View Full Version : I'm gettin tired of this! (council please)

Dios Kane
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:38:41 AM
:: Dios stepped before the council chamber and looked to the council. He knew it was there. The darkside... it sat at the side, waiting for him to get angry again... waiting for him to explode like he had with Xazor and with others. It was there and he couldn't get rid of it. He couldn't find his master anywhere, getting no real help there, he had turned to himself and there he had found the darkside awaiting him. He'd come to not sleeping anymore because he feared the darkness would engulf him. He coud tell it influenced his wisdom, he could definitely tell. He approached them and quietly spoke. He knew they could hear him anyways.::

Masters of the council... I request salvation. Once before I was of the darkness and lacking proper guidance as I thought would come from my master I find myself falling to it again. I pledged the jedi oath and I plan to stay by it but I require a master that I can actually do things with, like talk! I do not plan on falling and I need your help. I have laid back on my illegal hunting, I'm sure you are all well aware of what I've been doing so far, and I plan on training until knighthood and then taking up the task, but I require help. Without I fear... I fear...

:: Dios listened to himself then quit talking, there was a good place to stop he thought. Anymore and he was afraid the darkness might be influencing him anyways.::

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:42:53 PM

Navaria questioned.

"What exactly happened that caused this frantic state you are in?"

Her face showed nothing for the Padawan to guess what the Knight was thinking. It was simple placid; serene. Still as any lake untouched by wind.

Dios Kane
Sep 3rd, 2002, 08:53:28 PM
:: Dios tried to remeber the genesis of his current problem... where was the root of it all, what evil seed had been planted that was creeping into his soul like a vine? He had spent a lot of effort trying to say all that he could so far without pausing and having to fight the darkness. He was glad someone had spoken after such a silence.::

I know... only so much... and I can only let the responsibilty fall on myself. I shouldn't have searched out the vampires. The fight with Dalamar nearly killed me and this sword was stuck within my body for a few... days. The fight with... Alana Stormcloud wasn't even a fight of physical weapons, but verbal hooks that had pulled at my... mind and soul. And with no master to go to so far, I have been without guidance...

:: The last part had not been him speaking, those were not his words and he choked the rest down to keep him from going any further. It had taken a chance to stab at the council and possibly make them angry and Dios was afraid it might've worked. But he tried again...::

And then the past events of the fallen Kaytor and Tomak, both events almost exactly the same...

:: Dios' eyes pleaded to the council as he tried to force these last words out before he stopped.::

Can you... not sense... it within?!

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:12:29 PM
Dios' confused and chaotic state had an effect on Navaria. It was not visible but inside her mind, she had to quickly construct a mental barrier against the raging emotions that were being exuded from the Padawan. Being so sensitive to such a heightened state sometimes was a downfall for the Knight. But with a moments clarity of thought, of closing off her natural awareness, the sharp pain that pulsed in her mind became a dull throb.

"Yes, Dios. I can sense it. And what has happened is what we told you would happened if you under went this crusade without proper training and guidance.

I could go on to scold you further but there is no point in it. What is done is done and you have admitted to your mistake. We now move further in your time of need instead of admonishing you."

She rose from her seat and walked towards the frazzled Padawan, placing a hand upon his shoulder. Even now, through the thick layers of clothing Dios wore, Navaria could feel how tense he was.

"Clear your thoughts now. Calm yourself first and then we can talk about things clearly with you."

A reassuring smile came as Navaria ducked her head down enough so Dios could see it fully.

Dios Kane
Sep 5th, 2002, 03:49:56 PM
:: Involuntarily, Dios startled away from her touch, it seemed to burn and heal at the same time. At the sense of the pain he turned to her sharply.::

And where was my training in the first place! Where was this proper guidance! Was I to start out with such things, I must be ignorant for I did not... I...

:: Dios hung his head, the startle had let his gaurd fall and the darkness had prevailed again. What could he do at this point to show it was not entirely him... nothing that he knew other than hoping that they would only understand.::

Excuse me... Forgive my hasty words...

:: Dios began the calming process that he had learned from Ryla long ago, this had practically been the only thing he'd learned so far from her, but that was the darkness stabbing out at him. Where were the other council members? Wasn't Ryla one of them? Why hadn't anyone spoken but Navaria? All of these questions slowly slipped out of his mind while he trid to calm down. His mind hit a bank and then his entire body seemed to relax, as if a burden had been take from every muscle in his body.::

Excuse me, I believe I am ready now...