View Full Version : Oriadin - A Perfect Circle

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:20:35 AM
Dasquian sat crouched on a rock just outside of the Academy. It was just coming up to eleven o'clock in the morning, and just a few minutes ago he'd sent a message to the Jedi Padawan Oriadin informing him that he was ready to begin the suplementary training the two would be undergoing whilst his own Master - Helenias - was busy.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:29:42 AM
Oriadin made his way to the meeting place set by Dasquian where he would recieve some training from the highly respected Jedi Knight. He arrived to find Das sitting on a rock. He casually walked over until he was stood just infront of the rock. He bowed.

--Once again, thankyou for offering to help train me.--

Das could see how thankfull Oriadin was in his face.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:42:24 AM
"I'm glad that I can help you,"

Dasquian rose up to his feet, and returned the bow with a thankful nod.

"Tell me Oriadin, thus far what have you practiced with your Master?"

Sep 3rd, 2002, 09:56:27 AM
Oriadin thought back...

--Well, before Helenias took me on Verse Dawnstrider was my master but he too also struggled to find time for me. He taught be the basics about the force and about being a Jedi. Then Helenias took me on and ive been involved in a few spars and ive learnt a few force tricks.

Ive been practising deflecting laser blasts recently, I can move small objects using the force and I learnt force glow.

I think that about covers what I know.--

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 3rd, 2002, 10:02:02 AM
"I see. Well that is very basic, but it's a start,"

He smiled.

"We can work on a number of things; saber skills, enhancing your abilities, say strength, with the Force, healing, or expand on anything else you've already tried."

Nodding, Dasquian motioned one hand towards Oriadin.

"Which would you prefer to advance first?"

Sep 3rd, 2002, 11:09:50 AM
--My saber skills probably. Well, not just that but my overall combat skills I think. Ive been studying hard on the theory side of being a Jedi at the Jedi archives but I feel my ability to defend myself is lacking. I have no weapons of my own, so far Ive used the weapons suplied in the sparring rooms.--

Dasquian seemed eager and pleased to help Oriadin and that was comforting. He felt at ease already and was looking forward to whatever training Das set the padawan.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:04:34 AM
"Alright, then you may have mine for the moment. After this session, I will get you some parts from my room.. I think I have a few spare, and you can construct your own saber,"

Smiling, he removed his blade hilt from his belt and handed it over to the Padawan. The weapon was time worn, but the blade was still crisp and powerful when ignited. Unholstering a blaster from his side, the Knight rose it up wards and inspected it for a moment before palming a sphere into his hand.

"Ok, just to test your reflexes, I'm going to send a slow succession of fire at you.. I want you to deflect the shots up into the air. After a short while, I'll throw his training droid into the air. Now what I want you to do is try and harness the bolt from the gun and aim it back at the droid. A few shots should take it down, so this should be no hard task once you get into the swing of it."

This said, he readied the gun and trained it on Oriadin, firing straight at the Padawan.

Sep 4th, 2002, 11:25:24 AM
He quickly ignited the saber and swiftly and cooly began to deflect the laser blasts into the air. He had recently practised this in the Jedi acadamy so was confident in his ability. He didnt disapoint.

His actions were smooth, well timed and calculated. Although the blasts werent coming in too fast, Oriadin concentrated hard and focused on the task in hand. He was keen to impress Dasquian.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 5th, 2002, 10:01:58 AM
Stepping back slightly, he drew his hand back and threw the training sphere up into the air - causing a pause in the shots. Just as quick as he had ceased, however, he continued again, stepping back a few paces as he let fire a volley of quick blaster shots.

Sep 5th, 2002, 11:33:49 AM
Oriadin was fully prepared for the brief pause and then sudden continuation. He managed to deflect the laser blast with relatice ease but he couldnt quite get the sphere. It moved from side to side and up and down. A couple of times Oriadin managed to come close but he just couldnt hit it.

The longer it took him the more preasure he put on himself to get it right. He was keen to impress Dasquian but he felt useless if he couldnt even direct a laser blast onto a moving sphere. He had seen many Jedi do it and it was a very basic task. Oriadin was now begining to get fustrated and it showed. He lost his concentration for a brief second and missed one of the laser blasts. Thankfully, through the use of the force he managed to duck just in time to avoid being hit.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 6th, 2002, 10:15:01 AM
A pause came in the volley.

"Calm down Oriadin. I'm not going to think any less of you if you take a long time to get used to the task. All I expect of you is that you give all effort that you can, then whatever comes as fruition whether it be success or failure will still be an accomplishment in my eyes."

Smiling then nodding, he gave another few seconds before starting the fire again.

Sep 7th, 2002, 02:15:50 AM
Oriadin nodded. The pause in laser blasts enabled him to regain his composure. Allowing th force to flow through him. He deflected the blasts comfortably but was still struggling to hit the moving target.

Oriadin closed his eyes for a few seconds. Concentraiting hard he felt where the blasts were coming in, rather than seeing them. Thinking back to his studies in the Jedi archives to a quote that Qui Gon Jinn said, "Feel, dont think. Trust your instincts". He continued to get closer to the training sphere.

He opened his eyes, a laser blast shot through the air towards Oriadin. He spun round on the spot and deflected the blast towards the sphere. He held his stance and kept both eyes fixated on Dasquian as the sphere took a direct hit and fell to the ground.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 11th, 2002, 10:01:27 AM
"Excellent Oriadin. I can see that you have grasped the foundations skills very well. Your anticipation of the bolts was most impressive,

Now I would like to practice some combat using sabers, but as we are limited to a single saber for the time being, it seems we will have to use more crude 'weapons'."

Dasquian chuckled and looked to his side, calling two boken sticks into hand. He'd brought them in anticipation of a situation like this, and handed one across to Oriadin. Taking it up so that his hands were holding the end firmly, he set it in a guard across his body. The length was a little over that of a saber, but it would do for the time being.

"Arm yourself and come at me."

Sep 12th, 2002, 04:29:11 AM
Oriadin was pleased with himself at the fact he had impressed Dasquian. Das was well respected amoung the Jedi here and his opinion was always respected by Oriadin. Although they hadnt really come into contact before, Oriadin knew a fair bit about him. He had read about him in the archives and spoke to other Jedi about him.

Oriadin looked down at the boken and held out his hand. Using the force he summond the 'crude weapon' to his hand. It was there in an instant. He held the boken in his right hand and calmed his thoughts. Taking deep breaths and focusing. He quickly moved in close to Das and made a strike towards the Jedi's head.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 20th, 2002, 11:09:34 AM
The Jedi Knight rose his stick in defense and knocked Oriadins off to the side with a very gentle push, before swinging the tip of the weapon towards in a curve. The end was hooking down towards the Padawan's shins on a course to strike them firmly.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 03:09:11 AM
Oriadin didnt even see Dasquian move the bokken towards his shin but he got this 'feeling' to move out the way. Oriadin moved swiftly. He took a step back, leaving Das to swing at nothing. Oriadin then spun round on the spot, aiming a strike low towards Dasquians right knee.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:42:03 AM
As the jab came in for his knee, Dasquian took it upon himself by dodging in the most inconvinient manner possible - by jumping. By leaping into the air, he cleared the stick and drove his own down to parry, pushing it off to the side and down as he descended from his jump, shoulder-barging Oriadin.

Sep 24th, 2002, 04:07:42 AM
Oriadin realised that his best option would be to use the downwards motion the bokken was already in.

He swept sidways and pushed Dasquians legs out from underneath him, meanwhile spinning sideways so that Dasquians shoulder attack would be inefective.

Dasquian fell to the ground so Oriadin knelt down on the knights middle and made a move to bring the bokken pointing towards the knights throat.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:35:16 AM
Dasquian grinned. Leaning sideways partially, he rose his left foot and hooked it around to crack against the boken stick, knocking it to the side momentarily. In the space he drove his own stick upwards towards Oriadins gut sharply.

Sep 30th, 2002, 02:41:41 AM
Realising his position would now cause more trouble than do anything good, Oriadin liften his knee of the knight and spun round to avoid the incomming attack to his gut.

As he spun around, he continued the momentum with his bokken and aimed a strike towards the Jedi's hand. Hoping that the strike would be powerfull enough to make the knight drop his weapon.

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:55:19 AM
Indeed it struck firmly, and Dasquian let his grip slip away with his left hand. Continuing on the motion which Oriadin had begun, he swept the sabre back with his right hand as he felt himself begin to rock back with the momentum. As a result, he leapt back a foot or two, and swung out hard at Oriadin's currently unguarded lower body.

Oct 11th, 2002, 02:23:41 AM
OOC: I think you meant bokken and not Saber. Thats how i'll read it anyway.

IC: Dasquians quick movement and the fact that Oriadin left his lower body unguarded meant that the strike was a direct hit. It knocked the wind out of Oriadin for a few moments as he fell to his knees grasping for air.

--You fight well. I think this victory will have to go to you, my friend.--

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 12th, 2002, 03:28:54 AM
"There is no victory or loss here,"

Letting the stick drop to the floor, he held out a hand and pulled Oriadin to his feet.

"Only a mutual benefit of experience. You are an excellent fighter Oriadin,"

He took in a deep breath, tired from the short duel.

"How about we try something I've been teaching to my students lately? It is a method of shortening the distance which you are thrown by an opponent; as you will know that some dark-siders are well adept in throwing with the Force. Using this technique, you can create a split second ramp in the Force, and rebound off of it to safety."

Moving backwards, he jogged to the side a few paces for jumping into mid air. As he came to land, he was pushed back upwards - his soles thudding against something that could not be seen - and flipped back to land a short distance from Oriadin.

[OOC: Was just referring to it in a different term, like how some would call a sword a sabre. Sorry if I confused :)]

Oct 12th, 2002, 05:02:13 AM
Oriadin stood and watched silently. Trying to take in all that he could.

--Wow, that was excellent. Ive never seen that done here at the order before. Id love to learn that--

Oriadin was impressed with Dasquians skill and ability. He was truly greatfull to be learning from someone as good as the Jedi knight. There was so much to learn, he thought to himself.

ooc: Ok, not sure if I get it or not. I think I do. Are you saying that when you get pushed back, you create a ramp in the force so that, rather than going backwards you get pushed up, therefore keeping you in closer to your opponant and no doubt being able to land easier?

Dasquian Belargic
Oct 13th, 2002, 02:31:16 AM
"It's actually very easy to use. You are simply projecting a focus burst of Force energy for a split second. Just as you would push using a wave of force, this is wave harnessed."

He paused,

"If you understand, have a go."

[OOC: You'd basically be creating an invisible platform, at whatever angle is needed, for a brief burst, that you could use to rebound off of, yep.]

Oct 14th, 2002, 03:15:23 AM
Oriadin looked a little puzzled.

--Push using a wave of force? Im sorry, I... ive never done this. How is it.... I mean, how do you do it?--

He squinted slightly. Basically he had never done a force push before so this would be very new to him. It sounded like the technique Das wanted to show his was an extension of this move.

OOC: Ok, I get it thanks :)