View Full Version : I helped you once before, I beg you return the favor (Maia, closed)

Dios Kane
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:02:29 PM
:: Dios had done it finally, he'd gotten some sleep. It had taken him a whole hour to make sure he wouldn't do anything in his sleep. He'd figured chains but that would've looked wrong, so he had just decided to staple himself to the bed, sure it had hurt but he was so tired that the pain hadn't mattered.
He awoke and sighed, his room was a mess, his force abilities had gone awry and the whole place looked like a tornado had been through it. He hoped Terran hadn't been around when he'd done all this. He wripped one arm off the metal knife stuck through his palm and pulled out the other knives holding him firmly to the bed. He sat up and looked at the holes that were slowly healing. This couldn't go on anylonger. The pain and the loss of control... He had to get more training in the lightside or the darkside would consume him. He got up and walked into the kitchen, sticking his hands underneath the sink, he began to wash his hands from all the dried blood. The memories of the torn dreams that he had were now coming back slowly and he didn't have the nerve to call those dreams, merely nightmares.::

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:15:44 PM
Maia stood outside of her loves door, she had felt his pain and his darkness growing daily. She had hoped he would find a way through it. He had not and she would no lose him to the growing darkness his soul harbored. There had been many times she had almost gone to him and tried to help but it was his battle to fight.

"Not anymore." She whispered softly. Her nights had been filled with his dreams. He was lost and alone as she had been at one time. He had helped her, he had soothed her troubled heart and now it was time for her to help him. She loved Dios more than she loved any other.

"I could not save my brother Dios but I will save you or die trying." She said as she pushed his door open.

She cringed in horror at the already healing wounds on his skin. The pain in his eyes tore her soul.

"Dios let me help you fix this. let me make you whole." She pleaded. She walked over to him and pulled him close. Maia could feel his resistance, he was trying to pull away, not just his body but his heart. She clung to him pulling him closer.

"I will not let you go to the darkness Dios. I will follow you to hell if that's what it takes but I will not let you go.."

Dios Kane
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:31:43 PM
:: Dios cringed at her touch, the darkness within him shunned her light and he was ashamed to have her close with the darkness residing within him. His wounds had fully healed by now but the scars were still there. He fought the evil presence within him and put an arm around her. His words were forced, the darkside had begun to make it aneffort to say what he wanted to say.::

Maia... You will always make me whole... Do not... let me go.

:: Dios looked into her eyes, his pain reflected there in her eyes... What had he done? He had not meant to do this to her. He kissed her but the darkness within him drove him harder and made him more aggresive; he pulled away before he hurt her. He turned away and walked outside on the balcony.::

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:23:41 AM
Maia gasped softly as his lips pushed hard against hers. He had never been anything but tender with her and the harshness of it surprised her. She could feel him warring with himself. The darkness that pulled at his soul made him want to hurt the love they shared. Maia would not let it. No matter how much pain she might go through she would be there for him.

She followed quickly after him. She stood behind him trying to find the words to tell him that she understood. She wrapped her arms around his chest and rested her cheek against his back.

"Dios, it does not matter what you do to me. I know that it is the darkness inside of you that drives you to hurt me. No matter what happens I will be here and I will go on loving you always." She whispered softly.

"We can fix this Dios." She did not cry out when he turned on her and grasped her arms in a biting hold bending her back. She looked up into his eyes and nodded. "I pledged you eternity Dios, and I will win you back."

Dios Kane
Sep 5th, 2002, 04:20:50 PM
:: Dios' eyes were blood shot by now, the emotioal moment for Dios had weakened his defenses to the darkness and it had taken it's chance to speak against Maia.::

You can't fix this! You can't win back something that started out lost! All of the ideals... all of the time... wasted! For this...

:: His hand let go and motioned to the view before the balcony. And as the hand passed by a bird flew into the air and then the hand twitched barely. The bird continued to fly for a moment until it suddenly burst into flame, falling lifeless and black to the ground. The feathers slowly drifted to it's corpse.
Dios suddenly shuddered and fell back as he regained control. He slumped against the balcony railing staring up at Maia, trying as hard as possible not to look over at the smoking remains of that he had just killed.::

We can fix this... Maia... It doesn't want me to know... but as long as you do. I do also... Save me! That life has not been the only innocent I have incenerated in the past few days. But all of them weaker than me... She was right...

:: Dios' hand went to his face.::

She asked who the monster was and I said I might be... She was right...

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 6th, 2002, 09:31:51 AM
Maia gasped when she saw the bird fall. Her heart clenched in her chest. The evil she felt coming from him when he killed the small bird was almost unbearable. Something had taken over Dios and was determined to break his soul.

Leaning forward she touched his face with the tips of her fingers. Tears pooled in the hollow of her throat. He had lived countless lifetimes, and he had seen horrendous things. It had not taken his love for life, and it had not dulled his need to love and be loved. She knew his soul was still pure no matter what demon at it.

"I will save you Dios and no matter what I will not give up on you." Laying her hand flat on his chest she caressed his cheek with her other hand. "You heart still loves Dios, you my love are not the monster. It is a monster trying to that is trying to take who you are. It is trying to make you into someone your not. What ever I have to do Dios, I will fix this." She promised. Leaning forward she softly kissed him....

Dios Kane
Sep 6th, 2002, 03:02:09 PM
:: Dios managed to smile as he welcomed her into his arms.::

I hope so.

:: He got those few words out between the long kiss they shared before Dios felt it in him... rising. It was tired of this, it didn't want Dios to experience this now... when it had spent so much time trying to twist him. He wasn't supposed to be able to do this! To Love! Dios heard a twisted version of his own voice screaming NO! NO! NO! He managed to suprress the voice as he enjoyed the moment but as soon as he finished kissing Maia he made sure he got up and walked back inside. He couldn't stay close to her at the moment,
He loved her more than anything else. She had promised to be with him for all eternity and he would not let any harm come to her... no matter what! This ran through his head as he suddenly snapped back and realised what was going on. He was now by the sink... How had he gotten by the sink? His hand was moving... without his control! It had gotten him in that moment of emotional distress it had gotten him! How? Why now? What was it going to do? The hand reached out and brought up the staples and placed it in the back of his belt, hidden from view. Oh no... the idea was suddenly shared with him by the darkness within. It painted a vivid picture in his mind. A picture of intsead of him nailed against the wall, Maia was there. He wanted to cry, the picture seemed so real inside his head. He could not let this happen to him! His own body, not under his control walked into his bedroom and from there called Maia in a perfect imitation of his own voice. But inside his head Dios heard the twisted voice behind it. His own, but warped.::

Maia! Come here please!

:: Dios hoped she could only sense it but it did not seem so. Right as she opened the door, the darkness seized complete control, over everything, and Dios was now an audience member to the worst thing he'd ever see. The body moved faster than Dios thought was possible, in fact he thought he heard a few of the muscles get torn in the process of moving so quickly. Dios from then named it Fiend. That was what he would call it... Fiend.::

Sep 6th, 2002, 03:14:36 PM
:: I had complete control now. There was no point to this anonoying being holding over control anylonger. He was weak minded and had fallen prey to the vampyre's words. Planting a seed within his mind, a seed that spawned me! And now, I had been given the chance to kill all of Dios' mental health he would ever have. Making me strong enough to permanently control this body forever. I was pure darkside, that's all I knew, not mjuch else other than what Ifeeded off of Dios' mind. And he had plenty of evil examples within that! Hehe... Now to her... Possibly his only chance for salvation, if I kill her now... she'll die and Dios will fall to me.
I moved so quickly that she was caught totally off gaurd by the body of her lover. Grabbing her and forcing her against the bloodied wall. Watching Dios stab himself to the wall just so that he could sleep had been fun. I had laughed so hard, sitting back, and I had made sure he had heard it too. Anyways, I grab her and run her against the wall. And then I pull out the staples that Dios had used before. She has this exotic look of amazement on her face right before I ram a staple through her arm. I bet that felt good. Her head reared back in a silent scream as I ran the other staple into the other arm. I one through each foot also and then ran the last two through her shoulders. She was so beautiful when she screamed like that. I must've picked up some of dios' fondness for her but I think I like her a different way. Her mouth opened again, I saw blood on her tongue... cool. But before she said anything I kissed her and made sure that she got a full taste of of my darkness as I transferred my energy into fire against our mouths, smoke raised from nostrils as I pulled back.::

So, you still want to fix me? That can be arranged!

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 7th, 2002, 02:38:34 AM
Maia cried out in pain as the spikes drove through her. "Dios." She cried out in her mind. The pain made her eyes roll up in her head. She had bitten her tongue and blood filled her mouth.

As he kissed her mouth burned, and she struggled against passing out. She could not speak but her heart cried out for Dios to fight the evil that was hurting her. She could not move. She called on the force to ease her pain, it helped very little. Her mind was to tormented by what had happened. She knew she was at the evils mercy and that Dios was not in the room with her even if it was his body.

Groaning softly she struggled to clear her vision. "I will save him, no matter what you do to me. I will save him from you. You cannot have him. You can do what you want to my body, but you can take my heart or my love for him." She said softly. "Dios help me."

Sep 14th, 2002, 08:29:12 PM
:: So close to this... thing, my shoulders shuddered with my laughter, silent but visible. I wanted to hurt her as bad as I could, maybe I could keep this... savior from Dios if I tried hard enough, but love was almost strong as hate and to turn one into the other was just about as annoying as having to mess with it anyways, unless I got the desired results of course.::

There is no help coming other than what little help you can give me with breaking Dios' even more than he already is!

:: I backhanded Maia before she spoke the words I knew she would speak, she was vulnerable now and I was already well inside her mind, finding her fears... her brother... bird... family... Ah, a sith bred family?::

Can you believe that your boyfriend has become a sith, Maia? Doesn't it want to make you turn, become like the rest of your family? Wouldn't it make it so much easier on the both of us? Maybe you could even return to your family, their arms open to more dark blood. And your own Dios, a physical limitation of the darkside itself!

:: I placed a finger right below her neck and watched as it scorched her skin, and then it healed back. This could get fun, testing the limits of the holy water might be just as interesting.::

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 14th, 2002, 11:49:52 PM
Licking the cut on her lip from the blow, Maia turned her head from Fiends words. They hurt and cut into her soul. She had thought those words already they burned her Jedi heart everyday. She missed her family but she would no become what she thought wrong.

Her love for Dios held her steady. This abomination that took his body would not take that from her, nor would it take the light from her. Maia flinched as his finger burned her flesh but what hurt the most was to look on the face of one she loved so much and see evil twisting it.

She turned her eye's back to his in defiance. "Dios I love you." It was all she could say....

Sep 15th, 2002, 12:01:46 AM
I love you Maia... I do...

:: It was a perfect imitation and joy of seeing her face look up with a glint of hope in her pitiful eyes. How beautiful that glint wa, if she could only seeit, she'd be bawling for days! I cracked up of course, a high pitched metallic laughter that rang against the walls.
A brief flash of a memory from Dios, laughing about... interesting! I pulled Maia off the wall and held her in my arms, blood seeping from her wounds, how tragicly beautiful it was... I didn't care how bad she was hurt, Dios' feelings had infected my sentience, trying to produce love but only succeeding in creating lust. What a rush to be human! I put a hand to the Maia's side and kissed her until I had draw back and breath for Dios. I didn't particularirly have that much fun, the lightside seemed to spoil the flavor so I just dropped the barely living human on the ground. I popped my neck and then smiled, I left the room in a disaster.::