View Full Version : Show me what you know mamm... I mean Sasha

Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:57:11 AM
ooc: slight change though, this fight will have to happen very much later, like two weeks later is that okay?

ic :: Odin sat in the middle of the training frounds, he had been there all night with several holopads infront of him and studyingover other things. Unfortuanately to certain things happening, he had been forced to postpone the meeting between him and Sasha. He knew much more now and was well equipped. But he still wanted to see what Sasha knew, it was not good to pass down a possible oppurtunity to learn.::

Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:02:29 PM
(ooc: yeah, no problem.)

The sun had just risen. He'd watched it from one of the towers on the training grounds before he descended to meet with Odin. Weeks ago, this meeting had been planned, but postponed when both had been occupied by other things.

Odin was a curious creature to him. The vibes he got from him were anything but pleasant....yet....this was his brother in the Sith Order. And he wanted to learn, wanted to know more about him.

He wore his lightsaber, and his blaster, a second blaster rifle slung over his back. He rarely used it, but carried it more out of sentimental feelings toward an old friend. This rifle had been his.

His brown hair was tousled, and continued to fall every so often into his eyes. Once again, he needed a haircut, but was too lazy to bother getting one.

He spotted the creature poring over holopads as he approached.

"Morning." He said in greeting, coming to stand in front of Odin.

"Find anything inteteresting?" He asked, nodding to the holopads.

Odin Murk
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:28:36 PM
:: Odin looked up and quickly cleared the holopads of thei precious information that was there. He didn't want to necessarily keep Sasha from knowing it but it was merely more of a surprise that he'd rather keep. He placed the holopads into clear bags then swalloed the bags whole. When he needed them he would vomit them back up later. He turned to the mammal and hissed for a moment as he contemplated.::

Yesssssss... I have. And I hope you have built a better lightsaber by now too Sasha. What to learn firsssssst?

Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:49:15 PM
He raised a questioning eyebrow. Odin was...well..weird. But Sasha was an accepting sort of kid, and so he lodged this piece of information about Odin in the back of his mind and shook off the odd feeling that the creature wanted to devour him and the rest of the bretheren whole.

He shrugged with a relaxed grin about the lightsaber comment. He'd been given one as a gift long ago by Mu Satach, and that one worked just fine. In fact, more than fine. It was the one he wanted to construct on his own that eluded him. And he'd been away the past few weeks on a training mission - with no time to play with lightsabers.

"Not yet, but eventually." He replied.

"How are things with you?" He asked politely.

"You've probably been swamped with information the past few weeks..." He added in thought.

Odin Murk
Sep 9th, 2002, 09:04:11 PM
:: Odin hadn't been swamped with info as much as he had been swamped with stupid jedis. But he'd been dealing with them accordingly and at the moment he would like to demonstrate with Sasha how he was doing so far.::

How about we spar first, talk later? I have been sitting around for quite some time and my muscles need to stretch before I leave again.

Sep 10th, 2002, 09:00:37 AM
Sasha shrugged. He supposed sparring would be ok, though generally he had stayed away from sparring with the other members. Tempers among the sith were easily ignited, and he hadnt wanted something like a spar to turn into something that shouldnt occur between members of the order.

"Why are you so big on fighting with everyone all the time?" He asked as he lifted the strap of the blaster rifle over his head and set the rifle carefully on a nearby rock.

Odin Murk
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:01:44 PM
:: Odin looked towards Sasha and smiled as he put dwn the rifle.::

What are you doing? I want you to use the power that is available, you will need it... I do not fight those within my order... meely test them, I need power evaluations to know what level I must strive for. I do not entirely enjoy fighting, no no, hunting is my pleasure, the hunt of the predator and the catch of the prey. To feel my blood coarsing through me when I tear open the flesh of the hunt, the time I take to plan everything, to estimate the strength of my opponent, and to b able to predict the outcome. That is what I am big on... not mere violence, but my instinct and desire to be one with the force, a devourer of light.

:: Odin could only hope that Sasha understood. He had almost offended the lzard at his assumption but Odin overlooked it, hopin this sith would make up for it by displaying valuable results from Odin's new toys.::

Sep 13th, 2002, 12:03:54 PM
Sasha listened to Odin's explanation. It helped him to better understand the lizard to know this. And he softened towards him just a bit, perhaps knowing this.

And then he answered.

"Im getting rid of the rifle because it isnt the weapon of a sith knight." He replied.

"And if we're going to spar, Im not going to be firing a rifle at you." He added. "Its a waste of my time and yours, unless you're looking to improve upon defending against blaster shots." He stated pointedly.

"The point of sparring, as I understand it..." He began as he also took off his blaster and set it beside the rifle, "Is to try out new skills and learn from your opponent. Better to try something here among brothers and learn your limitations, than among enemies. Wouldnt you agree, brother?

Sasha stared at Odin, his violet eyes almost, for once, emotionless.

Odin Murk
Sep 14th, 2002, 09:22:44 PM
:: Odin's eyes squinted for a moment... brother... that was almost a compliment and an insult at the same time. He took it indifferently and stared at Sasha for a moment before giving him an answer.::

I don't mind dodging your simple rifle shots, just by watching your muscles, I can tell when you're going to fire and almost to what angle. I find it most amusing at times. And I have to disagree, a sith knight is a weapon initself, a rifle or saber, it doesn't matter for they are merely tools and enhancements to the knight's own destructive power. Do you not agree... brother? But I must agree, learning one's limits and strengths is very important and it is most desired that you find these before you hastily charge into the battle ignorant.

Sep 16th, 2002, 09:03:56 AM
Sasha leaned back against a nearby tree for a moment, his arms crossed over his chest. It was a relaxed, rather than defensive stance.

"So you dont use the force to feel where the shots will come?" He asked, "Rather you prefer to trust your eyes?" He found this curious, for he knew through reading and experience, that things were not always as they appeared to the eye. Rather you needed to trust your instincts instead.

"And yes, I agree that a knight himself is a weapon. And blasters and lightsabers are but enhancements. But you wont always have those with you..." He added, in reflection to the battles he'd been in in which his blaster or lightsaber had fallen or been forcefully removed from him.

"So while I have the chance, I'd prefer to improve upon myself as a weapon. Do you not carry a saber?" He asked, as it didnt appear that the reptile carried any sort of weapons, preferring to be the weapon himself.

Odin Murk
Sep 22nd, 2002, 02:53:31 PM
:: Odin flexed his left arm and a silver tube was barely seen underneath the scales of Odin's arm. Odin didn't want to give away too much, then there'd be no real learning on either's part.::

I try to use the forcccccccccce when I can but I am not as good with the force as I am with my own sensssssssssses yet. It is still something I am working on slowly but ssssssssssurely. I can see through the flimsy skin on your body and see every string of muscle laced through your body with my second lens.

:: Odin showed this to Sasha by letting one of the three lenses that could cover his eyes slip up, making his eyes look inverted, the iris white and the outside his dark green color.::

I can ssssssssssometimes tell which direction you mean to attack before you even really move, the human'ssssssssss body must constantly prepare itself for the action ahead. Rarely do I find a human that makes sssssssspur of the moment atacks in a heated battle, unless they're afraid, but then thossssssssse aren't really attacks.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:57:42 AM
Sasha stepped forward and peered curiously at the lens of Odin's eye. This was something new and interesting.

He grinned.

"Thats pretty cool." He replied as he stepped back.

"But muscle movements dont determine the tricks of the force performed through the mind..." He reminded Odin.

He pulled his lightsaber from his belt, turning it over and over in his hand. He did not ignite it.

"How do you account for the agility that the force gives to those who know how to channel it properly?" He questioned, for the force gave those who could use it quicker reflexes, reflexes that enabled the blocking of blaster shots, even. Reflexes that were anything but premeditated.

Odin Murk
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:47:15 PM
That is where the forccccccccccccce comes in, that is wat UI meant when I would be required to take my instincts to the next level using te forcccccccccce. I have fought some jedi and a few other sith in training but I find that only the ssssssssssstronger force users depend on th force as their main strength. The otherssssssssss still rely on themselves as I do, but I am still learning. Your saber is ready, shall we ssssssssspar?

Sep 24th, 2002, 09:07:54 AM
Sasha nodded. When he had first been learning, he had relied on his own strength, rather than the force. Lord Dyzm had driven him quite quickly from this habit, with a particualr training session that involved crossing from one tower to another - under extreme wind while being fired upon by practice droids. It had not been any fun, to say the least, but it had taught him a good lesson.

Now, he relied mostly on the force. And quick thinking.

He looked down at his saber, but did not ignite it still.

"I'm ready." He replied and stepped back a good distance.

His saber, he would use as a last resort. This was to be a learnign experience for them both.

Odin Murk
Sep 24th, 2002, 09:43:40 PM
:: Odin did not draw hisown weapons at seeing Sasha. This would be very interesting indeed. A sith with no natural weapons that are really superior to Odin's own. This was not something Odin had expected out of Sasha.::

Then make a move Sasssssssssssha!

:: Odin thought it wrong if he made the first move here, it just didn't seem right.::

Sep 25th, 2002, 03:04:19 PM
Sasha laughed.

"You're the one who wants to spar Odin." He stated, reminding him of his request as his countenance returned to his usual serious expression.

He had no desire to attack his brother, if even for practice. But he would defend himself, and in defending himself, he would not hesitate to take the actions he had to take.

He had been promoted to knight because he had proven his skills to the elders. And he would prove them to Odin, as well.

Odin Murk
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:07:42 PM
:: Odin tried to ignore his usual train of thought, tha this kind of move was a weak path to fight, but he igored it andprepared to attack. Sasha could see Odin's muscles tense through the thick scales. Odin tensed like he was a spring, coiling up for one concetrated movement.
He suddenly leaped but he had used the force so precisely that his original direction was drastically altered. It had seemed he would leap right to Sasha but he had come a few feet closer before the force had launced him upwards. Odin silently flew upwrds and ointed his claws at Sasha, the osmose claws suddenly ejecting and flying at him.::

Sep 25th, 2002, 07:18:55 PM
Sasha remained calm. He had been in battle enough that it was comfortable now, and he could find his center in the force, as Gouyen had taught him. This he had practiced at length after he'd been exposed to the technique, and he rather preferred it to any other method, for it allowed the force to flow about him, enveloping him.

He gathered the strength of the force as he raised his right hand and sent a rather hard force shove in Odin's direction. It wasnt overwhelming, for there was no need for more force, but it was enough that it would likely knock Odin a safe distance from him, rather than allowing the claws to rip him to shreds.

Odin Murk
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:22:44 PM
:: Odin landed on the ground, the force attack had happened so fast that the projectiles were still headed towards Sasha. Odin waited to see if they struck target or not.::

Sep 25th, 2002, 07:31:57 PM
(ooc: *laughs* sorry..Im tired. I didnt catch the claws ejecting thing...)


The shove was enough that it knocked a few of the claws off in a different direction, but those that continued on toward Sasha would have been on target had he not been so quick. With the use of the force, he dove and the claws missed him by inches, catching only his robes as he dove to safety.

Instantly, he was back on his feet, facing Odin and preparing for the next attack.

Odin Murk
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:37:11 PM
:: That had been worth the watch. The reaction time had ben predictable but Odin had expected a few of them to hit, the target area would have to be increased. Odin leaped forward this time, pushing himself with the force so that a counteracting force would not stop him. With claws outstretched, Odin roared and prepared for impact.::

Sep 25th, 2002, 07:51:21 PM
The reptile had leaped forward. He was learning to use the force, this was clear, for his speed was formiddable. But he was challenging a sith knight, and not an easy target.

Odin's rushing forward left the area above wide open, and Sasha lept grabbing hold of a tree limb and dropping down behind Odin.

It had been an unwise move on Odin's part, rushing forward as he had, for he hadnt thought before acting. Rushing forward, although protected by scales, left an underbelly unprotected, and a quick saber or use of force lighting could have proven painful, if not fatal.

Odin Murk
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:56:44 PM
:: Odin had hoped Sasha mig have drawn his saber by now, and tried them on his scales. But not yet, so far Sasha had daodged mot of his attacks where other's would not have. Odin spun quickly and ducked low, spitting his venom at Sasha's legs and leaping upward to eet him at the same time.
A sudden blast of light and Odin's four saber clawsad been drawn, two on each arm. The searing purple blades came at Sasha, they were set on an intensity for sparring ony, where it left the victim with a shocking sensation that most humans did nt prefer.::

Sep 26th, 2002, 08:22:25 AM
The venom, he questioned. It spurted at him, and missed him only by a bit, drops of it splattering on the boots he wore.

Sasha's lightsaber did not have a setting for spar. When he used his lightsaber, it was either in controlled combat practice, or for a real reason.

In real combat, he likely would have attempted to sever the saber claws one by one - in practice with his brother, he would not do this. And he wasnt fool enough to think one saber to four would do the trick.

And he wasnt enjoying sparring. He understood the point of practice, but he didnt like having to keep his anger, the retaliation as controlled as it had to be kept in a situation like this.

The sabers were met with force lighting. Not directed at Odin, but at the sabers in an attempt to cause a short circuit. This was not something he used often, for he was still developing the skill, and to use it was energy draining. That, and he knew that this was a skill used mostly by the masters. But it had been taught to him by Lady Vader, and she had not put any limits on his use of it. And so he had practiced it at length until he was able to do more than conduct it only between his hands, and he was tired of Odin believing that just because he was human, he was inferior.

He was a knight. A knight who had trained very hard. He had earned the title, and he wasnt to be taken lightly.

Odin Murk
Oct 4th, 2002, 09:12:18 PM
:: Odin roared in pain. The lightning shortcirciuted his sabers and they shut off and went back to the folds beneath his skin. He stood before Sasha as he wiped the dead scales off of his now raw arms. Lightning had an abnormally strong effect on lizards and Odin was no exception. A weakness he did not think Sasha would learn to exploit. Odin's nerves were shot now and he had no feeling in his arms whatsoever. He was greatly annoyed by this but that was something he would have to put aside.
Sasha's unexpected ability had greatly stunned Odin and developed a new respect for Sasha. But at the same time his hate for humans grew. That this creature could observe his weakness drove him to a point of intelligent rage within his mind but outwardly it showed nothing. He didn't let it get to him now but he had more things to deal with. He stepped back and looked at Sasha.::

Be my master.

Oct 5th, 2002, 09:16:52 PM
He not only heard the roar of pain, but he felt it. There was perhaps a tinge of regret, because Odin was his brother in the order, but he was a sith, and he had long ago accepted that pain was part of the package of life. Particularly in training to be a powerful sith.

Odin had backed off, and was slowly wiping scales from his arms.

Sasha's hands came to rest at his sides, his violet eyes watching the lizard.

The next event was unexpected. The request for Sasha to be Odin's master. His head cocked slightly, curiously for a moment, and then in thought.

He had just taken on one apprentice, Xam, and this took a good amount of his time. But he understood all to well what it meant to wait and wait for training. And he remembered how badly he'd wanted for Lady Vader to take him on.

"If this is what you wish, then I will accomodate you, brother. I admire your skills and your ambition."

His violet eyes continued to look to Odin.

"I will have to speak with Lady Vader, though, before I can make this official." He was willing to take on another, but he wanted to run this by his master, first, to be sure that she would be ok with his time being divided between his own training, and the training of two others.

Odin Murk
Oct 19th, 2002, 09:20:04 PM
:: Odin nodded in understanding.::

Do so...

:: He turned and with a quick head motion spit upon the scorched wounds, the spit slowly scabbing over the flesh. It would prevent further damage.::

brother... until then...

:: Odin snorted more in a departure than to the pain. He bounded off across the training grounds until he reached the door way and slowly trudged inside.::

Oct 21st, 2002, 01:21:00 PM
Sasha nodded and watched as Odin bounded off. When he had left, a slight grin appeared on the face of the young knight, and he shook his head in...amusement?

Then moments later began to walk back to the castle in search of his master.

(ooc: Odin, if you still want, Im willing to take you on. Just let me know and I'll start the training posts)