View Full Version : Heartbreak Hell

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:59:52 PM
(A lone woman sauntered into the Bar and Grill. Her blue eyes wandered around a bit, not seeing anyone that she knew or cared for. Verse was gone....he had obviously disregarded anything that they ever hoped to have. He had lied to her...and hurt her just like every other man she had ever known. Her heart cried out now for love....something she had never known. She was a Princess...of course everyone loved her, but not a true genuine love that she desired...something sensual and different. The young Cizerack sat down at an empty table and sighed. A server droid came over and took her order of a flask of Corellian Whiskey. She decided to wait for perhaps the man that would make all of her dreams come true...but that seemed highly unlikely....)

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:18:20 PM
::Rrromeo grabs a bottle of brandy at the bar, and after paying for it, goes to find a seat. But due to the influx of traveller and regulars, he didn't have a seat. But he spied a single seat, and sat down in it. He didn't, at first notice anyone, but taking a glance at the table, he noticed that there was a female Cizerack, sitting all by herself. How unusual. From what little he did know of Cizerack society (which was strange, considering he himself was mostly Cizerack) females were the bosses out of their relationships, and the males were the submissives. He was certainly glad he wasn't raized in that society, for he would've been a real bad troublemaker, but then again he already was one, so it really didn't matter. She seemed so sad, sitting there, leaning against the wall. Using a slight bit of infravision, she seemed cold, probably due to sadness. Deciding to get up, he stands and takes his warm leather longcoat off, revealing his dark-furred, light-striped arms and a lithe, but muscle-corded figure, almost bulging out of a small, black tanktop. In one fluid motion, he sat next to her and brought the coat around her slumped shoulders.::

"jYou look a bjit cold. Herrre, trrry some of thjis. jI'll warrrm jyou up."

Kaiasssuri Cissaroni
Sep 6th, 2002, 11:01:58 PM
(The young Cizerack turned around, a bit shocked as a handsome felinoid placed his leather jacket around her shoulders. She smiled toothily and gladly took the drink from his hands that he offered her. Brining the cup to her lips, she took a sip and indeed....it warmed her up.....but he was doing a good job of that as well. Her cheeks were damp from tears, which she wished that would have never been....but it was too late now, and he was there.)

"Thank jyou.....jI apprrrecjiate jit a lot. Mjy name jisss Kajiasssssssssurrrji Cjissssssarrronji....what'sss yourrr'sss?"

Rrromeo Baenrrre
Sep 8th, 2002, 08:49:13 PM
"The name'sss Rrromeo. Rrromeo Baenrrre. And perrrhapsss jyou ssshould drjy jyourrr ejyesss. Tearrrsss don't look ssso good on jyou....."

::Rrromeo, with a fluid and graceful movement, grabbed some napkins and dried her eyes for her. He then smiled.::

"Therrre. Much betterrr."