View Full Version : The Best Archer in Nottingham... (Loki)

Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:30:35 AM
A letter was dropped through the slot in Sejah's door. It had been postmarked once, but had bee re-directed twice already before it finally reached him.

It was an old stlye of sending a letter, physically, that was. And that particular missal was old in another style as well. Instead of being placed in an envelope and sealed, the fine parchment, and it truly was lambskin parchment, had been rolfed at the edges, and then into thirds before having a crimson satin ribbon wrapped around it and a dollop of red wax dropped onto it to seal it shut. The royal seal of Nehantish was pressed into the wax, and the address had been hand-lettered. It was a very important letter, even in looks alone.

Sejah stepped on it comign through his door, and slipped. Flipping up into the air, he fell flat on his back with a painful crash, and the letter fluttered back down to the ground beside his bed. Grumblign as he picked himself up, the mongoose wondered what Corin had left on the floor, but then he spotted what the culprit really was, his pink eyes went wide. A royal letter.

Immidately all previous engagements were forgotten as he shut the door and scooped up the letter before sitting down on his bed. With a creful paw, he pryed open the seal and undid the ribbobn. Unfoldign the parchment, his mough hung open at what he saw. It wasn't a fake, it was a real letter, and it was really to him. HE could at least recognize his own name. The rest of the text was lost on him, though, for he couldn't make it out wit his limited literacy skills. Seeing as Corin wasn't in at the moment, Sejah thought of another who might be able to tell him what it said. Loki Ahmrah.

Nearly leaping off his bed, the brown Nehantite dashed out his door and out into the main corridoors of the Jedi Complex to find the boy who had tought him so much. Finally trackign him down, Sejah shouted, "Loki! I got a letter! A royal letter!" Nearly out of breath as he came to a stop in front of him, a nervous smile was on hsi face. He wanted to know what the letter said, even though he was aware that it might be bad news. Passing the parchment to Loki, he said, "Please, could you tell me what it says?"

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:57:52 AM
Having just returned from the acadamy and an intense lesson in lightsaber combat with his master, the boy was too weary to notice Sejah's heavy footpaw-steps getting louder from behind. A towl was draped over his shoulders and his hair was wet with sweat. Now in front of the door to his quarters, Loki paused to take a gulp of water from his flask and relaxed.

"Pah!" He spluttered, spraying water all over the floor in shock as Sejah's bellowing voice came up from behind. The young padawan wiped his mouth before turning and tried to compose himself before his rather excited friend. "A what!?" He said exasperated, his eyes wide with suprise. He looked down, there was a wax seal and the parchment was rather precious.

"Shh!" The boy warned, his eyes scanned the corridoor, it wasn't busy but according to what he'd heard from the Nehantite about his background and how he came to be here, Loki thought it best to excercise extreme caution. Quickly he pulled out a card and slid it through a small slot in his door, it slid open soundlessly and he gestured inside. "Please, come in."

Once inside, the now much more awake padawan sat on the bed and carefully re-opened the parchment. He glanced at the letter and whilst Sejah stood and paced rather worriedly, the boy confirmed, "This is definately for you." Then he proceeded to read the rather alarming news out loud.

"Woah!" Was his concluding statement. That wasn't on the letter. He looked up at Sejah with wonder and disbelief in his eyes. "A Royal Tournament! It says it's the first one; could this be a fake?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:29:41 PM
It was better than he thought. So much better.

Still, Sejah could hardly believe what Loki had read to him. His pink eyes darted hither and thither as he paced back and forth, trying to calm down. He had been invited to an all-planet fencing competition, from a royal council no less, and at the Rho'istaan grounds. He almost didn't even hear Loki's question, he was so wrapped up in his own thoughts.

Taking the parchment back, he looked over it, as if he were expecting to suddely be able to read it now that it had been explained to him. "No, this is no fake, Loki, I know that paper, and that seal. My Master Rej had a certificate of Royal appointment as an instructor of the sword on the same type of page. That's a real invitation."

He was still in shock as he looked it over once more, them placign a paw on his chin and rubbing it as he sat down on a chair in the room. "A fencing tournament, I've never been to an upper level one, let alone a championship set. I'll need to do some more practice. And that is only two weeks away, and it takes a week at least to get there. Gar, I need to do some training if I'm going to go. You think I should go, Loki? Think I'm good enough for a match like this?" He asked, the thought of it blindign him tot he danger it might hold.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 06:18:27 PM
"Wow!" Loki responded, so it was the real deal. "You're so lucky. A royal appointment of sorts and a chance to really prove your undoubted skill."

Standing up, the boy made his way behind the chair where Sejah sat to look over his shoulder and see the letter once more. Filled with wonder a hand dropped on Sejah's shoulder and he confirmed. "My friend, you would be a fool not to seize this wonderful opportunity."

Right now, the thought of fencing was enough to send Loki into a fit of exhaustion after the rigorous training he had recently endured. He threw himself on his bed and let out a heavy sigh. Closing his eyes he pictured his friend, fighting before hundreds, maybe thousands of adoring supporters as he defeats the second greatest swordsman on Nehantish; a world filled with ancient wonders and the richest culture. What the young padawan would give to see that world with his own eyes. A thought!

"Y'know Sejah," He began in a natural, conversational tone still lying on his bed, eyes closed. "That journey is going to be so boring, just think about it; imprisoned in a little ship with no-one to talk to - personally, it would drive me mad. Oh well, you could always do some more training." His voice trailed of miserably as if to emphasize the boredom he is saying his friend will face on the ship alone. "Speaking of which, I'll be more than happy to help you to prepare for your journey in the week prior to your departure, that of course depends on when you decide to leave. But anyway I can help..."

Again his voice trailed off. He was silently begging Sejah to take him to Nehantish with him, hopefully he would take the bait, if not he could always play off the angle of pending danger to help 'convince' the Nehantite that it would be a wise decision to bring him along.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 5th, 2002, 06:34:49 PM
His pink eyes still locked on the invitation in his paws, Sejah thought for a moment. Loki's hints hadn't been lost on him, but they also hadn't found their target quite accurately. Looking over to the boy as he lay on his bed, the mongoose smiled as he shook his head. "I'm going to have to leave in just a few days. The tournament may start in two weeks, but I'd like to get there a few days ahead of schedule," he said, mainly to tell himself, though.

Standing up, he paced back and forth a few times, lookign abck to the invitation. "The Rho'istaan grounds are in my home cit, so, maybe I can even see my mom again. That would be cool. But still, I'm out of shape, and not as adept with the Force as I'd like to be."

Stoppign his incessant pacing, he looked back to Loki and smiled lightly, "Hey, Loki, I've got a proposition for you. If you can help me with the force aspects of Speed, Strength, and Foresight, you won't have to worry about me going alone and being bored."

It wasn't a blatent invitation, but it might as well have been.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:16:16 PM
Loki's eyes were still closed but still needing to relax a little more, he untied the braid behind his right ear and the pony tail tied up at the rear of his head. It was awfully uncomfortable to lay on. He sat up and irritated, brushed his fingers through his thick, waving locks of dark hair until it was no longer restrained by the Jedi fashion statement. "It's good that you'll have some free time to spend on your homeworld. Get to see your family and whatnot."

That was a nice, depressing thought he left himself to ponder on: when was the last time he'd been to Chandrila or last seen his parents? It had been six months to answer the latter and almost two years for the former of the two questions. He occassionally would feel homesick, it was natural but the thought of seeing Nehantish made that all fade away.

When Sejah mae his proposition, the boy couldn't supress a smile of both relief and excitement. But keeping his eyes closed his smile became a little more mischievious as a bluegrape pulled itself away from the bunch in a bowl rested on the table behind the Nehantite. His smile faded to a look of relaxation as the bluegrape shot through the air and hit the back of Sejah's neck. When he heard the thud Loki laughed and sat up to see Sejah's face; he couldn't help it, a month ago his telekinetic abilities were less than minimal and required increadible amounts of concentration. His master being who he is was able to harness this young skill and nurture it with unrivaled skill. Anbira Hicchoru was for all intents and purposes the master of telekinesis in the Jedi Order.

"It's a deal!" The boy replied finally, still chuckling but his face beaming with joy at the prospect of seeing his friend's homeworld. "Oh and by the time I'm through with you, that grape wont hit you!"

Perhaps Sejah found it odd that he referred to the bluegrape in the present tense but all was explained as a second grape thudded on the back of his neck and dropped to the floor. With a wide grin, the boy laid back on his bed thinking about the tournament and Nehantish.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:34:25 PM
Sejah shot Loki a mirthful scowl as the second grape hit him. "You know, I'd try and do that to you, but, we'd end up with grape jam all over the place," he joked, turning around to pick a few of the grapes in his paw.

Popping one into his mough, he chewed it lightly and swallowed, enjoying the sour-sweet taste they carried. "I'll make the travel arrangements tonight, and, with luck, we can set out in in about for days or so." Tossing another bluegrape deftly into his mough, he bit down on it with his left fang and proceeded to eat it normally after that. Rubbing a bit of peel from between two of his teeth with his dexterous tongue, the mongoose then continued on, "I can see you're tired, so, I'll let you get some rest. I'll talk to Marcus tonight and make sure it will be okay for me to go, and I'll ask Anbira about your comign with me, if I can find him. You do want to go, don't you?"

Eating one of the two remainign bluegrapes in his paw, Sejah looked at the last one before a smile came across his face and he suddely snapped his fingers, shooting the grape quickly at Loki, and scoring a hit right off his forehead. "You're not the only one who can throw grapes, you know..." he laughed.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:01:52 PM
The grape hit and made a nice "splat!" sound as it burst on impact. The boy cringed and opened one eye, wiping the bluegrape remains from his face. He laughed and said: "Looks like you don't need to be telekinetic to get grape jam everywhere." With a yawn he stretched and then nodded in agreement, he wouldn't even try to pretend he wasn't tired.

"Of course I want to go!" He said in half-protest, making it crystal clear that he wanted nothing more than to see Nehantish and what better guide to have than Sejah. "Thanks for giving me the opportunity." He said with the utmost gratitude. Later today, he would begin preparations, packing and whatnot.

"And don't worry about my master if you can't find him. I'll see him later this evening." He reassured his friend. They said their good-byes and Sejah went on his way no doubt thrilled with the adventure up ahead of them. Despite the excitement, Loki didn't find it too hard drifting off to sleep but rest assured he dreamed about golden sands, glorious buildings made centuries ago maybe and a land of adventure and wonder. How fun it will be.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 5th, 2002, 09:05:36 PM
Happy that he had a friend who was willign to teach him, Sejah bid Loki goodbye so that the boy could get some sleep. then it was off to the Archives to use the computers there to book travel, and also to register himself for the tournament. He had figured out a way to use a headset and make the computer talk to him instead of havign to read the screen. In return, he could speak what he wanted to type.

In the back of his mind, he feared that returnign home would land him in trouble, but, if he were to have reciecved a royal summons, then he couldn't possiby be in any trouble, could he? Setting that thought aside, he booked passage on a semi-luxurious ship in first class. If the tournament panel was going to pay for it, why not?

After that, he retired to his room to rest for a bit, make some dinner, and then get changed into his kit and vest. He had slacked off in his training, and was going to make up for it in the next few days. Removing his edgeless tulwar from its makeshift stand on the bookshelf, Sejah left a voice not ont eh machine as to where he was for Corin, as well as that the reamining half of a steak that was in the fridge was not to be touched. That done, the mongoose left his room, locking the door, and jogged down to the Training Center.

His tulwar scimitar was drawn even before he entered the ring, and he tossed the scabbard aside, as well as his vest. The steel flashed and danced through the air like a silver butterfly. His movements were tempered and forged thrrough years of trainign, and his grace was nearly flawless. One move flowed to the next, and he overemphasized each thrust and slash to train his muscles even further. Those in his arms were defined and strong, though not so built that they restricted motion. His whole body had formed itself to be the best possible instrument for swordfighting as it could during his life of training and teaching.

For an entire hour he practiced mid-skill moves, and then set his blade aside while he performed other excercises like push-ups, sit-ups, and various strenght buildign stretches. After that, the tulwar found its way back into his paw, and he moved on into top-level and master skilled movements. Sweat dripped off his chin and flew form hsi headfur as he spun, and his chest, back, and underarms were were matted with persipiration. His lungs were beginning to burn with exhaustion, and his heart thumped in his chest. Still, he did not cease. Sejah knew what a royal tournament meant, and he would do everythign he could to show that he had what it took to win, despite his low social rank.

Finally, after nearly five hours of greulling practice, Sejah was ready to call it a night. Exhausted, he walked back to his room where eh found Corin already asleep. Quietly setting his things down, the mongoose went into the bathroom and took a hot shower, letting the heat of the water seep into his allready aching muscles. Towelling off, he dressed for bed, and was asleep within seconds of hitting the sheets.

Just after sunrise the next morning, Sejah woke and groaned, feelignt he tighness of his sore body. Standing up, he stretched out, popping his back, and then venting a sigh of releif. A couple of poached eggs accompanied the other half of his steak for breakfast, then it was time to get dressed and on with further training. Hopefully Loki would think to stop by the Training Center to find him, for that was where Sejah was headed.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 6th, 2002, 06:18:19 PM
After sleeping for two hours, still clothed on top of his bed, Loki finally stirred and after getting a shower and having dinner in the mess hall he went on the hunt for his master. It wasn't too difficult to locate him for it was more instinctual rather than any method of deduction or intuition. It seemed that Marcus had already had a word with him about it, they both seemed fine with both Sejah and Loki taking a couple of weeks out to go to Nehantish. All was running smoothly.

"My body is aching!" He complained to Anbira who seemed like he'd done nothing but sit down and drink tea despite being the one who had taken Loki through that unmerciful training session. He would just sit and smile at the boy's complaints knowing full well that his aches would fade away. "Well, I'm off to bed now, if you want me at anytime tomorrow I'll be spending most of the day with Sejah helping him to prepare for the tournament." With a bow he turned and trudged off mumbling something about not being able to walk properly and frowning as he heard Anbira's laughter.


The young padawan went to bed earlier than usual nevertheless he was still a little sore when he woke up the next morning; not half as bad though. Looking out of his window, he sipped on a cold glass of fresh orange and watched the morning fog lift gently leaving dew sparkling on the grass blades in the fields behind the acadamy. It was a dull day today, there was thick, grey cloud which dominated the sky making everywhere look miserable and bland.

"I'm not suprised I found you here this early." He said with a grin, stepping into one of the training rooms. Sejah was kitted up and performing his stretches and warm-up sessions ritualistically. Loki was feeling a tad bloated after having breakfast so just the sight of seeing Sejah stretch made him feel queazy. "You trained last night didn't you?" He asked, knowing the answer. One didn't have to be a psychic to know that.

"You must be pretty tensed up from that. Here, take a seat." He gestued to the floor in the center of the room and managing to pick up Sejah's bag of training equipment - for the first successful time - he placed out of reach on the far side of the room. Then returning, the boy sat in front of his friend. "Close your eyes, friend."

Once Sejah had closed his eyes, the boy did likewise. Although Sejah was eager to practise with his schimitar and improve his technique, although the boy found it hard to believe it could be improved, the padawan would no doubt be happy to relax a little more.

"My master tells me: 'To see, we must learn to close our eyes. To listen, there has to be no sound.' Before I begin any excerise involving the Force I first relax as my master has taught me. Let go of what tangible existance lay about us and make yourself at peace, when a Jedi is at peace, you will know the will of the Force." When he finished speaking, the boy put his words into practise. Before Sejah learns how to improve his speed, strength and stamina beyond it's current capacity he must learn to be at harmony with the essence of life about him.

For the next two hours, Loki would assist him in feeling the remarkable sensations that accompany the union between a Jedi and the Force. Loki's first revelation in such training came when he was able to see all things around him without using his eyes, albeit not as defined but in a way much more clearer. This is the first step towards forestight.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:44:07 AM
Sejah resembled Gahndi as he sat, at least in his clothing; his body beign much larger than the famed mediator of peace. He had learned that wisdom did not come with age, but with experience, and he recognized that Loki was wiser than he about the force, and diw what he said without question.

Closing his eyes, the mongoose thought back to the Force class he had taken, and the rather poor experience he had in it. Still, he respected Loki, and he tried his best to calm his spirirt and become in tune with the Force. Slowly, as he started to focus on himself, his surroundings came to him in vauge shapes and colors. With the advice he had recieved form Shade when he first started, Sejah turned many of those shapes and colors into objects and textures. The wood of the floor was difficult, though, being so many pieces, having nails in it, the stain on it, and the glue that bonded parts of it confused him, and he had a hard time figuring it out. The walls provided a similar problem, being comprised of plaster, steel, wood, and other various elements.

Still, he focused and told himself that it was just a wall, not a collection of parts. Though he didn't realize it, his problem was not that he couldn't identify his surroundigns and objects wit the Force, but rather that it was too keen, and that he sensed too much at once. Rocks were collections of molocules, wood contailed cells and fibers. Water changed ever so slightly all the time in its evels of oxygen. Things, no matter how simple, his mind asaw as complex. But, through self-training, he was beginning to the the whole, rather than the parts.

Finally, he reached the level of connection he ahd acheived before with the Force. It felt like a mighty river flowign around him, and that he was standign on a rock in the center of it, only a little of his footpaws getting wet. He felt as if he were to dip his paws into it, he could change it's course, but only ever so slightly; not bend the riverbed as otehrs seemed to be able to. Certainly, if he were to immerse himself in it, he could make a greater impact, but what would keep him from being swept away against his will? As much as Sejah respected the Force, he feared it, what he might do with it, and what it could do to him even more.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:23:45 PM
Two hours had passed. Two relaxing hours that seemed to pass too quickly but nevertheless they had most of the day to relax and focus on the Force. Every so often they would take a break, Loki knew from experience that when one embarks on sensing the Force, it can be taxing work and rather exhausting. When they spoke, both Sejah and Loki would engage in some light stretching in order to ease the tension from their muscles.

"Yeah, when I first tried sensing the Force I found it so difficult; no matter what I tried it seemed to fail and I would grow frustrated and confused by what I could or couldn't feel. The more I felt like this, the more difficult it was to listen to the Force." He told Sejah whilst leaning forward and pulling on his toes to stretch his hamstrings. "Do you know why this is?"

Each time he asked a question he would leave some breadcrumbs which Sejah would pick up on. Such as the element of trying instead of doing - an odd concept but in practice it works - and how feeling negative made it much more difficult to succeed in such a task. Both of these points the Nehantite highlighted then the young boy asked him to think about what he has just pointed out and apply it to his own situation. Sejah explained how he had difficulty identifying things he saw - shapes and textures were complex and confusing - apparently the sensations were overwhelming.

Now sat cross-legged, Loki nodded with understanding for he could sympathise with his friends dilemma. It was a lesson that had taken him over a year to understand and he found once he could put his master's words into practice everything became much easier.

"Ok." He began with a sigh of dread, not knowing where to begin on this rather complex piece of advice. "One of the key elements to my lessons with my master is that I must 'Unlearn that which I have been taught prior to becoming a padawan.' Do not think of the Force in any manner you have anything else before, it is not physical in nature or essence. When you get to a point when things become a little overwhelming, don't decipher that which you see, simply be for with patience and focus all will become clear."

Now becoming a little more motivated, the boy stood now having a foundation upon which he could build his words. He began to walk around the training room whilst speaking, his hands moving enthusiastically to emphasise certain points.

"The lingo a Jedi Master uses is baffling and that is why it is difficult to learn from them immediatly because they are trying to explain something that we can't see, touch or hear however the problem is that they completely understand it and that's when confusion arises--" He looked to Sejah and with a hand gesture, asked him to sit and close his eyes. "--so let's see if one padawan to another is a better way of sharing knowledge."

"Think of yourself as a seive--" Then with a look of disgust on his face, he shook his head and changed his mind. "No, no. Don't think in terms of the physical. Relax. Close your eyes and listen to the silence. Control your breathing, slow down and let time slow down with you. Relax." Gradually Loki's voice became much softer, smoother to help Sejah ease into the Force.

"The Force, is not a river. You, are not a Nehantite. We, are symbiants with the Force. We, my friend, are not alien bodies but rather a part of it. The Force does not flow through you and certainly not around you. It is you. You are one with something remarkable, something intangible. There is no confusion, no objects, no shapes or colours. There is only the Force. A Jedi is part of the Force and Sejah, you are one with the Force."

The boy's voice was a mere whisper for he was now sat in front of his friend. His intentions were to help Sejah let go of the idea that he and the Force were two seperate bodies and one would interfere with the other. By saying what he did, Loki aimed to help Sejah realise that the Force isn't overwhelming and what is really holding him back is the fear of the unknown. If Sejah can let go of his doubts and disillusionment; his ability to use the Force will become much easier.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:33:14 AM
It was as if a Siren were calling a man into the sea, the way Loki walked Sejah through his steps. He didn't know he was getting deeper, but only that he was becoming closer to the beuatiful music he heard. And it was beautiful; at first faint and serene, like a reed flute on the air of an autumn night. As Sejah drew closer to the Force, the flute could be heard more clearly, and it was not alone. An oboe at first accompanied it, followed by a pair of violins, and a cello. with each word, Loki walked him deeper into the currents, and the orchestra grew louder, and the symphony more elaborate and exquisite.

He had heard it called the Music of Heaven, and he had known a friend to have heard it in the moments before he died of a gunshot wound at the age of fourteen. As he passed on, Sejah could hear the faint melody, but it dissappeared as his friend did in his arms. To hear it again was both comforting and dispairaging at the same time, but still he pressed on towards the Siren's song.

It was when he heard the click of the conductor's wristwatch against a cuff button as he flicked his wrist to lead the orchestra that Sejah realized his head was under the surface, and that he wanted breath, even though he knew he did not truly need it. It was instinct, one so engrained into his life, mentality, and species. Loki had told him the Force was not a river, that it was not seperate from him, but it was lost when his base instincts mis-interpreted the sensation he felt. His pink eyes snapped open, and he lunged forward form his seated position as if attempting to break through to the surface of a lake in effort to take a breath.

As he did so, the wall behind them exploded in a shower of plaster, wood, screws and nails. It seemed to blast forward like a tidal wave, the small pieces washing over them in a rip tide of white dust. In his mind, Sejah knew the exact size, shape, composition, weight and density of each piece, and he fell to the floor clutchign his head as pieces of plaster fell on his back. None of them were large enough to injure, he had somehow made sure of that, but he did know he had caused it, and it frightened him deeply. He waited until the sound of the last pieces hitting the floor was over before looking up again.

The air was choked with white powder from the plaster, and he coughed as he waved his paw through it to clear the air. "Loki! Loki, are you okay? Where are you? What happened... what did I do?"

As much as he was terrified by what he had done, an excitement stirred in his heart, and he had a desire to try again, even though his current attempt had ended in small disaster.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:39:28 PM
"Woah!" Loki jumped to his feet and dived backwards, a premonition of danger pursuaded him to do so. In transit, there was a blast that ravaged the wall behind his friend, the blast pushed him through the air a little further. He was at a safe distance and only suffered from a dusty visage and his hair looked grey instead of black now.

"Sejah, I'm here. I'm fine. Are you ok?" He replied, already up on his feet wafting his way through the thick dust left over from the Nehantite's little excercise. "Well, I've never seen anything like that so I'm a little suprised too!" He confessed after finding him.

"It must have something to do with the difficulty your having with seeing things in such complex forms. You have to forget about the physical world." He finished with a cough and took a look about. He chuckled then looked back to Sejah.

"We'll have to get a cleaning team in here. Come on, we can talk about your latest experience, I have a feeling we're on the right track at least." With a smile, he turned and left with his friend. They would spend the rest of that day discussing what might've gone wrong until they established finally that at the heart of Sejah's difficulty tuning into the Force was the problems he had with letting go of his grasp on the physical world. The next few days they would take a break away from this and focus on more practical training and preparation.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 9th, 2002, 03:05:06 PM
In the days that followed, Sejah hit the training center as he never had before. All of his wakign hours were spent in excercise, both physical and mental, and his diet was changed to rid itself of a lot of the junk food he had been eating recently. He could feel his muscles ache after every pushup, and his eyes grew weary from target practice on a dummy with his edgeless tulwar, but still he kept on.

Loki was instrumental in his learnign of the Force as well, teachign him how to lose himself, and to follow the will of the Force. Though Sejah was not instantly able to run at extreme speeds, or break blocks of cement with his bare paws, he knew that his focus was becomign clearer, and Loki told him that that would help with everything else.

Finally, four days after recieving the letter, Sejah was reasdy to go. His bag was packed, and his scimitars were both polished and cleaned to spot inspection requirements. He sported his usual brown and biege robes, and inserted his kris dagger through his belt alongside his lightsaber. The feeling was an odd one, trying to remain a Nehantite wile becomign a Jedi, but he took a deep breath and sighed, then headed for the door, bag and swords in paw. He almost locked the door before he remembered the shuttle tickets, and he rushed back inside to grab them as well. His .45, which he had taken with him on every other off-planet excursion, remained in his whites drawer; he did not believe he would need it. He wanted to believe he would not need it, that was.

Glancing at a clock in the hallway, Sejah's pink eyes went wide and he immidiately took off running. He was almost late! He had told Loki to meet him at the shuttle port, and he only hoped the boy would be there. Thankfully, he caught sight of his young friend and slowed to a walk by his side, passign him his ticket.

"Sorry, almost forgot the tickets," he explained as they checked their bags at the desk. Unlike short flights, they were then allowed to take their whole bags with them onto the ship, for they had a week's worth of travel ahead, and would need the contents of their bags. "You all ready to go, Loki?" Sejah asked with a nervous smile. Though he had not been gone from home but only four months, he was apprehensive about seeing it again. The sight of the interior of the ship was enough to put that out of his mind, though. When he had booked First Class, he hadn't any idea it would be that luxurious. He and Loki ahs seperate rooms, as he had requested, but they branched off a common 'parlor' of sorts. The furniture was exquisite, and the whole interior design of their compartment had been made witht he wealthy in mind. Not on a year's pay could he have otherwise afforded suchh luxury.

setting his bag and swords down in his rather opulent sleeping quarters, the mongoose came bac out with a smile on his face and he looked around again. "So, not bad for free, huh? We won't be going the entire way on this ship, we'll have to change transports at a station a day before Nehantish, but, this is still, wow, this is nice..." He trailed off, still awestruck by his surroundings. He didn't een feel it when the ship's engines came to life, and they began their ascent from Aracan's surface into space.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:37:39 AM
"Ready to go?" The boy repeated with an amused chuckle, "Sejah, even if the ships engines suddenly failed my will to get to Nehantish alone would fuel the darn thing!" In Loki talk that was a "Yes" but his enthusiasm shone through like a ray of sunshine through a pane of glass. For a brief moment, Loki sensed Sejah's enthusiasm wasn't quite as bold as his own, was that because he had spent most of his life ther or was it because he hadn't spent the last four months there and the consequences that might imply?

Boarding at last, the boy looked about stunned. He was simply overwhelmed by the luxury in which he would live for the next several days. "Mom would love this!" He called from his room to Sejah's and ran inside, with a leap into the air he dived onto his huge bed and sank inside it. He let out a heavy sigh and all the tension in his muscles seemed to disssipate. "It's remarkable how good for your health luxurious living is, perhaps hospitals should have beds like these." He joked as Sejah entered.

For a moment, he simply looked up at the intricate patterns no doubt hand-crafted into the ceiling. He got lost in it and then sighed, "Just think, some people live like this everyday!" His comment was merely an observation for he had been taught by his father never to be jealous of another man's posessions which was good for him because the Jedi Code taught not to covet that which does not belong to you.

"I'm glad I've brought some of my best clothes both formal and casual. Imagine me walking into the dining hall wearing some of my usual, dirty rags." He laughed and was thankful he had decided to leave those back at the acadamy. He thought back over the last few days, Sejah had been killing himself with training and he deserved to relax before engaging a rigorous competition.

"I've never felt healthier, y'know." He commented, getting up off the bed. "Watching you train was enough to inspire me to work harder and I think this is the best I've ever felt. I feel strong enough to wrestle a wookiee!" No doubt his surroundings helped how he felt. He looked to Sejah with curiosity and made his question seem more casual, hiding his concern. "How are you feeling - y'know about this place, your training, going back to Nehantish to see your family and this tornament?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 10th, 2002, 11:49:02 AM
The interior of the ship was most extrordinary, and it reminded sejah of things he had only seen on televison, or during one of his three trips to the Royal Museum when he was younger. Tracing his paw over the soft leather of the button-tucked couch, the mongoose closed his eyes and thought for a moment before reopenign them and looking at Loki. The boy was a ball of excitement, and rightfully so. Sejah wished he could fully share his entusiasm.

"This is gorgeous, but, it's more than I needed," he said, then looking down at his paw on the couch back. "I hope you will not be dissappointed when you see where we will be staying for a while on Nehantish. I called my old Master, and he has kept my room as it was in the loft above his school. We will be staying there for a few days until the tournament begins, then we will be able to move into the hotel they are paying for. My training, well, it has been going well, but I should not have let myself become so lazy at the order. I'm not in the condition I was when I first left; too much food, not enough exercise." He smiled as he patted his stomach as if he had a gut, thoguh beneath his clothing it was quite defined.

"The only family I have left to see is my mother, Loki. My fatehr died when I was very young, and my brother was hit by a drunk driver when I was six. Though I do love Nehantish, don't expect me to be leaping for joy when we land. It holds as many bad memories as it does good for me. If I lose badly in this tournament, I will probably not return home again after this. But still, I am looking forward to seeing the city I know, and showing you around as well." He let a small natural smile break into a larger one. "But, let's get unpacked. If we're goign to be on this ship for nearly a week, we might as well use the dressers and closets we've been given."

With that, they broke their company and headed in opposite directions from the main parlor to their rooms. Sejah had little to unpack, and regretted not owning a Greatcoat. If he were to be invited to a formal function, he would need to rent one, and then he would look even poorer than he really was. Still, the mongoose decided to try and relax, and he hung his sabers by the looping pawguards on hoks on the wall designed to hold hats or coats. His kris and lightsaber found a home on top of his dresser, but he scowled when he saw the size and shape of the complimentary slippers. They were made for human feet, and would in no way fit his own footpaws. His sandals would have to do.

Unpacked, and settled in, Sejah came back out of his room and flopped down into the couch, enjoying the soft, inviting leather seat. However much he wished he hadn't exposed Loki to so much luxury before going to Nehantish, he sure didn't mind it himself at the moment. Lunch would be coming up soon, and he wondered what kind of fare the ship would serve to first class.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 17th, 2002, 09:01:10 AM
Sejah hadn't even finished speaking when Loki was already at his dresser, suitcase in hand. This was his first vacation without his parents, of course he'd been on field missions with the Jedi Order in the past but surviving on nourishment capsules and wrestling with Vornskyrs was hardly the life of luxury. This was a proper vacation; no worries or concerns, nothing.

"I look forward to meeting your old master and your mother. Perhaps they have some few interesting tales to tell of your youth, you don't blush when embarrassed do you?" He called out with a grin, with his door open, Sejah should be able to hear the boy as he spoke.

The casual clothing the young padawan wears normally looks impressive; Chandrilla was largely known for two things, agriculture and clothing. Loki's clothes were usually bought by his mother who had impeccable taste and although they aren't very expensive clothes using the finest fabrics, the designs were unusual and unique. He had two formal suits for special occassions, four casual outfits and the one he was wearing, two sets of clothing for rough or dirty work and two Jedi tunics, one ragular and one for formal occassions. Along with two pairs of boots made form sythetic leather, two pairs of shoes and a pair of sandles. "Done!" He said with a sigh, looking down at his empty suitcase, he closed it and tucked it under his bed.

"You wont believe this--" Came Loki's voice as he entered Sejah's room rather awkwardly. "--look at the size of them!" He said, exasperated, pointing down to his feet where a pair of adult-sized slippers hung loosely from his tiny feet. "Oh!"

He looked down at Sejah's feet then at his slippers and laughed.

"I see I'm not the only one with footwear problems. I'll get my shoes back on then we can go for lunch. What are we going to be doing this afternoon?" Asking that, his voice went a little bit muffled after disappearing back into his room.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2002, 02:03:05 PM
As Loki departed for his own room, Sejah placed a paw on the left side of his torso, feeling the reassuring crinkle of parchment under his shirt. He was not going to lose his invitation, no matter what happened.

Returning to their common living room, the mongoose glanced around to find the remote control for their holovision, but Loki finished donning his shoes before he could find it. In response to the boy's question, Sejah said, "Well, I was thinking that since we've been workign so hard on my training these last few days, I thought we could take it easy and relax tonight. Maybe see what's on the 'vid, or, I dunno, something easy." He smiled as he shrugged. It would take Sejah a little while to get used to such luxury as he was in. As it was, he still felt out of place.

"But, I'm eager to find out what they serve on this yacht, so, whatsay we head down to the galley and get something to eat?" he smiled as he ticked his head toward the door.

Loki read the signs that led them down to the First Class galley, and Sejah immidately felt out of place again. The other First Class passengers far outdressed him, and there were multipe forks and spoons at each table. He did know how to use them, somewhat, but hit was still more than he had been expecting. One of the servers--a live person, not a droid--led them to their table, and passed each a menu. As he looked over the scripted text, Sejah was glad he had Loki with him; the mongoose highly doubted that the ship would have menus with pictures of their food on it.

A small arangement of flowers rested in a little crystal vase on the center of the table, and Sejah eyed it with curiosity, then happiness. "Loki, look, this vase is Nehantite. Look at the patterns in it. Only we cut lead crystal and glass like that. Art glass and oil are two of our largest exports. But, what looks good on the menu?"

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 17th, 2002, 06:30:54 PM
Everything about this place made Loki feel more and more relaxed, Sejah came off as a little nervous in such upper-class surroundings and it wasn't that the boy was used to such a way of living, it was more like he was determined to enjoy it while it lasts. There was a constant grin of satisfaction on his face wherever he went.

"How many meals do they intend to serve us!" Loki said jokingly, gesturing to all the cutlery.

Then Sejah began to point out that the vase in the centre of the table was of Nehantish design and true to the boy's preconceptions of his firend's culture, it was exquisite. The skill involved has produced a design so intricate and elegant that it's clear that it is a labour of love which again doesn't suprise him. Despite Sejah's attempts to lower Loki's expectations of Nehantish, the pride for his homeworld is still as clear as day.

"It is quite a marvel!" He commented, looking at the glass vase. He then looked up, "I can imagine Nehantish to be a place full of rich wonders such as this where quality is taken into account much more than quantity." He sighed.

"Well let's see. It depends on what you like." He picked up the menu and recited the various options for an entré then the main course. "Heh! I never knew a simple lunch could have two courses." He chuckled then looked down before making a decision.

"I like the sound of mooncrust toast and thick, country paté. But then there's the nala frogs. I can't decide. What would you like? There's the soup of the day, whatever that is or would you prefer the crisp quails with the pepper-salt dip." Sejah pondered on his options before making a choice somewhat uncertain, hopefully the main course might have something more suited to his taste.

"For main course, there's always the seafood option; steamed whole calmara with crabmeat omelette and saltbean sauce. Then there's the quivry strips and fresh, steamed Chandrilan vegetables! I know what I'm getting!" He declared cheerfully, then suddenly his face took a turn for the worse; it moved from shock then to worry. "Oh! Then there's the alternative course--" He swallowed a little then said quietly, "Fried Nehantite hide with the season's vegetables in a rare wine marinade."

He went quite, wearing a serious look until Sejah responded who was suffice to say shocked when he suddenly boomed: "Just kidding!" A big, playful grin coming across his face. "The last option is a bantha steak in a wild plum sauce with the usual side helpings."

The boy then called a waiter over discreetly and then looked to the Nehantite: "You ready to order?"

Sejah Haversh
Sep 17th, 2002, 07:07:18 PM
The crack about Nehantite on teh menu wasn't funny, but, he forgave Loki for it. As their waited arrvived, Sejah appeared to be takign a last minute look at the menu before he looking up and sitting straight. "Hello, I will have a light salad to start with, and the bantha steak, meduim rare, please. And a glass of merlot, thank you."

The waiter put it in memory and took Sejah's menu as he asked, "And what year would you like? I suggest the '42, it has a bold flavor, but does not compete with other tastes."

Nodding in respectufl thanks, the mongoose replied, "That will be fine, thank you."

Givign Sejah a curt nod, the waiter turned his attention to Loki, but before he asked what he wanted, he asked, "Oh, and what room are you from? Ship policy makes me record the orders of each client, I hope you'll understand. Now, what would you like this afternoon, young man?"

It wasn't as much for the ship's use that he wanted to know their room number, it was for security reasons. Sejah looked nervous, and was not dressed as any Nehantite he had ever seen in First Class. That, and he was traveling with a boy of another race, and had not been lookign at the right part of the menu when he ordered. The server was suspicious that he had a pair of coach class travelers who had snuck into First, and he wished to have them removed if they were. Riff-raff was not good for business.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 24th, 2002, 05:06:28 PM
Sejah's response to Loki's joke was odd, he looked quite the opposite of amused, more offended than amused. The boy gave him a curious look then shrugged it off deciding to leave questions until later. He glanced at the menu then opened his mouth to order when he was asked for their room number.

"Why of course, room One-O-Six." He answered in an upbeat, polite way not for a moment suspecting that of which his Nehantite friend was fully aware. Nevertheless he had noticed his looks of concern and occasionally, the boy felt a shiver of worry, very slight and although it wasn't coming from him he felt it like it was meaning that someone else was worried.

Whilst Sejah enjoyed his light salad, the boy tucked into his mooncrust toast and paté happily. They casually chatted about each others homeworlds and families, their musical tastes and other general stuff that often surfaced in such a scenario, all was going well but in a moment of silence as they both finished their meals, the boy looked at Sejah.

"What's troubling you? You look uneasy about something."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 25th, 2002, 03:03:35 AM
"The waiter," he replied quietly, turnign one of his unused forks over in his paw, tracign a digit along the finely polished edge. "I think he thought we didn't belong here. It seems we have harbored distrust already. That's not how I wanted to start this journey."

Looking back up, his pink eyes looked curiously at Loki for a moment and then he smiled. "How is it that you can seem older and wiser than me, and yet still be so young? Perhaps there are more things than just those related to the Force that I can learn from you. But, come on, I think they want to give our table to another set of patrons."

And it was true; as soon as the pair of travelers got up, the waiting staff cleaned it off and draped a new tablecloth on it before putting down the new place settings. Apparently the First Class galley was not of the size they required. But sejah let that pass quickly as he and Loki returned to their room and he shut the door behind them, placing his keycard on the table by the door. From there it was an easy six steps before fallign into an overstuffed armchair and leanign back, closing his eyes. "Ahhh, that was a good meal," he exulted, patting his stomach. "But I can't keep eating like that, I'll gain ten pounds before the match that way. Perhaps you'll have to eat my desserts for me from now on." He grinned. For all the subtle nervous ticks the crew and quarters carried about them, Sejah was beginning to feel comfortable. In fact more than comfortable, he was feeling at home. A dangerous feeling considering what h would have to return to.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:07:05 PM
"Well it's not like we have to be concerned about what those waiters think and their suspiscions that we are from steerage class because the fact of the matter is that we are rightly here." He said holding his hands open to either side, gesturing to their grand acomodation. His hands then reached up into a stretch as he yawned then with weary eyes looked toward his room and said, "I think I'm going to take a nap then to refresh myself before dinner this evening, I'm going to go for a swim and relax in the spa."

He then turned and made his way into his room, before closing the door he looked back in and made a suggestion. "If you decide to do some more training this afternoon then I believe the Kashyyyki oil massage is ideal to dramatically ease muscle tension." He smiled then closed the door. Whether or not Sejah decided to take him up on his suggestion was yet to be seen but little did he know that the massage is performed traditionally, meaning that Sejah would have the enjoyment of having a large wookiee female pound his back for an hour. The thought amused the boy to a grin then he laid back and with a heavy sigh drifted off into a silent nap.

That evening Loki stayed true to his word so before dinner he went for a swim and had a personal instructor help improve his technique and afterwards bathed in the spa where he received some rather interesting beauty tips from a pair of Twi'lek table-dancers. In retrospect he wisely decided that a No. 7 Cream of Peach eye shadow would not bring out the best in his facial features. That evening, he and his mongoose friend dined on the finest of dishes but despite all the luxury, Loki hadn't forgotten who and what he was.

The second day he dedicated to improving his grasp of telekinesis; before breakfast he spent an hour going through the rather frustrating training exercises constructed by Anbira. A sonic shower before his first meal then the bulk of the day he spent balancing two or three small objects in front of him. By lunch time he was able to rotate a shoe around him whilst he sat on the bed. After lunch and some more practise, the shoe and a cup. Before his evening meal he went for another simming lesson then carefully avoiding the Twi'leks he decided to drop in on Sejah who was in the gym at the time. His muscles were stiff and he was considering going for the oil massage Loki had suggested, the boy could only hope and he smiled.

"I notice we keep getting odd looks from some of the other passengers at dinner time. How 'bout we dress up for tomorrow evening and show them all up in our best clothes?" He asked at the dinner table with an excited look in his eyes.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:58:17 PM
Sejah had been carful to keep up his training regimen, but he had not wasted the luxuries offered to him. The spa had been most relaxing, and his fur was now the softest and shiniest it had ever been, and his claws were finely filed and polished. He had to admit, he wouldn't mind living in such luxury.

"That, Loki, sounds like a good idea. Though I don't really have much dressy to wear, I'm sure I'll find something." The mongoose replied before drinking the last of his wine.


The next day was a day off for Sejah. He relaxed in the comfort of his bed, then watched a little holovision before heading down to the pool and going for a swim. After that came a good soak in the hot tub, and then a trip to the spa. For the first few days they told him that he should really get a full-service fur treatment done, and seeign as the Rho-istaan panel was paying for it, he decided to take them up on their offer.

For an hour he cleansed himself with the finest products availible, and then was quickly dried before getting a full-body fur trim. Thankfully, the stylist was a Nehantite as well, and when he was done, Sejah couldn't believe how much of a change it made. He looked like he belonged in the wealthy class, and his muscles stood out more now that his fur had been thinned out and shortened in sections.

He was feelign so good at the spa that he decided to take Loki's word and go for that massage.

"Ow! Oof! Hey! Grah! Ungh! Cut that-Ow!" and other various grunts of pain were all he could emit as the female wookie in her white coat pounded his back into what seemed to be a mass of goo. Finally, when it was over, the mongoose could barely breathe, and he swore that Loki had set him up.

Dressing again, he staggered out into the hallway and back to his room. "LOOOKIIIII!" he bellowed, "WHY would you tell me to get a massage from a WOOKIE?! For crying out loud, it's a wonder that my ribs are still in once piece!"

But the incident quickly metamorphosized from anger into laughter, and the two friends went into their seperate rooms to change for that night's dinner. When Sejah emerged, he ws dressed nicely, but in no means were his clothes regal or fancy. the fur trim had helped him look better, though, but he still appeared like a commoner who was trying to look better than he really was. He couldn't help it, it was in the way he thought and stood. But Loki had no similar problems. HE was dressed to a T, and looked quite comfortable beign like that.

"Lookign good, kid," Sejah smiled before opening the door. "Shall we away to the dining hall?"

That night went better than others. They had a new waiter, and he treated them with the utmost of respect. Sejah dined on fish that night, happy to be able to get seafood, and the wine that went with it was extroridiary. Despite the mishap of a massage, Sejah had no complaints about the day at all, but he still went back to his training schedule on the next two.

Finally, the day came to switch ships. Packed and ready, Sejah took one last look at the luxury liner before pickign up his bags and leading Loki down to the shuttle bay.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:56:18 PM
"Looks like a cross between a Republic Seinar Systems picket transport and a big pile of scrap metal!" Loki joked as he set eyes upon their transport for the first time. It was unlike anything he'd ever seen before for it consisted of components from different types of ships and he wondered - with dread - what travelling in it will be like.

"So much for luxury!" He sighed, turning to Sejah he picked up his things and with a nod of his head gestured in the ships direction. "Shall we?" With a smile they both walked over and got in line for inspection and boarding. That was when Loki noticed something drastically different. He was surrounded by nehantites, Sejah's kind and everywhere he looked there was fur and mussled faces.

"I'm, umm...with him." He said quietly, pointing up to Sejah, fearful of the nehantish officer. He looked very stern and his eyes narrowed upon seeing the boy. Allowing his friend to deal with the official business, the boy remained silent and still, wishing that his body hair increased and he suddenly sprouted a tail. Unfortunately, chances of that were slim.

Once onboard Loki winced at the smell, the stench inside the dimly lit passengers section resembled that of some sort of zoo. No doubt passengers wouldn't have the chance to have a nice shower and due to the amount of fur the have they would no doubt sweat, especially in such poor conditions but due to the species Loki had to hold against the urge to regurgitate from it. His eyes watered a little, the air was different and the dust was no doubt riddled with fur that had been shed during the long journey. All of a sudden, the boy was aware of the cultural difference and it hit him in a big way. He could almost feel the eyes staring at him and maybe even Sejah too.

"I wont say anything to Sejah." The boy thought, wanting Sejah to enjoy his trip back home with his kind and not give him any concerns. The each had large and moderately comfortable seats, toilets were at either end of the ship, four in total and a single gangway ran down the centre of the passenger, it was flanked by the seats that faced inwards. The first thing Loki ensured was that he was sat next to his Sejah so he quickly looked for two free seats.

"There we go!" He pointed out, then quickly acquired there seats, not giving his friend much of a choice. Once they'd sat down and family of four went past; the parents, a grandmother by the looks of things and a little girl who happily skipped past, her tail swinging freely and brushed up against the boys leg as she went by. He closed his eyes.

"Hello. My name's Alahra. What's yours?"

Loki opened his eyes and looked to his side, and sat in the seat next to him was that little girl who's big, brown eyes stared right at him as she leaned across her seat towards him enthusiastically. He cleared his throat a little embaressed. "I'm Loki. Nice to meet you!" He declared, remembering his manners. He shook her paw then heard the grandmother say something to the girl's mother, who replied in a whispered objection, "No mother, it's encouraged. Leave her alone!"

The father looked across at the two then shook his head. Loki felt his cheeks go warm, luckily the interior was pretty dark so it wasn't obvious and passengers had been given the chance to rest if they wished to do so.

With a rumble and a shudder the engines came to life and the rickety, old shuttle lurched forward and began it's ascent. Once it had broken the planets atmosphere all was still at last and the sound of the engines was minimal. It was actually quite a relaxing humming. He looked to Sejah and with a grin, commented, "It's not too bad actually!" Then with a high-pitched whine, the ship jumped into hyperspace, next stop, Nehantish.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:26:27 PM
"Well, I suppose it's better than that gandark transport I was on for a few days," Sejah replied as he settled in his seat. The smell that Loki found offensive he found familiar, though it was usually not so strong. Seeing so many of his own kind was a soothing feeling, not having seen any outside of Tevit, Bhen and Anauri for the past few months.

Across the way sat a sandy-furred female near his age, and he found himself smiling a bit more than politely at her. What he had missed most were the females, even though eh ahd never had good luck with them. But he ceased his attentions when her boyfriend shot him a warning look. Discouraged, Sejah took a deep breath and sighed, then leaned back his seat and put on the headphones attached to the seat and tuned the radio to a decent channel. It was going to be a long flight.


Eighteen hours later, the ship dropped out of hyperspeed and it woke Sejah from the nap he had been desperately trying to get for the past few hours. In as an annoying a pre-recorded voice was possible, the announcement speaker reminded them to set their seats up to the locked position and fasten their seat belts. It also thanked them for traveling with that company that day, and hoped they had enjoyed their flight. Well, as much as a pre-recorded voice could hope, that was.

His mouth felt grimy, and for all the special treatment he had received in the spa, his fur felt dirty as well. The in-flight holovids had been less than entertaining, and had it not been for the fact that the trip had been free, he would have lodged a complaint.

But, that was put out of his head as he felt the ship rumble through the atmosphere, and he cautioned Loki to have his things ready for they would be landing soon. As he looked across the way, he could swear that the yellow-furred female was checking him out, but his sense of decency kept him from paying further attention to her. Instead it was dime to disembark from the transport, and head out into the warm, dry air of his home world. Once they got through the air-conditioned hallways and lobbies of the spaceport, that was.

The walls were plastered with advertisements and directions, most in Basic, but several still in the old script style of Nehahtite. It was interesting to see ads for familiar products written in another language, and the script was just as impossible to read as it was to Loki. Still, Sejah was able to get them out of the spaceport and out onto the street. The sudden wave of heat almost surprised him, even though he knew it would happen. It was probably just under 105 degrees Fahrenheit outside, a nice day by Nehantite standard, but he was still used to the mid 80's of Arcan. Hoisting his pack up on his shoulder, he looked down to Loki and shrugged, "Why don't you let me get your bag, we have a fair bit of a walking to do. My place is about four miles that way." The look he got from Loki was priceless. Sejah just grinned and picked up the boy 's bag and started walking. There were reasons one didn't take the bus in that part of town.

Automobiles raced up and down the busy streets, and the noise of internal combustion engines was like music to Sejah's ears. Sure, a few speeders flew overhead, and some mingled with ground traffic, but they couldn't quite compare with the romantic nature of wheel-driven vehicles. The first mile was surrounded by decent buildings, mostly tall ones with somewhat recent paint or brickwork repair, but the next three fell into what could only be described as a ghetto. Steel bars blocked windows, and damage was evident on buildings. Beasts of ill-repute congregated around dark alleys, and the streets were not clean. Some of the cars that lined the sidewalks had plastic sheeting over broken windows, and spray paint decorated many a wall.

But all around them there was life. Through open windows you could hear wives yelling at husbands, teenagers with their music turned up too loud, and babies crying. Ahead of them on the sidewalk a group of kids Loki's age and younger were at play on the sidewalk, some of them playing hopscotch while another drew a different setup on the concrete with a stick of chalk. Down further, some young girls played double-dutch with jump ropes, and a small flock of teenage boys congregated on a stoop around a portable stereo, some of them with bottles of soda, others with beer or malt liquor. Occasionally a patrol car would head slowly down the street and the beer bottles would be hidden, and that always made Sejah smirk.

It was afternoon, and school was already let out for the day. In another hour, parents would be returning home from work, and many shops would be closing. But the small convenience stores and corner groceries that Loki and Sejah passed would remain open so that those parents could buy something for their families dinners that night. Had Sejah been on his own, he would have blended in rather well, but Loki stood out. There were few humans on the planet, and even fewer human children. So, subsequently they attracted stares and a few fingerpointings, but the hilts of Sejah's tulwars on his back kept the more vocal of the comments at bay.

An hour after they had debarked from the spaceport, the pair stopped in at a grocery store/delicatessen, and Sejah waved hello to the store manager. "Hi, Krath, how's it going? Still not on vacation, I see," he said cheerfully as he opened the glass lid on an old icebox and pulled two bottles of peach Nehi from the ice ships and passed one to Loki.

"As I live and breathe, Sejah! I haven't seen you around in a long time! Where you been, guy?" The brow-furred shopkeeper replied, waving them on up to the counter. "They were saying you up and disappeared. Even ol' Rejjie said he didn't know where to find you."

Placing his bottle on the counter, Sejah dug out his wallet and replied while looking for his tab card. "Took a little trip off-planet to study. This is my friend, Loki Ahmrah, he goes to the same school as me, but we have different teachers. He might not look like much, be he was able to beat me in an open spar."

Taking the card form Sejah, Krath swiped it through a machine and then passed it back, chuckling, "Pal, I ain't gonna mess with him then if he was able to take you down, you beat me back when you were seventeen."

"And that's how I still get my discount, isn't it?" Sejah smirked, "I told you not to put that bet up."

"Yeah, but, if I hadn't, you wouldn't have come in here so often. Got it taken off your tab, so, feel free to go whenever. Good seeing you again, Sej," Krath nodded, then picked up a large salami and set it up to go through a meat slicer.

"See you 'round, Krath; I'll be in town for a little over a week. And, make sure you've got enough you-know-what in stock for two specials tonight, we'll be back." Sejah called over his shoulder as he and Loki exited the shop. The mongoose popped the cap off his glass bottle with ease, and then did the same for Loki. "Fenced him once in an unlicensed match. Beat him pretty good, too. He wagered that if I beat him, I'd get 50% off anything I bought at his dad's store for the rest of my life. It's his store now, but I still get my discount," Sejah explained, then narrowly dodged a youngster speeding by on a skateboard. "Watch it, Hibben!" he called after him, "Or I'll tell your mom on you!"

It was more than obvious that Sejah was where he grew up. he could name several beasts around them, though he knew best the kids he had taught. Finally their trek on foot ended at a glass-fronted door with a decorative steel grating on it. The sign in the window and anbove the door read, "Fencing: Rho'istaan and Unincorporated Styles Taught. Grandmaster Rej Presiding" in old, somewhat faded lettering. It by no means stood out, but to Sejah it was a large part of his life. From his pocket he withdrew a set of keys and inserted one into the lock, and another into a second after that. Unlatching the door, he pulled it open and stepped inside to hit the light switch before holding the door open for Loki. "Here it is, my old school," he announced proudly.

A banner on one wall read, "The Fanciful is for those unwilling to be courageous; Basics yield skill." It was a good motto, but Rej had designed it more to keep costs down than for actual philosophy. The school was of standard setup for most any fencing or martial arts academy. Twelve-foot ceilings, polished hardwood floors, and a wall comprised of mirrors were the most obvious things about it. A rack along one wall held numerous wooden training weapons ranging from sticks to staves, wooden swords, and even shields. Next to it were a row of student lockers, and a few large storage lockers as well that were heavily locked. One section of the floor was covered in a blue foam pad, a training mat, and framed pictures of famous students who had attended there were scattered along other walls. Many of them were of Sejah, and some dated back to when he was only fourteen. The welcoming desk and a few courtesy chairs were par for the course, and the standard punching and kicking bags hung off to the right, though they appeared to have undergone serious repair in the past. It was a simple layout, but an effective one, and cheap to maintain.

"Our room is up that back door," Sejah said after looking it all over again. "Let's get settled in, then I'll show you around. There's no class tonight, only adult classes in the mornings this day of the week. Oh, and,, take off your shoes, they can damage the finish of the floor." With that, the mongoose paused to remove his sandals and then padded across the polished hardwood to a plain white door that said "Private" on it, and unlocked it as well. Reaching up, he tugged on a light chain that turned on a suspended light bulb and headed up a rather steep flight of stairs to his old room.

If Loki had thought the ship ride to have been less than luxury, he was about to have a harsh reality slap him in the face. Sejah's room was a converted loft. A bathroom and kitchenette had been added to it, and it had two barred windows looking out onto the street, but it looked more like a prison cell than a place someone would choose to live. It was barely ten feet wide, and only about twenty-five feet long. The paint on the walls was a dingy tan color, and was beginning to chip and peel, and the floor was once a similar hardwood to that of the downstairs, but had not been so well taken care of. An oval floor mat with rings of faded color was the main rug in the room, and a beaten old couch sat against one wall under frames photographs of Sejah, his family, and friends. But perhaps the most depressing thing about the room was Sejah's bed. It wasn't even a bed, but an old surplus cut with two cot mattress pads on it carefully covered in sheets and blankets. Sejah hadn't been kidding when he said he never had much.

Setting his bags down on top of his old dresser, the mongoose hung his swords on a rack on the wall he had liberated form downstairs when they replaced those, and he tossed his now empty Nehi bottle into his metal trash can. “This is it; my home. I know it’s not much, but it works for me. You can have the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch. Bathroom’s through that door, and the shower is on a pull-chain to save water. Water bills on this planet can be quite fierce, you see. We’ll be eating out tonight at Krath’s Deli, and I’ll pick up some food for the next few days while I’m there.”

Looking around, he let it all sink back in. “There’s not a lot to do up here, I know, but, Master Rej has a TV set downstairs, and the Super patched us into cable, so, we can at least watch something tonight if you’re not too tired. I’ve got a class to teach tomorrow and the next day, and you’re welcome to watch. I’d invite you, but Master Rej would be the one who has to give the okay. So, um, here we are.” He clapped his paws together and held them before himself in nervous anticipation of Loki’s reaction to it all.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Oct 24th, 2002, 03:56:01 AM
"They know to bring their own blades?" A cold voice asked.

"Yes, and live edges are not allowed," one more aged replied. "You are nervous about this competition, Death-Shadow Anajii; that is not like one of your stature."

The first speaker, a gray mongoose with long frontal headfur turned to face the Rho'istaan official and stared him down with icy pink eyes. "I am not nervous, referee; I merely want to ensure that the plan the Se'koruthat have devised will go as planned. You have not paid any to lose, have you?"

Intimidated by the gray's gaze, the brown-furred official replied, "N-no, sir, there can be nothing of that sort. The Rho'istaan council has gone unblemished since its inception millenea ago. Even if you threatened me with death, sir, I would not tarnish the honor of my order that way."

J'ktal eased up and looked out onto the grounds once more. "That is good to hear, referee Ankantha. If I did hear you were bribing fighters, I would be justified to take your head, you know."

A strained gulp sounded from Ankantha's throat as he swallowed, then desperatley formed words, "No, sir, you will find no such action, I assure you. Only the countermeasures to capture the brigand. That is where your unit comes in, I hear."

A fast paw snapped out and slammed the official to the wall and held him pressed there. J'ktal leaned in close and growled, "You should not even know that much. Be grateful that I have made you privvy to as much as you do already. This information is highly secret, and if you were to be found out as to be leaking any of it, you would be granted a long, slow death on national television, you understand me?" As he stared straight into Ankantha's eyes, J'ktal's own were like frozen rosebuds, and he pressed the tip of his kris dagger into the official's side.

Panicked, Ankantha stammered, "Ye-yes, sir! I won't tell a soul, I promise! Please let me go, I won't tell!"

"You had better keep your word," J'ktal snarled as he led go and stepped back, watching as the Rho'istaan referee slumped to the floor, quivvering in fear. Sheathing his kris dagger once more, the gray mongoose straightened his uniform greatcoat and looked once more at the grounds. "He had better be foolish enough to show up. Low-borns ought to know their place."

With that, the Death-Shadow turned on his heel and walked off into the maze of passageways in the ancient coliseuim. In a few days he would go down in history, even more than he already had.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 7th, 2002, 03:41:12 AM
Sejah could plainly see that Loki was more than underwhelmed at the sight of his home. Shrugging, the mongoose reached over and straightened a picture in a cheap frame, only to watch it slide back crooked again. It did so mockingly, as if to say that no matter how hard he tried to become normal and respectable, he'd always be a bit off, a bit sub-standard. Pulling his cheek, Sejah turned and looked at the closet that was built into the wall, and hoped he wouldn't have to open it in front of Loki. He knew the first thing that would be seen inside, and was ashamed of it.

A pair of worn blue coveralls with his name embroidered on a white name patch on the left chest. It was a janitor's uniform, the knees worn from scrubbign floors, and bleach stains on the legs. It was the last real job he held before leaving for the Jedi, and he hated it; hated the degradign feelign he got working in a place of learning where he himself was never able to attend. Hated the laughs he got, hated the tedious work for little pay, and hated the look he got from his mother when she found out he was doing that to supplement his income. But it had fed him, and kept him out of trouble, so he could not hate it completely.

Thankfully, a small gurgle from his stomach silenced his mind, and he looked back to Loki and said, "So, I'm ready for some dinner, how about you?" His smile was somewhat forced, but Sejah didn't expect Loki to believe he was fully enthused to be back home.

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 10th, 2002, 10:29:39 AM
The first memory obtained from his time spent on Nehantish was the feeling of having the breath sucked out of ones chest as the unmercifully dry air and heat hits you when stepping out onto the deboarding ramp of the transport. He will remember it and refer to the experience using a comparison with the destructive waves are an earthquake; "Innitially, your breath is taken away and you gasp to regain yourself with suprise, that is the longitudinal wave but what follows is far more oppressive and destructive; the transverse wave is manifested in the form of Nehantish's ungodly heat. I recall the sweating to be almost instantaneous."

From there onwards Loki turned himself into a human-sized scanner; recording each and every unique experience he would enjoy whilst on what he perceives as a planet of wonder and delight. To his Nehantish counter-part perhaps it was just home and perhaps Sejah had naturally grown accustomed to his surrounding but to an eleven year old boy training in the Jedi arts, this was an experience of a lifetime.

Once his eyes accustomed to the blinding brilliance of the Nehantish sun, Loki immediatly began looking around, wide-eyed and excited. Although he had prioritised courtesy over most things, his good-manners failed him and most of what Sejah said seemed to go in one ear and out the other, lost in the hustle and bustle of this untamed, urban jungle booming with life. Perhaps the boy's mongoose-like friend was also somewhat distracted by seeing his homeworld again or was too concerned and pessamistic in anticipation of Loki's reaction to it, but in any case he seemed to be oblivious to the fact that the young padawan's face was beaming with joy staring at all that was going on around them.

It was this visit to Nehantish that brought about the boy's realisation that his attunement to the Force and life has dramatically improved for he perceived his surroundings in a way that was much more full or as he would describe later as "complete" than anything he had previously experienced. The overwhelming presence of life manifested in all it's tangible forms seemed to really touch him in a way like never before and as a result was somewhat unaware of the reactions the pair but more specifically he sparked from the crowds as they walked through the labrynth of busy and even chaotic streets that lead to Sejah's home.

Occassionally Loki would remember his manners and present his friend with what were forced and shallow questions such as: "So is it always this warm?" And, "What is the name of this district?" It wasn't that he was uninterested but quite the opposite and in order to ask intelligent and authentic questions it would require attention to conjur them and thus listen to the response.

"Besides," He thought, in an effort to convince himself that he wasn't being selfish in his attempts at conversation, "There's plenty of time for such questions later."

At Krath's Deli, Loki was relieved that Sejah had introduced him so that all was required of the boy was nothing more than a nod of greeting and a smile. It was a sheepish, absent-minded smile as the padawan was still raptured by the euphoria and bewilderment this new world had presented to him. Although he had picked up on Sejah's comment that he had beaten him in a spar and that made him grin proudly. Of course it wasn't true at all but it made Loki feel big and - dare he think it? - cool.

Although cool was that last thing the boy was at the time, his face was damp with sweat and thankfully in this deli there wasn't the tell-tale signs of glistening on his brow but outside in the blistering heat he stood out like a trafic beacon diverting all furry-faced attention his way.

"How you people can tolerate so much body-fur in this climate is beyond me!" He commented with exasperation in between sucking on his bottle of Nehi. He sighed happily as his lips broke free of the bottle top once again. "So this is the famous Nehi I've heard so much about! Good stuff!"

Gradually, the boy's temperament calmed somewhat into uncontrollable excitement and he literally bounced down the road and declared, "I want one of those!" He pointed as Hibben zoomed by on a skateboard.

Finally they arrived at Master Rej's Fencing School and chuckling, Loki thought to draw similarities between it and Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. But there were none. He was ckearly disappointed when he entered, he looked around with shoulders slumped. It was dull and void, unlike the outside world and then when Sejah explained that there would be classes tomorrow he perked up once more.

"Oh that's good!" He sighed with relief, "I thought it would be just empty and quiet." Already, the boy had grown fond of the noise of the ghetto in which Sejah had spent his life, it had become a musical ambience complimenting the wild lifestyles of it's inhabitants.

Upstairs and they finally came to Sejah's home and although it was very small it was full with more character than most large Coruscant homes. Loki smiled pleasantly and then laughed when Sejah awaited nervously his reaction.

"Relax!" The boy chuckled, "I love it here. It's spectacular!" He then crouched down by his luggage and delved into one of the pockets.

"You worry too much, Sejah. Don't think to impress me or meet what expectations you think I might have. Stress is a killer!" He commented in a chatty manner. He looked up and grinned when reaching the conclusion of his advice, then stood holding a small, water-proof bag in his hand.

"But before we do get something to eat, I have to shower lest I have a swarm of flies over my head during lunch!" He laughed and made his way to where Sejah had said he would find the shower facility. Then he was warned that warm water wouldn't be available until later this evening, once the water-heating had been turned on.

"All the more reason to have a shower now then!" And with that he dissapeared into the bathroom. Innitially there was a cry of shock once the shower chain had been pulled but after that Sejah could here Loki humming the tune to an old Chandrillan harvest song occassionally singing the words he could remember as they were of the native tongue of his homeworld, one which is not very often used anymore.

"So--" Came a voice as the bathroom door opened, Loki came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and retrieved a new set of clothes then went back inside the bathroom. "--how does it feel to be back home?"

OOC: Feel free to move us as far along into lunch as you wish. But you may want to edit the first line in your last post about Loki's reaction. :)

Sejah Haversh
Nov 11th, 2002, 03:49:50 AM
Sejah was surprised at Loki’s reaction to his homeworld; the boy seemed not to see the same things he did. In fact, Loki took more of an interest than he would have ever expected, and was also not put off by the only accommodations Sejah could offer.

As Loki showered, Sejah took the time to head back downstairs and look around once more. Rej had changed little in the school’s setup, and it was a familiar feel to the longtime student. Crossing to the master’s seat, Sejah looked at the wall and smiled. On the wall under the title of First Apprentice still hung his own picture; Rej had not appointed another in his absence. That was a great honor, considering how long he had been gone. Turning back, Sejah took a moment to check out the locker rooms and made sure they wee neat and in order before he heard the water shut off upstairs. Switching the unneeded lights off, the Nehantite returned to his room and was pulling open a drawer to pick out a new shirt when Loki emerged form the bathroom.

Sejah was a bit startled to see him in a towel at first, but he quickly got over it and continued rummaging for a shirt in his drawer. As Loki shut to door to get dressed, Sejah picked an old red tee shirt with a white screenprinted image of a muscle car on it and replaced the shirt he had been wearing with it. A quick shot form his deodorant later he was ready to go. Sejah would shower later, it took time to clean and dry as much fur as he had, and it wouldn’t be polite to make Loki wait for him.

He didn’t have long to wait, as Loki soon emerged form the bathroom, dressed and ready to go again, though his quickly-combed hair was still quite damp. In response to the question he had posed, Sejah answered, “Well, it feels, different. I don’t know what I was expecting, but, it just hasn’t sunk in yet. But, it is nice to be back, to see my own kind again. I see you’ve been enjoying yourself, hard to get that smile on your face to fade away, here. Well, I hope you’ll still feel the same way by the end of the week. But, come on, I’m starving, and Krath can make a mean-“ he cut himself off, not wishing to spoil the surprise. “You’ll see. Now, c’mon, let me get my bike and we can be on our way.”

At the mention of a bike, Sejah knew he’d have a bit of explaining to do, but he didn’t mind. He hadn’t ridden in months, and really wanted to do so again. Leading Loki back downstairs, the brown mongoose unlocked a large storage closet and—with some difficulty—pulled out a ten-speed bicycle with foot pegs bolted on near the rear axle. Picking the bike up, he didn’t let it touch the floor until he had to set it down by the door to put his sandals back on. He didn’t say another word until they were both back outside and he had the door locked once more.

“So, this is probably how we’re going to be getting around a lot in the next few days. Don’t worry, I’ve given a lot of my friends lifts on this thing before; she’s steadier than she looks. So, I’m going to get on, you just have to climb up onto those foot pegs, then hold on to me as we go, got it?” With a chuckle, Sejah swung a leg over the seat of the bike and readied himself as Loki climbed up awkwardly. Once the boy had a decent grip, Sejah pushed down on the pedal and started them off.

It was an easy start, slowly cruising down the sidewalk on the bike’s thin tires, but soon Sejah shifted gears and began to pump hard on the pedals. The old ten-speed shot forward, and he skillfully dropped it off the curb without catching the foot pegs, or Loki’s foot, for that matter. Soon they were zipping alongside traffic, until Sejah held out an arm for a signal and swerved into one of the lanes. In-city traffic was slow enough that he could keep up with it, and before long the mongoose had them at the deli, and hopped the bike up onto the sidewalk with a jarring bump. “Here we are,” he told his passenger, and waited for Loki to let go before getting off himself and chaining the bike to a tree-rail. “So, after you, good buddy,” he said playfully as he opened the door to Krath’s Deli for Loki.

The shopkeeper was still at work preparing cold cuts for sale, and he looked up as the door chime sounded. “Hey, Sej, welcome back. You too, kid. He didn’t scare you with that crazy riding of his, did he?”

Sejah shot him a glare and replied, “I’ll have you know I’m a very safe rider, compared to some, Mr. Smarty. And you got those specials ready to make?”

Krath nodded and shut off the meat slicer he was running before wiping his paws off on a cleaning towel and turning back to the counter. “Sure do, why don’t you two have a seat, and I’ll get it ready for you. The works, right?”

A nod was all Sejah returned him, then took a seat on one of the padded stools at the old bar style counter. It was like something out of an old television show, the kind that never were quite accurate, but made you feel good about life. Perhaps that was the image of home Sejah wanted to see, the one made for television. But there he was, with a young friend in an old hangout. He half expected Felter to walk through the door, if he hadn’t known that he was dead for three years.

“Here you go, got it in this morning, never frozen The kill date said day before yesterday, no guns, either. Whoever got this sucker was old fashioned. It’s not King, but still, it’s good stuff, trust me.” Krath explained as he set two plates down, each bearing a large sandwich piled high with thinly sliced meat, cheese, pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, all between thick slabs of fresh sourdough bread.

“Thanks, Krath, you don’t even know how much I’ve missed this,” he said before taking a quick moment to pray silently, then picked up his sandwich and took a large bite out of it, chewing slowly. “Mmfh, oh yeah, thif if good.” He complimented around a mouthful. Chewing for a while, he swallowed and then smiled as Loki took a bite as well before explaining. “That’s snakemeat. Cobra, to be exact. It’s not raw, like it should be, but, it’s still quite fresh. Cobras can grow very large in the wild. Large enough to kill and easily eat a beast my size, larger if it is a King Cobra. But, their meat is incredible, so, some still risk their lives to fight and kill one. It has been a tradition in my people since Garfife created us. How do you like it?”

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 11th, 2002, 03:52:25 PM
At the time, the mention of food would be enough to pursuade the boy to walk over hot coals but had he known what his Nehantish friend had in store for him he would've gladly dined on couple of hammel slugs.

"Look out!" His cries seemed to fall on deaf ears as the whirled about the traffic on the road. The rickety contraption shuddered and rocked with each cycle of Sejah's feet. An automobile chugged alongside, beeped it's horn then quickly swerved in front of them to take the next turn. The bicycle jerked as the mongoose padawan braked. "Watch out for the--Yeeargh!" He cried out in horror as they came worryingly close to the vehicle alongside. In retrospect Loki will realise that he was being perhaps a little too jumpy, another few rides would surely see to that.

"You are a fiend, Sejah Haversh!" He muttered, his head burried into the Nehantite's back, eyes shut tight. Although he could see nothing, he still managed to yelp at every bump and shudder along the way.

A heavy sigh of relief and Loki toppled off the back of the bike at Sejah's annoucement that they had arrived at their destination. Whilst his torturer tied up the devilish thing, Loki unsteadily regained himself, looking rather pale. After staggering inside and taking a bite of a delisiously jam-packed sandwich, the last thing he wanted to hear was that it was made from snakemeat.

"Shakemeat!" He repeated with shock, eyes agape. A bit of half-chewed doughbread fell out of his mouth. "Poisonous!?"

He was quickly reassured that he would not be killed by his lunch and after calming down he slowly resumed chewing and swallowed. He examined the jagged bite mark on his sandwich, carefully analysing it's contents then nodding in approval he took another bite and this time was less apprehensive than the first. "Y'know suthin', 'dis schuff is fanshashic!" He smiled cheerfully at the revelation, whether or not Sejah understood a word he said was another matter entirely.

Loki washed his lunch down with a glass of ice-cold water and looked around the deli some more, he was smiling. He liked it there, it was nice. It wasn't very stuffy and was rather cool but against the more silhouetted interior was the contrast of the golden light from the window outside. "I love it here." He declared casually, still looking around.

"Thank you, Krath. That was delicious!" He said to his newest acquaintance. He then dropped down from his stool and moved to the window, glancing out, watching all that was going on with interest and equal curiosity.

"I've never seen anything like it, there's so much happening. Sure, Coruscant is full of life but I've never seen a place so alive! I envy you, Sejah. You have a wonderful heritage. On Chandrila everything was so different." He spoke casually, in an off-handed sort of way. "Then again, I guess you guys would like the rich, fertile soils of my homeworld and the healthy climate that acompanies it. Chandrila is an agrilcutural world. They say 'Chandrilan's aren raised, they're grown.' Tough and dumb. I'm convinced that I came from a world such as this, so full and alive with an increadible history. Perhaps someone's just playing a very sustained joke on me. Hey! I don't have a tail back there do I?" He joked and laughed.

"Anyways, what have we got on the agenda for the next few days before the tournament begins?"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 11th, 2002, 05:42:05 PM
His belly full and the air inside the deli cool, Sejah was more than content. Loki had given him a terror of a time on the bike, and he hadn't even thought to have asked if the boy had ever even ridden one before. But that was past, and now was the present.

Sipping on a glass of water, the brown Nehantite leaned on the counter and relaxed. His friend made several good points, and when he joked about a tail, Sejah just swished his own and smiled. "It seems we all want what we don't have. You love it here because it is different, and I love trees and plants because we don't have many in the city here. Heh, we've got a history here, and you'll have to know some of it to understand the Rho'istaan tournament I am going to be in."

The sound of a pair of tongs dropping to the tile floor cut Sejah off. Krath looked at him nervously, then hurried to pick up his tongs and turned to drop them in the sink. Speaking over his shoulder, the shopkeeper asked, "What's that, Sej? How'd you get an invitation to one of those things?"

"I'm not sure," Sejah replied, "They said it was open to all class levels this time, and I was invited. I'm not going to argue, to even be invited is an honor."

Krath's face did not fully relect an honest portrayal of happiness. Instead it was carfully guarded, and he said, "I'd be careful, Sej. There's been some funny stuff goin' on since you left. The NISC is shifting some of the Shadow forces, and the DS crew are rumored to be preparing for something. Even parliment is getting a bit secretive. Don't think it's got anything to do with a tournament, but, I'd watch my back if I were you."

The warning was a bit more serious than Sejah would ahve liked, and he thought for a moment before replying. "I'll be careful. Besides, what would they want with a second-rate fencer like me? If somethign is up, I think they'd just have me in there as filler. You worry too much, Krath, you ought to go on a vacation sometime."

"Just be careful. Don't want you dissappearing again is all. Now, anything else I can get you two?"

"I think we'll just do a little shopping, but thanks." Sejah nodded, though his tone wasn't quite as friendly as it had been. finishing his water, the mongoose stood up from his stool and motioned for Loki to follow him.

The Deli was not very large, but it was well-stocked. Picking up a basket, Sejah began to answer Loki's questions as he picked out soem groceries. "Well, tomorrow morning will be a class you might like. It's basically Friday right now, so it'll be the junior class in the morning, and an adult class in the evening. If it's okay with Rej, you can even join in as well. It'll be with wooden sword, and I can give you a few pointers tonight if you'll still be up for it. On Sunday I need to take the day to train, or at least part of it. Perhaps in the evening we can go see the gardens, or the Royal Museum. It's up to you, really. Monday is the first day of the tournament, and we'll be holed up in a posh hotel for that week. Then it's one last night at my place and then we get to go back to Coruscant. You like white or wheat bread?" he ended with a question as they stood in front of the bread racks.

Selecting what Loki liked, they moved on, and soon Sejah had enough to get them through the next few days. Krath was a bit more personable when they went to check out, and he wished Loki good luck on riding with sejah again. Once it was all paid for, Sejah bid his old friend goodbye and headed back out into the heat to his bicycle. The groceries were loaded and secured into a basket on the front, and he unchained it and got on. "You ready to go back home? I'll be better, I promise," Sejah assured Loki, though he had been safer than usual on his way to the deli in the first place.

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 12th, 2002, 05:49:52 PM
"The grass is always greener on the other side." Loki concluded in agreement with Sejah's response and went back to staring out of the window. He was silent for a while until a frown creased his brow when he heard Krath talk about the recent anpeculiar goings-on within the N.I.S.C and the threat of danger that may present to his friend. He said nothing further on it observing it was a somewhat sensitive issue for Sejah at the time, that was not to say he wouldn't think on it in the future.

For the rest of their time at Krath's he kept quiet in thought and recovering from his filling lunch and also preparing for the journey home. After picking up some wheat bread and other items on offer, they departed and with a confidence-building deep breath he stared at the bike and smiled. "Ok, let's do this!"

The ride back to Master Rej's dojo and Sejah's home was not quite as traumatic as his first excursion but that is not to say he wasn't a little shakey once both feet were on the ground. They stepped through both pairs of creaky doors and slipping off their footwear made their way across to the other side. Half-way across the rather spartan interior, Loki soundlessly paused and took a piece of fruit from one of the grocery bags whilst Sejah was telling him about the length and structure of the average junior classes he teaches.

"It's best to measure one's current attunement to the Force when they least expect it--" He thought then recoiled and then as quietly as possible launched the palthnut at the mongoose padawan. "--I hope this isn't a waste of good fruit!"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:28:27 AM
Perhaps it was the atmosphere of the school, or maybe it was his recent practice sessions, but whatever it was, Sejah unconsciously let his bag of groceries slip form his paw and he twisted his upper body, his arm whipping out, and the palthnut was cleanly deflected off the mid knuckles of his first two digits of his right paw. It skipped twice off the floor before bouncing off the wall and rolling to a lopsided stop.

Sejah stretched out his digits before balling them into a tighe fist as his body remained half-turned. Relaxing it and coming to a straight stand again, the Nehanite passed a slim smile to Loki, then bent down to pick up his grocery bag. Thankfully it had only contained the bread and a few other unbreakable items, so nothing was damaged. The door to his loft opened with a creak, and the lightbulb on the chain decided to flash and then die the moment he pulled it on. It was so good to be home.

Soon enough the groceries were put away, and Sejah pulled out a folding ladder and changed the dead lightbulb in the stairwell, then turned on the air conditioning because it was uncomfortably warm in the building. He had forgotten to turn on his refridgerator when they first came back, so that was quickly done so that the milk and other cold items would remain that way, and other neglected duties were attended to in due time. It was a return to his normal life, ans Sejah was slowly starting to re-adjust. What Krath had told him in the deli weighed on his mind, but he tried not to dewll on it, even though he had a slight fear about returning in the first place.

Hanging his keys on a small nail in the wall, Sejah heaved a relaxing sigh and looked to the clock that was diligently tickign away across the room. It was only four o'clock, and there was still at least six hours of daylight left. It was too late in the day to go see the sights in town, for most would close their doors at six or seven, but it was too early to retire for the night. They had just eaten a most filling meal, and now were ready to settle in a bit. Well, perhaps Loki was; Sejah knew he had more training to do.

"If you're going to participate in my class tomorrow," Sejah said to Loki, "there are some things I'll have to teach you. Get changed into some workout clothes and I'll meet you downstairs."

As Loki used the bathroom to change, Sejah pulled open a drawer and removed his instructor's uniform. It took only moments for him to don it, and he padded back down the stairs to the cooler air now that the air conditioning had kicked in. His uniform was simple; a deep crimson open-fronted vest with balck shoulders and an embroidered seal in gold thread on the left chest, a pair of loose-fitting white cotton pants that reached down to his upper shin, and a black sash-belt that wound around his waist several times before tucking back through itself on his right side, letting the two ends dangle to his mid-thigh. Its tips were also crested with the same embriodery as his vest, as well as his name one one end.

He was in the midst of selecting a practice saber for Loki when he heard the boy bounding down the stairs. Turning on his heel, Sejah paced evenly forward and held the edgeless blade he had selected, but did not offer it yet. Instead he cleared his throat and spoke in a narrative tone, "There are many sub-sets of Rho'istaan stlyes in fencing. I am profficient in the Slow Fang style, which is also a style of empty paw. Though I am also liscensed to teach Eclipsing Moons and Pravus styles as well. Most of my students choose Slow Fang, though, for it is a more common style, and originated in this area thousands of years ago. Don't let the name fool you, it is not a slow-moving form at all, but there is another form called Fast Fang that is focused primarily on speed and is incredibly fast. This will be your weapon tonight, tomorrow it will be wood because there will be more students, and we don't have enough metal blades to go around." Laying the sword over his forearm, Sejah extended the handle to Loki in an old fashion. "Take it well, student Ahmrah."

Once Loki had the blade in his hand, Sejah stepped back and retrieved his own from the floor behind him. "There is much ettiquite I have to teach you tonight, so we'll start with how to stand, " he started. "If your blade has a scabbard, you hold it to your side like this with your left hand below the crosstree, and your right at your side. In your case, though, it would be improper to hold it by the balde, so you must hold it in your right hand with the point heading down and to the left, your left paw, er, hand holding your right wrist, and your feet shoulder width apart. That is the attention stance, and also the listening stance. When a Master enters the room, or class starts, that is how you must stand. Also, when I lecture and have the class standing, it is how you must be as well. Class begins with a bow, the attention stance, and then a salute. The bow is a simple bend at the waist, but the salute is very specific."

Stepping back, Sejah bowed lightly, came to attention, then drew his blade so he would show Loki the correct salute to use and continued, "From the attention stance, lift your sword up and place the hand holding it over our yeart, the blade pointing up. Then, you sweep it quickly down in front of you and let it snap to a stop at your side, and with your left hand, lightly touch your forehard with your fingertips, then arc it slowly down in front of you , ending about foot from your face with the palm up and your hand flat. From there you graefully return to the ready stance. A prayer follows the salute, then class is begun with stretches and warmup excercises."

Sejah continued on to explain the stretches, and why things in the class would be structured why they were. He also told of his younger days, and how he first started out under Master Rej. Little consideration was given to Loki's ability to keep up with what Sejah was saying, after all, he wouldn't be able to give his friend special treatment the next day, otherwise he would appear weak to the other students. It was difficult for the swordsbeast to figure out what kind of fine line he was walking with Loki. He knew they were equals in the Jedi realm, but here, on Nehantish, Sejah was very much the boy's better in the social status of the class. He just hoped that everythign would go smoothly the next day.

After showing Loki how to stand properly in both defensive and agressive stances, Sejah broke character and asked, "Are you understanding all this? And is there somethign you'd like to cover tonight, or maybe even do that isn't related to the class? I know it's a lot to take in, and you probably don't want to feel like this is a workign vacation and all."

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 14th, 2002, 12:48:09 PM
So now he was downstairs with Sejah in "training mode" in preparation for the training session tomorrow. He felt a little uncomfortable throughout his friend's speech and how so easily he was able to alienate himself personally from the boy after having known him for so long. It was peculiar and now the young boy understood Sejah's odd behaviour during their innitial few training sessions within the Jedi Order.

"Well, before we move on. I would like to go over the principles of etiquette quickly so that I am doing the right thing tomorrow. Here." With that he rehearsed his bow, attention stance and salute occassionally making mistakes but it is hardly what he would call brain surgery so after a few retries he seemed to have a fairly capable grasp on the formalities.

"Now, how do I adress you and secondly, what happens in your typical class?" He said inquisitively, he had doubts about the class and his ability to perform in it but wanted to take on the challenge nonetheless.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 14th, 2002, 01:30:25 PM
Sejah could see that Loki was slightly uncomfortable witht eh change in roles, but Sejah had a role to play, and a tradtition to upkeep. His students expected no less of him, but it was difficult to keep up that role with a friend. Scratching the base of his neck where an itch had developed, the mongoose stood relaxed and answered his friend's questions.

"I'm sorry, I know this is a lot to learn, and it's not how we normally act. But, it's what I have to do for classes. Since I am only First Apprentice, not a master, I am T'aaken Sejah," he explained, "Master Rej can be called that, but his oficcial title is T'arkudo Rej, and that is how we will refer to him at the start of class." Pacing up to the Master's place on the trainign floor, Sejah continued, "Normal class starts with the students assembling in five rows of four columns. You will probably be near the back, because places have been assigned. We start witht eh formalities, and you'll be able to jsut watch and follow along during those. Then we do a set of stretches where again you can follow along, I announce what they are before each one, so just wach me. But when it actually comes time for the session to begin, I am not sure what we will be doing. I have been away for some time, and I will need Master Rej to fill me in on where they are at in their studies. I'm really in the dark as much as you are for that part, Loki. Is this all making sense?"

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 21st, 2002, 03:05:33 PM
"Yes, I am looking forward to tomorrow indeed. However--" His voice became burdened with worry and he looked for the right words. Sejah gave him a quizzical look. "--Well, I am somewhat concerned as to how the rest of the students may react to me."

It had been a concern for some time since Sejah had mentioned the class but a challenge for the boy to prove himself. He had become increasingly aware of the Nehantite's apprehension and perhaps even hostility towards the sight of him with one of their own. A look of worry came over him. "Is there sparring in your classes?"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 22nd, 2002, 03:28:34 PM
Sejah lowered his dull blade and looked down at Loki. This reaction he had not expected, for the boy had been so full of life and carefree the whole way.

Not knowing how best to play his cards, Sejah simply went with his instinct on how to field Loki's concerns. "Yes, there often is sparring, unless it is a day devoted to learnign a new technique. But you shouldn't worry, you're probably more skilled then most who are in this class." Looking around, Sejah sighed a deep breath and continued, "As for the other students, they should not give you a problem. If they do, they would be out of line and I will deal with them. Respect is something important in my class, and any insolence will not be tolerated.”

His face then softened, his swordarm limp. A visible change came over him, and he spoke in a much more comforting tone, “Loki, you’re one of the few friends I have. You’ve never made fun of me for who I am, or where I came from. For that I thank you immeasurably. But, things are different here, they have to be.” Placing a paw on the boy’s shoulder, he turned him to look around at the room. “Look at it, look hard. To my students, this is what I am. I am part of this school. I am not their friend, or someone they confide in, I am a fencing teacher. Though some grow attached to me, I can’t call them my friends, for most of them pay to be here. You don’t pay a friend to let him hang out with you, do you?”

Reaching his paw back up, Sejah rubbed the bridge of his muzzle and continued, “This is difficult for me, Loki, more than you know. Tomorrow I won’t be able to act like your friend in class, and you cannot act as my friend, or as my equal. I do not like that arrangement, but for my students’ benefit, it has to be that way. If only for a few hours I would ask that you could look at me as a teacher, and not be offended by what I might say. This is why I had such a hard time sparring with you and teaching you at first; I don’t know how to be a friend and teacher at the same time, but-“

The sound of a key turning in the lock made Sejah snap to attention, and he stepped in front of Loki, holding his blade at the ready. The brown mongoose couldn’t see who it was at the door, as sunlight created too much glare, but the moment the figure stepped inside, Sejah lowered his blade and relaxed instantly. “Master Rej!” he cried out, a smile on his face, “What are you doing here?”

The beast that stood in the doorway was past his prime, but still in decent condition. Silvery strands of fur peppered the yellowish fur on his face, and great wrinkles extended from the corners of his eyes. But perhaps the most curious thing about him was his lack of a left ear, or at least most of it. A small scarred ridge still remained where it should have protruded from the side of his head instead; the mark of an old street fighter who had seen action in the days before regulations such as he knew now. A smile slowly crept along his own face as he ventured forward, leaning on a hardwood cane as he went. “Sejah, my boy, I didn’t expect you until tomorrow,: he announced.

“But I told you I’d be in tonight,” Sejah replied, puzzled.

The smile on Rej’s face grew more mischevious. “Aye, but I’ve known you for thirteen years, you think I’d actually expect you to show up on time?”

The younger mongoose laughed and shook his head, “True, you got me there. It’s good to see you again, you old codger. I see you haven’t promoted a new first apprentice yet.”

“Good to see you too, m’lad, and your friend here, too. I’d bow, but the back isn’t as young as it used to be,” he nodded to Loki, though still touching his paw to his forehead and slowly bringing it down before himself in formal greeting. “And no, still waiting for somebeast to show worthiness of the title.”

“What about Frisk?” Sejah ventured.

“Gone; his father made him join the armed forces. Said he was wasting his time here, that there was nothing to be gained.”

“But you would have left him the school when the time came,” Sejah suggested.

Rej shot him a disapproving glare, then said, “It should be yours, Sejah Al’jazhaar Haversh. But you won’t take it, will you.”

Sejah glumly looked away, “No, you know I can’t. I don’t live here anymore. I can’t live here anymore. But it is good to be back for now.”

“Aye, that is is,” The aging Nehantite nodded, then tapped his cane lightly on the floor to get Sejah’s attention again. “But what kind of manners are you showing me? You haven’t introduced your friend yet. A human, I take him to be? It is a pleasure to meet a friend of Sejah’s,” he said, then added under his breath, “Not to mention a rare occasion, at that.” Speaking louder again, he continued, “I am Rejethazzar Horomustheid, Master of this school, and all around overbearing old coot. And you might be?”

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 25th, 2002, 08:48:05 AM
It seemed to the young padawan that Sejah was just as nervous about tomorrow as he, not neccessarily because he hadn't trainied his students in some time but because of how he would have to act in front of Loki. Tomorrow was going to happen and the boy was going to take part in a Nehantite fencing class and for better or worse, Loki decided he would embrace the experience. After all, it isn't very often one recieves such an opportunity.

"Well if you must be a teacher tomorrow, Sejah Haversh, then I will be a student." With a degree of practised grace, the boy brought a fist across his chest and bowed. Upon looking back up to Sejah he smiled comfortably. "After all, I'll probably feel right at home."

He threw in that last line to comfort Sejah moreso than himself for he knew it would fail to be true. Nehantish was completely different to anything he'd ever known and that, in itself, was something Loki found more alluring and intriguing above all else. The words with which Sejah followed were touching, he was open and made clear his doubts and worries. For someone from a world such as this to be so open with a child of Loki's age was impressive to say the least but what stood out most in Sejah words and the way in which he delivered them was the respect and pride he held for his own culture and people. His smile quickly faded when someone tried entering the humble establishment. Sejah was immediatly alerted and behind him, Loki slipped his hand into the small leather pouch hanging from his utility belt.

"Who is it, Sejah?" He whispered nervously as the first door was opened. He peered around his friends waist and narrowed his eyes with discrimination. At Sejah's sudden cry identifying the shadowy figure as his old master, the boy jumped, startled.

One thing Loki had noticed about these people was that rarely seemed to speak quietly, or at least that was in his experience, perhaps it was just the fact that Sejah had been away so long and it was a pleasure to see him again but the mongoose people spoke with much gusto and strength. It was a very defining feature of theirs in his young eyes. But now moving to stand alongside his friend the boy wore a cheerful face, after hearing them talk, he had already identified similarities between Rej and his own master, Anbira. With that in mind he wanted to make the best of impressions.

"I am Loki Ahmrah, sir." He announced colourfully with a bow of respect. "It's a pleasure meeting you at last, Sejah has told me a great deal about you."

OOC: I'll leave it at that. I was going to move us along but I thought it best if you carry the dialogue involving Rej being as I know little of his character.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 25th, 2002, 03:32:57 PM
A crafty smile spread across Rej's face and he looked to Sejah, slowly saying, "Oh he has, has he?" Shaking his head, the older mongoose leaned on his cane and turned his attention back to Loki. "Well, don't worry, he has been known to exaggerate things. In any case, it is good to meet you, and I presume you will be attending his class in the morning?"

"If that is alright with you, Master," Sejah butted in,

"Well of course it's alright!" the elder shot back, "You think I'd not let your friend in? Come now, Sejah, have a little more faith in me. But, I actually was going to tell you you'll be teachign on your own in the morning as I have an appointment I have to keep. If you would excuse us for a moment, young sir," he said to Loki, "Sejah and I have a few things we need to talk about in private."

As Loki excused them, Rej motioned Sejah back to the boys' locker room so that they could have a door closed between them and Loki. The tile floor was cold to their bare footpaws, and the smell of sweat and a little mildew was in the air, as it was in all locker rooms, but the atmosphere was quickly forgotten as Rej explained what the students had been going through, and also how things in the area had been doing. Sejah was a peppermill of questions, grinding out one after another, constantly curious to know what he would need to teach, if there were new students, and if there had been any problems. He also explained to Rej how he was trying to learn to read, and how life as a Jedi was going.

But after that, things hit a much more somber note. Rej placed a paw on Sejah's shoulder and looked into his eyes for a moment, then explained somethign in a slow and caring voice. Sejah's eyes ground shut, and his face became the portrait of grief. The younger mongoose fell forward into Rej's arms, and he sobbed, his head resting on his master's shoulder as Rej rubbed his back sympathetically. Afterward, Rej sat Sejah down on a bench and answered a furious load of questions, trying to calm his best student down. When it finally drew to a close, Rej passed Sejah his handkersheif to let him dry his eyes, and then sat silently.

Sejah was hurt, deeply saddened by what Rej had told him, but his master's reassuring words that followed were helpful in restoring some confidence, and bringing him back to normal. When both felt well enough, they stood up, and Sejah picked up his edgeless tulwar once more, following Rej back out of the locker room and into the main floor.

"Well, I must be going, my dinner will be waiting for me at home," Rej said as he walked to the door with the aid of his cane. "I will see you tomorrow afternoon, Sejah, and you too, Loki. That is, if you care to stick around after class. But, it should be a nice day, why don't the two of you get out and see the sights, I'm sure your friend would like that more than being stuck here. In any case, I'll see you later, I'm sure." With that, the older mongoose slipped his sandals on and headed out the door.

Watching it close, Sejah then turned and looked to Loki, trying to force a smile and not show hoe he was really feeling. "He was in a bit of a hurry," the Nehantite explained, "But, at least I know what to do for class tomorrow morning."

Looking down to the blade in his paw, Sejah no longer felt like practicing, and as he thought of what else to do, he began to yawn. The trip had taken a lot out of him, and he was still tired from not getting much rest aboard the last flight. The clock on the wall read a little after eight, and so he didn't feel too bad in saying what he did next. "Well, I don't know about you, Loki, but I'm getting pretty tired, think I'm going to turn in for the night."

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 26th, 2002, 01:29:42 PM
After watching Sejah and Rej dissapear into the locker room, Loki let out a curious "Hmm" and embarked on his own personal tour of Master Rej's humble abode. There was a great deal of history that lingered in a place like this, most of that history hoisted and framed on walls.

Quietly he looked over a collection of trophies, certificates and a fair number of pictures until he arrived at one which caught his attention above the others. It was a picture of Sejah and his master, they had an arm around each other and smiling for the cameras with a scimitar in their free hand. The boy's mongoose friend was considerably younger in this shot and his face beamed with pride so radiant that it almost seemed real. The padawan frowned suddenly.

"Oh Sejah, you really love your home." He sighed beginning to understand more personally why Sejah has longed to return home so. He missed his home and family back on Chandrila and against his better judgement, started to feel the lousy feeling of jealousy creeping around in his stomach. He continued to browse the pictures until Sejah and Rej returned.

With a nod, the boy agreed that retiring for the evening was a good idea. His little breakdown earlier had worn him out and he yawned.

"Ah don' lame you!" He declared, mouth wide yawning.

"Besides we'll have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow." He said, pulling the blankets in tighter and curling up on the matress, whispered. "Good night, Sejah."

Sejah Haversh
Nov 26th, 2002, 05:59:29 PM
Sejah's heart was a mass of mixed sadness and joy. The news Rej had told him weighed heavily on his mind, but the feeling of being home was an undeniable pleasure.

As Loki climbed into Sejah's old cot bed, the mongoose turned off the lights and sat down on his couch. Light from a streetlamp filtered in through the barred windows, bathing sections of the room with a soft glow. The occasional passing car reflected flashes of waning sunlight that caused a flicker to pass through the room. He sat there still for several minutes, first looking blankly at the corner where the floor met the wall, then over to Loki, who was already fast asleep. A small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth at the sight of the boy so instantly called into the dream world.

With his left paw, Sejah rubbed the back of his neck, and stood up. He needed sleep as well, so in the light from the window, the brown Nehantite walked to his dresser and pulled out his spare blanket, then stripped down to his boxers and lay down on the couch, pulling his blanket over himself and wriggling into the well-worn cushions and closign his eyes. Sleep was quick in coming to him as well.


"Quit honkin' yer horn, pal..." sejah mumbled quietly and woke himself. Outside a driver was balring his horn to probably make somebeast else move. Rolling over, Sejah nearly toppled onto the floor and squinted his bleary eyes at the red numbers on his digital alarm clock. 6:14 AM.

Blinking hard, he smacked his lips and sat up to scratch an itch on his side that had developed in the night. Loki was still fast asleep, and for now Sejah would let him stay that way. Sejah pulled his blanket aside, then stood and stretched, blinking once more before pulling a ratty old undershirt out from his dresser and donning it before headign downstairs.

It was not yet sunrise, and the blinds on the school's front windows were closed, so Sejah had little problem working out dressed as he was in his underclothes. A simple series of stretches helped to wake him up, followed by some push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises. Then it was onto the training floor where he performed several basic katas and a few more advanced ones before repeating his exercises. Work with a wooden blade came next, and he felt his body fully comign to life as he spun and wielded the bokken with grace and fluidity. Then, in turn it was set aside before he wrapped his paws with tape and had at it on one of the school's punching bags.

It was his routine he had developed when he first moved into the school, and it was a great releif to return to it. He began to feel as if he had never left, but when he looked at the clock again, the present returned to him. It was slightly two hours since he had started, and Sejah had developed a heathly matting of sweat through his fur. Pacing back across the hardwood floor, he unwrapped his paws and trotted up the steps to his loft.

Tossing the spent tape into his trash bin, Sejah looked down the way to see Loki still fast asleep. Gathering his instructors uniform and a fresh change of underwear, the mongoose headed back downstairs to shower in the males' locker room as not to wake his friend with the noise of the shower upstairs. The spray was thin and almost stinging as it tried to generate enough pressure to cleanse while still conserving water, but Sejah didn't mind, he had used them plenty of times before. Wringing out his fur, he towled off breifly before stepping into the drying room; essentially a room the size of a shower stall equopped with numerous heat fans that acted as a giant hair, or in his cae, fur, dryer. Once dressed and brushed out, Sejah returned to his room and switched on the lights.

When Loki finally woke up, the smell of scrambled eggs, bacon, and whole wheat toast was in the air, and it was coming from Sejah's kitchenette. The mongoose sported an apron over his uniform to keep it clean, and he smiled as he turned to see Loki stirring. "Good morning, Loki. Hope you slept well, breakfast is ready."

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 27th, 2002, 01:37:22 PM
Rubbing his weary eyes, Loki took a moment to fully become conscious of his surroundings and stretched with a groan. After a rather full and busy day yesterday and all of the travelling prior to that, the boy was all to pleased to be lying in a regular bed - or at least regular enough - and have his feet on the ground. He gave Sejah a tired smile and squinted a little at the light pouring in from the window.

"Good morning, Sejah." He sat upright and looked across to the kitchenette and chuckled at the sight of Sejah in an apron. "Sissy!"

He laughed and left the bed wearing a cotten jacket and matching trousers, his favourite pyjamas and despite the fact that they had seen quite a bit of wear he refused to part with them. Trudging over to wear Sejah was he stood idle for a moment until he held the plate in his hands and took a seat. In a moment the food was gone and the speed with which the boy had gobbled up his breakfast was accentuated with a loud burp.

"Pardon me. Blame my adopted Cizerack mother, Taataani!" He said with a smile in response to the look of suprise on the mongoose's face who had barely begun eating his meal. "Thank you for that breakfast, Sej. It was delicious."

Falling from his chair, Loki walked over to the bathroom with a change of clothes in the same zombie-like state. That was when the miraculous human transformation from ape to boy took place. After about fifteen minutes out stepped a boy that beamed with radiance in comparison to the creature that had crawled inside the bathroom not long ago.

"Ah!" He sighed happily. "So how are you on this fine morning?"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 27th, 2002, 03:29:33 PM
"Good morning," The mongoose replied between forkfulls of egg. "Got in a workout this morning while you were still asleep, so once I'm done here and have the dishes cleared, I guess we should be heading downstairs." Adding a bit more pepper to his eggs, Sejah ate at a liesurely pace. He never had been one to scarf down his food, but instead enjoyed it for he had worked for the money it took to buy it.

By the time the boy known as Loki emerged form the cramped bathroom, Sejah was rinsing off his plate and setting it neatly in the sink atop the frying pan he had used. Untying his apron, he hung it from a hook on the wall and then proceeded to pop his knuckles out of habit. "Well, you ready to get warmed up for today's class?" he asked, though it was nearly a rhetorical question. "Good, let's head downstairs, then." Picking up his tulwar, Sejah thumped down the steps and rounded the corner into the school's main floor.

The Nehantite nimbly placed his sword on a stand near the instructor's seat on his way to the front windows. With a deft yank, Sejah drew back the line that controlled the window shades, and morning sunlight blared into the dark room. His keys jangled in the door lock, and he then flipped over the window sign from 'Closed' to 'Open'. But there were still other morning chores to attend to. The equipment cabinets were unlocked, the punching bags secured, and the blue trainign mat was smoothed out. Then a wide dust broom was retrieved from another closet and Sejah proceeded to sweep the floor free of any dust or dirt that might have accumulated since he didn't know when it was done last. The locker rooms were checked for tidiness and fresh towels, and finally the paperwork on Rej's desk was straightened. In all, it took but a few minutes, but Sejah knew the difference of an organized, tidy school and a common one.

Clapping his paws together with a dull thud, Sejah clicked his tongue in the back of his throat and looked to Loki. "Now I suppose we'll just have to wait for the others. Class isn't supposed to start for another half-hour, but some like to get here early. Let's have a seat and wait, shall we?"

The wall clock ticked quietly away for fiften minutes before the familiar creak of the front door sounded. Two young boys about Loki's age with gray fur stepped in and waved goodbye to their mother who had dropped them off before bending down to remove their shoes and place them on the rack by the door. It took them but a moment to spot the human kid in the room, and their pink eyes darted next to the figure who sat on the instructor's mat. "Sejah!" they both exclaimed at the same time, then bounded up to see him. "T'aaken Sejah, where have you been?" "Yeah, where'd you go?" "Are you back for good?" "Who's he?" They asked questions rapidly, not giving him a chance to respond until he held up a paw to stop.

"Gren, Kurkath, calm yourselves. It is good to see you too, but remember your manners," Sejah slowly replied. When he saw them hang their heads in slight shame, he smiled and continued, "I have been away at another school. This is Loki Ahmrah, one of my classmates. I will explain more when the rest of the class is here. Now, go get changed you two."

Their footpads beat a light rythm to the males' locker room and Sejah could only chuckle. He had known them for two years; fraternal twins. They meant well, and were decent students, but had more energy than he thought they really should.

More students of various ages began to arrive, and Sejah fielded their quiestions sparsely, telling most to go get changed, or to sit down if they were already in uniform. Unlike most other martial arts, they did not go by belt color as a main indication of rank, but instead the color of the shoulders on their shirts of vests. Their belts were all red to signify compliance with the Rho'istaan rules, and that they were still only students themselves. Most were between the ages of twelve and fourteen, but a few strayed the edges of that group in both directions. The eldest student in the class was one of Sejah's personal students, and he was seventeen, nearly eighteen. It was tradition for a master to leave his school to a student who had grown up there, and now that it was out of Sejah's grasp and Frisk had left, it would fall to him. His name was Durbin, and was a fair paw with the blade, but was not skilled enough, not yet, at least. But it would fall to him soon, as Sejah knew that Rej could not keep up the school by himself much longer.

When all the students had assembled ans were seated in their places, Sejah addressed them. "Good morning, everybeast, I know you are all a bit surprised to see me, but don't be alarmed. T'akudo Rej is fine, and will be here this afternoon, but he has left this class to me for today. You will have also noticed the boy in the back, there. His name is Loki Ahmrah, and attends the same school that I currently do. Now that that is out of the way, we will begin class. All rise."

He stood as they did, bowed, and they returned the bow, followed with the salute, only empty-pawed as they were not equipped with blades or sticks yet. Sejah led them through their stretches and had random beasts count out the time or amount of sets in the old tongue. Then they were dismissed to line up before the weapons racks where Sejah doled out wooden swords for practice use, though he did not take one for himself. It must have been confusing to Loki, for they all fell into places they knew, but he didn't. Durbin saw his dilema, and whispered, "Follow me, T'akudo Rej is usually my partner, but it seems that T'aaken Sejah will be playing overseer. Stand there at attention, I'll guide you through this."

The session then really began with Sejah at the head of the class and calling out strike positions; the same ones he had taught Loki some time back. He slapped a paw against a small drum as he called each strike, and carefully watched his students, noting who needed to work on what. After a few minutes, he called a stop and for the group to spread out into a large circle, then picked four at a time to come forward. In his paw he held a bamboo crop, but it was tucked under his arm at the moment.

With the smaller group, he called out strikes again, but this time with a difference. No longer was he just observing; now he interacted. "Two." Whack! The crop soundly whacked the back of a student's ankle. "No! your front footpaw should keep its heel on the floor. Do it again.

Whack "Again!" Sejah barked as the student failed one more time. But on the third he got it right. As the course of calling others up went on others were whacked stingign blows with the cane, ot Sejah would snatch their sword away from them and demonstrate the proper way of doing things. Even Durbin recieved a caning for an improper flick of the wrist. At first, sejah must have seemed cruel to be so demanding, but as he went on, it became clear that he did not have anythign personal against them, and that he never stuck a newer student, only those who had a decent grasp of the basics.

When that was done, it broke down to one on one spar and block techniques, with Sejah showing them a few new moves he had come up with in the Jedi Order, though he was careful never to mention where his "new school" was, or what it was for. Only that he was learning the fine art of the "saber" among other things. It was not a true deception, but only a clever coverign of the truth.

Durbin paired off with Loki again to practice one on one. "You ready, Loki? You want to come at me, or me at you?" The ruddy brown-furred teenager asked.

Loki Ahmrah
Dec 4th, 2002, 03:05:15 PM
With every step down the staircase, Loki's heart thudded against his chest like the drumbeat prior to a medieval execution, he was now beginning to feel worried about meeting Sejah's students and having to interact with them in a scenario of which he had no former experience.

An inaudible sigh escaped his lips when he realised that there was no-one else already present, he didn't want to be a late arrival, past experiences back in school on Chandrila had instilled a fear of such situations amd now he was walking right into one. He shuddered a little from nervous anticipation and excitement. At least the adrenaline is kicking in.

In silence he watched Sejah move through a routine with which he seemed to have an unconcious recollection, like the missing piece of a jigsaw the brown-furred mongoose fit right into place. The young padawan smiled and dusted off his training attire, the same he wears back on Coruscant in the acadamy. Little fingers intricatly ran over the material ironing out any visible creases. Sejah was having an affect on him as was Nehantish. Despite the world's lively and wild nature, there seemed to be a profound undercurrent of control and order which played a part in the words and actions of it's people day by day. The boy couldn't help but wonder what a world of this nature would be like without values such as tradition and honor.

Once seated, he and Loki said little although Sejah would try to encourage conversation the boy was far too preoccupied with what lay ahead. He wouldn't admit to Sejah but he was rigorously recalling all that they had gone through in preparation for the class today; the procedure and formality he has to get right especially in front of perfect strangers.

"Remember what I told you about first impressions, Loki Ahmrah." His mother's voice echoed in his head. "They are the most important thing when meeting new people."

The boy didn't know who it was he didn't want to fail less; his parents or his friend. Sejah had enough on his plate without having to backtrack and pick Loki up everytime he trips over his own feet. Increasingly, the young padawan was becoming more aware of his parent's absence and as a result the responsibility that factor hoisted upon his own life, in their last encounter his mother said he was growing up too fast.

"Why son, you're practically a man now." And since his father, Kahn Ahmrah, had told him that, Loki had found it important to try and become more independant and mature in order to meet his father's expectations.

"I sure don't feel like a man right now!" He thought doubtfully, he scolded himself for swinging his legs whilst seated. A man wouldn't do that. Again his heart pounded against his chest, there was a nervous lump in his throat. He swallowed hard and despite his friend's attempts to calm him, Loki still heard the blood beating relentlessly in his ears.

As the clock slowly ticked away what he felt was his impending doom it was no suprise to find that when the creak of the door was heard his heart skipped a beat in a vain effort to burst through his ribcage and dash out of the building and down the road as quickly as possible.

Standing, Loki first extended an open, sweaty hand to greet the twins but remembering protocol quickly snatched his hand back bringing it up to his forehead in a bow of the head. He smiled a little nervously.

"Gren, Kurkath, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am, as Se-" He shot a glance to his friend, now instructor and quickly recovered. "T'aaken Sejah has already said, I will be joining you today."

On to the class. After receiving a mixed bag of reactions, Loki embarked on this venture with still no idea what to expect from the rest of the students. Some were open and cheerful, others curious and careful and even a few who were both distant and cold but they, along with their staring, were in the minority. Loki was grateful for that much and even moreso when a big brown-furred mongoose who resembled Sejah in both mannerisms and appearance approached him in time of need.

Not having time for introductions, Loki smiled and gave Durbin a nod of thanks. That which followed, the practising of the strike positions was just what the boy needed in order to get into the swing of things. The more he watched the others, the sooner memories of his training sessions with Sejah came flooding back to him. He started to relax and the more he relaxed, the better his technique and the greater his confidence.

All that came crashing down when he saw Sejah reprimanding his student's faults with the assistance of a rather unforgiving cane in front of everyone else no less. He systematically went around the class and the boy fearfully watched as the cane was snapped against Durbin's ankle. "If he is going to be punished for poor technique, I'm going to be up there all day!"

When Sejah failed to call the boy up for his shaming in front of the rest of the students, Loki was immediatly overcome with relief but that was quickly replaced by dread. Was Sejah treating him differently? After all he had said? With eyes fixed straight ahead of him, not even at Durbin would Loki look for fear of being glared at: Why should they be punished and not him?

After watching Sejah demonstrate a series of stances and manouvers which were all too familiar to the young padawan they were then told to go into pairs ready for sparring. That distant drumbeat of doom began it's unnerving tempo once more, getting louder and faster as the rest of the students found their places and partners leaving Loki to be the odd one out. "I knew this would happen! Don't look at them!"

He glanced to one side where he found that Durbin had already taken place ready to begin training with him once again. He didn't seem angry at Loki for not being reprimanded earlier and in fact was just as helpful and friendly as before. Loki smiled cheekily.

"You come at me, Durbin. Let's see what you got!" He declared, taking up the first ready stance Sejah had ever taught him which appeared to be commonplace in this school. Left fist against chest, elbow raising in the opponents direction. Sword-arm back and pointed downwards with the weapon out of the opponents sight. He leaned forward ready then added. "But don't beat me up...too much."

Sejah Haversh
Dec 5th, 2002, 03:23:45 AM
Thank you, Durbin, you're a good lad, Sejah thought to himself as he watched his pupil team up with Loki. It was difficult for him to guide the lesson without picking on Loki, but none of the others would have expected him to in any case. Those who had recieved whacks from the cane knew why they had gotten them, and would strive to do better next time, or feel the age-old reprimand bite them once more. It was hot it had been for thousands of years, and it was not a tradition they themselves wished to cast aside, even though many of them disliked it.

The instructor tapped lightly on the drumhead to give them some form of time to keep in step with, but carefully examined how his students acted and performed. Though, Loki and Durbin were not two who were heavy on his viewing time, for he knew Loki, and trusted Durbin. They would be fine, he assured himself.

"Okay, if you say so, kid," Durbin replied, then snapping in a quick step for a simple strke to test Loki's skills, and was surprised at both how well and how quickly his assault was blocked. "Nice move, let's try something a bit more difficult, though."

For the next twenty minutes, the pairs traded off offense and defense with each other, with Sejah taking careful note, and occasionally calling out instruction, or steppign away form his drum to correct missteps or faults in moves. His ways were still a little gruff, but it was easy to see that he did care that his pupils learned well,a nd enjoyed themselves while they were at it. Though there was one boy who was beginning to attract a bit more of Sejah's attention. Not because he was doing particularily well, but because he usually did so, and was currently lagging and having a hard time concentrating.

Finally, they were called back together as a group and made to go through the main strikes once more, only coordinated to the ever-changing beat oif his drum, and slowly pivoting in a circle as they did so. It was a tricky maneuver, but over time the class had grown used to it. Then came seating, a closign prayer, then the salute and bow before class was dismissed.

Many students headed straight for the locker room after turnign in theit wooden swords, but Sejah stopped one of them, placing his paw on the boy's shoulder. The dingy yellow-furred youth of thirteen years nearly winced at his instructor's touch, and looked up at Sejah's stone visage. "Roll up your sleeve, Ashok," Sejah instructed him.

Scowling, Ashok stepped back and snapped, "Lesson's over, you can't make me."

In a heartbeat Sejah grabbed a wooden sword from off the wall and belted a blow into Ashok's stomach that knocked the wind out of him and dropped the boy to his knees. Leveling the wooden blade at his head, Sejah repeated, "Roll up your sleeve, Ashok. Or I will do it for you."

Wheezing, and knowing he was defeated, Ashok sat up and pulled up his short sleeve to reveal a shoulder with several long cuts on it, some of which were still scabbed over because they were so fresh. One in particular couldn't have been more than four hours old. Sejah grabbed his arm and yanked him upritght, leanign down and growling in his face. "You ahd better hage a very good explaination for this, boy."

Swallowing hard, the pale mongoose boy stammered, "I, I crashed on my bike, sir, I scraped my arm."

He was rewarded with a firm shake for his lie. "Don't even try to decieve me, Ashok, I know what those are." Roughly letting go and shoving him back, Sejah looked quite irate with his student. "How stipid are you? You know what venom can do to you, don't you? I'm sorry, Ashok, you can't come here anymore until you stop that trash."

Ashok's face was ashen with fear; he had been found out. His lip trembling, he pleaded, "No, T'aaken Sejah! Please, let me stay, I promise it was just a few times."

Sejah shook his head. "No, some of those cuts are old. How much do you do now, three, four milileters a week now? That kind of sickness is not allowed in these walls, you know that Ashok. Hibben lost his brother to that stuff, you know that."

The boy didn't know what to do. He was caught, and at something illegal at that. All he could do was hang his head and start toward the door before he felt Sejah's paw on his other shoulder. "Not so fast, Ashok, you're not going anywhere. I'm calling your parents."

"No!" He shouted, gaining the attention of all the others still int eh room who had not already been watching. "Please, you can't do that! Please no, Sejah!"

Sejah was impassive, and replied, "I can, and I will right now. Come, take a seat while I give your mother a call."

With that, he pulled Ashok over to the desk and sat him down while he himself placed a phone call to Ashok's mother. The boy was nearly in tears, and a royal mess, but he truly had brought it upon himself. Durbin kept Loki busy while Sejah hashed things out with Ashok, and also when the boy's mother showed up. There was a shouting match, first at Sejah, then at the youth in trouble, and Ashok ended up leaving, being hauled outside by his mother, his eyes straming with tears.

All Sejah could do was sigh and shake his head as he re-approached Loki and Durbin. "I'm sorry about that. It seems Ashok has been taking venom."

Durbin's eyes went wide, and he stuttered, "V-venom?! Him? But, he's only-"

"Thirteen, I know." Sejah cut him off. "He won't be allowed back without a note from a doctor stating that he is clean, and will have to provide one on a tri-weekly basis. But, enough about that, did you two enjoy the lesson today?"

Loki Ahmrah
Dec 8th, 2002, 09:49:23 AM
The shimmering sweat on Loki's forehead was now faded, he had wiped it dry on the sleeve of his jacket which along with the rest of his training attire seemed to fit in quite well with the clothing of the other students. He had come to realise that perhaps he had been making a mountain out of a molehill and in any case, he had certainly proved himself in the spar with Durbin. Although he had been outmatched, the young padawan had certainly held his own thanks to his Jedi training.

But now the boy's happy, easy-going expression had morphed into a look of concern and confusion. When he saw Sejah stike the young mongoose in the stomach with a wooden sword, his protest was immediatly silenced by his new-found friend, Durbin. Thankfully, their instructor hadn't heard the youngsters moral protest for after a talk with the brown-furred Nehantite, he explained that such a thing was commonplace within their culture. However, his mind was finally put at ease when Sejah approached them after a the loud and teary performance moments before. Once he had explained he had been taking "Venom" whatever that might be, the boy concluded it was something unnacceptable and possibly illegal.

"The class?" He repeated, a little lost in his own thoughts. He had questions he wanted to ask but he respected his friend's wish to move onto another topic of conversation. Loki perked up immediatly. "Oh yes, I thought it was great! The lesson was something completely new to me and all went well." He laughed the added. "Especially the bit when I had Durbin pleading for mercy during the spar. Did you catch that?"

They laughed and talked casually for a bit. Thankfully, their relaxed attitudes quenched any student's burning desire to ask questions about the fiasco earlier. To Loki, the end of the class was similar to taking your first breath after holding your breath until you're blue in the face. He was relieved and on a high, so much so that he had amassed the confidence to join the other students in the locker room where he talked some more with Durbin and happily engaged some of the other students around his age in conversation. Some were eager to learn about him and his origins and his acquaintence to Sejah, although like his fellow padawan, the boy remained vague and misleading in his answers lest he light the fuse to a large bomb.

"Argh! That was great!" He cheered once the doors were locked and had said his final good-byes to the last students to leave. He ran across the floor, jumped and punched and head-butted a small punching bag suspended from the ceiling on which the adult students usually practise their jabs. He spread his arms out and looked up, spinning on the spot before finally flopping over and falling on his back on the mats.

[I]"Now I know why you miss it here. The people are so great, you're all like one, big, happy family. Think I could be an honorary cousin or something?" He laughed heartily then sat up, buzzing with enthusiasm. "So what's on the agenda for today, Mister Haversh?"

Sejah Haversh
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:44:22 PM
When the boys went to the locker room to shower and change, Sejah had a few more words with Durbin before bidding him goodbye, then recorded a message on tape cassette for Master Rej about Ashok.

It wasn't until the doors were locked again that he felt relief. Loki had obviously enjoyed himself, as had been evident by his banter after class and his recent gymnastics. Not to mention Durbin's words of praise for the the boy. He had said that Loki could be a competition class fencer some day once he was taller and stronger; that he had the eye and aim of a true rapier fencer. Coming from Durbin, it was a great compliment.

Turnign his key in the lock on the equipment cabinet, memories of how many times before he had done that flooded back into his mind, and he looked over at the wall to a photograph of himself holding a guilded plate at the age of eighteen. He had placed second in a competition that quarter. The plate had remained on the wall for some time, but eventually he sold it to make ends meet when he had no other funds left to give. The school was part of his life, it was as much of him as his right arm. Rej had played his father, though he wouldn't admit it, and fencing classes had been his schooling. A sad excuse for an education, but one nontheless.

"Well, the other sudents took to you pretty well, it looked like. I'm sure you could be an honorary cousin to them if you wanted, but not all of them would I want as relatives." Sejah smiled, padding back over to where Loki lay and flopped down himself. "And as far as the rest of the day, I don't know. Kind of up to you, really. Left a message about Ashok for Master Rej, so, we can go and do whatever you like. There's the Royal Museum or Gardens, not to mention the Library. And then there's the historical district, too. Or we could take in a film or something. Whatever sounds good to you, really."

He lay there waiting a response, but something nagged at his mind, tellign him that Loki wanted to know about Ashok. Venting a sigh, the brown Nehantite explained, "I didn't want to hit him, Loki. I don't like doing that, but, I had to." He leaned his head over to look at Loki next to him, his pink eyes sadly serious. "Ashok had been taking venom. It's not a drug, well, not the way you would know them. It is what is sounds like: snake venom. He's not got enough money for cobra, but a sand viper or adder would probably be it. You see, it used to be that mercenaries and traveling soldiers who trekked the desert would slowly build up an immunity to snake venom by taking small doses of it. Many died, others lost use of limbs or went blind. Now we have anti-venoms, so, it is an illegal practice to build the old immunity, not to mention stupid.

"But, as with all illegal activities, there is an attraction to it, and now venom is dealt as a drug. You derive no pleasure from it; instead it hurts like blue blazes. Cobra venom is the worst. It attacks your nerves, burning through you and can stop your heart, not to mention give you an insane adrenalin rush. Other vipers do the same thing, but not to so fierce an extent. Those who take it try to see how much they can do without killing themselves. Eventually you learn to enjoy the pain, if you do it long enough. Ashok has been taking it for months now, and had done so just this morning. I don't tolerate it, especially from a student who had been doign so well. That's why I hit him. I know the hell it can put you through."

He paused to rub up the fur on his left shoulder to expose several old scars that ran across it. "I used to do it myself. I should be dead right now, but Rej found me on the floor in my room passed out and called the doctor. When I got better he kicked the living tar out of me and told me if I ever touched the stuff again I couldn't come back to his school. I havn't since. It was a stupid addiction, and I was a fool to believe it brought me closer to the old ways."

Sensing he had just killed a good mood, he forced a smile and said in a lighter tone, "So, um, what do you want to do today?"

Loki Ahmrah
Dec 11th, 2002, 08:51:22 PM
<FONT SIZE="3">Saturday, 16, Melona </FONT>

It is now ten-thirty in the evening. An hour past my bedtime and despite that and the unmerciful exhaustion I still, somehow, find the energy to add this entry to my diary. On occasion, one forgets how much we take for granted the luxuries of technology and modern living and since this is my first full day on Nehantish, I decided to buy a notebook and pen with which I shall record the daily trials and adventures shared by myself and my good friend, Sejah. I had forgotten how difficult it can be to write with a pen!

Where to begin? Well, as I have already jotted down in my old notebook, the day started with a splendid breakfast and a rather exhilarating fencing class for youngsters. Almost all went swimmingly save for the incident with Ashok after the lesson. Then my brown-furred partner in crime asked: "What do you want to do today?" At first, I had no idea but then I recalled the suggestions made earlier.

Being the home-grown vegetable that I am, when plunged into arid, oven-like climates someone such as myself is bound to feel the effects. And I have been; although I'd never admit it to Sejah. All people from Chandrila are accustomed to seasons of warm, humid conditions or wet and cool climates. I woke up last night and will do so, no doubt, this evening shivering like a leaf. So naturally, one was only too happy to approve of going to the Royal Gardens with lush greenery and fresh-scented flowers abound. I thought it would resemble home.

After a revitalising and not to mention difficult shower (those pull-chain mechanisms are so frustrating!), this humble eleven-year-old decided he would wear his smartest casual outfit if he was to visit a royal garden. I came down the stairs looking particularly good, even if I do say so myself! Wearing my white, cotton basali trousers - basali is a design from my homeworld specifically for relaxing in the garden, quite appropriate I thought - and matching shirt over which was a light grey, sleeveless long-coat which reached past my knees and was finished nicely with a belt of matching colour and design. My aim, I now realise in retrospect was to fit in with typical Nehantish dress code and with those wonderful white sandals, I think I pulled it off nicely.

Yet again, it was another brilliant day - which I mean both literally and figuratively - the Nehantish sky resembles what most would call a perfect sky; endless blue for as far as the eye could see and piercing this silken blanket was the sun, comforting and searing, wonderful and terrible. A true sight to behold. But despite it's beautiful simplicity what was even more remarkable was the differentiation between that and the convoluted, chaotic miasma of life. To a visitor, the Nehantish day swarms around in an indecipherable buzzing but in such a simplistic and endearing way that by the end of it all, you will find yourself buzzing with delight.

A connoisseur of culture, I am not. But being thrown in the proverbial deep end, I quickly learned how to swim in this seemingly disorderly and loud lifestyle lest I be sucked under and drown. Once that was accomplished, one was able to realise that the Nehantites follow a very logical and desirable way of life. The children go to school. Parents work either at home or away. During which time, most is quiet and it was during this down period, that Sejah and I arrived at the Royal Gardens. However, we did brave a bus trip which was less than quiet and what looked like a tin can on wheels was filled, and rather dangerously I'd say, with mongooses. Naturally, this eager beaver stood tall, or short as the case may be, and proud despite sticking out like a sore thumb but I had accepted my presence on the desert world and so shall they. Hopefully.

On the bus, Sejah stood behind me holding onto the rails on either side like an imposing behemoth of strength and courage, ready to defend at any turn. However, when I did look up at him he would give me this soft, comforting smile which shattered the previous impression rather humorously. He, like everyone else I have ever met, was a living paradox and that is the excitement one finds in meeting new people. If I unravelled my mongoose friend enough, I guess I'd find something that resembled a big brother figure. I've always wanted a big brother, especially when dad wasn't around.

All of the people who travelled by the bus were adults, save for one or two babies. Most of whom disembarked at the city centre which I only caught a glimpse of but it was horrendously jam-packed full of furry folk. The rest joined us at the gardens, after all, it was a fine day for a family outing. Unfortunately, as we disembarked, we had the pleasure of passing the driver again, the most obtrusively robust character I'd ever seen, he was the Jabba the Hutt of the Nehantish world, and I fancy he smelled worse than a Hutt too. I'd never heard a mongoose break wind before, similarly I've never felt a vehicle tremble whilst stationary. Did he have no shame?

Moving swiftly on, for decency's sake, if nothing else. Sejah and I wisely opted for a breath of fresh air and a cold beverage prior to traversing the vast, green paradise before us. Thankful for the shade provided by the canopy outside a rather extortionately priced café, we had a pleasant talk over a bottle of nehi each. I was eager to learn of my fellow padawan's relatives but to no avail, oddly enough Sejah, who is usually an open individual seemed to quickly skirt the issue or change the subject. Throughout the day, I would continue to casually press at the issue: What puzzled me most was that if I were in Sejah's position, the first thing I would do is see my family. He, on the other hand, did not.

Other hot topics for conversation covered during our day were history, religion, food and the upcoming tournament. Sejah told me about the ancient rulers of his world and stories which were hard fact found in the most common Nehantish text books to old folk lore regarding things that were fascinating but might never have happened. He happily expanded on what he told me about his God, Garfife, and the practise such a faith involves. Apparently, we will be attending a service which celebrates this faith about which I am very much excite as I don't follow a religion personally, neither do any in my family. Such a thing is rare on Chandrila, we are a more practical people who would pray for a successful harvest over world peace.

But despite my love for the natural wonders of Chandrila, I couldn't help but feel a little put to shame by the awe-inspiring wildlife this planet harbours. Once we descended a yellow, grainy footpath into a valley of unending greenery, the sheer diversity of Nehantish agriculture really hit me. All around were sky-scraping trees which had solid yet bare trunks and stretched out into enormous, healthy palm leaves providing ample shade when required. About the foot of each tree were long, thin blades of grass which reached up past my waist on occasion and resembled long, spindly fingers which would brush against my hand causing it to itch uncontrollably.

"Poison-tipped is what they are!" I remember yelling at Sejah who desperately tried to see to my hand which had by which time came out in an awful rash. Then causing quite a fuss which attracted the attention of one of the many botanists who worked in the gardens and I can't help but feel a little sheepish for overreacting so. She sprayed my hand with something and shortly after the itching and redness faded. My real humiliation was yet to come when later in the day I saw another botanist spraying the leaves of a plant with the same stuff. Curiosity got the better of me and to my horror and outrage I discovered that what that woman had sprayed my hand with earlier was nothing more than water. That manipulative, scheming old so-and-so.

It eludes me what Sejah found so amusing about the whole fiasco. I'll have my revenge, oh yes!

Back in the gardens, we came to a series of hills which rolled off along the horizon. They were also covered in enviable, tropical beauty found only on Nehantish and myself and my mongoose counterpart found a nice spot for a picnic next to a gently flowing stream. The water was warm and clear, passing over rocks and disappearing down into the valley now behind us making a delightful gargling, bubbling sound which only complemented the enchanting composition of natural music. Wild birds squawked and chirped, they were the woodwind section, flutes, clarinets and the like whereas the insects made clicking sounds which when coupled with the thumping of squalls, hopping across grassy plains made the percussion section. It was nature's orchestra playing in full swing to welcome what was to be a golden afternoon.

During a pleasant lunch which consisted of sandwiches, fresh fruit and orange juice, a certain young padawan couldn't help but show off one of the latest things he had learned with his master. After eating, I sat in silence for a moment and asked Sejah to make sure no-one was looking and within several minutes we were surrounded by the wildlife of the royal gardens. Perched on my shoulder was a green and blue parrot, in my hand a butterfly, several small, green insects hopped onto my sandals whilst a creature resembling a squirrel climbed into my lap and offered me a nut. Naturally I was delighted with the turnout and was surprised to even find a docile-looking squall approach in a moment of curiosity. So as far as my training to be a Jedi is concerned, today has been my most satisfying, it was a wonderful experience. Although, that parrot had an equally wonderful experience, leaving a less-than-disceet present behind on my shoulder. Luckily it didn't stain. Darn birds!

For the next three or four hours, we continued the tour of the gardens. During which time we stopped at the numerous monuments, statues and memorials constructed to honour past war heroes and royalty. The statues were what impressed me most, in every instance the stone structure always held a weapon, usually a sword and had a noble yet powerful look. Unfortunately, the carvings underneath were written in a traditional, nehantish script and as such I was able to discover very little about the figures. One wonders if in the royal museum or library, great thinkers or philosophers or revolutionaries were honoured in a similar way. I am somewhat sceptical about that; who knows, this culture may continue to surprise.

Speaking of surprises, we had a break from our routine of trekking the winding footpath when Mister Haversh found himself dodging a projectile made from snake underbelly skin. It whizzed past at breakneck speed, and buried itself in a mound of sand to the side of the path. Of course I was startled, but this innocent, little boy was relieved that he wasn't avoiding killer balls this time, he'd had his fair share with smelly bus drivers, evil, stinging plants and pooping parrots. Suddenly a teenager about Sejah's height leapt through the bushes with apologies, he had come from the field to the right of us were he and his friends were playing a game which was similar to rugby. Well one thing lead to another and soon, the yellow-furred mongoose called Vhal'ash invited Sejah and I to join them for a game.

When we cleared the bushes, we were met, or rather I was meant with a few puzzled looks but once our new acquaintance explained a few things we were quickly accepted into the pack. The game was rough, I wont deny that and have no shame in admitting to being tossed about like a rag doll despite all efforts to go easy on me. Sejah handled very well with his perfect agility, perfect co-ordination, perfect speed, perfect judgement, etc. etc....etc! T'aaken Sejah indeed! Well, I do have one claim to fame and that was thanks to a foul pass from Vhal'ash, in order to get to the snakeskin ball I had to step up onto the thigh of one member of the opposing team and perform a rather fabulous somersault over the big blighter and intercepted the ball thus scoring a point for the team. I rock!

After the game (Which we won by the way!), the two amigos finally arrived at the gift shop and let's face it, when you get to the gift shop of any place, you know you've reached the end of the tour. That's not to say I wasn't sucked into the fantasy because after a great day out you will always buy the most useless memorabilia; the Royal Gardens mug and matching bedpan were one of my personal favourites. I bought a small, framed picture taken of Sejah and I whilst playing the rugby-wannabe game (Who takes those pictures I'll never know! Royal Spies!) and this notebook and matching pen.

At half past six, after venturing closer to the city centre, the two padawans needed to eat and therefore, we did.

"Teskabi's Traditional Nehantish Restaurant". Originally, the words "traditional" and "nehantish" were a cause for concern and an unknowing human like myself had no idea what a traditional, nehantish meal was like. The walls were plastered with an exquisite, red velvet wallpaper, the ceiling had detailed, hand-painted scenes from fabled stories all over which kept me interested whilst Sejah ordered for us. In Sejah I trusted. Was it worth it? Well, let's just say that even now as I lay on this bed mattress, I feel like I am about to burst at the seams.

Whatever it was he ordered, we went through what I can only describe as a banquet for two. Meats, vegetables, sauces, side-dishes, extras, main courses, seconds, thirds, fourths, you name it, we had it. All I can say is thank Garfife for traditional meals! Like with breakfast, Sejah relished every bite slowly whilst I decimated the food put before me, I was like a rabid animal, I am sure at one point the vegetables tried to escape in fear! But that's the Cizerack in me, which reminds me, I'll have to send Taataani a holocard. And Master Hicchoru, and Estelle.

So back to the restaurant. By the time we had finished our meal it was still reasonably light despite the time but the streets were empty in comparison to what I caught glimpse of earlier from the buss. Children were in their homes, shops were shut and it was still to early for bars and the like to be in full swing. Whether or not Sejah had planned to go home at that time is still a mystery to me, but in any case, he was able to show off to me a portion of the grand edifices and wonderful scenery which dripped with reverence and nobility. The great walls were imposing and occasionally we caught a glimpse of a guard patrolling a wall from above but we stopped to climb the stairs an old watch tower which was due to be closed for the evening when we arrived but I coerced my mongoose friend to convince the lovely lady to let a visitor witness the Nehantish sunset.

The experience lasted only ten minutes but it was the most thrilling and wonderful segue from day to night one could ever wish to behold. The changes in colour were so different and foreign for this Chandrilan cabbage-patch kid, we have nothing like that, from a pale blue which gradually shifted to a gentle hue of yellow, it reminded me of the colour one turns when he spends too much time on crazy amusement park rides. But soon enough the yellows became a heart-lifting and fresh tint of orange which within mere moments grew angry and became a daunting crimson. In that moment, I remember a rush of coldness overcome my body and I began to shiver. It was that awful creeping coldness I usually feel when danger is approaching and in spite of all the beauty before me I grew ill. In fact, Sejah told me my face resembled that sickening yellow colour from moments before.

Whatever it was that overcame me on that watchtower, it wasn't pleasant at all. I am now recovering from a fully blown migraine which forced us to take the bus back home instead of walking as was originally planned. It was probably just the climate getting to me again. I don't know but something inside tells me it was more than that, when I watched that sunset the sky was furious and terrifying, the harsh tones getting nearer and nearer but before we were completely engulfed by them a much more soothing purple and blue replaced them. Now the night sky is black and the silver moonlight slips in through the window silently, it's cool fingertips healing the sunburn on my face. How I forgot about burning in the sun, I'll never know but it's too late now. Tomorrow hopefully we can buy some lotion to treat it. If only I too had fur!

Speaking of which, Sejah looks like he's about to drift off to sleep so I'd better cut out this light. If tomorrow is half as wonderful as today has been, then it will be a day to remember.

Sejah Haversh
Dec 11th, 2002, 09:36:15 PM
It had been a most wonderful day in Sejah’s book. Or at least it would have been had he been able to write one. Loki was a most admirable friend, and took to his home better than he ever would have expected. The gardens had been in full flower, and the scent of jasmine that was so omnipresent in them still lingered on his clothes. Thankfully, the Rho’istaan society had given him a card on which to put the tab for his meals, so they could enjoy eating without digging into his very shallow pocketbook.

At the moment, Loki lay on his stomach on his cot jotting down something in the notebook he had gotten under a reading lamp that Sejah had secured to the wall a year or so back. He was apparently all better after whatever had come over him that evening, but Sejah was still going to watch him a bit closer from there on out.

Once Loki had finished and switched off his light, Sejah vented a sigh and peeled his shirt off over his head as he sat on the couch. Wadding it into a ball, he hurled it squarely at the lightswitch on the wall, flicking them off and letting the room be illuminated only by the streams of bluish steetlamp light that came in through his barred windows. From there it was a short trip to the bathroom where he brushed his teeth thoroughly, gargled with some mouthwash, and then flossed before switching that light off as well and looking back to Loki.

Asleep already. Sejah smiled lightly at the sight of his friend dozing peacefully there. As Loki had thought of him as possibly a big brother, Sejah almost looked at him as a brother as well. With his mother gone, the mongoose had no real family left. It was the reason he had skirted Loki’s questioning earlier that afternoon; he didn’t want to bring him down with a problem he could do nothing about. A yawn reminded him of his own exhaustion, and to he removed his pants and lay down on his old couch, pulling the blanket over himself and closing his eyes, waiting for sleep to come to him just as it had to Loki.


The wood and steel frame in the old couch gave out, and decided to implode onto itself. The support beams cracked under him, and dropped him onto the floor as the rest of the old relic fell inwards, crushing him with stale old mattres foam and faded fabric.

“Arck! Gerrof you friggin’ piece of-“ Sejah growled and snarled, punching at the collapsed framework that held him in, only remembering that Loki was present right before he was about to shout a most expletive word. Thrashing and clawing his way out, the mongoose heaved himself out onto the old rug on the floor and scrambled to his feet to kick what he thought was a cushion.


“YEOWCH!” Sejah bellowed, hopping and clutching his sore footpaw. Instead of connecting with soft foam, he had kicked straight into a wooden slat, jamming all his toes. Gingerly putting his paw back down, the frustrated Nehantite let his pink eyes adjust to the dim light and then set about ripping the seat cushions out of the tangled mess of what used to be a couch and set them in a line on the floor. Yanking his blanket back out of the disaster zone as well, he lay down on the row of cushions, though first giving the broken couch a warning look lest it try something else next. His blanket spread over himself, Sejah closed his eyes once more. The weariness he felt overcame all other worry, and he found himself asleep in only a few minutes.


“Come on, Loki, wake up. Take a shower and dress nice, we’re going to Gathering this morning.” Sejah said as he shook Loki by the shoulder to bring him around. His night had gone better once he fell asleep; the couch having called a cease-fire.

Loki was left to rouse himself the rest of the way, as Sejah, still clad in his boxers, trotted off downstairs with an armful of clothing to use the locker room showers. Half an hour later, he was dried and back upstairs dressed in possibly the best clothes he owned, though his pants were becoming rather threadbare in places. They were crisply ironed linen slacks, and his shirt was a light blue silk button up with long sleeves, and a light tie that almost matched his pants was secured smartly around his neck. It was a far cry from his normal clothing, and he did look slightly out of place in them, but not so much that he was comical in appearance.

“You almost ready, Loki?” he called through the closed bathroom door as he set about making some sandwiches and other things for their lunch and put them into a nylon knapsack he would be able to sling over the handlebars of his bicycle later on. A brown leather-bound book also went into the knapsack. It was his Book, his kind’s holy tome. Though he could not read hardly a word of what it said, he would not go without it.

“Come on, Loki, we need to get going,” he called again as he pulled a thin leather belt through his belt loops around his waist. Into it was inserted his kris dagger in its wooden scabbard, and then he dropped his wallet in his back pocket before straightening his tail fly as Loki emerged from the bathroom finely dressed. In fact, better than Sejah was.

Knapsack in paw, Sejah picked up his sunglasses and nudged them on as he padded downstairs. The old bicycle emerged from storage once more, much to Loki’s dismay, and sandals and shoes made their way onto feet and footpaws at the door. The bus would take longer, and be more crowded that morning, and he was rapidly running out of funds to pay for it, anyhow. Mounting his ten-speed steed, Sejah lashed their lunch pack to the looping handlebars, then waited for Loki to climb up and hold on again. With a firm push, the mongoose started the road bike down the sidewalk until he gathered enough speed to drop off the curb onto the roadway with the rest of the city traffic.

Sunday traffic in his corner of downtown was usually light, but still unpredictable. Beasts were rushing here and there, most headed to Gathering at whichever church they attended, and some were speeding to work five minutes late. The cycling pair were nearly clipped by a roadster as it blew through a stop sign, but Sejah’s reflexes, paired with Loki’s disheartening panicked comments saved them, though just barely.

Finally, after a ten-minute ride, Sejah popped the bike back up the curb and braked to a stop in a side alley next to a very old church where he chained it to a light post and pulled off his knapsack. “We’re here. This church is over thirteen hundred years old, though it was added onto about four hundred years ago. I’ve attended Gathering here most all my life. Just follow me, and do what I do, if you’re unsure, okay? Cool.”

Sejah greeted the beast at the door in his crimson and black robes with a pawshake and a salute from his forehead much like they performed in class. Then it was inside to a beautiful, but not ornate or gaudy interior. The pews were darkly stained teakwood with well-worn velvet seats, and the entire interior was illuminated by candle and natural light that flowed in from carved stone lattices and gratings in the windows. The floor was a large mosaic, with several pictures and designs in it, and the walls sported recesses for statues or carved relieifs, and two fountains, one on each side of the main sanctuary, bubbled with cool, clear water from an underground spring. A stream of golden light filtered through translucent alabaster panels in the domed ceiling, adding another level of peace and security to the ambiance of Sejah’s holy building.

He headed up the center aisle to a cushion on the floor that was before a marble carving of two life-sized open forepaws (hands) extending, palms up, from an otherwise smooth block. Falling to one knee on the cushion, Sejah pulled his kris from his belt and held it to his chest and closed his eyes as he whispered a silent prayer. It took only moments, and he was soon back at Loki’s side, putting his kris away and leading him to an open seat. As they found one, he explained, “Unlike other sects of my religion, we do not put faith in relics or statues. The block with Garfife’s paws in it I just knelt before is purely symbolic. You offer yourself to him, and he will take you willingly, even if you are troubled. We have a few minutes to wait before the opening prayer, then will come a time of worship and song. The choir here is good, but not great. But our Delegate is the best I’ve heard preach. If you have any questions during the service, just ask me quietly, and I will try to explain.”

It went much as Sejah had described; first prayer, then a round of worship songs, some of which the congregation was asked to join in on, and the words were printed in the books placed in the back of the pews before them. Sejah knew them by heart, but they were most helpful to Loki, who had more than likely never even heard of Garfife before he met Sejah, let alone heard songs devoted to his praise. Next came the sermon, and it was one that touched Sejah’s heart. It was about work and friendship, how to deal with situations you might not like, but Garfife has put you in for a reason. Near the end of the service, Sejah was given special recognition for his being invited to the tournament the next day, and the Delegate asked all to pray for him after sharing how he had helped out in the church many times before. It embarrassed the mongoose a little, but the thought of others praying for him was reassuring.

Finally, the service drew to a close, and with an ending prayer, they were dismissed. Sejah shook a few paws and said hello to friends he had not seen since he left, gave his vague story as to where he had been, and introduced many to Loki as well. When the crowd thinned out, Sejah put his Book back in his knapsack and headed back out to the bike. From there it was a harrowing ride to a local park three miles away, and the lunch Sejah had packed was enjoyed under the shade of a large tree at a relaxing pace, as to let the boy settle down from the bike ride. It wasn’t anywhere near as expansive as the Royal Gardens, but it was an escape from concrete and stone nonetheless. Loki had been getting better at his friend’s riding, but, relaxation such as lunch provided was enough to keep him from getting too nervous from long rides. Given a bit more experience, Loki could grow to actually like the harrowing rides.

However, it was on the way back home that disaster struck. Sejah’s sandals were old and wearing out, but he hadn’t been able to afford a new pair. But for all the repair he had done to them, they just couldn’t hold out longer. As his right footpaw stroked down on the pedals, a leather strap broke free and swung over to get become ensnared in the front gears. The bicycle lurched and he fought to control it, but as the strap was torn off, it tangled on the chain and snagged the back wheel, locking the axle and causing it to skid out of control. He had two choices: try and ride it out to a stop and risk a nasty crash that could injure both Loki and himself, or, ditch the bike and take injury to keep Loki safe. Sejah chose the latter.

“Lean right! Fall on the bike!” he shouted as he pushed off to his left, jumping off the bike and laying it down on its left side when he felt Loki shift himself to the right. Loki was able to grab the frame and let the bike slide across the pavement on its side and remain unscathed himself, but Sejah was not so lucky. They had been going nearly twenty-two miles per hour, and he hit the ground hard, scraping along the sidewalk and rolling to a painful stop.

It took a moment for him to move, first laying there trying to assess if he had broken anything. His sunglasses were shattered, and his knee and arm hurt, but he seemed otherwise okay. Slowly climbing to a stand, he looked himself over. His pants were torn through on one knee, and a few drops of blood showed at the surface of his fur. The blue silk shirt he wore was also ruined, scraped through in one section on his back and badly on his right forearm. But nothing was serious, at least not that he could see. Only painful, and aggravating. The shirt had been expensive, and his tie didn’t match any of his other pants. They were his only real dressy clothes, and now they were ruined. What was he going to wear to the opening ceremony the next day?

Those thoughts disappeared from his mind as he saw Loki getting up from the top of the crashed bicycle. He was just fine, though shaken up. Sejah limped over, one sandal now missing and leaned the bike up once Loki was off it. “Sandal broke, it got jammed in the gears,” he explained while angrily yanking the bit of strap from the chain. “You okay?” he then asked as he made sure that the bike would be in good enough working order to get them home. When it was revealed that Loki was fine, Sejah gave a sigh of relief, then got on his bike once more. “I’m okay, Loki, and we’ll be fine to get home. I just need to get a new pair of sandals or shoes or something,” he assured his fellow padawan. “Come on, I promise I won’t crash again.”

Sejah remained true to his word, and they made it to a shoe store where he picked out a pair of sandals, then learned that he couldn’t afford them. Recounting his finances, Sejah could only afford a few of the more basic shoes and sandals, and he knew better than to purchase low quality sandals. But his need for footwear overruled his taste in fashion, and soon he found himself sporting a pair of gray canvas lace-up sneakers with a rim of white rubber around the soles. He didn’t like them, but they would have to do.

Then it was back to the school to pack their gear back up and call the hotel they would be staying at for the next week to send out the limo to pick them up. It was going to be a while, so Sejah gathered up many of his other prize belongings he had to leave behind the first time and crammed them into a large canvas duffel. His old room seemed more and more empty, as he had taken down his framed photos and stuffed them into his suitcase, and other knickknacks and mementos were gathered up as well. Soon, his whole life was packed into two bags. Glancing at the clock, Sejah looked to Loki and explained that it would be a while longer before the limousine would arrive, and that he wanted some copies of photos from downstairs to take with him. There was a copy and print shop just across the street, so the two picked out which pictures Sejah wanted, and then stacked and carried them across the street. Sejah explained that he was leaving, and probably wouldn’t be back, and that he needed copies of photographs to the store manager, but that he couldn’t afford to pay for them. It turned out that one of Rej’s current students worked there, so he was allowed the courtesy. Within half an hour, Sejah had a stack of color and black and white copies in his paw, and a smile on his face as he and Loki returned to the school to place the framed pictures back on the walls where they belonged.

No sooner had they done so, than a long black limousine pulled up out front of the school. Rushing upstairs, their bags were grabbed and hauled back down, and the front door locked. Sejah took one last look at the school before closing the limousine door behind himself as he followed Loki into it. It was part of his life, but he was leaving ti behind for now. Though he knew if things didn’t turn out with the Jedi, he could always come back and teach again. Nothing could happen that would change that, he told himself as the limo pulled off and headed to the upscale quarter of downtown, and the posh accommodations they would be staying in for the next week. One of the biggest concerns on Sejah’s mind was what was he going to wear for the opening ceremony? Especially with canvas sneakers.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 4th, 2003, 08:56:05 PM
The limousine ride was dull. Comfortable, roomy, and dull. Thank goodness it was also as brief as it was entertaining. Within minutes it pulled up to the covered dropoff area and a teenager in a mostly well-fitting doorman’s uniform opened the car door and held it as Sejah and Loki got out. Their bags were loaded on a brass cart designed for the purpose, and then the pair found themselves ushered to the check-in desk.

If the hotel’s lobby was an indication to how their personal accommodations would be, the Grand Rohin Hotel was quite the appealing place. Polished green marble floors reflected light that poured in through overhead skylights. All around them there was a mixture of old and new. Brushed brass and stainless steel accented ancient stone columns and other fixtures. The desk itself was actually a converted frieze ornately decorated with scenes from Nehantite lore, though, as in very old tradition, the figures were all nudes; something that had fallen out of favor over two thousand years before, meaning the frieze was a true ancient relic. Sejah only hoped that Loki would be tactful enough not to ask about some of the differences in their anatomies, though. Other items that decorated the lobby were lush tropical plants and old statues—though clothed—of other beasts of note in Nehantite lore, as well as a few more modern sculptures and accouterments.

After taking it all in, Sejah stepped up to the resk and cleared his throat. “Hello, I am Sejah Al’jazhaar Haversh, and my friend and I are here to-“

“Check in?” The sandy-furred receptionist cut him off. “Of course. And how will you be paying today?”

Slightly annoyed at having been cut off he took a breath and replied, “The Rho’istaan panel is hosting my stay, I believe you will find a reservation in your listings.”

Smiling as if he had just handed her a hundred-credit bill, the receptionist clacked away at the keyboard until she found his listing. “Ah, yes, one Mr. Haversh, and one Mr. Ahmrah, I see. Okay, your room is reserved, all I will need to see is your invitation and some kind of photo identification, sir.”

That time, Sejah beat her to the punch by setting both on the counter before she had stopped talking, a smug smile on his own face. She took her sweet time looking both over, and then looked at him twice after seeing his class rating on his ID card. Usually the hotel would not serve members of his class, but if the Rho’istann panel was paying, then they would oblige.

“Here you are, sir, thank you,” She gave him the same saccharin smile as she passed his papers back, “And we would like to note that we do have a few rules here. First we don’t allow-“

“Stuff it, lady.” Sejah suddenly snapped. “I know what you think of my kind, and I really don’t care. You won’t be getting any trouble from me, and certainly not from my friend. So if you want to keep my business, you’ll shut up and let me go to my room. Now, I’m going to need my key, please.”

Doing her best to look offended, yet still smile, the receptionist picked his key off the back wall and turned to hand it to him, though placing it on the counter instead of in his paw. “There you are. Enjoy your stay.”

“I’m sure I will,” Sejah replied, forcing his own smile just to spite her. “And I’m going to need the cable turned on in the room, as well as room service in about three hours. Oh, and I’ll need a sword polisher and somebeast from the formal wear department, too. Send them up whenever they can come.” With that, he turned on his rubber-soled heel and smiled to Loki before leading him to one of the ornately decorated elevators that took them up to the forty-second floor, only three from the top.

When the mirrored doors slid open, Sejah’s mouth was agape at what he saw. There was a central courtyard in the center of the forty-second floor, and the rooms were based in quadrants, one quadrant in each corner. In the center stood a fountain, a replica of a more famous one found elsewhere on the planet, and it was surrounded by a sitting area and more greenery. A series of highly-buffed granite tiles made up the main walkways, with woven berber carpeting lining each side. It was even more grand than he had been expecting. The young doorman led them to their room and waited for Sejah to open the door with his electronic brass key, then waited again as the mongoose staggered inside. The plush accommodations of the ship to Nehantish were nothing compared to the classical opulence that lay before him. Had he not had to get out of the way to allow the doorman and Loki inside, he might have stood there for hours in shock.

Within minutes their bags were unloaded and Sejah tipped the kid who had helped with them heavily, seeing as it was on a Rho’istaan account. Odds were the kid was in the same class he was by the look that had been on his face when the receptionist noted Sejah’s class level on the card.

“Well, it’s not the best room they had to offer, but, I think it’ll do. What about you, Loki?” Sejah asked, clapping his paws together and grinning. The sheer fact that he was staying in a place that normally would have refused him filled him with glee, and he made haste to remove his sneakers and put on a pair of slippers that were actually tailored to his form of feet. “There’ll be a game on the television tonight you might like to watch; it’s the professional version of the one we played in the park. Tonight should be the Hattaba team versus Nehantish City. We’ll be eating in, via room service, and if there’s anything else you want, we can call for it. It’s all on the Rho’istann now, so, don’t worry about my pocketbook.”

He would have continued on had it not been for a knock at the door. Upon opening it, Sejah smiled and beckoned the male standing there to come in, for he was the sword polisher. Hotels often did not have a polisher soley for their own use, but one often worked between four or five hotels. Luckily, Sejah had caught this one at just the right time. Picking up his edgeless tulwar from where it lay, he handed it to the beast and gave him instructions as to how he would like it done, and that he would need it back later that night. Taking the blade, the polisher wrote down his instructions and bade Sejah a good afternoon, promising it would be done before then.

Finally, when no more interruptions came, the two set about unpacking their bags into the dressers provided, seeing as they were going to be there a week. The hotel room was divided into several sections. Mainly there was the living room, which housed a few plants, a very large screen television and stereo system encased in a fine wooden stand, two plush leather couches and chairs, and a couple small tables. Off to one wall stood a mini-bar, and large bay windows with balcony comprised an entire wall as well. The bathroom was spacious and had a multi-headed shower, but lacked a tub for reasons Sejah would explain later. The bedroom, though was a bit different than most would have been for a hotel room for two separate parties. It was one large room with two king-sized beds on slightly raised platforms across the room from each other. In old tradition, it was not polite to make your guests stay in a separate room from yourself, and the Grand Rohin catered to many old traditions.

Glancing at the clock, Sejah ticked his head back toward the main living room and had Loki follow him out there. Flopping down on the couch, the mongoose flicked on the big-screen and surfed through channels until he found what he was looking for. The game. “Aww, nuts, we missed the opening ceremony. Oh well, Habatta has the ball, now,” he explained. The uniforms looked much like soccer uniforms, only with large wrist guard type fingerless gauntlets, and kneepads as well. J’lin was a rough game, and how they played it in the park was only a light version of it. As the game went on, it was more evident that it was one of Sejah’s loves, and he was always excited when the Hattaba team scored a point. Though he was born and raised in Nehantish City, he liked the Hattaba team better.

“C’mon, Felker, pass it, pass it!” he shouted, then slammed a fist onto the leather surface of the couch as the player being spoken of was tackled by a flying jump-kick to the side. “Heknesh!” Sejah growled angrily, then suddenly his eyes popped wide open and he looked to Loki. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to say that.” He apologized, then realized that Loki probably had no idea what the word meant.

Through the rest of the game the pair exchanged rootings, comments, and even a small pillow fight when they debated a referee’s call. Room service arrived with a dinner menu just as the game drew to a close, Habatta losing by two points, and they each ordered a few courses that looked appetizing, with Sejah ordering a bottle of aged red wine, and a small bottle of something called black wine as well. In the time while they waited, two beasts from the hotel’s formal shop arrived, one male, one female, and Sejah took them back into the bedroom to take his measurements as not to bother Loki as he watched a bit more television. They were gone by the time dinner arrived, and it was eaten at an antique mahogany dining table by candlelight; just because it could be. Loki seemed to consume his food in much the same fashion as he had all the other meals, wolfing it down as if there were no tomorrow, whereas Sejah enjoyed each bite, savoring food he would probably never get a chance to try again. He poured himself a glass of wine after the first course and drank it slowly throughout the rest of the meal, though refilling it once before he was done. By the time both of them were finished, they were quite stuffed, and the sun was beginning to set outside.

Leaning back in his chair, Sejah patted his stomach and sighed. “Ahhh, that was a good meal. Going to have to go for something light before the competition starts tomorrow, though. Otherwise I’ll be too full. Someone once said, ‘A full meal makes a slow mongoose’, and I think they were quite right.”

Sejah then finished his second glass of wine and stood up, pushing his chair in and flicking his tail to restore circulation to it, as it had not moved much during the game, or during dinner. With the red glow of the sunset pouring through the window, Sejah yawned and turned to Loki. “Well, I’m going downstairs to take a bath. You can come along if you want, though, it’s probably not like something you’ve seen before.” Giving the boy a chance to think it over, Sejah retreated to their room and pulled on the provided satin robe hanging in his closet after he pulled his shirt off. Tying the belt around his waist, he looked back to Loki for an answer. “If you don’t want to go, there is a shower in the bathroom. I mean, not everybeast likes a communal bath.”

- - -

(OOC- Loki, the bath is kind of like a mix between Roman and Turkish baths. The sexes have separate baths, but that’s about all the privacy there really is. There would also be steam rooms in addition to the main bath, and a few showerheads along one wall to perform a final rinse with.
You can go ahead and move us on to the next day if you like, so, it’s all up to you. Sorry the post ran so long again.)

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 9th, 2003, 01:03:09 PM
"Oh no. That doesn't bother me." Loki answered before releasing a tremendous burp. How such a noise came from such a small boy almost goes beyond the laws of physics. "Excuse me!" He laughed, bringing his hand up to his mouth. "That's just the Cizerack side of me popping up again."

He dissappeared into his room and got changed accordingly. He didn't like the satin robe because as he had explained to Sejah, he felt they were "too girly!" So he reappeared with a heavy towling-robe that would keep him both warm and absorb most of the water from him as would a regular towel.

"So like I was saying, I remember a few cycles ago. Myself and a couple of friends went skinny-dipping in Lake Furunna and swam over to the other side where we knew a group of girls were having a picnic and thought it would be hilarious to splash water all over them!" He chuckled to himself merrily thinking back to that year when he went on vacation with his parents and had the opportunity to make friends. "They didn't find it very amusing though, but it was the middle of summer and a hot day. Oh well!"

He laughed again as they entered the lift which in itself was of exquisite design. Despite the degree of technology, it seemed that the style and creativity of Nehantite's had neither been limited or corrupted by straight edges and bland designs. Rather the combination of modern technology had been assimilated into their architecture rather than the other way around. That alone was impressive but then there was the sheer wonder of the architecture all around them.

"This place is increadible!" He said, losing count how many times he had something of that ilk in the last few hours. Then his face grew a little more serious. "But I am a bit curious about the attitude of the staff here. What was the problem with that receptionist earlier? I thought we had got the wrong hotel at first!"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 9th, 2003, 01:39:12 PM
"More like they got the wrong tennant," came Sejah's reply. But, realizing Loki wanted a rean answer, he explained, "This hotel does not cater to my class at all. In fact, my class is forbidden by law to stay here unless vouched for by somebeast or organization of high standing. You will find few higher organizations than the Rho'istaan panel on this world. She was trying to give me the brush-off, if you will."

An awkward silence fell between them after that, and he added, "I know, not exactly the most fair system, is it? All is not wonders and great history here, Loki. But, I am not unhappy with my lot in life, so, let's not speak about again, shall we? Look, we're here."

As he finished, the needle on the floor indicator balanced at the B level, and the polished doors slid open silently, revealing a trio of male Nehantites, all beginning to go gray, in their robes ready to head back up to their own rooms. The sight of Loki was a bit unnexpected, but, the moment soon passed as Sejah and Loki exited, and they boarded; the doors closing behind them. Loki began toward one end of the hallway they had ended up on, but stopped when Sejah cleared his throat noisily.

"Ahem, Loki, we males need to go to this end of the hall," he said with a large smirk, then shook his head and beckoned for his friend to follow.

When they rounded a corner through an open, sculpted archway, the baths came into view, though dimly lit as they were. Many male Nehantites could be seen, most already nude as was what was common in a communal bathouse, and various activities and socializing was going on. The room they walked into was the changing and sitting room. Teak benches sat here and there, and in small clusters were stone chairs, some occupied by older beasts sitting and readign the newspaper while puffing on a cigar or pipe. The floor was tiled, but had enough texture to it so that it would not be slippery underfoot, and teakwood lockers lined one wall, each with a room number on it on a brass plate.

There was no second wall between the changing room and the baths, nowhere in the baths was there a place for true privacy, except for a small wing of toilets that were through a labled door. Once you passed under the first archway, the dress code vanished, and so did class satus. Well, within rights of course. The two second lowest classes would never be permitted, and that particular bath was only for the higher-paying patrons of the upper floors.

The main pool was quite large, and could easily seat fifty. The warm current was convected by heated pads underneath it, and a few smaller pools of various temperatures--some hot, some cold--flanked the main one. To the left wall was a series of mahogany doors that opened into steam rooms and saunas, and to the back of the bathhouse lay a flat square of tiled floor that housed massage benches that were attended by male hotel massage practicioners. Females were expressly forbidden in the male's bath, even for maintainence or custodial work.

Nearer to the changing area stood a small bar, and seated around it were a group of middle-to-younger aged Nehantites, drinking and chatting away, oblivious to their surroundings or their lack of clothing. A row of showeheads was opposite the bar, allowing you to rinse off before an attendant handed you fresh towels to dry of with before returning to your room, or just to help get dry with if you chose to stay. It was truly a beautiful place, with images in mosaic form tiled into the floor and walls, and statues placed here and there; though they too complied with the theme of natural dress as the rest of the patrons did, it seemed.

Sejah found the locker that he and Loki were to share, and opened it with their key. Unbelting his robe he hung it carefully on the hangar provided, and continued to undress as Loki did until he was just in his fur. Stretching his arms and back out, he cricked it, then turned to the baths and sighed. "Look at it, Loki. Sometimes the most simple thing, such as a bath, can inspire much, wouldn't you say?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 9th, 2003, 02:42:47 PM
"Wow!" Loki gasped, wide-eyed with both wonder and awe upon entering the main body of the baths. It was unlike anything he'd ever laid eyes upon before, everything from the tiled floors and sculpted arches to the mosaic-patterned walls and stone chairs were of a splendid, ornate design. "I used to enjoy a nice, hot bath back home but this place makes it look little more than a tin can!"

Above their locker was a large scupture of a Nehantite, it was of immaculate, white stone and faced inwards towards the pool with on arm reaching outwards wielding arather ceremonial blade and the other held upwards like it were supporting the very ceiling above them. It loomed above them rather ominously with the unmentionables strategically covered with a piece of cloth which the boy found amusing as no-one else seemed to make such an effort here.

"A simple thing you say?" The young padawan responded incredulously. "My friend, to say something such as this is simple would be like calling farming nothing but gardening but with food! This place is wonderous!"

The boy now stood unabashedly in his birthday suit, ready to take the plunge. Unlike in normal swimming baths, he knew he wouldn't be able to play about or make a noise besides he didn't want to draw attention to himself in such a foreign and conservative place. It was then he realised it might be too late for that as he almost jumped out of his skin when he noticed there was an alarming difference between the anatomy of Sejah and himself.

"Quick, into the pool." He said, mainly to himself and he quickly scuttled over to the closest pool and dropped in as fast as he could. There came a brief cry of shock before Loki was seen leaping out of the water shivering profusely then scanned the area and dived into the pool from which he could see heat rising.

"So much for not attracting attention!" He thought as he resurfaced in the warm pool. He swam to the edge of the pool and whispered to his mongoose friend. "Some place this is! That pool is broken over there; the water is ice cold!" He complained through chattering teeth and pale lips.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 9th, 2003, 03:06:43 PM
Sejah had meant that the simple idea of a bath had ispired such an elaborate bathouse, but he decided not to correct Loki that time, and instead just go with the flow.

Just as Loki had never seen a Nehantite in such a way as himself, Sejah had never seen a human in the buff before. The idea of what he saw looked terribly uncomfortable compared to what he himself was used to, and decided not to dewll on the subject, but follow Loki over to the main pools.

When the human boy shot out of his first pool choice like a rocket, all the brown Nehantite could do was supress his laughter, then slowly step into the main pool after Loki had made a hasty enterance to it, sinking down into the warmth, and letting the hot water seep under his fur until it came up to his mid torso. "It's not broken, Loki, that is a chilled pool, it's supposed to be that cold. Good thing you didn't get into the one next to it, though, you might have scalded yourself. Different pools are different temperatures, you tell how warm it is supposed to be by the color ring around it. Blue is cold, yellow is hot. Understand?" Sejah explained, leaning back against the stone wall of the pool as he sat ont he submerged bench.

The scent of jasmine and rosemary slowly came into the air as an attendant changed the incense in a burner in the center of the room. Letting himself slip a little lower, Sejah shook out his teil under the water, letting a host of tiny little air bubbles that had been clinging to his fur loose and he breathed a deep sigh of relaxation. "You know, the spa on the ship was nice, but, I do prefer this, myself," he said with closed eyes. "I hope you're still okay with this, Loki. It's not exactly skinny-dipping, as you can see."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 9th, 2003, 04:16:02 PM
"Well, apart from almost freezing to death--" The boy answered as he climbed onto the bench. He decided that after the last incident he would simply copy Sejah now. That would be the safest option. "--it's not bad."

He slouched on the seat so that even his shoulders were submerged comfortably in the warm water. Closing his eyes Loki heaved a sigh of relaxation as the tension in his muscles seemed to dissipate almost instantaneously. The sound of gently rippling water surrounded him as it swilled occassionally against the side of the pool and a group of men were idly chatting about polotics of some sort. He took a deep, cleansing breath of the scented air. Perhaps a little too deep, it tickled the back of his nose and made his eyes water a little but he smiled and simply repeated himself from before. "Yes sir, not bad at all."

Now opening his eyes, the young padawan slowly scanned the immediate region that surrounded them, above the ceiling was somewhat dark and obscured thanks to the steam and dim lighting but the Loki could just about make out the fans spinning above producing a soothing yet quiet swishing sound. On the other side of the pool a middle-aged, grey-furred Nehantite and his brown-furred son appeared from a thick cloud of mist and steam. It billowed out from behind them and cascased onto the surface of the pool, slowly creeping across the shimmering water.

"Ah, that must be a steam room." Loki concluded, providing himself with some less-than-professional commentary to complement what he saw. The two nehantites walked over to a series of sinks located along the wall next to the door that had just closed shut. The sinks were made from a pearly-white ceramic or marble, each with brass handles which when turned caused water to spout out of the open mouth of a beautifully-sculptured visage of a Nehantite. "Heh. That's clever!" Loki commented, tapping Sejah's shoulder a pointing over to the sinks.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 10th, 2003, 03:07:58 AM
Sejah looked over and it was a moment before he saw what Loki was pointing at. When he did, though he ckuckled and nodded, "Yeah, that is. Though, I think I'd prefer a regular faucet, myself. Oh well, still isn't as bad as that fountain on our floor."

Breathing a deep sigh of relaxation after that, the brown mongoose let himself slip further under the warm water, immersing himself up to the neck to be at the same eye level as Loki. It was relaxing, warm, and the feeling of being immersed in water was so foreign that it was jut an experience to relish for a while. Things between to two drifted on into small talk, then a little while of quiet reflection on the room around them before Sejah sat up again and pushed himself up to sit on the other pool ledge, leaving his footpaws dangling in the water still, but the rest of him on dry land as water cascaded off his fur. Soaked as he was, his muscular system was completley visible, and he was in fact in better shape than he thought himself to be, but wouldn't admit it.

Once he felt drip-dried enough, Sejah pulled his footpaws out as well and stood up at the edge of the tub. "Come on, Loki, I'm a bit thirsty after that dinner of ours. I'm going to get a drink, you want something?" he asked indicating toward the bar.

On Nehantish, there was no real legal drinking age, but certain rules of common sense applied. If a child's guardian said it was okay, it was okay, but without that approval, the child could not ask for something himself. With Sejah around, Loki would have no problems.

Large droplets of water sploshed to the ground from his fur as Tevit took a seat on one of the wooden barstools. Waiting for Loki to hop up beside him, the brown mongoose cleared his throat and smiled to the barkeep in his white linen hotel uniform. "Hello there, I'll have a pale ale, please, quite cold. And my friend would like a, hmm, what would you like, Loki? Oh, I know, get him a Coral."

"A Coral?" questioned the barkeep, looking at Sejah, then back at the human boy. To his knowledge, a human had never visited the baths before, they had always been too embarassed, or too proud, to bathe with Nehantites. But, here was a boy who appeared unafraid, and whom his friend was ordering a Coral for. Nodding, the ruddy-furred barkeep reached down under the counter for a few bottles. "A Coral it is, then. Red on yellow, or red on black?"

"Red on yellow," Sejah replied for him, a slight smirk on his face.

"Okay, red on yellow," the keep echoed, pulling out a short glass tumbler and dropping a few ice cubes into it. After that was poured a mixture of mango juice and lemonade until it was half full, and a blend of grenadine syrup, watermelon juice, and vodka--though Loki had not seen that added-- were poured on top. The two colors mixed slowly between the ice cubes, and a stir stick was added to it as well as a black olive on a long toothpick set on top. When blended, the drink would be orange in color, and taste rather sweet. Sejah would tell him the importance of the color patten later.

Recieving his pale ale in a frosty glass mug, Sejah tinked his glass on Loki's and grinned, "Drink up, Loki, not every day you get to have a drink with a friend like we are, is it?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 12th, 2003, 06:27:12 PM
"A rarity indeed, especially in such a splendid place like this." The boy answered, climbing onto his own stool and retrieving his brightly-coloured beverage. He smiled when their glasses clinked and said. "In which case, to friendship."

They raised their drinks in an informal toast then took a healthy swig from their glasses. Sejah sighed and Loki spluttered, the Vodka hit the back of his throat then burned his chest. His cheeks turned pink until he regained himself wondering what had caused that.

"Wow! That drink has quite a kick!" He declared in between coughs. He licked his lips and sampled the Coral-aftertaste for the first time then grinned. "I like it! It's sweet and very nice!"

This time he took a smaller sip as the first had taken him by suprise and after each small sip he began to adjust to it's strength thus enjoying the drink more. His mind wandered for a moment then he commented, "You're going to kick butt at that tournament tomorrow, Sej. No-one can beat you!"

He said this with a smile, a proud smile even for he said this with the utmost confidence. He had seen his nehantite friend in combat before and his skill with a blade was unmatched certainly among the rest of the padawans and even a great deal of Jedi Knights would find no victory up against Sejah's blade.

"It's been fun getting here. But tomorrow the tournament starts. I bet you're excited!" He said wide-eyed, placing his glass down. The boys legs started bouncing involuntarily as they always did when he grew excited, the thought of going to watch Nehantites fight in armed combat thrilled him. He had known right from the start he was in for a treat. "Perhaps if I watch hard enough then it might help me to improve my own skills with a sword!"

Taking his drink again, Loki laughed. "You still dripping?" He pointed to the floor where quite a puddle had formed since Sejah had taken his seat. "You guys must spend a heck of a lot on energy drying that stuff."

The young padawan seemed to be thoroughly enjoying his beverage. He had almost finished, it had been his first alcoholic drink. Not that he knew it was alcoholic of course, his co-ordination seemed to be pretty much intact as he downed the last dregs of his Coral then clunked it on the bartop. He smiled, now much more relaxed in what had seemed a very alien place to visit with a rather uncomfortable atmosphere to boot.

Part of that was due to the presence of Sejah next to him. Be it against his knowledge or not, the boy had adopted him as a surrogate big brother of sorts. Having a brave Nehantite protector by his side, Loki always felt safe. No-one could hurt Sejah.

After a bit of extra chit-chat, the young padawan grinned and tapped the rim of his glance. "Think we have time for one more, Sej?"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 12th, 2003, 10:25:50 PM
Sejah's mug was close to empty as well, and he swished the remaining contents in a light circle before draining the last of the piney amber liquid. The damp mongoose then set the mug down and puched it back toward the barkeep, who was trying to look busy by cleaning other glasses with a white towel. Working the bar in the bathhouse wasn't the most desireable of jobs; after all, the scenery wasn't really something you wanted to look at.

"Can I get you another, sir?" he eagerly asked, spotting Sejah's maneuver.

"Yes, and, another for my friend as well," Sejah replied, a smile on his face. He wasn't going to admit it, but he was beginning to feel the effects of the alcohol in his system. He had drank two glasses of wine during dinner, and the ale was just beginning to give him a light buzz. But, it would be impolite to have Loki drink by himself, and the boy had rather enjoyed his last drink, so, Sejah made a consession againsnt his better judgement and soon saw another flagon of ale before him, the frothy head spilling off one side lazily while the barkeep mixed another Coral.

"You know why this drink is called a Coral, young sir?" the keep asked, starving for conversation. "It's named after a type of snake. It's goy red, yellow, and black bands. It's really venomous, and rather nasty-tempered, too. But, there's a Coral Mimic as well. You tell them apart by how their rings are patterened. An old line says, 'Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red on black, venom lack'. So, when you get the Red on Yellow Coral drink, there's alcohol in it, whereas the black would be considered a virgin drink. The black tastes like licorice, actually." He grinned while passing Loki his fixed drink, having finally gotten to share something he learned in bartending school.

As Sejah listened, he drak, gaining a head start on his ale. Loki again took too large of a drink at first, and coughed, to which Sejah chuckled and said, "You need to take it easy, pal. That's a sipping drink. Mine you can gulp. And that's the last one for tonight, okay? I don't want you falling off your seat in the steam room later."

Their drinks were enjoyed with light banter and jokes after that, and Sejah was nearly dry by the time they were done. The drinks were billed to the room, as was a pair of massages which the two found themselves getting next in the back corner of the bathhouse. Sejah's muscles had been tight, even though he had felt relaxed. The pressure of the tournament was weighing heavily on his mind, but Loki was having such a good time that he did his best not to show it. Loki genuinely was enjoying himself in the opulent setting, and it pleased Sejah to see that. Though they were not related, he shared the sibling mentality with his young friend, and was trying to watch over and protect him as best as he could from the hardships he knew to exist on Nehantish.

Limbered up and rubbed out, the pair thanked the massage practisioners and then headed for the steam room, nearly blinded by the great cloud that billowed out when they opened the door. As most cultures had designed them, it was square, with slat benches and a pit in the middle with hot rocks that one would pour water over to create steam. Sejah paused to ladle more water over them, though surprised at how much it sizzled when it hit.

"Have a seat, Loki, relax," Sejah bid his companion, then sitting down himself and shaking his tail out a bit. "I wish we had someplace like this back at the Order. There isn't much I can't make due without back on Coruscant, but, a good bath and steam room is something I've longed for since leaving. Though I must admit that the ones I used to go to weren't near this nice. Oh, look, we even have our own statue in here." He pointed through the haze at a white marble sculpture of two males seated on a classic bench conversing with each other. Leaning back against the next bench up in the short row of risers, Sejah spread his arms out and laughed, "I hope they don't mind our intruding on their conversation."

A short while passed, the steam easing Sejah into an even more relaxed state, though the alcohol was doing a good job of helping with that, too, and he thought back to what Loki said earlier. "Loki, about the tournament. I am excited, but, don't get your hopes up. I am not the best, I'm far from it. I doubt I'll even make the top ten. So, well, I just don't want you to be dissappointed. I just hope you've had a good time this far."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 13th, 2003, 04:20:36 PM
"Are you kidding?" The boy shot back, sat on his own bench and running a hand through his dripping hair. "This is the experience of a lifetime!"

When the steam grew thick in the room, Loki fought against a yawn. Combined with the alcohol in his system and the overwhelming heat, the small padawan found himself feeling weary. At the same time he was thrilled with the sensation he was feeling, his body was tingling all over.

"Wow! Those masseurs really did the trick; my joints are nice and relaxed all over. I feel like I could tie myself in a knot!" He laughed then added, still chuckling away to himself. "Although I had a bit of difficulty trying to hold a straight face; in between the skin on his paws and fur, I felt like was having a professional tickle more than a massage!"

Clasping his hands, Loki placed them behind his head and leaned back. "Ow! The walls quite hot!" He observed with a hiss and had a few more attempts at lying back until his skin adapted to the heat. He sighed and closed his eyes. "That's the ticket!"

"By the way, Sej, you're too modest. I know you're going to win this tournament. You're the Robin Hood of swordsmen." He then burst out into a fit of tittering at the thought of his furry friend in green tunic and tights. "Oh dear!" He smiled happily, not understanding why he felt so merry and cheerful.

"The tournament is gonna be soo great!" Loki repeated again excitedly then with a tone of seriousness he added, "And don't worry about a thing, Sej, you couldn't dissappoint me."

Sejah Haversh
Jan 13th, 2003, 04:52:16 PM
Loki was a little drunk, Sejah could tell. he shouldn't have let him have that second drink. But, Sejah was feeling much the same way, having downed four servings of alcohol that evening.

"Robin Hood?" the mongoose questioned, not understanding what was so funny. "I'll, well, I'll have to ask about that later. I hope I'll do well, and I will give it my best. You've helped me a lot with the Force lately, so, that should be an advantage."

He paused to sit forward and scratch an itch on his lower back. "But, we'll just have to wait and see how I do. You'll be in the box seats, but I don't know where exactly, yet. Dress nicely, but not too many layers. The tournament grounds are outdoors in the sun, though the stands are partially shaded. And, if it goes to the same lenghts as the tournament did last time, it will be several hours each day that you will be sitting there. I'm sorry that I won't be able to join you, and Bhen hasn't answered any of my phone calls yet, so you'll be up thre by yourself. Don't let anybeast push you around, but, do try to be respectful, as I know you are."

The heat was beginning to get to him, and Sejah still hadn't accomplished his original task in the baths; getting clean. Much longer in the steam room and he would likely pass out due to the alcohol in his blood, so he stood up and beckoned Loki to the door. "Well, this has been nice, but, we both need our rest, and I still need to get washed up. Come on, let's get going. And watch your step, the floor is somewhat slippery."

The air in the rest of the bathhouse, though warm, felt suddenly cool after leaving the sauna, but the temperature issue was quickly remedied as Sejah dropped into a personal sized tub sunk into the floor that was covered with bubbly soap. The other pools were for relaxationa nd socializing, but, there were also several there for just plain washing up, and he went at that with a vigor, and with a scrubby brush. When he was all lathered up and mostly white with bubbles, the mongoose climbed back out of the tub and left a soapy trail to the row of showerheads and cranked one on to rinse his fur off. Afterwards, he and Loki were handed clean white towels, and Sejah proceeded to soak three of them while drying himself to at least a mild dampness, and used a fourth to fluff a bit before brushing himself out and heading back to their locker.

The key had been on a thin cord around his neck, and he used it to retrieve their robes and clothing, though Sejah just put his robe back on and fastened the belt, draping his trousers over his arm. Loki had beaten him to getting dry, and bare skin allowed for, and was ready to go by the time Sejah was.

"Well, it is rather late. I was going to say we could go up to the roof and see the city by night, but, I think that batter wait for tomorrow. Let's just go back to our room and get some sleep." the brown nehantite announced, leading Loki back around the corner and to the elevator, which was conveniently empty and took them straight back up to their floor, and opened with a view of the statue.

"Hmm, I'm going to need to do that momentarily. One doesn't buy ale, one merely rents them." he said in reference to the statue. It was a copy of a classic, a young male in his teens urinating. Sejah still wondered just why anybeast would make such a statue, but that was quickly forgotten as he unlocked their room and hurried to the bathroom to relieve hismelf.

The sword polisher had returned his blade, and it rested on the dining table because he had been allowed in instead of leaving such a precious item on the doorstep. So, the only thing Sejah would need for the next day was the suit of clothing the tailors had measured him for ealier. Other than that, all was set.

Still clad in his robe, Sejah made his way back out to the main bedroom where he found Loki, and nearly tripped on the rug. "My, I think I shouldn't have had that last ale. Remind me not to drink that much during the rest of the competition, okay, Loki?" He said while digging a clean pair of boxers from his bag and putting them on, his back turned.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 15th, 2003, 02:24:15 PM
There cam no answer to Sejah's question. The brown mongoose turned to find Loki curled up in bed already fast asleep, the alcohol ensuring he wasted no more time with his eyes open. Silently and peacefully the boy slept that night, feeling both relaxed and exhausted. Except unlike some of the more recent nights on Nehantish, this time he slept undisturbed by dreams; Loki rarely dreamt however since his first night on the desert planet he had found his sleep to be somewhat troubled.

"Sejah--" Loki groaned, stirring in his bed wearily. "--your sun is too bright!" No matter how much the boy rubbed his squinted eyes, the light beaming inside never seemed to lose it's intensity. Golden sun rays poured in through the window, bathing the young, waking padawan in the brilliance of a new day on the foreign planet. Finally he summoned enough strength to sit up and take a look around their luxurious abode.

"Sejah?" He asked, seeing that his nehantish counterpart was nowhere in sight. The boy frowned curiously, Sejah's bed was made and his area had been tidied. "That's odd. I wonder what time it could--" He fell backwards, his head fell into his thick pillow and he glanced to the side, too lazy to turn about in his bed to look at the clock next to it. "--Poodoo! Five to seven!"

Suddenly, Loki's weary eyes snapped open and he leaped out of bed and in one swift motion dived into his slippers and threw his towling-robe on. Within seconds he was in the bathroom, hands flying over the vast arsenal of daily cleaning equiptment his mother had reminded him to bring along with him. Within minutes he soared out of the bathroom, arms flailing wildly Loki resembled an escaped madman desperately trying to rid himself of the tell-tale signs of his straight-jacket. Finally his heavy towling-robe fell to the floor and the little padawan immediately dissapeared inside his closet. Then, half-dressed, he heaved a mighty sigh at catching a glimpse of the state of the room.

"Oh I don't have time for this! Sejah's gonna hit the roof if he sees this mess!" His muffled voice noted from under a pale green cotten wide-coat. It was the final item of clothing he had thrown on, it was essentially a large piece of cloth which had a hole in it for the head to fit through, it draped across the shoulders and drooped as low the waist in a V-shape. He had opted for green, his preferred colour of choice, perhaps an inherited characteristic from his grandparents who owned a farm on his homeworld and loved all things green and natural.

"Twenty minutes left. Not bad." He said happily upon checking the clock. So quietly and much less hurriedly he went about making his bed whilst across the room his robe was lifted from the floor and began dancing awkwardly with a coat-hanger which had been whipped of the rail in the wardrobe by an unseen force. Finally the two merged and with relative ease, the padawan eased it into the wardrobe from upon his now tidy bed. He smiled then stood up rubbing his rumbling stomach.

"Perhaps I can get something to eat before leaving and preferably find that missing mongoose in the process." He made his way for the door, closet doors closing by themselves behind him and left the room in searcg of breakfast and Sejah.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 15th, 2003, 02:51:45 PM
A sudden snapping noise sounded the moment Loki walked into the main room, and a grape bounced off his forehead. Sejah sat, grinning, at the table, a plate of fresh fruits and some buttered toast in front of him.

"Hmm, now who's the one getting hit by grapes?" The mongoose smirked, then biting off a hunk of bananna he had been working on. "Come on, eat up, we'll have to be going soon enough."

Sejah was dressed in fine clothes; clothes that he had not brought with him, but had been altered for his dimensions in the tailoring shop last night. A long-sleeved white silk shirt with a closed, lapel-less collar and a long, narrow row of small buttons adorned the front, as well as white embroidery. It was tucked into a sash of gold silk/satin blend that wrapped around his waist a few times before tuckign back through itsel, the two ends hanging down the side of his right thigh, and burgundy satin pants with gold leg strappings finished the current ensable. The only thing that seemed out of place were hsi sneakers, for sandals were not included in the formal clothing rental.

His tulwar rested by the door, and a deep purple greatcoat, festooned with gold embroidery, hung on a hanger next to it. Sejah was ready, and feelign pretty good from teh looks of it.

"Well, come on, we've only got a few minutes, so, grab somethign to eat, and then we've got to head downstairs and catch the car to the tournament grounds.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:12:15 PM
"Hey!" The boy protested, rubbing his forehead. He took a seat at the table. "Only I am allowed to throw grapes. It's my privilage!"

"Looking good, Sej. Very smart!" He commented on his friends new attire, and slipped a broad grin, then cast his eyes down at the food before him. Happy to have killed two birds with one stone, Loki tucked into a peach, followed by a bananna and enjoyed a couple of slices of pineapple. He spoke little, quickly satisfying his seemingly insatiable hunger.

"You know, I've just realised why I've been so hungry ever since I've got here." He began, wiping a thread of pineapple juice trickling down his chin with a mouth half-full and not caring for manners due to time constraints. "With food this great I think it only makes sense to have as much of it whilst you can. Hmm..."

The boy stared at the toast in thought, then at the bowl of fresh fruit and a pleased smile crept across his lips. He took a slice of the now cold, crispy toast and began slicing a banana so that the pieces were lined up on the surface of the toast. "I wanted to try something different--" He explained briefly prior to siezing a knife and fork and cut a piece of toast and crammed it and the slices of bannana into his mouth. He munched eagerly for a moment, then nodded his head approving whilst muffling through his teeth. "--Bannana and toast. Not bad at all!"

Now hurriedly, Loki washed his big breakfast down with a glass of fresh orange and rejuvinated, became his curious, talkative self once again.

"How much do you think your training in the Jedi Arts will assist you today?" He asked, standing in front of a mirror which consumed the full height of the wall. With dread Loki inspected his clothes for stains from his food-gobbling. The young padawan had begun to notice hint of Jedi-style in his everyday clothing whether he intended it or not. His boots were of a fine, cream leather, not the synthetic stuff for field missions though; the good stuff. Pale green trousers and a long, cream shirt finished off his outfit.

"I have a feeling that when the sun hits these clothes I might get in trouble for blinding the by-standers!"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 15th, 2003, 04:31:22 PM
All Sejah could do was shake his head at Loki’s eating habits, then finish his own meal and drained the last of his orange juice. It was likely that would be all he’d have to eat until that evening. When the subject of his Jedi training came into the conversation, Sejah paused to think. “I’m not sure, Loki. It should help, but, until I really get into a duel with another of my kind, I won’t honestly know. In any case, we need to get going.”

Getting up, Sejah pushed his chair back in and hurried to brush his teeth, then went to the door and put his greatcoat on, wrapping the sash-belt around it instead of beneath as it had been before. The handle of his tulwar gleamed, and his blade had been polished to a near mirror shine. It was inserted in its scabbard through the folds of his sash belt, and he followed that up with his kris through the front as well. Quietly, he reached into his pocket and felt the lightsaber resting there, hoping it would not be discovered.

Once Loki was ready, Sejah produced a bottle of something for him and handed it to the boy as they headed out to the elevator. “Here, took some work to get it, but, this should help today. Sunscreen lotion for your skin. I’m not sure if you’ll be in the shade or not, but, I know how humans can burn in the sun. I’d give you some sunglasses as well, but, I couldn’t really find any that would fit you, sorry.”

Reaching the bottom floor, their driver met them and led them to an expensive black automobile, where they were ushered into the back seat and the door closed behind them before the engine hummed to life and they pulled away from the hotel.

Sejah watched out the windows with nervous anticipation as they were chauffeured to the Rho’istaan tournament grounds. His greatcoat fit well, and he would have looked quite regal had it not been for his sneakers. Every now and then he would dry the sweat from his paws with a small hand towel, and his heart beat quickly in his chest. He had never actually been a competitor in the grounds before, only a spectator, and only to smaller, lesser important games.

The true Rho’istaan tournament happened only once every twenty-seven yeas, and it was a great honor to even be invited. And up until the most recent set of matches before this one, an old tradition had been carried out. The beast who lost by the greatest margin was executed before the amasses onlookers by the one who claimed first place. But, the tradition was ruled barbaric, so it was stepped down to castration by a medical team. In any case, one did not wish to be the ultimate loser of the hundred and fourteen competitors that were invited.

Finally, the black sedan pulled up to an exclusive drop-off point, and the door was opened by a male in ceremonial regalia for them. Sejah stepped out first, looking in awe at the competitors entrance, and clutching his sheathed tulwar in his paw. His pink eyes scanned over the marvelous stone scrollwork in the columns around him, and at the great works of art that were displayed between the arches over the doorways. Statues of the winners of tournaments past lined the external walkway, with K’shenurien in the most prominent place, for he had truly been the one to turn the Rho’istaan about and make it what it was today, even though he had not been the first champion. Statues dated back nearly thirty-five hundred years, and there were still places for many more to be erected around the perimeter of the grounds. The thought of himself among them grought a smile to Sejah’s face, but then reality sunk back in, and he turned to speak to Loki, who was still in the car.

“Loki, here is your ticket. I hope you can find your seat from it, and here is the account card that the panel gave me for spending on food and such. If you need anything, go ahead and get it. I have to go and prepare for the opening ceremony, so, I can’t talk long. I’ll see if I can spot you in the crowd. Wish me luck,” he said while handing his young friend the seating ticket and the credit card. Then, the driver tapped his watch, indicating that it was time to get going if they were to be on time. While they had been there, another two cars had dropped off their passengers, and so Sejah knew he had to hurry. “I’ll meet you back here after the tournament, okay? See you later Loki, I hope you have fun.”

With that, Sejah had to turn and dash inside, almost late. He hoped Loki would have a good seat, and not be harassed by others for his age and race. Because he couldn’t think about Loki in the tournament, only his opponent, and all he had learned from both his swordmasters and those at the Order as well. Today he would be tested.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 15th, 2003, 06:21:49 PM
It was possibly the second or third time in his life when Loki would have to resort to using sunscreen to protect him from the angry red heat that scalded the skin relentlessly. Sat in the back of the vehicle, he slid back in the seat which was shiny and slippery new and equally, the automobile interior had that sharp, new smell of leather and metal.

Popping open the lid on the bottle of sunscreen, the young boy was immediatly reminded of the time he spent two weeks on vacation with his parents on Tatooine. They had saved up for three years to cruise on a luxury sail barge to enjoy the tourism hot-spots. On the planet with the twin suns there were many such spots; the hot, dry climate had been constant and unmerciful. That was when he was six years old and he could still hear his father complaining about his mother's over-protective application of thick, oily sunscreen.

With little need to apply the greasy, white liquid anywhere other than his face and the back of his neck, the young padawan fancied it would go a long way at last for the rest of his stay.

"May the Force be with you." Was all the boy said, quietly at that for he wasn't sure how Nehantites viewed concepts of the Force and Jedi. Loki wanted to say more, wish him luck and whatnot but he and his friend seemed to be caught up in a whirl of luxurious decadence and traditional grandeur. Already, he could feel the stinging heat of the sun beat down upon his exposed neck and after a deep breath, he ventured back into the vehicle.

The now quiet, uncertain padawan was ushered around to the other side of the building where his entrance could be found. Only once did he glance out of the window, the streets were littered with furry folk, queuing outside the monolith where it's many, many entrances could be found. The structure was circular in shape and it's tall walls were covered in well-carved etchings and patterns of ancient design. It was, after all, a very old building.

"Ah, what a stroke of luck!" The boy cheered with a smile, they had stopped at the place where he was to enter the building and it wasn't half as busy as most of the other arched doorways. "I guess this is the executive section, eh?" He asked with a laugh, looking to the chauffer, who failed to respond; perhaps he didn't hear him or at least was pretending that. Neither did he remember to do Loki the same curtesy as he did his mongoose friend so the boy simply let himself out of the car wondering if he had said something to offend his driver.

"Miserable so-and-so." The boy muttered as the vehicle immediatly dissappeared down the road. Now holding his ticket, he looked up and shielded his eyes from the sun which was now to the left rather than behind. "Wow--" He whispered to himself with wonder, staggering a little up to the entrance being made to feel a tad dizzy upon gazing at the towering structure before him.

"Ticket please, sir." Asked a mongoose of fair, blonde fur so pristene it looked like it had been cut and treated professionally earlier that day. Loki witheld a chuckle as he saw the attire of the ticket-collector who somehow reminded him of the ticket-collector at his local Holo-Theatre back on Coruscant where he would visit every other week with a couple of his padawan friends.

"Here it is, good sir." The small boy chirped cheerfully much to the nehantites suprise who was no doubt unnaccustomed to being referred to as 'sir' but Loki assumed it was the good-mannered thing to say. After ticket-inspection he was allowed to go forth where he was then asked to walk through a security screen which resultantly set an alarm off.

All was well, it turned out that the buckles on his boots had triggered the security alarm although he was questioned about the pouch he carried at his side. It contained the two focusing crystals he obtained from a mine in Byss whilst on his first mission with the Jedi. They were special to him and he kept them with him for luck, of which his master dissaproved.

"Oh these?" He asked, revealing a blue and white stone. "My people carry such stones for luck. A silly superstition to you, I'm sure, but my friend is competing here today. You understand?"

The large security gaurd nodded with a bemused grin and allowed the boy to pass. Loki smiled inwardly appreciating that his excessive talking is finally coming in handy.

"At last!" He declared with relief, finding his seat next to a couple; a brown-furred male and a grey-furred female. It didn't take him long to find out from them that their son, Hallah, will also be competing today and it was then he realised that he had been given a great spot, under a great, red canopy where relatives and friends of those competing could be found.

"Here we go." The male, Jelfar, noted, pointing in the direction of a large gate as it slowly swung open. "The Opening Ceremony is about to begin."

Sejah Haversh
Jan 16th, 2003, 03:04:30 AM
The crowd’s cheers and shouts ceased as a hush fell over the stadium. On the arena floor, two large gates were pushed open by a small team of armed royal guards, and a standard-bearer in ancient costume led the way from the dark tunnel holding high the royal colors of the sultan, and a second standard-bearer followed with the official colors of the Rho’istaan on his pole.

Then, as a line of Nehantites in highly polished chest plates emerged, the steel gleaming in the sun, a blast of trumpets sounded, and a roar erupted from the audience. The Sultan himself, followed closely by armed guards emerged, and behind him followed several members of the current Rho’istaan panel, and then the first of the competitors after them. The Sultan paced out to the center of the arena and stopped where a small riser and podium had been set up, the Rho’istaan panel standing behind him as the contestants filed out in two long rows, fifty seven in each, and lined up along the lengthwise sides of the arena, paws clasped behind their backs and facing in toward the Sultan.

As if on cue, all standing on the dirt floor swept down into a full court bow, then stood again, clasping their paws once more. Many of them sported greatcoats of varying colors and styles, though some wore different fine clothing, though the Sherouve stood out from all the rest, bearing habiliments of different, and almost antiquated design, and gloves and boots as well as headdresses or headbands. Their kurk’lath daggers hung from the back of their belts; it was impossible to tell a full-blooded Sherouve to remove them.

All eyes were quickly fixed on the Sultan though, as he raised his paw for silence, then spoke into the microphone before him. “Males, females, children. It is my royal honor to open this tournament, and to sponsor a candidate, my third son, Lerenth. This tournament is, as you know, the greatest event in our history, dating back before the union of the Rajahs, before the tribal treaties, and even before the days of K’shenurien and before the years of rain. All else has changed, but not the Rho’istaan.

“The course of our world has altered due to the results of these tourneys; leaders have been elected; great soldiers promoted; and long-running blood-feuds settled. The great challenge of every generation is now here, and these fine males have been selected to battle for the greatest honor we may bestow; the title of Rho’istaan champion. As your sultan, I proclaim these grounds now out of my jurisdiction, and pass it over to the Rho’istaan, so that their great institution will not be tainted by political avarice.

“May these fighters show their finest, and all be humble in their honors. The Rho’istaan has begun.”

Thunderous applause and shouting rang out through the coliseum as the sultan stepped down, touching the paw of the wizened Rho’istaan Grand Official, who then swept a paw out, indicating that the contestants were to step forward toward the podium, and they were introduced one by one, each bowing lightly to the audience. After that had finished, the arena was cleared and numerous groundsbeasts scurried out to prepare fencing rings and platforms while the combatants read the face-off lists and changed into clothing suitable for combat in if they were up in the first rounds. Sejah was to begin in the third round, and would face off against a member of the low nobility.

In the locker room where he waited, he could see small cliques already starting to form. Many gathered around Lerenth, the sultan’s son, and the Sherouve gathered quietly to themselves. Blades were polished once more, and sandals checked for proper straps, all while banter was exchanged. Sejah sat by himself on a bench that was out of the way, then bowed his head and spoke a silent prayer to Garfife for honor, keen sight, clarity of mind, and that his will be done that day, and for the days following. When it came time for the first round, all contestants were permitted to observe from ringside posts, and Sejah was going to make sure he watched carefully to see what he would be up against.

Three duels were fought at once on the main arena floor, as to allow the first thinning of the ranks to progress quickly. Later it would move to two at a time, and finally one on the last day. It was single elimination, though the losers would fight down the brackets do determine who was the least skilled for punishment just as the winners fought upward against each other for the prize.

The sun beat down hard on his deep purple greatcoat, nearly cooking Sejah where he stood, but still he patiently waited, knowing that appearance was a great part of his respect. Commencing with the tick of an official’s three-fingered paw, the first duels began, one finishing only seconds after having started. A mediocre swordsbeast had the misfortune of being paired off against a near-master, but the other two held a steady course, and showed the skill most of Nehantish was tuned into on television to watch. Swords were of different styles, and the forms each combatant used varied in degrees; some major, some minor. At last, a half-hour after having started, the last duel was finished, and the exhausted opponents bowed and saluted each other, before staggering out of the ring. It was at that time that Sejah left the arena floor to get changed.

He had learned much while watching the others. Not necessarily about them, but about the beast he was going to face. He had watched with disinterest, only smiling when a particularly gaudy or flashy move was pulled. He was into swordwork for the look of it, not the true form. It puzzled Sejah how such a beast would be selected out of all the skilled ones he knew of. Still, he knew how to beat him, and let his mind sink into base fencing theory as he removed his greatcoat and silk shirt, opting for a sleeveless jerkin instead, wrapping the sash-belt over it and inserting his tulwar back through it. He had forgotten to borrow his master’s dulled kris, and so he would be going into battle single-bladed; an idea he didn’t truly fancy.

Another roar from the crowed signaled that the next duels were coming to a close and so he made his way back out to the observation area, and then to his assigned ring after he was introduced. Loki was impossible to see in the moving crowd, so all Sejah could do was to nod in the direction he hoped his friend was, then proceed to his white starting marker.

The ring he was given was actually an oval with a rope on the ground marking the edge. Though you were not penalized for going outside the ring, it was there to keep the duels close, and allow the three to function simultaneously.

“Good tidings, sir, I am Sejah Haversh, and I look forward to our duel,” Sejah greeted his noble opponent, drawing his blade and passing the scabbard to an official who would hold it until it was all over. The noble simply shrugged and zwipped his blade through the air as if Sejah had but coughed. Then, they both came into attention stances, and waited for the signal.

Upon the drop of the official’s paw, Sejah sprung into action, and so did his yellow-furred opponent. Both wielded tulwar scimitars, and each had similar speed, though it was obvious to the officials watching that Sejah possessed the greater skill. It was always the way of the Rho’istaan panel to watch duels closely, and to catalog new or well-executed moves for possible addition to the catalogs of standard and perfected techniques. A tricky cross-step by Sejah was noted momentarily after he executed it, and though three matches were going, more officials watched his than any of the others.

Lashing out, the noble sneered and growled, his anger quickly building that he was having difficulty with a commoner. Their blades clashed together, or connected with air if dodged properly, and a few low kicks were landed. It was a technical battle at the moment, but an attempted bite from the low noble changed all that. Angered that his opponent showed such little respect for the tournament he was now in, Sejah aggressed his form and beat the yellow-furred mongoose’s blade aside before winding up and dealing a punch from his pawguard directly into the noble’s face, dazing him, then whipping his arm back around and laying a hard slash across his chest with the dull blade, and followed that up with another to the belly, and then stepped back, zwipping his blade through the air as if to fling what blood would have normally been there from it before coming to attention until the officials released him.

“You sack of-“ the noble spat, picking himself up off the ground and wiping a bleeding nose. “I could have you arrested for-“

Sejah’s sword-tip was under his throat in only moments, and his pink eyes narrowed as he replied, “Curb your tongue, sir. You have no authority here. Had you been the one who was supposed to win, your skill should have been better. Worry less about looks, and more about form and you will go far. Officials, am I released, or am I allowed to take vengeance for insult?”

“V-vengance?” The low noble squeaked, feeling the blade press closer to his throat. Even blunted, Sejah could thrust hard enough to pierce his soft throat. Under Rho’istaan rule, the victor had the right to vengeance if both he and the official thought he deserved it.

“You are released,” the nearest official replied, then looked at the beaten noble, and down to the spreading stain on his loin. “And vengance is denied, humility has been learned here.”

Sweeping his tulwar back to his side, he bowed again before stepping back and taking his scabbard from the official and sheathing it. He had two more matches to watch before it was to be his turn again.

The day progressed quickly, and the less-skilled fighters were thinned out in expedient fashion. Sejah’s next opponent was far more disciplined than the noble had been, and offered a true challenge, even testing Sejah’s nimble paw-work more than he thought was comfortable. But, in the end Sejah won on a technical kill—a stab to the side, and his opponent was far more gracious in admitting defeat, bowing in return as he stepped from the ring.

Nearly eight hours since it started, the first day of the Rho’istaan was completed, and Sejah put on his greatcoat once more to go out and find Loki. Along the way he was asked to sign autographs, and a group of kids asked where he learned to fight like that. Sejah told them of his school, and that if they were truly interested, they could sign up under Master Rej. The crowds were immense, many just families wishing to get back home, or to go our for a meal. Nehantish was always packed to the brim during the Rho’istaan, and he had no doubt that he would be recognized by strangers that night when they ate out.

“Loki!” Sejah shouted out once he caught sight of the boy, the mashed through the crowds to get to him. “Loki, there you are. How did you like it? Did you see me? Where was your seat?” He fired off questions as the two tried to get out of the main walkway.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:10:40 PM
"Slow down, Sej!" Loki laughed, occassionally breaking eye contact to look to the direction in which they were walking, crammed into a mass of furred people. "You are more excited than I--"

Finally the pair passed under an a looming archway which led them out into the broad street which surrounded the entire arena. The sky above was a gentle pink which had once been a bright orange shade when the boy had left his seat and he hated shuffling; it was so unprogressive. Now outside, he paused and turned to his friend and extended a hand.

"--First of all, allow me to congratulate you on a wonderful first day of many in the tournament. You were amazing today, Sej!" He smiled and they shook hands. No doubt his brown-furred friend would subdue the praise with his usual stroke of modesty. But the young padawan was persistant and full of praise.

"I told you that you'd kick butt, didn't I tell you?" He continued enthusiastically as they slowly filtered through the crowd. "And did you hear me cheering? 'Sejah! Sejah! Sejah!' Once the couple next to me saw how skilled you were they too joined in, as did a number of younger beasts a few rows back. You have your own fan club!"

Loki beamed with glee in rememberence of his experiences that day and how he had talked with Jelfar and Sindir and watched their son gain a well-fought victory in the first round. Perhaps Sejah would be up against him in the upcoming days; the boy would hope to switch seats in such an event so that he could cheer Sejah on from a safe distance from the couple. The boy had enjoyed a variety of flavours of bottled Nehi and found himself one of the chief instigators in starting one of the many waves in which the crowd stands and throws up their arms in one continuous motion all across the arena.

"I was on Row E under the large, red canopy. Seat 154 on that row." He then gestured to the bottle of sunscreen and pleasantly chirped, "And look, no sunburn!"

Sejah then to the boy's suprise extended his arm into the traffic. Puzzled, the boy stepped closer to the busy road and peered out as a vehicle pulled up alongside them. Loki jumped back, his head narowly avoiding a mirror mounted to the side of the automobile.

"Ah, a taxi. We in a rush to get somewhere tonight, Sej?" The boy asked, climbing inside.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:32:37 PM
"In a rush to beat the crowds out of here is what," Sejah replied, then called some directions in the old tongue to the driver, who promptly floored the pedal and launched the old automobile off.

Now able to relax, Sejah took a deep breath and replied to some of Loki's comments. "Thank you, Loki, and I'm afraid I really couldn't hear much of anything, the crowds roar was too hard to distinguish properly. But, I'm glad you had fun." My first opponent shouldn't have been invited, he was too proud. But, I hear that sometimes noble blood is enough of a match for skill to get one invited. Still, I had a good day. I should have another three or four duels tomorrow as well."

The air conditioning in the taxi was a welcome releif to Sejah, who was still wearing the large, dark greatcoat he had rented. Tugging at the collar to vent some heat, the brown mongoose commented, "At least we only have to fight in formal dress one day. Gar, this thing is roasting. Oh, and, I hope you don't mind, but we're going to be paying a visit to my father and brother before heading back to the hotel."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:44:02 PM
"We are?" Loki asked with a pique in his excitement. He bounced a little in his seat. "Excellent! I can't wait to meet your family. Oh, all the embarrassing childhood stories I may discover!"

He chuckled as he jeered his friend. Then grew silent as he watched the crowd outside, he could sense their feelings like they were his own and most were a reflection of his excitement and happiness. His trip to Nehantish was certainly an exercise for his senses, they grew more attuned day by day, Anbira will be impressed.

"That guy was a sore loser from what I saw; an arrogant blue-blood. Although I must confess I was very worried when you brought your blade to his throat. Would you have killed that beast today? Oh and before I forget, is there any particular way I should behave in front of your family aside from the usual manners? I mean, what are they like? What will they expect?" The questions now started to pour out from Loki who was now haunted by anxiety.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 21st, 2003, 08:56:54 PM
Sejah looked out the window when Loki asked him about his family, and he took a moment before looking back and replying, "Just, be yourself around them, Loki. I'm sure they won't mind."

The tone in his voice made it obvious that he was trying to sugar-coat things, but it lapsed back into his normal speech as he went on to Loki's other question. "I might have killed him. If the official thought that vengeance was called for, that is. But, he needs to learn humility. I think the replay of him wetting his pants will be a good tool for that. Beasts learn nothign from dying, Loki, and I will never be in a rush to kill."

The rest of the ride was short, and they pulled up outside of a wrot-iron fence with dry ivy growing upon it. Sejah told the cabbie to go ahead and go, they would call another when it was time to go.

Sejah didn't say much as he led his friend into a quiet, park-like atmosphere. All around them stoof placards and small sculputures, most written in the old script and with weeds growing between cracks in the stone walkway. It was quiet, and small boquets of flowers dotted the ground here and there. When they had walked nearly ten minutes, Sejah stopped in front of a patch of grass and looked down to two rather simple stone markers. "Loki, I'd like you to meet my father, J'shesh, and by brother, A'amel." He said in a quiet voice, his throat having a hard time with even that.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:10:39 PM
"Oh." Came the boy's immediate response as he looked down upon the gravestones. His reponse was not one of suprise but rather of confirmation that what he had feared was true. Back in the taxi, he sensed something similar to what had wreaked havok upon his feelings back in the dojo, although it was weaker and distant. That all-too-familiar cold chill had crept up his spine as they walked through the morbid place.

Loki was immediately embarrassed thinking back to what he had said in the cab, not even considering the possibility that his brother and father were dead. Thankfully night was setting in and his reddened cheeks were barely visible. He cleared his throat and in an instant, his demeanor changed.

"Good evening, Mister Haversh. Good evening, A'amel. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." There was a change in the boy's voice; it was overcome with an unnatural maturity although the words came very naturally. "I am Loki Ahmrah, a friend of Sejah. You must be very proud, Mister Haversh, your son gave quite a performance at the tournament today." He lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Don't tell him I said this, but he kicked butt!"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 21st, 2003, 09:32:58 PM
Sejah only stood still as Loki spoke, he didn't know why, but the boy was a strange comfort to have along. He always seemed to see things differnently. But, jsut as Loki had spoken to the grave markers, Sejah did as well, though his tone was more serious.

"Hello dad, hello A'amel. Meet Loki, he's my friend. I'm not living on Nehantish anymore. I'm going to be a Jedi, can you believe it? Heh, me either.

"I was invited to the Rho'istaan tournment. Imagine that, a Haversh in the Rho'istaan. Pretty wild, isn't it. Oh, I brought you something." He reached into hsi pocket and pulled out a small plastic bag. Reaching inside it, he grabbed a pawful of its contents, then dropped to one knee and poured out a bit of dusty dirt onto each of the headsones. "Dirt from the Rho'istaan floor. I'm sorry you couldn't be here to see it in real life, but, at least you can see mom, now. I miss you all, and I only hope I can bring back some of the honor to our name. I'm still not married as of yet. I know mom wanted me to be, but, it just hasn't happened yet."

Standing back up, he took a last look at the markers and closed his eyes. "Goodbye, and I'm sorry, but, I don't think I'll be able to come and visit again. I hope Garfife has smiled upon you, and that someday I too will be with you again. Until then, peace be with you, and I miss you."

"As I've told you before, your father was a good beast," a male voice said from behind them.

Sejah wheeled about to see who it was, only to have his eyes widen and a smile break out on his face. "Master Rej, what are you doing here?"

The old beast shook his head and smiled, leaning on his cane. "I knew you'd come. I watched you on the television today; good job, kid. Who'd have thought one of my pupils would be in the Rho'istaan?"

Sejah stepped up and hugged his master lightly, then replied, "Well, I always did. After all, you didn't do so bad when you were in them last time."

Rej patted his student's back, then let him go, looking at both Sejah and Loki. "That was long ago, Sejah, and I had this to help me." From his side he pulled a kris in a wooden scabbard and tossed it to Sejah. "She's not been used in battle since, but she has been cleaned and polished. I meant to give her to you before today, but this old mind of mine is slipping."

The brown mongoose pulled the edgless kris dagger from the scabbard and tested the weight in his paw before sheathing it once again and inserting it into the front of his belt. "Thank you, Master, this means a great deal to me."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 22nd, 2003, 11:05:47 AM
In a graveyard, everything was so quiet and peaceful. Loki hadn't had a religious upbringing; his parents lives revolved around their careers and they still do. The boy had always believed it to be in his blood therefore to focus moreso on reality, the tangible and the tasks at hand. Yet here he was, standing at the resting place of his friends relatives and he felt something different, an unearthly feeling.

Sejah often spoke of and made references to his deity, Garfife, and Loki would just smile and nod, neither accepting nor understanding what his friend was talking about. Loki could not see this Garfife, neither could he hear his words of wisdom, feel his soothing presence or accept that he existed. But he is a padawan learner, training to be a Jedi Knight someday and he, along with his fellow padawans believe there is some almighty, uniting Force that binds and penetrates all life in a great, harmonious balance. The Force had no physical properties, non could see it or hear it yet the boy could feel it and believe in it.

"Is that my God?" The boy asked himself silently looking back to the gravestones whilst Sejah and Master Rej spoke with each other. "Where do these people go once they die? Surely they cannot simply cease to exist."

In silence, Loki stood, tortured in thought. He barely understood the concept of afterlife but as a Jedi, he could feel the peace and tranquility of their eerie surroundings.

"Maybe I cannot see it, but I can feel it. Perhaps there is a place we can go once we die. That would be nice." Concluding his quiet moment of reflection, the now much more solemn and troubled young padawan turned to the two nehantites and greeted Master Rej as he had done before. Hand to forehead with a polite bow.

"Master Rej, a pleasure to see you again, sir." The chill of night was setting in, the air was crisp and clear unlike any other night he had experienced on the world of sand and sun. Even paradise has to have it's off moments but the boy was suprised at how the crooked, aged beast before him could weather the outdoors so easily. "That is a beautiful gift you have given to Sej. I am sure it will play an important role in his future engagements."

Suddenly Loki let our a "Brrr" sound as a breeze blew the frosty night air down his collar. He shivered and his mongoose friends also feeling the cold after such a hot day agreed it would be time to leave. But before they had gone far, the boy looked back to see the humble, little gravestones one last time.

It was Master Rej who flagged down a cab this time once the trio were outside the the grounds of the graveyard and the iron gate squeaked as it was shut with a silence-breaking clang.

"What a day it has been, I can't wait to get back to the hotel!" Loki said with a yawn, then looked to Master Rej, "Will you be joining us, sir?"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 22nd, 2003, 03:03:23 PM
"Oh no, young man, I have my wife and dinner waiting for me back home. I'd invite you two, but, I'm afraid there wouldn't be enough to go around," Rej spoke kindly.

Sejah opened the door to the cab and let his old master and Loki climb in before him. "That's quite all right, Master Rej, we had better not impose on you." He said while closing the door and then let Rej give the address of his home to the cabbie. "But, I will make sure to stop by and give you back your kris after the tournament is over."

Rej shot Sejah a stiff glance and rapped his knee lightly with his cane. "You had better not give it back, I would be insulted if you did. That is not on loan to you, it is a gift. And I expect that you give it to your son someday as I have given it to you. I hope it brings you better luck than it did me when it was my turn."

Sejah thought to reply with how well Rej had done, but decided against it. It was in the Rho'istaan that his master had his knee crushed in, and that had hampered his abilities ever since, even though it had healed quite well. Instead he nodded and said, "I will, sir. But, I am sorry you couldn't pass it on to your own son. I am sorry for your loss."

The older beast closed his eyes and nodded solemnly. "It will pass, Sejah, all things do. But, here is my stop. I will root for you from my living room, Seajh. Can't afford tickets this time, and, I still ahve the school to run. Peace be with you, and may Garfife watch over you. Of all my students, you were the best. Take the prize, and make your line a proud one. Goodbye Sejah, goodbye Loki."

As he stepped from the car, it was likely that it would be the last time Sejah would ever see him. They would have to leave right after the final duel, that was for certain. If the authorities hadn't figured out he was back yet, they certainly would by then. The taxi ride back to the hotel was a quiet one, and Sejah paid the driver on his tab card before opening the door and ushering Loki out. When they were halfway up the building on the elevator, Sejah finally explained something he was sure that Loki was curious about. "Rej's son died last year; killed in a car accident. A beast in a stolen car was eing chased by the police, and he was speeding and slammed into Rej's son's car in an intersection. He lived for a few days, but his injuries were massive, and he finally died of internal bleeding. The car theif was let go after four months in prison. He was found dead, stabbed seventeen times in the stomach, three days after his release. In case you're wondering, yes. Rej did it. I never turned him in, but the police seemed to know as well as I did that he was responsible. They never pressed charges, and called the death gang related. I'm still not sure if Rej feels remorse for it."

The elevator chimed as it hit their floor, and the two returned to their room where Sejah promptly changed out of his greatcoat and into the robe he had been supplied with to relax in. Dinner was again ordered from room service, and Sejah settled down on the couch to watch the highlights from the day's matches on their big-screen television.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 22nd, 2003, 04:13:39 PM
Sadenned that Master Rej wouldn't be able to spend more time with Sejah and himself, Loki made sure he would make the most of the time he had with him in the cab. After his rather brooding moment of quite pondering the boy was all too happy and comfortable shifting the gear up a notch or two so that he was in full-blown chatty-mode. However that was quickly brought to an end when another morbid moment surfaced at the mention of Rej's dead son. It seemed that the relatives of those Nehantites the padawan did know never seemed to last long.

When Rej said his farewell something about it seemed rather conclusive, like that would be the last time they would see each other. That and Sejah's comment at the graveside of his father and brother about it being the last time he will see them again. It all reminded the boy about the view from the watchtower of the crimson sunset pouring over the sky, the more he thought about it the more it reminded him of bloodshed. He shook his head at himself being so paranoid and supersticious, it wasn't like him.

"You know, I've stopped questioning the traditions, formalities and behaviour of your people and instead just accepted them, albeit with a pinch of salt. Therefore little does it suprise me that Rej killed that man, not that he seems to be that type of beast but rather because I realise how much honour means to the Nehantites." He shrugged, little seemed to shock him anymore following the stories he had been told so far on his time on Nehantish.

"Although seventeen times is rather viscious!" He added moments later in idle commentary. Throwing his green overcoat to one side lazily, the boy flopped down onto the couch. "So what did you order for dinner?"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 23rd, 2003, 03:23:52 PM
Lightly entranced by the figures on the screen, Sejah took a moment before replying, "Think I'm going to have some fish tonight. Possibly some baked salmon. Toss me the phone, will you?"

As they watched the replays of the best parts of the duels, Sejah called in their dinner order, and then he relaxed, more tired than he thought, to await its arrival. The whole idea of not seeing Skren again was a bitter one, but, he knew that his stay was only limited, unless he were to win and would be granted immunity for his crime of unauthorized emmigration. Loki had been a very good sport about it all, though, so he was trying to rack his brain to see what kind of surprise he could come up with to reward him. It didn't help that they were already staying in one of the nicest hotels in the city.

Dinner arrived just before it came to Sejah's last duel, and table manners were forgotten as the two padawans eat on the sofa, both watching the screen and talking with their mouths full when they saw somethign worht comment. After all the duels had been replayed, the news anchors came back on and made comments and suggestions as to whose form was best, and the heavy favorites for winning. Sejah was only mentioned in passing, behind the fellow whose parents Loi had been sitting next to. The heavy favorite was, as always, a Sherouve from the Eastern dunes.

After the news ended, a movie came on, and Sejah continued to sit, just relaxing and digesting, letting his mind wander. "Loki, what would you think if I won this competition? I mean, I'm probably not going to, but, wouldn't it be neat?" He asked out of the blue.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2003, 01:42:10 PM
"It would be the coolest thing!" The boy answered enthusiastically, his mood perking, Loki was usually rather sedate after his evening meal and despite being drained from the day's excitement, the discussion brought a glow to his youthful face.

"Just think, your name would be known across Nehantish and I'd make sure every Jedi would here about it!" He added, now sat upright and facing the brown-furred mongoose. "I mean, you wouldn't have to worry about running away anymore!"

He smiled, then suddenly grew quiet once more. After a moment of peace the boy stood and as he walked around the back of the couch playfully pulled a hair from the back of Sejah's neck and chuckled. "Goodnight, Sej."

Sejah Haversh
Jan 28th, 2003, 02:54:02 PM
"Yeowch!" Sejah yelped as he clapped a paw to the back of his neck while jumping up in his seat. "Loki, why'd you do--"

But when he turned around, Loki was nowhere to be seen, and so the brown mongoose just grumbled and rubbed his neck before shutting the television off and getting up from the leather sofa. It had been a long day, and he felt a wave of sleepiness coming over him, so he too retired to the bedroom for the night, finding Loki already in his own bed and fast asleep.

"Goodnight, Loki," he said while hanging up his robe and sitting down to untie his sneakers. "sleep well, it'll be another long day tomorrow."

Sejah set his weapons aside and made sure everythign was ready for the next day before dressign doen for bed and finally dimming the lights all the way out. Sleep came to him in swift form, easing his tired muscles and refreshing his mind for the coming day.

Dawn broke with the familiar orange glow of the horizon, and the sun rising in rippling waves over the heat of the Eastern dunes. It filtered in throgh the sheer curtains of their room, causing it to nearly glow with the radiance of a new morning. The torunament that day would begin a few hours later than that of the opening day, and stretch on into the evening instead, so they were allowed a few extra hours of sleep; which Sejah was currently taking full advantage of.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2003, 04:45:48 PM
"What are they up to?--" Came a quiet mutter from Loki's bed. It was rare to catch him talking in his sleep, not that whatever broken sentences he groaned ever made sense anyway. He turned and an arm flopped idly over the side of the bed. "No, I can't afford that--"

Silently he winced, his toes moved suddenly upon the pillow where his head should be and his whole body jerked. "Turn it off!" Suddenly, the boy stirred, having woken himself up with the cry. He moaned then leaned over to retrieve his glasses from the bed-side cabinet. Then came a ground-shuddering crash.

"What in the world!" A small, bewildered voice exclaimed from the bedroom floor. Wearily, Loki looked back to the bed and discovered that he had turned so much in his sleep that he in fact was facing the opposite direction from that when he first got into bed.

Sejah mumbled and turned in his bed, Loki looked but he faced the other way so it was uncertain if he had woke him up or not. So as quietly as possible, he crept over to cabinet and retrieved his glasses. After rubbing his eyes, he donned the spectacles and trudged into the bathroom.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:08:51 PM
Sejah blinked hard, then rubbed his face with both paws before sitting up in bed and swinging his legs over the side. A graceless yawn spread his jaws wide apart, and his tongue performed contrortions to remain in his mouth. Scratching idly at the base of his back, the Nehantite then stood up and stretched out, popping his back and then venting a sigh as he relaxed again.

The tournament wouldn't start until about eleven, so he had plenty of time to get himself ready that morning. Clad in his boxers, Sejah fell back onto the couch in the main room and flicked on the television to see what kind of other insight he might gain from news reports on the Rho'istaan tournament. But, there wasn't anything useful on as of yet, so he flipped through channels until he found some amusing cartoons playing.

He didn't even hear Loki as he came back out of the bathroom, he was too wrapped up in an episode of an action cartoon based on the adventures of Ramastan the Great, his friend Rehnjai the Immense, and K'shenurien; the innovator of the Rho'istann games. The three were legends in Nehantite history, and the cartoon wasn't half bad either.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:36:27 PM
"Cartoons?" Loki asked with amusement as he passed behind the couch and disappeared inside the bedroom once more. He smiled to himself as he changed having never seen an adult watching cartoons before. Today, he would be wearing something light and cool like the day before but in shades of royal blue and white.

"You know, I never thought I would ever get the hang of this darn braid--" He called into the main room where he could hear his friend laughing at whatever it was he was watching. "--now I don't even need a mirror." The boy then straightened out the sleeves like Estelle would always do for him then joined his friend.

"Ah! I forgot about this!" He gathered his green overcoat from the arm of the couch and grinned as he shook his head at the sight of Sejah. Remembering how regal and proud he looked yesterday at the tournament and now, the epitomy of a morning mess. But that was Sejah all round, paradoxical in nature the boy found him to be and it was fun to spend time with him. What he had seen in the last few days rivalled almost everything he'd ever laid eyes on in his life and it was thanks to his mongoose friend.

"You're worse than me." He commented, taking a seat on the arm of the couch with a nod at the television. "Mom always would go downstairs of a cold, miserable morning, turn up the heating and tune into a cartoon channel so that once I had crawled out of bed I would collapse onto the footrest in front of the fire and watch 'Danni Danger and the Adventure Gang'."

The boy laughed, now much more awake than he had been when he had fallen out of bed. He found the whole fiasco rather amusing in retrospect. "How did you sleep?"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:44:41 PM
"Not bad, not bad at all," Sejah replied. "Actually feel pretty rested, which is better than yesterday, I'd say."

As the episode wound to a close, Sejah became more aware that Loki was dressed, whereas he himself wasn't. In order to skirt that issue momentarily, he asked, "I was thinking, now that there will be fewer contestants on the arena floor, perhaps you might like to watch a match or two from ringside? Sometimes an official will permit such a thing? Would you be interested, perhaps?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2003, 07:56:59 PM
"Woah!" The boy basked with astonishment, wide-eyed he said, "That would be the bantha's bollocks! Yes! That would be sooo cool!"

He bounced on the couch arm excitedly, not realising he had just cursed having heard the expression "bantha's bollocks" shared amongst soldiers back on Arcan IV. His toothy grin spread from ear to ear. "So, do you really think they will allow it?"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:13:24 PM
Sejah understood the meaning of what Loki had said, even if he didn't quite understand the origin. Nevertheless, he smiled and shrugged, "Maybe, I ahven't given them any reason to not like me so far. And it wouldn't be until the second round that you could come down, anyhow. I'll do my best to get you down there, so, if you see a Grounds guard come toward you, don't be afraid, he'll escort you down."

As the sun crept higher, it becan to blare through the windows, and Sejah knew it was time he got really up and moving. Standing up from the couch, the mongoose explained, "Well, I suppose I ought to go put some clothes on; hardly think they'd let me fight like this and all. Go ahead and watch some television, or have soem breakfast or whatever, I'll take a quick shower and be out in a bit."

Having grown up using as little water in the shower as he could as a kid, Sejah was a near expert on short showers, and he was finishing drying hismelf off only twenty minutes later. A respectable time for one covered in fur. For his normal clothing at day, Sejah picked a pair of easy-fitting khaki trousers and a light blue short-sleeved button-up shirt with a sort of tropical design on it and his gray sneakers again. Dashing a brush through his tail and headfur, Sejah then took up a pair of thinning shears and worked at the fur on the palms of his paws so that it would not be so thick as to impede on his grasp of his tulwar.

His tournament clothing was packed into a small gym bag along with a few towels and a bottle of shampoo. He planned on showering after the tournament as not to smell in the car on the way back to the hotel for Loki's sake. He had packed his instructor's uniform, thinking it would not only look sharp and classic, but also might bring Master Rej a bit more business as well. Rej had looked out for him so much, he knew he had to help return the favor where he could.

Emerging from the bedroom looking like a Miami resident in the mid 80's, Sejah looked to make sure Loki wasn't bored yet before heading to their kitchenette.

"Well, I'm no real chef, but, how do waffles sound for breakfast?" he called out, rummaging through the cabinets for the waffle iron that should be there. Hotels such as theirs were often stocked with most everything one could ask for.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:50:01 PM
"They sound the same as they do at any other time of day." Answering with a cheeky smirk, the boy sat at the breakfast bar whilst Sejah hunted through the drawers and cupboards. "But yes, waffles sound splendid."

Not only did he possess a deft hand with a sword, but Sejah seemed to have things well under control in the kitchen. Further evidence that he had been a very independent youngster, Loki wondered what he had been like when he was his age. With a waffle iron, Loki would probably consider using it in a similar way to a traditional clothes iron thus causing a definate kitchen catastrophy.

"It's been quite a while since I've had waffles. They smell great." He noted, resting his head comfortably on his arms folded on the surface before him, deliberately avoiding any kitchen work like he had done on previous occassions for fear of embarrassing himself with his lack of experience.

Shortly, the pair were sat happily putting away their breakfast; Loki was pleased that his furry friend had discovered some syrup which he had to accompany his waffles. The two ate together as they had done in the past, the boy clearing his plate in moments and Sejah pleasantly taking his time. Polite conversation took place during the meal and once both had finished, Loki took a sip of his coffee and finally plucked up the courage to ask: "So how long have you been able to cater for yourself, Sej?"

Sejah Haversh
Jan 28th, 2003, 08:57:45 PM
Chewing and then hastily swallowing a bite of waffle, Sejah traced the prongs of his fork through some of the collected syrup on his plate and thought about Loki's question. "Hmm, well, I guess since I was abotu six or seven, really. My mom was busy working and trying to keep us with a roof over our heads, so, I sort of learned how to take care of myself when I was pretty young. But, it wasn't until I was about ten or so before I was really very proficient at it. Dunno, just always sort of ended up cooking for myself. You get used to it after a while."

Cutting away another bite with his knife, he added, "Oh, well, my mom would fix meals whenever she could, but, she and I didn't get to see each other much, especially when I started to get jobs and then even more when I started at Rej's school."

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:29:42 PM
"Wow." Came the boy's reply who couldn't help but feel a little inadequate. He had lived the life of luxury in comparison to Sejah; born with a silver spoon in his mouth, the works. What if he suddenly found himself alone? How would he survive?

"First thing to do when I get back to Coruscant - learn how to cook!" He thought to himself with determination. Perhaps one day his skills in the kitchen may even rival Master Yoghurt and his root stew. He smiled to himself and hopped off his seat.

"So, will I need to bring anything with me today?"

According to Sejah, he would need further protection from the sun specifically to shield his eyes and because sunglasses were out of the question. "So a hat it is! I guess we'll have to stop off at a shop or something to buy one."

Once the final preparations were made, both Sejah and Loki departed to catch their transport waiting outside. The hotel wasn't too busy as most of those who could afford to live in such luxury could also afford seats at the arena where the tournament was taking place.

Sejah Haversh
Jan 28th, 2003, 09:52:17 PM
The hired car pulled to a stop outside an upscale sporting wear shop not too far from the hotel, and Sejah had Loki follow him in to the establishment. Being low on customers because of the tournament, there was ample help there to assist them in finding a hat for Loki, and a pair of sunglasses for Sejah. Even with growing up under the bright sun, he still liked the calming darkness that sunglasses provided.

As Loki chose his hat, Sejah's eyes became attracted to the racks of sandals and sporting footpaw wear, but, he didn't want to completely abuse hsi spending privieliges, so, he let them be. Though he did end up walking out of the store with a hat just like Loki's.

Reminding him to put his sunscreen on again, Sejah let Loki go on to the main enterance after being dropped off at the contestants' door. He hoped Loki would be able to join him on the floor that day; it made him feel bad that they had to be so separated during the tournament. But, he had only limited time, so, after waving the car off, Sejah made his way into the locker room where he changed into his instructor uniform and inserted Rej's kris into his belt. The uniform drew snickers and snide comments for it did not bear the rank of Master, which many of his opponents were, but Sejah let it go. He knew he had skill, and was above mocking others for their appearance in such a competition. A quick moment of prayer and concentration was observed instead before he took up his tulwar and followed the others out onto the arena floor after looking at the first listing of match-ups. He would be facing another of his own class in his first round, that would be an interesting duel.

The sunglasses were left behind, but he did carry his hat out into the arena, as many others did. It wasn't against the rules to wear one all the time, but it was disrespectful. Sejah would put it on only after the first round had been started, and he was on the sidelines. As it stood, he was going to be in the first set of three duels that morning, and he flexed his swordpaw to loosen it up. His opponent was dressed better than he was, but otherwise seemed to be much like himslef. Of similar age and build, but yellow fur color.

Loki Ahmrah
Jan 31st, 2003, 10:26:35 AM
The atmosphere in the arena and amongst it's crowd was the same as it had been the day previous, the only difference Loki was able to observe was that the air was thick and saturating as the mid-day sun rose high above the Rho'isstan Tournament. More and more was he thankful for the protective cannopy overhead and more and more did he feel simpathy for those who had not the luxury shared by he and the friends and relatives of the combatants below. Now however, the padawan noticed that several seats in front and behind which had once been empty were now occupied by contestants who had been beaten the day prior including Sejah's opponents. Loki noted where the latter of the two was sat so that he could approach him later to shake his paw.

"When is Hallah's first match?" He asked Jelfar who was sat next to him today. Loki had noticed that his wife had switched seats since yesterday, perhaps the boy's talking was a too much for her to handle and taking the hint he made sure he would be less chatty for the remainder of the day. It turned out that their son wasn't up until the third set of the fights that morning; Loki only hoped that wasn't the same set as Sejah.

Fortunately, this wasn't the case as Sejah was one of the first to fight and this time he found himself up against a yellow-furred beast of similar skill and fencing proficiency. Although their respective weapons differed they were well-matched and the first few minutes of the bout were spent with both swordsmen testing each other's abilities. A quick strike and a step back or maybe a feign swing followed by a well-aimed kick to the thigh. Both combatants were well able to either parry or avoid the efforts of their opponents. Further into the battle and the crowds were captivated.

Swordblades gleamed under the suns fierce golden light which dripped from the clear sky and onto the burning sand beneath their foot-paws like thick honey restricting the movement and winning-attempts of both Sejah and his opponent. Somehwere between the sun's blinding rays and the sand's burning grain both were able to find a way to negotiate an exchange which was both appealing to the eye, impressive to the mind and endearing to the heart. Swords flashed and clashed behind the determined blows shared back and forth and after a time which was lost up in a whirl of excitement and frustration, the young padawan started to compare the ongoing battle to a game of chess. The manouvers and efforts delived by both competitors were both intelligent and well-planned, the only difference as the fight came to it's dramatic end was seen in style. Sejah's outmatched the style of his opponent in terms of grace, quality and fluidity.

Taking the kriss given to him by Master Rej, Sejah brought it up and in an unorthadox move parried his opponent's sword, leaning into it, the brown-furred mongoose pivoted in close and turning he pushed the other blade away with his kriss and now his right shoulder faced the exposed, yellow-furred torso. In a sweeping motion his dull swordblade came up from below and slid right up the centre of his opponent's lower abdomen all the way up his chest. He stepped back gracefully with his trademark flick he finished in a professional stance whilst the yellow-furred combatant stood dumbfounded, as did the rest of the crowd. In the moment of the finishing blow, there was a shared gasp heard throughout the arena, a chilling silence followed broken only by the confirmation made by the official and an unearthly cheer followed. It was spectacular.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 2nd, 2003, 03:15:03 AM
He truly had been a worthy opponent, and after the victory was recorded, Sejah sheathed his kris and stepped forward to take his rival’s paw in his own and shook it heartily, both of them smiling. There were no hard feelings, the match had been won out of skill, and the other beast knew that well.

“You’re good, really good for T’aaken. Is your Master here as well? If you aren’t a T’arkudo, then I would like to meet him, he taught you well.” The yellow-furred beast said in a good-natured tone.

Sejah cracked an embarrassed grin and led his opponent out of the arena so that the officials could rake and level it. Pacing back to the sidelines, Sejah replied, “My Master was here in the last tournament, he is too old to compete now, but is still teaching. Master Rej, he owns a school in the Western quarter, I pretty much grew up there.”

“It shows, your Sakai defense is great; you don’t see that much outside of long-time students of the art. I was hoping I wouldn’t lose this early, but, I’m glad it was to a swordsbeast like you. Can I know your name? I’d have read the board, but, well, my reading isn’t that good.”

Sejah nodded and smiled as they reached the side of the arena. “That’s okay, neither is mine. Sejah, Sejah Haversh, good to meet you.” He reached out and shook his paw again, though that time out of true friendship instead of the honorable one they had shared shortly before.

“F’rehath Aqahej,” The yellow beast offered before turning to head down the losers’ exit. From the second day on, the losers were not allowed to remain on the arena floor after their most recent match. He padded down the dark hallway and as he passed an official in a nearly black alcove, he whispered, “It’s him, alright. He’s the one you’re after,” before disappearing into the locker room.

- - -

Moving into a patch of shade, Sejah sheathed his tulwar once more and then tapped an official on the shoulder. The two conversed for a little while in quiet tones, Sejah occasionally making hand gestures as to locations and a few other things, one obviously indicating Loki’s height, meaning he was still a kid, until finally Sejah nodded and did a slight salute of thanks before stepping back. The official picked up his radio and spoke into it for a little bit, waited for an answer again, then spoke back before putting it back on his belt before saying something to Sejah and turning back away.

The brown mongoose was apparently pleased with the results, and then put on the straw hat he had purchased earlier that morning to shield his eyes even more from the glare of the sunlight. On the other side of the arena he could see a Rho’istaan guard step out into the executive boxes and approach Loki, or what he at least thought was Loki. It had to be, for whoever it was was wearing blue and stood up to follow the guard. Sejah took a cup of water from a passing refreshment carrier as he waited, and had time enough to toss the empty paper cup in a trash receptacle after quaffing it down before Loki emerged from a small side entrance.

“Loki, over here!” Sejah called out as loud as he could without being so noisy to get reprimanded by the officials. “They’re going to let you watch my next match from the arena floor, if you still want. I’ll be up in the one after this one right now. Pretty neat, huh?”

As he greeted his fellow padawan, Sejah received a hail from a grounds official who was calling him over to the lineup board to show him who he would be facing next. It was one of the eight Sherouve who had been summoned to the tournament, and he had not had a match so far go over three minutes before he claimed victory. Sejah’s good mood all but disappeared as he turned to see his opponent standing not far away.

He was dressed in the usual layers of the Sherouve people, and a full-bladed scimitar hung to his side, and his traditional kur’lt dagger was inserted into the back of his belt. There was a fear in his heart about facing a Sherouve, especially one of this beast’s caliber. Even the Sherouve’s face was scarred from possible blade wounds, and the headband he wore was crimson and sported three tabs to it above his left eyebrow—a mark showing he had not only killed in battle before, but he had killed more than fifteen beasts in such a manner. The Sherouve were widely respected, and feared, for their uncanny talent and feriocity with a blade.

Turning back to Loki, Sejah squatted down a little to come to eye level with him, worry showing in his own pink eyes. “Loki, perhaps this wasn’t the best match to bring you down here for. The odds are stacked pretty high against me on this one, I had hoped that I wouldn’t have to take on a Sherouve until tomorrow. However it comes out, though, I’m glad you came with me, and I’ve had a lot of fun because you were here.” Standing back up, Sejah laid a paw on Loki’s shoulder and shook it gently before turning and following the official who was now beckoning him to a newly cleared and cleaned arena.

The Sherouve made no attempt at formality in the common way, instead drawing his blade and laying it over his left arm as if to show his opponent the blade he would be beaten with before letting it drop to his side. Sejah stepped up to his own starting line and drew his tulwar, rolling out his wrist before bringing it up to his chest and sweeping it aside, then back up into his ready stance. When the official dropped his paw, it was as if Heaven and Hell had unleashed their furies.

Sejah was facing the predicted winner of the games, Aili No’jhaar. He had taken international titles before, and Sejah knew him well as being a celebrity. He had no flaws, and never gave ground. Were it not for his slight advantage with the Force, Sejah would have considered just giving him the match without contest. But, that small advantage, plus Loki watching, gave him courage, and he met Aili’s blade head-on, his pink eyes blazing with determination.

Within the span of one minute, it was documented that their blades collided more then one hundred times, and neither of them gave more than two feet of distance in the process. The other two matches that were happening at the time were all but forgotten by the audience and the camera crew. One of the duels even called a pause so they too could watch the furious battle going on next to them. Aili was a veteran of the bladed arts, having been steeped in them since birth, and also having ten years of age on Sejah as well. But Sejah countered with alarming precision, and though he didn’t know it, he was channeling the Force every now and again to predict Aili’s next move. Into the fourth minute, a steady circle had begun, and the two short blades also came into the act, parrying of blocking while the other went for a kill shot. Aili tried three times to step in a kick, but was each time denied by Sejah’s almost unnaturally quick movements, and then had to worry about protecting himself from an incoming attack while recovering.

Sejah had trouble of his own. Aili was extremely good in guarding against his main styles, and even against some of the more obscure moves he knew as well. Master Rej’s tricks seemed to be worthless against such a skilled opponent, and in some cases he could feel the wind of Aili’s blade brush his fur, barely missing its target. For fifteen more minutes they raged back and forth, the other continuing match done and both of its combatants staring as well. Had a cup been dropped in the upper terraces, it would have been heard all the way down at the floor, the crowd was so hushed. Smaller camera and microphone crews edged their way closer on the arena floor to get better shots, and even the announcers had given up on their commentary.

Finally, a little more than half an hour after it had been started, the match came to a dramatic end. Realizing he would have to improvise a very clever trick, and very quickly, Sejah pulled out all the stops and railed hard on Aili’s defense before stepping in and spinning around, crossing his weapons over his chest. To all else, it appeared as if he was going to try an old maneuver, striking low with his long blade in his right paw, and high with the short one in his left. But when the spin was finished, Sejah held his tulwar out and back with his left paw, his right pressing the rippled edge of his kris up against Aili’s throat. He had switched weapons halfway through the spin, too fast for Aili to see. The Sherouve nodded in surrender, then stepped back, rubbing his stomach where he had also been hit. That strike came as a surprise to much of the audience, they had only expected the one killing move, not two at once. The roar that followed from the stands was deafening, and Sejah dropped to his paws and knees, gasping for air, half of his fur matted with sweat.

Many other competitors ran forward to pick him up and show their amazement at such a surprise upset, but they were kept back by officials. Sejah slowly rose to his feet again, looking up to the audience and received another booming ovation. With weary step, he made his way back to Loki, and the water cooler. Never before had be been in a duel so demanding, and he hoped to never be in one again.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 10th, 2003, 08:50:55 PM
"Wow! Sejah, that was increadible!" Loki cheered with awe at his friend's jaw-dropping performance. The boy ran up to the brown-furred mongoose with a cup of water and a towel, with a smile he took Sejah's hand-paw and shook it. "Congratulations!"

The young padawan then took a moment to take in all that was going on around him as his attention had previously been focused entirely upon the electrifying exchange between Sejah and the sherouve. Being so small he couldn't help but feel a little intimidated at the epicentre of an audio tempest; the very sand beneath his feet trembled as foot-paws stomped wildly all around and he fancied that whenever his unkept fringe was blown it was caused by the uniform chanting of the beasts in attendence. He winced whilst Sejah recovered, breathing heavily and gulping the cold water. It appeared that caught up in the excitement Loki had forgotten to apply the sunscreen lotion and could now feel the angry burning on his neck, it stung and he tilted his hat to keep his exposed skin in the shade.

"How in the Force did you do that?" He questioned with emotions juxtaposed in awe and bewilderment. Wanting to help his friend back to the locker rooms but he knew that it would hinder Sejah's ironman image (besides it looked like he could handle it alone) and that he wasn't allowed back there. Being on the very arena floor was enough of a privilage. Sejah was panting hard and accepted the towel to mop his brow with. "I, I don't know," He replied, "Gar, I've never faced somebeast like that before. I want the recording of that one."

Nodding in agreement, Loki trudged towards the outskirts of the circular grounds alongside his victorious friend. He added, feeling a little like his public relations agent or something, "You do realise you wont be able to go anywhere without being recognised, mister superstar!" He laughed and wondered how much that would affect the rest of their time on Nehantish. The thought struck him like a thunderbolt, and the brown mongoose pursed his lips as he thought about the prospect. "So much for any more nights on the town, then," He mused, "And I hope the hotel has good security, for both our sakes."

Sejah's words worried Loki somewhat; why would they need security? Would people try to harm them? Deciding not to dwell on these thoughts nor engaging them in conversation as it would only bother him and distract his friend who had one last match left in the day. "Take it easy back there, Sej. See you shortly."

Their ways parted at the doorway which led behind-the-scenes where all combatants prepared for upcoming matches. How Sejah would manage to fight again today was beyond the young padawan, he had exhausted himself in defeating the odds-on-favourite for the entire tournament. The boy hoped his next opponent would be quite as much a challenge and when the time came, he wasn't.

Loki took advantage of his position with the sun behind him he stood astute and silent. All other confrontations which followed that day paled in comparison to the display of blade-wizardry at the hands of Sejah and his opponent. Even his third and final match was an anti-climax to the day but most if not all were certainly buzzing with joy from witnessing his match prior. It seemed that the swordsbeast who was facing the brown-furred mongoose was a youthful, grey-furred nehantite by the name of Hallah.

"Of all the luck!" The boy sighed with relief. He looked up to where he believed he would see his empty seat and next to that, the parents of Sejah's next opponent. This was the confrontation he hoped he'd never witness and despite being far away from the couple who befriended the boy, Loki couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. It was evident that Hallah had witnessed Sejah's blinding victory over Aili No’jhaar and as a result to say he was nervous was an understatement and Loki believed that Sejah's reputation would preceed him for the rest of this tournament and now that he had defeated the favourite to win, the padawan's unwavering faith in Sejah was only reinforced.

The engagement lasted no more than ten minutes, had Sejah not been so drained from his previous contest then perhaps a good half of that time would've been knocked off. Perhaps if his opponent hadn't been so intimidated, maybe not. In any case, the brown-furred beast was sure to give Hallah an honorable end. Both combatants were graceful and courtious even after Sejah had won and they conversed until it was time for them to go their separate ways. Loki felt a weight lift from his shoulders and he looked forward to meeting Hallah tomorrow in the stands.

Hours had passed and the late, red sun was subsiding in the firey dusk sky. It was time to return to the hotel; "What an adventure this will be!"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 10th, 2003, 10:25:17 PM
Hallah had been a good opponent, but his skill was not to the level of a master, and that was what winning the Rho’istaan took. But what he lacked in skill he made up for in grace and humility, and Sejah told him to seek out Master Rej, and that a First Apprentice position might be available to him.

But, the day had taken most all his energy out of him, and Sejah was glad for the stinging spray of the showers afterward. His arms were sore, and his mind taxed. Shutting the water off, Sejah took a towel that was tossed to him while also receiving compliments from other fighters. A half hour after he went into the locker room, Sejah had changed back into normal clothes and slung his gym bag over his shoulder, holding his sheathed tulwar by his side as he went to find a grounds official. Within five minutes, Loki had been brought to him, and the pair headed toward the exit doors, unprepared for what lay on the other side.

Sejah was nearly blinded by the flashbulbs that assaulted them once the doors opened, and he held up a paw to shield his eyes. The media had swarmed the exit door, and cameras and microphones were thrust into his face. For a moment all he could do was stand there as he was asked questions and also yelled at for beating the champion. Sejah then tried to answer as much as he could while still pressing on with Loki right behind him. But, when he neared the door of the car, a particularly brash reporter stepped behind him, pushing Loki back away from Sejah so he could ask the question, “So, now that you beat Aili do you think you’ll ever be anything better than second-lowest class, Mr. Hashver?”

Sejah turned around, malice in his eyes, then forced a smile and replied while taking the cordless microphone that was offered to him. “I don’t know, you think you’ll still be a news anchor with a black eye?” With lighting speed, he flipped the mic over and jammed it into the reporter’s gut, winding him, then pulled back and slammed him across the face with it, then tossed the mic aside, beckoning Loki to step over the fallen and wheezing reporter. To another camera crew, he said, “Class levels do not apply in the Rho’istaan,” before opening the car door and issuing Loki inside before climbing in himself.

The ride back to the hotel was a much needed time of peace before being bombarded with more reporters, and having to threaten to pull his tulwar if they would not let him get in the elevator without annoyance. Once in the seclusion of the small chamber, Sejah sighed and said to his friend, “Man, that was worse than I thought. You know, when I was a kit I used to look up to Aili, he was, and still is, a legend. I really can’t tell you how I beat him. I’m sure it’ll cause some commotion with the Sherouve. Oh, here’s our floor.”

Thankfully there was nobeast there when the doors opened except for the male statue, still relieving himself in the fountain, much to Sejah’s chagrin. “Man, when that guy has to go, he has to go.” He quipped dryly as he opened their door. Sejah was quick to drop his stuff by the couch and head into the kitchen to make something to eat. “Well, guess it’ll just be us and the television tonight. Want to turn it on and see what we can find?”

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 11th, 2003, 08:16:09 AM
"Oh my word!" Loki heaved out in long, exagerrated breaths just before he let himself go and collapsed back into the couch where he felt like curling and sleeping for the entire night. The air was crisp and clean inside their room, air-conditioning running on time as usual, Loki stretched in a odd, contorted manner and let out a groan.

"Y'know, I feel like I've been the one fighting all day. It's that darn sun of yours, it gets so hot! I feel icky, I think I've stewed in my own sweat today!" He suddenly let out an uncontrollable laugh at the hideous thought and whined an amused: "Eeewww!"

Still hidden from Sejah, Loki slouched so that he was virtually lying on the expensive furnature but made sure to keep his feet on the floor. He had a ringing in his ears from the booming crowds and was sure that Sejah, especially with his sensitive hearing was no different. Closing his eyes to the deep crimson light of the setting sun as it seeped in through partially blinded windows.

"What you need to do tonight, Sej, is relax. Go see a masseusse otherwise you'll be aching all over tomorrow." His hand blindly figeted to his side and discovered the television remote under an ornate scatter-pillow. There was click and the screen came to life but Loki lowered the volume to a nice, quiet level so that they could continue talking. "Think there might be any good movies on tonight?"

With that he siezed the remote once more, and began channel-surfing.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 11th, 2003, 03:36:53 PM
"Dunno," Sejah replied, leaning on the back of the couch and lookign at the giant television screen. "Hang on, there's my fight."

Sejah walked around the front of the couch and sat down on it where there was still room, his pink eyes locked on the screen. The angles the cameramen had eben able to get were great, snd Sejah already knew that even if he didn't win the tournament, he would go down in sporting history because of the match. occasionally he would involuntarily shift his weight, or do a light dodge as he watched, the duel replaying itself in his mind as it played out on television. At the very end, the camera film-speed was even too slow to catch in detail the move he had pulled; his arms and weapons just a blur of movement.

"Man, I still can't believe I did that," he said aloud, then looked over at Loki and added, "You can change the channel now, they'll just re-play and examine that fight on this station." So, the two resumed channel surfing, until a frame in the opening credits caught Sejah's eye and he almost jumped as he said, "Stop! Let's watch this one." With a smile, he leaned back into the couch and then dimmed the room lights with a slider on the armrest.

It was a more recent film, shot about ten years ago, and the title was, "Way of the Blade". It was your standard cheesy action movie, with the hero being played by a famous movie fighter of the time and his girlfriend getting kidnapped. It never won any awards, and there were many other, much better, action movies released the same summer, but Sejah liked that one for a specific reason. He was in it. But he didn't let that on to Loki until about halfway through the film where Sejah made his enterance as a slightly scrawny fifteen-year-old sword prodigy who ends up helping the hero remember the roots of swordfighting, and pulls some fantastic moves in his somewhat short screen time. The lines were cheesy, and it was obvious that sejah had never acted before, but when it came to the demonstrations it was obvious why he was picked for the part.

In the back of his mind, though, Sejah just knew he'd never hear the end of his acting from Loki, and he finally got up and headed back to their bedroom to get his robe anb a change of clothes.

"I'm going to head down to the baths, be back in a while. You can hang out here or just do whatever." he said, though a yawn cut him off. Sejah was tired, and it was showing. "When I get back I'm going to bed, see you later."

Loki was still watching the movie as Sejah left to the elevator and headed down to the baths. Surprisingly, there was little media for him to wade through, and thanks to his show with the one reporter earlier, most of them gave him a wide berth. Sure, he answered a few questions to be polite, but never stopped walking to the door to the baths, where cameras were not allowed, and the hotel staff kept the reporters out.

Sejah undressed again and headed straight to the massage tables, nearly falling asleep under the paws of the masseuse. But, he managed to stay awake, and was just about to step down into a pool when a sudden flash of light startled him. Everybeast looked around for what it might have been, but ntohing was ever found, so he started to continue his plunge into the tub when a rapid sseries of clicks caught his ear. Now he was convinced it was a camera, and when he started to step back out he saw the culprit dapidly trying to hide something.

"You! Stop!" Sejah shouted at him, dashing fromt eh poolside to the ruddy brown offender. "Give me that." he ordered, holding out an open paw. "I don't like beasts who snap pictures of me without clothes on."

The nervous beast was caught, and he tried to laugh it off. "I-I wasn't taking pictures, I swear."

"Then what's this?" Sejah asked, suddenly punchign him in the stomach and watched as a small camera fell out from under his arm. Picking it up, Sejah's eyes flared red when he saw the logo on it. "You're a reporter?!" he yelled, shoving the beast back fruther. "Have you no respect for beasts? If you wanted a picture of me naked, you should ahve asked! Now, get out!"

Sejah grabbed the unfortunate beast by the scruff of the neck and the arm and marched him to the exit door, throwing him out for all the rest of the media to see, then threw the camera against the wall, shattering it. After that he forgot about the bath and just got dressed and headed back up to his room. He would jsut shower in the morning where he knew he cwould be in private.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 12th, 2003, 08:59:33 AM
"--disgraced your families name, J'ethro. Now you will pay!"

There was a brief silence from within their quarters when Sejah arrived outside. It seemed Loki was talking to himself and rather fiercly on top of that which was rather worrying. But onward he went and into their room the mongoose plodded. Only to be welcomed by a blood-curdling scream.

"Yeeargh!" The cry resembled a war-cry from feudal times when the only rule of life was "Kill or be killed" and ancient warrior swordsmasters flew through the air with superhuman grace wielding much feared weapons upon which countless beasts had met their end. And similarly, the boy padawan soared across the room straight into a stacked pile of storage boxes from the cupboards. There was an almighty crash and the small form dissapeared beneath a rubble of indiscernable objects. After a moment, grumbling could be heard from the scrapheap which began to move and shift as Loki climbed to his feet.

"You are beaten by my blade; and so you die!" Wearily the boy muttered the quote from Sejah's movie as he climbed to his feet back turned to the new arrival and what a frightful sight he was too. He had changed some of his clothing, now wearing the jacket he had seen Sejah wearing when training one day back on Coruscant around which he had one of his friend's belts wrapped and upon his head he wore a decorative yet make-shift turban from one of the mongoose's shirts. Nevertheless in some odd, distant way he resembled the hero from "Way of the Blade" as was his goal, especially if you squinted your eyes enough; well, at least Loki thought so anyway. Catching his breath he finally turned.

There was a clang as the spatchelor from the kitchenette which he had been brandishing as a tulwar hit the ground from his now limp grasp. Slack-jawed he realised he had been discovered and didn't know where to look. All about him there was chaos, he had every intention of clearing it all up before Sejah returned from the baths but Loki hadn't expected him back for at least another forty minutes. He heaved an awkward "Heh!"

"Sejah!" He announced with suprise trying to hold back any evidence of embarrassment; and failing miserably. Then with a big, forced grin he hoped that by some mysterious quirk of fate, the mongoose wouldn't realise what he had been up to, "--how was the baths!?"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 12th, 2003, 02:41:43 PM
Sejah stood inside the doorway and raised an eyebrow in curious concern as to just what had been going on after he had left. Pacing in further, he did his very best to stifle a chuckle, and said, "Hmm, I see you've defeated your enemies jsut like in the movie. Such a feat is to be rewarded, young warrior" Sejah paused then gave an evil grin before he sudden;y yanked the belt out of his robe and lunged forward, snagging it around Loki's middle, pining his arms to his sides and lifting him off the ground with it. "Had I not been the great master of the gang that you destroyed! There is but one punishment suitable for a brigand of your ilk..."

He carried Loki into the bedroom and swung him up onto the boy's bed. "...The tickle of death! Ha ha!" With great vigor, Sejah let his paws seek out ticklish areas on Loki, and went at him with a mock fury. "You shall pay for killing my brethren, young warrior! And for borrowing a friends clothes without permission, ha ha!" Digging his paws under Loki's arms, Sejah tickled without mercy, his misadventure in the bath already forgotten.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 18th, 2003, 05:19:30 PM
Quickly enough, Loki's embarrassment faded into the background; replaced innitially by confusion which became dread and ended in horror! Sejah had discovered the boys' greatest weakness and exploited it for all it was worth and all the young padawan could do was squirm frantically and howl with laughter. His arms still bound by the belt, he tossed and turned trying to wriggle free of the mongooses torture whilst trying to catch his breath.

"Gah!" He gasped manically, his small legs kicking like a wild mule in a vain effort to stop the tickling. "Sejah! Stop! Stop!"

His protests were also in vain as his brown-furred attacker continued his relentless assault evidently enjoying the malicious tickle-fest. Finally a hand came free and Loki pushed himself away as hard as possible not caring for the consequences as he rolled of the end of the bed and fell to the floor. His heavy breathing could be heard until all went quiet. Then came a quiet yet cold voice similar to the one Sejah had used came from under the bed. "And only one punishment is suitable for this outrage--"

"--The Nipple-Twister of Doom!" From behind Sejah a small hand reached out and thumb and fore-finger grasped tight at his chest and twisted and ferociously as an eleven-year-old possibly could. Then the shirt which had been worn like a turban was wrapped around Sejah's eyes as Loki blindfolded him and jumped on his back, ready to go in for another lethal twisting.

"Now you big, furry nerf-herder, do you yield?" The boy laughed victoriously.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 18th, 2003, 05:59:05 PM
Ouch! Sejah thought as he felt his nipple turned in a most unpleasant fashion, only to then lose Loki and have him spring up from behind. Trapped in a "lethal" hold, the mongoose had no choice but to put up his paws and plead surrender.

"O, mighty warrior, you have me defeated," he said in a comically serious tone, "Your skills are superior to mine, I will admit. But, if you let me live, I willl teach you the secret art of calling room service for some ice cream after you clean up the mess out there."

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 18th, 2003, 08:57:32 PM
"You are wise indeed, my defeated foe." Loki replied with a chuckle, dropping to the floor. He was relieved Sejah wasn't angry at him for the mess and that his reaction to the boy's playing was quite the opposite of what he'd expected. In fact Sejah was a very good sport about it all considering the day he'd had.

Once Sejah had removed the make-shift blindfold and turned he'd found that Loki had already dissapeared and could hear the cluttering of objects being returned to their original place. It's remarkable the effect ice-cream has on people.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 18th, 2003, 09:23:20 PM
As he noticed Loki was back int he other room, Sejah let loose a wide yawn. He was tired, but he didn't want to show it in front of Loki, who was about to go on a sugar high. Probably not the best decision, but, the boy had been so well behaved, and rather alone in the stands most of the time, that Sejah wanted to make sure that Loki knew his presence was appreciated.

Tying the robe's belt back around his waist, the mongoose flopped over on the bed and called room service on the bedside phone, ordering up two royal bananna splits and charging it to the room. After hanging up, he runned his eyes, then heaved himself up off the bed and sauntered back into the main room where he found that Loki had all but finished cleaning up. Picking up a bookend that had been knocked off the sofa table, Sejah put it back in its proper place as he said, "So, I take it you watched the rest of the movie? How'd you like it?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:05:45 AM
Two figures stood in a long, ornate hallway. The lights were dimmer than the rooms surrounding, and the ceiling above was vaulted, adorned in rich, dark hardwoods, and etched with geometric designs of amazing detail. The shorter of the two was clad in flowing, vibrant-hued garb, that complemented his neutral-toned Nehantite fur well. The taller one, a human, seemed to contrast far more. His hair, the color of snowy ash, was slicked back regally, and his skin was nearly as pale, though given flesh tone out of nature's courtesy to those as elderly as he. Yet he wore a tunic and cape, as black as starless night sky, but accented in scant traces of silver. On a pass, it would be almost a villainous guise. However, the one who bore it carried it with a regal nature that suggested that he was an aristocrat, but in his own right.

"Tell me of this one, cousin."

He gestured to a large painting on the wall.

"Unlike most pieces from this era that I have seen, there is no swordplay motif present."

He stepped closer, slipping a pair of silver-framed glasses onto his nose.

"It seems to suggest significance, beyond what has already been said."

As the old man turned back to face his Nehantite host, his cape parted with his body ever-so subtly, to catch the glint of the aristocrat's elegant weapon, at his belt.

"Or do I infer too deeply, Senator?"

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 19th, 2003, 12:42:37 AM
The graying Nehantite raised a monocle to his good eye and looked at the painting, a glimmer of a smirk on his face. The monocole wasn't prescription at all, for his eye was perfectly sharp, but it did give him a bit more of an air when he made the show of putting it on.

"Ah yes, that one. You have a keen eye, Anbira, I'll say that much for you." the senator started, "Though I do have a particular interest with the sword, I find it also important to know our non-combat legends as well. What you see before you there is a portrayal of Recynthia, and her outwitting of the Djin of the Eastern Sands.

"Reycynthia was a watermaiden, a female whose main duty was to fetch water from the well and bring it back to the home of her master. One day, she went to the well, and found it dry, but a note had been left explaining where more water could be found. Being mindful of her duty, she took her pitcher and followed the directions that the note had laid out for her. Little did she know that it was written by the great djinn in an attempt to lure her awaty from the safety of the village. Djinns always had a fondness for young females, and were constantly trying to coerce them into their beds if they could ever capture one in private.

"So, when Reycynthia come to the spot on the map, she found no water, but the djinn instead, and he had laid out a feast for them, with much wine to be had to make her drunk and fall asleep. In normal cases, she would ahve run away, but she also saw the great pile of gold the djinn collected for himself, and knew that with so much money, she could attract a proper husband and leave the life od a watermaiden behind. So she sat down with the djinn, and ate as he requested. Though, whenever he bade her to drink, she would cleverly make him look away, and pour her cup into his. In time, the djinn grew sleepy, and she told him to rest, and that she would join him in his bed shortly. But, once the djinn was asleep, she took out the golden earrings that gave him his power, and watched him turn to stone. Then she gathered up his gold and valuables, and headed back to town. For her intelligence, and her new wealth, Reycyntiha attracted many suitors, and finally married a young Prince from a nehboring land. That painting is of her and the djinn, as she is fooling him with the wine."

Stepping back, D'raaj removed the monocole from his eye and stuffed it back into a small breast pocket on his vest. "It is a silly legend, I know, but all history serves a purpose. Tell me, have you been enjoying the tournament so far? I do believe one of your following has been doing rahter well so far."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:04:28 AM
Anbira paused from viewing the painting, and returned his attention back to D'raaj.

"You have a sharp insight, even for a politician, cousin."

Allowing a smile, he continued down the hallway.

"No doubt you are referring to young Sejah. The boy's talent was clearly evident, even before he began his training. His skill with a blade, even as a Learner, speaks volumes of his heritage."

He paused...arching an eyebrow.

"Though it does make for a tense homecoming, I imagine. One can only hope that Sejah can carry the burden to mend broken bridges."

Knowing that the leash of decorum was being tested against its tether, Anbira relented.

"Indeed, it is a great honor for you to take me in on this occasion, cousin. Even old wizards need the comfort of proper hospitality and entertainment."

His eyes widened in mock-dramatization, and his already-deep voice dropped in pitch comically.

"Lest they conjure foul magic all willy-nilly."

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:21:11 AM
A deep chuckle rumbled from D'raaj, and he laid a paw heavily on Anbira's shoulder, his good eye sparkling with merriment. "You remind me again why I invited you, cousin!" he grinned, then leading him further down the hallway to the main parlor, where the senator paused to pour them both a glass of brandy.

Passing one to Anbira, D'raaj seated himself in an ornately embroidered armchair and sipped lighty from his crystal glass before musing, "Youe Sejah, though, should not win the competiton. If he does, there would be trouble. I have stayed the paw of the officials who wish to arrest him on his illegal exit, but, if word were to get out of what he is trying to become, I fear there would be a great upset."

Taking another sip, he looked at Anbira from his one good eye with a very serious, and almost warning gaze. "It would be in your best interest not to speak of it, either. I still am rooting for my nephew, Th'eaniel, to be honest. He stands a chance of winning, you know."

With a steady paw, he reached to his blind side and set his cup down, picking up a ling-stemmed pipe and a small tin of tobacco. He deftlt pinched out enough and stuffed it into the bowl o his pipe, then lit it with a match before sucking in a breath of the sweet smoke. His voice came laden with the slow trails of smoke as he offered. "If you would like you will find a pipe to your left as well. My son gave it to me, but I do not care for it. It is to fancy for my tastes."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 19th, 2003, 01:45:21 AM
"You are most generous."

Anbira compacted a bowl of the fragrant tobacco into his pipe, and lit it, stoking red embers with a series of puffs, before withdrawing the reed from his mouth, and considering the Senator's words.

"Senator, I can appreciate the task at hand, of being a guardian and protector of your people. I am a kindred spirit in this endeavor."

He puffed again, letting the flavored smoke linger in his mouth before expelling it, allowing its essense to tingle against his tongue.

"However, Sejah's hand is not mine to stay. He is not my pupil, but the student of another. My intimacy in his affairs comes as my own apprentice is a close friend of his. Though Sejah may revere me, and look up to me as a Master of the Order, I find myself unable to restrain his motivations here."

He let his words linger, high and amid the smoke itself.

"There is no foul intent within them."

He sipped of his brandy, and set the goblet aside.

"Cousin, your people are at a precipice. The road behind has been a level, beaten path. Slavery absolves uncertainty. Can you say that the Empire's yoke was pleasant? Or their lies?"

Anbira took another drink, to let his question linger.

"Now, you are free to choose your own path. With this choice comes great uncertainty. But know that all share in this unknown. All taste it for the first time. Young Sejah, of low stock, now stares into this uncertainty, and perhaps...sees something more. You, cousin, and others...and notably your honorable Sultan, see this uncertainty too. Through it they no doubt see chaos, past gains dashed against future loss. Thoughts, like all things in this universe, flow to the path of least resistance. The poor dream of bread, and the rich may fret at night for fear of thieves."

He raised the pipe to his lips, and stoked it again.

"Cousin, I can no sooner shackle young Sejah into his caste than I can bid you to break the bonds of his past. To do so would perpetuate past slaveries. These are brave, fearful footsteps. For better or worse, cousin, I can only suggest that you tread as wise men do."

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 19th, 2003, 11:59:13 PM
Puffing a few stokes from his pipe, the Nehantite senator relaxed back into his seat, his tail swishing idly near the floor.

"Cousin, there are other reasons he should be warned to forfeit, but I do not wish to dwell on this uncomfortable subject any longer. You did come here for some rest and to view sport, and that is what I shall provide." He said, then sighed and pulled off his turban, revealing his silvery-gray headfur. Though he was not all that old, time and stress had taken their toll on his body, aging him in some ways faster than most. Running a paw through it, he looked back up at Anbira and an idea came to mind.

"You know, I don't believe I've show you my armory yet. I don't know how that could ahve slipped my mind, but, if it would interest you, we could venture back down the hall," he offered, then also gave him a way out in case he wasn't interested, "Or, we could simply sit and have another round." He pointed to the bottle of brandy.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 20th, 2003, 07:26:32 AM
Loki was finished tidying the room pretty quickly considering the mess he had made, but was good at it thanks to the prolobged absences of his parents because while they were away at work he was always left to tidy up his own room. He saw it as fair though, after all this was his fault but an extraneous variable in his motivation was that ice-cream was at stake so he made sure the job was done extra quick. Returning a pair of scatter pillows to the couch, Sejah smirked mischieviously in reflection on the movie.

"I thought it was great; the action was superb and very impressive. And that acting!" He gasped in mock wonder, sitting himself down next to Sejah who he faced and placed a hand on his shoulder overcome with a sudden seriousness. "You must remember, Sejah Haversh--" His voice was monotonous and lifeless, there was a prolonged, dramatic pause whilst the boy looked away and gazed out of the window. "You must remember--" He said again then looked back at him, slipping a piece of paper into his brown paw. Their eyes locked. "--The 'Way of the Actor'!"

There was another silence whilst Loki's face twisted into one of great amusement and then a thunderous laughter bursted out as the padawan rolled back in the couch unable to contain it anymore. He held his sides and kicked his legs, howling at the hilarity of it whilst Sejah inspected the piece of paper he had been handed. It was a newspaper advertisment for an acting school and Loki got a scatter pillow in his face for his trouble. Soon he calmed down once again and the discussion continued.

"oh dear, no wonder you left the room whilst that film was on." He chuckled, returning the pillow to it's original place. "So how did you land yourself a role in a movie at that age? You've certainly had quite the life!"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 20th, 2003, 03:42:35 PM
Though Sejah couldn't really read the paper, the masks and the fellow holding the skull were clue enough to him what it was for. Setting it on an end table, he ame around the couch and sat down, thinking back on the time he had spent making that film.

With a smile that came from walking down Memory Lane, the mongoose decided to explain while they waited for their ice cream. "Oh, goodness, that was about ten years ago, Loki. See how scrawny I was back then? That's why I took the job, so I could get some money so that I could eat properly. I had been in a West-side youth competition, and took second place. It's my guess that the talent scout saw me there, and thought that he could get me for the part for a lot less money than the kid who took first. He was right, and so I got to star in a real motion picture.

"Oh, I'll say it was fun, getting to eat a lot on the set, having beasts treat you nice, and getting to meet a few bigger stars. It really was a blast, the two weeks I got to be on-set, and had beasts looking after me all the time. But, once my scenes were done, they cut me a check and basically told me to scram, and I wasn't let back onto the set again. Heh, I didn't even get to got to the premeire. But it did get some free advertising for Rej's school, and so it all worked out for the best. More students for his class, and more food for my belly."

A knock at the door came right on time, and Sejah got up, saying, "And, speaking of food...." On the other side of the door stood a bellhop bearing a tray with their ice cream on it, which Sejah greatfully took and bade him a good night before closing the door and beinging the pair of bananna splits back to the table, where Loki was already waiting with a spoon in hand. "Dig in, buddy, you've earned it, having to sit through that movie."

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 20th, 2003, 04:39:49 PM
"Yus!" Loki cheered as the banana splits arrived and handed Sejah a spoon. Both immediatly tucked into the sweet dessert happily and with a half-full mouth Loki murmered, "Jeesh! Ish been asches sinsh I've 'ad ish-cream!"

For a change though, Loki ate slowly, enjoying what he had whilst he had it. This was an interesting change in the boy's behaviour who would normally scoff his meals in an instant. Occassionally he would look across to his brown-furred friend and think of how different they were, how different their upbringings had been and what different experiences they had. In retrospect, Loki's childhood experiences seemed a little diluted when compared to Sejahs so in many ways he looked up to him as a person he could aspire to be like.

"This is really good." He commented, leaning back against a couch pillow, bowl in hand. He stared in the direction of the ceiling yet it looked like he was staring off further than that, thinking about the future and what it had in store for him. His nose wrinkled and eyes narrowed with curiosity and he spoke up. "Hey Sej, where do you see yourself in five years time?"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 20th, 2003, 11:49:46 PM
Sejah ate his ice cream sloyly as well, mainly because his teeth were rather sensitive to cold, and eating it too fast would also give him a sinus freeze. Scooping up the last of the strawberry topping, he licked it off his spoon and thought about what Loki had asked him.

"Honestly," he started, tapping the spoon against his lower lip, "I'm not really sure. I hope I'll have been knighted by then, and have a padawan of my own. Think it'll be longer than that before I could be considered a Master, and I'm not sure I want that responsibility." Scooping up another bite and getting a piece of bananna to go with it, he popped it into his mouth and let it melt and swallowed before going on, "I'd also like to be a father, but, that may be a bit more difficult to arrange."

The Nehantite looked at his half-eaten bananna split, and knew he better not eat any more of it, otherwise he'd unsettle his stomach with so much milk and sugar, so he picked up his dish and headed back to the kitchenette where he popped it into the freezer, then stretched and yawned. "Well, Loki, I'm going to get to bed. I'm tired, and I've got another long day tomorrow. You can stay up for a bit if you want, but, just try and keep the noise down if you can."

Flicking off the kitchen lights, Sejah sauntered back into the bedroom where he disrobed and climbed into his bed, falling asleep within moments of pulling the covers up over himself. The duel had taken more out of him than he had thought.


The sun was barely rising when he woke the next morning, and he opened his bleary eyes before rolling over and sitting up. In his sleep he had rolled onto his stomach, and he had to crick his back to relax it. A stiffness was inhabiting both his arms, and he still smelled of sweat from the day before, so he decided that a shower was in order. Across the room, Loki was still zonked out in his bed, so Sejah made sure to remain quiet as he got out of his own and headed for the bathroom.

The bathroom, like the other rooms in their hotel suite, had large floor-to-cieling windows that looked out from their 42'nd floor and onto the city around them. There was little to no chance of anybeast seeing in, so curtains were not installed, either.

Cranking the handles of the shower, Sejah brought it to life, and to a comfortably cool temperature as well. Stepping out of his boxers, he made his way into the cascade and began to do an initial scrubdown. It felt good to just relax and let the previous day wash down the drain, and he was jsut about to squeeze out a liberal amount of shampoo when a loud machine noise began to rumble in his ears. Looking out the wall of bay windows, his face turned grim and he turned off the shower.

Outside their room hovered a news helicoptor, with a camera trained on him. The incident in the baths the previous night had been unsettling, but the helicoptor had far crossed the line. Sejah stepped out of the shower and proceeded to walk, dripping all the way back to the bedroom--which had the curtains drawn back as well, so the helicoptor followed to get a consistant shot. Reaching into one of his bags, Sejah found what he was looking for; his .45 semi-automatic handgun. Snapping the slide back to <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> it, a noise that would probably wake Loki, Sejah marched straight to the doors of their balcony and yanked them open, making his way outside, still dripping wet, and still on camera.

Without a word, he raised the gun and squeezed off four shots, all aimed at the camera turret, and when he found his mark, he blasted another five into it, completely destroying the camera, and hopefully whatever film was in it as well. His remaining three shots were spent aimed at the windsheild of the hovering craft, all three blowing right through it and barely missing the pilot and crew inside. It was shen he his the magazine release and the spent cartridge dropped to the ground and he turned to go back inside that the helicoptor banked back and headed away. If the cocking of his gun hadn't woken Loki, the firing of twelve armor-piercing shells certainly would have.

All Sejah could do was stand, partially dry by now, inside the balcony doors and huff breaths of rage at how he had been treated; the empty gun still in his paw.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:17:23 PM
Shortly after Sejah had retired to the bedroom, Loki soon followed suit once he'd finished his ice-cream and had a quick wash before going to bed. He'd barely put his head against the pillow when he fell asleep only to woken by the morning light as it beamed in through the open balcony doors. He rubbed his eyes and started to turn away to snag a little more sleep when a series of thunderous bangs had him sat up stiff as a board. He was immediatly reminded of the archaic weapon Sejah had once used when they were chasing the kidnappers back on Arcan IV.

"A gun!" He gasped nervously and then he shouted for his missing friend. "Sejah!"

There was a clang outside and Loki was startled when someone suddenly stepped back inside, their identity hidden by shadow with the glaring sun behind. The boy squinted a bit and then sighed with relief which quickly resolved to astoundment.

"What in the name of sanity is going on!?" He asked, wide-eyed now noticing the firearm in Sejah's paw.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:34:05 PM
All Sejah could do was stand there with his eyes closed, the paw with the gun in it tembling with anger, and his mind enraged. His bare chest rose and fell with furious breaths, and his voice came as a feral snarl, one he had never used around Loki before.

"Frelling reporters. That was the frelling second time."

That was all he offered in response before going back to pick up his empty magazione, then padded back to his bag where he removed a full one and slammed it into the handle of his pistol, then c0cked the slide, snapping it back so it would be ready for another round. After that, he jsut stood still again, his wet fur starting to stand up in small drying spikes with his back to Loki.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 03:52:56 PM
Loki sat still in his bed, deadly still when Sejah released that chilling growl; the boy gave the reaction one would when being stalked by a wild predator, he said not a word and moved no muscle for he feared that the mongoose would pounce at any moment. That moment through Loki's perception of Nehantites into a whole new perspective, their anger was very instinctual and their rage ferocious.

The boy was afraid in his bed but realised that when he saw his friend reloading the weapon once more the situation was very dangerous and he wanted to make sure Sejah didn't do anything that would get him into trouble. Slowly he climbed out of bed and spoke quietly and dared not near the silent mongoose anymore.

"Now listen to me, Sejah. You must put the gun down, you are a training to become a Jedi and you know this is not the way we are to act no matter how frustrating it gets."

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 04:02:32 PM
Only the tip of Sejah's tail twitched, and the handgun hung by his side, still firmly grasped in his paw. Very sloly, the brown mongoose turned his head to look back out the bay windows. When he saw no helicoptor anymore, the pistol slipped from his grasp onto a pair of pants that lay wadded on the floor.

His paws were shaking, and the occasional muscle in his back would twitch, but it was visible that he was trying to calm himself. He reached out for a half-full glass of water that was on his bedside table, and when he picked it up, the water in it reembled and shook in his tremorous paw. It only made it halfway up to his mouth before the shaking grew so fierce that he dropped it, spilling water all over hsi allready wet footpaws. Thankfully, the glass didn't break.

"I didn't hurt anybeast," he finally said, trying to re-assure Loki that he had not gone off the deep end.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 06:54:59 PM
It was worrying for Loki to see Sejah in this way. There was a first time for everything was all he could put it down to but he'd never seen anyone this angry and what concerned him most was if this was how his friend was to react when his privacy is invaded; how will he possibly restrain that anger of his in really bad situations? The boy plucked up a little more courage and neared but out of reach were Sejah to turn around.

"I know, Sej, I know." He comfoted him with his quiet words and considered pulling the gun to him but decided that he trusted his friend enough not to use it again here. "But what good will it do you to get like this? I mean look what you've done!"

His voice suddenly grew cold and harsh. He now stood alongside the irate mongoose and looked up at him, his eyes narrow and filled with annoyance. "You woke me up!"

There was a moments silence then he broke into a smile and added, "And I'm very grouchy in the morning so if I were you, I'd get myself into the shower before I unleash my fury on your hyde!"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 07:03:06 PM
It was then that Sejah looked down and remembered that he wasn't wearing anything, and he put his paws down in front of himself to cover that fact.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed and nodded. "I, I'm sorry, Loki. It's just, I'll tell you about last night later. I better get back to the shower like you said." Taking a step back, he passed around Loki and headed back into the bathroom, though looking out the bay windows before turnign the shower on once more. Whatever relaxing power it had before was now gone, and he just focused on getting himself cleaned up for the time being.

Three towels and a drying room later, he emerged fromt eh bathroom with a towel around his waist, then proceeded to get dressed for the day. They only had a few hours before the tournament, and odds were that his incident with the helicoptor was already on the news.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 07:23:41 PM
Once Sejah had dissapeared into the bathroom, Loki heaved a heavy sigh and flopped down onto his bed and groaned loudly, arms and legs stretched out as he released all the tension that had built up in his muscles. Feeling himself calming after that startling wake-up call he allowed his mind to wander and his legs.

"Good morning, Nehantish, never a dull moment eh?" He chuckled to himself as he threw on a shirt, leaving the buttons undone he stepped out onto the balcony wearing just the shirt and his boxers where the empty magazine remained. There was a cool morning breeze which made helped the boy wake up with a shudder.

High above the maelstrom of life his eyes surveyed the waking day; from the yellow sun bathing every street and building in it's firey glory to the grey-furred office worker cycling to her local coffee shop for a light breakfast. It was all there and it was soothing to him. With his senses relaxed he allowed his clarity of thought to ponder what had only just transpired. On top of his telekinesis issues, Sejah might have another problem which is equally explosive, his own temper. Promising that he would talk to him about it sometime, Loki returned indoors and started to get ready for the day ahead.

"Yes, that would be splendid. Thank you." The boy concluded on the telephone after ordering breakfast for both he and Sejah who would normally prepare something himself however this time Loki thought it best if he simply relax and not get stressed out anymore than was already the case.

By the time Sejah had finished showering and was dry, Loki was dressed and was found on the balcony with a pair of small, brown-feathered birds eating bread out of his hand.

"Breakfast should be up soon, Sej. Come and help me feed the birds."

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 07:34:59 PM
Leavign a shirt for later, Sejah padded out to the balcony, and smiled when he saw the birds. But, when he took another step forward, the sparrows flitted off and circled away into the sky, much to his dismay.

Sejah glumly sighed and leaned on the railing, looking out on the city below. "I'm sorry, Loki," he said, though it almost seemed out of place. "But, last night in the baths therer was another photographer. This helicopter was from the same station that he was, logo was on his camera."

Beyond their reach, the sparrows made a few more passes by the building, but seemed as if they would not come back as long as Sejah was there.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 07:52:08 PM
"So they invaded your privacy. That is wrong and you don't need to be a hyperdrive scientist to figure that one out. Heck, it'd annoy me if someone took advantage of my good humor like that--" He broke off and looked up as the birds fluttered about a few floors up, grinning inwardly at Sejah's frustration at his misfortune with them.

"--but at the end of the day, the only thing which separates the actions of a Jedi and the actions of your average beast is nothing more--" He slid a small bowl of water across the edge of the balcony so that it was in front of Sejah rather than him. He pointed to it so that his friend looked into the water which the sparrows had been recently drinking.

"--Is the man in the mirror. And only you can decide on who you are, nobody else."

Gradually, the morning was kick-starting itself into full-swing and soon the roads would be filled with people driving to work or just as likely, to the Rho'istaan Tournament, children on their way to school hopefully not in the same bus as that big, smelly beast of a driver. The air high above the city was much cleaner and it was refreshing enough to help almost anyone cheer up.

"That temper, pal. It's a very dangerous thing especially when you want to be a Jedi. Forget about the media and just relax. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and just listen."

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 08:09:27 PM
The dim reflection in the water was a melancholy one, and he looked back out over the city again and replied, "I know, Loki, I know I've got a temper problem. And I'm usually pretty good about dealing with it, but, sometimes it gets the better of me."

A sudden breeze ruffled his fur, and he rar a paw through his headfur while he thought. "I wish I could ahve joined the Jedi at your age, my friend. I now have too many habits and patterns I find myself falling into that are hard to break." Placing a paw on the boy's shoulder, he added, "You're luckier than I, Loki; you've got your parents, a good heart, and more smarts than I do. You'll be a better Jedi than me when you grow up, that much I know right now."

He would have continued on had their door buzzer not rung, indicating that room service had arrived. "C'mon, let's go back inside."

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 08:39:38 PM
So Sejah was saved by the bell, quite literally, and he headed inside. Loki sighed at his friends reluctance to just take the problem and face it head on rather than accept it as a fault. Loki remained standing outside for a moment whilst he heard the breakfast being brought in, he shook his head and looked up at they hopped about on the balcony above and shrugged.

"Well, I tried."

The conversation was much lighter over breakfast as the pair chatted about the day ahead and the usual bits and pieces often discussed at such a time. They hoped to take some photographs and the like after the tournament today, with three days left to the competition they both wanted to ensure that they had enough memorabilia to take back with them. Loki had already taken a number of HoloSnaps, not that Sejah knew yet, he wanted to keep that a secret until they returned home.

"I have to wonder what today will be like, the media last night was a little overwhelming I have to admit. I'm only small after all!" Loki protested with a laugh, "And if they do get in my way I'm gonna punch em in the gut!" His demeanour was carefree, he was happy that he knew what to expect with regards to ruthless reporters and crazy photographers.

"Besides, they'll probably too scared to approach you now!" He laughed again, finishing off the last bite of toast. "So are you looking forward to the tournament today? Feeling up to it?"

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 08:51:04 PM
Sejah wiped a bit of nectarine juicew form his lip after taking a bite out of a halved one and smirked. Swallowing, the mongoose leaned back in his chair and mused, "You know, it's a bit more effective if you hit them a bit lower than that, but, that's also against Rho'istaan rules." Taking another bite, he chewed and sawllowed, then continued on with his mouth still partially full.

"Well, I'm as up for it as I can expect to be, jsut as logn as they don't throw another beast at me today like they did yesterday. If I didn't know better, I would have thought that was intentional. In any case, all I can do is my best, so, that's what I'll do." Spreading some orange marmalade on a slab of toast, he grinned. "You know, it's really too bad I can't use my lightsaber. I'd wager I'd do pretty well with it, what about you?"

It was a simple question to further lighten their mood, and also get him into the right mindset for the rest of the day. Loki was right when he thought Sejah needed to get over his anger, and light-hearted interaction was the best way he knew how of doing that.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:20:32 PM
"It would be a little unfair though, I think!" Loki laughed, as he dropped down from the chair and dissapeared into the bedroom. Moments later he reappeared with a bag containing the items neccessary for the day ahead, including his sunscreen. He wore a big, pleased grin.

"Look at this!" He exclaimed as he turned around and pulled his shirt off, proudly revealing his tanned arms and neck in comparison to the rest of his body. It probably looked odd to Sejah, to see someone with multicoloured skin but it was clear Loki was proud of it. He pointed to the shorts he had changed into, they were still smart but not quite as much as his trousers. "I hope to have these drumsticks looking similar by the end of the day. Even my face is a lot darker, my mom would love this! We'll have to get a picture!"

Throwing on his short-sleeved shirt once more, Loki plodded over to the table and finished his orange juice before they decided to leave. He took a glance out of the window and frowned as they left. "Hmph! Doesn't look like I'll be getting much of a tan today anyway."

For a change, there was cloud-cover in the sky, over the last half hour the wind must've changed and carried with it the thick, white clouds. There were still patches of bright blue though, Loki could only hope. Not that he could see much further than his own nose once outside the hotel, there was another media storm which immediatly surrounded Sejah and himself. As much as he tried to remain aloof from the chaos all around, he couldn't help getting annoyed at the pushing and shoving. Going against his own advice he stamped on a reporters foot, he moved quickly enough, perhaps actions do speak louder than words sometimes.

"They get worse by the minute!" He complained sat once again in their transport. "I can't help but feel tempted to put the window down and throw--" He paused and fumbled about for a word then shook his head with frustration. "--something at them!"

With that the car pulled away and they were once again headed for the arena.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 09:35:24 PM
In the back of his mind, Sejah began to wonder if they would back off if he shot one of them. But, such thoughts weren't healthy, and he focused instead on gearign hismelf for the tournament ahead.

"Now, Loki, who was it who was talking about keeping an even temper this morning on the balcony?" he commented, adjusting his seat belt as he did so. "But, I'm glad you're able to darken your skin color, if that's important to you." Sejah didn't quite understand the concept of wanting to tan. In his mind, if you were born with certain colors, odds were you were meant to stay those colors. But then again, he also knew little about human behaviour, and perhaps there was some pleasure to be had in using the sun to deepen the shade of your skin.

The drive to the Rho'istaan was all too short a repreive from the mob of cameras, microphones, and autograph books being thrust in his face, and he simply pushed through it all on his way to the doors of the competitors enterance. In the back of his mind, he hoped that Loki would not be harassed as well, if the media had picked up on the two of them going places together, that was.

He arrived with little time to spare in the locker room, throwing on his instructors uniform once more and polishing his tulwar before lacing up hs gray canvas sneakers in time to sprint out to see who he'd be facing. It turned out he was quick about it, though, for he was in the first heat, and had to rush to his ring, his opponent already waiting for him.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:01:08 PM
Sadly, Loki watched as his friend was consumed by a swarm of reporters and fans, he dissapeared out of sight and almost immediatly the boy felt a sudden dread rise up in him. He was alone now and hoped that he recieved no hassle from anyone as a result of Sejah's rapidly rising celebrity. His thoughts wandered and he remembered that he would have the opportunity to meet Hallah today and talk about his match with Sejah, that cheered him up. Finally he arrived at his entrance and stepped out.

"Hey kid!" There came a call immediatly and a male and female pair of reporters swooped in on him but Loki was too fast. Not even taking another second to close the vehicle door, he zipped off into the arena with alarming speed leaving the two nuisances behind.

With a satisfied grin he entered, this time not asked for a pass as he was recognised by the yellow-furred beast sat in his booth. Perhaps Sejah would be favourite to win now after yesterdays performance, Loki was very excited about seeing his friend in action again today. Although to his dissapointment, by the time he had arrived in his seat, Sejah's first match had already started. He huffed and watched with the utmost attention whilst occassionally catching commentary of praise and admiration from the crowds around. Again his match was the centre of attention and once again, Sejah was victorious.

If there was one thing he had become, it was a crowd-pleaser. The match went on for ten minutes, the beast he was fighting had fur of a distinct golden brown with black stripes. Loki had missed his name but he was an excellent swordsman, he had to be if he had lasted this long into the tournament. No doubt he wanted to make a reputation for himself, so fresh from a night's rest he went at his brown-furred opponent with ferocity and blinding skill. But through his determination he gradually became frustrated that he couldn't penetrate Sejah's defenses and it came to an end when Sejah stepped in close, parried a blow and brought the tip of his kris against the beast's waist. It was a lethal blow had it been for real but unsatisfied, Sejah's opponent knocked the blade aside only to be quickly humbled by the feeling of cold metal against his throat.

"Oh yeah!" Loki cheered with delight. "He's faster than lightning! Look at that!"

He laughed and the most of the beasts around seemed equally pleased with the outcome despite another sore loser.

Sejah Haversh
Feb 21st, 2003, 10:58:41 PM
Many cameras were trained on Sejah as he headed back to a refreshment table; no doubt to see what product he would choose to quench his thirst. Knowing that, he shafted possible use of the footage by sports drink companies be choosing a cup of water from the small fountain built into the wall.

If there was one thing he was not going to bem it was used by the media, he thought. He had come back home to Nehantish to fence, and that's what he was going to do.

Though he had upset the favorite, Sejah was not the new favorite himself. Instead, both the crowd and the media had picked another, the nephew of Nehantish's senator to the New Republic, Th'eaniel A'arkantheil: a full-blooded Sherouve who embraced his history and sported the full garb of his people, whereas Sejah had no great lineage to draw from, and sported the uniform of a First Apprentice. Had the choice been based on displayed skill alone, Sejah would ahve been in the top ranking, but he lacked an honorable background, and a regal bearing. Th'eaniel had both.

It was a quick hour that passed before Sejah's next round, and he faced off against a much different opponent. He was in his late thirties, shirtless, and had muscles so defined he looked to have been a classical chisled statue that bore dark yellow fur. But it was not his build that made him so different as his lack of weaponry. He carried none. The Rho'istaan was not all about swords and fencing, but simply a true fighting competition. And, to respect his opponent's desire to fight paw to paw, Sejah turned over his tulwar and kris to an official before steppign into the ring. It very well may have eben a disastrous choice, but he knew he would lose face if he went at him with a blade.

As the official dropped his paw, the two dropped into low , guarded stances. Sejah was not nearly as well versed with empty paw as he was with his sword, so he made sure to watch his opponent well, looking for weak spots. A few darting punches form both were all deflected or blocked, and beginning attempts at kicks fared no better. It wasn't until a few minutes into the duel that Sejah finally just stood up and looked disinterestedly at his opponent. In that moment, the yellow-furred fighter glared at him and sprang forward, but Sejah was ready.

The swordsbeast faked a low kick, then did a hop-step to land a high one to his head with his other footpaw. Skipping back around him, Sejah avoided attack once more and then charged in, catching him around the middle and throwing him to the floor. Once there, the shirtless beast was able to land a kard knee to Sejah's thigh, and a few blows to his head as well, but Sejah countered with a slamming fist to the kidney, then blocked another incoming punch and twisted his opponent's arm hard, letting go after punching him in the face and getting up.

Both of them skittered arounfd the ring, and several more punches and kicks were landed before Sejah stopped a kick in mid swing by stepping into his opponent's knee, then deflecting and catching an incoming punch with his right paw, pulling the arm out straight and slamming his left forearm flat into the yellow beast's elbow. He felt it snap and give, breaking it and folding the arm the wrong way. The outcry of pain from the empty-paw fighter was enough to signal the end of the round, and Sejah let go, letting him step back and tend to his broken arm. He was given back his weapons, and apologized to the fighter for the injury, who accepted the aopogy as gracefully as he could while crying in agony.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 23rd, 2003, 11:43:33 PM
"The armory sounds most stimulating, cousin."

Anbira smiled a bit, exhaling smoke.

"I fancy myself a conoisseur of weaponscraft, though the sun has long set on my prime years. Lead the way, indeed."

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Feb 24th, 2003, 02:32:02 PM
Plugging the bowl of his pipe with a teakwood stopper, he starved the tobacco of air and let it go out. "Very well then, but, no smoking in the armory, please. I have to polish them often enough because of dust, you know," The senator minded Anbira as he stood up, setting his pipe on the side table and beckoned for the Jedi to follow back down the ornatey paneled hallway.

He led his guest to an elegantly carved mahogany door and turned a small brass key in the lock before opening it and stepping inside the darkened chamber. Lights automatically warmed up as they sensed his body heat, providing a soft, almost candle-lit glow to the room that was not nearly as bright as the hallway, but well enough to see all around the large room.

The walls were covered in panels of green velvet and teakwood box-paneling, and four round tables about three feet in diameter were scattered around the marble floor; two of them having flat surfaces, the other two having six-sided pyramdic stands that displayed a weapon of some sort on each side.

"Welcome to my armory, though it may not be as large or expansive as many other true nobles, mine does boast a few peices they could never get their paws on." he announced with a smile.

Two walls were devoted to racks of swords of various types. Scimitars and tulwars dominated the collection, but a few cutlasses, flacatas, straight swords, and the occasional gladius made their way into the collection as well. Another wall held racks of spears, halberds, poleaxes and other staff-based weapons, all polished and cleaned to spot inspection standards, even though some of them might be more than a thousand years of age. A few of his swords dated twice that far back, and to of them in particular ranged back nearly 3,500 years, though they were not in near as good of condition as the newer ones. The fourth wall was adrorned with sheilds, armor pieces, and even a few suits of Nehantite armor from various ears and nations on manaquin stands with full other clothing as well. The tables were adorned with smaller weapons, mostly daggers and krises, but a few katars and korambits could be found, as well as smaller knives, tail barbs, brass knuckles and other, more covert weapons. One of the tables was also devoted to antique pistols, and a few old rifles and muskets were on the wall nearby.

Not a one of them was in a glass case, and the taste of the air in the room was an indication why thet needn't be. It was climate controlled and virtually moisture-free. D'raaj closed the door behind them and pulled on a pair of white gloves, then offered a pair to Anbira. Even though many of the weapons could still be in use that day, he wanted to take no chances with them. Many would kill for even a tenth of the collection.

"If you would care to see any of them, feel free. Just, be careful. though I do feel that is not terribly needful to tell you, cousin."

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 26th, 2003, 06:41:56 PM
"But of course. Great age demands great care."

He allowed a knowing smile as he looked among the Senator's impressive collection. There, the evening was spent, where the two gentlemen discussed historical relics and current events...which were an interesting combination indeed. After an hour or two of such entertainment, Anbira bid his host a good evening, and retired to his quarters. The next day of the tournament would come early indeed.

Loki Ahmrah
Feb 26th, 2003, 07:27:39 PM
The empty paw engagement had been anything but aesthetic however the crowd were pleased to see such a drastic change in fighting style. Most of the males in the arena were on their footpaws, boxing with the air in front of them; often advising the beast they were backing and then cheering when said beast complied successfully. Loki on the other hand squirmed uncofortably in his seat, he would be seen wincing and averting his eyes in any direction other than that of the brawl in the arena.

"Oh, come on, Sejah." He would groan with worry, hoping the bout would come to an end soon. When it did there was a shared feeling of: "That's gotta hurt!"

The beasts in attendence cringed when the yellow-furred beast found his arm broken. The cries of Sejah's defeated opponent only assisted in the sharing of his pain or sympathy pain as it were. Luckily, Loki had missed the cringefest finale by wandering down to a refreshment stand in the arena to gte himself a bottle of peach nehi. Relieved it was over and that Sejah was relatively unscathed, he returned to his seat and was just in time to catch it on the replay. He shut his eyes tight and mumbled something about bad-timing.

"Hey Loki, I hear Sejah is up against the beast renouned for his skill with a spear. Have you seen him in action?" It was Hallah, who had switched seats with his father so that he could talk with a friend of his victorious opponent. They grey-furred mongoose clearly held no grudges and was rather pleasant and warm, his voice was very young and he reminded the boy of Durbin. They had spoke after Sejah's first contest of the day and were now well-acquainted.

"That I have." Loki answered glumly, "He's very talented and lethal with that spear of his, I wonder how Sejah will handle his sword up against a spear."

Sejah Haversh
Feb 26th, 2003, 08:04:46 PM
Sejah's chest, sides, and jaw were sore. The empty-paw fighter had landed a few more hits, and at a little heaver weight, than he would have liked. But he would go on anyhow, he had t; it was either that or drop out. Tucking both his weapons back into his belt, Sejah retreated to the sidelines to find releif in a glass of water and an icepack on the left side of his jaw.

He had a much longer time to wait until his next match, a few hours at least, and one chance to survey his next opponent in battle. It was quite rare to see a beast with a pole weapon advance so far into the tournament, but if one could, it was a great credit to their name, and inspired fear in the hearts of their opponents. It wasn't for no reason this beast had come so far. Against a beast with a blade, he parried and trapped the weapon, shwwling the pole around to deliver a few teasing strikes before going in for the "kill shot". Though blunted, the speartip still came away with blood on the tip, and the loser clutching his side. It wasn't a bad wound, but the spearbeast had been a little too rough. something to keep in mind.

Four hours after his last match, Sejah felt calm and ready to fight once more. The brown mongoose took some time to stretch out and limber up, remembering all he had been tought about fighting againsed ranged weapons such as a spear. When the call finally came, he took a deep breath and nodded to Loki in the stands before entering the ring.

No sooner had the offical dropped his paw then the spearbeast attacked with a long-distance lunge. Sejah was able to parry it, and a few more quick jabs that followed as well before he was forced to jump back as the spearbeast charged. A dance of short and long stokes ensued, sejah trying to keep out of range of the spearhead while still getting close enough to make a hit of his own.

"You low-borns ought to know your place," the spearbeast growled as Sejah narrowly avided being run through.

"My place is here on the arena floor," Sejah countered his words, also countering a leg sweep as well, "I am glad you would sink to my level."

That brought out a snarl of fury from the spearbeast, who spun his pole back up and whacked Sejah soundly on the arm with the wooden end. The brown mongoose would have made an attempt to block it, but he was too busy setting up to deflect a slash from the bladed end he knew was coming. Eventually, the pair worked their way out of the rope ring that was to mentally limit the are in which they could fight, and their weapons met each other to consistently block attacks.

The duel seemed at an impass, the spearbeast doing well enough to keep sejah at bay, and Sejah keeping himself "alive." It wasn't until Sejah felt a burst of speed come on that he slammed the spearhead aside, the tip barely scratchign his chest, and forced it out of the way to deliver a blade lay flat across the spearbeast's neck.

"I had the kill first!" the spearbeast protested, shoving Sejah away. "I took him in the chest!"

"He merely scrateched me, and I caused it," Sejah countered, "His stroke would have not penetrated my rib cage when it was fully extended like that. Mine would have removed his head."

"Enough!" the offical roared, silencing the two combattants, then beckoning his fellow officials over to him where they whispered their thoughts. Shortly thereafter, one pointed to Sejah and simply stated, "Haversh speaks the truth, the spear could not have rendered a killing blow. Haversh is the winner."

Utterly humiliated and enraged, the spearbeast snarled and suddenly lunged at Sejah's side with his speartip, intent on skewering him on the blunted blade. But, through divination he would later attribute to the Force, Sejah barely found time to turn to the side and lean back, watching the spear go by a hair's breath away from his body as he lunged with his tulwar out of instinct. The curved blade found his opponent's stomach, and out his back as well. But none of the officials made any move to stop them, and Sejah withdrew his bloody blade, then waved his arm for the medical team to come and see if they could save the fallen duelist.

"I'm sorry, friend, that you came to this," Sejan knelt by his side and held his paw on the wound to staunch to flow of blood. "You should live, but remember to control your anger. Unchecked, it will only get you hurt."

Once the medics arrived, Sejah wiped off his blade and went back to the sidelines to wash his bloody paws. That would be a scene that would be aired on the nightly news for sure. He hated having done it, but honor demanded his action.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 5th, 2003, 08:57:05 AM
There was confusion once the bout was over and the arena was in a unanimous quiet awaiting the decision of the officials. No sooner had their call brought a smile to his face than it was replaced by a look of dread. Fright overcame the boy who stood up and shouted to his friend, almost synchronized with the padawan's cry, the spearbeast lunged at the brown mongoose who hadn't heard Loki's warning but heightened senses and lightning-quick reflexes prevailed; to the misfortune of Sejah's enraged opponent.

The crowd gasped in shock as all in attendence witnessed Sejah's blooded tulwar emerge from the spearbeast's back. Loki winced and then went cold and pale. It was an awful sight which turned his stomach; despite training in the Jedi arts he wasn't accustomed to witnessing such barbarous brutality and had only read of such things in ficticious novels about ages long gone. Despite the heat, a cold sweat glistened on his forehead, the fear of the injured beast was as clear as day to the boy and it made him shudder. Hallah noticed the change in him and asked him if he was alright.

"Yes, I'll be fine. I'm--" He answered a little shaken with shallow breathing. "--I'm just a little shocked, that's all. I've never seen anything like that before."

Now that the fallen nehantite's wound was being treated and no longer exposed he started to regain himself, suprised that he was queazy, Loki laughed to himself somewhat relieved that Sejah was safe and that his opponent would live. His grey-furred acquaintanced handed him a damp cloth to dab on his flushed cheeks. It was refreshing and soon enough Loki no longer felt ill.

"My mom's a doctor; just as well I'm not following in her footsteps, I wouldn't last very long in an operating theatre!" They laughed and settled down as the tournament came to an end for the day. The clouds had thinned out and patches of blue blue emerged. Before leaving the shade of the canopy, Loki applied some more to cunscreen to make up for his forgetfulness the day before.

"Oh look, here's some friends waiting for you!" Hallah pointed out, looking ahead as they were vacating the arena.

"Oh no!" Loki sighed at the sight of reporters and paparazzi waiting outside, lights were already flashing but he hadn't been seen as of yet and hoped the same was true of Sejah. "Hal, I'm going to look for Sejah and see if we can find a way around those blood-thirsty media hounds."

They said their farewells and Loki headed in the opposite direction, against the flow of the crowd scanning for the brown mongoose.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 6th, 2003, 04:44:38 PM
As Sejah washed his paws in the locker room, he saw the light change as a shadow came over him. Shutting off the water and shaking out his paws, he looked up to the mirror to see a beast with a drawn falcata standing behind him.

"That was my friend you just tried to kill," the stanger said with a growl on his voice. "I don't like it when beasts try and kill my friends. Especially little upstarts like you.

Sejah turned around, and that's when he saw the blade on the beast's falcata wasn't one for the tournament, but a live, keen edge. Slowly he backed away from the sinks, knowing he would eb trapped there. "I wasn't the one who made the first move. He tried to kill me, it was self defense," he explained, now realizing that his tulwar was out of reach.

The stranger followed him as he backed off, holding the thick blade in a threatening manner. He was about to say something when a voice came over the loudspeaker. "Attention all Rho'istaan attendees and participants: Sherud Aqalki, the spearbeast, has been pronounced dead. A moment of silence for his passing will now be observed."

There was no moment of silence in the locker room after the announcement. The gray-furred stranger snarled and roared, lunging at Sejah, the falcata swinging. It was all Sejah could do to leap backwards and trip over a bench to avoid the swing. Scramblign to his feet, he was barely able to dodge another swing, and soon a violent chase was on in the locker room. Other beasts could do nothing but watch as the stranger--who was not a competitor--lashed out at Sejah in an attempt to kill him. The jedi padawan escaped death three more times, twice with the help of a towel used to catch the blade and pull it to the side, and another time with a scabbard of somebeast's sword that served temporatily as a fake blade of his own before it was cut in half and the attacker's blade found his torso, ripping a gash across Sejah's chest, and making him stumble backwards, falling onto his back on the tile floor.

The gray beast, his eyes red with anger, flipped his falcata over and prepared to stab down hard through Sejah's ribcage. There was nowhere for Sejah to escape to, he had been chased into a shower stall by the maniac. He braced himself for death and hoped he had lived life true in Garfife's eyes as he saw the muscles in his opponent's arm tense.

Suddenly, the air was ripped by the thunderous echo of a machine gun as it unloaded a full clip into the gray beast's back. Sejah could see the bullets ripping trhough his body, and felt the fallign blood, as well as the bits of wall tile that were shattered by bullets as well. Covering his face, Sejah kept bits from dropping into his eyes, and grunted as the beast's lifeless form fell onto him, his falcata haremlessly clattering off the floor next to him. When he was sure the beast was dead, Sejah shoved the body off of his own and quickly crawled out of the shower stall, his front completely soaked in both his own blood, and that of his attacker.

Once the panic wore off, he looked up to see another gray-furred beast dressed in the garb of a Death-Shadow holding the machine gun and replacing the clip as if he had just finished a bit of target shooting. Later he would come to know the beast's name was J'ktal Anajii, but for now, Sejah just watched as he turned and headed out of the locker room, radioing for a cleanup crew to come to the locker room.

Looking back at the body on the floor, and the blood that washed into the standing water on the shower floor, Sejah felt sick, and the smell of blood on his own body was no help. He didn't even bother to undress before getting into a different shower himself and cranked the water on, ignoring the sting of fresh water in the cut on his torso, just wishing to cleanse himself from both deaths he had caused that day. The blood washed out of his uniform, which he shed while rinsing himself off, and he wrang out his wet clothes before stuffing them into his duffle and dressing in regular garb once more. The press was going to have a field day with that report. They had flooded the locker room just after the event, snapping pictures of the body, the bullet-torn wall, and Sejah as well, one catching him while he was still soaked in blood.

But Sejah didn't seem to notice, he was still in a state of shock until he was about ready to head out the door, where he said a small prayer for the soul of his attacker, gathered up his tulwar, and passed out the doors into the blinding glare of flashbulbs. He wanted to go home. He wanted to just be an unknown again, and to have simple pleasures. The reporters were unable to get a word, or even a facial expression out of him that time, he simply headed to the car where Loki was already waiting inside and shut the door behind himself.

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 11th, 2003, 03:21:16 PM
In his posh private booth, D'raaj had watched the matches that day with eager anticipation. Small monitors also showed him various other camera angles, and he had the commentary playing though a samll sound system.

Twice that day his hopes had been raised that Sejah would lose. First to the empty paw fighter, and then to the spearbeast. But the brown mongoose had perservered, and had also managed to kill one of his opponents, even if it were in self defense. At least that could eventually be turned against him.

The senator was about to suggest that he and Anbira retire back to his mansion for the evening when the sound of gunfire was heard faintly echoing from across the arena. Immediately D'raaj flipped on all the radio circuits to find out what had happened, and his other paw strayed to the dagger at his side. When the radio call for a body cleanup in the locker room was reported, D'raaj snatched up a microphone and honed into the correct frequency and said, "Who is this? And what has happened?"

When it turned out to be a Death-Shadow, D'raaj's good eye went wide. "Death-Shadow, report to the Senator's box immidaiately for a full report."

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 11th, 2003, 03:29:22 PM
J'ktal Anajii chambered the next round in his machine gun in case of another emergency, and then slung it over his shoulder on its carry strap; rather hoping he'd get the chance to use his sword instead.

Death-Shadows were not permitted to enter the Rho'ostaan, for they were deemed to have an unfair advantage, and were also employed by the Sultan directly, so fair play would not be assured. Still, his katana saw use every now and then, though his kris dagger had taken more lives, in all truth.

"On my way, Senator," the gray mongoose replied into his shoulder microphone, a light smirk on his face. Being of so high a rank, J'ktal took pleasure on occasionally annoying the snooty upper classes. In theory, he did not even have to listen to the word of the Sultan, but for his paycheck he did. J'ktal paused to straighten his uniform coat before using an all-access keykard to open the door to D'raaj's booth and stepping in, mildly surprised to see a Jedi there with him.

"Death-Shadow Captain J'ktal Anajii reporting, sir. What may I do for you." He fired off his standard greeting, then nodded to Anbira. "If I may be so bold, I did not expect to see a Jedi Master here, Master Hicchoru."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 11th, 2003, 08:24:20 PM
After concluding that his efforts to locate Sejah were in vain, Loki headed back to where their transport was waiting with the driver impatiently tapping on the steering wheel inside looking all about for Sejah like the boy had been. Fortunately there were no longer any flashing cameras or microphones, no sleazy reporters or ruthless photographers. They were all gone, usually they would wait as long as it would take but for some reason they seemed to have left, perhaps something else had caught their attention.

That coupled with the appearance of a large security gaurd who had just joined the boy and ushered him into the vehicle gave the young padawan the impression that something was amiss. He was still unaware that the spearbeast had died and had no idea what had transpired in the locker rooms but nevertheless there was a niggling feeling at the back of his mind that something bad had happened. This wasn't a whispering of the Force but merely an instinctual feeling which was only reinforced at the sight of Sejah's face as he approached the transport.

"I've never seen him looking so miserable."

"I'm not suprised. Wouldn't you be?" The driver answered, relieved that he had no longer to wait. Loki's comment was made just out of observation but clearly the driver's reply confirmed that there was more to the story than meets the eye. The boy frowned and shuffled along to make room for his friend whose current state worried Loki quite a bit. He was a bit lost for words and remained quiet for a moment before looking at him.

"Are you alright?"

Sejah Haversh
Mar 11th, 2003, 08:37:29 PM
"I've had worse. Drive." Sejah stated in a flat voice, simply tossing his tulwar and duffel bag into the limo instead of setting them down carefully as he normally did.

The car pulled away from the curb, and Sejah exhaled a deep breath as he let his head fall back against the seat, his eyes closed. Things had taken a turn for the worse, and he didn't see them getting better anythime soon. But he had to keep that from Loki; there was no reason to worry the boy more than he already was.

Sitting back up, he looked down at his shirt and kept from making a face when he saw a faint trace of blood along where he ahd been cut. Thankfully it was a grazing wound, and shouldn't cause any permanent harm, but it was aggrivating, and would leave a scar. "Definitely not my best day here, so far," he finally said, "Can't believe I got two non-sword opponents in one day. The first one of them kicked me in the head so hard I could barely finish that match. What'd you think of it, Loki?"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 11th, 2003, 08:51:39 PM
"It was exciting to say the least." Loki answered, his voice lifted while his heart sank. Now he would have to give a performance which reflected the opposite of how he felt figuring that if he seemed to not notice his friend's disposition he could help cheer him up or take his mind of things. It was difficult to do and Loki wasn't a great actor but his time pulling pranks on people with Natia had paid off a little, perhaps he could be convincing enough. He smiled.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried; I mean I've never seen you up against a beast be they empty-handed or spear-wielding. You were, as ever, extremely impressive." His excitement wasn't as evident as it usually was after a day of watching Sejah in action, but he tried not to mention anything more about the spearbeast, taking into account the ugly conclusion of their encounter. "I talked to Hallah today, he's such a nice beast with nothing but praise for you. Did you get to know him much?"

The conversation seemed forced to Loki, but perhaps that was because he was fully aware it was being forced? He felt a little guilty, having to pretend to not notice his friend's condition but it was clear to him that Sejah had intended to change the topic of conversation so the boy continued as such. The post-tournament buzz enveloping their transport on their way from the arena. The traffic was thick and congested, so much that pedestrians walked across the road happily weaving in and out of the miasma of automobiles as they slowly trudged out of their rut and onto the main roads.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:11:01 PM
"No," Sejah answered, shaking his head. "In a tournament like this it's best not to know your opponent on a personal level. Emotions can get in the way and make you lose."

It was so textbook an answer you could almost see it there in Times New Roman font under a corny photograph that had little to do with the text on the page. He wanted so badly to tell someone what had happened, and how he really felt, and even though Loki was a good friend, and mature beyond his years, the confessions of how he had killed a beast that day, and how another had been brutally killed to save his own life were not ones he wished to tell to an eleven-year-old. So, instead he avoided those topics and tried to think of something to give them both something relaxing and enjoyable to do.

The gratuity list of prizes to the winners of the tournament came to mind, and he fished it out of his bag. Though he couldn't read all the words, he knew comapny symbols and had heard the list spoken aloud before. Running his thumb down the list to the Kraar logo, he finally broke a smile. "Hey, Loki, you like cars?"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:28:25 PM
"Well--" He began a little unsure, poking his head over to catch a glimpse of what Sejah was looking at, his nose wrinkled. "--I don't know much about them. I prefer speeders to be honest but I remember a lesson in physics which was about the internal combustion engine. We brushed on the topic of automobiles back then and despite seeing them all over the place here--" Loki glanced outside at the cars passing by. They were now on a much less congested road and were headed back to the hotel at a comfortable place. The boy narrowed his eye and turned back to Sejah with resignment. "--Well, no actually. I don't know much about them at all."

Having a feeling that his friend was going somewhere with this and that the topic had obviously lifted his spirits a little, Loki thought on it some more then brightened up. This time it was genuine, he was happy that they could do something that would take Sejah's mind off whatever was bothering him and at the same time gain something valuable from it. "But you could teach me!"

Sejah Haversh
Mar 11th, 2003, 09:42:48 PM
His momentary smile deepened, and Sejah called up to the beast at the wheel, "Driver, take us to the nearest Kraar dealership."

"I'm not a town driver, sir," the driver replied, "If you want a taxi service, it'll be billed to your room."

Sejah looked over at Loki and grinned, then turned back, "That's fine by me. Now, it should be a left at this light."

"I know where it is, pal, I kind of do this for a living, you know." The driver chipped, though good naturedly.

Within ten minutes, the black limosiune pulled up outside a Kraar dealership, its models gleaming in the afternoon sunshine like oiled bodybuilders on a muscle beach. Sejah stepped out and held the door for Loki, and then watched as the limo pulled around the corner to wait for them out of the way. It was evident that Sejah was happy to see the cars; Kraar had the most popular, and most powerful common cars on the Nehantite market, and they weren't afraid of using sharp styling and chrome, either.

"Always wished I could own one of those," Sejah said as he pointed to a classic Dunestar, at least fifty years old and in mint condition. "They haven't made these in thirty years; it was the most beautiful two-seater roadster on the planet, and could out drive most anything on the road. See anything you like, Loki? Maybe we could take one for a test drive..."

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:17:48 AM
Anbira isolated himself from the ending revelry of the day's tournament, and let his thoughts wander. He had sensed it, in a microcosm of an instant before the spearbeast thrust his weapon at Sejah. More importantly, Sejah had as well. His swift clairvoyance had saved his life, and damned his attacker. Were such insight known to the other denizens of the tournament, the young Padawan's life would very well be in danger.

The Jedi Master didn't have time to ponder further, as the Senatorial stand was visited by a dark-clad guest.

"If I may be so bold, I did not expect to see a Jedi Master here, Master Hicchoru."

Though Anbira was by no means an obscure figure, even to a people as far flung in the galaxy as the Nehantite race, it was interesting to see such calm, and instant recognition. The Death Shadow's reputation for fastidious work was obviously well-earned.

"I would think that of all things, a Death Shadow would see much virtue in being unexpected."

Anbira's words were careful in tone and inflection, with a ice-cold ring to them. After a moment of silence, he smiled.

"Pay no mind to me, my friend. Today, I am but a spectator."

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:36:32 PM
D'raaj snapped his fingers to regain J'ktal's attention and turned in his seat to face the Death-Shadow with his good eye.

"Captain Anajii, what was that disturbance I just heard? It sounded like gunfire. More specifically, it had the burst pattern of the weapon only your sect carries. Would you care to explain?" He asked in a rather domineering tone.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:46:05 PM
J'ktal nodded politely in response to Anbira, his long frontal headfur bobbing slightly, then swishing as he turned to the side to look into the face of his planet's NR Senator with icy pink eyes.

"There was a tresspasser in the male's locker room with a live blade. He sought to kill contestant Haversh, and would have done so had I not interveined. There is no chance he lived, sir. The Rho'istaan does not take lightly to attempted murder of their contestants, and I was instructed to use whatever means necessary to ensure their safety." He reported in an a fashion standard to those of his training.

"Is there any other matter that you reqire help with?" J'ktal added, not particularily liking the senator.

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Mar 12th, 2003, 03:52:31 PM
"So Haversh is unharmed?" D'raaj prodded, though in a fahsion that appeared that he was actually concerned.

Given a yes for an answer, the graying beast nodded and muttered, "Good, good. I'll look forward to my nephew beating him. That is all, Captain Anajii, be on your way." He waved his paw to the door, and shook his head as J'ktal left.

"Had Haversh truly been a good Jedi of your order, he shouldn't have needed that boy's help, would he? I hope some humility has been tought him today, he now has two enemies to be buried because of his actions." D'raaj said poignantly to Anbira, then stood up from his seat. "Shall we head back to my place, or would you care to see the city tonight? My speeder is at your disposal, if you like, friend."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 14th, 2003, 03:53:28 PM
Having deliberately left his hat behind in their transport, Loki stood awkwardly, he cringed a little as he rubbed the back of his neck in a touch more sunscreen. Not only was it cool and refreshing but it also kept Loki's skin well protected, along with the hat, from the sun's ruthless heat. Now though, the burning light had lowered in the sky and the cool breeze of early evening was beginning to gently ruffle the boy's thick hair. He sighed, somewhat relieved to be both out of the car and away from the crowds.

"I don't know, Sejah." He answered finally, beginning to examine the ranks of automobiles carefully aligned alongside each other. Loki frowned and he gave his clearly excited friend his trademark look of confusion; narrowed eyes, wrinkled nose and all. "They're kinda nice but look really old and out-dated in comparison with the hotrods you see cruising the Coruscant skyline."

His parade continued for a little longer whilst the brown-furred mongoose dissapeared into the assembly with a look of awe in his eyes. The padawan stood alongside a large, curvacious vehicle with a bright body of red with white streaks along it's sides. The wheels caught the boy's eye immediatly and he released an audible sound of dissaproval from the back of his throat like the mere sight of them created a foul taste in his mouth.

"I really don't see what is so appealing about these things!" He protested, looking out to where Sejah could be seen crouching alongside his latest find. "Why wheels? They're awful and unneccessary in this day and age! Nothing but thick rubber bands wrapped around shiny, circular mirrors or whatever you call them."

Resignation in his voice, Loki made his way back to Sejah who he hoped would shed some light on the reasons why he found such primitive technology so wonderful.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 15th, 2003, 02:01:46 AM
"Why fight with a sword? Why learn how to write?" Sejah countered, "They invented the gun and the keyboard, didn't they?"

A joking smile was on his face as he stood up and traced his pawtip along the sharp curve of a fender. "No, these are a thing of beauty. You don't see bodystyles like this on any speeder, or get to hear the rumble under the hood, either. A good car has to be experienced to be understood I guess."

Stepping back, he turned his head and what he saw made his mouth hang agape momentarily. "Loki," he said without looking at him, "Look, down here. If I win this tournament, I get one of these." He was already on his way down the line, a black muscle car with huge, gleaming chrome mag wheels and a white leather interior was his target. It had a removable hardtop that was capped in black vinyl, and small accents of chrome here and there. The hood was cut and an intake cowl and air filter jutted out, also reflecting all around them because of their lustrous chrome finish.

"A Flagline RS, man, isn't she beautiful?" he said, in total awe of the macheinery before him. Passing around to the driver's side, he found the door unlocked, and he got in to sit behind the wheel, caressing it with his thumbs as he gripped it, then moved one paw to the shift knob on its short-throw stick. It was a little piece of heaven, and it only got better as he pulled the hood release lever, popping the latch that held it shut. Stepping out of the car, he hurried around to the front and lifted the hood, a look of sheer joy gracing his furry face.

"Would you look at that..." he said in a whispered hush. Before him lay a massive V-10 engine with twin superchargers and carberators. It engulfed the entire engine bay, and was a true beast to behold. "Loki, you don't see that in any speeder I've ever heard of."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 15th, 2003, 12:05:00 PM
"I'll be kesseled!" Loki gasped, leaning over the exposed engine as far as he could with a look of suprise and fear in his eyes. Standing upright he shook his head. "That is a monstrosity! It's more like a meat-grinder than an engine."

Like an image from a comic strip, Loki's face twisted into one of utter bewilderment; nose wrinkled, an eyebrow arched, one eye narrowed with scrutiny and his a corner of his mouth turned down as he scratched his head. His inspection started by looking underneath it, then he moved around the back and other side finally arriving back where he started.

"What kind of power regulator do you call this? They are the most peculiar repulsor-generator components I have ever seen!" He frowned and gently tapped the exhaust with his boot and called out, "This the air intake? What in the name of Yoda!"

"Where are the booster coils?" He interrogated Sejah with a baffled tone to his voice, arriving back next to him. "No turbine cowlings! Not a nav-scan pannel in sight and look!" His voice raised in a protest which was quite amusing. He wrapped his knuckles against the windscreen and let out a shocked gasp. "It isn't even duraplex! This is the prize for winning the greatest tournament in Nehantish history? Let me guess, it is held together with glue?"

Releasing a frustrated cry he sat down on the bench outside of the showroom and slouched grumbling something about prehistoric hardware. It was clear the boy had a sound grasp of mechanics, he had no idea what a automobile was though.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 18th, 2003, 07:07:56 PM
Sejah was less than happy with Loki's excitement. Had the boy taken a great interest in something he himself didn't understand or particularily like, Sejah would have at least pretended to be interested, or possibly see what it was that attracted Loki to it. But such was not the case at the Kraar dealership. Closing the hood with a solid thunk, the brown mongoose lost his good humor and went to close the door as well.

"Nevermind, Loki. I guess you wouldn't understand," he said, his voice slightly bitter. The car was the epitome of automotive power and beauty to him, but Loki's attitude wasn't helping. Sejah had wanted the see the car to lift his spirits from the other events of the day and had been shot down. "Come on, let's go back to the hotel," he added, already heading toward the limo, not looking back to see if Loki was following.

The car wasn't the only prize, but it was the greatest as far as he was concerned. Only the richer levels of society, or the drug dealers or gangsters, could afford a Flagline, and for a poor boy from the ghetto to have one would speak volumes to his credit.

Silence reigned on the ride home, and Sejah idly rubbed his paw over the handle of his tulwar, already thinking of the day to come, and the challenges he might face in the arena. His shirt clung to his chest where he had been cut, though the blood had dried and sealed the wound already. The look in his pink eyes showed that he was already tired, and he almost looked like a man in an action film who had grown tired of violence, having seen too much of it. He had caused the deaths of two beasts that day, one by his own paw. That weight pulled on his mind, and the fact that he couldn't tell Loki about it pained him even further.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 19th, 2003, 10:50:13 AM
Ever since he had sat on the bench, Loki's mood simmered in silence. He had hoped to inspire the mongoose into a verbal frenzy about why he loved automobiles so much, perhaps he could have learned something about them or at least how to appreciate them. This wasn't to be and he watched his furry friend leave for the transport awaiting them both, after remaining seated for another moment quietly moaning to himself Loki stood and followed Sejah into the vehicle.

Inside his frustration grew, all the way home his temper boiled now fully aware that his friend was holding something back from him. What was it with Sejah? "He thinks I'm too young to understand, that's what it is!" The boys thoughts were bitter and angry. The awkward silence only made matters worse, he couldn't help Sejah as long as he held back his problems and worries. Perhaps the boy wasn't understanding enough and couldn't fathom why his friend was being dishonest with him for Loki never had a problem with being open and honest about things. But Sejah wasn't him and didn't see things like him, that's what the padawan didn't understand.

"Here we are, thanks driver." Loki said then unceremoniously climbed out of the vehicle not waiting for Sejah, he couldn't care less if the mongoose could handle his baggage and besides that was why hotels had porters. The boy wondered if Sejah would be too proud to allow a mere porter carry his things too. Probably not, after all the porter was much older than Loki.

By the time Sejah, had entered the hotel Loki was already in the lift and had arrived at their floor. He had his own keycard and fortunately too because after storming off he would look daft having to wait for the key-bearer to open the door to their quarters. The door slid shut automatically behind him and he growled with furstration that he hadn't a door to slam shut. His bedroom back on Chandrila was great for that, one day he believed he would slam it off it's hinges. Not that he was angry often.

"Too young to talk to, eh?" He grunted, throwing his small bag down to the floor. "Of course, I wouldn't understand! How could I? After all, I am just a frelling kid!"

"Shoo! Shoo!" He shouted stepping onto the balcony and the birds gathered flew away not needing to be told twice. With narrow eyes, Loki threw himself into a chair and watched the sun as it sunk in the sky.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 19th, 2003, 05:43:08 PM
"I killed two beasts today," were the first words out of Sejah's mouth as he let the door shut behind himself. He knew that Loki was just as angry as he was for their lack of communication.

He had dropped off his uniform for the hotel laundry to take care of the blood stains on it, and his tulwar was idly dropped beside the door where he stood in the room. The mongoose felt his legs go out, and he dropped to a seat on the floor, leaning his back against the inside of the door and hanging his head. "The beast with the spear; he died. I killed him. And, he had a friend who found me in the locker room. He did this to me."

Sejah pulled his shirt off, exposing the bloody swath of fur on his chest. "He wanted to kill me, and would have had a Death-Shadow not interveined. He shot him to death. Two beasts dead, because of me..." The mongoose trailed off, his paws rubbing each other. "I'm sorry, Loki, I just... didn't want you to know."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 19th, 2003, 06:46:39 PM
"Because I'm too young to understand? Because you want to protect me from the truth?" He asked unmoved by Sejah's revelations. This time it was an act, he had never killed a person before and feared the day when that time may come but he didn't want to go all mushy after his dramatic leave. "What good does keeping everything in to yourself do, Sej? It doesn't help you."

Refusing to make eye contact with the brown mongoose, Loki stood and made his way to the balcony ledge from where he looked out at the city as it gradually slowed to it's evening pace. He sighed audibly, his shoulders releasing their tension and letting go of his stubborness he turned to meet Sejah's eye whilst he sat indoors. The look in them told the tale; guilt and regret poured out of them as clear as water from a jug.

"Sejah, had you not acted in defense today. You would be dead. That spearbeast intended to kill you and as a result recieved his just desserts. You acted out of defense as a Jedi should and I daresay that your world is a better place without him and his friend." These words hinted at the type of thing his master would say, Loki having adopted Anbira's iron-clad views, forged through years of trial and experience for his own. "So be grateful that you're not dead and that he and his friend aren't sat in some bar today, having an ale to celebrate your passing."

Slowly, deliberately, Loki trudged inside and fell down on the couch. His words were those of inexperience. In his nightmares he had dreamt of death before and the thought of losing a friend in his life terrified him, giving him chills to the very bone marrow. But he couldn't let his friend dote on that aspect of death. He smiled. "Besides, I can't praise your blinding acting skills when you're in this mood."

Sejah Haversh
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:24:25 PM
Loki's last remark about his acting brought a breif smile to Sejah's face, and he stood up from his seat on the floor, pulling his shirt back on.

"Very funny, Loki," he groused good-naturedly, but a somber tone returned as he crossed into the kitchenette and poured himself a glass of water. Taking a few gulps, he set the glass down and leaned on the counter.

"Loki, the reason I didn't want to tell you," he started, turning his head to look back at his friend, "Was because I didn't want to worry you. I know you understand more than I think you do, but, still, I thought it was something best left quiet. And, I'm sorry you didn't like the cars, too. Come on, let's order dinner and see what's on television tonight."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 19th, 2003, 07:37:11 PM
"It's not that I don't like cars--" He mused in a thoughtful tone, his nose wrinkled, he sat up straight. "--I guess it's just that I don't understand them and I just don't see what you find so wonderful about them."

Frowning, Loki silently scalded himself for not being more enthusiastic about that which Sejah had a great deal of interest. It would've helped take his mind of the morbid transgressions of the tournament but he thought a good debate of cars versus speeders would've also helped snap Sejah out of it. It hadn't worked and one can only learn from their mistakes. Then quietly he confessed. "I was kinda hoping you'd explain them to me."

Standing, Loki made his way over to the kitchenette and poured himself a glass of water, swilling it back rapidly. A look of embarrassment came to his face when he caught Sejah's eye and he reluctantly explained. "I guess I was just to proud to actually ask you to help me understand automobiles. That's why I stood in protest earlier. I'm sorry I spoiled our visit."

He then gestured to the comm and asked, "So what do you fancy for dinner--" He chuckled as he made his way over. "--It's on me."

Sejah Haversh
Mar 21st, 2003, 06:47:30 AM
"Twelve ounce New York strip steak, with a baked potato and fixin's, some steamed green beans and some garlic toast," Sejah replied, "I'd say lobster, but, I know you aren't as loaded as I am."

It was the first real joke he had cracked since the competition got out, and the brown mongoose made his way to the bathroom to change shirts and clean up the cut on his chest with some medical alcohol and a few washcloths. By the time he came back out, Loki had the order placed, and was sitting on the couch, looking for the television remote.

"It's over here," the mongoose said as he picked it up from an end table, then took a seat on the couch as well, flicking the television on to the same station they had been watching the night before. A decent movie was on, so he didn't change channels, and they watched until dinner arrived, and even it did not inspire a program change. In fact, it wasn't until they had both finished and Sejah was getting a little tired that he finally flipped it to a news station, and perked up when he saw that they were going to report about the day's Rho'istaan tournament.

"Day three of the Rho'istaan was a most interesting one," the news anchor commented, "The current favorite, Th'eaniel A'arkantheil still remains in the top seat, followed closely by a few others. But, today's action was focused around a low-born, Sejah Haversh, a fencing student from right around here. As in other days of the competition, he proved a canny swordsbeast, and shut out his first opponent. In the second round, he accepted a bare-paw match, and miraculously pulled off a win there as well. When the judges threw Al'shefour at him with his spear, Anajii appeared aggrivated, and callously delivered a fatal blow after the match had ended, claiming self defense."

The television screen flashed through images of the day, though Sejah was beginnign to notice that he was bot being shot in favorable angles. And, when it came time for his running through of the spearbeast, they did not show the spear very much, but focused on Sejah thrusting hsi blade through the middle of his opponent. On the couch, Sejah was growing grim, not liking the press he was getting.

"Al'shefour died of the injury shortly thereafter, despite the attention given by several medics on the scene," The announcer continued on, and the screen flashed to the face of a brown-furred doctor in a familair white coat. "Had Haversh's strike not been so deliberate, this male might have live, and probably would have, at that. But, the strike seemed to ahve been calculated for maximum damage, so Al'shefour had no hope. May Garfife accept him, he was a brave an honorable beast."

Sejah sat forward on the couch, his face twisting in disbelief. "What?! He's lying, Loki! That wound should not have killed him, I placed it for the least damage, I swear." He protested, shaking his head as the report continued on.

"But Haversh's calloused attitude did not end there, in the locker room, a friend of Al'shefour met with Sejah to ask an apology. Sources indicate that Haversh attacked the male, and he had to fight back with his own weapon. A Death-Shadow who is still unnamed heard the commotion and mistook the male's self defense for an agressive assault and shot him to death. Here we have a shot one of our photographers were able to get jsut after the shooting. Parents, please ask young children to turn away for a few moments." The screen flicked to a slightly blurry and dark camera for a moment before clong clear and showing Sejah stand up, covered in the blood of his attacker. Then it returened to the anchor's desk.

"Though he is one of the favored few in the Rho'istaan, Haversh has been under close watch lately. Our investigating has turned up several disturbing truths about him, but his actions in the past days have exceeded ehat even we expected. Here we have a shot of him opening fire on our news helicoptor with a handgun, completely undressed, and nearly killing both pilots. Had they not pulled back, there is little doubt he would have finished his unprovoked attack. This is all that remains of the camera mounted on that chopper that he shot repeatedly." Images of a completely destoryed camera were shown, as well as the bullet holes in teh canopy glass. "But, perhaps the most disturbing thing is not his violence, but Haversh's company. He is currently sharing a room with a young human boy, who has been reported to have even attended the hotel baths, and shared a private steam room with the fencer. Recently, both of them were photographed half-dressed on their balcony. Concern for the boy's welfare is growing among many, but since he is not a citizen, he cannot fall under NISC protection until a claim is made. Still, of all the contestants in the Rho'istaan this year, Sejah Haversh is the one many are currently hoping will not win. His calloused attitude, and deviant life chouces have left many wonder-" *click*

Sejah sat staring at the blank screen, the remote in his paw and his normally pink irises blazing red. They had lied about the circumstances of the spearbeast's death, and blatantly changed the story of the locker room, but the part about him having some kind of thing going on with Loki was too much for him to bear, especially how they had spliced in shots of himself naked with the handgun on the balcony in that report, as well as a few snapshots the reporter had taken in the bath the night before. Evidently Sejah hadn't broken the camera as well as he had hoped. The images were censored, but still cast him in a foul light. "Liars..." was all he could say, paralyzed with anger at how he had just been slandered on broadcast television.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 23rd, 2003, 12:47:16 PM
It were times like this that Loki wished he had a large rock he could crawl under and wait for his troubles to pass over like a turbulant storm. But there was no escaping what he had just witnessed on the screen in front of him and now he was sat upright, eyes wide and jaw slack in a discomforting blend of shock and disgust. In his few years, the boy had never known deciet of this kind and would never had guessed that people were capable of twisting the truth into nothing but bitter lies and false tales.

"Wha--" He huffed, flabbergasted and unable to string together his words, albeit he didn't know what to say. Neither did he look over to Sejah, the mongoose's ire rolled from him and the padawan sensed it as clear as day. It was intimidating. "--How, how can they--" He stood and screamed at the lifeless screen.

"You lowdown, filthy little--" He could feel his blood boiling and his ears flushed red and he stormed off into the bedroom before he did something he would regret. "--Nerfherders!"

After being raised and living on Chandrila to this was quite a leap for the boy. He had no idea how Sejah was feeling but he was outraged for him, it was scandalous and cruel. Loki wasn't too bothered about the nonsense they were spewing regarding his relationship with Sejah, it wont be long before he was away from here and it is likely he wont be back for a long time. This is Sejah's home, he has friends and relatives here, this is his history and it's being butchered by unscrupulous media hounds.

Kicking his boots off Loki fell back onto his bed and looked up at the ceiling in a hopeless attempt to find some way to comfort Sejah and take his mind off things; something that was becoming an increasingly significant factor in their communication on Nehantish. In silence, he tightened his jaw and his teeth grinded with frustration and the fact that Sejah hadn't said anything else yet was beginning to worry him.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 23rd, 2003, 01:20:45 PM
In the aftermath of the media bomb being dropped on him, Sejah knew he couldn't enjoy any more of the rest of the trip. Video and images that had eben aired on television of himself and Loki had been taken all over the city, even before he should have been newsworthy. It was becoming cleared and cleared that he was being set up for something, but he didn't know what.

Still, the pit of deep hatred in his heart for the false accusations levled at him caused Sejah to sit and broil on the couch, unable to move for his anger. When he finally did, it was to leap up and run to the windows, yanking shut all the curtains, and locking all the doors. The dishes from their meal were placed in the sink, and he removed the batteries from teh television remote control before turning the lights off and heading to their bedroom.

He didn't even botehr undressing, just taking his shoes off and emptyying his pockets before collapsing onto his bed, burying his face in a pillow. There would be little chance of sleep that night, and the media, as well as the fans, would be brutal on the coming day, he was sure of it. Regaining a little composure, Sejah lifted his head back up and rolled over to look at Loki across the room on his own bed. "Loki," he said weakly, "You, you don't believe them, do you?"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 23rd, 2003, 05:21:38 PM
"Not even for a second, Sejah." Loki sighed, he brought a hand up to his face and massaged his closed eyes with weary fingers. Sejah was smart to shut out the rest of the world, locking windows, closing curtains and whatnot but despite these last minute efforts, the padawan feared the damage was done. He knew Sejah and equally knew that he hadn't attacked that beast in his locker room, as for what had happened with the spearbeast, well, Loki almost saw the intentions of the deceased nehantite earlier.

"No, I don't doubt your word." He repeated to assure his friend. But his thoughts wandered and worry was heavy on his mind; now that the public believed Sejah to be some heinous lowlife what would that imply for the rest of their stay on Nehantish. For the first time on their trip Loki wanted to be home, at least back at the temple but knew full well that Sejah will continue and wont lie down for these manipulative and ruthless reporters to walk all over him and his name. They will stick it out together.

Still unmoving, Loki allowed his thoughts to wander; what lay in store for he and his friend over the next few days. It was like all that perpetual sense of foreboding is finally beginning to manifest and take shape. For Sejah's sake, the boy hoped against hope that he would be victorious and in his own way defeat all this slander. He shook his head, still looking upwards.

"I'm dreading these next few days. I really am. We ought to lie low from now on."

Sejah Haversh
Mar 23rd, 2003, 05:27:54 PM
"I'm sorry, Loki, I'm sorry for everything. I shouldn't have come back, I knew I wasn't welcome," he said, his composure returning.

"And," he continued, "You don't have to come to the arena tomorrow, or Friday if I make it that far. I don't want you to have to go through the media now. Besides, television usually gives better coverage."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 23rd, 2003, 05:37:53 PM
"No way!" The boy suddenly sat up in protest, his voice had much more life in it this time and he spoke with determination and in nehantites terms for clarity. "Not even Garfife could stop me from going to that tournament."

Swinging his legs around, Loki sat on the edge of his bed facing Sejah with eyes that would burn holes through walls. He couldn't believe what Sejah was suggesting, he had been so successful and they had travelled too far together for the padawan to suddenly bail out on him. That would be accepting defeat and Loki wasn't having any of it.

"I'm not going to let some slimeball behind a news camera get in the way of our plans. We came all this way and they can take all the pictures and recordings they want. They wont get th better of us." That shade of red returned to his ears momentarily, then he settled down and relaxed back on his bed. "No. I'm adamant. We will both be at the arena tomorrow, Sejah, no matter what."

Sejah Haversh
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:22:56 PM
Loki's lively reaction was greatly re-assuring to Sejah. The mongoose propped himself up on his elbows and nodded. "Sounds good to me, my friend, sounds good to me," he said, a slight smile making its way onto his pained face.

The boy had probably not understood what the media had implied about Sejah and him, but that was fine with Sejah. Young folk needen't know about such things, sometimes.

"Well, we're going to need our sleep if we're going to make it through the media tomorrow. Get in bed, I'll turn out the lights," the brown Nehantite said as he got up and headed to the lightswitch by the entryway. There was also a switch by the head of his bed, but he wasn't aware of that. Once the room was dim, he dressed down for bed and eventually found rest after his mind relaxed.


His sleep was not entirely restful, but when Sejah awoke the next morning, he knew he would not be able to catch any more if he tried to close his eyes again. Rolling over, the light sheets snarled around his form and he rubbed his weary eyes. The blows he had taken in the previous day's fights ached once more, and he could feel his swordarm was stiff as he rolled out his shoulder. No matter, he had to go on, and he knew that others would be even more sore than himself at this point.

Getting out of bed, he could hear that Loki was still sleeping soundly. Sejah was just about to open the curtains when he recalled the helicoptor event of the previous day, and decided to keep them closed, turning the lights up to a dim glow instead to amplify the soft light comign through the muslin curtains. The clock told him he had nearly an hour and a half before they would have to leave, so he leisurely went about gathering his things up and taking a shower.

After he was dressed, it was time to rouse Loki, which was a feat easier said than done. Voice seemed to do nothing, and prodding him in the shoulder with his paw only served to make him rock back and forth. It was as if the boy were on a nature show and had been shot with a tranquilizer dart. Finally, Sejah grew desperate and went to the freezer where he scooped up a champaghe bucket-full of ice cubes and returned to the bedroom where he promptly lifted up Loki's covers and sheets and dumped the contents of the bucked onto the sleeping lad, a devilish grin on his face.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:44:16 PM
"Argh!" Came his desperate cry as the boy leapt from his bed, innitially he had woken wide-eyed, mouth agape and gasped with shock, Loki had wriggled in bed furiously - half asleep, mind - trying to flee the biting cold. Finally though, his jump had propelled him clear of the bed and he came crashing down to the floor with a startled yelp.

"Holy bantha dren!" He bellowed, clambering to his feet, on his first attempt he slipped on a block of ice and crashed into the ground again but quickly found himself on his feet due to lying on more ice which had fallen onto the floor. Shivering head to toe he stared in disbelief at the bed covered in ice and then at the much amused Sejah. Despite the goose pimples covering his bare skin, the colour quickly came to the boys face out of embarassment and fury.

"You!" He howled, taking a cautious step forward so as not to fall onto his rear. "Why you cold-hearted, lousy, rotten, good-for-nothing little furball! You'd better run!"

A mischievous grin graced Loki's blue lips as dozens of ice cubes started hurling themselves right at the mongoose, the bombardment continued relentlessly as Loki took up a pillow and threw it at a now retreating Sejah. Cheering victoriously stood on his bed, Loki shouted, "And that's what you get for waking up such a ferocious warrior such as I. Ha ha!"

As soon as his glorious victory had been realised, just as quickly did the boy remember his shivering state and quickly darted across their accomodation and there was a slam as the bathroom door closed behind him. Seconds later this was followed by the sound of hot water flowing form the shower. "Aaaahhhh!"

Sejah Haversh
Mar 23rd, 2003, 06:56:28 PM
Sejah just laughed to hismelf as he picked up all the spilt ice and gathered it in the champagne bucket so it wouldn't melt and get everythign all wet. Dumping it out in the kitchen sink, the mongoose vented a sigh of releif. Even for all the bad ype he had gotten, he found his spirits starting to lift.

Eggs were cracked and emptied into a frying pan, along with hashed potatoes, green and red peppers, and some diced ham, which soon sizzled steamed, engulfing the kitchen with the telltale scent of breakfast. Sejah dropped some bread in the toaster, and poured two glasses of orange juice as well, and while he waited for Loki to get dressed, he called down to the service desk and requested his laundry be returned, and asked for a leather jacket as well to be loaned him from the rental shop, giving an exact description of what he wanted.

"Good morning, Loki," the mongoose said as the boy came into the kitchen. "I'd have some chilled strawberries with this lot, too, but I think I used all the ice to wake you up. Anybody ever tell you you sleep like a brick?"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:20:21 PM
"And you will sink like a brick the next time you do that, Sejah Haversh, because I'll drop you into the nearest blasted river!" Loki grumbled, having the memory of his rude-awakening resurface then he chuckled lightheartedly. "I'm a heavy sleeper, I know, mom would have to wake up my dad to shake me to life of a morning for school."

Taking a seat, Loki helped himself to a plate and glanced over the prepared breakfast, a look of anticipation came over him - Sejah really could cook and he knew what the boy liked it seemed. While he waited, the padawan's eyes carefully surveyed the area having become paranoid after last night's alarming news broadcast, the curtains were still shut but it was clear that the sun was in full force today, light illuminated the curtains in a warm radiance which made him sigh a mixture of relief and dismay. Nehantish was beautiful and was complemented perfectly by the glaring sunlight, however it meant that Loki would have to bath himself in sunscreen lotion and could get burned. Then as if on cue, his stomach growled hugrily.

"Wow! This is quite the kick-start to the day, Sej. Thanks." He complimented the chef with a pleased grin and tucked into his breakfast. In the middle of their meal, Loki decided to voice a thought which he had been pondering for quite some time. "When was the last time you saw your parents?"

Sejah Haversh
Mar 23rd, 2003, 07:26:46 PM
Sejah swallowed a mouthful of omlette with drink from his joice and nudged his mouth with a knuckle to clean off a drop of stray juice. "Well, my father died when I was three, and I have very little recollection of him. My mother I last saw before I left to come to the order," he explained, then took a crunchy bite of toast covered with grape jelly. Chewing, then speakign with his mouth partiall full, he posed the same question back at Loki. "When was the last time you saw your parents, Loki? You see them very often?"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 25th, 2003, 03:15:16 PM
"Well, no actually. To be honest it was the reason why I asked." He answered bluntly. A look of serious thought creased his forehead and then his face changed to one more of curiosity. The boy did this while chewing on potatoe and then threw in some pieces of diced ham for good measured, he released an approving "Mmmhmm!"

"In the last four years I've seen my parents twice. When I was younger I was used to not seeing them very often but it was never this infrequently. Whenever I enquired about going back to Chandrila to visit them the hierarchy have always changed the subject rather cleverly. You have to wonder, do they approve of you spending time with your parents when training to be a Jedi?"

On that thought Loki shrugged with a puzzled frown on his face. The two times he had seen his parents had been for his ninth birthday and a few months after that when they had been in the area with the New Republic. He missed them but there was a growing conflict inside between his need for parental love and care and his own desire to become more independant and mature.

"It can't be right, surely." He concluded, looking at his chronometer. They would be due to leave shortly so he washed his breakfast down with the remaining contents of his glass of orange then set about gathering the essentials for the day ahead. "How much longer we got left, Sej?"

Sejah Haversh
Mar 25th, 2003, 04:04:34 PM
Sejah looked up at the clock and replied, "Not much longer, and I suppose we ought to be heading out earlier than usual; I'm sure the media are just going to eat us alive. Here, I'll get your plate if you want to finish getting ready. Don't forget to brush your teeth, now."

The mongoose took both their plates as Loki hopped down from his seat. He didn't mind doing normal chores when he had company, it made him feel needed, and took his mind off other things. Sejah was halfway through cleaning up when the doorbell rang, and he went to see who it was through the peephole in the door, seeing the laundry boy on the other side.

"Thanks," Sejah said as he oepend the door and took the bunde from him. "Here you go, don't spend it all in one place," He grinned as he wrote out a tip check that would be billed to his room. Closing the door again, Sejah opened the garment bag and found the leather jacket inside it was just liek he wanted. A dirty brown color that looked heavily used and worn, cracked in places by design. It wasn't quite a motorcycle jacket, or a bomber jacket, but something in between. The message it gave was, 'Don't mess with me, I've survived worse'. Pulling it on, the Nehantitie looked himself over in the mirror, then headed to the bedroom to gether up his gloved, which he had not yet worn that trip, and pulled them on as well, fastening the buckles for a tight, secure fit. With all the leather over a faded red tee shirt and a pair of blue carpenter jeans, Sejah looked far more intimidating than usual.

Slinging his re-packed duffel over his shoulder and picking up his tulwar, he called back to the bathroom, "You ready, Loki? It's time to go."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 25th, 2003, 04:42:15 PM
"Okay, let's rumble!" Loki shouted as he darted out of the bathroom, in transit he scooped up a small bag and threw it over his shoulder before coming to a dead stop before his friend. "Woah! Those reporters had better not mess with you today, Sej!"

The padawan patted his friend on the back and off they went, taking the elevator as usual before bracing themselves for whatever awaited them down below. When the highly ornate doors slid open, a bell ping marking their arrival at the ground floor and the pair were bombarded by flashes of light.

"Oh no." Loki groaned in disbelief. He pushed a button in on the elevator controls to keep the doors open, it would take them a while to escape this one and he didn't want the doors to slide shut on Sejah's tail or something. Wincing, the boy brought his hands up to shield his eyes from the continous camera flashes, there was uproar in the lobby, it was completely packed with news crews, reporters and cameras.

"Sejah, I don't like this." Loki stepped back away from the doors, clearly intimidated by the media masses. From where he stood, which was shorter than every other person who flanked them, it didn't look like they would get through. Afraid, the padawan just wanted to close his eyes, turn away and go back up to their room but he wouldn't leave Sejah alone in this neither was he brave enough to go first.

Sejah Haversh
Mar 25th, 2003, 05:13:25 PM
Sejah had his eyes closed when the doors opened, having guessed that a media army would have gathered in the lobby. But the forces amassed against them were greated then he had expected, and he was still nearly blinded by flashbulbs when he opened his eyes. Thankfully the hotel had thought to provide security for its guests, and a pathway to the doors remained open, though packed on both sides with photographers held back by burly security guards.

Still, the moment the mongoose and human stepped out of the elevator, all the security became futile. "Loki, take my paw!" Sejah shouted above the din of reporters and clickign cameras. Once he felt the boy's hand in his paw, he gripped it firmly, but not so hard that it would hurt, then shouldered throught eh first wave of reporters. Microphones were jammed into his face, and cameras clicked incessantly around him and Loki. They had not even made it halfway before the questions began to fly, and all he would tell them was to get out of his face, get back, or no comment.

Finally, a few unscupulous reporters with video cameras and microphones worked their way in to Loki's side and unleashed a baragge of wholly innappropriate questions,

"So, do you like it with him?.... What's your name kid, and do your parents approve of this? .... Do you two share a bed, or only when you're intimate?.... How long have you two been togehter?.... How much is he paying you, or is he paying you?.... What is it you like about him?"

Only a few of the questions reached Sejah's ears, but when they did, his eyes flared to a full read and he wheeled about, decking one of the reporters with a right hook from his tulwar hilt, most likeyly breaking his jaw. He then wheeled the sheathed blade about and smashed one of their cameras with the protected blade, roaring, "You sick freaks! Can't you leave a beast alone? There is nothing between us but common friendship! Now, get back!"

The outburst was enough to clear a slim path which Sejah used to bolt to the car, Loki almost getting dragged behind him. It enraged him that not only would the media stoop so low as to make him appear a pervert, but they had no shame in asking Loki questions like that. The limo door slammed shut once both of them were in, a camera strap caught in it, and Sejah instructed the driver to step on it. The camera was pulled from the reporter's paws, and bounced alongside the limo as they went, hanging from the caught strap. At a stop light, Sejah grabbed the strap and opened the door, pulling the camera inside, then shut the door and looked the thing over before holding it out to Loki. "Want a camera?" he tried to grin, but he was still too ticked off to appear that friendly.

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:23:27 PM
When Sejah had his hand and started charging forward through the endless ranks of media personel, Loki felt much safer and thought it was like driving a snow plough through normally impassible walls of ice. Not that he had ever driven a snow plough before or been faced with impassible walls of ice but he had a vivid imagination.

However all that feeling of safety and security was suddenly pulled away or more accurately, torn away by a swarm of reporters as they fired off a number of questions which at first confused the boy and then as the questions grew more numerous and in-your-face, the realisation of what the media had been implying suddenly dawned on the young padawan.

"Wh--" Loki's shoke suddenly broke his silence although he didn't address anyone in particular or speak into a microphone. His throat closed up on him and he could feel his eyes begin to sting. "--what do you--"

Sejah attacked another reporter then pulled Loki through the rest of the crowd. Once inside the car, Loki stared away from Sejah at first while a tear rolled down his cheek. Despite how he felt he didn't want to upset Sejah even more, so he looked out the window and rubbed at the damp thread on his face.

"Heh." The boy coughed up a half-laugh and a weak smile slipped past his lips although his eyes were clearly bloodshot from the traumatic ordeal back at the hotel. "I always fancied myself as a keen photographer. Let's see what I make of it."

Taking the camera Loki fiddled about with it for a moment, then steeling his nerves cracked a smile and took Sejah's picture, not realising his finger was over the lens. "Wanted to get a picture of the future Rho'istaan Champion."

Sejah Haversh
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:33:04 PM
Sejah let Loki take his picture, trying to smile, but failing rahter spectacularily to do so in a realistic manner. After the camera clicked, he reached out and used his paw to push the camera down gently, and looked into Loki's face. It was clear that he was having trouble finding his words, but Sejah finally just came out with it and asked in a quiet tone, "Loki, do you understand what those reporters were saying back there about us?"

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:41:04 PM
"I do." Loki answered after a moment of uncomfortable silence, he wasn't strong enough to make eye contact with Sejah and he didn't want to get upset but his voice was shakey. His lower lip stuck out a little, it was the kind of face a kid pulls before they sob over being told they can't have anymore candy and similarly, it was something the boy didn't understand. An immutable sadness came through in his cracked voice as he protested.

"Why do they say things like that, Sejah?" He looked down at the camera, fumbling about with it he turned to glance out the window with a whimper. "It's not fair."

Sejah Haversh
Mar 25th, 2003, 06:47:46 PM
"I don't know, Loki," came Sejah's reply. The boy looked in a sad shape, and Sejah was unsure what to do, but he knew Loki needed some reassurance that everything would be fine. Taking a chance, he did what his paternal instincts told him to, and he reached an arm around Loki's shoulders and comfort him, though not holding too tightly as to upset him.

"It isn't fair, and it's not right," he continued. "But you and I both know it's not true, so we can denounce their lies. I'm sorry you got messed up in this, Loki. I think somebeast is out to get me, and they saw you as a way to do that. Again, if you just want to go back to the hotel room, I will understand."

Loki Ahmrah
Mar 25th, 2003, 07:07:31 PM
"No, I told you last night that's not gonna happen." The boy answered, his nerves steeled somewhat. He was still a little shakey but he leaned into Sejah, it all came quite naturally to him and if there was anything he was in need of right now was some paternal care. The moment he'd felt Sejah's arm around him, it was like the bulk of his worries melted away into the background.

"I hope I don't have a crazed photographer chasing after me at the arena. I'm looking forward to getting some decent pictures with this baby." He said, growing in enthusiasm, toying with the camera. Then he turned away from it and looked up at his furry friend with concern. "Sej, when you're out there today, take care of yourself. I've got a feeling it's going to be a very tough day and the crowds are going to be less than supportive, I think. You just keep your mind on the tournament, okay?"

Sejah Haversh
Mar 25th, 2003, 07:28:23 PM
Sejah rubbed Loki's shoulder playfully as the boy looked over the camera, his spirits lifting.

"Thanks for your support, Loki; it means a lot to me. And I will be careful, I always am on the floor. And, if you get any harassment in the stands, call a security guard." He said, then looked out the window as they rounded a corner and the stadium came into view. Pulling his arm back, Sejah reached into his pocket and pulled out his credcard and passed it to Loki. "Here, it bills to our room account. If you need anything today, be it somethign to eat or drink, or film or whatever, go ahead and get it. And, don't forget to put your sunscreen on; you're still a little red from the looks of it. Now, just push through the reporters and get to your seat, okay? Don't answer any of their questions, or let them hold you up. They're not allowed to touch you, so if they do, call for a guard."

The limo pulled up outside the side enterance, which was swamped with media already, and Sejah picked up his duffel and tulwar. Ruffling Loki's hair lightly, he grinned and said, "Have fun up there, I'll meet you at this gate afterward."

Then he opened the door anf climbed out, pushign his way through the mass of camerabeasts and reporters, half of which had siezed the opportunity to snap a few pictures of Loki before the door had shut. The leather jacket was serving it's purpose as he strode powerfully to the doors, giving off the impression that he was nobeast to be messed with. Once, when a camera got too close, Sejah reached out and gripped the lens in his gloved paw and spun it, getting the camera out of focus before he enteted the hallway to the locker rooms.

There was a split decision among the other contestants whether or not Sejah and Loki were more than just friends, and when one of them tried to make fun of him, three others came to Sejah's defense. It was at least understood that Sejah had nto murdered the spearbeast, and also that the fight in the locker room had not been started by him. But the media would not listen to them, for they didn't pay as well to have their stories on the air.

Sejah took his time getting changed into his instructor's uniform, and checked over his gloves three times before approving of the fit. It would be the first time he would wear them in the tournament, and it was also a display that he was not going to hold back anymore. The opening music was call to come to the floor, and Sejah, along with the remaining competitors, filed out into the sunlight to a crowd of very mixed opinions. Glancing up into the stands, Sejah spotted Loki and smiled to him lifiting a paw in a wave. All his anger at the media was gone, now he would show them he was better than the rest in skill, no matter what they said about him.

Loki Ahmrah
Apr 13th, 2003, 07:06:20 AM
Sat back firmly into the carseat, Loki avoided as best he could the flashes of light which illuminated the smart interior of the executive vehicle until Sejah managed to close the door behind him. It locked with a hollow clunk which kept the boy inside and the reporters out, the brown mongoose seemed to take care of matters quite well on his own despite the media swarm. He looked like the last beast you would ever wish to bump into in a dark alley.

"Okay driver, on we go." Loki ordered reluctantly, heaving a sigh as he watched Sejah dissapear inside the arena. Quietly he sunk back into his chair and turned away from the window as he felt the wheels below come to life, gradually picking up pace. No matter how posh the transport, the padawan failed to see past the clunky mechanics of wheels and automobiles. As happy he was to get out of cars, this particular journey came to an end sooner than he had wanted.

"Your stop, kid." The driver revealed in an accent which weakened somewhat the front of courtly service as provided by the chauffering company. From this the boy assumed that in their peak times the transport tycoons would employ any old bums to drive their vehicles and simply advise them not to talk. Loki nodded but hesitated, outside was a army of beasts armed with microphones and cameras. "Hey, don' worry yerself. 'Ere comes de cavalry!"

The driver tipped the brim of his hat and pointed at two enormous beast-mountains now standing outside the vehicle. The wall of reporters parted like under the influence of some divine power. The door opened and one of the large, grey-furred beasts crouched down so he could see Loki. He smiled, his muzzle wrinkling comically.

"Good morning, sir. Don't be afraid, we're here to take you to your seat. If that's not a problem." He then extended a paw larger than the plates from which the boy had dinner. With a look of overwhelmed relief, Loki took the burly paw and he was helped out of the car. There were flashes of cameras and one or two loud-mouthed reporters but even those were quickly silenced by fierce glares from the security gaurds. It was a wonderful break from the norm. The two gaurds, Ishmael and Solomon, briskly walked Loki first to a kiosk where he was swfitly served a bottle of nehi and a fresh roll of film then finally arrived at his seat where he was left with Hallah and his parents.

"Who are they?" Asked Sindir rather worriedly to which her husband answered reassuringly that they are arena security. Loki explained further, "It turns out that the head of security ordered them to escort me to my seat after the atrocious news coverage last night. If I had gone alone I would have probably been hurt by those ruthless media beasts!"

Hallah and his mother shook their heads sympathetically, although Jelfar merely looked away. He seemed to be quite a traditional type and wasn't too fond of the idea of his own kind mixing with humans let alone human children. Hallah explained that his father didn't believe the sensationalism and scandal the media spread but apparently he had said from day one that: "No good will come of furs and skins mixing." Loki simply shrugged at the narrow-mindedness as did Hallah who had clearly enjoyed a different schooling and youth than his father. Most nehantites Jelfar's age were set in their ways.

"There they are, down there!" Cried the grey-furred mongoose, he pointed to "Ish" and "Sol" as they had introduced themselves earlier. They said they would keep an eye on the boy and would stay close in case anyone tried anything questionable. "And there's Sejah!" He waved to his friend happily, his mood clearly changed. Then he remembered the camera and fumbled about for it under his seat. He brought it up and played about with the lens dial, adjusting the focus with furious determination until Sejah was in clear view. There was a click, a snap then a whirring. When Sindir asked about the camera's origin, Loki smiled sheepishly then replied. "Oh let's just say a somewhat over-eager photographer was suddenly overcome with generosity."


"Oh no, look who Sejah's up against!" Sindir cried out with astonishment and Jelfar, in a rare moment of emotion gave a look of concern, "I hope Sejah is on top form today, Loki."

Turning to see who the next on Sejah's hit list would be, Loki scanned the dusty arena floor, burning impressively in the sunlight, where a rather skinny looking beast of a sickly, mustard brown fur trotted to the centre where he would meet his opponent, Sejah, waiting patiently.

"That's Hethmir Rushdie!" Loki sprung up out of his seat with suprise. Sejah's next opponent was notorious, very skilled and very fast but these weren't the most impressive of his attributes. What was so unique about this entry to the tournament was his choice of weapons, he wielded two broadswords, both double-edged and had masterful control over them. Despite his appearnace, scrawny and callous, Hethmir was extremely fast in the use of his weapons and at times left audiences in awe of his dynamic, physical feats. His technique was unorthadox and some say he wishes to introduce a new style of his own into the Rho'isstaan, regardless, to watch him in action is breath-taking.

Sejah's opponent gave him a curt bow, before standing up on one leg, bringing his left footpaw to rest on his right knee so that the left knee pointed out towards Sejah. He raised his right arm over his head, bent at the elbow so that the blade was pointed directly at his opponent, similarly his left arm was extended straight towards Sejah, this created the illusion of Sejah's opponent being smaller and less of a target than he is and is also a very aggressive ready stance to adopt. A sign of things to come. The cheering of the crowd was in Hethmir's favour somewhat, due to Sejah's recent media coverage no doubt and they quickly hushed into eager silence, awaiting the start of what was to be a ferocious match.

Sejah Haversh
Apr 15th, 2003, 12:44:01 PM
Hethmir was, as Sejah put it, 'a dangerous adversary with great ambition'. Sejah had watched the beast's matches well, just in case he had to face him, and had great difficulty finding flaws in his style, if he even had any. Such an obscure method of fighting was hard to gauge, so he would focus on measuring the fighter instead.

Sejah stood at ease as Hethmir adopted his pose, and a light breeze whipped through the arena floor as if on cue, ruffling Sejah's headfur and rustling the open front of his vest. It seemed straight out of an old Western, and the twitch on Hathmir's face was perfectly cued to the drop of the official's paw.

The yellow beast sprung forward in a flash, wheeling his first blade out as a fake, and his second aimed at Sejah's upper body. But, just as he skipped forward, Sejah leapt back, his sneaker-shod footpaws scooting across the dirt floor with a cloud of dust before gripping on one edge and pushing off, making Sejah spin to the side and counter Hethmir's next assault. There was no way he could have started on an offensive against Hethmir, all Sejah could do was defense at the moment; which he did miraculously well.

Hethmir held nothing back; his twin blades wheeling and turning in mad circles, but only to find Sejah's tulwar or kris in their way of scoring a hit. The scrungy mongoose railed as many hits as he could on Sejah, hoping to weaken his defenses, or possibly even catch him off guard, but the brown mongoose was too skilled and his attacks soon found way into defense of his own. Sejah began to press forward, dealing an offensive strike nearly as often as he blocked one of Hethmir's. The broadswords didn't possess terribly heavy blades, but they were far heavier than Sejah's own, and packed a punch when they connected. Even through his gloves, Sejah could feel his paws starting to go numb form the vibrations that ran through his blades on impact with one of Hathmir's.

Finally, a draw was called between the two of them when both stepped back from each other to relax and unwind. An angry fighter was not a wise one in combat, and the two mongooses watched each other uneasily as both of them slowly walked a circle ten feet from each other. Twice Hethmir tried a fake-out to draw Sejah in, but the padawan was too cunning to fall for it. The hushed awe of the crowd slowly made a change into catcalls and even booing; the audience demanding that the duel progress.

Sejah obliged them, stepping forward and lashing out with his kris, only to have it beat aside. But, as it happened, Sejah spun on his heel and rammed his elbow into Hethmir's face, then ducked under his arm while avoiding an attack and hopping behind him. The sound blow had startled Hethmir to say the least, but he recovered quickly, and followed Sejah around in his turn with one of his blades leading, and nearly clipping Sejah in the stomach as he forced him back.

For fifteen long minutes the pair went back and forth, neither of them making any headway, save for a few physical blows that were landed here and there. It appeared as if Sejah and Hethmir were too evenly matched, and the outcome would not be a result of skill, but of luck instead. To the side of their ring, the acting officials whispered amongst themselves as they watched, wondering if a time limit should be put on, and a technical winner should be announced if the match were to go on much longer. After all, it was the first match of the day for both of them, and if it dragged on further both would be exhausted and unable to compete at the top of their game in their next match, whoever would advance.

No decision was reached, though, for while they conversed, Sejah caught one of Hethmir’s blades with his kris, then locked his tulwar over it and twisted, yanking the blade from his opponent’s grasp. Unfortunately, it also ended up working against Sejah. When he raised his tulwar to block another attack from Hethmir, the long blade was knocked from his paw by the force of the blow. Down to his kris, the duel became a quick game of cat and mouse, with Hethmir holding the upper hand with his longer, and much heavier blade. The officials stopped their discussion, figuring the match was over and watched for the moment Hethmir would finish it. He was chasing Sejah around the ring, away from his fallen tulwar with a grin on his face. He could have ended the match already, but his pride was becoming so great that he wanted to humiliate his opponent before finally taking him out. What he forgot to think about was that he had also dropped a sword, and was unwittingly leading Sejah straight to it.

Once the glint of sunlight reflected from the straight blade, Sejah ducked sideways and rolled over his shoulder on the dirt floor, grabbing up the broadsword in his right paw while barely blocking Hethmir with his kris, then swinging up with his newfound blade. The tables turned, Hethmir began a hasty retreat; finding himself beaten back by one of his own blades. Now that he was outmatched in blade count, weight, and opponent’s strength, the scrungy yellow Nehantite nearly crumbled under Sejah’s assault. Within a minute of taking the sword, Sejah parried away all incoming attacks, and was finally able to play Hethmir’s sword out of useable range and land a hearty slap with the flat of the blade to his side, then stepping back and flipping the sword over; grasping it by the blunted blade and handing it back to its owner who took it none too graciously, having lost a match he was sure he would win. Sejah received the nod of ‘win’ from the official, and proceeded to pick up his tulwar and head back to the sidelines for a large glass of water and some ice to put on his right arm. Hethmir’s sword was heavy, and he knew it had taken a toll on his muscles already. The audience reacted with mixed applause and boos as he walked off the main floor, but Sejah didn’t care. He had won, and would continue to do so for as long as he could.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 28th, 2003, 04:31:48 PM
From D'raaj's senatorial skybox, Anbira watched with interest. Sejah continued to rise against the odds, both in and out of the arena. His honorable host was none too pleased by this, yet Anbira did not judge him ill for it. More was at stake here than a mere bit of swordplay, and the consequences were higher than a mere physical struggle.

Anbira rose from his seat, and shook D'raaj's hand.

"Cousin, a fine show indeed. If it is not an inconvenience, I would very much like to spend an evening in the city proper."

The Senator was already formulating a protest, insisting on bodyguards to accompany his aging guest, but Anbira waved him off the tangent.

"You and I know quite certainly that your men are not needed in my protection."

Loki Ahmrah
May 14th, 2003, 08:03:01 PM
“I’m glad that is over and done with, Hal. It was getting pretty intense.” Retreating back into his plastic seat, Hallah gave Loki a sidelong glance, he nodded, a few rebellious strands of thick, white headfur flopped out of place as he did so and his eyes widened to emphasise that he agreed with the young boy’s exasperation. The padawan quickly broke eye contact with his friend; regardless of how accustomed he had become to the peculiar physical differences between himself and the mongoose people, Loki couldn’t help but feel somewhat uncomfortable with their eyes, the strikingly red rims and strange pink taint some have especially when angry. His mind wandered back to when he had sprayed deodorant on Sejah’s nose in a spar at the academy and how it had not only made him sneeze violently but had turned his eyes pink then red. Despite the civilisation these Nehantites had built up around them, they still possessed some animal ferocity within them and these images stuck with Loki; red eyes coupled with the sharp teeth exposed by a snarling muzzle, he found it very intimidating.

“At least he didn’t take too terrible a beating this time.” Jelfar chimed in with his gruff, throaty voice. He was speaking to Sindir but he was very well-spoken and eloquent enough so that Loki could hear him and that compensated for his low, monotonous grumblings. They talked quietly back and forth for a moment until they Sindir suddenly turned her head of creamy white fur to the surprised padawan, who thus had to pretend he was leaning in their direction in order to see something better rather than in order to pry on their conversation, she began fussing over the amount of sunscreen he had applied, as only a mother could. In no time at all, Hallah’s mother had persuaded the boy to apply more of the thick, sticky lotion to his neck and face whilst his grey-furred friend looked on apologetically as his mother helped with the sunscreen.

“I don’t think it’s entirely necessary, Mrs. Darenth’or. We are under this huge, red canopy after all.” Loki passed his subtle objection as politely as possible, but the fish it seemed wasn’t taking the bait.

“Oh nonsense, my boy! We don’t want to see that pretty, little face of yours all red and sore now, do we?” Sindir argued in protest and mercilessly rubbed her paws across the back of Loki’s neck; her paws were coarse, his neck was burnt and Hallah had to turn away when he burst out laughing at the twisted, contorted visage of agony in the boy’s face. All the while, Loki could only imagine what atrocities were committed deep in dungeons back when unruly mongooses broke the law, what tortures would they face, what evils, if this is what is considered wholesome, motherly love?

“Ah good, Sejah’s up again.” Announced Hallah, after having leaning forward and narrowed his eyes to squeeze out an interpretable image, Loki had noticed the grey-furred mongoose’s neglect of his own eyesight and hounded him about going to an optician before his condition got any worse. Hallah would just grin dozily and nod, this pleased the boy but little was he aware how financially crippling for Hallah’s family to have the quality of his vision repaired. It was one of the tragedies of being so poor in a society such as theirs.

“Oh, thank goodness!” Sighed the padawan who relived, saw an escape and taking it sat upright immediately and pulled away from Sindir’s wicked paws as gently as he could manage. He straightened the creases out of his clothing then paused for a moment in reflection, he grew sad for a moment; Estelle was the one who would usually dust of his clothes if they were dirty from his misadventures or get rid of the creases after he’d been slouching and she’d reprimanded him for it. He missed his big, cuddly surrogate sister. At least he had a surrogate big brother in Sejah who was now strolling confidently out over to the dusty centre of the arena floor to meet his second opponent of the day. His name was Stefan Ahled and from a distance one could very possibly mistake him for Sejah himself, they were of an almost identical build and fur colour and their clothes weren’t too dissimilar except that those Ahled wore wear of a slightly greater quality, him being a class or two above Loki’s brown-furred friend.

“Now this will be an interesting confrontation, dear, you see--” Jelfar began softly until his rather excitable counter-part interrupted.

“--Oh look dear, he has the same weapons as that Sejah beast!” Sindir flapped a little and pointed across to the two combatants, it was evident she was proud of noticing something of some significance as opposed to passing a running commentary on the best-dressed beast in the tournament. She was clearly not one who found such tournaments the height of interest and had only agreed to come because her husband had asked her to sit with him.

“Yes, dear.” Came a sigh of submission from Jelfar who was no longer visible having had slinked back into his seat, he had a period of sulking at least once a day during the tournament. Loki and Hallah laughed and turned their attention back to the arena floor just as the battle between Haversh and Ahled started.

The battle which all in the arena witnessed looked initially like a great ballet between two graceful, accomplished performers using the most elegant of props in the most regal fashion. The two Nehantites were the virtual mirror image of each other in style and technique, which made an extremely satisfying opening few minutes because they didn’t need to get a feel for the other’s strategy and it resembled something that had been practiced intricately and choreographed into routine over and over again until it was perfect. The rip-roaring exchange between Sejah and Stefan was filled with blindingly fast manoeuvres and strikingly precise attacks and counter-attacks and the pair waltzed to and fro like this for about six or seven minutes until the pace deliberately slowed to a gentle segue prior to the grand finale. Now the audience found that the brown-furred swordsbeasts were trying to baffle each other with new, inventive attacks and after each attempt to throw the other off guard, the officials could be seen scribbling down notes furiously.

“I think we’ll see a few additions to the Rho’istaan once this one’s through, son.” Jelfar leaned over with new-found life and broke his silence from earlier, no-one took their eyes off the action regardless of what was said. Hallah nodded and added, “We could both learn something from this, I think.”

“You know how to use a sword too, Mr. Darenth’or?” Loki asked, his interest piqued, Jelfar didn’t look the type who would find any happiness in wielding a blade. The old mongoose issued forth a grunt of offence and mumbled something about youth these days not having an eye for skill. He then explained that back when he was at school it was compulsory to do at least two years of fencing and that ever since he has kept up his training. The conversation went back and forth between Jelfar’s fencing experiences and shared commentary on how the current match was shaping up.

“It looks like Sejah’s opponent I saying something, it doesn’t look very nice down there, Loki.” Sindir sounded worried and rightly so, in between glancing blows and counter-attacks Stefan was snapping at Sejah with words which were only answered with engaging assaults from the gloved mongoose. It was quite clear that Sejah’s rival was trying desperately to get a rise out of the lower-class swordsbeast. For a moment, Loki’s eyes were closed and sought for a better grasp on his friend’s state of mind, he sighed and his eyes opened, Stefan’s words were having little effect on his opponent and it was clear this was frustrating him.

“You have no chance up against me, lowborn. Know your place!” He spat with malice and swung angrily at Sejah’s neck, his tulwar was only met with his opponent’s blade and a trembling clang. Immediately he stepped in with his kris dagger aimed for Sejah’s lower abdomen, this was pushed aside by Haversh’s own kris and Stefan found himself gasping for breath and clambering to his footpaws after receiving a well-landed kick to his gut. Although Sejah had gained himself some distance from the swordbeast with this latest move, it did little to suppress his venomous words.

“Oh! A good move for somebeast of your kind.” Stefan’s muzzle wrinkled with cruel amusement and he added, with mock fear. “Wait! Don’t give me that look, Haversh. Don’t kill me like you murdered those other two beasts.”

"I murdered nobeast!" Sejah roared back at him, the steel of their swords meshing before locking at the hilt in a corps-a-corps. "You saw my fight in the ring, it was not murder! And the beast in the locker room was slain by a Death-Shadow, not I. If your father could afford such great things for you, one would think he could have bought you some glasses so that you could see clearly." The brown Nehantite shoved forward on his sword arm, breaking the hold they had on each other and stepping back.

“You murderous scum!” Stefan’s muzzle twisted into one of disgust and his eyes narrowed in appal. For a moment he stood with his tulwar angled right for a Sejah’s chest, there he held it, its gleaming tip glaring threateningly at Sejah who stood ready for his rival’s next onslaught. Although the offensive swordbeast was unaware, the rest of the crowds could see as clear as day what exactly the lowborn yet marvellously skilled Haversh was doing; ever since his opponent’s jaws had started flapping he had taken the defensive role in the match, a solely defensive one and he was becoming increasingly aware of Stefan’s mannerisms and gestures prior to an attack. This time his right eye narrowed as he lunged forward and thrust his blade upward in an effort to pierce the mongoose’s windpipe. “Murderer!”

What Stefan didn’t expect is exactly what happened. Sejah had preconceived his next attack before it had been made and all it took was a simple sidestep to the outside of the beast’s defences, parry his tulwar inwards and not even the talented swordbeast could bring his kris up in time to avoid the cold touch of metal against his throat. He swallowed in fright and felt the bones in his windpipe ripple against the blunted blade tip. “Go on, kill me Haversh. Then go and find consolation in the arms of your bosom-buddy, Loki.”
Though he had won the match, Sejah could not help but lose his temper at the final, stinging remark that escaped Stefan's lips. Withdrawing his kris, Sejah kicked out his adversary’s knees, dropping him to an involuntary kneel before hissing, "At least I am not engaged to my cousin." Before Stefan had a chance to respond, Sejah wound up with his right arm and slammed a hard blow with the metal pawguard of his tulwar into the side of Stefan's head, dropping him to the dirt floor of the arena, and knocking him out cold. He would wake to find his jaw broken in two places, and his skull fractured as well.

“Good heavens!” Gasped Sindir, bringing her paw up over her muzzle in melodramatic shock, her fair features became creased and it looked like the urge to curse Loki’s friend would be too tough to pass on but she bit her tongue and calmed herself with the aid of Jelfar, who patted her knee. “Well I suppose that fiend, Stefan, had it coming to him.”

“Yeah. Garfife knows what he was saying to Sejah. It looked like--” Added Hallah in support of Loki’s friend, giving the young padawan a comforting smile but only to have his sentence ended by his father.

“--He was trying to get a rise out of him. That’s all, he got what he deserved. I’m just happy young Sejah kept his cool until after he had defeated his opponent. Speaking of which, Loki, I’ve never seen anybeast anticipate attacks as fast or as accurately as him. How did he learn to do that?”

“Oh I don’t know.” The boy answered quietly, feeling a little uncomfortable with the question. Loki was almost certain that Sejah was now tapping into the Force to help guide his senses whether he knew it or not, it was the only way to explain such astonishing counter-attacks. “Master Rej is a very good instructor. I suppose he learned--”

“--Oh no! I’ve seen Rej in action at the last tournament, all those years ago and this Sejah beast is faster and far more impressive. His reflexes, well, I don’t want to sound crazy here but they border on, you know, precognition.”

This most certainly caught the attention of Hallah and his mother, who stared in astonishment at Jelfar who was, even as Loki had learned, the least likely to say something of this sort. Jelfar was a sceptic to his very bones so when he talks of things like precognition something has to be wrong and almost in unison the three family members looked back to the young boy. Loki could only laugh, nervously at that, and hope to brush the comment off as nothing more than a joke but when he realised this wasn’t good enough he simply excused himself and left in search of a toilet. Sol wasn’t far behind although once Loki disappeared into one of the arena’s public lavatories, he stood his ground and waited for the boy to re-emerge not wanting to invade his privacy.

“Gar! I don’t suppose I’ll ever find any normality here!” Loki sighed at the sight of the peculiarly designed urinals, obviously made with mongoose anatomy in mind. For a moment, the boy fancied he may have to do a handstand to get things right but he stood on his tip-toes and sighed in relief. Relief for escaping the awkward company of the Darenth’ors and for finally being able to drain the old lizard after having to sit through those excruciatingly long fights. Unfortunately, Loki’s moment of peace was abruptly disturbed as he was knocked sideways by a new arrival to the long line of urinals, this caused a rather embarrassing loss of balance and a moment of inaccurate peeing followed. The padawan cringed at the loud splashing sound which seemed to echo too much for comfort – He called it “Murphy’s Law” - and found himself knocked sideways, this time from the other side.

“Watch were you’re aiming, skinboy!” Huffed a rather obnoxious, young Nehantite who was roughly his age and to his right, the first who had arrived, was a taller beast about two years his senior. They stared at Loki in a hostile manner, both pushing him against the other, deliberately squashing him until he quickly retreated to the sinks.

“Looks like these baldy-boys get scared pretty easily.” Laughed the older of the two, who was soon enough alongside Loki at the next sink washing his paws where he was quickly joined by his friend; together they blocked the distance between Loki and the exit and on their faces was a long of malicious enjoyment. Already the padawan had sensed their thoughts and gathered from that and their current behaviour that they were nothing more than racist bullies. Taking this into account, he simply ignored their words and headed for the door, non-surprisingly his bee-line to freedom was cut off by their furry forms.

“Would you mind clearing the way, please?”

“No. Not for the likes of you, skinboy!” The younger of the two answered rather viciously, pushing his wet nose aggressively into Loki’s face, the boy stepped back. The older of the two laughed and added to their antics by planting his hand on their victim’s shoulder and with his much greater strength forced Loki to the ground. As he moved to stand up, the younger kicked him in the back whilst the large one lowered his boot upon the back of the boy’s neck, pushing his head towards the floor.

“Who do you think you are anyway? You don’t belong here unless you have fur, you’re not worthy and the only way you’re getting out of here is if you lick my shoe.” The big oaf ordered triumphantly whilst his younger partner in crime laughed heartily at the wicked revelation. Loki groaned under the force of his boot and winced, his words creaked out painfully.

“I don’t want to fight you. It comes to no good.” His attackers laughed together and one, Loki didn’t see which, mocked his words by repeating him.

“Oh I know you don’t want to fight us, little human. Not unless you want to leave in a state like my cousin did moments ago. Now, lick it!”

So it turned out that these pair of bullies were none other than Stefan’s cousins, so not only were they racist, it looked like they were out for some revenge after the condition Sejah had rendered him. Loki felt the boot push harder upon his neck and with his hands flat on the ground he pushed up with so much strength that it completely caught his attacker off guard and pushed him off balance. The large beast was sent crashing to the ground and the Jedi padawan had already hand-springed from the damp lavatory floor and landed on top of him, his feet stamping the air out of his lungs similar to how you would squeeze the air out of a balloon. By the time his brother had thought to react, a backhand blow smacked his jaw and sent him reeling. Hopping back, Loki delved into his pocket and waited for the two to sort themselves out and the moment they turned to face him, he extended his fist opened his hand and watched as the two bullies were blinded by a searing white light. The cried out and fell back, squirming helpless on the floor but by the time their vision returned, the boy was gone.

“Wow! You must’ve refilled the old, dried-up lake back there, Loki.” Hallah laughed as did his father, his mother gave him a smack for being rude but the boy laughed regardless, thankful for the change of subject. The young padawan was also happy to be out of the lavatories and away from those hooligans and took great comfort in being back with the family of three once more. The atmosphere had become much lighter between them and no longer did it feel like an interrogation, not much could be said for the weather though; the sky had gradually become more miserable, burdened with heavy cloud cover and the sun was fighting in vain to sneak one or two bright patches of light into the arena.

“Yeah, we thought you might’ve got lost back there, little Loki. Anyway, Sejah has a half hour break until his--” Jelfar had been talking more happily than he had been all day, ever the same old monotonous rumbling came from his mouth, but he was bright and cheerful. That was until he was cut off by a rude-mouthed young beast and his friend as they walked by, their eyes burning holes through their human friend.

“Oh look, it’s the baldy, human freak! Why don’t you tell those skin-lovers what you really are?” Came that familiar, wicked voice which immediately brought a change to Loki’s face; it was a mixture of shock and worry. It was the larger of the two bullies who instrumental in the lavatory incident. Alongside him trudged his weary brother, still dazed from Loki’s punch, nevertheless he managed to stir things up a little more.

“No wonder your lowly Haversh is doing so well. Been using any black magic to help him lately?” Having no fear of raising his voice, the young mongoose caught quite a bit of attention and caused quite a ruckus and many turned heads. The quartet of spectators suddenly found themselves the centre of attention, all beasts in their area turned to stare at them, especially Loki whose face went a shade of pink.

“Loki, what’s all this about, dear?” Asked Sindir rather politely, although if mongooses could blush the boy imagined she’d be brighter than a homing beacon right now. Luckily, Loki had a sound explanation for the behaviour of the pair of foul-mouths.

“Oh pay them no mind, Mrs Darenth’or. I found out from Sol that they’re the cousins of Sejah’s last opponent, it’s no surprise that they are so rude considering how their match ended.”

The cream-furred Nehantite nodded with understanding although Loki caught a knowing glance from Jelfar which was no doubt directed at his son to the other side of Loki. The situation once again became very awkward and uncomfortable and thus the four sat in silence for the next twenty minutes until Sejah’s next match was ready to begin. However during this time, all was not peaches and cream as one would expect during a twenty minute silence. Several rows back, where the dastardly duo of bullies were sat along with a few of their relatives, it seems that Stefan Ahled’s family could afford plenty of seats, all the while calling out various insults and remarks, mostly concerning Loki but like the good padawan he sat in silence, ignoring the group of up-starts. Although he was beginning to understand how Sejah had felt over the last few days.

Like Sejah had done, Loki decided that he would try to cope with the pressure of outrageous accusations and name-calling as well as his friend has done. He was a model of security and stability, but even as he walked out toward the centre of the arena for his final match of the day, having won all those others, Sejah maintained his humility; the padawan could feel it and it made him proud. Sejah was proud too, he had every right to be because Loki thought false modesty was a bad quality any person can possess. He also believed there was a fine line between false modesty and egotistical boastfulness; Sejah seemed to walk that line deftly.

“I don’t think I recognise this fellow, who is that down there?” Loki asked, after gathering the courage to speak once more he pointed down to Sejah’s last opponent of the day, a well-built, silver-furred Sherouve monster of a beast who held a double-handed sword, roughly the size of a bastard sword, with ease and in one paw at that. There was a great deal of controversy surrounding this particular entry into the competition as most found it hard to believe that he was of Sherouve blood, he was an anomaly to say the least, Sherouve being the thin and scrawny type and even within their own tightly-knit community there were those who doubted the authenticity behind his bloodline. He looked a terrible sight and all of a sudden the memory of that same hulking monstrosity flooded back to the padawan and he recoiled in surprise.

“That’s Grell’ah V’inshn’arr. Another Sherouve, not the favourite – who Sejah has already defeated – but one who has earned a frightful reputation, my boy. I’m afraid up against this beast of a beast, your friend, Sejah, doesn’t stand much of a chance.”

Jelfar’s words were hardly the confidence-builders Loki was looking for and it seemed that Hallah shared his sentiments. The young grey-furred mongoose then told them about an incident when the arrogant noble Sejah had beaten several days ago addressed Grell’ah in a manner he deemed inappropriate, so he shoved his little head against the wall and knocked him out cold.

“That was with one hand, he didn’t even think twice about it either. And they’re off!”

At Hallah’s sudden announcement, the rest of his attentive company turned their attention to the centre of the arena just in time to watch Grell’ah take an almighty swing at Sejah. He aimed for the neck and it was undoubted that even though his bastard sword was blunt, the sheer force behind his blow would send the brown mongooses’ head rolling. Sejah ducked but the silver-furred beast, having started everyone of his fight’s like this knew of a dozen ways to follow up his opening act. His ogre-sized footpaw sent Haversh crashing to the ground with such strength that Loki expected Sejah’s minute figure to be driven into the sand beneath his feet. That didn’t happen but the blow seemed to really take its toll on his friend who from that moment forth wisely kept his distance from the ferocious Sherouve beast and whenever Grell’ah swung that might bastard sword, Sejah was sure to dodge rather than parry. There was only so much damage his tulwar could sustain and only so much punishment his wrist could endure. Their confrontation was unlike any other, it made the spectators hold their breath with each unforgiving assault and sigh in relief to see that the smaller beast hadn’t been cut in half.

“What is your nasty black magic going to do to help your friend now, human?” Spat that same voice from earlier, it was Stefan’s large cousin and with him he had two of Stefan’s brothers; they were adults, as large as Hallah’s father and both as intimidating as each other. They had made their way down to where the four were sat with the intent only to cause trouble. Loki was visibly scared, Hallah was tough, he hoped Jelfar was too because up against those three, he and Sindir would be squashed like insects.

“Here’s our advice to you skin-lovers, get out now. We’ve heard all about your little friend here and the trouble he causes, the devilish antics he gets up to and you allow yourselves to associate yourselves with him. You make me sick!” His words were regurgitated with putrid venom festering in the very depths of his stomach, he and his similarly yellow-furred brother looked at Loki with hatred in their pink eyes and the boy could only squirm uncomfortably in his seat whilst Sindir pulled him in close. Suddenly his brother gagged and after making a foul, hocking sound in the back of his throat, he spat in the face of Hallah. His mother gasped, his father stood with fists raised and Hallah cursed in his native tongue, his paw on his tulwar hilt.

“Hey! Hey!” A gleaming metal blade, razor-sharp unlike Hallah’s and the rest of the combatant’s weapons met the grey-furred mongoose’s paw, the flat side of course pushed against the paw, trembling in anger. It was Ishmael and Solomon had joined him, the great, burly security beasts had quickly came to their aid and immediately forced the three antagonists back to their seats where they found six or seven more beasts standing and waiting. The two security guards realised what trouble will come of the situation if they attempt to remove the trouble-makers immediately without assistance so they venture down to where Loki and the family of three are seated, visibly upset and ask them to follow them.

“It’s best if you follow us, we have some spare seats where we can relocate all four of you. Otherwise there’s going to be more hassle from that unruly crowd up there. Please come with us. Thank you.”

Ishmael was polite as he ushered them from their seats, glancing back at the relatives of Ahled, they were clearly amused by what had happened and were no doubt very proud of themselves. He simply shook his head and followed the group, now led by Solomon, to their new seats. The location was much better, the view was clearer and they found themselves only two blocks away from the boxes reserved for the important people of nobility and what have you. Shortly enough what had happened was quickly forgotten. Even if anyone was still thinking about the hostilities from moments previous, Sindir’s joy at the sight of drink-holders in their seats was more than enough to drown out those thoughts. Loki laughed then looked back to the confrontation between Sejah and Grell’ah; the smaller, brown-furred mongoose could be seen diving between the larger beast’s legs, kicking one at the knee whilst in transit. This toppled the giant momentarily but no sooner had Sejah lunged for his stomach, did the Sherouve smash his weapon into his opponent’s tulwar sending Sejah sideways from the unutterable force behind a simple parry.

Regardless of how captivating the battle between the to warriors was Loki couldn’t help but find himself distracted, something was pulling his attention away from the action and initially he had no idea what it could be. In defeat, he took his mind off Sejah’s fight and closed his eyes; rapidly, the roaring and cheering of the crowd withered away to a pathetic whisper, distant and frail and all that Loki could hear was the Force. He focused on what he was being told, concentrating on what it was this great juxtaposition of living energy had to say, he winced outwardly after concentrating too hard but in the vast silence he finally realised what it was that was prodding the back of his mind. There was someone here; someone he knew well, not a recent acquaintance or friend of a friend but someone to whom he was very close, other than Sejah, was here, possibly in this very arena. He smiled happily, breaking away from his trance-like state and stood up to the surprise of his company.

“Do you mind if I go for a brief stroll? This excitement is a bit overwhelming!” The boy gasped melodramatically, it was almost comical, but seemed to work. It was effective enough because Sindir said he looked a little “off-colour” and by here leave he was allowed to wander off. At first he didn’t know where to go but the young padawan was determined to find what this disturbance in the Force could be, what was its origin? The thought that someone he knew could be nearby excited him, it was like a game of hide-and-seek.

Meanwhile Sejah was having a little fun with his opponent, after some fifteen minutes of avoiding apocalyptic blows and ferocious advances, he was becoming increasingly aware of a pattern in the fearsome beast’s attacks. Perhaps it was the old cliché but it looked like his opponent was big, bad and dumb. His arsenal of manoeuvres was repetitive and each one was easily anticipated, a slight grin came to the mongoose’s lips as he ducked under another familiar swing, then jumped over a low-swooping swipe at his knees but whilst in the air a twist of the hips and a raising of his leg allowed for a powerful roundhouse to the Grell’ah’s jaw. This stunned him momentarily but angered him more.

“You lousy, sneaky Nragh!” Breaking his sentence with a hefty thrust forward, the Sherouve left himself open for a ferocious uppercut from his brown-furred rival which Sejah landed squarely on his nose. A big no-no as far as Loki was concerned. The beasts reeled, his eyes streamed in agony and boiled red with rage. Grell’ah stifled a sneeze and threw himself at Sejah, this unorthodox move caught him off-guard and he stumbled backwards in order to avoid the attack. Relentless in his assault, the Sherouve’s bastard sword was already raised high against the dark, grey sky above and with a roar he brought it down upon Sejah aiming to chop him in halve. On one knee Sejah brought his tulwar up in a horizontal block but the inevitable occurred and he felt his wrist being wrenched almost from it’s socket, there was a popping sound and a clang as Sejah’s tulwar was knocked across the dusty arena floor.

There was no time for hesitation, regardless of the pain he had suffered and Sejah found himself diving across the floor to avoid another swing from the great bastard sword although taking the initiative he realised he couldn’t allow his opponent to bear his weapon another second. In homage to his attack on Stefan earlier in the day, Sejah leapt up and smashed the hilt of his kris into Grell’ah’s swordpaw, there were multiple cracking sounds and the beast yelped in agony and could only watch as his paw, no longer obeying his command relinquished it’s grip on the bastard sword and let it hit the ground throwing up a cloud of sand and dust in it’s wake.

“Holy Bantha poodoo! What is going on here?” Above the sky was littered with ominous black cloud and it looked like that it would begin to rain at any second, like a time bomb ticking away to the inevitable downer. The wind had picked up and whistled and howled in the streets below the arena, the boy took a moment to watch an empty and tattered cardboard box get blown down a street and into a narrow alley from his vantage point on the periphery of the arena. His walk had taken him alongside the private boxes reserved for the VIPs and guests of honour, he wanted to go further, the restraint was killing him. Something was telling him that on the other side of the low wall separating the regular seats and the reserved areas he would find whatever or whoever he was looking for and curiosity getting the better of him, he began his ascent.

It was quite easy, scaling the metal railing bit by bit; it was just like climbing a ladder. All he had to do was swing one leg over the shallow precipice and then drop down. For a moment Loki sat on the wall, absent-mindedly he looked down at the people below him, two females, a child, an elderly nehantite and an empty seat. For the first time in a long time, the young padawan felt like that boy from Chandrila once again who would climb trees and look into neighbours gardens and sneak into farms to steal some vegetables on camping trips. From his vantage point he felt on top of the world and looked down at Sejah who was now defenceless against Grell’ah’s monstrous clenched paws swinging left and right for his face. For a moment, a sickening feeling grew in the pit of the boy’s stomach at the thought of that large beast landing a punch on his friend and the consequences of such a punch. He wanted to shout out his support but that would startle the spectators in the private box below.

Loki’s wide eyes darted about the arena, taking in all that he saw with glee, he stared at the sky in the distance just above the other side of the arena walls where it appeared to be a deep shade of maroon or purple when a sudden glint of bright red caught his attention. It was a small light coming from the opposite side of the enormous circular arena, near the back of the stalls, the light swayed from side to side for a moment before it went still. Suddenly that same nauseous feeling from before turned in the boy’s stomach and Loki suddenly jumped down into the box. There was a crack which echoed wall to wall within the great stadium, a hiss and a screech almost instantaneously followed and the Loki found himself hit in the face by a shard of stone from the wall behind as it cracked.

The two women in the private box screamed out in terror and the bearded Nehantite male dived to the floor with them, one had been grazed by the bullet, a line of blood trickling from her cheek and she held her son close. The women cried out again, this time at the sight of the intruder in their private box and as if on cue the door behind them was pushed open and in barged three heavily armed Death Shadow guards.

“Surround the senator, get him out of here!” Ordered one of the grey-furred soldiers. He raised the butt of his rifle and smacked it against Loki’s temple; the boy fell to the ground out cold whilst the senator was rushed out of the arena. The two combatants continued to brawl unaware of what had transpired, even as security officials charged out toward them. For Sejah it was a make or break moment; he had to end the match or the match would be ended for him.

Sejah Haversh
May 15th, 2003, 03:15:27 PM
On the arena floor, Sejah was oblivious to all else that was going on around him. He lay pinned beneath his massive opponent, taking hits right and left from powerful fists to his head. Each time one connected, a flash of white replaced his vision, and his head was ringing. The mongoose’s brain shouted at him to avoid some of these blows, or he would surely be killed.

In a flash of desperation, Sejah suddenly twisted his body to one side, and he felt Grell’ah’s heavy fist slam into the floor beside him. The time it took Grell’ah to realize he would have to change tactics was enough for Sejah to wriggle out from under him and try to get up and run back to his tulwar. He made it only two steps before his giant enemy clamped a paw around his ankle, sending him again to the floor. Using his other leg, Sejah snapped out a kick that landed full on Grell’ah’s muzzle as he advanced, causing him to lose his grip once more.

Sand flew from under the brown Nehantrite’s paws as he skittered to a stand once more, but again Grell’ah surprised him in speed, again right behind him. Instead of being surprised once more, Sejah turned to face him, and it was his worst mistake of the match. The audience roared as the beastly Sherouve flung his burly arms around Sejah’s sides, locking them behind his back and lifting him off the ground in a tight bear hug. What Sejah did not realize was that the audience was not roaring for Grell’ah, but about the attempt on the senator’s life that had just occurred.

He could feel his ribs screaming in agony, threatening to crack under the pressure his opponent was administering, and the breath squeezed from his lungs. It was some form of miracle that Sejah was finally able to pull his arms free, and once he did, he swung them out at his opponent, boxing his ears hard, and falling to the dirt floor as he was dropped. Gasping for breath, Sejah stumbled around to Grell’ah’s back and used one heaving breath to fuel a leap up, wrapping one arm around his neck and using the other to lock it there in a sleeper hold. It was the only thing he could think of anymore, both of their weapons were too far away, and he barely caught the security guards out of the corner of his eye.

Grell’ah also had plans, and his were to win. The boxing of his ears had temporarily deafened him, but did nothing to make him any less aggressive. He knew what Sejah was trying to do, and countered by turning his back to a wall, and running backwards until he slammed into it, crushing Sejah against his back. But the mongoose held on, straining for breath himself, and gasped a cry of pain as Grell’ah leaned forward and slammed back again. Thoughts of defeat were running through Sejah’s brain as he felt his energy draining as he was slammed repeatedly, and he didn’t notice that each time was weaker and weaker, or that the security guards were almost upon them to break up the fight, much to the disappointment of the ring officials.

Finally, the beastly Sherouve fell under Sejah’s sleeper hold, blacked out. Sejah had won, and no sooner had he done so than he was grabbed up and half-carried, half-rushed out of the ring. He was in such pain that he didn’t even think to ask why.

<font size=1>OOC: I’ll get to the rest later, I need to head to work for now.

D'raaj A'arkantheil
Jun 2nd, 2003, 01:46:05 PM
It had not been the first attempt on D'raaj's life, but it certainly had been one of the boldest. Thankfully he was allowed a double compliment of guards at so public a function, and both Shadows and Death-Shadows worked to clear the private box of all inhabitants before the sniper could get off another shot.

"What in Garfife's name was that?" the senator demanded once he was within the safety of the hallway. "I thought you said the arena was secure! How incompetant are you? I should have to broken to the servant class for that!" He continued to rail against one of the Shadows, who didn't know what to do about it.

A Death-Shadow then hauled Loki's unconsious body from the box, and proceeded to both hand and ankle cuff him, with a steel cable runinng between the two. At the moment, a human boy who fell into the Senator's box at the time of an attempted assassination would not be taken lightly. But, until they could find out just who he was, and where he came from, they could not resort to their more traditional methods of extracting information from him. Instead he would just be hauled down to the lower levels of the arena and tossed into one of the ancient cells where prisoners and heretics were locked before they might have been thrown into semi-gladitorial games millenea ago. It was dark, dank, and smelled foul, but the Shadow had no concern for that, after all, he wasn't the one who would have to sit in the barred stone cell until his fate was decided. Loki was left alone, and the lights were shut out, leaving him still bound and in almost complete darkness.

Topside, D'raaj was rushed to a safe location, and the guards all arounf the arena went on an immediate hunt for the would-be assassin.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 8th, 2003, 02:33:20 PM
When the most recently-detained prisoner within the arena came about, he like most of those who had gone before him - Loki figuring that very few, if any, of those who had been taken to these dungeons had ever arrived fully conscious - never knew whether he was awake, asleep or dead. He couldn't even see his hand in front of his face although he could feel it twitching erratically, no doubt from having been hurled into the black pit carelessly and thus landing awkwardly. His wrist hurt a little and his fingers were numb, either from cold or pain or both, it was after all very chilly in the lower levels of the stadium where not even a speck of sunlight could reach. Perhaps that’s why his hand was trembling as opposed to twitching; it had only just been drawn to the young boys attention that the rest of him was shivering involuntarily. Maybe he was scared too, that was probably it; cold, sore and scared.

“Hello?” Loki called out into the endless shade, his voice travelled rapidly into the distance, it reminded him of dropping a stone down into a dark well and listening for a splash once it reached the bottom to determine the depth and soon enough the frail echo of his voice returned. “Hello, is anyone there?”

This time he dared to raise his voice to a desperate shout but again it returned without an answer bringing along with it the ugly truth that the padawan was alone in the dark. What a predicament he was in; bound hand and foot, dizzy and sat alone against a cold, stone floor in a pitch black prison cell. The binders felt like they were made of ice against his wrists and ankles and the feeling of being restrained as such gave the boy a brief panic attack and he squirmed in a flimsy attempt to stand. Against the unforgiving, stone floor Loki wriggled to balance himself enough to push himself up onto his feet but only managed to get so far before his limbs froze as the steel cable snapped taught and helplessly, the padawan flopped over to one side. Deciding that being unconscious twice in one day was something he had never really wanted to do, Loki landed against his shoulder so that the impact of his head against the stone would be minimal. He groaned.

“Ow! Oh great, this is all I need.” Loki moaned, glad to break the awful, intimidating silence persistently haunting him in his cell. Now he was in a more uncomfortable predicament than before, the boy found himself bound uncomfortably, hand and foot, still dizzy, lying sideways against a cold, stone floor alone in a pitch black prison cell. Not only that but the smell was far more wretched with his nose closer to the floor, it was a smell reminiscent of Master Yoghurt’s root stew. A week after it had been made. The air was thick and close, a sour taste lingered on Loki’s tongue no doubt due to a curious scent which made the boy think of stale, mouldy bread in a sweat shop owned by a family of Jawas. Unhygienic ones at that!

“I think we need to shed some light on this situation.” Loki told himself, somewhat less tense and worried than before, he had self-assuringly figured that once those who had brought him down here discovered that he was Sejah’s friend and a padawan of the Greater Jedi Order they wouldn’t need to think twice about releasing him. In the dark, he slithered slowly yet not without determination until he finally reached the wall. His head going ‘Thunk!’ against the cell wall and one of his hands landed in a patch of something sticky and moist, it felt like moss or something equally grotesque. Then after gathering himself for one last burst of energy, Loki twisted and contorted his nimble, little body around and up against the wall so that at least he had something to lean against, comfortable or nae.

“After all, who needs a glowlamp, when you have the Force?” His eyes where already closed, not that it was like there were any distractions to be seen but they were closed was out of habit. Already the padawan could hear the whisperings and feel the flowing of the Force all around, it stretched out and touched every surface of his cell and penetrated its walls in all directions, spreading out like a giant bubble with Loki at its centre. However what the boy was interested in was something not outside of the cell or around him in the cell but rather an object that was on his person, in the pouch on his utility belt he could see with his mind’s eye, in shades of blue and white, one of the two crystals he took with him at all times. He focused on the object and it changed tone from dark blue to a bright, pale blue with a glowing white outline, he had wrapped tendrils of the Force around it and already it was moving out of his pocket and floated gracefully into one of his restrained hands.

“Gotcha! It’s time to work your magic, little crystal.”

Sejah Haversh
Jun 11th, 2003, 02:31:22 AM
Sejah was having trouble breathing, and his left eye had already swollen shut. The medics poked and prodded him here and there to make sure nothign was broken or seriously injured, and several times they foined incredibly painful spots that caused the swordfighter to growl and bark in pain.

He could remember few times in his life where he had ever felt worse. The mongoose's ribs - both in front and in back - felt as if they had been pressed to their limit, and his jaw and face throbbed from the many blows he had taken. But, the medics said he would be fine, and merely gave Sejah some over-the-counter pain medicine and strapped a gel icepack over his eye and set a few other icepacks on his chest to alleviate the swelling. Then he was told he would have to wait a few hours before being released, something he did not wish to comply with for it would make Loki wait forever for him with all that media presence.

At least the sight of his opponent being wheeled out on a stretcher was some comfort for the pain he was wracked with.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jun 11th, 2003, 04:42:05 AM
No light accompanied the booted footsteps that slowly began to echo down the hall to where Loki remained trapped in his cell. They seemed to come from four directions at once out of the blackness, sound bouncing off of ancient stone walls and amplifying itself in empty chambers. They continued to come closer and closer until it sounded as if they stopped squarely in front of Loki's cell, but whoever had walked the cooridoors had used no flashlight or lantern. The only light visible to the boy was a small, faint green light almost six feet from the ground, and it would occasionally flicker red.

"Loki Ahmrah?" a cold voiced called from the darkness, jsut below that tiny green light. Suddenly a face appeared in the light of an illuminated information tablet. It was a frightening one to behold; crisp, unfeeling and lit from beneath as it would be in a cheap horror movie. The rank pin of a Death-Shadow was barely fisible on his collar, and the beast spoke again, "Loki Ahmrah, of Chandrillia, currently Padawan Learner to a Master Anbira Hicchoru on Coruscant, age eleven, correct?" The beast read off the tablet, even though he already had that much memorized.

"I am Death-Shadow Captain J'ktal Anajii, and I am here to tell you that you have been cleared of all charges, and are to be brought to a topside holding cell until your parent or guardian comes to claim you," J'ktal spoke as if he were a machine, but finally a glint of life began to show in his face and voice. "Or at least that rag-tag swordsbeast of a friend you have, a Mr. Sejah Athejurrin Haversh. What you did was very foolish, kid, and had the shooter not confessed fully, I would wager you would be down here for some time longer."

The chamber suddenly flashed with light as J'ktal turned on a pocket lamp and then turned an old set of keys in the cell door lock before pulling the rusty bars away and stepping inside. The light shone almost directly in Loki's eyes, but that was not J'ktal's concern; instead he busied himself with unfastening Loki's bonds and helping the boy to his feet.

"Follow me," the gray mongoose instructed, "But do not stray. Should you become lost, I will not come looking for you."

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 27th, 2003, 09:06:39 AM
The arrival of a Death-Shadow outside his holding cell was cause for Loki to forget about the crystal in his hand, he opened his eyes to behold the eerie visage of the grey mongoose and allowed his grip on the Agedan crystal to relax. He had not, after all, been breaking any rules.

Accompanying J'ktal was an icy chill, it was carried through both his voice and demeanour. Despite the warm, clammy conditions Loki worked hard to supress a shiver in the Death-Shadow's presence. The last thing he wanted to do was show any signs of weakness and instead he decided to remain silent but J'ktal's unsavoury reference to his friend made the base of Loki's neck burn red with agitation.

At close quarters, Loki's fists were clenched tight and his jaw was locked in resistance to the voice in his head telling him to retalliate to what J'ktal had said. But once he was on his feet, Loki found it even more difficult to stop himself from lashing out with a fist or foot with the force of all his supressed anger and frustration packed behind it. Again he resisted but once outside his cage and trudging painfully behind the Death-Shadow Loki's knitted brow and grinding teeth only irritated him more and he had to say something.

"Sejah is no rag-tah swordbeast." He said hotly, swinging his fists at his sides with the convinction of someone prepared to walk straight through a wall.

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jul 13th, 2003, 12:16:11 AM
"He is low-born, and part Sherouve. A mongrel among his own, persay," J'ktal explained, no doubt feeling superior to Sejah. "I do not doubt his skill, for it is commendable, but his reputation and technique have not garnered much respect from many judgement panels. Once the medics have finished with him, you may rejoin him."

The Death-Shadow didn't slow or turn to face Loki, or do anything to show that he even knew that the boy was there. His confidence in his abilities was extreme, and it was not entirely unfounded. Odds were that if he were allowed to enter into the rho'istaan, Sejah would have already been edged out by the gray mongoose. But as it stood, J'ktal was being particualrily ambivalent to the whole matter, even thoough his attitude suggested otherwise.

Breaking back into sunlight was nearly blinding after the oppressive darkness of the undergrounds, and J'ktal's pupils shrank quickly to compensate. "Stay close, Mr. Ahmrah," he warned Loki a second time, again not looking behind himself. "Your incident in the men's room is not unknown to us, so do not try anything. Some cultures might find striking a young boy offensive, but I assure you that we have no such qualms here if he disobeys orders."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 21st, 2003, 08:11:45 AM
"Fascinating." Loki answered, whose tone failed to support his statement. The padawan was wholly uninterested in engaging in any further discussion with J'ktal, he'd had his fair share of run-ins for the day and was too tired to have any more confrontations. He believed that the Death-Shadow was simply trying to provoke him with his words so that he would have an excuse to personally discipline the boy.

The early evening air was cooler than it had been earlier. Although the sun was still burning fiercely in the sky and Loki padded across the dusty stone floor with vague repreive, pleased to be headed back to Sejah. The boy then remembered he had been unable to witness the end of the mongooses match and then remembered J'ktal mention something about medics. "Is Sejah alright? How did his fight go?"

imported_J'ktal Anajii
Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:29:11 AM
"From what I have gathered from video screen replays, Mr. Haversh took a serious beating, but still came out the victor. Still, I would not be surprised if he is no longer in fit shape to continue; that large fellow has killed beasts in the ring before with his bare paws," J'ktal explained, rounding a corner and quickly ascending a flight of stairs.

Through twisting hallways and cramped back doors, the gray mongoose took Loki on the back route to the medical ward, not wishing to have the boy photographed with him by sneaky paparazzi. Stopping at the glass and iron doors, the death-Shadow finally turned and looked at Loki. "Through there," he pointed. "Go to him, and then get out of here. If you pull another stunt like that, you will be prosecuted with whatver we can throw at you. Have a good evening, Mr. Ahmrah."

Turning on his heel, J'ktal started away, and melted into the shadows of dark cooridoors.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 22nd, 2003, 12:42:06 AM
After being dragged to a stretcher, Sejah fell into uconsciousness for over an hour. X-rays had been shot of him, finding no broken bones, but several that came close. The medics had to rely on pure oxygen to keep him from slipping deeper, and when he came around, he could hardly speak for the swelling in his jaw and face.

Attempting to get up form his assigned bed was also an adventure in pain, and the nearest doctor forced him back down. Sejah complied as his ribs screamed in agony. He had been given plenty of medication, but the beating he took was still far from dulled. His left eye was just a slit between layers of swelling, wich the medics quickly covered with an ice-pack, and his right arm was splinted to keep him from moving it and causing more pain as it was being iced as well. There wasn't a part of him that he knew of that didn't hurt. From the top of his head to the tip of his tail, it seemed that only his pain sensors worked, and they were thriving.

Finally, after he came around enough that the medics could see that he would be okay, they administered even more pain killers, doping him up, but at least making the pain subside for the moment.

Sejah didn't even notice when Loki first entered the room. He was half in a dream from all the drugs in his system. It wasn't until he caught a whiff of the boy's familiar scent--it was so different from that of a Nehantite--that he knew his friend was there.

"L-Loki?" he asked groggily, lolling his head to the side. "Is that you? You okay? You see the fight?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 05:55:58 AM
Loki had been given a moments relief when informed that Sejah had been victorious but that strand of satisfaction was severed by J'ktal, who the boy imagined was all too happy to bear further bad news for him for he seemed exceedingly efficient at it. In his head, he mulled over what he'd been told and despite the Death-Shadows cold words, Loki believed that even if Sejah had lost every last limb then the next day he'd be out there with his tulwar between his jaws. When it came to this sort of thing, there was no defeat in Sejah. He was so lost in his thoughts that he had almost missed J'ktal's farewell and his chance to have the last laugh.

"Oh yes, and you too Mr. Anajii!" He called to the grey mongoose who was already walking away, Loki wore a big grin. "It's been a pleasure, hope we do it again sometime!"

In the medical ward, Loki had to work hard to mask his discomfort. His memories of hospitals and medical wards were full of nothing but the suffering of loved ones and he could feel heightened levels of fear and upset oozing from visitors. He was left pale and shaken after seeing a team of surgeons race down the corridoor with a stretcher bearing a very badly wounded and bleeding combatant, they were accompanied by a female, his wife and a male, his brother. The brown-furred female was wailing in fright, while the brother, who looked equally worried was attempting to console her as they ran to the operation theatre.

"Yes. Yes, it's me, Sej." Answered Loki, startled by the sound of his friend's voice who had evidently recognised his presence before Loki had his. The boy had been standing outside his room without realizing it and then stepped inside. He couldn't help but wince at the sight of Sejah's battered body, covered in dressings and splints and ice-packs. His eyes were red and hazy behind bulging swells and bruises, his jaw looked out of place. Not daring to touch him, not even to congratulate him on his victory or console him on his injuries, for fear of hurting him more, Loki simply sat down next to him and surveyed the damage. He decided not to make a fuss of the injuries, it would help Sejah recover from them.

"Congratulations on the victory, Sejah. That was a brutal fight, I could hardly watch!" He said, knowing that for the end of it he was down in the dungeons somewhere but he lied. "That was a suprising end too--"

He broke off, paused then shook his head at Sejah with a smile. "No wild night on the town for you this evening!"

Sejah Haversh
Jul 22nd, 2003, 01:49:16 PM
Sejah nodded in response, not knowing where Loki had been at all. "Yeah, I'm just lucky that big fellow let up for a moment," he said, trying to smile. "Doc says I should be fine, just sore for a while. Legs are all good, as far as I can tell, so I should be good to walk around. And, no, no big parties tonight, I don't think."

Sitting up, now with the doctor's permission, Sejah removed the icepack from his eye and touched it gingerly. "I hope this goes down by tomorrow, I still ahve two more matches," the mongoose tried to joke. "Well, if the docs say it's alright, I'd like to get out of here. What about you? And, how'd you get all dirty?"

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:08:51 PM
"Oh, I tripped over and fell in the mad rush to get out, the floor was dirty and dusty. The assassination attempt stirred the crowds into a frenzy. People were scared and just wanted to get out, you were lucky to have so many watching the end of the match when it finished!" The boy's words rolled off his tongue, he didn't lie very often but when he did he could do it pretty well if he believed himself enough. He dusted off the sleeves of his shirt self-conciously.

"Let us not rush to get outside." Loki warned, "Otherwise the press will be all over us like a bad rash - as per usual - and that wouldn't be any good to you when you're in this state."

The reality of the matter was that if they were to venture outside with the news crews in full force, the pair would be mobbed with questions about Loki's apprehension and temporary incarceration. The boy thought Sejah could do without all of that and frankly, he thought, so could he. He returned from his thoughts with a comforting smile.

"Is there anything I can get you?"

Sejah Haversh
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:26:27 PM
Remaining sitting up, Sejah bent and straightened his un-splinted arm, working out the stiffness. "I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of that," he said, "I'll see about getting you some better security guards for tomorrow."

As he spoke, an attendig medic came by to check his eyes, and see if they were dialated at all. Though Sejah showed no signs of a concussion, the medics wanted to make sure nothing else would show up. When he was satisfied, he nodded and went off to attend to a young female who suffered a broken arm in the stampede out of the arena.

"I really don't care about the press anymore, Loki," Sejah admitted. "If they are set on ruining my name, there is little I can do to stop them. After tomorrow, we're going back to Coruscant, and I am never coming back home again, unless Rej requests me."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 02:56:19 PM
Loki never thought it would happen but he actually felt relieved to hear that they would be going back home in a couple of days. When he had first came to the planet, he was in awe of the new world and culture, now it had festered upon his heart like a miserable sore and his memories of Nehantish will only be tainted with images of bullying, prisons and camera flashes.

"I wonder if you win this tournament, you will be put forward for promotion to Jedi Knight. You deserve it, Sej, they way you've dealt with all of this. Your people--" He hushed his voice and leaned in closer, "--they don't seem to realise a prodigy when they see one. Your a great ambassador for Nehantish, you should be proud."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 22nd, 2003, 03:00:10 PM
Sejah started to laugh, but had to stop himself because of the pain it was causing his ribs. "Promote me to knight?" he nearly scoffed, "What for? Dealing with the press like a common movie star? Loki, you know more about the Force than I do. All I can do is swing a sword. That's not enough to warrant promotion."

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 03:15:15 PM
"Well, we'll see." Loki finished the topic of discussion knowing that Sejah was pretty set in his ways when it came to his humble, underestimating opinion of himself so there was no point in persuing the matter further.

"I've never been one for hospitals." Loki groaned, glancing around the small space. "They have that smell and look too clean if you know what I mean. Never a place where there are any good experiences, always miserable--" He paused.

"--In fact, the last time I was in a hospital wing was when a friend had been stabbed by a lightsaber, she was injured badly but survived." He was feeling himself become miserable again, then he had a thought and laughed. "You should use your lightsaber in the tournament!"

Sejah Haversh
Jul 22nd, 2003, 03:26:07 PM
He must admit, the thought of using his saber had crossed his mind, but Sejah gad decided against it. "No, I can't. It would seem I have an unfair advantage. Nobeast in this competition has ever used one that I know of, so it would be hard to fight against. No, I need to use my old sword," he expliained.

After a short while longer, Sejah felt as if he had been there long enough. Removing his icepacks, he got up from the bed and took off his arm splint. The medics gave him a temporary sling instead, as well as a bottle of hearty pain-killers before letting him sign out. "Well, I guess it's back to the hotel, Loki," he said. The swelling and bruiising should go down in the night, and there was nothign else the docs could do for him, so now there was nothing to do but rest for the coming day.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 22nd, 2003, 04:33:20 PM
"You know, I wasn't serious about you using your lightsaber before," He chuckled, adding, "I mean, it would all be over in seconds, the first strike would disassemble your opponents weapon and then pow! Game over!"

The boy laughed, perhaps he was underestimating the abilities of the Nehantish combatants or maybe Sejah was overestimating them because Loki believed that up against the Jedi weapon, no tulwar-wielding fighter would stand a chance. Sejah's response suprised him, he had no idea that the officials would allow such weapons to be part of the tournament. Loki cast his mind ahead as they made their way outside.

"I'm looking forward to a relaxing evening myself. Let's hope the press have dissappeared."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 23rd, 2003, 01:42:12 PM
His bag of things and his tulwar having been brought to the medical ward of the arena, Sejah was prescribed some further medication and told not to drink or operate heavy machinery, then was let go.

The moment he and Loki set foot out of the main doors, a barrage of flashign lights greeted them, as well as at least a dozen microphones thrust into their faces. This time, Sejah simply ignored them, pushign through, but making sure that Loki was close to him as not to get seperated. Whatever the reporters were asking him or accusing him of, he couldn't understand them. There was too much noise, and too many lights. On his medication, Sejah was havign trouble even telling his right from his left, and it was a thankful sight when he spotted their limosuine still waiting for them. One thing was for certain, he would thank the hotel deeply for making the driver wait that long to pick them up.

"You get in first," the mongoose told Loki, opening the door for him, " and tell the driver to go back to the hotel." Slumping down into the seat with a groan, Sejah followed the boy, and shut the door on the reporters. He hurt, and his mind couldn't focus. All Sejah wanted was to go back to the hotel and sleep.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:08:47 PM
As guilty as he felt for thinking it, Loki was glad Sejah had been as drugged up as he had been because it was clear the questions the reporters fired at them about Loki's spot of trouble with the Senator had clearly gone over the mongoose's head. Sejah swayed occassionally when he walked so Loki kept close in case he fell. He was relieved to be clear of any more hassle and that they were headed back to the hotel for a rest.

"Thank goodness for that!" Loki sighed after telling the driver where they were headed. He ran his hand through his hair and began toying with the thicker, longer strands as he always did when tired. With a wince he remembered being hit with the butt of a weapon, his fingers ran over the sore spot and he tapped it gently with curiosity. Sejah was half-asleep.

"When we get in, don't worry about the eating arrangements-" Sejah stirred to protest but Loki silenced him with an open hand. "No, you have to eat. Let me sort it out, don't think on it. Now have a rest."

Sejah Haversh
Jul 23rd, 2003, 02:42:43 PM
Sejah had little memory of getting out of the car, or heading up to their room. All he knew was that once he was there, he dropped his things inside the door and headed to the couch where he carefully sat down and removed his sneakers. Though hs didn't realize it, the mongoose had a small ritual of sorts when we found himself injured or depressed. At the moment, it was a combination of the two. Picking up the remote, Sejah turned on the giant television and idly flippe through channels until he found the cartoon station.

No matter his mood, for some reason watchign cartoons usually calmed him. They were funny, silly, and pointless, three things he needed right then. It wasn't that he was ignoring Loki, but, right now Sejah's brain only wanted to focus on one thing, and that was the antics of an animated rabbit giving a hunter with a speech impediment a hard time. HE didnt' hear Loki call for room service, or even stay awake through the end of the episode. His body needed to heal, and the medication in his bloodstream was shutting him down so that he could get back to normal.

But, out of some sheer fluke, the ringing of the hotel phone woke him and he reached out a groggy paw to pick up the handset on the end table. "Hello?" he mumbled into it, his eyes still bleary.

The mongoose's battered face transformed from oen of drugged idiocy to that of sharp concern. Slamming the phone down, Sejah nearly jumped up ignoring the pain he felt. "The school is on fire!" he shouted to Loki. "I've got to go stop it!"

Bolting to the door, Sejah didn't even bother to put his shoes back on.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 24th, 2003, 12:10:27 PM
Loki had been docile since the moment he'd set foot back into their room, he flopped down on the cool bed and lied there for ten minutes before bothering to order dinner. Even he had lost his appetite and hadn't endured any such sort of hardship like Sejah. The boy had returned to his bedroom to collapse on the bed again until their meal arrived, shortly after the phone rang, Sejah answered it first so Loki, assuming it would be room service, remained stationary on top of his bedsheets.

There was a sound of rushed fumbling coming from the other room, then when Sejah darted past and called to him Loki jumped to his feet so fast that he went dizzy and had to sit down again. Rubbing his eyes he could hear their room door open and he had no choice but to dart out after Sejah and ignore his light-headedness.

"I'm coming with you." He told Sejah as he stepped inside the lift, it wasn't a request. His face was riddled with concern. "You mean Master Rej's school? That's on fire?"

Sejah Haversh
Jul 24th, 2003, 02:45:40 PM
"Yes," Sejah said, almost panicking. His breathign was rapid,a nd he exuded worry and fear. On the way down, the lift tried to stop at two other floors, but Sejah jammed the door colse button to avoid any delays.

The mongoose made quite a scene when he burst out of the hotel lobby and onto the street. He was partially bandaged, and hadn't even changed out of his instructors uniform after the tournament. His eyes darted here and there, hoping to flag down a taxi or a limo, but there were none to be seen. In a surprising breach of character, Sejah danshed forward and smashed int he window of a Flagline LX with his elbow and unlocked it from within. Sweeping the glass fromt he seat, he lef the door open for Loki after passing across the front to the driver's seat where he reached under the dash and disconnected the alarm wite, then ripped out the igniton wires. Within seconds, the engine roared to life, and his footpaw swapped places fromt eh clutch and brake to the gas as he dropped it into first and took off, not even bothering to buckle his seatbelt.

That didn't stop him from telling Loki to do so as he whipped around corners and wove through traffic like a madbeast. He never got his driver's license, but it was quite evident that he was skilled at not only hotwiring cars, but at driving them as well.

In little more than three minutes, he ripped the parking brake into place and the Flagline spun to a stop in front of the school. His face was a mask of horror as he looked at the flames lick up the sides of the building, and he scrambled out of the car, running toward the inferno. A small crowd of beasts grabbed him, and held the mongoose back as he tried to race into the building.

"No! Noooo!" Sejah screamed, his voice strained as he pulled against the hold the others had on him. His muscles stood out, and his eyes streamed with tears. A series of words best not repeated found their way out of his mouth. Eventually he found himself spent, falling to his knees and sobbing. When the fire blossomed to an unextinguisable blaze, Sejah got back up to his feet and picked up a n empty glass bottle from the curb and hurled it into the fire. Several other objects followed until he was again restrained.

Loki Ahmrah
Jul 24th, 2003, 03:40:33 PM
Tilting his head awkwardly to look back at what he believed had been a glimpse of things to come, Loki watched the skyline of deep, dark blue against the low slum buildings near Master Rej’s School and surely enough he could make out thick wisps of smoke rising upwards, occasionally glowing a wicked, foreboding red in the silent night sky. The boy decided not to mention anything of this to Sejah, in fact he was glad to have been distracted from his friends’ maniacal motoring, even if it was only for a moment. The stolen vehicle lurched and the younger padawan fancied it’s rather lavish body would soon be upturned and ruined as they hurtled around another two sharp corners, he checked his seatbelt for the umpteenth time.

“Looks like this is it.” Loki remembered saying, that which followed was a chaotic blur. The vehicle rolled to a stop and leaving the engine humming away, Sejah was already out of the Flagline and Loki followed just in time to see him slip into the crowd of people gathered and watching the ongoing inferno. He could hear the rumbling of the fire raging up ahead, angrily ravaging the frail building and there would be fleeting moments when the flames could be seen over the furry nehantish heads, gracefully, treacherously licking the black evening canvas.

“Oh no. No.” He groaned with a heavy heart, he trudged closer to the outskirts of the gathered masses knowing that on the other side he would find an unbearably distraught Sejah. Painfully and deliberately, he took his time in making his way through the mongoose people, it was no easy task, particularly for someone his size but after a great deal of squeezing and hardship he finally emerged from the closed ranks. His first glimpse of that hellish torrent of flame and smoke and ash took him back four years, it took him back to Chandrila when he was seven years old.

Uncle Gutherey was bellowing orders to someone over a comlink, Aunt Gutherey was being consoled by her sister, Loki’s mother, while his dad helped his two cousins unravel a great fire hose. Mournful sirens flooded the empty, midnight air as he sat from his bedroom window and watched helplessly, his families heritage and legacy literally go up in smoke. The fire raged on into the night and rocked his uncle’s livestock and crops, almost put him out of business completely but he recovered. One thing that always stuck with the boy, one vivid image was that of his uncle the next day, a great, hulking, burly man, leather for skin, durasteel for bones and like so many in his family, bantha manure for brains; he had continued the family tradition of agriculture as a way of life, not just a means of income. The following day, before breakfast, Loki sat huddled on the staircase and peering through the banister bars, saw his uncle, the brave, indestructible farmer crying in his father’s arms. Back then he never really understood his uncle’s despair, but now, standing by Sejah as he was restrained by numerous men, lashing out with wild desperation before his master’s burning school, Loki finally understood:

Going up in flames, with the rest of that building was practically every memory, happy moment and segment of Sejah’s childhood and there was nothing that could be done to get it back. Again, all Loki could do was stand and watch and again he felt helpless and unable to help his friend in another moment of suffering. All he could offer was his hand, on Sejah’s shoulder and for the time being, he knew from experience, words did little to console.

Sejah Haversh
Jul 30th, 2003, 12:22:35 AM
Sejah had fallen to his knees, hot tears pouring down his cheeks. Tears of anger, sandess and rage. His physical pain was forgotten, only the overwhelming sense of loss filled his heart. His family home was gone, as was his mother, and now the only other place he had called home was never going to be seen again, dying before his very eyes.

Loki's hand was unnoticed for a while before Sejah looked over to see the others around him. Some were pointing, others looked on and shook their heads. A few just looked, and kept passing by. A fire in the city was news, but it was not terribly out of the oridnary, especially when it was just in a school that looked run-down and in need of replacing anyway. None of them could understand what it held to Sejah.

When the fire department arrived, Sejah was ready to go. His home was in ashes, and only the framework remained, charred and blackened by the inferno. In his heart, all the mongoose could think about was how this would affect Rej. The old master had little money to fall abck on, and he knew the insurance on the school would eb woefully inept to rebuild it. Everything Rej had worked for was gone as well. Sejah only hoped it wouldn't give him another heart attack.

The stolen Flagline remained at the scene, and Sejah hailed a taxi to return home in, not remembering he didn't have any money on him. The driver was furious, but when Sejah returned from the hotel room, he was okay, but demanded an extra twenty-five percent for the whole ordeal. Sejah paid it without blinking, and went back upstairs to the room he shared with Loki. He was spent, both physically and emotionally, and knew he still ahd another day to endure tomorrow. Not bothering to undress, the Nehantite flopped face-down on his bed and tried not to cry anymore. He didn't want to appear weak in front of Loki.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 7th, 2003, 02:17:51 PM
That night, Loki decided to give Sejah some breathing space and sleep on the couch. As much as he had wanted to help his friend and cheer him up in some way, all ideas had been exhausted and he came to the conclusion that if he were in Sejah's position then he would rather be left alone. Besides, Loki thought, they both needed rest above all else, particularly Sejah who would be facing his final day of the Rho'istaan Tournament. It was a shame that Loki found himself looking forward to the end of it all now. It had been an experience to say the least.

"Goodnight Sejah!" He called to the dark bedroom from his place on the couch. Innitially, Loki had no intention of spending the night on the sofa no matter how comfortable it might be but after no more than ten minutes of television, he was fast asleep and dreaming about returning home and having a party at the Bar and Grill celebrating Sejah, the Rho'istaan Champion but the dream ended too soon.

Morning seemed to arrive soon after Loki's eyes had closed. He was first to rise that day, the untamed daylight poured into the room and for several minutes Loki couldn't bring himself to open his weary eyes. Once he was up on his feet, sore from having slept awkwardly that night, the boy tip-toed into the bedroom, retrieved his washbag and headed for the shower. He couldn't bring himself to wake up his mongoose friend who was still heavily asleep'; besides, he told himself while rinsing away the sweaty stickiness, Sejah wouldn't have to get up for at least another fifteen minutes. By which time, Loki had dressed, ordered breakfast and prepared the table. Finally, he returned to the bedroom and gave Sejah his wake-up call.

"Hey buddy, it's time to get up." He whispered, Sejah snorted a little then continued to snore. Loki spoke a little louder. "Can you hear me, Sej? Breakfast is on it's way."

Sejah Haversh
Aug 19th, 2003, 05:44:58 PM
Sleep was a welcome reprieve from the pain Sejah felt that day. You couldn't feel in your sleep, or worry, or be bothered by the real events of the day in anything but a dream. And no dreams came to the mongoose, only much-needed rest.

As Loki piped up, Sejah woke, face-down on his mattress, still dressed in ther previous day's clothes and his whole body sore. Groaning, he rolled over onto his side and rubbed his face with his paws to wake up, His fur was mis-directed, his clothing rumpled, and for all appearances it looked as if he just woke up after a good frat party. He felt far from it, though. Loki didn't hassle him as he climbed off the bed,a nd groggily leaned against bedpost. "I'm up," he muttered.

Looking at the clock, the mongoose rolled his tired eyes and pushed off, staggering into the main room where breakfast was laid out. He didn't have much time, especially if he wanted to clean up before the tournament. Thankfully, there would only be two more duels, and they started later in the day.

"Sleep okay?" he asked Loki while using a fork to spear a slice of pineapple, but wasn't especially graceful when he crammed the whole thing in his mouth and reached for a croisant. Swallowing, he ripped off a bite of the bread and spoke around a full mouth, "We've got about an hour before we've got to go. I still need to shower." Furthering his bedraggled look, Sejah reashed up to scratch the back of his head while taking a chug of orange juice. Wiping his muzzle off on the back of his paw, he suddenly took a change of topic. "Loki, I want you to take my lightsaber with you today, okay?"

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 20th, 2003, 12:22:46 PM
Loki nodded, shovelling a piece of toast into his mouth. He had learned to trust Sejah's instincts during their time on Nehantish but he couldn't help but feel a little worried at the sudden request.

"Okay. But what makes you think we'll need the lightsaber?" He asked, masking his fear with curiosity.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 20th, 2003, 07:38:03 PM
Bursting a grape between his molars, Sejah replied, "I'm not sure, but, just do it, okay?" Grabbing a muffin, the mongoose stood up and pushed his chair in. "Sorry, gotta grab a shower if I hope to look okay out there."

With that, he crammed half the muffin into his mouth and speedily headed toward the bathroom to take a fast, but careful, shower. Thankfully, no helicoptors were present that time. The hot water was welcome releif to his sore muscles, and he rubbed his arms and shoulders firmly, working out the stiffness he felt. A quick blast in the drying room got him amply dried, and he once more donned his instructing uniform, though it was heavily dirtied and wrinkled from the previous day.

Emerging dressed and brushed, Sejah still didn't look in normal shape, but ragged and battle-weary. He was going to need to tape his wrists, that was fir sure; they were too sore to hold up under combat pressure.

"Gar, my back is killing me," he grumbled as he sat back down at the table. "Think I slept wrong. Hope the other guys did too, otherwise I don't stand a chance." Oddly, Sejah was seemign quite personal rather than a beast who was about to enter his toughest challenge ever.

The limo ride was awkward, as usual. Sejah passed Loki his lightsaber, even though he thought that his friend might be uncomfortable with it. When the car rolled to a stop, Sejah smiled weakly and the ruffled Loki's hair. "Wish me luck, will ya'? And snap some photos on that camera of yours, I'll never be here again. See you after the match, pal."

With that, Sejah grabbed his tulwar and climbed out of the car, wading through the reporters, and trying to forget all the horrible things that had happened during the week. He was there to compete, and nothing else. When he reached the doors, the remaining press recognized that, and parted for him and his powerful walk.

The locker room was nearly vacant, only a handful of contestants remaining. One of them sat meditating, another did pull-ups, and two others were engrossed in a game of cards as if they were old schoolyard chums. There was no hatred among them anymore, only professional respect, and a mutual appreciation of each other's skill. Sure, Sejah recieved the occasional odd glance, but he passed it off without a word.

Sejah spent the waiting time taping his wrists and donnign his gloves, tightening them to exacting specifications. Several warm-up stretches followed, and a short prayer. Then the PA system sounded, and the remaining competitors took up their weapons and made their way out the tunnel and onto the sandy floor of the arena in the blazing sunlight.

Loki Ahmrah
Aug 27th, 2003, 03:05:03 PM
"Sejah Haversh for Champion Rho'istaan!" Loki declared boldly as he handed to Hallah, Jelfar and Sindir a badge with the exact same words on it. They each examined the bright red button and hastily pinned it to their chests after a prompting from Loki, who was beaming with delight ever since he'd been presented with a armful of paraphinellia at the entrance to the arena. Each item, be it a shirt or a cap, a badge or a flag bore a message in support of Sejah. Loki, being the well-publicised friend of a tournament finalist was given all the gear for free and now he had to get rid of it.

"I don't care, here, put this one on the right side of your jacket! There!" Loki forcefully pinned one of his badges onto the chest of a beast he had met several days previous, his name was Olaf Hartherie and he was wearing green items of clothing to show his support for another finalist, a sherouve called G'alanthor Berzarrat, but the padawan wasn;t having any of it. The mongoose had given up his protest and allowed Loki to pin a red badge to his jacket and shove a red Sejah Haversh flag into his cap. "And if you don't like the flag where it is then hold it in your free hand, in fact better still, get rid of that green flag and wave that one really high. Understand?"

By the time Loki had returned to his seat the procession of finalists began and the crowds roaring began. All spectators were on their feet, applauding and cheering the remaining combatants as they made their way to the centre of the dusty arena floor where they were greeted by the Sultan, robust and proud in his garments of gleaming white with trimmings of shimmering gold. Clearly no expense was spared for the last day of the tournament. Soldiers were lined up in rank behind the Sultan's podium onto which each competitor was lead by a Death Shadow and were each presented with an ornate tulwar. The Sultan spoke with each of the four finalists for a moment while he ceremoniously presented them with their blade. Loki had to wonder what choice words the Sultan had for Sejah.

Shortly after, their was flourish of trumpets and the crowd fell absolutely silent as the sultan stepped up onto his podium and addessed the masses with two finalists to either side of him. His speech was short and sweet.

"Days like these are far to rare to cheapen with heavy-handed words. The beasts stood before you here today, are all victors in the eyes of Garfife but there can be only one Rho'istaan Champion. So without further a do, let the last day of Rho'istaan Tournament begin!"