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View Full Version : JLB Movies is Updated :)

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:23:44 AM
After about a week of solid work, I have gotten JLBMovies.com updated again.

It's not perfect, though. At the end of Monday it should be much closer to how it's supposed to be. There are a few broken parts now, which includes the search feature and a little button ad. I can change both, I know what is wrong, but when I change them it screws up the entire tables and ruins the format, so I have to ask my friend who is coming over tomorrow if he can take a look at it before we work on the JLB Celebrities project, which is almost done too (tomorrow).

So the whole site:


and here are the new releases, where most of the reviews were added:


If you notice any errors or whatnot, feel free to let me know because I'm still doing a ton of stuff on the site to make it look better and work better. The guy who originally coded it was a hack. His code is horrid... The site looks nice but it's a pain to change anything because of his awful coding.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:34:55 AM
Also, ignore how idiotic the one star rating logo looks because it's NOT supposed to be doing that...

I have no idea what it is doing. As I said, I have to have my friend take a look at all of this and help me fix it. The darn site needs fixing badly because the code originally was so fragile that if you change one dang thing the whole site falls apart like a Jenga game... it's retarded.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:00:30 PM
looking good!

Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:28:19 PM
Ok, NOW it is fixed mostly.

I was being stupid with the star rating thing, that's why it was messed up. The size of the images were wrong.

I also fixed the search feature, mostly. You can search for whatever you want and it'll work, BUT it screws up the head and foot files of the site, which is annoying. I'm going to have my friend look into it still...

I applied to the OFCS: Online Film Critics Society, so I'll let you guys know how that goes! *fingers crossed*