrence. Father had his, you will have yours." she warned.

Lawrence Trent Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:06:51 PM
"Which is why you always pay attention to what's going around," Law said, scooping up a family picture. It was of the four of them...well five if you counted MMU, jumping in at the last minute.

"Remember what Father taught us? Always observe what goes on around you. Never ignore the smallest thing. He taught the both of us things we won't be able to forget. And for good reason too. Plus...Clarice Tomar is rather good as gathering intelligence. A lot like Aunt Jaranda."

He hefted the picture of the Millard family, "Want this sis?"

Vera Ravencourt-Millard
Jun 8th, 2003, 08:12:48 PM

She took the picture and looked at it as she crossed the room to place it in her duffle bag.

"You know...MMU is quite photogenic.." she said as she popped it in a side zip compartment.

She actually was avoiding comment on Clarice Tomar..Vera was not fond of the woman at all, and Lawrence knew it.

"Just remember Lawrence, you can always trust me and come to me any time."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Jun 13th, 2003, 04:20:44 PM
s'Il smiled then, nodding knowingly. Yes, her daughter took after her in that respect, and for that she was proud. She snorted in remembrance at his mention of their first meeting, shaking her head.

"Independance is something she didn't just get from me; I cultivated it in her-" the look of confusion on his face made her laugh a little, and she continued. "-I never did this with Lawrence; his father would have a fit if his son went out on a trip with me, but I took Vera plenty of times to museum to scout out security nets and such; I always let her help me with my jobs. Taylor was fit to be tied when he found out the first time, but he doesn't say much about it anymore.

"Just don't be surprised if something comes up missing. It'll most likely be put back after she'd done looking at or studying it."

For a brief moment she wondered where her husband was, but dismissed the thought momentarily, and her face became serious as she leaned forward, her gaze stern.

"I only ask one thing though...

"When I come, would you please tell the masters there to let their padawns know to keep their force use on a minimum if they come anywhere near me. The last thing I want is to hurt anyone there, Loki. I don't like to take risks like coming to a place full of force-users, but I'll do anything to make sure Vera is doing well."

Master Ahmrah
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:44:38 AM
"I understand that, Lok. I'll have a word with the rest of the big-wigs around here and will inform them that you have my utmost confidence."

No doubt some will be more suspicious and untrusting than others but you can't take that personally. No matter how we live our lives there will always be some who cannot trust you. That's how it's always been. Fear of the unknown. On a related note I must impress on you that you can trust me with your daughter, Lok. Vera is safe under my charge."

Taylor Millard
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:55:37 AM
"She'd better be," a voice came from the speaker as Taylor Millard's face appeared. He was patched in, well hacked in, through the comm system from his study.

His blue eyes were cold and his head canted to the left a bit.

For the first time in almost sixteen years...Loki Ahmrah and Taylor Millard saw each other.

"Good evening, Loki. How is Coruscant?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Jul 2nd, 2003, 08:52:31 PM
s'Il was about to thank Loki when Millard's visage appeared. No visible surprise registered on her features; half of her had expected him to find a way to get himself into the conversation. She turned a nuetral look to her husband, pointing a finger at him.

In her voice however, was a very noticable tone of warning.

"You behave."

Master Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 05:47:01 AM
The voice was instantly recognisable, painfully eloquent with a crisp, metallic rasp to it. Loki straightened his back although he didn't realise he had and there was a brief tingling chill on the back of his neck. The old conflict in the pit of his stomach stirred only to be hastily silenced once again. Taylor's appearance suprised him, although it shouldn't have for it was very characteristic of the old Dark Jedi to pull a stunt like this and Loki smiled.

"Good evening, Taylor." The Jedi felt himself slipping into old traits and trappings of being extra careful about what he said, how he said it, what he did and how he did it. He noticed he asked about Coruscant and not him. "Coruscant is as bustling and chaotic as it has ever been. What about Balmorra?"

Taylor Millard
Jul 3rd, 2003, 05:00:08 PM
"The same as Coruscant," Millard replied a smile on his face.

He'd always treated Loki as an amusing, yet fascinating character. Someone who, when he first met him so many years ago, lusted after knowledge like a teenager would a girl...trying to learn all he could in his bookish mind. That mind had transformed into someone who read Millard quite well and understood him better than most Jedi ever would.

Although he rarely showed it...Millard actually liked Loki and trusted him. He was the kind of Jedi, Millard's father had been.

"I will s'Il..."

Millard's blue eyes scanned Loki's face.

"I see the bacta treatments healed the scar, Loki...do you still wake up in the dark in a sweat?"

Master Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 05:28:32 PM
"Only when it's hot and the traffic is too loud." Loki replied with a curt smile. He was wise enough not to ask Taylor how he is coping without his powers of old, that would be rubbing salt into the wound but of course Taylor never cared to spare Loki that discourtesy with references to his scar and sleeping problems.

"Tell me, can we be expecting a visit from the Grand Admiral anytime?"

Taylor Millard
Jul 3rd, 2003, 05:33:59 PM
Millard shook his head...

"No, I think I'll stay where I am. I have a nice view here. I can see the sun without wondering what time it is."

There was a glimmer in Millard's eyes.

"But...if you treat my daughter with disrespect...you might see me again, could you tell me your home address?"

He smiled.

Master Ahmrah
Jul 3rd, 2003, 05:46:50 PM
"Certainly." Loki smiled and spoke casually, like he were giving his address to a business colleague. "The Jedi Temple, Coruscant."

Inside, there was a warm, tickling feeling which made him feel like was about to burst out laughing. There was something amusing about the subtle banter he and Millard shared all those years ago. But then he remembered that it wasn't good humour but was infact anxiety, unbearable anxiety which he had become conditioned to feel when speaking with the old Grand Admiral.

"I assure you as I have Lok, that your daughter will forever be safe as long as I am her master." His voice was steeled and somewhat resolute, his clasped hands squeezed each other until the skin beneath was white. He was angry with himself for allow such a ghost of the past to have such a profound imapct upon him. He grinned now.

"It is an honour to instruct someone as normal and promising as Vera. So untainted. She has a good heart. I foresee her blossoming into a great Jedi." His fingers relaxed now, his smile grew. "You'll be so proud."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Jul 9th, 2003, 09:15:13 PM
s'Il stayed silent, letting her husband and Loki converse. It was easy for her to see that Millard was actually showing happiness at talking to the Jedi master; albeit in his own semi-twisted way. It was something she was used to, being that she shared her life with the man.

Finally, she spoke up. "Of course we will. She's determined to do what she wants, and this is what she wants."

With a pointed look to Millard, she gave him a sweet smile. "Isn't that right."

Taylor Millard
Jul 9th, 2003, 09:59:32 PM
"Of course," Millard replied, steepling his fingers, "I've always been proud of my daughter. Even if we disagree on things most of the time.

"Tell me Loki...how have others acted around her? Knowing another 'Millard' is in their midst? Is she treated special or is she treated like any other Jedi out there?"

Master Ahmrah
Jul 10th, 2003, 04:42:51 AM
Loki was smiling having witnessed the relationship between Lok and Taylor in full swing and they were just like any normal married couple. He disguised his amusement as friendliness in order to be polite.

"None at all actually." He contemplated, with a slight frown, thinking. "Reason being, I think, is that the people here are very trusting and it would be short-sighted to think the same fate would await the daughter as it did the father. No, I'd say she's fitting in very well. She's happy."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Jul 22nd, 2003, 07:55:37 PM
s'Il sat back, addressing Loki. "Taylor seems to forget that his daughter doesn't have the same sort reputation as he does, and so he tends to think the worst."

She rested her hands behind her head, propping her feet on her desk.

"After all, she wasn't a Dark Jedi. I like to think that the Jedi understand where she's coming from, and that she's not like her father in most cases."

Taylor Millard
Jul 22nd, 2003, 09:24:27 PM
"I would hope so," Millard replied distrust on his face. Jedi did not tend to forget who people were though.

"However...the Jedi have such long memories. I'm almost surprised someone hasn't tried to recruit her into some nefarious organization of somesort within the Jedi ranks."

He gave Loki a semi-dark look, "Or are those days over with?"

Master Ahmrah
Jul 27th, 2003, 12:02:04 PM
"That is exactly the case, Lok. If it weren't I would bring any prejudice to an immediate end." Loki assured s'Il, who was clearly experienced in having to not take sides and being a very capable moderator. For the briefest of moments, the Jedi had to wonder what the Millard family was like behind closed doors.

"It is true, Taylor, I don't deny it." He started with a tone of grave seriousness, "There was a time when the Jedi Order harboured, unknowingly, I'll add, individuals who indeed formed small collectives with goals at a tangent to those of our own Code. I'll also add that this went on unnoticed under the Council's very nose for many years. I was young back then, a child."

Loki straightened up with confidence and declared, "Although these days we are almost certain that no such impurities exist within our own ranks." He saw Taylor perk up and decided to remove the bait before he bit. "I say 'almost certain' because I am not naive enough to believe that the Jedi and their perceptions of reality and confidence of ability is infallable. We are flawed and the sooner that is understood, the better." He smiled. "You'll be pleased to know I am teaching your daughter this."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Aug 8th, 2003, 11:47:32 PM
s'Il only nodded, then turned her eyes once more to her husband. If he thought she and Loki were 'gangin up' on him, then so be it. He was the one who decided to splice his way into the conversation.

"Now," she said sternly, addressing Millard, "I hope you heard that. Loki knows the Jedi aren't perfect. And neither are you, so don't try to be too high and mighty over this situation. Cause the last person who should be acting that way is you."

As much as Loki had noticed her husband's mention of past demons and said nothing in retaliation, s'Il was only waiting her time to call Millard out. She didn't like the fact that he sought what seemed like a strange sense of satisfaction in bringing up old wounds, and it made her wonder why Loki never said anything back. Well. s'Il would, whether or not her husband liked it.

"Times are changed since you had the force, Taylor. Some might not forget, but alot are willing to forgive. And you seem to disregard that... "

She leaned forward then, to place emphasis on her last words. "Even you forgive, dear husband. Else I would still be in that small apartment on Bin Prime."

Taylor Millard
Aug 29th, 2003, 12:41:33 AM
"My dear Loklorien," Millard replied, not surprised by her words. The two had butted heads about the subject before...of Millard's distrust of the Jedi.

"I only mention my concerns to Mister Ahmrah here as reasons to why I am unhappy with Vera's decision to join the Jedi. I have the upmost respect for him and he is the one Jedi I would want for Vera to have as a Master."

I know I can actually trust him, Millard didn't say.

"Plus I do enjoy reminding Loki of our time together on Coruscant. It was quite revealing of the good Jedi Master wasn't it...Jedi Master Ahmrah?"

He gave a small smile of satisfaction. Indeed...it had been revealing.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Aug 31st, 2003, 11:00:41 AM
Well, that was it. As far as s'Il was concerned, her husband had just had his little access privilages to her initial transmission revoked. She didn't appreciate what Millard had said, and it was clearly evident in her expression. She didn't even speak, instead calmly reaching across the desk to the built in touchpad and punching in a small override code.

Without so much as batting an eye, she severed Millard's hacked connection, his link cut and the transmission coding patched as he was bumped from the line, his face blinking out. Leaning back, s'Il let out a perturbed sigh, metallic eyes apologetic as they looked to the Jedi Master...

"I'm sorry," she apologized, utter sincerity in her tone.

Master Ahmrah
Aug 31st, 2003, 06:12:13 PM
"It's alright, I'm used to his eviscerating way with words now." He shrugged and gave Lok a thing smile which didn't support what he was telling her. He wearily raised a hand to his face and massaged his closed eyelids with his thumb and forefinger. "I daresay, I expected something like that from him. Thanks for your help."

He was in silent agony, wanting desperately to bash his head against the table in front of him. It was a mistake he'd made many years ago and one which would haunt him for years to come, somone like Taylor Millard is the last kind of person who you want to know personal things about you but during their time together he'd managed to wangle more information about Loki than he'd ever shared with anyone before. The Jedi Master was strong willed but Millard was cunning and malicious, he had a ruthless side to him which he used to work his way under his victim's skin, with unequalled skill too, Loki thought.

"Not to be rude but I am glad he wont be joining you, his presence is-- unnerving at times." He smiled. "Not that you'd ever notice, I don't think he'd dare step out of line with you!"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Aug 31st, 2003, 08:54:05 PM
s'Il offered a gentle smile to Loki, knowing with painful remembrance the hardships all had had to endure during the time Millard had been taken by the Jedi Order. She knew that both Loki and her husband had a unique sense of respect towards eachother, but sometimes it seemed skewed regardless, and s'Il had never appreciated much of anything either side had done to the other. She blamed no one, but she certainly didn't condone any of their actions during that time.

Including her own.

But, all was pushed to the back of her mind as her eyes softened at Loki's discomfort. "Don't worry about sounding rude, Loki - I had no intention of bringing him; nor does he particularly wish to visit. You know as well as I do that he's driven by a pride of sorts, and an intense sense of honor that manifests itself... strangely... at times.

"... and a bit of it is resentment, I believe. He no longer has the force - something that... while he never used as a crutch in any way, was still something that he found to aid him and constantly be part of him. He's still sore about it in a sense, and I don't fault him for feeling that way at all; it's just the way he chooses to express his loss I disagree with - "

Her metallic eyes became almost playful then, " - and refuse to tolerate."

Taylor Millard
Aug 31st, 2003, 09:03:14 PM
Millard was far from surprised when his connection was cut, nor was he particularly angry. He'd said what he wanted to say to Loki, needled him abit about the time the two had spent on Coruscant...the latter the profiler, the former the prisoner.

Indeed he respected, and almost liked, Loki (the man was probably the most consistant Jedi out there)...it was his strong sense of justice and loyalty which drew him towards Millard. And although they disagreed, Millard always treated Loki a bit differently than he did others. But he couldn't pass up the opportunity to lamblast him when he did.

As for s'Il cutting the connection, the two probably had to discuss the nature of their meeting. Millard would respect it, but the letter he'd sent Loki would do enough to stir emotions from the Jedi Master.

Millard so enjoyed ruffling feathers when given the opportunity.

Master Ahmrah
Sep 10th, 2003, 05:49:42 PM
"Why does it not suprise me?" Loki laughed, leaning closer to the Lok's holographic projection, clearly much more relaxed now that Taylor was gone. The metal in her eyes shimmered, the Jedi Master remembered how as a child he had failed to notice s'Ilandcy's metallic eyes until she had pointed them out. She was still the only person he had ever met who had eyes like that, they were fascinating. He pressed on.

"So now that the arrangements are made, I'll have to think of some interesting excursions planned for your stay but I have to wonder if there actually exists a place you've never been. Speaking of arrangements, what about your accomodation? Will you be staying at the temple?"

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2003, 05:58:05 PM
s'Il laughed at his remark at her apparent 'knack' for getting around, and once more kicked her feet up onto the desktop. Eternally comfortable, she wondered briefly what her husband would say when she once more returned to the castle. It would certainly prove to be interesting, to say the least. But that was for later, and right now, she was with Loki; well, at least she was talking with him. She wouldn't be in his actual presence for another week or two.

At his last query, of whether she had a place to stay, her brows knit in thought. "Well," she started slowly, mulling over and digesting what he'd said, "I'm not sure. I was thinking I'd just stay on the King. I'd hate to be a bother in any way, and I certainly don't want to make any of your padawans nervous or any of the other masters angry by staying too close to the Temple Grounds."

Master Ahmrah
Sep 10th, 2003, 06:12:30 PM
"Oh, nonsense!" Loki scoffed, veering up in his seat. He pointed a finger at Lok's pale blue image. "Now listen here, Lok, for that you're going to stay on the Temple Grounds whether you like it or not! You're no bother at all!"

"Besides--" His stern face broke into a grin at last. "I want to show off our new furnishings. The new quarters are really something. That, and I'll know where to find you should a certain item or two go missing but you wouldn't want to do that now would you? After all--"

He sat rigid, face cold and patted a balled fist into his open left hand but despite his best efforts, he looked about as threatening as a one-legged mouse. A mischievous grin twitching into a smile. "I wouldn't want to have to get rough with you!"

As light-hearted as he was treating the matter, he knew that the issue of one such as Lok staying on the Jedi grounds would be delicate at best but he would pursuade the council. He would not have a friend, who was also the mother of his padawan, sleep in her ship.

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 10th, 2003, 06:20:59 PM
Throughout his entire little speech s'Il did her best to supress the laughter that threatened to overtake her, and at his last words she couldn't help it.

"Oh please, Loki," she laughed, "if I was to steal something from the Jedi, ten to one you'd be right there with me."

The looks that had passed over his features in succession had been priceless, and it was all s'Il could do not to clutch her sides. He knew how to make her laugh, and had often used that talent on her many times. Wiping at her eye, she let out a long breath. "I'm almost getting too old for you to make me laugh like that, Loki - granted I'm not as old as my husband, Mr. Congeniality, but still. I'm not 29 anymore."

A far off look came to her eyes then as she remembered all that'd happened, and a sigh escaped her lips before she returned to the present. "But, if you think you can pursuade the Council, then I'd be honored to stay on the Temple Grounds."

Master Ahmrah
Sep 10th, 2003, 06:42:47 PM
"The Council?" Loki spluttered with exaggerated disbelief. "Psh! I'll kick their asses too! Mind you, it's not like I need to anyway; I have the rest of the council eating out of the palm of my hand."

His face adopted a look of unabashed snobbery and he non-too-masculinely checked his fingernails to suit the moment. Then snapping out of it, he reverted back to normal mode to adress Lok's concerns. "But seriously though, I'm sure they'll understand; there's no way they can refuse the mother of a padawan a place to stay. And as for this talk of you getting too old--"

He slumped back in his chair with the most blatant air of flirtaciousness, an arm resting along the back of his chair, a foot on his desk and one eye narrowed and an eyebrow raised. It was all deliberately comical but he loved being this laid back, too many Jedi took themselves too seriously. "Well, hey baby, like I've said time and time again, if the old admiral hadn't got to you first I'd be all over you like blue on a Twi'lek."

Lok s'Ilancy-Millard
Sep 11th, 2003, 12:46:16 PM
At his last comment s'Il couldn't help but laugh. It was cute; it really was, and the Lupine couldn't not find amusement in his words. She smiled back at his attempt to act suave, and brushed back an errant strand of hair that'd fallen into her face. For a woman closing in on sixty, Lok s'Ilancy had aged well; or, almost hardly. She'd always figured it was due to the Lupine half of her, the metabolism and natural healing ability that came with the package. There was really no other way to explain it, as many times over she'd been thought of as still being only in her forties.

Looking at Loki's image, she gave him an easy smile. It was easy to see that without Millard in the conversation, he was very much at ease; just the way he was conversing now - his tone of voice and inflections all indicating as such.

"Loki," she grinned, "I hardly think your wife would condone such words coming out of the mouth belonging to her charming Jedi Master husband."