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Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:26:54 PM
Daetana Jinn let the womans body slip from her grasp, listening to the thud as it hit the wooden floor.She hummed softly to herself as she walked through the now empty house. A childs' room to the left of her, the door stained with blood. A spare bedroom, no doubt used for guests. No more guests for them, she thought, walking into the bathroom. She turned on the faucet, looking into the mirror. Her black hair was matted in places with blood. Blood splatters covered her cheeks and her dark robes. She set her katana on the countertop, and stuck her hands under the warm water, leaning down to splash her face. She reached over, pulling a towel off the rack, drying off her face.

Dae grinned at her reflection. It had been a fun kill, these ones had screamed so loudly, it was still ringing in her ears. She wiped her sword, putting it back into it's sheath and went downstairs. She entered the kitchen, stepping over a body. Taking a fresh peach off the kitchen table, Dae made her way out of the house, onto the street.

Sep 4th, 2002, 08:31:53 PM
The screams had awakened most of the neighborhood. It was early, the sun was barely setting, but people around here hit the sack around that time for some reason. People stood in their doorways, watching warily as Dae entered the street. The husbands and fathers stood armed, prepared to protect their families. The village was eerily quiet.

"Nice one, wake the whole town, why don'cha?"

The people turned to face the speaker. He was dressed in baggy pants and a black shirt, his red scarf blew in the breeze. Zeke put his hands in his pockets and approached Dae, assuming a stance that would be a defense, if his hands weren't in his pockets.

"Care to leave quietly?"

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:39:29 PM
Dae turned, taking a bite from her peach. She held up her arms, shrugging, turned around and walked away. She recognized the little Jedi from her "fun" with him and the old Van Derveld.

Once she was finished with her food, she smirked to herself.

"I am leaving quietly. I can't help that those people screamed when I killed them"

Sep 4th, 2002, 08:45:50 PM
Zeke's brow furrowed. It wasn't this easy. She had something up her sleeve...

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:51:31 PM
Dae continued walking, she turned briefly once again.

"Are you coming? Or not?"

She faced him, taking another bite of peach, and winked.

"Well, come on."

She gestured for the Jedi to follow, walking off again.

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:04:05 PM
Zeke's eyes narrowed.

"And what manner of game is this?"

He looked to the villagers, who were still paralyzed with fear.

"She won't be causing you any trouble. I'll protect you all."

Zeke walked forward, taking his hands out of his pockets and walked next to Dae.

"Lead on."

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:17:47 PM
Dae kept walking, finishing off her peach, tossing the pit away. She lead Zeke to a field just outside the town. She smiled and walked away, turning to face him.

"Now, we can settle this fairly...I know you like "fairness" Little Jedi. "

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:31:26 PM
"Fair?" Zeke questioned. "Nothing in life is fair. Even I, in all my eternal happiness know that." Zeke smiled. "But honor, yes, I like honor. Not once have I ever had an honorable duel with a Sith. There has always been interference, either on their part or mine. Ladies first..."

Zeke put his hands back in his pockets and awaited her move.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:48:16 PM
She unsheathed her sword, swinging it around. She got into a defensive position.

"Your first. I'm not an old-fashioned kind of girl. Let's go"

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:50:13 PM
Zeke shook his head with an amused smile.

"As you wish."

His Force-boosted speed brought him quickly to Dae. Hands still in his pockets, he jumped and launched a spinning kick at her head.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:57:24 PM
She ducked quickly, his foot barely missing her head. She lashed out at him with her sword, aiming for his stomach.

Sep 4th, 2002, 10:03:31 PM
Now Zeke drew, his blue saber only, and jumped back to avoid the sword. Unless it was cortis ore, his own blade would melt that one. Only one way to find out. He lunged at her, an obvious attack that should be blocked easily.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:06:16 PM
She jumped out of the way, slashing him across the back. She got back into a defensive position, holding her sword out to the side.

" Boo, must you use sabers? That is not fair"

Sep 4th, 2002, 10:14:46 PM
The cut across his back was a shallow one, lucky for him. Judging by her defense and commentary, no, the sword wasn't cortis ore. He atttacked, a fast, double-handed horizontal blow with the saber at Dae's midsection.

Dae Jinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:22:02 PM

She moved back but the blade hit her, searing across her stomach.
She dropped her sword and swung a fist at his head, hitting him hard, knocking him away then clutched her stomach

Sep 5th, 2002, 10:25:29 AM
Zeke stumbled, maintaining his balance, but his head throbbed.

"That was so...basic..."

Zeke put a hand to his head, willing the headache away, and not succeeding very well. No wonder she preferred a metal sword, she had some strength in her to back it up. He approached more cautiously, shuffling in a circle, seeking the best angle of attack.

Dae Jinn
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:45:37 PM

Dae let a low growl rise from her throat.
"It's called a right hook to your head, Jedi. It's called "fighting", real fighting, with-out weapons. You might want to try it sometime."
She raised her arms in front of her face defensively and grinned.
"Or don't you know how to fight like a man instead of a Jedi?"

Sep 5th, 2002, 07:52:09 PM
"I thought that's what I was doing at the start? With the swing kick? You remember the swing kick, right? Right before you started armed combat?"

Zeke shrugged it off. She'd probably draw again when he attacked or blocked, but oh well. He put his sabers back in his pockets, keeping his hands on them for when Dae drew her sword, if she drew it at all.

"Come on then. You wanted this, you start it."

Dae Jinn
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:09:08 PM
She grinned. Then lunged at him. Hitting him hard with a fist in the face, she knocked him down and pounced on him, punching his face over and over again.

OOC. I dropped my sword when you hit me with your saber, silly boy :)

Sep 5th, 2002, 10:37:20 PM
Zeke fell to the ground, his face whipped right and left by Dae's blows. He pulled his hands and caught her wrists. He shoved upward, forcing them both to a crouch, then with a tiny jump managed to kick Dae backward. He checked his face, nothing but a few bruises and a cut lip. He moved in with a spinning kick.

OOC: You may have dropped it, but you might have gone after it. Gotta be ready for anything.

Dae Jinn
Sep 6th, 2002, 01:30:20 PM
Dae ducked, he had already done this before. She grabbed his leg on the way down. She held him by the ankle and twisted it, untill she heard a loud snap. She shoved him away, and grinned.

Sep 6th, 2002, 03:13:47 PM
Zeke stood in a wide stance, his weight on his good leg. He crouched low, boosted his good leg with Force, and pounced at Dae. A powerful right hook took her by surprise, and an solid blow to her stomach with his left was enough retribution for his leg. He stood back, willing away the pain, making a note to learn ignoring pain through the Force. He shifted his weight, putting up a serious defense. The time for games was over.

Dae Jinn
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:33:03 PM
Dae stumbled back, and crouched low, swing out at his bad leg, knocking him off balance once again. This time she pressed her boot into his ankle, apply her full weight to it. Before she raised her foot and smashed it into his jaw, breaking that too. She smirked down at the Jedi.
"Was that basic enough for you?"

Sep 6th, 2002, 07:39:20 PM
Zeke stood painfully, but he wasn't done yet. He drew his gold saber and lunged. Dae dodged, and Zeke moved past to where the katana was stuck in the ground. He flicked his wrist...so much for that katana. He drew upon the Force and boosted. He jumped on Dae's shoulders, scarring her back with his saber, and leapt back toward the village in one, long jump.

Dae Jinn
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:58:32 PM
OOC. I'm not holding my katana. I don't see where you got that from.

Dae turned, wincing and watched the cowardly Jedi leap back to the village. She touched the cylinder that hung from her own belt. The saber had belonged to Dasquian, she had taken it when she had brought the elf-jedi to Sorsha. Maybe now was the right time to use it.

Sep 6th, 2002, 08:05:59 PM
Zeke stood in the shadows of an alleyway, his gold saber at the ready. It hummed lightly, then with an electric crackled dissipated. He pressed the power twice, trying to reignite it. It did nothing. Good. Now to wait for her.

Dae Jinn
Sep 7th, 2002, 11:11:43 PM
She creeped up towards him, she could smell him after all. She held the saber in one hand, and grinned.

"Now you're going to get it, Jedi!"

She pressed the button on the saber. Nothing happened. She pressed it again. Still nothing. She shook the saber, and still nothing. With a loud frustrated yell, Dae whipped the saber at Zekes' head, hitting him in the face. The saber bounced off him, off the ground and Dae ran to get it. She turned and frowned.

"Damnit! I'll be back for you! Once I figure out how to use this stupid thing!!!"
She yelled angrily, pointing at him with the saber. She took off down the street, turning a corner and was gone.

Sep 7th, 2002, 11:18:44 PM
Zeke hopped on one foot.

"It works...like this."

He hit the power on his gold saber, and the glitch began. The saber whined as the blade's energy backed up, then howled as Zeke swung it, sending a crescent arc after Dae's retreating form. A semi-win...but he'd succeeded. He'd protected the village from Sith. He grinned happily.

"I did it..."

The pain in his leg and face overtook him, and all fell dark. Later he awoke, fully healed. The villagers cheered as he left their medical facility. Zeke grinned in embarrassment, then left for GJO.