View Full Version : Ancient weapons and hokey religions are no match for a blaster at your side!

Sep 4th, 2002, 01:25:16 AM
Mockadane sat in a rather mundane pub on Tatooine gripping an invitation for universal self-employed businessmen (Bounty Hunters/ Merc's/ Smugglers/ Pirate "s &, etc.) to attend.

This should be interesting!

Mr Wednesdaydale
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:28:17 PM
Cor blimey!

An old man glared at Mockadane through atrociously-thick spectacles.

Yoh a turkesh deloight shy af the whol' slabba beef, ain't yew, squiyah? Yoh mum must'av bent durasteel bars weth 'er thighs 'foh she had yew.

The geezer seemed to scrutinize Mock with hard, cruel eyes.

Name's Mistah Wednesdaydale, squiyah. Eitha that, oh et's Guvnah, savveh? Ah'm not gettin any frackin youngah, sonneh Jim, so lets get tew the details.

Sep 4th, 2002, 09:21:17 PM
The ebony assassin made no concentrated effort to disguise his piercing gaze on the unfamiliar, large, seated gentleman and the elderly Wednesdaydale. Nemesis had recieved no official invitation to this gathering, however he assumed it mattered little.

An upright hand swiped away the collecting haze of smoke, for he did not wish to miss any part of the pair's conversation. His intrigue, at the moment, peeked at ordinary curiousity. Mockadane's answers would determine whether that regard would grow or be snuffed out.

Mori Blades
Sep 6th, 2002, 01:36:27 PM
Mori sat in a corner of the bar, smoking a cigarette and watching the goings-on at the counter. She too had recieved an invitation to this place, but prefered to lay low and study the invitees as they trickled in. The first man, the one clutching the crumpled invitation, was most likely a bounty hunter -- he had that look about him. The geezer, the self-introduced Mr. Wednesdaydale, seemed to be the one who sent out the invites, although she wasn't sure. But it certainly sounded that way based on what he said.

She knocked back the rest of her drink and took a look around. She noticed another figure seated in a corner, much as she was. She recognized him as another assassin, although he wasn't a member of the guild. She stubbed out her cigarette and sauntered up to the bar, taking a seat next to the bounty hunter.

"Jaeger, please."

She took her drink and tossed down some credits, then turned to look at the bounty hunter.

"So what brings you to this gods-forsaken part of the galaxy?"

Sep 10th, 2002, 11:37:25 PM
Mockadane had encountered a diverse amount of beings across the galexy. Many of them being non-human species, that caused great impediments, as they tried to speak the common tounge with their vocalized structures... yet only certain meanings could Mockadane retrieve from this Elder humans words.

"You must have me mistaken for someone else... this is not my gathering, besides my invitation here is written in, Hutteeze?... mabey...." He looks again at the invite.

The rather impressive looking Woman that sat down at Mockadane's side appeared to have a carefree and friendly attitude. This was a very well played move, Mockadane had to admire in her, as he had noticed the very meticulous way she carried herself. Although very beatiful, she had the look of both predetor... and prey!

Looking over to her he spoke...

"Perhaps to find employment contact's or information!"

Juju Fett
Sep 11th, 2002, 01:02:05 AM
Within a darkened corner of the tavern, two silhouetted figure's sat quietly conversing amongst them self's. The holo-lamp's cast a subtle glimmer off the bounty hunter's Mandalorian armor as he scanned the room with a watchful eye. It was apparent to the hunter there was a culmination of mercenary's and hunter's alike gathering quickly. Time's were tough now in their line of work and every thug and his sidekick would jump at an offer if the price was right. Obviously this seemed to be the case and to the Fett's it spelt trouble. Hot temper's and ale was not a mixture that faired well together when the two clashed...

"I see we have company sister...Keep an eye out. Thing's could get ugly real quick." Came Juju's voice over Jaslin's ear com as the bounty hunter slowly rested both hands on the metallic blaster's at his side.

Mori Blades
Sep 11th, 2002, 02:39:38 PM
She arched an eyebrow. "Same reason I'm here," and she glanced down at the crumpled invite in his hand. "I wonder who sent these out -- a Hutt, maybe?"

She took a swig of her drink. In doing so, the black trenchcoat she wore swung open a bit, revealing a variety of weapons, most notably knives. "I hope whoever it is is willing to pay good money -- I haven't had a decent contract in over a month."

She knocked back the rest of her drink and scanned the room. It seems that another bounty hunter had joined -- or maybe he was here all along -- it was hard to tell with all the booths and tables in the shadows. He was given away by the flicker of light against his armor -- Mandalorian style, and probably one of the legendary Fetts inside it. She turned back to the bar and ordered another drink, then cast a sidelong glance at the merc bounty hunter beside her before lighting up another cigarette.

Sep 12th, 2002, 01:55:01 PM
The Ranger lowered his vigil, returning to the glass of green tea set before him. Apparently no one at the bar was the anonymous host of this unusual gathering.

Nemesis' mind drifted to the pair seated at a corner table to his right. A scarcely audible groan, overlaid with a metallic chime, rushed within his ears.

"Seems as though someone has grown a bit anxious." muttering to himself.

He idly spun the ornately designed chalice, all the while keenly listening to the new formed trio.

Ishiva Ruell
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:13:24 PM
Positioned just on the edge of earshot distance sat Ishiva Ruell. Freelance assassin and hunter for any and all with enough credits to afford his services. His inert black chameleonic elastex suit made his form and posture hard to distinguish amongst the shadowy and smoke-filled tavern. Save his partially visible pale visage and the gold molytex ballistic vest he wore.

His expressionless grey eyes radiated with calm, calculable, and deadly purpose. He, too, was puzzling over the mysterious invite while never permiting his attention or his cat-like intuition to overly relax. A hand cautiously caressed the skull-faceted pommel of a dagger sheathed on his right thigh.

Sep 15th, 2002, 10:09:43 PM
'Mockadane viewed her personal gathering of well placed weapons upon the rather beautiful woman, letting his gaze linger on her breasts a second longer than usual. Catching himself he stammered....

"Perhaps if this gathering is not to your liking..... I could use you on my staff" he smiled.

Looking around the bar Mockadane thought to himself...'this gathering has more patrons than a Hutt has tits.

Sep 16th, 2002, 10:35:59 PM
"Ahh, Mockadane still a lady charmer huh?" Placing his katanas on the bar he smiled under the black armor.
Nodding to the Fett's in the corner he again turned his attention to Mockadane.
"Well, I hope your not going to turn this into a bloodbath like you did on Ord Mandell. Boy was that a mess. We had imperial troops on the planet for 3 weeks after your last visit.

Sep 19th, 2002, 11:54:11 PM
"Hey sting.... your looking rather dapper this day!" Mockadane said with his best smile. Looking over Stings shoulder towards the Fetts that Mockadane had heard about, then swept his guaze over the collection of non-force user's gathered in this rather deadly din of vipers. It seamed the best of the best of the galexy was gathering... and to this end, curiosity ruled.

"By the way... Ord Mandell was not entirely my fault..."

Sep 20th, 2002, 09:41:02 PM
Well, maybe you don't have total recall but the way I remember it you terminated everyone in the bar. Out of the whole place only a little old lady was left alive. The whole time she was screaming "Barbarian, Barbarian." You took out all the patron's of the Red Heat a famous bar on Ord Mandell. When I arrived later at the heat for our meeting. I witnessed with my own eye's the collateral damage. Something that will remain in the minds of everyone there till end of days. I also caught wind of a few rumors that you where involved in the attempted assassination of the residing chancellor on Mandell. But IM sure these are true lies.

Now if this turns out to be true I would be running man, If I where you. The old lady claims that you where indeed the predator and instigator of the mayhem that took place. Unless somewhere your telling me you have a twin, I think your done for.

The other day I talked to a redhead name Sonja and she told me that there's is a pretty sizable bounty on your head. Now I know you think your some brazen commando running around the galaxy guns ablazing. Why hell, I even noticed you've been pumping iron. But If you ask me you've bitten off more than you can chew.

That's what I've heard. Well, anyway its time for me to get a drink so....."I,ll be back."

Jaslin Fett
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:37:25 PM
Jaslin slowly glanced over to her brother who was surveying the surrounding pub as he was accustom to doing when so many thug's accumulated in large number's. It wasn't uncommon for a simple disturbance or a wrong word spoken to catapult a bar into mayhem and disarray.

Jaslin lower a steady hand to a concealed holdout blaster at her side. The two Fett's had been in their share of scuffles and experience was a wise and knowledgeable friend when it came to precautionary measure's.

"I believe your right my brother...Something reek's and I don't like the smell of it." Crackled Jaslin's smooth voice over Juju's ear com.

Sep 25th, 2002, 10:44:29 PM
Mockadane looks to the woman beside him with a whimsical look upon his face and smiles...

"And the award for best actor in a comedy goes to..." Mockadane laughs outloud as he looks towards Sting .... please let me buy you one for that concoction!" The big man motions for a seat next to him.

Mori Blades
Sep 27th, 2002, 11:36:23 PM
Her ears pricked up when she heard Sting say "bloodbath." She was an assassin by trade because she enjoyed killing -- the feeling of taking another's life gave her a rush she had never been able to match with any drug. And this prolific head-count by the, ahem, "gentleman" sitting next to her had certainly got her attention.

She took a long drag of her cigarette, inhaling deeply and letting the smoke saturate her lungs. "Oh come now," she chided, "no need to be so modest if you did indeed do all that." She smiled her most winning smile. "The name's Blades -- Mori Blades," and she offered her hand, leaving the cigarette dangling from the corner of her mouth. "I'm a freelance assassin and bounty hunter and don't normally work 'for' other organizations, but I would be intrested in teaming up with you sometime." Her hand moved back to the cigarette and withdrew it from her mouth, her thumb flicking ash onto the counter. She was developing some rather distinct ideas about how she would like to "team up" with him, and knew he felt the same way. She would have to have been blind not to notice the way he checked her out. "Maybe we could 'discuss' things after this little meeting ends -- that is, if it even begins," she told him, with her most alluring come-hither smile.

Oct 1st, 2002, 12:49:52 AM
Mockadane looked on with a half amused smile..."And if I didnt do that what would your name be?" He said quite humored as he ordered another round for all that were willing to partake.

The doors to the Establishment opened time and again to let in would be participants that kept a watchfull eye on there surrounding's. The gathering of participants was very intrigueing to Mockadane... a diverse groop from all reaches of the universe.

"Miss blades... my name is Mockadane, and it is very nice to make your aquaintance..." The big man gripped her hand slightly and pressed it to his lips in a courtly manner long lost in the universe.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 03:09:56 PM
His glass was now empty; still the anonymous host of this odd party had yet to show himself.

Tossing a hand full of credits upon the table, Nemesis rose from his seat. Bone white eyes scanned this gathering of the infamous, recognizing several faces from wanted postings throughout the system.

However, the ebony assassin had grown quite tired of his wait. At any rate, there were more pressing matters that needed attending too.

Hollow thuds resounded through the lively bar, as he made his way toward the door.