View Full Version : Breaking the Rules. (lance open)
Kaytor Surna
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:39:38 PM
Kaytor came once again a midnight, ignoreing what Xazor had said to her before. There was no moon or stars tonight so the grounds extremly dark. Only those who could easily see in the dark would be able to see the young vampire.
Kaytor remembered what Xazor had said but she didn't care. She needed to see Lance. Another week or so had passed sense she was last there. A week or so to long.
Kaytor found the window and climbed up the wall easily and quickly. She swung herself onto the balcony and opened the door with the force. She covered herself with shadows and walked into the room.
Lance's two room mates where asleep in their own beds but Lance was siting up at his desk. He was looking around because he had heard the window open but hadn't seen anyone because of the shadows covering Kaytor.
The vampire moved over to his bed and sat down. She was about three feet from him and his back was to her. She let the shadows down and touched his shoulder gently.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 6th, 2002, 08:07:57 PM
:: Lance grabbed Kaytor's hand gently before ever turning his gaze from her sitting on his desk he had sensed her presence nearby, as he gently touched her hand he slowly came back down to the ground and turned around, his jaded eyes facing her angelic face.::
"What are you doing here!?" He said extremely surprised by her presence here...what could she be thinking.
"You know what they'll do if they find you here....they'll put you in can't stay here...I wouldn't bare to see you in that cold and miserable place.." He said looking down and sighing.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:17:29 AM
Kaytor lifted his head up to look at her. She kissed him gently then drew back.
"I would rather see you once and live a thousand years in a cell than to never see you again."
She held back her tears as she rested her hand on his neck. She stared into his eyes for several moments without moving. Finaly she lowered her gaze to the ground.
"The jedi will do nothing to you, Lance. You are a knight of their order. And if they do harm you in anyway, I promise that I will take vengence on the ones that hurt you."
Kaytor looked back up at him.
"Please, Lance. Leave with me tonight. We can get out of here, go back to the shrine, Anything. Just come with me."
Kaytor stares into his eyes again, pleading with him through looks. She couldn't stand to be without him any longer. Her world had been turned upside down but now it was making sense. But there were things in her old life that can not be replaced. One of which was Lance.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:29:44 PM
:: Lance kissed back gently but then as she mentionned going back to the shrine his gaze suddenly changed into a cold one.::
"Never...I will never go to the don't want to my brother...besides....he would slay me...I am a Knight now....I musn't break the rules" He said tilting his head to the side.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 7th, 2002, 11:06:54 PM
Kaytor lowered her head. She understood but didn't want to accept that they would have to live like this for ever. She couldn't go back to the jedi. She wouldn't go back. But she knew that Lance would never join her.
"I understand. But I can't stand to live like this. Our love hidden in shadows? Is there any other way?"
She felt the blood drop down her cheak and onto her hand. She ignored it and closed her eyes.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:37:55 AM
:: Lance scratched his head and shook it after::
"Hmm...hey! Don't go so down on me like that! I'll think of something cheer up! Don't worry just leave that in my hands I'm sure there's gotta be a way" Lance said with a big smile on his lips.. he then slided his fingers on the red trail of blood sliding down her cheek.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:56:40 PM
Kaytor turns her head away keeping her eyes closed. She couldn't see any way for them to be together. She knew that if any other jedi found her there, she might be killed.
"I.. I guess I should go before they wake up."
Kaytor stood up and walked out to the balcony. She sat on the edge, preparing to leave.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:03:22 PM
:: Lance followed her quickly and foldes his arms around her, her back facing him he said.::
"Wait let's go somewhere....together.." He said softly.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 9th, 2002, 06:08:08 PM
Kaytor looked up at him and smiled slightly. She brought her arms around his neck then looked back out across the grounds. It was still pretty late and they still had a little time before the sun would rise.
"Where would we go? The jedi are almost everywhere now."
The smile faded from her face but all he could sense was her mood droping a bit. She looked down to the ground and sighed slightly.
Straffe Stormrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:13:54 PM
Straffe could hear some faint voices so he decided to check it out. He picked up his sword and slowly walked around to figure out where it was comming from. He noticed two people standing on the balcony out side Lance's room.
"Lance.....Is that you?"
Straffe slowly walked in, not taking his eyes off the two figures.
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:51:38 PM
:: Lance shook his head::
"Hey I'm working on this statue! Can you get my pike it's in my closet" As soon as Straffe turned around Lance took Kaytor on his arms and jumped down from the balcony and ran towards the forest.
"Whocares let's just walk untill we can't take it anymore" Lance said almost laughing because of what happend.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 10th, 2002, 04:37:36 PM
Kaytor looked back up at the balcony and grabed her blaster.
"Who was that? What was he doing in your room?"
Kaytor aimed the gun up at the balcony, expecting the person to appear there.
Lord Soth
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:08:48 PM
And indeed there was a figure...Darkness folded within inky darkness...Crimson eye's that held her gaze as Kaytor's trigger finger squeezed ever so slightly...There was a sudden flash of the muzzle, then two crimson tracer's ripped towards the figure in black. The sudden event was instantaneously as the red blot's from Kaytor's blaster were immediately deflected off the Death Knight's talon hand, streaking off into the night sky...
"I have come to take you home m'lady... Amongst our kind." The Death Knight word's were smooth and to the point as he stepped forth from the shadowy recess's of the balcony.
Kaytor Surna
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:21:09 PM
Kaytor's eyes went wide as she spotted Soth. The blaster dropped from her hand and she slowly dropped to her knees. She looked at the ground, shakeing with fear.
"I'm... sorry My lord."
Kaytor barely muttered the words but she knew that Soth could hear her. She could feel him desending apon her. She could do nothing to stop him. If it was a jedi, it would be different. But she couldn't attack Soth. Not attack and live or be able to stay in the shrine.
She then remembered what happened to Tomak. Horror and dread covered her face as she knelt there, waiting for the worse.
Lord Soth
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:02:17 PM
Slowly the Death Knight's foot fall grew loader in her ear's as he came to stand in front of her. Soth lowered his hand to woman that knelt before him...
"Arise my sister in blood...Let not your Vampyre heart be troubled." Soth spoke to her mind as his silken word's of comfort washed over her sense's.
The Death Knight then turned his attention to Lance as his fierce eye's narrowed at the man. He knew the two to be lover's, however, Soth also knew of the complication's of their forbidden union as well. Light and Darkness could never find peace, always at odds even if was for the sake of love...Soth knew this first hand!
"And I presume you think of yourself as a worthy gentlemen StormRider?" Soth paused as he raised Kaytor by one hand to her feet.
"However, what can you really offer her...jedi!" Soth lifted the woman's hand to his crimson lip's, placing a delicate kiss on the back of Kaytor's hand.
"By now you should know she can never be swayed back to the light!" The Dark Master word's were tipped with venom as then turned to face Lance...
Kaytor Surna
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:17:26 PM
Kaytor didn't look at eather of them. Her dark brown eyes drifted up to the moon then back to the ground. She rises to her feet when Soth pulls her up and closes her eyes when he kisses her hand.
She then hears his words and flinches. She bites her lower lip hard enough of draw blood. She opened her eyes and looked at both of them then down at the ground.
She knew what Soth was doing even though Lance might not. This would be her ultamate test. Between your loyalty to the Shrine and her love for Lance.
Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:37:58 PM
Across the discussion of the Lance and the two vampyres was a man sitting at the top of a tree. This man, being Xenodoros, was following his brother, just like Lance did to him. Xeno had gained a curiosity at Lance's life, especially because his girlfriend had a temptation to be in the Dark Side.
Hidden in the tree, he tried to keep his Force signature low. He observed the man that was talking to Lance. He seemed a bit more vampiric and strange. Xeno just sat there as he listened to them talking.
"Heh, looks like Lance got in a little trouble", Xeno mumbled to himself.
Straffe Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 12:35:16 PM
As he watched Lance jump from the balcony, Straffe quickly ran to his room and put on his cloths. He pulled his cloak on and was practically invisible in the darkness. It was time to use his Strider skills. He quickly ran back to Lances room and jumped off the balcony. He landed on the ground without a sound and ran in the direction his master went. He could hear some faint voices and he glided between the trees. He quickly jumped into a tree untill he saw the three figures. As soon as he came in ear contact he hide behind the leaves in the trees, compleatly still. Not making a sound he could hear what they were saying
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:30:37 PM
:: Lance got shook his head sadly, he just hated this soth guy...he hated him in a way..well he just hated his speeches.::
"Oh god...not you again" He said shaking his head again looking down....the presence of his brother grew bigger and closer...He could sensee Straffe as a short distance...Soth was surrounded.
"Look dude..I don't care what you want...but you better get outta haste cause I can call NRSF at any moment" Lance said grabbing the hilt of his lightsaber.
"Your in Jedi don't belong move your stinky and heavy bum" His tone was calm and his hand spinning the hilt of his lightsaber..he wasn't scared of this lord Straffe and Lance could manage to take him..on..the only disturbance was Xeno..what was he doing here...his intentions still not predictable..Lance tried to keep his mind on Soth.
Lord Soth
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:56:39 PM
The Death Knight chuckled softly at Lances idle threat's. Slowly Soth eye's trailed down to the multiple red laser point's over Lance's heart. An air of confidence washed over the dark master's porcelain like face as he folded his hand's in front of him...
Soth was not alone, on the contrary, within the inky fold's of darkness awaited his kind...Patiently they watched and listened, every movement, every word spoke fell on their heightened senses as they stood on the ready. Indeed the Death Knight was no stranger to this continent, theses jedi land's as they were known as...Quite often the Dark Knight found himself here...Prowling for the innocent...The thrill of the hunt...There was nothing more satisfying, nothing as sweet to the pallet as fresh jedi blood!
"Yes, of course you could...But at the risk of the one you love Stormrider?" Soth paused as his deep blue eye's bored through Lances own.
"Is her life worth that risk?...Perhaps you underestimate my resolve young jedi...As you can see it is no longer in your hands to do so...Unless of course you have an alternate plan that is." Soth word's were mocking as a wicked grin crossed his face.
Straffe Stormrider
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:06:05 PM
Straffe glared at the man. He slowly pulled out a few of his throwing knives, just in case. He could feel something close by but he couldnt see anything in the darkness. Straffe put his attention on the dark man. He held the handle of his sword, ready to strike at any moment
Kaytor Surna
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:57:17 PM
Kaytor quickly looked up at Soth. She knew exactly what he was talking about. Her eyes widened in fear and horror.
"Soth, please don't. I beg you please."
Kaytor tried to back up. She tried to run from him but his grasp on her hand switched to a firm grasp on her wrist. She struggled with him but he pulled her close and grasped both wrists with her back to him.
She could no longer fight him. She was to weak to try to get away from his tight grasp. She relaxed and lowered her head. The shrine aloud him to do whatever he wanted to her. She could do nothing to stop him now. She closed her eyes, waiting for the horror to come. The same horror that was placed apon Tomak.
Lord Soth
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:12:05 PM
Soth's dark eye's never left Lance's, his wicked smile now turned into a serious glare as his ivory fang's protruded slightly. There was a metallic clanking noise as a silver orb from Soth's left hand dropped to the floor at Lance's feet, rolling quickly past him as a high pitched whining admitted from it.
"I suggest you run jedi..." Soth word's came to Lance's mind as the Death Knight turned with force speed to Kaytor. The Dark Master took the woman by the waist, lifting her effortlessly off her feet as the two jumped over the balcony in a single stride...Soth veiled the woman and himself with his large black cloak, shielding their bodies as the fire ball tore past them. Kaytor could feel the intense heat from the blast as the two Vampyre's fell towards the ground. The tremendous explosion ripped through the large room as Lance barely made it in time to find ample protection from a near by pillar column. Fire and smoke blasted outwards as those who looked on could feel the immense concussion hit them in a terrifying wave of pressure and heat...The room was completely gutted as surrounding windows shattered from the force of the blast.
As Kaytor and Soth landed softly of the pavement below, the two ran with blinding speed toward the forest edge where the other's awaited them...
"Fear not m'lady...Your lover is quite safe for the time being..." The Death Knight word's resounded in her mind as they entered the inky black forest...
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:32:40 AM
ooc::huh Dood a fireball? God...HOW MANY TIMES AM I GONNA HAVE TO REPEAT -_________- Fireballs=No work on Lance. Why? I'm a strider. 2-I am force sensitive so I can see stuff that will happen a few seconds before they do. Third that attack was a head on. I can dodge it in no time with techniques Lance have learnt.3- I am not telling you that I won't accept that hit because I'm a bad player but because that would mean you just killed 2 other chars :Plo Koon and CLay Denatta who live in that room as well. O_o So your gonna have to edit that or let me the chance to dodge, nasty auto you did there ><
Lord Soth
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:22:39 PM
ooc: Ok, first off Dude!...Next time you have a problem with me or my post's...PM or IM me bro, I really hate ooc's in a thread..."sothnuevole" is my AIM.
Let me try to break it down to ya Lancey-poo...
You need to carefully read my post's first off...The metallic sphere that dropped from Soth's hand was obviously a small "Thermal Detonator" set for a designated time sequence...Not a fireball capeche.
Second thing bro...You had fair warning: "I suggest you run Jedi!" pretty much say's it all...No one was hurt other then a few scrap's and bruises. Remember Soth is a "Master" bro...And as everyone knows, a master can "mask" what their doing...As for your character always being one step ahead of everything as a Jedi knight, well, your going to find that people will not put up with that as it fall's on the fringes of "god modeing"...
A suggestion to ya man...Sometimes going with the "roll's" in a thread goes a lot further in the long run then bitch'en about the small detail's...I was fair my friend...Trust me...I could have made it a hell of a lot worse. :)
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:11:37 PM
OOC: Alright whatever. But one more detail, WE ARE NOT on the balcony. We are in the forest next to rhw LQ ??? So your attack doesn't make any sense. You need to read too. :mneh
Tomak Ohara
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:43:16 AM
Tomak flew in front of Lance and came through the fire of the explosion, "Lance Stormrider, you poor fool. What would Xazor think. I heard you became a knight. The jedi are letting more weaklings join these days. Well, if you will excuse me I have to go meet the others." Tomak flew backwards through the smoke laughing. He finally caught up with Kaytor and Soth, "My master...m'lady. Why do you spoil your heart with a jedi. You could have someone much more handsome. After all one day I will stronger then him. You will soon know the true meaning of what it is to be a vampire." Tomak smiled and flew forward. He drew his saber and began cutting through the trees. They began collapsing and Tomak saw what seemed to be the others ahead. "Soon Kaytor...very soon."
Innocent Light
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:32:57 PM
The West Wing of the Jedi Living Quarters rocked with a thunderous sound as the thermal detonator expoloded in Lance Stormrider's room. The power flickered on and off and soon the lights were completely black...the hallways dark all around the large complex. The darkness was disturbed, a very bright figure ran toward the room....appearing like a streak of blinding light to one who was watching. She arrived at the scene to see Lance and a few others in the hall...running toward her. She stopped and looked around the destruction for a moment as tiny bursts of fire licked what remained of wooden beams and other materials about the area.
Her face and body were masked by her white robes and the hood up over her head. A ring that hung from a silver chain around her neck, seemed to be glowing even more brightly than she...and it consumed the whole area...making it lighter than the plain day. From her belt she took her saber and ignited it....but it was not the saber she normally used. Pressing the black ignition switch upon the silver hilt...two white blades shot forth from each end and illuminated the silver coin-wreath upon her forehead...yet no one managed to see her face. She was now so bright that those gathered could not look upon her...though she could see them quite clearly.
"I know what happened Lance....I shall see to the problem...."
Alana Stormcloud
Sep 14th, 2002, 01:00:00 PM
Alana's eyes glowed in the surrounding darkness of the building. She watched as the events unfolded before her. A small smile tugging her lips. It was a small blast compared to what Soth usually did. She could feel the Jedi gathering close by, her tongue flicked out and traced along her bottom lip. They had such sweet blood.
She could understand Kaytor's need to hold onto Lance. Alana to had loved a human. She still held a special place for him in her heart. Though he did not have the misfortune of being a Jedi. She could only imagine the torment of that for Kaytor. Life had a way of being harsh even to the ones who owned the night.
Alana pulled herself further into the shadows and waited for an opportunity to play...
Lord Soth
Sep 14th, 2002, 02:43:10 PM
A series of timed explosion's rocked the jedi compound as multiple fire ball's erupted into the night. Plumes of dark smoke and hot ash filled the once peaceful sky line, debris and timber rained down on the living quarter's as scream's of panic reached a fevered pitch. However, some were not so fortunate as their lives ended abruptly, sending a deep disturbance within the Force to the mind's that were attune to their life signature's.
The Death Knight had sent the jedi's a simple message loud and clear only month's prior when he had completely destroyed the jedi Bar and Grill...That fateful night marked only the first time Soth's hate for them was felt in it's entirety. The more passive the jedi's became, ignorant to the horror that surrounded them would in turn only give the Dark-Side the needed edge to fulfill it's ultimate purpose...Eradication of the light sider's!
The corner's of Soth lip's curled into a wicked grin as he approached his family and lover that awaited him in the murky shadow's... However, the evil smile that played on this face was out of pure satisfaction, the knowledge of carnage and suffering he had left in his wake that pleasured him most...The Shrine was here to finish the job...One way or another!
"Tonight we feed my brethren..." Soth paused as he released Kaytor, his eye's narrowing a bit as he studied her troubled face.
"Now they will know why the fear the night!' The Death Knight finished, his tone carried with it an air of confidence as his ivory fang's protruded to their full length. Soth turned from the young Vampyre as his eye's fell on his lover Tatiana...As his eye's met with hers he mumbled word's of power that caused a translucent purple field to shimmer over his armored form...Engulfing him then dissipating as he unclipped his twin saber's...
The smell of death and smoke mingled on the air as the family of the Damned awaited the warrior's of light...
Kaytor Surna
Sep 14th, 2002, 03:21:18 PM
Kaytor stared at the ground for several moments. She then looked back up at the temple. The jedi were starting to get orgonized again. She shook her head and pulled out her short sword and dagger. She held them tightly until one of the jedi came close enough to her.
Kaytor steped forward as the first line of jedi came running. The first one, stabed through the heart with Kaytor's dagger. The second's head was lobed off with the sword. Kaytor was starting to wonder why they were all this weak. Thats when she spoted the masters. Xazor was there somewhere.
Anger flowed up through Kaytor. It fueled her and gave her strength. More jedi's blood was spilled by her. Kaytor's anger was beyond anything the jedi had seen. She stoped a moment.
'XAZOR! I know you are in there. Get out here and fight me!'
The message was sent screaming through the force. Kaytor glared at the temple and waited. She knew Xazor was coming. That she had gotten the message. It was only a matter of time.
Sep 14th, 2002, 04:02:21 PM
Nathan had supposed to be waiting at the ship, he disliked the whole combat thing. He much preffered picking on weaker targets, well any targets at all aslong as they weren't Jedi.
The explosions on the other hand were not expected, and the Vampyre clutched his saber hilt in his hand tightly as he ran to meet with the others.
But the others were not were they should have been at this time, was something wrong? He squinted his eyes searching for them through the force. But unable to find them, was something blocking his field?
"What is your reason for being here?" The Jedi asked from behind Nate's position. The famous fanged grin swept across the Siths face before he answered,
"Well, I was hoping to meet up with some friends, have a party."
"This area is restricted, move along." Nathan heard the anxiety inthe young padawans voice, foolish Jedi... Without turning the Vampyre leapt backward summorsaulting over his prey while igniting his red light saber intime to slice through the young mans head through to his groin.
Nathan landed on his feet in time to watch the two severed halves fall apart. His left hand instinctivley pulled his blaster from his belt and fired at the approaching guard. The first shot parried away by the flashing green blade, the second, the third both reflected into the scenary, but the fourth caught the Jedi square between the eyes sending him reeling backward over a plant pot.
"Is there no one here to match my skill?" Nathan muttered under his breath, unimpressed by the display that the gaurds had shown.
Innocent Light
Sep 14th, 2002, 04:51:21 PM
The woman had made her way through the rubble of the West Wing and had finally reached the Temple where the others were congragating and flooding out into the fields to take on the Vampires. Xazor stopped and stood beside other Masters and Knights....and waited.
'XAZOR! I know you are in there. Get out here and fight me!'
The voice echoed through her mind. It was loud and resounded to the point where one would have received a head-ache....but she blocked it out and shook her head sadly.
Kaytor, I cannot fight you....for I fear for your life. It would not be right of me to take advantage of you so.....
She said softly in the young girl's mind. The Garou's eyes went to the faces of her fellow Council Members and others that she knew well and loved. This was indeed a sad day for all.....but they would not let the Shrine overthrow them....they would stand and protect everyone that they could.....
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:04:18 PM
OOC~ Sorry to do this but it needs to be said.
The LQ is for Jedi ONLY .. unless someone asks the mods in avalon if it is all right to have an RP in here... as I have done myself. ...
Also, blowing part of the Jedi base while stationed on Yavin? Come on guys, there are Jedi all over the place. This isn't Arcan where it could happen.
Sorry but this is unfair .. unlike the Bar fiasco. no one just sneaks into the Living Quarters of the Jedi with explosives.
Don't you think ALL if the Order would have sensed an influx of VAMPIRES flooding into their home?
Come on.. play fair.
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:10:14 PM
OOC~ Also, to clarify...
I had no problem with an old Jedi coming in and doing her thing but when her posse shows up .. that isn't right, otherwise the Jedi can come up to the shrine, blow it up, inside no less just by appearing there ... that isn't fair to you and this isn't fair to us :)
Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:19:26 PM
OOC: True. I didn't realize that this thread was in the LQ. I was going to post, but still it makes for a good RP. As for being realisitc. I believe it is. I mean, Look at Palpatine. He was right in the middle of all the Jedi, including Master Yoda and they couldn't sense that he was the key to all the evil. I don't see why the vampyres can't do the same.
Navaria Tarkin
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:23:24 PM
OOC~ Yes, but that was the Jedi at a different time and we have rules here about this sort of thing namely
None Jedi not posting here and when this happens, SOMEONE needs to tell a member of the staff of the GJO that this is going on.
Movie is a movie, and the board is the board ... rules are for a reason and if they are broken or tossed to the side, then anyone can come in and do whatever they want in here and their be chaos.
And once again, if you can do it so can we.... the NR shows up at you place and blows ya up? Not cool. Or, Jedi sneaking in and blowing up your place. Once again not cool. Why cuz you need to ask first.
This IS a good RP but not when the higher ups have no idea and there arent Jedi posting HERE in THIS thread to keep up with YOU
once agian. need to be fair.
Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:25:36 PM
OOC: I was fine with what had happened here up until bombs started going off everywhere; the place is swarming with Jedi from apprentices to masters; dark-sider presence would be felt. As for the Palpatine thing, he had established an exterior trust with Jedi under the guise of a senator and chancellor. A plot that took decades to accomplish. This is too much.
It's unfortunate that this hasn't been planned because it would've made for a great roleplay for everyone had we been in on it. But what has happened here is unfair.
Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:28:51 PM
OOC: Actually, Innocent Light who just posted is a Jedi. And we were gonna wait for the Jedi to reply. Everyone that was posting at this time was setting up their characters in the post, which was what I was going to do.
And hey, if you want to come over to the Shrine, be my guest. We like a good challenge and RP. That's what this is all about. :)
Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:31:54 PM
OOC: :lol @ the irony of the thread title.
Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:32:27 PM
ooc: It moved way to fast. I was going to post with my regular Xazor account but I had something else to do. I came back and there were like, ten more posts! I asked, ooc over PMs, that this slow down a bit so we could get some help and see what's up with the unfairness, blah blah blah....but obviously that didn't work. :\
Loki's would have been fun if someone had asked.....
Lord Soth
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:34:20 PM
Ok, let's put it this way peep...You guy's want us to end the thread then so be it..As you can see the thread developed into what it is now, not a planned attack...Fun is the name of the game here...You guys wanna come on over to the Shrine to rock and roll...That would be Kool as well...Don't see what the big deal is here...As for the asking thing, nothing remotely close to a thread like this we all know it's not going to happen...Hey, if ya guys are scared then that's cool. :P...Put your money where your mouth is and let's get it on!....
Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:36:04 PM
(Fire's his personal Galaxy Gun at the Shrine.) >D
Sorry, I'll stop messing up the thread now. :)
Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:38:53 PM
OOC: So does that mean that's it? You're killing the thread?
Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:39:36 PM
Jedi do not outwardly attack......we are it wouldn't make sense for us to come and 'get you' anyway. Now the NR.......that's different....and since I am a part of that, I would gladly come and attack the Shrine.
Infact.....I'll just say right now 'Okay, I blew up the whole Shrine and everyone in it....oh and I didn't have to ask and no one was around!'
There we's done, I wrote it all and now the Shrine is gone....even though I just completely god-moded etc..... So seriously, how much sense does that make? In a nutshell....that's what happened to the bar.....and that's what's happening here.
Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:48:19 PM
OOC: Fine, it's your forum. I don't know why we bother coming to the GJO to RP. I keep telling the others not to waste their time here, but they never listen.
All we want to do is RP SW. In order to do that, you've got to have a good side and a bad side. If the good side never goes looking for the bad side, the bad side has to go looking for the good side. Only problem is that evertime the bad side does, the good side freaks out. The end result equals no RPing. Very boring.
Lord Soth
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:48:26 PM
Ohh get off it...You know what the real prob. here is...You jedi are afraid of getting that ass tapped and your making excuses to get out of it...Kool...I guess now you can really say you have something to fear huh?"S FUN PEEP!...Guhh...Why the anal crap every time we turn around...Sometimes you win sometimes you loose...Seems to me your afraid of the latter. We offer you guys a challenge and you run like coward's ooc...I'll say it again...Put your money where your mouth is peep and let have some fun...That, or I'm gone to break out my violin and start play'en ya a sad song to go with all the ooc. :P
Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:51:09 PM
You assume too much......we are not afriad of a challenge or what have you. We are simply stating the rules and telling you the truth: The way you did this wasn't fair. An organized RP is fun and fair.....this was unorganized (with us) so it was fair and hence, it isn't fun...... :\
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:51:49 PM
OOC: That is true here at the forums we got different rles. You cant just come and blow up everything no matter what rank you are.
Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:54:20 PM
OOC: Why does everything have to be prearranged? Whatever happened to Spontaneity?
Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore. Obviously you want the thread to die. So be it. It's your place. You can go back to your boring Jedi life now.
Lord Soth
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:57:19 PM
Chicken's!...Bock Bock!...I smell chicken's...Ok...So be it then...LOL...And who ever said life was fair...Especially from a Sith's point of view...Rule's are meant to be broken, juz read the title...Waahhh :P
Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 05:57:22 PM
Edited out. Don't want to inadvertedly cause an arguement.
Mistress Tatiana
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:04:50 PM
OOC: :lol Too late. I already saw it. It's okay. Go ahead an close the thread. I don't think anyone plans on posting in it anymore.
Bye yall! :wave
imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:05:22 PM
I could Comment on what Tatiana said but I will not. I don't wanna make this a war. :) And Soth quiet you! *takes out the nut cannon and points it at you* hehe
Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 06:11:26 PM
Soth, you have too much confidence in yourself. Someday someone is going to come along and pop your ego and you won't know what hit you.
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