View Full Version : Don't even bother, I already know who's gonna win! (open challenge/jedi/sith)

Sep 6th, 2002, 06:35:54 PM
:: I stood before the dead bodies, the saber drawn slightly, a smile upon my face. Actually, it's not my face, it's Dios, but no one knows that either, other than that he seems to have turned to the dark side. And if I can help it, I'll be able to kill him and manifest as another person. But I want to mentally break him into a bunch of pieces before I leave and make the perfect body. The perfect sith... oh how far Dios is from that! There is no way I could make a good sith in this body. I already know that... I am sith, I am what they use every time they take granted for the power that is bestowed upon them. It took me eternity to manifest myself into a sentience, not just one big power, but oure dark side. And this dolt was stupid enough to allow it. Now I wanted to test the limits in this body, and if he died so be it. But in the mean time, I'd have some fun.
The man in the corner bagan to moan slightly. So he was stil alive? More fun. I spun on my heel and my saber skimmed his face. I heard the scream and the slight gush as blood spilled and then I watched his face fall off. I'm good, oh yeah.::

Sep 6th, 2002, 06:50:28 PM
"Dios! What's going on?"

Zeke stood behind Fiend, sabers disengaged, but at the ready.

"What happened to the friend I knew?"

Sep 8th, 2002, 05:23:02 PM
Point.. you knew Dios, you now know me, Fiend.

:: I was already beside Zeke. It used a bare amount of my own existence to practically stop all of Zeke's senses. I had simply walked next to him then let his sense operate once again, but to him it seemed as if I had teleported. My hand was on his head, and as he turned his eyes up to my hand, I turned his head to face me, looking eye to eye.::

And don't call me Dios!

:: A simple force push and a kick behind his leg sent him to the ground and forward before me. My saber still drawn, I rose it up to stab, I wouldn't kill him just yet though, I wanted Dios to see me slowly and painfully torture one of his best friends.::

Sep 8th, 2002, 05:49:01 PM
"No way! How's he that fast!?"

Zeke looked to his side and saw Fiend, suddenly next to him. Fiend's force push floored him, and the monster that had possessed his friend drew his saber up to stab. Zeke ignited his two sabers, flicking Fiend's aside, then curled and kicked upward. the kick took Fiend in the chest and brought Zeke to his feet.

"Fiend, are you? And what kind of cheap Dios imitation are you supposed to be?"

Sep 9th, 2002, 08:43:45 PM
I am no imitation, merely his nightmare. And I know of yours also... how well the darkside would love to breed of of you... What am I saying? I am the darkside, I wouldn't mind breeding power off your frail balance of innocence. How easily you would fall in the end. With hard circumstances against you, I would love to play that game, to break you like I have broken Dios... To watch your friends scream like Maia did when I nailed her to the wall! You are nothing compared to my power! And neither is the former owner of this body!

:: I didn't feel like using any more energy to freeze Zeke's senses, I merely decided to use one of my other filtered powers, if I had my own body... I would have already smashed this mortal. But for now, fire would do the trick... it always did. And as if I had called Hell itself before me, my own fire rose from pores in the ground and flew like a tidal wave of heat and light and Zeke. I sat back as it flew towards the padawan, examining my finger nails. The kick had only done physical damage, what did I care, it wasn't my body.::

Sep 9th, 2002, 10:24:52 PM
A Force boosted jump was all Zeke needed to clear the fire. What did Fiend mean, "he was the darkside"?

"Your delusions of grandeur blind you. There's more to me than meets the eye!"

Zeke rushed in, parrying aside the saber, and kicked Fiend to the ground. He lost the saber and it skidded away, then looped and came across the ground to Zeke. He picked it up, then pocketed the three sabers.

"Get out of there! If you're so tough, so strong, why not leave Dios and attack yourself? Unless...Dios! Get a grip!"

Zeke wasn't so sure goading Fiend like this was the best way to get him out of Dios. He also wasn't sure that Dios' soul still existed in that body. But he'd try. He'd try with all his might.

Sep 14th, 2002, 08:07:42 PM
:: I was very pissed off right now... to hear this weakling give me commands! I could easily verify that... He was too innocent, he wouldn't even know what was happening just like Dios... And another iinteresting plan... what if I could infect other minds? What if I could shift my sentience into others also... the lightside cannot exist without the dark, therfore everyone has some of me in them right? I'm surpirised this is just now occuring to me.
I didn't have a saber now but that's okay, who needs one when your opponent holds two!::

Zeke, my poor jedi... I suggest you stop this nonsense and do something sensible... like stand up straight for once! You kids now adays are always slouching.

:: I laughed as Zeke stared in disbelief when his mouth closed and he straightened up without his consent. I knew he had the will power to resist more drastic commands but these simple ones that came natural to the human brain were something he wouldn't be able to fight. I stuck out my hand and the three sabers flew into the air and ignited before me. I let go of my minor control of Zeke and had to barely focus on the sabers floating in the air. They began to swerve as if my hands actually held them but I had one before me and one at each side. I stepped forward and all three swords swished and twisted in the air. I smiled at the stunned Zeke for a minute as he backed up from the seemingly unstoppable ofense I had just created.
But then something was wrong... All of the sudden a burst of flame flew up around me and I experienced my first real pain controlling Dios' body! I was on my knee in an instant as I held my chest, the fire had passed, all three sabers were now on the ground, turned off and I saw my melted flesh on the ground. How could this happen... Zeke should've died, what had he done?!
And then it hit me... of course... I was trapped within a physical body that had only just begun to learn how to focus the force and let it flow through it. My power must've overwhelmed it, building up until Dios' body could sustain it no longer! How pathetic... My flesh slowly rebuilt thanks to Dios' holy water and I looked up with an evil glare to Zeke. I could keep doing this... no matter how much pain, I would blow myself up just to see Zeke writhe in pain!::

:: Zeke

Sep 14th, 2002, 10:59:04 PM
Zeke felt his body taken under another's control, then watched his sabers fly away. What power was this, that held Dios captive within his own body? Suddenly the Fiend's assault ceased, and Dios' body seemed to melt. Zeke ignored it and instead focused on the situation at hand. He rolled forward, taking up 2 sabers. He ignited them: Drinking Angel and his own glitched saber. That left the standard on the ground.

"That body cannot withstand your power, Fiend! You must fight me at Dios' level, or be destroyed trying to kill me."

Tomak Ohara
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:18:29 PM
Tomak Ohara dropped down. He had heard the whole thing. So Dios had been possesed. "You pathetic thing. Zeke, I want to get rid of this thing. If you try and stop me I will kill you. So Fiend you inhabited my nemesis body. Well, you have to die, because I can not kill Dios like this. You are actually weaker than him. Getting rid of you should be easy. So say your prayers demon, get ready to be returned to the abyss!" Tomak drew his saber and the black blade began glowing. It was time for this thing to die.

Sep 14th, 2002, 11:37:46 PM
:: I looked up to see Tomak fling above me. I couldn't hold myself back from laughing it was so funny.::

And you are an equal match for Dios, now Tomak, answer me on this! If Dios is your equal, if that, then how do you plan on killing me, I am Dios and Fiend, you are merely a flying chicken who I can't recall from Dios, you ever actually finishing a fight!

:: As I spoke Tomak tumbled to the ground and his saber flew into my hand, the standard saber on the ground also flew to my other hand. Tomak had a hard time getting up because I had disconnected his control of his legs. I'd like to see him even stand up and face me. As he struggled to get up I turned back to Zeke and recalled what he had said. He was right, I couldn't give up this developed sentience yet... I required my own manifestation... I looked to Zeke and smiled. Not one of Dios' smiles but my own, one that made it look as if my whole mouth were lined with fangs and sharp teeth, my hair flaring up and my eyes black as night.
I summoned a lesser amount of power, keeping control of Tomak as fire rose up around him and set him on fire. I had kept my eye on Zeke the whole time, I made one step and then silenced Zeke's senses. I was by him in a moment as Tomak watched from the blazing heat. I stood not a foot away from Zeke when i released my power on both of them... my skin had begun to burn again and I had to stumble before Zeke but I recovered with a sweep kick before rising with one of the sabers.::

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:00:34 AM
Tomak lifted his head, "If Dios is i there then I know one way to bring him out. Dios do you remember the death of your parents. You whole village, your family and friends all killed by my hand. You chased me through time to kill me, now is your chance and you can not do it and you never will because of the fool deep in your soul. Use your vengenace against me and get rid of the demon. Oh and Fiend you need to watch what you do with fire." Tomak stuck his wings out and shot all of his feathers out from his wing. Each caught fire and landed on Fiend. His body began burning with flame and the barrier around Tomak went away. He stood up and went back and then claimed his saber. "Now Fiend are you going to let me fight you or are you going to be a coward and not fight me?"

Sep 15th, 2002, 12:12:08 AM
:: I barely felt the fire. This Tomak creature truly was an idiot, did he not even consider that maybe I only let Dios see and hear what I wanted him to hear now, and so it would be until I had my own body. This thing was a fool, this was not my body, and I could only feel pain through the force, like my own self burning within me. I picked up the standard saber and turned to Tomak. Zeke wouldn't bother, Dios knew he was smart enough to let one of us finish the other off then take whoever was left. But this would of course end with me fighting Zeke, as we had started, this vampire was just wasting my time!
I laughed for a moment as an idea struck me... struck me... Tomak was suddenly before me... on his knees. Yes, on his knees, as he should be, because that would be how all these beings bowed before me once I created a physical manifestation, but if what Zeke and I had concluded, I would need help making that. But anyways, back to the chicken... I watched as he took his own saber and drove it into his stomach, that would be all that I would be able to control on him for now but that would be enough to weaken him. He snapped back into control and as his head came up I punted him in the face, I saw his jaw cave in as he flew backwards.::

I don't even have to fight you, you pitiful chicken... now be a good boy and just kill yourself.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:22:26 AM
Tomak felt the pain from his saber in his stomach, "You bastard! You are the lowest peice of life on the planet. I will destroy you!" Tomak stood up, and then threw his arms in the air. His sword was still in his stomach. Every last peice of energy was coming from his body. The force was truly leaking from his body. His scars and wounds from past battles reapeared, and the force hit Fiend. Tomak then fell to the ground in a heap. He had just enough energy to live. He turned and faced Fiend "Rot in hell you scum."

Sep 15th, 2002, 12:31:58 AM
:: I laughed, my high pitched metallic laugh that unerved Dios like a bell in the back of my head. I came over to Tomak and stood on his side, I heard ribs crack and watched his blood seep from his cuts and wounds. I had a healing cut on my forehead, but like I said it was healing.::

No... you scum, I am Hell. Why don't you seem to understand that? you're like a chicken with his head cut off! I don't even know why you came at me when you could've sensed that every cell of Dios is now teeming with the darkside, with me!

:: I wanted to kill him there... to finish him, but this almost felt like one of my children... One of those fused with my own abilities, but of course, he used the darkside also, he used me... I stepped back and stared down at him... fire seeping from the tips of my eyes, scarring the flesh that wasn't mine.::

Rise now and surrender to me Tomak, or you shall forever be a chicken with his head cut off.

:: I wasn't worried about Zeke yet, he knew what was gong to happen and either way I would be fighting him next, buit I could feel it. The tug of fatigue, pulling at the physical body of Dios. I worried for a bit but then ignored it, I would be strong enough to fight Zeke, I was sure of it.::

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:36:55 AM
Tomak looked at Fiend, "Heal me and I shall serve you Master. However my loyalty also lies with the vampires. Soon I wish to destroy all Jedi, and you would be the strongest fighter the vampires have ever seen. However, if you fail to heal me then I must tell you my spirit can not be broken and the heart of a vampire is eternal. Kill me and another will rise in my place."

Sep 15th, 2002, 12:47:11 AM
:: I laughed again... he called me master! How lovely that he had come to such an original title so quickly! What a fast learner! But I needed to remind him first before I granted him a request.::

know this my little chicken... Through the force, all things may be wrought and destroyed even you, even Dios!

:: I put my hand forward and fire raced from my fingertips. Tomak struggled in pain on the ground and then was suddenly standing again, I had given him some of my own energy, he was instantly healed, the only price had been that Dios' flesh and melted right off the hand. I had to hold it to me, the force burn was like it had actually been cut off. I saw the holy water slowly but surely grow the flesh back, the muscles and sinews reattaching themselves and the veins beggining to flow once more. How extrodinairely beautiful. I was done with Tomak, he would wait for me when I was done with Zeke, but I was suddenly so tired... so tired. What was wrong? Either way, I would fight Zeke, my saber drawn and ready.::

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:58:45 AM
Tomak smiled, "Thank you but one question may I still train with the vampires?" Tomak then looked at Zeke, "Oh Master let me kill him please. You need your strength."

Sep 15th, 2002, 01:02:45 AM
:: I held my side as I coughed up blood, I waved Tomak aside.::

No! He is mine... I have my strength! You may train with whomever you want, in the end, you belong to me! But for now, you are ordered to leave my presence together or I will make you leave in pieces!

:: I turned to Zeke, the holy water slowly revitalizing me, but I was still weary mentally... I could not believe how weak Dios was with the force! I didn't bother to see what Tomnak would do, he had been given his choices and now I turned to Zeke, with the standard saber in hand.::

Now where were we?

Tomak Ohara
Sep 15th, 2002, 01:06:25 AM
Tomak took to the rafters to watch the fight. Just in case anything happened Tomak would be there. This was bound to be an interesting fight. He smiled and his wings were beggining to revitalize.

Sep 15th, 2002, 10:43:10 AM
"Unless I miss my guess, we were...here..."

Zeke sprinted at Fiend, both sabers at the ready. He halted, spinning on the ball of his foot and attacked with a rotating cut, leading with Drinking Angel.

Sep 15th, 2002, 11:19:09 AM
:: I was too tired... force usage would have to be constantly surveyed until I understood physical limits and the way that I could focus myself through it. Zeke came at me and slashed with Dios' saber first, the other just behind it. I brought the saber up in time to block the angel but the glitch cut hard into my shoulder. I slumped down so that the blade would pass above, but I still felt the searing heat go through and rip the flesh.
I backed up a bit, holding my shoulder. The wound was slowly healing but the heat and pain wouldn't go away for some time. I took the saber and examined it for a moment, it was simple and delicate... delicate. I focused a bit of the force, eough to not overpower myself, and then I jammed the ignitions switch off on the glitch, that left Zeke with only the Drinking angel now. I charged forward, I didn't fight like Dios though, I was like a shadow that seemed to pass through the light, much faster, and I struck where it counts. My saber came before Zeke, the blade about to bear down on him.::

Sep 15th, 2002, 11:22:41 AM
Zeke hit the button on his glitch. Jammed, he'd have to fix it later. Zeke blocked, spinning his saber aside to get past Fiend and came in from the side, away from Fiend's saber.

Sep 15th, 2002, 11:29:29 AM
:: I knew I'd have what I'd have to consider a hangover for now from what I was about to do. I couldn't waste anymore time fighting and Zeke had a better advantage of me now. I used the force to make the saber roll across my hand, and with the same amount of strength, as if I was holding the weapon itself, I deflected Zeke's attack and twisted around, facing him now. I slashed low then stabbed for his side, pulling back all the same, I was like a blur, using my force to make myself move like a blur. It was interesting that I was using my own self to achieve a mortal's goal...::

Sep 16th, 2002, 08:50:31 AM
Zeke jumped clear of the low attack, shifting to avoid the stab. He was unable to totally dodge; the stab nicked him and scored his side. Zeke turned his body sideways, holding Drinking Angel at eye level, the tip of the blade pointed at Fiend in an odd stance. Despite his power, Fiend was slowing, and Zeke was determined to save Dios. He cast a glance at Tomak sitting on the sidelines. Once he had Dios back, they'd deal with him.

Sep 16th, 2002, 02:35:46 PM
:: I held my own side as it burned from the force usage. I couldn't go like this, and I needed my own body. But I'd return to finish Zeke when that was done. I flicked my wrist to Tomak, telling him to leave now or suffer later by my hand, and then gave Zeke one of Dios' smiles before I pulled my last trick. I completely froze Zeke, everything became motionless, and I took the oppurtunity to run out the door and away from there. As I was far enough away, I let my grasp go and I knew Zeke would suddenly come back to life with revulsions as his blood began to flow again.::

Sep 16th, 2002, 02:40:26 PM
Zeke shuddered violently, dropping to one knee and clutching his heart, feeling it skip a few beats. Fiend and Tomak were long gone. He looked at the sabers in his hands; Drinking Angel and his own glitch. He'd lost Maia's old saber. It meant alot to her, and if she knew it to be wielded by a darksider, who had possessed her lover, it would crush her spirit. He stood and left, trying to plan his next move against the Fiend.
