View Full Version : Into the light she walks

Sep 4th, 2002, 11:10:56 AM
Ebony, dressed in black boots, pants, shirt, gloves, and a black hooded cloak trimmed in crimson red steps into the Recruitment Centre. At her waist is a crimson red belt and a lightsaber hanging at her side. She raises a hand and lowers the hood of her cloak to reveal a cat-like face. A ragged scar runs down the side of her face from her right eye to her chin.

With her dark brown eyes she scans the room that she has entered.

A step into the Light and out of the Dark which has been my life.

She then scans the room again, noting where the doors are. Then she waits for she has taken the first step into a new life.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:45:58 PM
"Good day to you, stranger."

Came a pleasant voice that entered the room. It's owner was a petite woman that stood just over five feet five inches tall and had thick brown hair that covered her shoulders.

What Ebony noticed soon was the pale blue eyes that seemingly looked through her. The youth that was beheld in face, was not reflected in those eyes. A quiet wisdom was seen.

"I am Navaria Tarkin. A Knight of the Order."

The garb worn was rather ominous, Navaria noted. All black with splashes of red. A hard face scarred by pain most likely.

Sep 4th, 2002, 01:56:32 PM
Ebony turns to face the lady that started to speak to her.

"A good day to you as well Jedi."

Ebony looks Navaria over and takes note of any strange qualities which may be there.

"My names Ebony"

Ebony runs one of her hands through her light brown hair, a sign that she is slightly uncomfortable right now.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:11:12 PM
"A pleasure to meet you, Ebony."

She rested her hands upon the leather belt that was wrapped around her waist; keeping the dark tan robes in place.

"You have come to seek the Jedi to become one. Otherwise why would you be here."

Her lips smiled somewhat.

"Why ask you the obvious, correct? What is not so obvious is why."

Navaria's eyes pointed to the manner of dress.

Sep 4th, 2002, 02:21:10 PM
Ebony keeps a straight face on while Navaria is talking and just nods at the mention of becoming one. When asked why though, she frowns and lets out a soft hiss.

"When your only child is killed and you are powerless to stop it and when it is because of you, your child is killed. That right there says it is time for a change.

I will be truthful with you right now. I have no love for Jedi. But when you are told that you are forbidden to learn from them there ways, right after your child is killed. Your already angry at them so you storm off. I have even less love for my former Master then I do for Jedi."

Ebony frowns again for a moment.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:26:36 PM
Navaria bowed her head in a sign of respect and sorrow for what Ebony had admitted.

"I am sorry."

Her eyes returned to the woman.

"But, you have no love of the Jedi. Why?"

The anger was radiating so strongly off of the woman ever since Ebony walked through the door. Now at least Navaria knew the cause, partly. There was still more to the story though.

Sep 5th, 2002, 10:49:45 AM
Ebony laughs for a moment.

"I learned from my Sith Master that Jedi are fools and are weak. They preach all good and no evil. That they can do no wrong."

Ebony then moves closer to Navaria and walks in a circle around her. When she is at Navaria's side, she stops and leans to whisper in her ear.

"And Jedi killed my parents shortly before I began my formal training. I kinda also contributes to me not having any love for Jedi."

Ebony then straightens up and goes to stand infront of Navaria

"Next your gonna ask me why I'm here to learn to be a Jedi if I have no love for them. Simple. I made a mistake which got my only child killed. I realised then what a fool I had been to give myself fully to the Darkside without knowing the Lightside. So here I am, wanting to learn."

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 5th, 2002, 09:46:32 PM
The Knight stood her ground, not taking any offense to what was said. Even as the woman stalked around her, only her head moved as captivated eyes swallowed every word that was said. All beings had their stories, painful and beautiful. She was not the cause of Ebony's pain but she could understand the rage she felt for the Jedi.

She had felt it too. At one time.

"I understand your pain."

Navaria held out a hand before Ebony could interject.

"From a certain point of view, I blamed the Jedi for the death of my mother. I despised them greatly for what happened but I came to terms with my feelings."

A lengthy pause came, letting Ebony absorb what was said. There was no way to know the response would be. Perhaps Ebony thought she mocking her? Trying to prove that she was better then her ... None were the case. Navaria only wanted Ebony to know that there was understanding to a degree.

"And you will as well down this road, in the manner that befits you. I surely hope you find what you are looking for and you are opened to this, or otherwise why would you be here. Correct?"

Sep 6th, 2002, 10:37:04 AM
Ebonys ears twitch slightly when Navaria says that she understands her pain.

"I blame the Jedi for my parents death because it was Jedi which killed them. I was just a kitten at that time, but I remember the fight which killed my parents clearly as if it was yesterday."

Ebony again looks around the Recruitment Centre before letting her gaze rest upon Navaria again.

"I will agree with you to a point. If what my Sith Master says is true, then I won't find what I'm looking for, but he has been known to be wrong in the past as I am sure he will be wrong this time as well"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 6th, 2002, 09:51:41 PM
ooc: I don't want to interrupt or anything...but I have something to say. Thank you Nav for helping me out...and cool story Eb! ;)

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:45:10 PM
"Well, then why continue to delay you the knowledge that you wish to find for yourself. Please ... enter and be welcomed by the Jedi."

With a faint smile, she continued.

"There are many rooms within the walls of the Academy and you can choose your room. A Master will be appointed to you in time and shall contact you when training starts."

Ebony would have much training and turmulous emotions to work out while being here. Navaria hoped that what the feline said was true, that she was willing to give it an unbiased try

Sep 10th, 2002, 02:53:36 PM
Ebony listens without moving a muscle until Navaria is finished talking.

"I look forward to my training starting and with any luck, it will be soon. Until that time, I shall have to see what all is here.

And I..........thank-you for the welcome."

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 10th, 2002, 03:01:50 PM
"And you are most welcomed."

She said with a bow of respect. When Navaria rose, she stopped at eye level with Ebony and smiled.

"May the Force be with you in all the dark places you must walk."

Giving a small nod, the Knight turned and left the recruitment area.