View Full Version : Words (Chaos Alexander)

Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:50:08 PM
*Santhia sat quietly in Yoghurts Bar, sticking out like a sore thumb in her long shorts, tiny black tank top and trainers. Black leather wrist bands with the symbol of her Garou tribe rested on her arms and a glass of cold ale sat cupped in her hands. She was seated in a dark corner, surrounded by many people to mask her scent in case Xazor should appear. An empty plate sat in front of her. She sighed, and wished Verse or another Garou was around. She was lonely and a bit sad with the events that had been happening.*

Chaos Alexander
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:04:20 PM
"Santhia Fianna, friend of my father and uncles. One of the greatest fightes on Eden."

::Chaos bowed to the women.::

"Chaos Alexander Dawnstrider. May I have seat."

Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:10:27 PM
*A small smile crossed her lips, and she nodded.*

"Of course, it's a pleasure to meet you, Chaos. You must be the son Verse told me of. And I'm not the best fighter on Eden.." *She blushed slightly* " Although, I did teach your father and uncle a thing or two when we were younger. I have been so busy traveling, I haven't had time for any proper battles."

*She laughed and took a large drink from her glass.* "I guess you heard about me, from Verse? Or from your ...interesting sister?"

Chaos Alexander
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:48:04 PM
::Chaos shoke his head.::

"I heard about from my Uncle Pivo. He is not as dead as you would think. He cheated death, but that is another story."

::Chaos looked her up and down.::

"I can see why father liked you. You got looks and brains. Hard to find both those traits in a woman at the same time. As for my sister..."

::Chaos ordered an Ale and looked back at Santhia.::

"I love her alot, she just goes over-board. I am not a bleeding-heart like our father, nor do I agree with many of his views, but I know he can live his own life. Xazor doesn't want him to be with people unless they are friends of hers, and feels everyone is out to get her. If she just calmed down she would see that she has alot going for her. I am a Sith. I will not lie. I enjoy killing, maiming, and hate. She is the same, yet she claims to be a Jedi. I do alot of teh same stuff as her, but I am honest about it. Ignore her. That is all you can do. Now my turn for a question....what was my father like as a child? I heard he got in trouble and you two we best friends. I would like ti know."

OOC: You have my permission to make stuff up chick. Give Chaos something to listen too =p

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:58:26 PM
*She sat and listened, smiling at the mention of Pivo, and grinning at the mention of Verse as a child.*

"Your father....He was a brat. A trouble-maker through and through. Curious about everything! Always fighting." *She laughed.* "We were always running around getting into trouble. Verse and I were inseperable. We did everything together, we trained together.."
*She slid one of her wristbands down, revealing a crescent scar. She ran a finger over it, grinning more.*
" That's were he got me with a Klaive, it burned for a week! Verse cried when it happened, so did I for that matter. We were 5 or 6, young.I have so many memories of him, some sad, but most are happy."

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:01:33 AM
::Chaos laughed. He hadn't done that in a long long time. He only 'laughed' in a sadistic way. This was a honest one.::

"He still is a brat for the most part. He has changed a bunch, but stayed the same at the core. How do you like being away from Eden. I go there alot, though I never speak to the other Garou, and have seen the world there. Not much technology there. Must be strange seeing all of this eh? Lightsabers and Droids. Ships and Such. You enjoying it? Or do you miss the forest and jungles of Eden?"

Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:14:40 AM
*She smiled sadlY*

"I haven't been home for almost a year, I've been travelling. So, all this technology is not that strange. I understand very little about it, but I suppose I'll get used to it. Sometimes I miss Eden, in my heart I know it will always be my home, and that I can always go back there. You must be used to it, growing up amongst it."

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:11:35 PM
"To be honest I spent most my life on Eden. Pivo has a area he lives in now. I lived there till around a year and a half ago. I came here, then to TSE. Pivo had alot of techno stuff though, so I was used to it. I still go to Eden alot. To much stuff goes on here. If I am not in the middle of it, then I get board real fast."

::Chaos suddenly tilted his head. He then smiled and chuckled.::

"I just thought of something. If you grew up with my dad.....that makes you close to 60 as well! Garou age slow. You don't look bad for your age as well. I heard when you are on Eden one ages slower. I must look into that. That also means you have another 400 years left in ya. Damnation, you still have alot of life left in ya."

Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:25:29 PM
*She blushed a deep red and laughed*

"Er, yes, it does. I'm a few years younger than your father, but I am getting quite old. And, Eden does help to keep one young."

*She laughed again, smiling widely*
"You'll have to come back to Eden with me sometime, show me where your Uncle has been hiding himself. I'd love to see him again."

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:54:06 PM
::It was Chaos' turn to laugh.::

"Pivo is 99% crazy. Dieing does that toa person you know."

Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:33:00 PM
" I would guess so...Have never had the pleasure of returning from the dead before."

*She took a drink, almost emptying her glass and grinned.*

"So, you are the wicked Dawnstrider spawn. You don't seem that evil"

Chaos Alexander
Sep 4th, 2002, 12:08:49 PM
::Chaos just shrugged.::

"What right does a mortal have to say who is evil? I serve Gaia and Kashlla. I do what I must to make sure all is ok with them. That means I kill any and all that stand in my way. If I saw you were in my way....I would rip out your heart and eat it. It is nothing personal. I just do what I have to do as a Cleric and a Fighter. Being a Garou you know what I mean."

Sep 4th, 2002, 12:48:28 PM
"Yes, I do. I have killed many in the name of Gaia and my tribe. There's a difference though, in killing for what you believe in and what is right for all, and killing for fun and games."
*She smirked*
"Sometimes killing is a lot of fun...."