View Full Version : Just a little scratch (open challenge to a jedi)

Sep 5th, 2002, 08:40:00 AM
(ooc note: open to any jedi, though preferrably a more experienced jedi who is able to disarm him, and then leave him and his saber behind so he can continue his journey. The point of this is just for him to get in a little scrap, hold his own for a bit, and learn that he still has far to go in his training. Thanks.)

He was in a rather sour mood as he set the ship down to the landing pad. He’d just flown to this planet from Tatooine, and it was the events on Tatooine that had him agitated. The woman who lived across the hall from him back in the castle on Corellia, another apprentice like himself with TSO had been on Tatooine. And he’d found her mingling with Jedi. It wouldn’t have bothered him as much had they merely been acquaintances, but they were friends, and even worse, he’d discovered, he’d formed a bit of an interest in her that was a bit more than friendly. This, too, confused him, and so he’d ended up on a distant planet, away from it all to focus on one thing – his training as a Sith.

He was using a ship borrowed from the Sith Order, and he took meticulous care of it. He had respect for the belongings of others, and if he was to borrow it, he would return it in tip top shape. He grabbed a few things he would need for the evening and climbed out. He had just given instructions on refueling and the like and walked 100 or so feet away when he heard the crash. The man had been working on a nearby ship and hadnt been paying attention as he maneuvered it around. The wing of the ship scraped against the side of the ship Sasha had borrowed. He turned just in time to catch it, his jaw dropping slightly.

And then he cursed angrily under his breath, dropping the things he had been holding and walking with swift steps to where the man was. He had stepped out of the ship he was in to survey the damage.

“Just a little scratch…” He commented to Sasha as the young Sith approached him.

“Just a little scratch?” Sasha demanded. “Just a little scratch?” It was a six foot long gouge in the side of the ship he had taken such good care of, and the man’s incompetence mixed with his seeming lack of concern enraged the tempermental apprentice.

His left hand, the artificial limb he’d received through a rather humbling experience reached for his lightsaber and ignited it.

“Perhaps you’ll rethink that philosophy of just a little scratch when you know what it feels like to have your own.” He growled as he advanced not on the ship the man had been in, but on the man himself.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 5th, 2002, 01:36:31 PM
"Scratches on a ship can be repaired--lives cannot." The voice came from behind the young Sith. It carried presence and determination, demanding his attention. Sasha turned sharply to look upon the figure.

A man of medium height stood behind him. He wore the typical colors of the Jedi--browns and beiges. On the contrary, however, his outward cloak was much different. A style Sasha had never seen before. Only his eyes could be indentified through the slit between his hat and cloak. His left arm hung at his side while his right arm held the hilt to his lightsaber in it gingerly.

"I think it might benefit you to rethink your desicion, my friend." He spoke calmly and even politely, but his eyes carried a definite tenacity.

Sep 6th, 2002, 08:00:37 AM
Jedi.....He knew it before he turned and he cursed himself for not having been aware, for not having sensed the presence of another. He had forgotten to be on his guard, and this fault that he found with himself only angered him more. The young sith was hard on himself, and was easily angered when he made a mistake.

And the man who had scratched his ship was momentarily forgotten as the sith looked to the jedi.

"Im anything but your friend " he responded in a low, cold voice.

"I've seen what kind of friends you jedi," He nearly spat the word jedi out, "can be." His thoughts went briefly to Xazor, the jedi indirectly responsible for the artificial left hand of his.

Before that incident, Sasha had carried little resentment of the jedi. He'd been friends with Xazor, a former Sith herself. And when she'd proposed they become blood siblings, he had unwisely accepted. Lady Vader, now his master, had not been pleased and demanded he remove the instrument with which he'd sinned. He knew it was partially his own fault for having agreed to become blood siblings, but mostly he blamed Xazor. She had to have known her offer would only get him into trouble. As a former sith, she had to have known, and he hated her for tricking him into it. His anger and hatred of the jedi had begun that day....

The man who had scratched his ship was smart enough that he took this opportunity to run. He had been staring, perhaps a bit in awe for a moment before he'd collected his wits and realized that this was his cue to make a run for it.

His footsteps Sasha could hear and he used a skill taught to him by his former master, Lord Dyzm to send a force shove in the man's direction. It hit the man squarely in the back, knocking him to his knees. Sasha didnt continue to watch, for he knew his window of time would be minute. The jedi seemed intent on stopping him from teaching the man a lesson, and as Sasha turned back to the jedi, his saber swinging, the man scrambled to his feet and ran.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:05:14 PM

Halcyon sprang to life, the green blade glowing as he blocked the Sith's swing gracefully. He quickly sidestepped the attack, bringing himself parallel to the warrior's right side. It had been a foolish swing, as far as Terran could tell, and he would capitalize on it. He let the Force be touched around him. Manipulating the air around the dark one's shoulder, he lashed out with great strength, throwing the man through the air, several feet away. As the warrior hit the landing pad painfully, Terran took a few steps to square up with him.

"It doesn't have to end this way," he said, saber held verticaly behind his back with his right hand. "You see how easy it was to be blinded by the dark side. You could not see the safe path of attack--because the shadows cover your eyes." He was going to try to put in a few words of encouragement to the Sith to come to the Light. He didn't think it would work, but it was his duty. He would not slay the man--there was no need for that at this point in time. There were only two options--conversion or striking his confidence down by defeating him. He preferred the first but would take the latter.

"The Light can guide you, friend, as it has guided me. It will guide you into honor and knowledge." He looked at the man, who laid on the floor before him.

Sep 6th, 2002, 02:24:38 PM
One good shove deserved another it seemed. And Sasha was paying for the one he had given the non-force user. He landed on the cement floor of the landing pad with a hard thud, cringing as dull pain throbbed in the elbow that had mostly broken his fall.

The man stood over him, though his saber was held behind his back. It was the least threatening the jedi could have been at the moment, it seemed and Sasha eyed him warily.

"Let me think about it...." He replied to the jedi's offer, his voice rather flat. His violet eyes were narrowed as he looked to the man, heat of embarassment at having been knocked down so easily creeping into his cheeks.

Under the watchful eye of Terran, the young sith made his way slowly back to his feet.

"You know what, not interested." He said, giving the answer to the offer that he'd given absolutely no thought to. He had no interest in being a jedi.

His next swing with his saber was a well aimed one. His anger was more focused now, and the orange blade swung dangerously close as the jedi brought his own saber out from behind his back to block Sasha's strike.

Their blades hissed in the vastness of the landing pad before Sasha pulled his saber away and swung once again, a quick, low attack. He could feel the darkness begin to flow through his veins, the tingling andrenaline of it bringing a faint smile to his lips despite his situation.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:40:01 PM
"The choice has been made then," Terran said, mostly to himself. He blocked the high attack with Halcyon and prepared himself for another. The Sith was skilled, however impatient, and came at him low. Mixing up attacks was always a good way to win. As the saber came towards his knees, he had no time to block it. Instead, he propelled himself into the air using the Force, coming to about the height of the Sith. On his way down, he came into his torso with a jump kick, sending the man staggering backward.

Coming to the ground, he--in one swift motion--propelled himself into a forward butterfly and came in with a strong downward strike aimed directly at the man's left arm....

Sep 6th, 2002, 02:56:49 PM
The kick almost knocked the wind out of him and for a moment he struggled to inhale. Had it been just a bit lower, it might have caught his ribs, which would have made further movement quite painful. Silently, he thanked whatever it was that seemed to be looking out for him.

As the green blade hissed toward his arm, the limb that held tightly to his lightsaber, he sidestepped, the blade just missing his arm, but catching his robes. The blade made quick work of the robes, leaving a nice neat gaping hole.

It was then that he knew he might - that he probably was - outmatched. He would have to be on his guard, would have to think quickly if he wanted to survive.

He continued through the sidestep, using the momentum to whirl around, saber now held in both hands and aimed at Terrans waist, as if to sever his torso from the rest of him.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:42:59 PM
ooc: Thought it would prove very interesting if I joined. Hope you don't mind guys....

Suddenly the saber strike was blocked by that of another weapon.....a double bladed, duel-phased saber. Its blue energy beams cast a gentle shadow upon the user...a Jedi Knight...a powerful one, at that. Her eyes narrowed slightly and her features were etched with a stern highlight. The silver in her deep blue eyes caught the light inside of the Space Port and reflected it like pieces of glass. She seemed to glow from the inside out....and a golden ring that hung on a silver chain around her neck, caught that light and bounced it into the eyes of those who looked at it....nearly blinding those who looked at it for too long. Her red robes touched the floor and the satin material shimmered in the glow of the blue blades of her saber. It hummed gently as she held it in one hand...keeping it firmly against Sasha's. The Knight pushed her long Garou Warrior Braids out of the way...creating a bit of a clanging sound with the golden coins that were woven into them. She looked from Terran to Sasha...and then shook her head softly.

She had not seen Sasha in such a long time...and he felt differently. Obviously there was tension between them....for it was radiating from his body like a great wave. It was written all over his face and his eyes...above all things...gave him away. Despite what she knew of this, she smiled softly, revealing her elongated canines. Why they were fighting here...and about what, was beyond her knowledge...nor did it matter. Conflict was not good...but as much as she wished for Peace....she lived for battle. The Garou Knight shifted her weight slightly as thoughts and memories of both of these men drifted into her mind. She had become the blood sister of Sasha...and then he betrayed her.....but she understood....she had not expected it to work forever. Terran...once named Chase....he was her soul mate....and had been there with her while they were Sith together. So many memories they had...and they began to cloud her mind. She pushed everything away quickly and focused on the moment...sighing to herself softly.

"What is going on here and why are you fighting with one another? Sasha...I know you better than that. You don't just jump into fights without good cause. And Terran...I see you are trying to stop him....but getting too involved is not always a good thing. I would not want you to mess up now as things are going well...to a point...for you. I know what it was like right out of the time when we were Sith Knights....it wasn't easy to leave it behind for me. I nearly fell four times! So both of you...please, stop this!"

She said to both of them, making eye contact with both Terran and Sasha. The Knight moved closer to Sasha, though...applying a hidden amount of pressure against his saber as she stepped forward. She could have easily taken him then and there...but that was not her goal nor intention. The Knight would end this peacefully....or she herself would fight the one whom had been her best friend once.....

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:32:57 PM
Terran almost fell backwards when Xazor appeared. He hadn't felt her presence--because she hadn't let him--but it was odd that she sneaked up on him in that way. His eyes were wide open as she blocked the Sith's attack. He hadn't seen her fight for so long, that the intensity in her face took him off guard for a moment.

She began to talk--almost scolding--to the two younger warriors. It was almost like a mother coming in to break up a fight with two of her children, only that Terran and the Sith had no relation or any real ties. He listened, still a bit suprised at her entrance, and kept a close eye on Sasha. Somehow, though, he knew that the Sith wasn't going to try anything in Xazor's presence.

"Xazor...if I am to defend myself, I will start by noting that this man--" he pointed his saber towards the Sith "--was going to kill an innocent human for making a minor mistake. I could not, on my honor nor the honor of the Jedi, allow that to take place." He hoped he had made himself clear. He believed she would trust him--he had always been truthful with her.

Sep 9th, 2002, 08:17:19 AM
The saber that met his was not the blade of the one he had been battling. It was double bladed and its owner was stronger than the one before. This would have caused him fear, perhaps, had it not been Xazor that held the saber.

She pushed his blade back a bit, and he stared at her for a moment. Confusion radiated from him. Anger. Sorrow. Shame. He wanted to hate her, for it would have been easier. He wanted to believe she had purposefully tricked him into becoming blood siblings. But deep down, he knew she had done it because she cared for him. He disengaged his orange blade, his eyes flickering to the floor. He might have been young and impatient, but he was an intelligent kid, and he knew when enough was enough.

So Terran was the name of the other, he thought to himself, briefly. He committed this to memory, for he would have much to tell his master, Lady Vader, when he returned to the castle.

He sighed softly as Terran pointed at him with his saber, his accusations....truthful. In his anger, in the anger that had been bottled within him for months at the jedi, in anger over the girl he had fallen for and her foolish friendship with the jedi, he had intended to kill. For a minor mistake.

His left hand gripped the hilt of his saber tightly. Not because he would need to use it, but because his artificial left hand was a constant reminder to him of the fact that he could not continue a friendship with Xazor. With any jedi. The last time had cost him his hand. And he had been lucky that had been all.

His violet eyes refused to meet Xazor's. It was a coward's way out, and he knew it, and this made it all the more difficult, for he was anything but a coward.

"He speaks the truth." He stated, his voice as even as he could manage. And then he turned his back on the two of them and began to walk back to his ship, fulling believing that neither one of the jedi would attack him from behind.

He had not thought about this moment - when he would see Xazor again. He hadnt wanted to. And the reality of it, the confusion of it, was overwhelming.

And he just wanted to be away, far away from the source of the confusion. There was no question in his mind that their friendship could not continue, but how to tell her....his master, he knew, would have him be harsh about it. Would have him fight Xazor one day. She would forgive his not fighting this time, would agree that he was outmatched, but someday, he was sure, she would demand it of him. But his instinct was to sit down with Xazor, tell her what he had suffered, and ask her, as his friend, if she truly was, to let him be. For to be friends with her would only hurt him more. He knew this would hurt her to hear it, and he hated that he would have to do it, but he was a Sith, and as much as he wished things could be different, Sith and Jedi did not mingle.

But to sit down, to talk with Xazor.....this would disappoint his master. She had let him live once, had forgiven him once before, and he had vowed he would never disappoint her again. This was why he walked away. It was against his own instincts, but to do anything else but fight would be treason. And besides the fact that a treasonous act was not likely to be forgiven a second time, he wanted his master to be proud of him.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:15:56 PM
Xazor nodded in reply to Terran. She knew that he was very defensive about those type of things....and with good reason. Her heart went out to Sasha, though....for she knew the circumstances that she had, unknowingly, put him in. Her heart wept for him as he walked away from her....and she lowered her head.

I'm sorry for what you have gone through....and as a Friend....I shall leave you in peace.....but please remember me......

She said softly in his mind, wishing she could run after her Brother and hug him....knowing that bond could not be broken, yet they could be kept apart. She turned, though....and kept her word.....letting him go with every pain it caused her. Her eyes went from the ground to Terran and she moved forward, wrapping her arms around him. Indeed....he had no knowledge of why.....but she needed someone......and he was there......

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:52:55 PM
He hugged her tightly. He didn't know why she had came into his arms--it didn't matter. He appreciated a good Xazor hug anyway. And if she needed him...he would be there.

Still, she could tell that even though he was calm and collected that he wanted to combat the Sith. He had no personal dislike for the man--and he certainly did not have a blood lust. He just...he felt like it was his duty. His heart still raced as it beat against her as they embraced. He was ready for battle...but now he was settling down. It was so peaceful in her arms, even in times of emotion.

As the Sith walked away, he looked into her eyes. He let his mind open to hers.

You know him, I can tell. How? I am ending this in peace only because you are here. I know that if you hadn't come, I would have hurt him...I feel bad for those thoughts.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:48:51 PM
Xazor looked down and as much as she wished to look back at Sasha, she did not......for both of them. It was such a hard time.....letting him go like that....knowing that they could not speak for reasons mostly on his end. It was not necessarily encouraged for her to be best friends with a Sith anyway....and for this, she was very sad.

Aye.....I do know him. He was my best friend for a long time....we became blood siblings.....he was my Brother. Then it all came to an end.....and it's my fault. I am sure that....he probably hates me now.....

She said softly in his mind, refusing the right to a tear to fall.....but she was weak now.....and let it do so anyway. This stress upon her was not good and it was affecting her mind slowly whether she knew it or now. Shaking her head, she let her hands go to her face to cover her shame in crying......

Sep 12th, 2002, 10:48:33 AM
Faintly, only faintly, he could hear her words as his boots clicked on the stone floor of the landing pad.

I dont hate you, Xazor. He replied, speaking in her mind - something she had taught him.

He paused, and then before he climbed into his ship, he looked back, a last glance at the woman who was his blood sibling.

Im sorry. He added, and then he sank into the ship, willing it to fire up quickly. He needed to feel free, free from it all. A feeling that only flying could provide.