View Full Version : Bespin

Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:42:07 PM
This is moved from An Imperial Sovereignty.

A smile comes to lashes face.

" Tell me more about this training program Line Captain. "

Sep 5th, 2002, 06:05:55 PM
"The training program would consist in creating comaradery between the Star Destroyer squadrons. We would circulate the officers in and out the ships. Anybody who would start a mindless fight would be severly punished. They need to work together. We are not Squadrons 1 and 2 we are the Imperial Soveireignty Complete Star Destroyer Squadron. Your thoughts..."

Sep 6th, 2002, 02:39:21 PM
" That is an excellent idea Line Captain. Also we should set up a place where our crews can go to counter act with each other. Say set aside some area on one of the defense platforms for a meeting and training area. With simulators and such so our crews can test themselfs.But as far as formal training I feel our crew are trained enough. "

"As for the corrective action idea. Yes we should be strict on discipline and behavior . Our crews conduct mirrors our own and I feel I am responsible for them as much as they are for themselves. So a strict punishment for misconduct is a very good idea."

Lash Took Another drink of water.and smiled again at katanor.

"But i came her to discuss defense . The Destroyer group is under you foremost. My Main purpose here is to Increase Sovereign defense. I am to make sure that when the Empire is once again reformed that control of Sovereign space is still Sovereign space. The Gas production and Bacta shall remain under Imperial and sovereign Control."

Lash places the glass on the table and the smile that was on his face disappears

" I fear My Friend the Grand Admiral is in a situation where attack is eminent.Every Pirate ,Warlord,Republic,or anyone who wants or has a need for Gas and Bacta are suspected attackers to me."

Sep 6th, 2002, 02:56:50 PM
As the meeting Of Lash and Katanor progressed.Commander Jeffers had seen to the preparations for the Chiss Contingent's arrival. He was expecting them anytime now.

" Lieutenant "

" Yes Commander "

" What is the ETA on the Chiss Contingent. "

" Seven Minutes Commander "

" Very well Lieutenant. Inform them to dock in the main hanger upon there arrival "

Sep 6th, 2002, 04:16:12 PM
Katanor put his thumb on the glass and moved it in a circle. Lash knew what he had to do, Katanor knew what they had to do.

"Bacta and gas, are two of the highest, if not the highest materials in demand, besides credits of course. My suggestion would be, we need to churn out as many fighters as we can, also, set up Interdictor Cruisers around the perimeter of the planets so no hit and run operations could be performed. We also need more planetary cannons, and sensors."

Katanor ordered up some champagne.

"As you may or may not know, the many facilities on the planet, have self destruct sequences. I have overlooked this, but now it has come to my attention that the facilities are seriously undermanned and underguarded. I wager that a small group of my troops could initiate the self-destruct as easily as any pirate or other person. I am going to put in a request to the Grand Admiral that you and I be able to monitor defense of those essential facilities. We are the foremost defense experts in the regions, we cannot let this pass us by."

"We also need to have better sensors that pass over the cargo ships so that we do not have shielded weapons, as that is an old pirate trick that even the rogue Maileen Shen knows. Our customs experts must be under armed guard to perform their work properly and not overlook anything. Also, homing beacons must be attached to all suscpicous transports."

Katanor sat up and then stood up.

"Now Captain you must excuse me, I have pressing business at hand. I have had a very productive meeting with you, and am extremely pleased. I also hope that we will be able to work together later on. Now please excuse me."

Katanor shook Lash's hand, who then saluted. Katanor returned the salute and then walked out the door.

Sep 6th, 2002, 05:03:28 PM
Commander Jonbe'retab'nuruodo was sitting in the rear section of the Chiss transport. he was no pilot and left the flying to Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo.He had informed Commander Beret He had Sent word of there status to the Termagant.
He did not know the reason Lash had come to the Galactic Empire , but where Lash went he would fallow.

" How long before we arrive? " The Major next to him had just came from the control room.

" The commander said 5 minutes sir. "

" very good "

Beret did not mind the trip but would have rather made it in a Chiss Cruiser.But Lash insisted on using Sovereign Cruisers. He understood. Most people outside chiss space had never seen a chiss transport let alone a Cruiser. He knew the sight of a chiss transport and claw fighters would get a lot of attention .

"everyone prepare for the transition to real space. "

It had been a long trip. Beret was ready to stretch his legs .

Sep 7th, 2002, 11:17:26 AM
Captain Lashes shuttle landed just before the Chiss Contingent conversion to real space.he would wait and greet his people himself .

"Send word to Commander Jeffers that i am aboard and will receive my command contingent personally."

The lieutenant he was speaking to Clicked his boot hills and proceeded to carry out his orders.

Lash looked out the open hanger into space waiting for the Chiss Transport to come into view.

Sep 11th, 2002, 05:11:50 PM
Jeffers watched threw the view port as the odd chiss shuttles neared the Termagant. He had hear of the Chiss Claw fighters but had never seen one until now. The Communications Officer
was busy at his station listening in to all the chatter from traffic in the system. He almost laughed once at the reactions to the strange new craft .he was listening to a freighter captain trying to get info from traffic control about the craft and if he should prepare for any attack when the Emergency Transmission from Grand Admiral Desaria came in.

" Commander. Urgent message from the Grand Admiral for Captain lash. "

Jeffers had watched the craft pass near the surface of the Termagant and near the hanger until they disappeared into the massive vessel. He turned and walked to the Communications Station.

" Inform Captain lash in the hanger he has an emergency message from Grand Admiral Desaria at once. "

" Yes sir. "

The communications officer depressed the proper buttons to connect him to hanger deck one.

" Hanger deck one Lieutenant Marks here "

The voice of the middle aged lieutenant seemed hurried and excited.

" Please Inform Captain lash he has an emergency message From Grand Admiral Desaria. "

" Right away hanger one out. "

Lieutenant Marks Began Walking towards Captain Lash when the First Of 2 Shuttles landed. he had Served the empire for 20 years and never had he seen a craft like this .It resembled a lambda but only in the fact that its wing stabilizers folded up in landing position .The rest was totally like nothing he had seen .He walked up next to the Chiss Captain and with a snap of his boot .

" Captain . Communications has an urgent emergency message for you from Grand Admiral Desaria. "

Sep 11th, 2002, 05:59:03 PM
The first shuttle had landed and the runway hatch was opening . the second Shuttle was easing in to land as a Lieutenant walked up to Lash.

" Captain . Communications has an urgent emergency message for you from Grand Admiral Desaria. "

" What Emergency Lieutenant ? "

The Lieutenant was confused for a moment at the captain asking him this.he did not know but he didn't know what to say to the captain .

" Sir i was not informed of the details of the emergency just to relay the message to you Captain. "

He felt that was a good answer to Captain Lashes question. he had served under Thrawn so he had some idea of how to present himself to the Chiss. he just hoped he didn't have the wrong ideas.

" I see lieutenant . Very well . Thank you for the message ,Please return to your station incase another message comes. "

Lieutenant Marks Snapped his boot hell and turned and returned to the hanger communications station as the Chiss had ordered him to do .

lashes attention turned towards the shuttle where two Chiss men were walking down the ramp .

" Commander Jonbe'retab'nuruodo ,Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo. Welcome Aboard "

The two Chiss Officers approached Captain Lash . no expressions changed , no hand shakes ,nothing it was like these men had no emotions of feeling of any kind. Most everyone on the deck noticed the lack of anything . No salute no nothing.

Commander Beret spoke first.

" It is nice to be out of that confined death trap Captain."

Then to everyone who was watching's surprise a small smile came to the face of the other Commander as well as Captain Lash .

" I'm sure Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo made your trip as comfortable as possible . "

Commander Tessi's smile grew ever larger.

" That i did Captain. But my fellow commander just doesn't like small craft. i tell him it is just like a cruiser but he is set in his ideas. "

" That he is Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo "

With that all smiles were gone and it was back to nothingness

" Commander Mites'siami'nuruodo please see to it all chiss personnel and equipment is onboard safely and report to my quarters in 3 hours. Colonel Harkins is A good man and will be of much assistance. He will be here in a few moments he had some business for me that had to be done. Also Have the claw Intercepters loaded and prepared for anything .Commander Jonbe'retab'nuruodo walk with me to command we must talk ."

The two Chiss officers began to walk away as the second shuttle landed and chiss started to come out of the first one .

" Commander i got an emergency message from the Grand Admiral while your shuttle was landing . I know not what it is yet but i have a bad feeling. Did the crew get any rest on the trip from Freyr ? "

" Yes some Captain.the trip was long but everyone is in condition to serve if needed. "

" Very good Commander. I fear they will be ."

Sep 11th, 2002, 09:34:39 PM
Captain Lash and Commander beret approach the command center. Not a word was said by either most of the way there.Beret knew the captain was in deep thought . He had served Lash for many years and had very seldom seen him this way. He was like this before the Vong had attacked Freyr.

" Is something bothering you Captain? "

" You know me well commander."

A smile came to Lashes face.he had known Jonbe'retab'nuruodo
since before his appointment as Phalanx Commander Ten years ago.
He had been with lash when the scout mission had first ran into Desaria . As well as for the major Attack on Freyr by the Vong. many Chiss lives were extinguished that day. But many more Vong had died in the fallowing counter attacks. Now the vong were gone and most of the Empire and New Republic forces off after them.It was up to him and a few other Chiss to see to the survival of his race and that Chiss space stay safe. And here is where he will do that.

" I feel a great uncertainty about the near future my friend. I think we may be pressed to fight soon . Sooner then I would have liked."

" Do you expect an attack Captain? "

" I fear there will be a whole lot more then an attack.The Grand Admiral is not one to send an emergency message unless something important has happen. "

" I still would have liked to have had our Chiss cruisers Captain. "

" I know Commander but this vessel is a good flag and her design is familiar with her crew. Introducing an Imperial crew to our Chiss vessels would for one be denied by the house leaders.
And it would take weeks to train the crew needed to control one Bloodfire. our cruisers are needed in Chiss space not here Commander. "

" I understand Captain. "

The two Chiss officers enter the command deck and see Commander Jeffers At the head of the command walkway looking out upon the system traffic.

" Captain on deck " comes a voice from somewhere in the command pit.

Commander Jeffers turns to see the Captain and another Chiss officer.

" Welcome back Captain."

" Thank you Commander Jeffers. You have a emergency message from the Grand Admiral for me?"

" Yes Captain . It is encoded and ready for you to decode and view."

Jeffers hands Lash the data pad.

" Commander Jeffers this is Commander Jonbe'retab'nuruodo."

Jeffers looks the Chiss officer over and smiles .

"Commander Beret. that should be easier for you Commander." Beret says and smiles back .

" Very well Commander Beret it is a pleasure meeting you."

" As it is you Commander Jeffers ."

Captain Lash looks over the data pad as the two Commanders trade greetings .

He turns to the Chiss Commander.

" Commander Beret go find your quarters and get settled in . I will be having a command meeting in 2 and a half hours. please inform all the chiss command contingent to be there. it will be in meeting hall one."

" Very well Captain until then. "

Beret turns to Jeffers

" If you will excuse me commander I must make ready "

" Of course Commander."

Jeffers liked this commander he seemed less conservative then most Chiss.

Lash turned to Jeffers

" Commander Jeffers . Have the Commander from the Lictor join us for the meeting .he should be able to get here by then."

The Lictor was a Abolisher Cruiser patrolling outside the Bespin system .

" I will send word at once Captain. "

" Then have all Command personnel join us for the meeting in conference room one."

" Yes Captain."

lash looked out the view port and looked to be in a daze for a moment.

" I am retiring to my quarters to think Commander. I will see you at the meeting ."

" Very well Captain."

Lash turned and walked off the Command runway and out of the command deck. He had feared this would not be good news. But he did not expect war. He knew the defense were not ready for an attack. They would hold but he wanted them up to his level.
Katanor was a good officer and would ready defenses on Bespin. He had no worry about that. but if his message was correct the bulk of the Sovereign fleet was already in hyper space on a mission of war. he would have to contact Grand Admiral Desaria personally and see what the situation and scope of this war was.
His only fear was the Sovereignty was now open to attacks from other factions . And with the bulk of the fleet gone he was left with little to fight with. Though he knew it was enough to do the job he still didn't like the fact.He was here for defensive purposes. The time to fight is judged by the need of survival.But he felt before this was over his fight would be more then in a defensive roll. Many plans came to Lashes mind.

he enters his quarters.

much to do . so much to do .