View Full Version : Bloodclaw Class Fleet Carrier

Sep 4th, 2002, 01:12:47 AM
Model: Bloodclaw Fleet Carrier

Class: Armored Fleet Carrier

Designer: Lash Research

Crew:21,700( 1325 Command Officers, 600 Flight officers, 4465 Flight Crew,12,610 Enlisted Fleet Personel,2,000 Storm Troopers,500 Gunners,100 Research Personel

Cargo Capacity:10,000 metric tons

Consumables: 5 years

Hyperdrive Mulitiplier: X1

Hyperdrive Backup: X10

Length:1868 meters

Speed: 14MGLT

Hull: 2100RU

Shields: 5000 SBD

Shields Backup: 500 SBD

Hanger: 10 Tie Devil Squadrons
2 Tie Defender Squadrons
2 Tie Executioner Squadrons
2 Tie Devastator Squadrons
2 Scimitar/sc Bomber Squadrons
3 Tie Striker MkII Bomber Squadrons
2 Gat-12h Skipray Blastboat Squadrons (8 each)
2 Tiger class monitors
8 Shuttle's

Weapons: 4 Anti Matter Flak Cannons( 2 port 2 starboard )
16 heavy Turbo Laser Turrets ( 8 in each )
4 port top ,4 port bottom,4 starboard top,
4 starboard bottom)
20 Ion Cannons ( 10 port brim trench 10 port
brim trench)
20 Quad Laser Turrets ( 3 forward top 3 forward
bottom, 2 aft port ,2 aft starboard, 5 port brim
trench , 5 starboard brim trench)
20 Turbo lasers (6 forward , 2 aft , 2 bottom hull ,
2 bottom hull, 4 port brim trench , 4 starboard
brim trench, )
8 Heavy Projectile Launchers (compliment 80
proton torpedoes, 160 concussion missiles)

Khendon Sevon
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:09:15 AM
how many squadrons is that total?

Sep 4th, 2002, 01:26:24 PM
20 tie squadrons 2 blastboat squadrons 2 tiger class monitors and 8 shuttles

Khendon Sevon
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:28:15 PM
dontcha' think that might be a lot of weapons for a craft that has to devote so much space to hangar room?

Telan Desaria
Sep 4th, 2002, 03:24:20 PM
THey wil be switched to ten Devil squadrons, since they are small and droid controlled, two squads of Defenders, and the others listed.

Note: blastboat squads are only 8 ships strong, grouped in flights of four.

Sep 6th, 2002, 10:19:20 PM
research is proceeding on schedule. time of completion is estimated at sept 30 th.

Sep 9th, 2002, 01:00:31 AM
Due to the outbreak of war in the sovereingty research on this vessel has been halted to free up research personel for other more pressing reserch.

as of Sept 9

Sep 24th, 2002, 10:59:00 PM
This vessel has undergone major redesign on the drawing board. Mainly in how it is built.(looks) It is no longer based on a star destroyer hull design. I am working on a group of chiss special designed hulls developed by Lash Research Designs.
Mainly it will look differant. some specs will change but none will be incressed.
Size will be decressed to 1400 meters.
Hull to 2100 RU.
Weapons: 20 Twin Heavy Vengance Turbo Laser turrets.
20 Quad lasers turrets
20 Quad Vengance Turbo laser turrets.
10 Sabot Anti-missile Cannons

hanger: 12 fighter squadron's
8 Shuttle's
4 tiger monitors

Fighter complament has been decressed from 20 squadrons to 12 .Same amount of shuttles.Gunboats were removed . And 2 more Tiger's were added.

Ion cannons removed. Projectile luanchers removed.Turbo lasers replaced with vengance turbo lasers.(as above). Anti-matter Flak cannons replaced with 20 Sabot Anti-missile Cannons

Picture will be posted soon .I have to design a few things before I can move on with the research of this vessel.

Oct 21st, 2002, 04:05:08 PM
Research complete