View Full Version : Feeling abit Un-Jedi-ish (open)

Sinful Justice
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:54:18 PM
She sighed mentally as she picked at a lose red thread on the sleeve of her white hooded robe, if you looked at her you wouldn't see any noticable features of her face, but her robe was what was odd about her and made her stand out in this heck hole that the locals called a bar. The hood was pulled up to hide her face, and embroidered on the edge of the hood and sleeves and the hem-line of the robe is a pattern of crimson thread, each stand forming the look as though she was bleeding through the robe. She sighed again, this time getting the attention of the drunk sitting next to her.

"Hey pretty, why are all alone in a place like this?" he asked her, in a slightly slurred voice. She didn't answer the man, he was worth her time.

"HEY! I'm talkin to yous." the man said/shouted at her grabbing her by the front of the robe. Now that was a mistake, burried instincts came to the front as she pulled a dagger from the right sleeve of her robe and procceded to stab the man in the arm, causing him to drop her to the floor. She looked up from her crouched position on the floor and grinned. "Next please." she said quite casually, holding the bloody dagger in her right hand, as she stood up.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:01:58 PM
Sasha loved dives. He loved any place that reeked of dirty transactions, stale cigarette smoke, and had tables sticky with the remnants of spilled drinks. Looking at the kid, he might have seemed slightly out of place. He was young, just short of nineteen years now, with violet eyes hidden beneath dark lashes, and tousled brown hair that was clearly cleancut, but long enough to indicate that he probably needed a haircut.

But places like this - well, they carried an air of excitement to them. Something was always going down, and it made for adventure.

He wore dark robes, a blaster rifle slung over them. That was the other thing he liked about holes like this one - they let you keep your weapons - no questions asked.

He'd been sitting beside the man at the bar, and had perhaps had a bit too much to drink himself. Enough that he wasnt half the gentleman he might otherwise have been. But he was alone on a training mission - a few weeks away from the castle on Corellia, and being alone for this long had made him a bit testy. He much preferred company, and so he'd come to the bar to hang out with the locals.

Sure, the man had been a little rough with her, but the stabbing of his arm seemed a bit....well..harsh.

"You could have at least answered his question..." He muttered, quite loud enough for the girl to hear, then drained the rest of his drink, his violet eyes looking to her in a half sneer, half amused expression.

He didnt really care that the guy was hurt, he was more looking for trouble. Trouble that perhaps he woulnt have sought without the influence of alcohol.

Paige Rayna
Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:04:14 PM
The young woman breathed in the intoxicating scent of spilt beer and smoke, listening to the unintelligent conversations around her. Grubby men sat around playing poker - or any other gambling game to their liking - and others bickered about their life problems.

Paige loved yet hated it.

Almost like a kid hating the stomache caused from eating too much candy, but still does it again. And again.

Leaning comfortably back in her chair, the Shapeshifter propped her feet up on the table and crossed her ankles. Wearing a silver shirt that was ripped at the sleeves with black leather pants made her seem like the intimidating type - not like she minded. A dagger was shoved in one of the belt loops for easy access in case she ... "found" trouble.

Chuckling a bit at this thought, Paige let her eyes roam over the inhabitants of the bar until they rested upon a young lady who was being assaulted by another man. Usually, she would have paid it no heed since it happened everywhere, but for lack of something better to do she observed. Waiting for the man to get his way.

Her sick thoughts were soon disappointed, however, when the girl had properly defended herself, even though in Paige's opinion a bit more blood could've been spilled. Obviously the "teenage" boy had watched, too.

"But it's more fun to keep them guessing," she said, loud enough for them to hear.

Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:06:12 PM
He'd heard the voice that had chimed in after his - almost in answer to his. He looked to the woman dressed in a silver shirt and black leather pants, amusement on his features.

"Clearly not much fun for him..." Sasha commented, looking back to the man who was holding his arm and trying to decide whether to go back for a second attack or leave it well enough alone.

"He's bleeding and he hasnt got the 'pretty lady' he was hoping to get..." This won him an annoyed glare from the surly man. Sasha merely shrugged, as if to say, 'its the truth, buddy, nothing I can do.'

Paige Rayna
Sep 4th, 2002, 04:57:14 AM
"He's just taking up space, like the rest of the scum here," she sneered.

Paige was actually hoping that the man would come in for "another round", for she really was lacking something better of interest.

Sinful Justice
Sep 4th, 2002, 08:43:12 AM
"Why youse.." the drunkard slurred at the boy and the woman who were commenting and headed to towards the boy. Sinful merely yawned, and flicked her wrist neglently sending the dagger to protude from the man's back. The drunk fell forward onto the floor, the dagger's hilt being the only visable part sticking from his back.

"So, is this gonna be one person show, or what?" she said looking first at Sasha then at Paige.

Sep 4th, 2002, 03:16:01 PM
Sasha eyed Sin. He half wished she'd have let the guy mess with him. It had been a rather quiet trip so far for him, and he was itching for some sort of action.

"Seems you like hogging the spotlight.." He retorted with a slight grin as he pushed his empty glass of ale towards the edge of the bar. It didnt take long before a slightly intoxicated woman knocked it over as she'd reached across the bar trying to get the attention of the barkeep. And she got it. The glass fell to the floor and shattered, shards going every which way.

"Watch the glasses!" He barked sharply, turning from where he'd been pouring another ale for another customer. He kicked the shards over to the side as best he could and continued about his business.

Sasha grinned at the scene, and then turned his gaze back to Sin.

"And I havent figured out if thats an invitation to join you, or a challenge...." He added, letting his words linger for a moment.

"Either way, count me in." He added, standing from the barstool.