View Full Version : To See You Again....(Chaos)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:44:09 AM
The Knight Xazor sat at the back of Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill. The black robes she wore, covered her completely...and the hood was drawn up over her head, hiding her face in the darkness. A cold Garou Ale sat before her on the table as she brooded over recent events in her life. Her thoughts then drifted to her Brother, Chaos...how she had wished to see him again...it had been so long since they had talked....and she missed him. She had sent a message to him a few days prior...requesting he meet her for a drink sometime....he had never replyed, but she hoped that he would show up sometime anyway.........

Chaos Alexander
Sep 2nd, 2002, 10:57:48 AM
::Chaos walked into the bar. He sniffed the air and yawned. Deep scars laced his face and body. He had given much in service to Dalethria. He woudl give much more if she asked. All in time though. Now completly organic, He walked to xazor table. He ordered a water and sat down. The Sith knight looked at his sister. He noted something was on her mind.::

"You called, so I came. Is something wrong?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:16:27 AM
Her eyes shifted upwards to greet the presence of her Brother. She smiled, though it was forced, and nodded...

"Indeed...many things in my life are changing....and in our Father's as well. I have grown to.....hate....I have grown to hate a woman by the name of Santhia."

Thoughts of diving her sword into the woman's chest crossed her mind, but she erased them quickly....remembering that she was indeed a Jedi...and to that she would hold true. Her eyes shifted up to his face again...noting that he had earned a few more scars since she had last seen him.

"Though I am sure there is nothing I can do of that...."

Chaos Alexander
Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:27:23 PM
"So very Jedi-Like of you to hate a person you don't even know. You really know nothing of our Father's past. You don't know her role. seems to be a bit of......jealousy maybe?"

::Chaos smield as a droid brought him his drink. he drank it and looked around.::

"If not that, then what? My opinion is that I am right...."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 2nd, 2002, 07:36:50 PM
Xazor looked away and shook her head.

"If you came here to mock me, then what I asked of you was too much indeed. I thought that you were my Brother! Perhaps even blood does not bind anymore.....seeing as though both you and daddy have forsaken me. He never speaks to me anymore.....the last time he did, all he had to say was something about some disease he has. You know how that affects me?!"

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:15:15 AM
::Chaos nodded slowly and sipped his drink.::

"I do not mock you. Indeed, I love you more than any or the rest of our family. You just need to calm your temper a bit sis. I am suppost to be the evil one, yet your the one that is jumpy. Just breath deep and relax. Father doesn't speak to many people. His past is catching up to him finally. He has done things in his life that can make you skin crawl. Things even *I* wouldn't dream of doing. All before he becoame a Jedi. Things no one would know because he came from a planet only a handfull of people know about. How do I know this? The look in your eyes ask if Father has told me. No, I grew up with Pivo keep in mind. Pivo knows all about it. Father is dealing with many things from his past. Santhia is a mixed blessing. She knows all he had done, but may be the only person he can talk about it to. It is not because ne doesn't love you or I, it is deeper than that. He is ashamed at all he has done and Santhia was there withhim doing it. Why? They were, and still are, Garou warriors. They had to hunt, steal, and kill alot to live on Eden. Something you and I, even though we have done cruel things, can understand.::

::Chaos ordered some food as his stomack started to growl.::

"And for all I said after your fight with Santhia.........I am sorry I hurt your feelings. I said what I did to humiliate you. I will not lie. YOu were falling to the Dark very very fast. Unless you want to end up like me, I had to stop you. If father would have came in at that time, then you may have attack him as well and said things to him you would regret later. If I would have been nice the same would have happened to me. I had to be cruel to be kind. Understand?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 04:24:45 PM
Xazor nodded sadly at all he said. It was hurtful to know that even her own Father could not speak openly with her....but had to rely upon some person who called herself a Garou. She growled at the thought but pushed it away quickly and focused on her brother. Gently she leaned against the wall and rested her head upon the window......letting her eyes shut and a few tears fall from them.

"I just don't understand.......this life.......it's supposed to be better than what I came from.....but now that I know these things, and have found my family......it's almost as if I don't want it anymore. It has been a.....curse.......at some points. Why is it that Father does not love me so? I must rely upon others for that......thank Gaia for Marcus and Helenias, I tell you....for in his absence....absences.....they have been there for me. Did you even know that Helenias adopted me? Not many know much of me anymore....."

She said softly, her thoughts drifted to a time when she was just a Padawan here. Not too many people relied on her.....or needed her so much. Now they do.....and even the ones who see it before their eyes tell her she is nothing and has done nothing. Her heart broke again......and more tears fell.

"You say you love me, yet.....you don't know anything about me! I will not fall to the Darkness.......I can't......I have too much to loose yet it doesn't seem like it.....I do........"

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:01:07 PM
::Chaos snorted.::

"Stop being a Drama Queen. I really don't want to see you like this. Ok, father is no longer wanting to see your friend Kaia. He is wanting to talk to another person, Kashalla forbid a female. Father loves you, but you are not the center of his universe. Nor is Santhia, Kaia, me, Pivo, or GJO. Ok, I understand you are hurt that he doesn't feel comfortable about speaking of his past to you."

::Chaos breathed deep choicing his words carefully.::

"Woudl you feel comfortable telling him of the time you spent with Das? Would you be ok telling him how it felt to feel him between your legs and hips? How about Das' warm breath apone you as ya'll got into it? I am sure you would rather leave out the details about that. That same is with me. I do not want to tell him of teh stuff me and Danya have done. I could tell you all about how I kill, I maim, and crush people's dreams. Do I feel comfortable telling how I have cried in my life? Not really. That is a sore spot for me. The same is with his past. I can talk to Danya about it. I can even talk to Sieken. I can't talk to you, father, Pivo, or anyone else. It is just how I feel."

::Chaos paused as a droid brought a steak to him. It was fesh and raw of course. He talked while he ate. some parts muffled because of teh food in his mouth.::

"Think just for a moment. If he didn't love you and Das, would he have stood up to Diego? I placed himself not only infront of you, but also teh man you love. The man you broke your vows with. The father of your child. The man you cheated on your husband with and are still seeing. If that doesn't take love, I don't know what does. Ok, so he isn't chatty at the moment. He has alot on his mind. Ask Pivo, he has always been like that. Sh#$, ask Santhia. she grew up with him. Just give him love, and let him know you understand. In tiem I am sure he will tell you all you wish to know."

;:Chaos took a moment to swallow.::

"Also, have you asked 'Father, will you tell me what is bothering you about your past? Can you tell me about Dae? About Mother? About Pivo and Bloodstorm? How about your childhood?' My understanding is that you haven't, yet you get mad when he tells other...when they ask. You get mad because he tells others and not you, but you don't ask about all of that. Don't let hate cloud your mind. Nor pride. You say you are not falling, but you are getting angry, jealous, and very very protective. Just take a deep breath sis."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:10:38 PM
Xazor did not like to hear what he had to say, but she knew he spoke the truth. Sighing, she nodded and took a deep breath, eyeing him curiously. Perhaps he knew more of her than she thought.....and it seemed that perhaps they even had several things in common.

"How come we have not gotten to know one another better. I know of you, but only what Father has said.....I don't know you though.....and you don't know me. We did not grow up together, so we can't share any memories......so I will start over now and start being a better daughter and sister...for your words come close to my heart. Tell me of your childhood my Brother, what were you like and why did you end up being a killer like I once was?"

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:23:09 PM
"To be honest, I was a Jedi here. I trained under Warren. Then I left because I didn't like how things were run here. I left along with Shade's brother and Sten. I still hate seeing Darkness. That is why I choose my path. If I kill all who desereve death, then no more worries. Jedi talk and such. Why talk? Waste of energy in my opinion. Just kill them all. I will not lie. I have killed many time because, well, I had to do what I had to do. I needed to scared Jedi and guards, so I slaughtered a whole bar of people on Tatooine. While the sat there goin' 'The hell just happened?' I was gone. I have started wars because I needed to test the stuff I make."

::Chaos thought a bit on his childhood in Eden and at GJO.::

"For a bit I lived here at GJO. Then when father had to be 'Put to sleep' because of the illness, I stayed with Pivo. He taught me things. Beat me, torured me, and make me a part of his genetic triles. I was born blind, so he created robotic eyes. Then placed them in my skull. Now that I know more gentics than he ever will, I crafted me eyes and an arm. With that...I stand before you. How about you?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 05:46:44 PM
Xazor shook her head in slight amazement of his rather twisted tale. She did not know hardly any of that stuff....all she knew was that he had lived with her Uncle and that he had progressed his age.....a lot. Sighing, she looked down at the table for a moment as if in thought.

"I was taken from Father when I was four. How it happened is such a long tale.....but I was taken by a Sith Master named Xander Kama. He erased my memory of everything that Father and my Mother had taught me.....he erased everything....and growing up, I did not know who I was, nor did I worry about it because I did not know my memory had been wiped clean. He raised me as his own....and I took his last name. He trained me from that time, and made me into a killer, a hungry beast. I was a Warrior, and I hated......and lusted for killing. I was a jewel in his palm, and he made me into the most feared Sith Knight of all our land.....and corner of the Galaxy. At the age of eleven I became an Empress.....due mostly because he ruled the planet and was the Empreror....or sorts. I made speeches and ran small political parties. It was nearly tourcher in itself, but for some reason....I loved it. I craved the attention and everything that I got from it. As I grew up I grew in the Darkness......but I soon fell in love with a man named Chase. That in itself iself is a long story. He and I had basically grown up together, but did not like each other for the longest time. We were to marry, but then Kama found out and supposedly had him killed. We were going to flee from the Order, but it was too late. I had borrowed books and literature from him to learn of the Jedi Ways.....and we were going to live that life together. After great pains which I will not speak of now for you probably already know, I made it here.....alone. And so I found Father, but did not realize it was him......and he trained me. He trained me very well and even some Jedi Masters have said that I am one of the best when working with Illusions and things of the Mind. I became a Warrior and a Jedi Knight.....but often I go against our Oath to stand up for what is in my heart. Others here, a very select few, believe things as I do....but others look down upon our ways. Father and I 'reunited' and I adopted two children. Natia and Jedidiah.....now I have one on the way, but you know that story as well. Helenias adopted me and now she and Marcus are my family too.....especially when Father is not up to helping me with problems and such....or is busy with his students. Chase made it here to the Jedi Order and is training under him as well. But as I have said, you know that story too, from the sounds of your......mocking.....the other day. That is just the tip of the ice burg as my story goes.....but as you said, I do not feel comfortable in telling you the rest....for that is my business and the business of....well, those I choose to tell."

She nearly spoke of the Life Bond that she and Marcus share, nearly telling of how he knows everything that she says, sees, feels, and does. She knows these things of him as well.....and it is difficult at times with such a deep and different bond. Of course she told him everything.....the trust was just....there. Even Dasquian did not know some of what Marcus did. Sighing, the Knight sat back in her seat and allowed Chaos time to soak it all in, wondering if he had any questions of her. She looked at him curiously, thinking of how short his story had been due to the strange age progression that had occured to him......how curious it made her indeed.......

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:06:38 PM
::Chaos raised an eyebrow.::

"Well you had it rough. We both did. Life is funny. I had years stolen from me I wish I could have, and you have years given to you that you really don't wish to have. A pity you never wished to join teh Darkness again. It can be warm you know. Have you ever wished you could kill something or someone? Destroy things you felt didn't deserve to be there? All could happen like that if you threw off the shackles of this place and live like me. There is no better feeling that ripping a person to shreads you needs to die."

::Chaos had left out the part of his story of his training by Dalethria. He was not ashamed of all he had done in her name. Nor the things she had done to him. The scars on his face and hands could be seen. Maybe she was afraid to ask.::

"There are ways to make you power stronger. I was like you till Dalethria brought me in. She is my mother in many ways. She pushed me to a level I never knew was avalible. I can rip a person's mind to pieces withe ase and bring there knowledge to me. I can call up teh dead and talk to them with the Force. I can even warp people's mind to the point where they no longer know who or what they are. To bad you like it her. There are many things I could teach you."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:14:41 PM
Xazor shook her head sadly and smiled to herself.

"Indeed......there are many a times.....to the point where it was almost once a day.....where I wished to rip someone to shreads, or kill them. But no.....I did not give into that. From time to time, I slip and come close to that breaking point....but I don't. My training here has been very good and I don't need power. I gain such things through the Force and use what I have when I need it."

She said softly, her eyes wandered the room for a moment before coming to rest upon him and she smiled once again.

"If I did not wish to be a Jedi, why would I have come here anyway when the nearest faction of my Order was on Corellia....not too far from here indeed. I want this life Chaos....and I have it. The Darkness.......sure it was great.....it gave me power but it didn't do anything for me in reality. I shall never touch it again and it shall never touch me......"

She said softly, and then her eyes went to the scars upon his face. How his appearance had changed....not only because of them....but.....for some other reason. She dare not question him on it, but her curiousity got the best of her and she gave in.

"If I may ask you.......what happened that you deseved such terrible markings.....nearly as terrible as......"

Again she paused and looked away in shame. She couldn't tell him of her one scar that still 'bled' today......of how deeply it had cut. Had she told him of the time her arm was cut off by Darth Vader....or one that looked identicle to the Dark Lord. No, and she could not bring herself to speak of such terrors....too many memories.

"As......my dear friend. Sh.....he has been bruitally beaten in his life time and has a scar in.....crescent shape across his back."

What a bad lier she was.....making up things as she went along was never her specialty and today was not an exception.....

Chaos Alexander
Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:45:35 PM
::Chaos smiled a wicked grin.::

"I also have them on my chest and hands. I follow the Chaos God Kashalla. I am even one of the 3 that can speak his lanuage. Only me, Dalethria and Orge can speak it with ease. I had to be tested to see if I deserved the power to be his Cleric. So Dalethria placed the blood of my spirit animal on my face and chest. Then she held my hands. Then.....they burst into flames. All teh blood burned. I have never felt pain like that in my life, but I allowed it. Kashalla tested me. I allowed him to have his way. Now I have ungodly power. Power i still haven't reached fully. They are healing slowly. All but teh one on my right hand. The area my robotic arm was. It didn't burn because it was not real flesh, but sense real one had been put on....it turned black and almost tattooed looking."

;:Chaos looked at Xazor. Time for his question.::

"Why did you lash out at Santhia? If she had started a fight, I would have enjoied watching you two rip each other apart. She didn't say or do anything from what I could tell. Tell me, what makes your blood boil so? So much that it almost makes you break you vows as a Jedi?"