View Full Version : Disposal (open)

Laine Eldarado
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:31:37 PM
::A bar! Oh, praise the Lord, it was a bar! I stepped in through the door, pleased that I had found somewhere with minimal scum. I wasn't in the mood to put up with imbeciles right now. I wanted to wash my hands.

I'd tried to think of somewhere to toss Shameka's plastic-wrapped body and, in all my brilliance, decided on a dumpster that was close to my ship, Anonyme. So I'd sucked it up and tried to drag my ex-partner out. He was a rather large man but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.

Until the garbage bag tore.

I hadn't even bothered to roll him back into the cargo hold in my hurry to get out. The mess that had been leaking onto the floor when I left was too much for my weak constitution.

Hurriedly, I ran into the ladies room. It was clean. If there's one thing I hate, it's a dirty bathroom. Or a dirty room. In fact, I hate anything being dirty. It annoys me. Okay, I admit, I'm spoiled. I grew up with everything I wanted and I was used to getting it. So things that didn't measure up to my standards were quite a nuisance.

But this place was suitable, even for me. Most importantly, it had running water that I could rinse my hands off in. I must have used half the soap in the dispenser to make sure there wasn't a trace of blood on my delicate skin.

Still, as I walked out and straddled a stool, I felt filthy. I rubbed my hands together, just knowing that there were bits of filth that had avoided my vigorous scrubbing.::

"Sweet vermouth on the rocks with a twist."

::I'd heard of that somewhere and always wanted to order it. I liked the name. After thirty seconds I started getting impatient, something I do every day.::


::My hair started an elaborate dance with my index finger, twisting around and around and around. I stopped when I lost feeling in my finger but started again as soon as it regained it's pinkish-white tone.::


Azhure Darkstone
Sep 3rd, 2002, 12:56:18 AM
::Azhure sat on the far side of the bar, watching the woman silently, being trained as an assasin she was used to picking out ones with a little secrecy or...something fishy about them. This woman emmitted that kind of feeling. Moving silently over to the woman, her movement flowing, a tell tale sign of a trained assasin, she sat next the woman and smiled, saying nothing for a while before ordering water. She watched the flickering of the battle of finger and hair and smiled as she put down her glass::

You seem agitated.

Laine Eldarado
Sep 8th, 2002, 10:45:23 AM
::I had kept my eye on the woman as she sat down, trying my best to ignore her. But let's face it, I'm not very good at subtlety. I ended up glancing at her every few seconds. As I lifted the drink that had finally come, and wasn't quite what I had expected, she broke the silence. I think I set a new record for drink spewing.::

"Agitated? Why would I be agitated? I'm not agitated, I'm great. This is a wonderful place, reminds me of home."

::If I didn't relax I was going to screw this one up too. I kept my gaze away from her, sipping my drink to clear my throat. As my finger started to twirl again, I slapped it down on the table, harder than necessary.::

"Just here on vacation, thought I'd have a drink. Relax."