View Full Version : Barbados(open&Kack&Sejah)

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:46:04 PM
OOC: this topic is open to all but please if you would like to join then read the topic in the GJO living quarters called: Barbados or Bust(Kack & Sejah). it will help you understand the nature of our mission and so on and so forth.

IC:After a a millenia of hours trudging through the marshlands of Barbados the trio came upon a small dry island in the swamp. or i quess a dry island for a SWAMP anyway. the three set down there packs and had a small meal to keep their enrgy up.[/I]

"hey guys, my sensors indicate we should be close to coming out of this dump in about a couple more miles."

OOC: if this is kinda short and to the point its cause im typing on three hours of sleep!

Sejah Haversh
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:12:03 AM
Why did I even take a shower this morning? Sejah wondered to himself as he dredged on through the muck and mire. It was embedded in his fur, had thoroughly engrained itself in his clothes, and he had to carry his pack of things over his head to keep them clean and dry.

However, it was the first swamp he had ever seen firsthand, and it was an amazing sight to see. So much water, so many plants. Vines and creepers grew everywhere, and a silken web of fine moss glowed overhead as it let slips of sunlight pass through, illuminating the marsh in an erie, yet beauiful way. To a beast who grew up knowing only heat and arid climes, the marsh was an enthrallign experience, despite thedrawbacks of traveling through it.

As they sat down to eat, Sejah flicked mud and marshwater out of his fur, and then pulled out his foodstuffs. They were nothing special, ration-style meal packs and a little fresh fruit. Takigna bite of mango, he wiped some of the dribbling juice from his chin and said, "Any special reason we couldn't have landed somewhere besides a swamp? I mean, I know it's secluded and all, but, still..."

Kack Mebuff
Sep 7th, 2002, 05:06:33 PM
Kack waded through the thick swamp water. He had been to many planets but he never really had to deal with such an environment.

"Blasted muck!"

He was waist deep in the marsh. As they approaced the small island Kack released a sigh of relief.

Kack dropped his pack and shed his filthy shirt. Tattoos, that were normally hidden by his robes, covered his muscular body.

He knelt down and rummaged through his pack and withdrew a metal container. Inside were a ration of bread, some freeze dried fruit, and a small piece of meat.

"Good stuff," he said as he munched on his tiny meal.

Kack looked to Corin. "So where are we headed next, good buddy??"

Ishiva Ruell
Sep 7th, 2002, 10:15:57 PM
His contractor had said simply "make them disappear". He was par excellence at making undesirables disappear or suffer sudden and violent ends. His mission was to travel to swampworld of Barbados and prepare for the arrival of a trio of Jedi. The assassin would be instantly alerted of their landing. Despite the high humidity and the mixture of the pungent odors radiating from stagnant pools and Barbados' native flora, Ishiva relished the setting. It offered many opportunities of ambush while permiting a means of evasive actions. He could literally disappear in seconds.

A half klick away, Ishiva knelt down on a large gnarled limb of a weeping willow. It's hanging branches created a natural blind. Using a macrobinoculars, he patiently observed the trio moving towards him as they crossed through small clearings amongst the foliage.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:00:27 AM
"Well, what do we have here...." Lion wondered, smiling...looks like some of his friends were getting themselves into trouble...again...

He was reading a datapad with a recent update from one of his scouting droids...it seemed like a private security team, for the planet Barbados, was complaining that a ship named the Star Skipper had "Viciously Attacked" their spacecraft, destroying a few before disengaging and running towards the planet...

...Lion leaned back in his seat, almost inclined to crack up laughing...as he had joined the New Republic and hadn't been assigned any missions yet, he was keeping himself busy, checking things like this out...

"Okay, Delphi, set a course for Barbados...we're gonna go find out what Kack is up to this time..."

"Acknowledged, Lion..." the computer replied, and Lion sat down for the short trip through hyperspace as the Black Dawn jumped to lightspeed...

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 8th, 2002, 07:28:08 PM
Corin looked up from his ration bar at Kack

"out of this swamp first of all, and then........i dont know. im kinda just wingin' this as we go along. sound good to you?"

Corin put on a funny looking - not a care in the world - im on an adventure type smirk and finished his meal

Kack Mebuff
Sep 8th, 2002, 11:26:30 PM
Kack chuckled at Corin's response.

"Fair enough."

Kack's face suddenly turned serious. Since Kack was blind his other senses were far more keen and the Force always aided him as well. His intensified senses had alerted him to something in the distance.

"We're being watched. Something's out there, we are not alone."

Kack kept his hand close to his saber. He did not like this.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:16:34 PM
Sejah had been Biting off a piece of cobra jerkey he had ordered from home when he ffelt it too. Someone was out there, and it didn't feel good. But instead of the Force telling him that, it was the fur on the back of his neck bristiling. Chewing the toughened strip of meat, the mongoose looked back and forth, and his free paw strayed to his lightsaber. But the sense of danger, as quickly as it had come, dissappeared and he relaxed against the tree he leaned on.

"I felt it too, but, it seems to be gone. But, come on, we should be moving again, I want a shower as soon as possible. Mud and fur do not go together." He smiled as he stood up, then takigna swig of water from his waterskin.

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:08:40 PM
Corin looked around for the watcher but saw no one. he zeroed in on the presence and where it was coming from. he was staring at the exact spot the presence had originated from but saw nothing in the marshy vegetation. this being was good whatever it was. it obviously did not want to be seen. then as quickly as it had come it left and he heard his friend speak

"yeah lets get movin'. Kack to answer your earlier question i think we should take the quickest route to dry land and decide from there what the best course of action will be."

Ishiva Ruell
Sep 10th, 2002, 01:04:11 AM
The assassin enjoyed a light ration while the Jedi were resting and eating. He had his personal stealth bog-hopper stashed, well hidden amongst some vegetation and swamp debris about a dozen metres beyond his current position. From this vanguard, Ishiva had clear view of force-users and their surroundings. They could never escape his "eyes" as he casually consulted a slim rectangular device sitting beside him called the ILF-5000 or handheld lifeform scanner. A trio of red triangular bogies began to move on it's flat grey screen. Ishiva quickly tucked away his ration package into a pouch then picked up the ILF and clipped it to his web-belt.

Standing to his full height of 6'6", the assassin peered through macrobinoculars, unseen with his chameleonic neoprene bodysuit activated. The Jedi were indeed breaking camp and setting off to their doom. The serpent indeed lies very still...

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 10th, 2002, 08:56:31 AM
Lion sat back as his small cruiser broke through the atmosphere, towards the Star Skipper...he hoped his friends could take a joke...

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:50:18 AM
after a few more hours wirth of trudging through the muck and mire of Barbados' swamps the trio finally set their feet on dry land. they sat and refilled their skins at a small rivulet of clear cold water and drank deeply. all three were happy to be out of the sludge and darkness of the swamp.

"well i miscalculated just a bit, it was actually about ten to fifteen more miles 'til the end but we made so i guess thats good."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:57:02 PM
Found em'... Lion though, as he smiled...they were resting near the edge of a swamp...after he had found the Star Skipper abandoned, he had been circling the immediate miles

He began diving towards them, activating the repulsorlifts as he went...he had been looking for them for a few hours, now, using heat scanners, but this damn place was so hot that even the ground looked like a person here...as he got within two miles, he engaged the boosters...he was visible, now...definitely audible...

imported_Corin Zetith
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:26:17 PM
Corin looked up to see Lion's ship coming up fast. he smiled and thought to himself one more jedi couldnt really hurt, maybe it would give him a chance to be really introduced to Lion. he had seen him around and liked the guy but never had the chance to really talk to him.

"looks like we got some company."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 12th, 2002, 04:47:33 AM
Lion hit a few switches, and his ship slowed down as the thrust-reversers and the airbrakes turned on. He could see all three clearly, now...looked like Kack, Sejah, and...that guy, Corin...Lion had never really introduced himself.

As his ship hovered in front of them, Lion toggled the loudspeakers...

"Attention...erm, criminals..." Lion smiled as he said this...they'd probably recognize him, anyway...but might as well play with 'em a bit...

Ishiva Ruell
Sep 12th, 2002, 03:17:36 PM
He had plenty of time to prepare for his quarry, making last second adjustments. When the roar of a starcraft approaching was heard overhead, the ground reverberated beneath his feet as he cast his eyes upwards to the sky. Peering through the canopy of the woods, catching a glimpse of the large ship as it passed in the direction of the three Jedi. Ishiva eyes were wild with realization and he once again unclipped the slim handheld lifeform scanner. Pushing a few buttons, the screen view focused back. Revealing a green dot which represented the assassin himself and not far from his present coordinates were the diminished three stationary red triangles representing his marks, noting their ill-chosen position. Had he misjudged or overprepared?

No, he hadn't. Just a new probability, a new tangent had entered the playing field. Ishiva was very intimate with contigencies. This was an all too familiar scenario in his profession. For now he would observe and learn more of the purpose of this craft.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 18th, 2002, 04:55:22 PM
Kack looked up and couldn't help but smile. It was Lion's ship. He glanced over to his two companions and grinned widely. Another Jedi would definitely be helpful if things got ugly.

Suddenly Kack felt a sharp pain shoot through his head and dropped to his knee.

"There is something evil following us."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 19th, 2002, 12:00:13 AM
Lion set down, his ship sinking slightly into the mud...oh well, he'd worry about it later...

As he walked out the hatch, he threw on his cloak, even though he'd probably bake in the sun, making sure that he had his saber at his side. As an afterthought, he slung his customized "Longrifle" over his shoulder, in case they were "disturbed" by anything native.

Smiling as he walked up, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and started swinging them around.

"Hey, guys, do you want me to arrest you, or are you gonna tell me why you disintegrated a private security team...not that I hold any love for the security teams around here, but..anyway..."

Kack Mebuff
Sep 20th, 2002, 11:34:08 PM
Kack looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"That was some bad miscommunication ... let's just leave it at that."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:04:09 AM
"Oh...alright..." Lion said, as he smiled and pulled out a datapad and wrote in:

///Authorization: Bravo Zulu Delta Delta Bravo\\\

Recipient: A-16 Cluster Command
Subject: Law Enforcement, case 73.9467B.98
Written by: Lion El' Jonson, New Republic Patrol
Thread: Criminals found. Devoured by Rancor. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT attempt to locate them. They are gone. They do not exist. Go back to your jobs...

~Lion El' Jonson, local patrol~

\\\End Transmission///

He hit a button, and noticed the large relay antenna on the Black Dawn extend and begin flashing, indicating that the message had been sent to sector command...

"Well, guys, I took care of that...so, what exactly are we looking for?" he asked, trying to read the others thoughts, even though they'd tell him, anyway...

Sejah Haversh
Sep 22nd, 2002, 02:42:08 AM
"We're looking for one of Corin's relatives," Sejah replied. "Though why we had to land way out here in the swamp, I don't quite know. What brings you out here?"

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 22nd, 2002, 06:12:27 AM
"I am a...erm, Regional Security Director for this sector...in other words, I'm supposed to keep a watch over things for the New Republic and whistle up some Star Cruisers if the Yuuzhan Vong decide to come back...." Lion said, thinking that the chances of that ever happening were about 1-in-a-billion...

...he didn't really need to mention the fact that they hadn't actually given him anything to do yet, so he was kinda enjoying this stuff...

Kack Mebuff
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:39:01 AM
Kack turned to Lion and smirked.

"At least we got someone reliable."

He turned the Sejah.

"The reason we landed in the swamp was because it was the best place to hide from the autorities. No one wants to come way out here into this awful place. And c'mon it could be worse, this could be Degobah, where the whole planet is like this."

Kack chuckled.

Looks like Corin is M.I.A. again.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:18:55 AM

A smile crept onto Lion's face as he thought that over...

(ooc: yup...)