View Full Version : Promotion! Salemn Lysce

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:59:22 PM
OOC~ In all the messies of being busy with school and being sick I forgot to post it in the bar. Me SORRY!!!

IC~ I like to take this time for those that have not heard that Salemn Lysce has passed the trials and is a Knight of the Order!

Congratulations :)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:12:48 PM

The Knight Xazor yelled across the Bar to her friend. She smiled brightly and clapped for the newly appointed Knight, happy to see her receive a well deserved title...

Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:21:15 PM
Zeke entered, wearing his clock, bling, cap, and baggy pants, bearing his stereo on his shoulder. He set it down and pressed play.

"Go Salemn! It's your promo! Go Salemn! It's your promo!
You're one rank stronger, one rank wiser.
Now you're a knight and a strong Force user.
You got a room full of friends, a bottle full of drink
Everyone's here for you and it feels pretty great!
You're the girl of the hour, the V.I.P
You get the first slice of the P-I-E
So draw out your saber and fight for peace
Put a smile on, you've been knighted, Lysce!"

Zeke bowed to Salemn, handed her a bottle of a random drink and left.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:34:42 PM
Well, this was a surprise.

Salemn had received word that Navaria was throwing a party in honor of her promotion, but it couldn't possibly be true. After throwing on a cloak and alot of running, she finally arrived at Yog's and opened the door a crack, just to get a glimpse.

Yes, there was a party.

Biting down on her lower lip, she opened the door fully and stepped inside, looking around. Met by congratulations and a Promotion Rap, she smiled slightly.

< Thank you, Navaria, for hosting this party ... And thank you Xazor, for your words mean alot. >

Suddenly a bottle of 'who-knows-what' was shoved in her hand by Zeke, who walked out immediately.

< Uhm .. Thanks ! > She called out after him.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:51:21 PM
Wei laughed. "You just got a promotion rap!" Wei said cheerily.

"You get to teach now! Ain't it great? I know you'll be a good teacher."

Nash Stolar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:48:25 PM
He watched from the back of the bar, his cloak hood coverd his face and he hid his force arora, no one knew he came in, if they did it dident matter, most dident know who he was anyways.. He was happy that his padawan was finaly promoted.. but he thought it was long over do. But the reason he stopped by was not to say "congrats" he had other plans.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:23:04 PM
"You are most welcomed, Salemn. Was the least I can do for you."

She replied with a happy smile; though the rap that Zeke performed was somewhat unusual to hear...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:21:44 PM
"Master! Did you like the rap?" Wei asked, very amuised at Zeke's originality.

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:34:45 AM
"Congrats Salemn. I hope you enjoy being a knight as much as I do." Maia said bowing to the newly appointed Knight... "Well deserved."

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 5th, 2002, 03:43:26 AM
Lion walked up to Salemn, smiling...

"Good job, Salemn...congrats....." he said as he pulled a bottle from the bar, tossing a coin onto the counter...

"Hope you like being a knight...." he said as he handed her the drink, then began walking out after Zeke.

Sep 5th, 2002, 04:11:42 AM
Oriadin turned in his seat to see what all the comotion was about behind him. Ah, another promotion. It was good to see a few of the Padawans getting promoted recently. He took a sip of his Ice Water before strolling up to Salemn and congratulating her.

He then turned back to sit at the bar again to continue with his cool drink. Many people were begining to gether in the bar and grill as they all came to say a big well done. It was nice to see.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 5th, 2002, 03:00:09 PM
:: A voice echoed through Salemn's mind ::

"Heh congrats, you deserved this from long ago"

:: Lance who was sitting at the counter rose to his feet and left leaving the bouncer's tip there::

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 5th, 2002, 03:05:42 PM
*Natia slips into the B&G through the door. She's wearing a black hooded cloak with the hood up. While I'm here, I might as well see some old friends and my Mother the 14 year old thought to herself as she uses one hand to hold the hood of her cloak over her face so no one could recognize her. She walks past Salemn and pats her on the shoulder without saying a word as she heads for an empty seat in a dark corner of the B&G*

Salemn Lysce
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:16:44 PM
Once more she thanked the others who congratulated her - for it was a joyous event - but her attention was soon drawn to the slouched figure making their way past her .. who patted her shoulder.

< Do I know you ? >

Quickly Salemn reached out with a hand and pulled down the hood, getting a glimpse of the face. Natia. How long had it been since they last seen each other ? Days, weeks, months ? ... Years ?

Withdrawing her hand, Salemn looked away, not knowing what to say. She was happy to see Natia, but she seemed... different. Distant.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:19:19 AM
*Natia stops as Salemn grabs the hood of her cloak which lowers it. She then turns to face Salemn, a slight smile on her face*

It is good to see you again Salemn. It has been years since we last saw each other. And please, don't let me disturb your celebration on getting your promotion.

*Natia quickly glances around the room and then pulls the hood of her cloak up again, effectivly hiding her face again*

What have you been up to lately old friend??

Salemn Lysce
Sep 6th, 2002, 11:49:21 AM
< No worries about the celebration ... And as for what I've been up to, well, the usual ... Training by myself, scurrying along the hallways ... >

She spoke in the girl's mind with a slight smile on her face.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 6th, 2002, 11:57:31 AM
*Natia smiles slighty*

As long as your doing what you want to do and not what others want you to do.

*Natia looks Salemn over. It had been a long time since she had even laid eyes on her friend, let alone talked with her*

I see that time has changed you only a little.

*Natia then uses telepathy to talk with Salemn Where as time has changed me immensely.*

Salemn Lysce
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:06:09 PM
Sensing that Natia wished this to be private, Salemn spoke so that only the girl could hear her.

~Something troubles you... Do you wish to tell ?~

The promo party had died down somewhat, allowing the atttention on Salemn to fade.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:26:14 PM
*Natia nods her head slightly in agreement before continueing to talk through telepathy Being back here troubles me. It has been years since I was here and I was a troubled child then. Not having found my place in life yet. Correction, having found my place but being scared, I ran from it. But I have refound it again though to many ppl's disappointment.

She then goes silent for a moment before continuing Please tell me Salemn, do you still consider me a friend of yours??*

Salemn Lysce
Sep 9th, 2002, 04:36:35 PM
~You shouldn't even have to ask such a thing, Natia .. Of course I do.~

Cocking her head to the side, Salemn began to nibble on her lower lip as she reached up and ran her fingers through her blonde hair. Something about the way Natia phrased her words unsettled her.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:46:24 PM
*Natia smiles at Salemn, a slight look of relief appears on her face for the briefest of moments. She then says through telepathy I am glad to here that you still consider me a friend for despite the changes I have undergone, I still call you friend. So with that said, how are the Jedi treating you?? Well I hope. And if not, feel free to tell me who isn't treating you well and I shall have a.......talk with them.*

Salemn Lysce
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:16:18 PM
~The Jedi are treating me perfectly fine ... Although more than half of the Order doesn't know of my existence.~

The last statement was somewhat of a joke since she hardly ever associated with anyone besides Xazor or Nash.

~.. What are the changes you speak of ?~

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:25:15 PM
*Natia smiles again. I am glad to hear that the Jedi are treating you well. They would regret it if they weren't because I would make them pay.

She then looks around the B&G again before continueing to speak to her friend through telepathy. I am sure you have already noticed that I am different in more then one way from when you last saw me. For starters, no more crutches. But I am sure you like that fact. The bigger change though you, like Loki, probably won't like. Five years ago I left the Order for it wasn't suiting me. My needs weren't being met. I left to resume my training of the Dark Arts.

With that said, she goes silent again, knowing that this will come as a major shock to her friend. She just waits in silence for Salemn to speak next*

Salemn Lysce
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:43:21 PM
Unlike what Natia expected, Salemn didn't start to ramble on about the Lightside or ask her to repeat those words. Instead, she fell silent for a moment, canting her head to the side.

~If it's what you want, then I'm happy for you.~

She didn't have an automatic grudge against darksiders - Dark Jedi and Sith - just because their beliefs were different. It was when they purposely began slaughtering people and relished in their spilt blood when she became sickened. Salemn had already put up with so much killing on the streets before she became a Jedi, and secretly wished that the blood baths would stop.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:56:23 PM
*Natia smiles, part from relief, part from the fact that Salemn hadn't turned away from her. It is what I want Salemn. I couldn't get what I wanted if I were a Jedi because there are to many things which would say it's wrong. And thank-you my friend for understanding. At least enough to not start lecturing me.*

Again Salemn, it's wonderful to see you again after so long.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:38:24 PM
< Ditto. >

She smiled and then looked over at the back of the bar, her brow furrowing slightly. Who was that person that kept staring at her ? His face was covered and was hiding his Force signature, which only intrigued her curiousity.

But, out of manners, Salemn looked away and realized she was still holding a bottle of drink from Zeke. Quirking an eyebrow as she lifted it to her face, she peered inside and watched the liquid slosh about. Deciding she didn't want some, she set it on some table of another patron - obviously overjoyed at the free drink.

Nash Stolar
Sep 12th, 2002, 07:42:16 PM
He watched on.. Now was as good as a time as any to stike now that most had taken there attention from Salemn to give him the chance for a supprise strike.

His weapon choises were very limited and light, Because of the door checks he was just able to get in a few throwing knifes, and some mini darts that fit easly into a launcher that was built into his fake arm along with some other things.

Nash took three knifes into his hand and aimed them at Salemn, If this attack failed he would have to get her outside to fight her and quick as he knew the jedi were not to nice about attacks on there fellows in the bar.. That and he was kinda hoping a quick strike like this wouldent take out his padawan he worked so had to train.. But now was the time to see if she learned anything..

With a few quick wrist movements he threw the three knifes at her with deadly accuracy and speed.

"Now, The true test to prove if you are a knight starts."

ooc: Just to point this out no one saw the attack, So dont try to stop Nash or something untill Salemn does something, please?

Salemn Lysce
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:05:35 PM
A shiver ran down her spine as she continued to have her back turned on the cloaked person. Something wasn't right - she could feel it.

A faint whistling noise in the air caught her ears.

Immediately she whirled around and instinct made her put up a Force Shield, all the while kicking up with her right foot. One of the daggers flew up in the air whilst she spun around, sending her left hand out to knock away the second. The third hit the Force shield and bounced off, falling harmlessly to the ground with its brothers.

Her brown eyes pierced the cloaked man.

But she couldn't prove it was him - even though her consciousness knew it was him. So, instead, she excused herself from Natia's presence and began to walk to where he was sitting and stopped by his side. Craning her neck to peer over her shoulder, Salemn used the Force and lifted up the knives, making them whip back towards the two until they stopped an inch away from the man's face. They quivered in the air before dropping into his lap.

< Loose something ? >

Nash Stolar
Sep 13th, 2002, 07:47:17 PM
"They can always be replaced."

The knifes started to hover then in a quick shot each one shot off and sunk into the table Salemn used to be at. He then looked up at her, Just enough so she could see a slight smile but nothing else. Clack Suddenly he kicked back off his chair and fell back, His left arm pointed at her face at almost a point blank range.

"Lets go!"

Quickly he shot off around 5 mini darts, Then before the chair hit the ground he backfliped and landed on him feet. Now that he was noticed mele combat was going to come very soon, and he was not prepaired for that just yet.. He needed to get Salemn outside.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:09:51 PM
So, it was him.

Sending out her right hand, her palm hit one of the hilts of the dagger and it slammed into another one, both of them clattering onto the floor. At the same time, her left hand grabbed another dagger and deflected the other two. Something about his fighting style seemed very familiar.

< You're not allowed to bring weapons in ... >

This time, her voice was more menacing as she gripped the one dagger tighter.

< Your actions are untolerable .. Get out ! >

Nash Stolar
Sep 15th, 2002, 11:03:12 PM
He regained his posture and stood up straight then walked over and almost towered over Salemn.. She needed to grow some he thought as he looked down.

"Or else?"

His question didn't really need an answer, He caught a quick glimpse around the bar, There was enough jedi to do in one guy if needed and more would just come, But for the heck of it he asked anyways.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 16th, 2002, 08:19:13 AM
*Natia watches as Salemn walks over to the hooded man and starts to talk with him in her own way. She slowly makes her way towards him, but doesn't interfere with whats going on. She just continues watching*

Salemn Lysce
Sep 16th, 2002, 04:40:43 PM
She slammed the dagger down onto the counter, burying the blade into the wood.

< Or else it'll be one decision you'll regret for the rest of your life. >

The man towered above her as he looked down, but it gave her a glimpse of his face. Nash ?!

< Y-You ... The audacity after the way you just left, and then come in here attacking me ! Get OUT ! >

The doors of Yog's suddenly opened (from use of the Force) and Salemn lifted her hand, pointing towards them.

< Go. Now. >

Nash Stolar
Sep 16th, 2002, 07:47:25 PM
Nash keeped looking down at her not showing any signs of moving. He regreted enough stuff already and one more thing might not be so bad. So he figured he would push his luck just that much further. But she did know who he was now, But that would just make it all the much better or at least this time it would.

"I think I will stay for a bit longer."

Salemn Lysce
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:31:36 PM
Her hand twitched as she glared at her former Master. She had never noticed his arrogance before .. or was that, too, newly acquired with his taste for the Darkside ?

< I don't think so. >

Salemn frowned and concentrated, opening herself up to the full extent of the Force. Nash felt a tremor in the air around him before his feet began to rise about two inches from the floor.

< Please don't make me force you. >

Nash Stolar
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:51:40 PM
Nash felt the force power comming from salemn and filling the room, Indeed she has gotten very much stronger. But with the wrong choises that all cound mean nothing. He hoped she knew that already. Nash stepped back a bit and took up a slight defence stance, waiting for her.*

"Take your best shot."

Sep 19th, 2002, 07:54:10 PM
There were only a few things that got on Hunk's nerves:

People breaking up parties was one of those things.
People bringing weapons into the bar was another.

This fella just committed two offenses. Two strikes, he's out.

But the last thing he wanted to do was fight in the bar. It was crowded there, people could easily get hurt in the crossfire. No, this situation called for more discreet measures. Hunk set down his own bottle of champagne on the bar and walked up to the offender, sizing up the sightly smaller man.

"Excuse me, I believe the lady asked you to leave. I suggest you do it," he said, his voice and face devoid of the usual levity.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 19th, 2002, 07:58:19 PM
She turned her head to look at Hunk and nodded at him slightly before returning her attention to Nash. Crossing her arms, she eyed his defense stance and sighed. She didn't want to fight, especially not in Yog's -- after all, innocents could "get in the way"... Either that, or Nash would make them get in the way.

So she waited for him to make the right choice and leave. Now.

Nash Stolar
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:15:39 PM
Nash waited but soon figured out that no attack was going to happen that he was going to have to defend. Then another jedi came along, this one bigger them him in a few respects.. He had nothing to do with the other people so he almost compleatly ignored them. Nash took a few steps back and watched Salemn. he cought a look at her eyes for a moment.. Told him louder then words could what salemn wanted, but he was not going to leave the bar just like that... and he was not going to say in it ether.

"Sorry, love."

Nash lifted his right palm to Salemn, The reason he was moving so much was to get the right angle to attack from. Then without much warning he sent a very heavy and precise force blast at Salemn, He angled it so she would be sent out a nearby window and land outside.

"Good night, folks."

With that he followed her out the window. Now it really started and there was no turning back, He wanted to finish what he came to start.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 19th, 2002, 08:19:41 PM
The sudden "attack" had left her unguarded, and she sliced through the air as she smashed into the window. Glass shards bit into her skin as she fell outside with a thud.

Laying there for a minute, she struggled up to her feet, wincing in pain. She began to pick the glass out of her hands before realizing that hundreds were embedded in her whole body. Her skin was sore and tender, and it hurt like hell...

Gritting her teeth, she took in a deep breath and tried to concentrate as best as she could, forcing the glass out. After every piece of glass was out, she opened her eyes and looked down, little red specks dotting her revealed skin.

Frowning, she turned and saw Nash.

Sep 19th, 2002, 08:59:34 PM
To attack someone at a party was low.
To attack the guest of honor was even lower.

He had no idea who the force user was. He didn't have any part in the conflict. He didn't have his lightsaber and he didn't want to fight. But none of that mattered.

With a roar he leapt through the shattered remains of the window with a surprising grace. The weight of his body crashed into the attacker as he smashed into his back. As they fell towards the ground, he pushed himself away from the other, hitting the ground in a forward roll.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:34:49 AM
*Natia frowns and shakes her head as she sees whats going on between Salemn and the 'unknown' person. After Salemn is sent flying through a window, she turns and walks out to where Salemn, Nash, and Hunk are, but she does nothing except observe since this isn't her fight*

Nash Stolar
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:50:52 PM

Nash fell face first into the ground outside the bar as a over sized jedi flew out and landed on him.. It was not the most plesent thing he could think of... Starting to get up Nash noticed that there was a piece of glass the missed his neck by a few inches..


He dident pay anymore attention to it and stood fully up and looked at the two new people around him and spat out the dirt in his mouth..

"Hoy there."

Salemn Lysce
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:05:09 PM
< You scumbag ! >

She hurled herself against Nash, ignoring every thought in her mind as he fell to the ground. Landing on top of him, she lifted up her hand and formed a fist, then drove it into his jaw.

Nash Stolar
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:08:44 PM

Nash was once again knocked down but this time he was punched in the jaw, he heard a cracking noise but it wasent broken, not yet anyways. It wasent hard to push his padawan off of him, mostly because the fact she was quite a bit lighter then him. After he got her off of him Nash stood up again and rubbed his jaw.

"What did I say?"

Salemn Lysce
Sep 26th, 2002, 04:57:09 PM
She hit the ground and rolled, so she would lie on her back. She looked up at Nash as he stood, grimacing.

< Leave me alone, Nash ... Just go away. >

Nash Stolar
Sep 30th, 2002, 05:25:57 PM

Nash keeped quiet after that as he started to charge at her, When he was close enough to salemn he raised his right hand to his side then punched out aiming for her lower body, then followed up his attack with a roundhouse kick.