View Full Version : Another to Be Knighted - Hunk (COUNCIL)

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:34:20 AM

"My friends and fellow Council Members. I call upon you today that you share in my decision to give the title of Jedi Knight to my Padawan Hunk.

He has trained hard with me and has been off world many a time to see the galaxy, its dangers and its beauty.

For a time, he had suffered amnesia but pulled through and regained his memories. He has stuided the art of healing and most importantly, brought himself out of a coma during a training accident."

Navaria's eyes grew sad for a moment, remembering Hunk looking so lifeless upon the floor. She almost lost him but he was too strong for that.

"It was through the Force he trusted to bring him back, without my help, that I am certain he is ready to be a Knight of this Order."

Liam Jinn
Sep 7th, 2002, 03:09:04 PM
Liam nodded, listening as Navaria spoke.

"I agree with you. Hunk is, in my opinion, ready for the title of Knight."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:56:34 PM
Xazor sat forward upon her seat and steepled her fingers, then rested her chin upon them. She smiled brightly and bowed her head to Navaria, then nodded.

"Indeed.......Hunk is ready for the rank and responsibilities of Knighthood. He has great dedication to the Order and has more than proven himself worthy of this."

She said softly, then leaned back in her seat and continued smiling as her eyes drifted to the other members of the Council, waiting for another to speak their views......

Master Yoghurt
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:46:05 AM
Hunk has proven himself performing examplary for the very long time he has been with us. Concidering his loyalty, dedication, skill and tremendous patience, he is more than ready. He is a true Jedi at heart. There should be no doubt on this matter; I strongly recommend the Council, Hunk is to be promoted.

Sep 17th, 2002, 08:22:54 AM
I have seen what he has done, and my blessing is given for his promotion to Knighthood. The Order will benefit from his knowledge and devotion to the Light.

Anbira Hicchoru
Sep 17th, 2002, 08:09:06 PM
Your pupil has performed adequately, Navaria. I believe he is ready to be bestowed the title of Jedi Knight.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 18th, 2002, 10:40:27 AM
"Then since there is no contention against his Knighthood, I want to call my pupil into the Council Chambers at this time."

With a sideways glance, Navaria looked at the Council Room doors and sent out a telepathic call that her Padawan, Hunk, should enter and bring himself before the Jedi Council.

Sep 18th, 2002, 01:09:24 PM
He was in the great library, studying some tomes on ancient healing techniques when the call came. In his mind he could hear his master's soft voice calling him to the chambers of the jedi council. With a slight reluctance, he closed the book and left the library, making his way through the winding hallways, past padawans and masters to the council chambers.

Why, he asked to himself, was he being called? Some sort of disciplinary action? Possiby, but, more likely, it was an assignment, some diplomatic mission to attend to. Or, perhaps they were calling him to...no, impossible. Granted, Navaria had mentioned offhandedly that his training was reaching completion, but surely he wasn't ready to become a knight yet.

He reached the door. As he was opening it, taking a step into the council chambers, re realized how underdressed he was. THough he usually dressed casually, he tended to don the traditional jedi robes when appearing before the council. Today, though, he wore a light brown tank-top and a pair of baggy black pants. Briefly, he considered going back to his room to change, but sevreal heads had already turned as the door opened now. For better or worse he was commited now.

Ruefully, he noticed a small stain on the front of his shirt, sure to impress the jedi masters. After a momentary scan of the room, he spotted his instructor, Miss Tarkin.

"You called, Master Tarkin?" he said, grasping his hands behind his back.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 18th, 2002, 01:50:40 PM
His manner of dress did not go unnoticed but Navaria was used to her pupil in such a state. Outward appearances didn't matter anyway. It was the strength of the spirit inside the shell of flesh that made the Jedi.

"Thank you for arriving here as quickly as you could. My apologies for taking you away from your personal studies but a matter of great importance had been brought before the Council. A matter that requires your immediate attention as a Jedi."

Navaria was speaking so plainly that Hunk had no idea which if his fears was true as he walked in. But then that familiar smile he knew well from his teacher graced her face while she stepped forward.

"And as a Knight."

The smile grew into one of pride and respect.

"I thought you would like to know. Congratulations my former Padawan. You have more then earned your new title through dedication and conviction and are a model Jedi in values and beliefs."

Sep 18th, 2002, 08:12:43 PM
For one of the few times in his life, he was speechless. Utterly speechless.

Long he had trained for this moment, long he had anticipated it. But there was no way he could have prepared for what he was feeling. Subconciously, his mouth broke into a large smile, betraying his feelings. As he turned to the council members, he did his best to get the grinning mouth to form the words he was thinking.

"I...I don't know what to say. I'm honored, truly honored. I want to thank you for this opportunity. I never expected it. But I assure you I'll do my best to hold up the ideals for which the jedi stand. It's all I can do."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Sep 18th, 2002, 08:51:33 PM
Congratulations Jedi Knight Everett on a title well deserved. May the force be with you always.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:38:10 PM
"I know you will, Hunk. I know you will."

She gripped his shoulder in respect and nodded to his words. They have been through a lot together. From training as Padawans, to being friends, and finally as Master an Apprentice. It filled her heart with joy that he finally attained Knighthood.