View Full Version : Times change, so do people

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:38:38 AM
*Natia, the 14 year old girl, walks into the B&G after being gone from there for quite some time. She lowers the hood of her black cloak as she looks around the room. A slight smile appears on her face as she remembers when she was last here. She shrugs her shoulders which moves her cloak off of her shoulders but still firmly attached at her neck, to reveal a dark blue jumpsuit with a black belt. After looking around the room with her ice blue eyes, she goes up to the bar, a slight smile on her face as she orders her cola. After it is handed to her, she pays for it and goes and finds an empty table which she sits at*

Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:04:42 PM
Oriadin notices the young child sitting on her own and decides to go an say hello. As far as he could remember he hadnt come into contact with her before but he knew of her and used to see her about fairly often.

--Hello young one! Havent seen you about for some time, may I take a seat?--

He pointed towards an empty chair opposite the young padawan.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:08:54 PM
*Natia looks up at Oriadin for a moment before a slight smile appears on her face*

Please, have a seat if you dare.

*Natia motions to one of the empty seats at the table*

Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:12:46 PM
--If I dare huh?--

He let out a small laugh as he placed his ice water on the table and took a seat.

--I havent seen you around here for quite some time, have you been away?--

He spoke with a gentle and interested tone.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:16:05 PM
I'd be worried if you had seen me around her recently cause I haven't been around here. I've been off getting training like everybody else.

*Natia smiles again and her eyes hold a touch of coldness to them*

And don't be to interested cause it never does a Jedi any good to be to interested.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:27:02 PM
OOC: Happens on an alternate timeline to the one Loki is currently in. This is four years on, he is now fifteen. :)


In his favourite place in the quaint establishment, Loki sat in a small, dimly lit alcove where beside him on the table rested a moderate, leather-bound book and in his hands a datapad. He had been reading about the Clone War and was comparing the more accurate historical accounts of what had transpired with the tale of a single man. Over the next year, Jedi Master Mace Windu made a journal of his experiences and ponderings concerning the events that lead up to the birth of the evil Galactic Empire. An interesting read.

Now fifteen years old, the little boy had now grown into an even more mature, intelligent and wiser padawan. He no longer lacked confidence and still maintained a genuinly amiable demeanor. Putting the datapad down, he took a sip of tee and with a relaxing sigh, scanned the bar. That was when something, or someone rather caught his eye.

"Natia?" He stood up abruptly, somewhat shocked, she hadn't seen nor heard him yet but he was already on his way over to hear table. it had been years since he'd scene his friend last.

"Natia--" Came a voice, quiet and filled with wonder. "--Is it really you? You're back?" He was crouched down next to her table, making eye contact with her, resting one hand on the edge of the table.


Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:33:58 PM
Oriadin got a bad feeling from Natia for a brief moment. He could see a coldness in her eyes and she seemed a little snappy after he mentioned the fact that he hadnt seen her for the while. Although he hadnt come into contact with her before, he had heard her about before and she always seemed a sweet and gentle child. Perhaps she was having a bad day or something. Oriadin was about to ask if she was ok when the familiar face of Loki poped out of nowhere and spoke to Natia.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 03:35:48 PM
*Natia turns her head as she hears someone approaching the table that she is sitting at. And very much to her amazement she sees an old friend of hers. One which she has not seen since she left this place years ago. Tilting her head slightly, she looks Loki over, a huge smile appearing on her face but it quickly disappears*

Hello Loki. Been a long time.

*Natia waves to a chair next to her*

You won't be afraid to join me here will you. And I do hope your head hasn't been filled with to much Jedi nonsense.

*Natia laughs lightly and knows that her comment about Jedi nonsense is probably going to puzzle her friend*

And yes Loki, it is me. As for me being back, I'm just wanting a break before I go back to my training.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:14:08 PM
For a moment, he remained silent, still crouched at her side. How she had grown, just like he had over the years but he was filled with mixed emotions. She seemed different, "Of course she will seem different, it's been years!" That's what he kept reminding himself to shake of any doubt and secondly, there was another feeling. He was attracted to her.

"Yeah sure--afraid?" He was confused. He'd never felt this insecure in a long time. His happiness at seeing her once again seemed to drown out her peculiar mannerisms. He continued to fumble about for his words, "Well, um, I--" Clumsily he stood and made his way over to the chair, finding it difficult to break eye contact. "--Yeah, sure."

His eyes darted about and he looked at Oriadin like a lost puppy. He flailed for a moment then suddenly it clicked and he shook off his current behaviour and looked at her somewhat bewildered. "Afraid?" He asked, a little exasperated. He smiled warmly. "It's wonderful to see you again. Where've you been?--" He shook his head, mentally scolding himself realising she'd already told him. "--I, err, where've you been training all this time and why so long away from the order?"

Sep 4th, 2002, 04:33:36 AM
Oriadin sensed something from Natia but he couldnt put his finger on what it was. He got the impression that Loki thought she had changed too. Comments such as, 'have a seat if you dare', 'never does a Jedi any good to be to interested', 'You won't be afraid to join me here will you. And I do hope your head hasn't been filled with to much Jedi nonsense'. What was going on? This wasnt the same sweet and innocent child he remembered. She had changed.

For the moment Oriadin decided to keep quiet. Loki was trying to say something to her but for some reason kept on messing up his words. He seemed distracted somehow perhaps.

He looked down at his glass on the table, picked it up and took a sip. He glanced at both Natia and Loki as body language was always a give away on how people were feeling.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:06:31 AM
*Natia smiles at Loki again as her eyes search out the room once more. She then looks over at Oriadin, a slight gleam of evil in her eyes before looking back at Loki, her eyes holding no evil in them*

I'm so glad to see that your not afraid to sit with me still. It has after all, been a long time since we sat and talked.

*Natia laughs lightly at the fact that Loki seems to be at a lost of words to say to her for a couple of moments*

As I said, I've been training. As for why I've been away from the order for so long, I haven't been getting training from the order. Things weren't suiting my needs and besides, no one here seemed to see that one of there own was suffering and in pain. Then I started talking with some one and the offered me what I want and need.

*Natia continues to sit rather calmly as she looks both Oriadin and Loki over. She then says to Oriadin*

Oriadin, don't worry. Every child grows up to what the Angels will them to be. Whether it be Good or Evil.

*Natia puts a bit of emphasis on the word evil when she says it*

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:30:30 AM
"Oh!" Loki says with suprise when she says the order couldn't suit her needs. This made him wonder what exactly those needs were. Regardless of her words, Loki was still oblivious to Natia's references to "evil" and "Jedi nonsense" for he was too captivated with looking at her. She was a beautiful young girl and the last time they had spoken he had no such feelings towards her. He smiled wearily.

"It's great that we have the chance to catch up on everything before you have to go back. I hope you wont be away for too long this time though, maybe you can visit more often and perhaps I can visit you. I'm learning how to pilot basic shuttles now. Perhaps in about two years I could get a liscence and visit you in return." His eyes glanced over her every feature and he'd forgotten all about his book and datapad over on the other table.

"Oriadin, you do remember Natia, don't you?" He asked his fellow Jedi with curiosity and concern, for Oriadin appeared to be a little withdrawn like he was curious or doubtful of something. Loki smiled and reassured him excitedly, "It is her!"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:42:39 AM
It is indeed nice to get a chance to catch up on what you've been doing Loki. And don't be surprised. The order doesn't suit everybodies needs and I was more or less unwilling to come here in the first place.

*Natia sighs for a moment since she herself can't make heads or tails of what her own emotions are doing to her*

I'll be away as long as I need to be. And besides, it does me good to be away from the Jedi here.

*Natia's voice then gets slightly harsher*

You do not want to visit me where I'm studying. It would be unhealthy for you.

*Natia then takes a sip of her cola, before continuing to speak in her normal tone of voice*

I'm glad that your learning to pilot basic shuttles. Maybe someday I can show you some of the interesting things I have found out and seen in my life. But don't Ever visit me where I am training. You would not like it and I'm afraid it would cause you to much pain.

*Natia smiles again at Loki, happy to have a chance to see her friend after all these years. She wonders how things would have worked out here for her if she had have stayed to be with her Mother and friends. A tear comes to her eyes at that thought, but she quickly wipes it away*

So tell me Loki, how's your life been lately.

Sep 4th, 2002, 11:34:45 AM
Oriadin was now thnking heavely. He was troubled at the situation brewing before his eyes. Could Loki not sense what he was sensing? Something wasnt right here. Still, he chose to remain quiet for the time being. Natia and Loki seemed to be old friends and had some catching up to do. Besides, keeping quiet gave Oriadin a better chance of trying to work out what exactly was going on.

As Loki said "It is her" Oriadin simply smiled and nodded in the young padawans direction. He concentraited on Natias words and actions. The longer he sat there though, the more concerned he became. More and more questions filled his mind but he would bide his time.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:41:04 AM
*Natia gets a slight smile on her face as she looks at Oriadin for a moment*

Oriadin, is something bothering you?? Because if something is bothering you, you can feel free to share with us. I won't bite your head off unless you want me to.

*Natia keeps smiling, enjoying being able to put ppl on the spot like this, and knowing that something is bothering him*

And if it's me that's bothering you, feel free to say so. Everybody does after all have the right to say what they want to.

Sep 4th, 2002, 11:49:56 AM
Oriadin looked down at the table for a few moments in silence. A sudden tension was brought to the table from the expression of his face. He looked up with a deadly serious face and looked deeply into Natias eyes. Oriadin showed no emotion as he kept control of himself and remained cool.

--Natia, your words today do not remind me of the young padawan I remember. You seem colder. Quicker to judge. Several times ive heard you put down the Jedi. I would be very interested to know where you have been for so long, and where you have recieved your training. Are you ok? Tell me what you are feeling.--

He lifted his eyebrows slightly as he awaited a responce. He still looked calm and he did his best to seem as easy to talk to as possible.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 11:56:53 AM
Natia's latest words had been enough to make Loki realise that something wasn't right. Maybe she was ill or maybe she just liked her privacy. But what was it she had to be private about?

"It would be unhealthy for me?" Loki repeated with confusion. His eyebrows raised and concern grew in his eyes as he looked at his friend. Suddenly something hit him square in the face and he leaned closer and asked, "Natia, why do I sense resentment and anger in you?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:01:16 PM
*Natia smiles slightly*

You point out the obvious Oriadin as well as ask question. A sign of intellegince in a Jedi.

*Natia takes a deep breath before she starts to talk again. And as she begins to talk, she waves one hand around the room*

The Jedi say that they want to help ppl. But how can they help others when they can not even help there own?? Truthfully I would be sick with myself if my words did sound like the young padawan you knew to be me before I went off and received my training.

*Natia laughs lightly for a moment*

Oh, I'm doing alright. Better then alright. When I left this place the last time I was, I was on crutches, but not anymore. As to what I'm feeling, I'm feeling what everybody should. At least those with the strength to take it. I'm feeling as if I actually do have power instead of a being which gets walked on.

*Natia then looks at Loki before looking back to Oriadin*

And for Loki's sake, I shall not say where I was getting my training. I value him as a friend and wish to keep him as one.

*Natia then looks back at Loki*

You sense anger and resentment in me because of where I have been recieving my training Loki. The Jedi weren't helping me when I needed it.

Sep 4th, 2002, 12:11:47 PM
Oriadin was saddend by Natias words. There was no doubt she had, had a difficult time as a Padawan at the Jedi Order but so had many people.

--Sometimes Natia, it is not enough to need help. Sometimes we must ask for it. Loki is right. I too sense anger and resentment in you. You speak of power. What power do you seek? There is no need for power.--

He paused for a moment, sensing the concern from Loki

--Im offering you help. I sense a burdon on your heart. You were always quiet and polite as I remember you. Do not be so hastey as to follow the path that will lead to power, as is will also lead to pain and suffering.--

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:23:03 PM
*Natia starts to laugh for a couple of minutes. When she has herself under control again she's smiling*

Oriadin, I did not recieve help when I needed it, or when I asked in my own way.

As for the power I speak of, I had remained a Jedi padawan, I would not have gotten it.

*Natia shakes her head slowly and deliberatly*

You offer help Oriadin when I no longer need it. Help got offered years ago, I accepted the help. The person offering the help promised me the one thing I want the most.

*Natia smiles again, though this time it is a sad smile*

I only wish you knew the need for power. I had turned my back to it once before without realising what it could do.

As for the burden on my heart, it is a personal matter.

*Natia tilts her head again*

I still am a quiet and polite person when it suits me. I've learned to take a stand and do or take things that I want to do, no matter what they are.

*Natia looks down at the table and thinks But there is one thing that I will never take. She then looks back up and smiles*

There is a price to pay for everything and if you don't let the pain and suffering bother you, then you couldn't be better off.

*Natia then smiles at Loki, and she knows why she came back here finally*

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:40:17 PM
As he listened to Natia speak, Loki quickly put the pieces of the puzzle together and saw by the look in her eyes that she had definately taken another path. He felt the turmoil and chaos deep within her, it screamed out to him and radiated in the form of anger. She had changed so much. He hadn't realised how much.

"Excuse me--" He said suddenly standing. He held back the lump in his throat but his voice kept breaking as he spoke. "--I have to the bathroom for a moment."

He promptly departed, not wanting to hear anymore and dissapeared into the toilets. No-one else was in there and he was barely managing to hold back the tears he could feel. But he succeeded. "I wont cry." He told himself, holding himself up with his hands on a sink he stared at his reflection in a mirror.

He had never prepared himself for such an occassion, he thought one such occassion would never come. He'd lost Natia, his first friend. Inside he hurt, it was paralizing. "What do I do?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:50:59 PM
*Natia watches Loki's retreating form hurry off for the bathroom, tears coming to her eyes as he hurrys off. When Loki is in the bathroom she just lets her head go forward and hit the table*

I knew it that it would be to good to be true.

*Natia then reaches out through the Force to reach Loki. She then skeaks to him through telepathy My friend, please come back out. It is because of you that I came here today. I may have changed, I may have changed alot, but I still want to be your friend. Your the only one who noticed when I was younger the pain I was in, but you had your training to do. But then you and I were just kids. Not now though. Please, come out again. Please. She lifts her head up after a couple of minutes and just stares at her cola*

Sep 4th, 2002, 01:28:53 PM
Oriadin wasnt quite sure where to put himself, and had no idea what he should do. Natia had changed and not for the better as far as Oriadin was concerned. Loki had run off to the toilet and Natia seemed upset about it.

After she lifted her head and stared at her cola. Oriadin gave her a warm smile. He spoke the truth when he said he wanted to help Natia.

--Its not to late to recieve the help you need Natia. Please, wait here while I go see if Loki is Ok. I will try and bring him out for you.--

With that he got up from the table and made his way to the toilet. He pushed open the door to see the lonely figure of Loki stood, close to tears. He walked over to him and rested his hand on the side of his arm to try to comfort him.

--Young Loki. Do not cry. I know this must be a hard blow for you to have to face and I sense the sadness within you. Be mindfull of your feelings. Do not give up on Natia. She needs comforting and reasurring that everything will be Ok. She is weak at the moment and she needs our help. You are her friend and must be strong for her. She will listen to you more that she will me. Come back to the table. For her sake.--

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:34:24 PM
*Natia's eyes flash with anger briefly as she looks at Oriadin*

I have received help and am still receiving it.

*Natia, having said that just looks at the bathroom door, waiting for Loki to come out. She just nods her head to Oriadin saying that he will go and see if he can help bring Loki out*

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 4th, 2002, 06:25:37 PM
Standing still, staring aimlessly at himself in the mirror, Loki made himself strong for a moment and in return he sent a telepathic gesture to Natia which said: "I'll be right back." He sounded unlike the person she had seen leave the table moments ago, his nerves were becoming steeled. Then his weight collapsed back onto his hands once more as he fell back into his turmoil.

The door opened. He didn't want anyone to see him cry. "I wont." A hand rested comfortingly on his shoulder but the padawan daren't turn, not yet, he would make himself more presentable first. His shaky breathing was the only ambience against Oriadin's calming words.

"I don't think I can do this, friend, I'm not strong enough." He said hopelessly, his head drooping and his thick, wavy hair fell over his shoulders and brushed his neck. In the awkward silence, Loki leaned further forward and water began to flow into the sink. Cupping his hands he scooped up some water and splashed it over his face a few times, then rubbed it in. He looked up again at his soaked face, water dripping from his hair in the mirror. "I can't lecture her about her life. She is still young like I but her path has been chosen and I am her friend. I have to support her decision. I'll be there for her because our friendship goes beyond the boundaries of the Light Side and Dark Side."

Drying himself off he mumbled through a towl. "I've been thinking, Oriadin, sometimes I don't things are quite as black and white as that. What would the council say to my decision to maintain our friendship?" He asked now pulling the towl away, his face riddled with doubt and defeat.

Sep 5th, 2002, 02:21:39 AM
With his hand still resting upon the padawans shoulder he let out a sympathetic smile. The could understand Loki's view on things and this would be a test of character for him.

--Loki, the council promote peace, good will and friendship. If you can still be friends with Natia then Im sure the council would not be against it.--

He paused for a moment while considering exactly what to say next.

--There is still hope and time for Natia. She is young and easily influenced. The dark side seems more glamourous now but she will suffer. She still wants to be your friend and that shows there is still love and kindness in her heart. She can still return to the light.

If you ever see somone that needs rescuing, as a Jedi you do your best to help them. Whether you think your strong enough or not you have to give it your best shot. You either do it, or you do not do it but if you dont try, it will live with you forever. Natia needs you more than anyone and perhaps more that you both realise. She will listen to you more than she will listen to anyone else. I agree you cant lecture her about her life but as a friend, you cannot just sit there while she destroys that life.--

He again paused as he thought back to when Loki was relativly new at the order.

--You came to the order quiet and shy. No one knew you but your making something of yourself. You no longer keep yourself to yourself and people here, padawans, knights and masters alike have come to respect you. You have the strength within you to stand and help your friend. Its whether or not you have the courage to face it.--

He spoke strongly and reasuringly to try and help him see the confidence Oriadin had in this young mans ability. He strongly belived that Natia was not passed help and that Loki was the person to lead that help.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:13:24 AM
Loki's expression warmed to Oriadin's comforting and wise words, originally he had wanted to be alone and think but now he realised that he needed some advice and he had received it. A fog had lifted and he knew what he had to do.

"Then I can be friends with Natia and maintain the principles of the Jedi Code. I will show her warmth and love only a friend can give and in return I want nothing in return other than her friendship." He smiled with contentment. Things were beginning to feel much easier and he laughed.

"It's seems the answers to the most baffling of conundrums is the most simple one!" He observed. Then looking up at Oriadin - after all Loki was still only five and a half feet tall, one day he might reach his friends height - and extended a hand. "Thank you for your help, Oriadin, you're a true friend. I hope one day I will possess a fraction of your wisdom and I will be happy man."

Shortly they made their way back into the Bar and Grill, Loki feeling much more sure of himself and what he had to do. He looked at Natia before sitting and saw that her glass was empty. he smiled reassuringly as if to tell her that everything will be fine. "Care for another drink, m'lady?" Adding the "m'lady" bit onto the end made a broad grin spread across his face, unable to hold back his happiness.

Sep 5th, 2002, 07:21:33 AM
As Loki said that some of the answers to the most baffling of conundrums is the most simple one he remembered way back to a lesson he recieved from Sage Hazzard. He smiled at Loki, glad that he had been able to help the young lad with his confidence. Natia wanted to be Loki's friend and that showed light in her heart. It wouldnt be an easy time for Loki but Oriadin felt confident that the young man had it in him to help his friend.

He walked back to the table where Natia sat as Loki asked if she would like another drink. He let out a cautious smile, all the time keeping a close eye on the situation. Loki had to do the hard work and Oriadin decided he would be there for support, for Natia too if she wanted it.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:30:35 AM
*Natia sits quietly at the table for some time as Loki and Oriadin are in the bathroom. After what feels like an eternity, Loki was there again asking if she would like another drink. She smiles up at him*

That sounds nice.

*Natia keeps her eyes on her friend for a bit, knowing that this is going to be a hard time for both of them, especially Loki since he will have to come to terms with the change in her. The change that was slowly happening when she was still just a Jedi padawan*

I take it that this means that we're still friends.

*Natia glances at Oriadin for a moment, happy that he was able to help her friend come out and face her again*

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 5th, 2002, 12:37:24 PM
"Hello, Natia."

A hand came to rest on the young girl's shoulder as all eyes turned to the one who had just spoken. Taja smiled down at Natia; the Dark Jedi had witnessed the entire conversation, and it was only now she chose to reveal her presence. The child seemed rather distraught.

"I didn't know you were visiting Coruscant. Anybody you wanted to meet in particular?"

The manner in which these words were said indicated that she was fully aware of Natia's feelings on the situation. The younger of the two Jedi just moments before made a blatant display of rampant teenage emotions.

The thought caused Taja's grin to broaden as she quietly slid into a seat beside the other, this ... Oriadin. He had been attempting to preach to Natia about all his compassionate goodness.

She resisted the urge to make some derogatory comment. Not on her watch he wouldn't.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 5th, 2002, 12:44:54 PM
*Natia's quickly looks up as soon as she feels a hand on her shoulder and she returns Taja's smile*

Hello Taja. There is only one or two ppl that I wanted to come and see. Loki here.

*Natia nods towards Loki as she says that*

Him and my Mother, if I see her around, are the ones that I want to see.

I didn't know that you were here. If you were, I would have invited you over to join us here and please, feel free to join us.

*Natia says this last after Taja is already seated*

Sep 5th, 2002, 01:36:47 PM
Oriadin takes a glance over the stranger sat next to him. Natia obviously looked up to this woman, although Oriadin had never met her before. He smiled towards her to try to be friendly, even though he got a bad feeling about her. He sensed that she wasnt too keen on him either. He extended his hand in order for her to shake it.

--My name is Oriadin, a member of the Jedi order here. And you are?--

He spoke politely and calmly. First impressions were not always right so why not make the effort?

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:03:09 PM
*Natia smiles at Loki as she says*

You don't mind Taja joining us do you?? She's been helping me out over the years.

*Natia keeps smiling at Loki*

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 5th, 2002, 06:51:46 PM
"Yes, of course we're friends!" Loki announced, his happiness still blatently evident. He turned to ask Oriadin what he would like to drink when his eyes caught sight of another, a woman who seemed to know Natia and Natia knew her in return. Loki's face changed to one of curiosity. Who is this woman?

Soon the answers became clear. After hearing Natia's respectful response to the lady's questioning and her declaration that this is the person that had been helping her, he was now quite sure that this was her mentor, maybe her master even. This was the person responsible for corrupting the girl he knew into the much changed young lady that now sat before him.

"Good afternoon, m'lady!" Loki said, his impeccable manners never failing him he extended a hand with a warm, welcoming expression on his face. Perhaps some would say he is naive, others would say he was a good actor but he was neither; well he was no longer naive at least. He had learned the cost of being naive on more than one occassion and at quite a price. the truth was that even though he was a young man, he still kept the good words of his parents close to his heart. his mother had taught him the importance of first impressions.

"Oh no! Not at all!" He insisted in response to Natia's question that he would be delighted to have more company. "The more the merrier." He took a seat, thinking about the irony in his words and his mood moments ago. He called a droid over to take orders for drinks.

"I appologise for not introducing myself properly just then, miss, I am Loki Ahmrah. Pleased to meet you." He smiled, then enthusiastically made a gesture to Natia then back to her. "Please, tell us how you met and what you guys have been up to. I'm aching with curiosity!" That was the truth, he was literally on the edge of his seat, eager to learn of their history together so that he could get a better understanding of the changes in his friend.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:24:58 AM
*Natia smiles, happy to hear that Loki agrees that they are still friends. It would be a hard blow to her to lose her oldest friend due to her changing her path in life. She frowns slightly as she watches Loki's body language when Taja shows up on the scene but smiles again when she sees him acting polite to her*

There isn't much to tell Loki. When I was 9, I came in here and saw Taja here sitting by herself so me being who I was, went over to her and sat down and started talking. One thing led to another and she saw the pain I was in and offered to help.

*Natia shrugs slightly since she's given a very brief story of how they met. She then looks at both Loki and Oriadin to see there reactions to this*

Chaos Alexander
Sep 6th, 2002, 11:08:46 AM
::Chaos walked up smiling. He felt the darkness in his niece and smiled. She had grown. He hadn't seen her in....had it been 4 years? Chaos and Xazor had not spoken much sense he yelled at her. After all these years he still felt he was right. Xazor walked the edge of DArkness, and still gloated to a Jedi. That made Chaos sick. The woman she was verbally, and about to physcaly, attack had done no wrong, but say she was an old friend of their fathers. No matter now though. Chaos had grown. Back then he was just a minor Cleric of Kashalla, but under Dalethria's teachings....he was now a Daemon in a Mortals skin. A strange way to put it, but is was teh clostest thing many could get to.::

"I don't know where your mother is, but I do know where your Uncle is."

;:Chaos didn't know what his niece thought of him. His brutallity has well known in the universe. Chaos was the starter of wars and destroier of worlds. He would give a person the warm smile of a dear friend. Then give them the same smile as he ripped them apart. It really pleased him to see another Dawnstrider walk in the Dark.::

"That is, if you still claim him."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 6th, 2002, 11:27:51 AM
*Natia looks up from the small gathering that this had turned into to her Uncle and smiles again. This truly was turning into a day of meeting up with ppl she hadn't seen in quite some time*

I don't expect anyone to keep track of where my Mother is since she is her own person. As for me claiming an Uncle, family is important to me. No matter what they do.

So please Uncle, join us.

*Natia waves to one of the last empty chairs at the table she had chosen for this exact reason that once ppl saw her, they would want to talk because she hadn't been seen here for years*

Sep 7th, 2002, 02:27:45 AM
Oriadin suddenly thought about how much serious this situation was becoming. Chaos Alexander. Although Oriadin had never had any dealings with this.....man, his name was well known around the Jedi Order.

He kept his emotions in check as thoughts ran ragged through his head. He couldnt help but think about how much trouble Natia was getting herself into. The worst of it was, she had not idea. She was of the opinion her life was so much better now. In the name of being polite, Oriadin stood up and stretched over the table to extend his hand so that Chaos could shake it.

--Chaos, you are very well known amoung the Jedi. My name is Oriadin.--

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 7th, 2002, 07:08:14 PM
"Well, as long as your happy." He said in reply to her brief account of the history behind herself and Taja. He smiled. "That's what is important after all."

Then another dark presence presented itself in the form of a man, a relative of Natia - an uncle to be exact - who seemed pleased with the developments in his neice. Unlike Oriadin, Loki had not heard of Chaos Alexander before. The names of dark-siders mean very little to him; their purpose and being leaves him with little desire to become acquainted with them for like his master; there is only one course of action to deal with unrepentant evil, to end it.

"Good afternoon--" He hesitated, then reminded himself, "--Chaos is it?" He asked, extending a hand. "I'm Loki Ahmrah. A pleasure to meet you, sir."

Now sitting after greeting the two new arrivals, the boy glanced to Natia and smiled. His skills had developed considerably now, and he was able to return the young ladies telepathy.

"Quite the family gathering we have here. One thing I am curious of Natia - and I don't really want to bring up personal issues in front of everyone, hence this way of communicating - does your mother know of the changes in you?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 7th, 2002, 08:13:57 PM
Suddenly a calm wave took over the Bar and Grill as a bright figure entered. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in a series of braids that created a wreath atop her head, and small flowers dotted the circle of golden hair. A ring of silver coins rested upon the wreath of hair and flowers.....reflecting her beauty. Her white robes clung to her muscular body and flowed behind her gently as she walked. The sleeves drooped from her elbows and nearly covered her hands when her arms were at her sides. Smiling so that her elongated canines shown, she passed the door guards and set her gaze upon a great gathering around a particular table. It caught her attention for but a moment before she noticed her Brother standing there.....Chaos, one whom she felt was a traitor. Alpha had been more of a Brother to her than he.....and he was not even by true blood.

A change had come over the woman in the last few years. She was completely at peace and not angered at the slightest. She walked differently.....with an air of confidence yet not haughtiness. She had pride in her path as a Jedi...and knew she had come far. Walking toward the middle of the Bar, she sat down with a new Padawan and smiled at her....then began speaking to her of some questions which she had for the Garou Knight. Xazor gladly answered them and talked through her problems.....adding a few personal experiences in to make the young one feel at ease. All the while her attention kept bouncing back to the gathering. For some reason, she felt the presence of one of her children. Jedidiah had grown so much and was now eleven...and Valanya was five and following in Xazor's footsteps. It was neither of them though.....it was.......Natia. Her heart skipped a beat. She had not seen her eldest Daughter in five years and had not known what had become of her....how her heart longed for their meeting......but not now, she had to focus. So she did and continued speaking with the Padawan whom had requested her presence......

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:38:48 AM
*Natia again at Loki*

I am happy with the way things are going for me now. Taja and the others understand better what I have been through and they are willing to help me get what I want. The Jedi would not approve of what I'm wanting so I took a logical step in getting what I want. I left the Order.

*Natia then speaks to Loki through telepathy so they can have a slightly private conversation. All to true Loki. It is quite a family gathering here today. As well as a gathering of friends since you and Taja are here. And no, I do not know if my Mother knows of the change in me. She has not seen me in the years since I left though I would not be surprised if she knew that something had changed with me.

She then looks up towards the door for a moment and then around the room until her eyes fall upon somebody she has not seen in years. Her Mother. For a moment, her heart skipped a beat, and then a slight look of disappointment appears on her face as her Mother sits and talks with somebody else. She doesn't care though so she speaks up and calls over to her Mother*

Hello Mother. It is nice to see you again after so long. When you feel like it, you may us here and talk. It has been a long time though. But it doesn't matter if you don't want to talk. After all Uncle Chaos is here to be family to me.

*Natia then turns her attention back to those at her table and smiles again before looking at Chaos*

So Uncle, has anything new and interesting been happening to you as of late??

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 8th, 2002, 01:54:50 PM
"Taja Loraan."

The statement was brief, but it was all that had been asked of her. The topic was quickly averted from delving into details of the Dark Jedi's past with Natia to the newest arrival yet - Chaos Alexander. Taja knew him due to their shared Master, and so nodded her greeting.

She then looked to Oriadin and scowled, making a visible display of hurt; he retracted his hand before she could even make an attempt to be friendly. All the better for Taja - what interested her now was the regally dressed woman who had just entered the bar, accompanied by another female.

Taja dragged her chair back from the table and excused herself, ruffling Loki's hair affectionately. He seemed rather preoccupied with enforcing his telepathic skills, and was very cute - Natia had good taste.

You must be the legendary Xazor that Natia has told me so much about.

This message she sent to the Light Sider standing by the counter. So different they were in appearance: Taja with her black vest top and corduroys, and the woman clad in long, graceful white robes who Natia just addressed.

Do come and chat.

Standing some distance away from Natia's table, she crooked a finger and motioned for the Jedi to follow.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 8th, 2002, 05:24:48 PM
The Garou suddenly looked up as words were spoken to her by that of a force so familiar. Indeed, it was her daughter and it made her heart glad to know that she was alright. Suddenly then another came close to her and spoke....beckoning her presence at their table. Xazor's eyes smiled for her as she turned to the Padawan and sighed gently.

"There is another who I must speak to now...I have not seen her in several years. I hope you do understand...."

With a nod and a smile from the other young woman, the now Jedi Master, rose from her seat and gracefully walked towards the small gathering....taking a place behind her Brother. Smiling as she did so, the Master placed her hands at her belt and bowed her head to the group.

"Greetings to you.....and Natia....my Daughter......"

The words were filled with a gentle emotion...just as a soft ripple disturbed a pond. She set her gaze upon the teenage girl and smiled with a bit of sorrow upon her features. It had been too long...no explanation had been given...but she could sense the Darkness in Natia without even looking at her Force signature. Sighing, she stepped to the side of Chaos and eyed the group. Quite a family gathering...she thought....

ooc: I am just making Xazor how she would be five years from now...probably a Jedi Master, etc...just so none of you are confussled...hehehe.

Sep 9th, 2002, 04:09:06 AM
Oriadin remained silent. Watching the proceedings as they unfolded. He watched over Loki as he talked with those around him. He felt pretty sure the young lad could look after himself but Oriadin was there for help and support.

He watched as Taja went over to speak to Xazor. He hadnt noticed Xazor sitting there until Natia said something to her. A slight look of relief passed over the face of Oriadin at the sight of her. He could really do with a brief chat with her, perhaps to explain the situation. He felt she should be aware of what was occuring. Now didnt seem like the right time though. Everyone, it seemed wanted to speak with her so getting her alone for a few moments would not be easy. Oriadin decided to bide his time for now. Watching and waiting.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 9th, 2002, 02:21:05 PM
*Natia nods to her Mother as she approaches the table*

Please Mother, do be seated. With you standing, it makes you look like your making sure that everything goes the way you want it to.

*Natia waves to one of the empty chairs*

And besides, Oriadin's relieved to see you here. I think things are getting to be a bit to much for him.

*Natia looks her Mother over since she has not seen her in years*

You have changed Mother. You seem to be calmer now and more at peace with things. And I'm sure that you've noticed that I've changed since you last saw me.

*Natia then takes a sip of her cola which had been brought by earlier*

Sep 9th, 2002, 04:33:48 PM
Oriadin didnt feel as if things were getting to much for him at all. He was always of the opinion that two heads are better than one though and any help in this situation would be greatly appreciated. Rather than make a scene Oriadin didnt really mind Natia's words. He felt no need to argue over something so trivial and just let out a smile as if she were joking.

He did hope Xazor would join them though.

Jina Jade-Elessar
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:58:03 AM
The ten year old girl came into the Bar and Grill, the flaming red hair and startlingly green eyes identifying her immediatly to those that knew of her - Jina Jade-Q'Dunn, adopted daughter of a truely formidible Jedi named Helenias Evenstar. She had not been around the Jedi for some time, as she had been off with Auntie Arya. She was excited for not only was she back amongst the Jedi, Helenias and Auntie Arya had told her - Hunter was coming to Coruscant! Her father, the mighty man whom was such a legend. Too much of a legend - those that knew whom he was seemed to expect the daughter to be his match. She tried her best, but always she felt that there was no chance she could be like the stern man that she called father.

But she would be one day... she knew she would be. One day, Hunter would watch as she became a Knight.

But for now, she looked about the bar and grill, seeing whom was here. Auntie had let her run ahead, saying she had to attednd to some business. The young girl had thence come in here, looking about for anyone she....

Suddenly, she did see someone!

"Xazor! Xaz!!" she cried out, darting over to the Jedi and nearly bowling her over in a flying hug. Big sister Xazor, they shared a mother in Helenias.... Jina had missed her sister, even if she did get to see her more, because Xazor and Hunter often were together, doing Jedi things. "Look at what I made Xaz! I made a little broach! And... and.... UNCLE ORIADIN!!!! Hi! Uncle!"

Oriadin was taught by Helenias to be a Jedi. Jina thought of Oriadin as some sort of big brother.

Sep 10th, 2002, 02:27:34 AM
Just as everyone awaited Xazor to make her decision, a young voice was heard over the mumble of the crowd. It was a familier noise and a welcome one. Oriadins eyes darted to where the sound came from and Jina caught his eye. A huge smile spread across his face as he hadnt seen this child in some time, since she had been away.

He had always been fond of Jina. She was a lovable child. Full of love and happiness for life. Helenias had been a great influence on her life and it showed. He had gotten to know the child quite well while he was padawan to Helenias and he was always happy to tell her stories and teach her things he himself had read in the Jedi archives.

It was good to get a sense of goodness enter the room. Being so young an innocent, her heart was pure.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 10th, 2002, 09:09:47 AM
The arrival of Xazor and Jina seemed to break up the awkward atmosphere invoked by some of Natia's choice words. Loki would talk with her and ask her if she realised how rude she came across when she said things such as "With you standing, it makes you look like your making sure that everything goes the way you want it to." To her own mother no less and then there was what she had said to Oriadin.

Now Loki was coming to terms with the changes within her and would not lose a friend because she had been seduced into darkness. It was his own personal way of confronting and defeating the darkside; he would be damned if he would allow it to ruin their friendship and it wouldn't. But putting that aside if there was one thing that was unspeakably ugly to him it was discourtesy. He would leave the talking until later but found no reason as to why Natia should be impolite because she was a dark-sider.

"Good afternoon, Master Dawnstrider. How are you?" He asked politely, admiring her radiance, she was a beautiful woman both externally and internally. The presence of the child swayed the balance of the clashing sides; dark and light, it was a silent but eternal struggle, regardless of their words and actions the presences of a lightsiders and darksiders would always clash.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 10th, 2002, 02:37:46 PM
*Natia looks over to where Jina's voice was coming from, a slight smile appears on her face as she sees her. Thoughts of her good times as a child surface for a moment as she looks at the youthful innocence of the Jina and for a change for now, she remains silent, watching things unfold*

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:37:46 PM
The words spoken to her by her own Daughter made Xazor's eyes widen a bit....but she soon came to terms that the darkness had been eminating from her child. Suddenly she was tackled by another whom she loved.....her Sister, Jina. The Master hugged her back tightly, admiring the broach that she had crafted.

"It's beautiful Jina!"

She said with joy to her, and as the young girl that was growing up so beautifully, moved closer to Oriadin, Xazor swallowed hard and sat down. The words still rested upon her mind, but she was overcome with the Light and no anger could be found in something so trivial.

"Indeed sweet child of mine.....I have decided to join you. Long has it been since I have been able to look upon your face....and I have missed you so. How have you been and what have you been up to? I see that you have grown up and are even more beautiful than before."

She said softly, recalling how she had begun to train Natia and then the girl left. The once Knight, let her go.....not wishing to be a barrier to her.....for it was her own life and free will.....and she would do what she pleased. Xazor's eyes came to rest gently upon Natia.......wondering what had happened in the time she was gone......

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:51:42 PM
*Natia looks at her Mother as she speaks to her. She smiles at her Mother, knowing that she will always be, one way or another, her Mothers child, the only Mother she has ever known*

I have been rather well Mother. Though I will admit, I have missed you.

*Natia briefly closes her eyes as she remembers back when she left. She hadn't even notified her Mother where she was going. Only that she was gone. And then, no word from her at all since she had left*

Seeing you now again Mom, I hadn't realized just how much I had missed you.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:04:15 PM
Xazor smiled gently at her words and forgot everything that her child had previously said to her. She reached her hand across the table and grasped the young woman's, looking at her with love.

"As have I missed you more than I can express.....what took you away from me, my child?"

She questioned curiously, nearly fearing what the answer might be. She knew though that she could not fear the outcome of this for fear was of the Darkside...and she was of the purest Light.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 11th, 2002, 06:10:57 PM
*Natia smiles back at her Mother*

What took me away is the simple fact that what I wanted I could not get here. If you are worried about my learning, I have kept up my studies, though not of the Lightside.

*Natia then finishes off with talking to her Mother through telepathy. If I had have stayed with the Jedi Mother, and I had told anyone of them what I wanted, I would be told it's wrong and that I should forgive and forget. I could not. I can not.*

My path just is not the one that others would have it be. It's not that of a Jedi.

*Natia then takes another sip of her cola*

Xazor Elessar
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:32:27 PM
"So you chose a life of destruction and revenge over peace and the Light. How lost my little girl is.......but it is your life afterall, and you're getting what you want......"

She emphasized the last words, her eyes lost a bit of their gentleness as a stern look crossed her features. No, she was not angry......she was at Peace with herself and with everyone else there......but she was highly disappointed in her Daughter.

"All is well though.....you may live as you choose. I did think you were strong once, though....."

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:22:31 AM
Oriadin sat in silence listning to Natia and Xazor talk. Of the people sat round there seemed to be tension in the air. Oriadin felt sure that Natias new master would not be completly happy with Natia missing her mother so much. Love and compasion were good things afterall.

Oriadin felt sure deep down that Natia could return to the light. He felt deep down that she wanted to as well. Whether she admitted it was a different matter. Natia would need encouragment though. A lot of love and support.

--Xazor, would you help me carry some drinks back from the bar if I get a round in?--

Oriadin wanted a quick word with the Jedi. Now was as good a time as any he guessed. He hoped she would agree.

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 12th, 2002, 05:58:47 AM
I wasn't certain I liked Coruscant, even with five years of living here. Then again, it could be that I viewed Coruscant throguh the tint of the Senate - a vast, sprawling body of squabbling delegates, all out for thier own interests, no interest in the common good.

Don't think like that, I admonished myself - you know the majority of the Senate is not like that. Your still on edge after the latest assasination attempt. And that was true - in my time in the Senate, I had made some powerful enemies. Mainly because I stood for the weak, the innocent and the poor, whom the likes of the Trade Federation would want to stomp on. I was aware powers that circled the halls of power like sharks were worried about what I was achieving and how it hurt their interests.

And how popular it was with the lower classes of the Galaxy. A dangerous combination, for they would view that I had a powerbase that could not be shifted easily. It also didnt help that I refused to think or act like a politician and refused to do deals, plus being whom I was, it was not possible to corrupt mysel, though it had been tried. How does one corrupt a Jedi? Power? Credits? No, because a Jedi desired them not. You could not lie to a Jedi, nor could you bribe them. Plus, I did not want leadership.

In some ways, that made myself the best to do so.

No way. When my term finished, I was going to run as far as I could and get out of that madhouse.

Tonight, I went to the Jedi's Bar and Grill, a welcome change. I had good friends here and being in the peace and calm of the Jedi was welome relief. As I enetered the doors, my green rainment rustled as I moved. Several turned to see whom it was that entered, one or two greeted myself, before I was hit by a pint sized tonado named Jina.

"MOTHER!!!!" she yelled as she pounced. It took me a second to rebalace myself from the impact, before I picked her up.

"Jina! My, you are growing! How is my daughter?"

"Happy! Xaz is here too! And Uncle Oriadin! And Auntie Arya is coming too soon! Is Hunter coming too? Is he?"

"Yes my dear - he will here tomorrow...." My eyes followed from where Jina had run from and here I saw Xazor and Oriadin - plus someone else that I didn't recognise straight away. I frowned as I sensed tension.

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 12th, 2002, 11:15:59 AM
"Well excuse me! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see Natia running around destroying anything."

Taja crossed her arms over her chest and stood glaring at the Jedi. Tossing her hair back over her shoulders, she pursed her lips; she genuinely resented Xazor's brash denunciation of the child's studies. Typical of them to make hasty assumptions – sense the slightest trace of darkness within a person and all of a sudden they're out to take over the universe.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:29:42 PM
*Natia's eyes narrow slightly as she hears her Mother's words*

Mother, I had no peace when I was studying here. I had none what so ever. I was constant pain and misery. And nobody saw or noticed or felt it and if they did, they did nothing. Also, I am NOT destroying anything.

Tell me Mother. Don't you ever wish to make my legal guardian pay for what he did to me. Don't you ever wish that you could take away his ability to walk unaided. Well I'm going to make him pay and pay he will.

*Natia's voice had been slowly raising as she's been saying this to her Mother. When she resumes speaking, her voice is at a more normal level*

I haven't gotten what I want, but I'm alot closer now then I ever would have been. I will get what I want and nothing will stop me.

*Natia takes a deep breath*

I am strong Mother. I always have been and always will be strong. It's not something that you can take away or lose because you have changed the way you live your life.

*Natia glances over to where Jina went before looking back at her Mother. After a moment she glances at Taja and smiles before looking back at her Mother*

Sep 13th, 2002, 03:09:52 AM
Oriadin leaned over the table in Natia's direction. His eyes held some sympathy for the young lady as she was obviously still in pain.

--Natia, I dont know what exactly happend between you and your legal guardian.--

Remembering back to Natias crutches, he could get a fair idea of what happend.

--But I have to ask you, what will you achieve by making him pay for what he has done to you? It will not make you feel any better. I sense anger and hatred within you, and by taking that pain out on this person, it will only bring more pain and suffering to your life.

The only way to relieve that pain is through peace.--

He wasnt sure how she would take what he had said. He said it in a soft, suggesting tone. He wasnt lecturing her, more interested to see how she thought the way she wanted to do it would work.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:14:27 AM
*Natia looks at Oriadin again*

I will get my revenge on him for what he did to me. I will teach him, in the off chance that he survives, that he should never mess with other ppl. I can only imagine how many other innocent children he's harmed in his life. He has to pay and I will make sure he pays.

*Natia then laughs again*

They only way to relieve pain is through peace. HA. Been there, tried it, didn't work. That's just different words for Forgive and Forget.

Sep 13th, 2002, 08:23:36 AM
--Forgive yes, forget no. Look at how we help people here at the order. If someone makes a mistake or does something wrong we do not seek revenge or to hurt them. In the end, that makes you no better than them.

Instead we seek to help them. Consider why they did it and try to help that person become better. Council them. I know hes caused pain to people before but dont forget he can still give love and happiness. Perhaps he just needs to be shown how.--

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 13th, 2002, 04:18:13 PM
*Natia starts to laugh while Oriadin is talking*

Please forgive me if I don't believe you. Taja here has helped me more then the Jedi ever have with the exception of my Mother, but she had been busy with other things at the time.

As for my legal guardian and him feeling love. He feels it already when he hurts ppl. That is just how he is. And he's already been shown how to give love and happiness.

*Natia shakes her head*

I've learned from experience that only a couple of Jedi help ppl while everybody else just sits down on there butts and talk about helping ppl.

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 14th, 2002, 08:44:58 AM
She blinked rapidly to make sure what she was hearing was real and not another voice blabbering on inside her head - it was hard to tell the difference. When Natia confirmed this by answering, Taja's eyes widened, aghast. The man was suggesting that the girl revert back to her old Jedi ways, and in front of her Master!

"You, Mister, need a lesson in manners!"

Yanking Oriadin back by the collar, Taja dragged him away from the table with her.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:17:31 AM
After having remained silent during the various exchanges the young padawan suddenly sprung to action, there was a flash of light and as Taja looked down he held a lightsaber blade millimeters away from her wrist. She stopped pulling at Oriadin's collar in response to this and he looked at her, not breaking eye contact for one second.

"Madam, such behaviour is not tolerated here. Continue to act as such and you will be removed." He finished and the New Republic gaurds stepped a little closer, waiting to see if they had to act.

imported_Taja Loraan
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:26:03 AM
Taja quirked an eyebrow.

"Sweetie, I'm not planning to hurt the guy. I only want to talk. Some place where it's not so crowded."

She finished by raising her hands as though in surrender, to prove she was unarmed and without ill intent.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:28:53 AM
"Then a lesson in manners for you wouldn't go amiss either." He commented, deactivating his lightsaber with a nod at Oriadin's creased collar to point out to what he was referring.

Clipping his weapon back onto his utility belt, he took his seat once again.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 14th, 2002, 12:54:10 PM
Xazor smiled gently and Natia and nodded.

"Well then...I hope you achieve what you want...seeing as though all I did for you was not good enough. Perhaps the Darkness will show you the way...I hope your eyes can see through it though..."

She said softly, and then rose from her seat, placing a hand upon Oriadin's shoulder.

"Indeed...some drinks are in order!"

The Master said softly to him. She took the Knight and passed by her Mother...now a Master as well. A weak smile crossed her lips but she would not give up the fight...she was strong and had completely overcome her emotions now...and this little problem was not bothering her in the least.

I know you wish to speak to me...and there are not great opportunities over there. Please...tell me what's on your mind, dear friend.

She spoke in his mind as the pair closed in on the Bar. It was still nice...though it was on Coruscant. She loved the city but it was nothing compared to the beautiful wilderness she once was. Now she took her Padawans to Yavin and Dagobah on training missions to let them be closer to Nature...and natural training facilities. Her eyes shot to the floor as she thought for a moment and then went to meet Oriadin's...wondering what was in his mind that he wished to speak with her of...

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:42:00 AM
*Natia looks at Loki for a moment and then her Mother and then she shakes her head for a moment*

Loki, it is not wise to bring up a weapon against Taja.

*Natia looks Loki straight in the eye for a moment before quickly turning her gaze away from him. She spends a couple of moments looking around the B&G, thinking of times past and how different things were then*

Loki, Taja needs no lessons on manners. She acts however she sees fit to act.

Loki Ahmrah
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:49:49 AM
"Not in here she doesn't, Natia." Loki answered with simplicity. He finished his tea then stood.

"Excuse me, I am scheduled to be meeting my own master shortly. It was a pleasure seeing you again, Natia." He tilted his head a little and gave a brief nod. Before making his way out of the bar.

Sep 16th, 2002, 05:07:25 AM
Oriadin made no attempt to remove Taja's hand from his collar. Loki moved swiftly and raised a weapon to Taja. The situation got bad quickly. He asked Loki in a calm voice to lower his weapon and he did so just after Taja released her grip on him. He turned to the woman.

--I was not trying to convice young Natia here to return to the Jedi. I was mearly interested in how she thought the dark side would make her feel better. I can not agree with her if I do not understand. I was only trying to compare it with my methods of thinking. We shall talk in a second. Give me a moment to get another round of drinks in with Xazor and we can talk about this, without causing a scene.--

He indicated towards the guards that all was ok and for them to go about their normal duty. He said his goodbye to Loki as he made his exit then walked to the bar with Xazor. Using the force he spoke into her mind.

--Master Xazor. Sorry for that little incident just then. I sense a fear in Taja. A fear that she could still lose Natia. She has come back here I belive to try to remain friends with Loki. There is love in her heart, I know it and feel it. She can return to the light side but she needs to be encouraged. She will suffer if she seeks revenge and it will only hurt her even more. I feel she needs our help.--

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 16th, 2002, 06:55:03 AM
Tension indeed. My hand strayed to the sabre at my side, while Jina also sensed soemthing wasn't quite right. Even with the fact I had spent much time with my Senate duties, I had still kept in pracice with the Jedi teachings and my own fighting skills. Even as a group, I knew that the Dark Siders and Jedi combined could not withstand what I was capable of with a weapon.

This was developing into an interesting situation. I would play this out and see how things went. Herding Jina slightly, I moved to where Xazor and Oriadin were - both dear to my heart. Xazor, daughter and Oriadin, my first Padawan Learner. I still called on him to help myself out in the Senate.

"Oriadin... and Xazor! Have not seen you in far too long. How is it my Daughter? How does it go with you?"

There was some subtle hand signals Xazor and I used also to communicate. With my hands seemingly playing on the bar top, they spoke in a sign language that Oraidin knew as well.

Xazor, is Marcus truly coming as well? I have longed much to see him once again - and is this Natia whom you speak to as well? Do you need any help?

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 16th, 2002, 08:15:15 AM
*Natia nods her head slightly*

I was nice seeing you again Loki. We have to get together again later on to continue talking.

*Natia's eyes then look towards her Mother and Oriadin as they head off towards the bar to get drinks and to talk. More then likely about her. After a bit, she also watches Helenias as she joins them over there. After a couple of moments, she looks back to the now rather empty table, smiling at ppl, but saying nothing*