View Full Version : Scum of the Galaxy - only worse (open)

Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:30:53 PM
He wanted his own ship. Now that he'd learned to fly, and experienced the sense of freedom that only hyperspace could afford, he wanted his own. He'd borrowed one from the Sith Order a few times now. And he wasnt complaining. The craft he'd taken out this time was sleek. It was fast and it was nimble, and like any yong boy usually would, he tested that baby. He pushed her to the limits time and time again, playing in asteroid fields for fun, for the sheer challenge of it. He knew it was stupid, he truly did, but heck, you were only young once, right?

And so in his search for a ship of his own, he'd come upon a rather unwholesome sort of joint. Clearly the regime of a big time smuggler. Bounty hunters littered the halls, scantily clad dancers adorned the tables, chairs, couches. The air had a dirty film to it, and the smoke was so heavy at times it was difficult to breathe.

He'd saved up his credits. It wasnt enough for a ship of his own yet, but he thought maybe he'd put some feelers out there....see what might be found. Anything could be found, he knew, for the right price.

Why he didnt just ask the members of the order for assistance was a silly question. He would when it came right down to it, maybe, but for now, this was an adventure.

(open to anyone - I dont really care what it turns into, just thought I'd get something started. Feel free to be creative.)

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:12:49 PM
"You refuse to pay me?"

Khabarakh sitting in what had to be the filthiest place in a thousand parsecs and sitting across a table from the most repugnant employer for another thousand parsecs. Although his employer, Dengar Reynald was a human, he hardly looked like one anymore. With a horrible scar down one side, a smashed nose, and a mechanical eye he looked like he had been through a meat grinder.

He will go through something far worse if he does not pay up

Dengar snorts, "Of course not, after shooting him in the leg he is worthless. The contract was alive undamaged or dead disintegrated."

"That was not our agreement."

"Who the heck cares what our agreement said. You can forget about your money." He stands as if to leave.

Khabarakh reaches up to stop him and and a green armed grabs him from the side. Pulling out his blaster Khabarakh shoots under the table and blasts Dengar's Rodian body guard and when Dengar reaches for his blaster he dies with a blaster shot to the throat.

So much for that bounty. I need a drink.

Flips a coin to a pair of Jawas who waddled up wanting pay to clean it up. Walks over to bar and gets the usual, Lomin-ale.

Across the room another angry bounty hunter blasts someone else and the band continues to play without skipping a beat some horrible Bithian music.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:55:57 PM
The killing sprees that seemed to be going on around him did not surprise him. As a member of the sith order, he'd seen several of his bretheren find joy in these such acts. He himself hadnt quite acquired the bloodlust. He had killed - though the first time had been difficult for him in the days that followed, and over time, it had become a necessity, but not a stimulant.

His lightsaber was beneath his robes. He wore the dark robes of a sith apprentice for he rather preferred the comfort the hood could provide - a sense of feeling as if he were part of the background when he wanted it that way.

But tonight the hood was thrown back. Though he could feel through the force, his eyes, he knew, were also a good source for awareness, and the hood inhibited this sense.

It was a bounty hunter it seemed who sidled up to the bar next to him, and he looked to be anything but pleased. Sasha had seen the scene at the table, had been watching out of idle curiousity after the dancer that had been flirting with him realized he wasnt interested...at the moment and had left. Sasha eyed the bounty hunter warily, his violet eyes casting the killer a subtle sidelong glance, then looking back to his own ale. But perhaps he'd stared just a bit too long in the not so subtle curiousity of a teenaged boy.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 4th, 2002, 07:24:45 AM
As Khabarakh takes a long draught from his ale, he notices the man in a dark cloak beside him staring at him. By the looks of him rather young but human age was not among Khabarakh's skills. Most bounty hunters would have taken that as a threat or challenge but since the young one went back to his drink and after already causing too much attention to himself it was better to leave it alone.

A gringy old Weequay sidles up trying to sell juri sticks but slinks off after a warning glance.

Takes another sip of his Lomin-ale and glances around for potential employers.

Sep 4th, 2002, 03:33:58 PM
The bounty hunter had caught him looking, a stern gaze directed only momentarily at sasha before he'd returned to his drink. The young sith couldnt help but cast another curious look at the bounty hunter, particularly as a rather nervous looking man made his way through the crowd towards him.

He bumped the young sith on the way through, his nervousness causing him to stumble a bit as he walked up the one step to the bar.

Sasha glared at him, his violet eyes once filled with curiousity narrowing instantly.

"so sorry, so sorry...." The man stated, pushing his glasses back up a bit further on his nose. Sasha merely sighed and shook his head in annoyance before nodding at the man, as if to say, go on about your business, just stay out of mine. And then the man turned to Khabarahk

"Anything for a price, right? Anything?" He asked as he glanced about,a furtive expression on his face. He was dressed in rather odd attire, a lab coat donned over the rest of his clothing.

Sasha leaned back against the bar, his curiousity piqued, and listened in.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 4th, 2002, 04:15:42 PM
"Anything for a price, right? Anything?"

Hearing a nervous voice behind him that seemed to be directed at him Khabarakh slowly turns around and sees a rather nervous human who looked totally out of place. On closer expression it was obvious why. White lab coats weren't very common in cantinas.

What could he have for me to do? Capture escaped chemicals? Funny thought but I have had stranger employers. Strange employers usually mean more money.

"Who are you? And who could you possible want dead?

Sep 5th, 2002, 06:52:32 AM
The man seemed to shrink a bit more, as if by cringing he could make himself disappear from the sight of others.

"You must keep your voice down." He hissed in a sort of whiny tone.

As he stood there, he rocked from foot to foot, his eyes darting this way and that. He pushed his glasses back further on his nose once again and ran his hand through his hair. This action made it stick straight up in front, giving him the mad scientist sort of look about him.

His eyes were wide before they narrowed and he hunched his shoulders, leaning closer to the bounty hunter.

"I am going to revolutionize the galaxy." He whispered, as if he were letting Khabarahk in on the most amzing secret the man could possibly have heard.

"And I dont want anyone dead. I need them all quite alive, quite alive I tell you." He glanced back at the general crowd in the cantina, his wild eyes catching Sasha for a moment, concerned about him having overheard and then turned quickly back to Khabarahk. He grabbed the bounty hunter's arm.

"This must be most secretive." He hissed. "No one can know. We must speak in secrecy!" He urged.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 5th, 2002, 01:36:12 PM
Another bizzare employer. Well maybe this one would pay.

Shrugs off the scientist's arm and replies,

"Getting subjects alive is more difficult and therefore will raise the price a good bit."

Noticing the young human easedropping lowers his voice and adds,

"But we will talk in private as you wish."

Gestures toward an empty booth in one of the cantinas darker corners.

"The band will lessen the chance of us being overheard as we discuss the contract details."

Sep 6th, 2002, 07:36:39 AM
The man wasnt perfectly content with a booth, but there seemed to be little other choice.

As they moved to one and sat down, the man leaned across the table, perhaps a bit too close to the bounty hunter as he spoke. Most certainly invading personal space.

"Now, I cannot tell you the details of my work. I wouldnt want my technology stolen." He began, insinuating from the very start that he didnt trust the bounty hunter, even, with such information.

"But what I can tell you is that money is no object. Will be no object once my plan - " He cut himself off, his eyes darting about once again.

"Very well then," He recovered, "What I need right now are samples. Live samples."

"I need one jedi, one dark jedi and one sith. Alive but incapable of harming me. Which, of course, is why this must be top secret. When they disappear, I do not want them traced back to me. They CANNOT be traced back to me!" He added, his voice growing more and more nervous by the moment.

"In fact, capture that one who saw me speak with you! I dont want him informing anyone! He'll tell, I know he'll tell you could see it in his eyes!" He added, his voice rising and then dropping to a harsh whisper.

"How much, how much do you need to begin your work?" He demanded.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 6th, 2002, 07:46:21 AM
*Looks incredulously at the scientist whose bad breath was all forgotten*

"Are you outa your friggin mind?"

"How am I supposed to be able to capture all these force users by myself?"

"Few bounty hunters have tried and none have succeeded."

"Of course if you have several hundred million I could hire some rogue Jedi or something but then why would you need me?"

Sep 6th, 2002, 08:06:02 AM
The mad scientist looked quite unperturbed about being asked if he was out of his mind. Foolish bounty hunter, he thought, everyone thinks Im crazy and one day they will pay. They will all pay.

"You said anything for a price." He stated pointedly.

He didnt bother to point out that he hadnt thought of hiring some sort of rogue. In fact, he wanted to stay away from force users altogether if he could, until, of course, they were under his control....

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 6th, 2002, 08:18:56 AM
"Yes well that doesn't cover suicide."

"All the credits in the galaxy won't help me if I die."

"However, I will take this job but everything will be done my way."

"This will take awhile to prepare for. I will have to hire mercs and import ysalmari."

"30 million right now and when it is over enough to cover all my expenses."

He will probably agree since he figures I will die. Well too bad for him I plan on living for a long time.

Sep 6th, 2002, 08:54:28 AM
The scientist looked a bit ruffled.

"Im no fool." He hissed.

"Five million now for good faith and the capture or death of the eavesdropper. Then, five at the time of your first delivery, seven at the time of your second, and when you complete my request, you will get the remainer and the expenses at the time of the last delivery."

"And you must be secretive about this. who are these other people you will hire? They must not know about me. I dont want the jedi coming after me when one disappears...." He added, his voice still a very low whisper, but gaining more force by the moment as his plan began to take a solid form.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 6th, 2002, 12:43:05 PM
"I accept your terms but I will not have any meddling in who I pick or how I go about it."

"I will kill the young one if you insist but I would prefer not to draw attention so early."

It appears he is not the total fool I took him for.

*Leans back and looks questioningly*

"Where will I take the 'merchandise' once I secure it?"

*Then adds with a slightly darker tone*

"I also need your name."

Sep 6th, 2002, 01:01:37 PM
"For what would you need my name?" The man questioned. "I want no one knowing of this. My name is irrelevant until my plan comes to fruition! Then, oh yes, then everyone will know my name..." He rambled, rubbing his hands together in fiendish delight.

"It seems you are the one whose name I would need. YOU are the one who is walking away today with a substantial sum of money on good faith."

"If you must, call me Dr. Smith." He added offhandedly. "and capture or death of the other will do. Capture might prove interesting, then I would have a control subject...." He continued, assuming Sasha was neither sith, jedi, or dark jedi.

"The first delivery will be to a set of coordinates. You will get those with the five million. Upon delivery, I will give you the second set of coordinates."

"Now, your name?" He demanded.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:59:23 PM
"Very well Dr. Smith, I am Khabarakh Khalagor, you can contact me through this."

*Hands over a comlink*

"This one is automatically set to communicate with mine."

*Gestures toward the easedropper*

"I will bring the 'control unit' to the specified coordinates."

"Anything else I should know?"

I am working with a nut. But at least this nut pays.

Sep 6th, 2002, 03:09:58 PM
Dr. Smith shook his head. No, there was nothing the bounty hunter, Khabarahk Khalagor needed to know. Nothing indeed. Nothing, at least, that Smith would trust another soul with. No, his plan was too good to risk anyone else understanding what it was he planned to do.

"You will find your payment and the coordinates in room 210 of the Dustidale Inn after midnight tonight." He said, handing a key to the bounty hunter.

"I assume you are familiar enough with the town to know where the Inn is." He added, his hand reaching to his glasses and pulling them down just a bit on his nose to gaze, almost disdainfully at the bounty hunter.

Seeing that he did, indeed know where the Inn was, Smith stood, an eerie smile on his face.

"Best of days to you." He stated, then hastened into the crowd, becoming lost among the sea of the galaxy's bottom feeders.

Back at the bar, Sasha had lost interest in the conversation of Khabarakh and Smith as soon as they had moved from the bar where it had begun to their quieter table. As it ended, he was still at the bar, on his second ale, deep in thought about the event that had led to him being away from the castle, on his own for a a training mission.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 6th, 2002, 03:47:42 PM
Two options. Just shoot the young one or start a fight.

Just shooting him would draw attention even in this place. Time to start a barroom brawl.

*Finishes off his Lomin-ale then stands and walks over to the bar for a refill.*

*Instead of going to a clear spot Khabarakh shoulders the young man aside and snarls at him*

"Watch where you are going pup!"

"Learn some respect for your betters," Khabarakh sneers.

Sep 9th, 2002, 08:33:47 AM
A shoulder laid heavily into him, knocking over his ale and spilling it on the bar. The sticky liquid spread quickly, dripping down over the sides onto laps and feets of nearby patrons.

The yong sith turned, his violet eyes narrowed and filled with anger to see the bounty hunter - the same one from before, snarling at him.

He knew to be on his gaurd - the bounty hunter had a quick draw with a blaster. He'd witnessed it only a half hour before.

He'd come here with the intention of finding a ship. Instead he'd found trouble. It seemed to follow him wherever he went.

His left hand, an artificial limb that most wouldnt have noticed, reached for his lightsaber, pulling it partially to him through the force, but didnt ignite it just yet. He'd carried it beneath his robes as he hadnt wanted to attract much attention, but now, it seemed, he had little choice. He had a strong desire to live, and this bounty hunter, it seemed, had a short wick on his temper.

His senses were quite aware as his violet eyes gazed at the man.

"I'll give respect where respect is due." The young Sith retorted, his voice low and even as he spoke.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:12:04 PM
Without bother to reply, Khabarakh shoves the cloaked one with one hand and with the other grabs his blaster from inside his cloak. Originally planning to stun him, the blue of the stun blast would attract far more attention than just blasting him.

Sep 10th, 2002, 07:25:56 AM
The shove he had half expected, though not completely,and he stumbled back a bit. But this gave him the space he needed. The orange blade of his lightsaber ignited and he looked to the bounty hunter, prepared for the blast he felt was likely coming his way.

He wasnt sure what he had done to cause the bounty hunter to lay into him as he had, and at the moment he didnt care.

The blade of his lightsaber attracted quite a bit of attention as nearby patrons moved out of striking distance. Some calmly making their way, others pushing and shoving in terror. Too many eyes focused on the bounty hunter and sith as they faced off.

"Whatever the problem is, why dont we settle it over a drink..." Sasha suggested as his violet eyes stared at Khabarahk, his saber held ready to defend against the blaster shot if it came. He was tempermental, as many sith were, and if it came down to it, he would fight, willingly, but he had come here in search of a ship, and causing a scene was going to get him escorted to the door, not the opportunity he was looking for.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 12th, 2002, 08:13:54 AM
Everything is going according to plan. He stumbles back I pull out my blaster and shoot him before he can recover. Standard cantina shooting.

He stumbles back pulls out a lightsaber and recovers before I get my blaster inline.

Not according to plan

*Khabarakh realizing this would quickly get very very ugly unless he moves first, fires the instant his blaster lines on the target with a stun blast*

*The instant he fires he dives and rolls to side coming up firing this time with red hot blaster bolts.*

Sep 12th, 2002, 10:44:40 AM
Apparently the bounty hunter wasnt in the mood for a drink. HIs response was to fire off a shot and then dive for cover. Sasha's lightsaber moved to deflect the stun blast. It was done of instinct and a connection with the force. The young sith had been training hard, and practicing the things he had learned.

Gouyen had taught him, just before he'd left for the trip that had ultimately landed him on this mission, a technique for becoming more in tune with his center, bringing with it the power of the dark side.

He wasnt comfortable enough yet with this exercise that the center came to him in a breath or two, but he could feel it there, and for now, that was enough.

And then the hunter came up firing, a barrage of blasts aimed at the young sith. Brief memories of his last encounter with a bounty hunter came to mind, and he knew to be on his guard, for they were a tricky lot to deal with.

And clearly, this was life or death. The bounty hunter wanted him dead. And in turn, the young sith now sought the life of the hunter. To hunt or be hunted. Sasha chose to hunt.

His blade moved with the force to deflect the blasts. He let the power of the darkside guide him as his anger and his hunger for life bubbled within him like the lava of a volcano.

He wanted that blaster out of the hands of the bounty hunter. This he knew as he deflected the blasts, and a part of him worked to tug at the blaster with the force, trying to pull it from the hands of the man that had chosen to hunt him. The man he chose now to hunt in return.

Khabarakh Khalagor
Sep 13th, 2002, 03:17:51 PM
*Khabarakh dives for again and comes up just in time to see a one of the reflected blaster bolts a second before it hit him*

*It hits him in the throat spinning him halfway around where he then collapses.*

OOC: Sorry, would have prefered a more drawn out death but I am using my brand new computer to type this and it is calling me to test it.:D Thanks for the death. :rolleyes

Sep 16th, 2002, 07:18:14 AM
(ooc: *laughs* As you wish, its your death, afterall... ;) )

Luck, it seemed, was on hisd side. One of the blasts deflected at just the right angle, and the bounty hunter went to meet his maker.

Sasha held his saber ignited for a few more moments, glancing around as if to ask 'Anyone else?' before he disengaged the blade.

He sighed deeply. He should have known Trouble would follow him into a dive such as this one. He watched as the hunter's body was removed from the floor, weapons scavenged in the process. Sasha shook his head in disgust and began to make his way through the crowd toward the exit, leaving this place, and another memory of another death behind him.