View Full Version : Another unorignal Genocide (open to anyone)
Nash Stolar
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:12:17 PM
It was an early day at a out of the way town. The sun had not come out yet. But it would not be needed for some time. With a explosion the sky light up with fire from a good number of burning buildings. Now there was light for a little distance away.
Nash steped out from what seemed like a wall of fire with a detonator in his hand. Tossing it up and catching it for a little while as he waited for the people to start to rush out in panic. He had the whole thing planned out..
As the people started to run out of there homes Nash stopped tossing the detonator up and watched for a little.. He flipped a switch on it and more small bombs went off adding to the body count. He then pocketed the detonator as he was done with it then he started walking twords the crowds of people as he walked his pace grew untill he was in a flat out charge, reaching behind his back he grabed the hilt of his huge sword and pulled it out swinging right as he reached the crowed, There screams would be heard for the rest of the night as Nash took there souls from the earth.
After a while when the fires finaly went out and the sun had come up Nash sat on the ground his back rested on the rubble of a building and his sword coverd with the blood from the night before rested next to him. He yawned and streached now somewhat bored..
"They are getting slow.."
He looked around as if waiting for someone.
Salemn Lysce
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:51:45 PM
~Nash.~ He heard the voice in his head whispering his name. Immediately he knew who it was - Salemn.
She picked her way through the rubble, trying to avoid the burned bodies. Their hands reached up to the Heavens as if begging for justice while their mouths gaped in eternal agony. She shuddered.
~Why have you done this .. So many died ... All of them innocent.~ The voice continued to whisper in his head while she made her way closer.
Nash Stolar
Sep 6th, 2002, 05:11:32 PM
Nash yawned once again as he looked up in the general area where salemn was comming from, He turned his gaze away and looked at one of the bodies and picked up a rock and then threw it at it.
"Maybe I just wanted to prove you jedi to getting slow."
Salemn Lysce
Sep 8th, 2002, 04:49:18 PM
< Nash. >
This time it was more distinct as she finally stopped infront of him, her face blank. Her skin was more pale than usual as she trembled slightly.
< ... You've turned into a monster. You're not the Nash I knew ! >
Salemn bent down and scooped up a rock, then straightened up. She studied it for awhile before flinging it at his lying body.
< Get up, you lazy thing. >
Nash Stolar
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:41:29 PM
Clank The rock hit his chest plate.
"Hey now.."
He slowly stood up and looked at Salemn. She was so much smaller then he was.
"So what if I'm not the person you used to know? What do you plan to do? Call your jedi friends on me?"
He reached over and took his sword off the wall and brought it to his right side then leaned on it as he keeped his eyes on Salemn.
"Or do you plan to take down the big bad wolf yourself?"
Salemn Lysce
Sep 8th, 2002, 06:31:10 PM
< I'm far too busy for friends - besides, you shouldn't compare yourself to a wolf .. They're far more intelligent. >
She locked her brown eyes onto Nash's, taking on a more determined look. Her fingers strayed to her lightsabre hilt.
Nash Stolar
Sep 8th, 2002, 09:46:48 PM
Nash looked at Salemn more intrested then he was a while ago, But he still wasent going to take her seriously.
"Your not serious are you? If you dont mind there is another little place near by and I would like to go, Maybe they would put up more of a fight."
Salemn Lysce
Sep 9th, 2002, 05:03:30 PM
< Don't you DARE ! >
Salemn reached out with her other hand and clutched it into a fist. At the same time, Nash found himself beginning to float up into the air from the Force.
Nash Stolar
Sep 9th, 2002, 07:23:04 PM
If Salemn wanted a fight he was going to give her one, he aimed his right palm at Salemn and hit her with a heavy force blast, It was enough to let her drop him.. When he fell he landed feet first.
"Try something else."
Salemn Lysce
Sep 9th, 2002, 07:34:56 PM
The Force Blast sent her reeling backwards as she fell into the debris, right onto a burned body. She grimaced and felt her stomach churning as she rolled over onto her stomach, away from the carcass. Though she was a Jedi Knight, she had just been promoted, whereas he had been one for quite some time ...
Not to mention he was her Teacher. Well, used to be.
Getting on her feet, Salemn's back was facing Nash.
< The cards have already been dealt. >
She spun around and sent a Force Blast just as powerful towards him, using the energy from his attack to fuel hers. She ran towards him, then spun around to his side before she crashed into him. Grabbing his sword arm, she twisted it backwards.
< We don't have to do this. >
Nash Stolar
Sep 10th, 2002, 05:27:00 PM
Nash was supprised when he was kicked back by the force blast, Salemn had gotten decently stronger when he was gone and we was impressed. But He was dissapointed when she followed up with twisting his arm.
"You may be right, but then I cant point out your mis-used tactics"
Nash's left hand had been free so naturaly he was going to use it. He punched Salemn in the side but this time it was not a light tap like in spars but this time he put alot of force into it.
Salemn Lysce
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:25:43 PM
< Something that was intentional ! >
As he swung his other fist to punch her, Salemn kept hold on his other arm which caused tremendous pain for Nash, who twisted it even more to the point of breaking the bone. She let go, however, and barely avoided the punch.
She was lucky, too, for it probably would've broken a few ribs.
The Jedi Knight kicked out with her heel towards his shin so he would stumble, and be at an advantage of another attack.
Nash Stolar
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:01:27 PM
Nash stumbled a little from the attack, But he acted fast to not give Salemn a chance to follow up, He quickly withdrew a knife and threw it at the girl's arm, He took the opportunity and took a few steps back and started to rub his wrist with his other hand.
"You know, Its still not to late to come with me."
Salemn Lysce
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:35:13 PM
< You bastard. >
She reached out to catch the knife before it buried its tip in her flesh, but the blade cut into her fingers. Scarlet blood immediately began to drip to the ground as she grimaced, grabbing hold of the hilt with her other hand.
Narrowing her brown eyes, Salemn grit her teeth as she dropped it and took a step forward. Her hand could wait - she had better things to solve right now. She took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself.
< And it's still not too late to redeem yourself. >
Nash Stolar
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:48:07 AM
Nash just smirked and ran his hand through his hair. He was starting to become bored again.
"Redeem myself? For what?"
Not giving Salemn a chance to answer Nash quickly brough his hand down taking out three more knifes and throwing them at her, after all, he wanted to keep busy.
Salemn Lysce
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:18:59 PM
In a blur, her other hand reached down to her belt and unclipped her lightsabre, igniting it. A white beam shot forth as a humming noise filled the air and she easily deflected the knives.
< .. To what you used to be ! >
She swung her lightsabre at his midsection, even though Salemn knew he could easily avoid the blow.
Nash Stolar
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:23:04 PM
"And you plan on using force to make me do so?"
All Nash had to do way quickly move back to avoid the attack, and he was dissapointed that it was that easy plus the fact that she was not even trying to hit or follow up for a sure attack in his opinion just made it worse... but then it clicked.. did she really want a fight or something else.
"And tell me.. What would happen if I did go back?"
Nash hefted up his large sword, getting ready to attack or defend, whatever came first, Thhough this fight dident seem like it was going to depend much on weapons or force.
Salemn Lysce
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:28:13 PM
< If you went back, then you would be redeemed .. Once more would you serve the Light and all that is good ! >
She wasn't really a Warrior Jedi, and she didn't strike at him again. Instead, Salemn just looked at the sword then back at the face of Nash, quirking an eyebrow.
< So eager to kill me .. ? >
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