View Full Version : Of Wolf and Man [open]

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:03:55 AM
[OOC: We need either a Master and Apprentice for this. Preferably a Jedi Master and Padawan, but a Jedi Master and Jedi Knight would do just as well. Give me a PM if you're confused.]

<center>Off through the new day's mist I run
Off from the new day's mist I have come
I hunt
Therefore I am
Harvest the land
Taking of the fallen lamb

Off through the new day's mist I run
Off from the new day’s mist I have come
We shift
Pulsing with the earth
Company we keep
Roaming the land while you sleep

Shape shift nose to the wind
Shape shift feeling I've been
Move swift all senses clean
Earth’s gift back to the meaning of life

Bright is the moon high in starlight
Chill is the air cold as steel tonight
We shift
Call of the wild
Fear in your eyes
It’s later than you realized

Shape shift nose to the wind
shape shift feeling I've been
move swift all senses clean
earth's gift back to the meaning of life

I feel I change
back to a better day
hair stands on the back of my neck
in wildness is the preservation of the world

so seek the wolf in thyself

shape shift nose to the wind
shape shift feeling I've been
move swift all senses clean
earth's gift
back to the meaning of wolf and man


The ‘Gavourden’ lay dormant on the outskirts of the city as its passengers disembarked into the mid-evening air. During a prior meeting, the younger of the two – Darius Van-Derveld – had proposed a ‘bonding experience’. It was true that though they were family, they often acted more like rivals than anything else, and thus for the father and son to go and indulge in some wholesome family fun would do them the world of good. Of course, it would be a world of pain for anyone they encountered, but never the less, entertaining!

Vega strode confidently through the street they were on, picking up on the scents of the people around him as he glanced about.

“So where are we going? A bar? A slum? Your choice who or what we kill and exactly where we do it,” he chimed sarcastically.

Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:30:10 AM
Laughing to himself as he and his father sauntered down the foetid streets, they must have looked quite a dashng spectacle.

"Lets try a bar first, I'm a little dry,"

No sooner had he said it, a vision in neon loomed out of the gloom ahead of them, loud music blasted from the swinging doors and a group of Rhodian thugs checked the patrons with a weapons detector as they passed.

Pointing a finger,

"There looks good enough."

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:42:17 AM
Vega gave an agreeing nod and the pair stepped up to wait inline. Up ahead, the green (faintly) humanoids squarked about something as they shoved a Bothan aside for bringing a kitchen utensil of some kind with him. The Lupine quirked one eyebrow, and soon found it was their turn to enter.

"Oooshahssa?" the guard shouted over the sound of the music, leaning in towards the two men in trench coats.

The Dark Jedi assumed from his previous manner of addressing patrons that this was something along the lines of 'Do you have any metal objects or weapons?' and thus gave a curt smile at first. He slipped his hands down into the outside pockets of his coat, pulling the front of it open ...

... to reveal a lightsaber, a blaster pistol, a strip of thermal detonators, a pulse rifle, three throwing knives, one curved dagger, two boot knives strapped to his ankles and a remote detonation pack.

Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:01:02 AM
With a liquid movement, Darius insinuated hismelf between the two Rhodians, pulling both sabres he neatly split both skulls and returned the weapons to his belt.

Hissing at the terrified Bothan who looked on with horrified interest he turned and entered the bar.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:08:35 AM
Vega chuckled and stepped over the two corpses, looking back at the others in line who seemed rather excited by what had just happened, and took the oppertunity to rush into the bar behind the Lupines.

A quick scan of the bar showed it was very much like most of the cantina's you found in this area, a circular bar in the middle, with tables dotted out around it and stools at the bar itself. There was a Zabrak behind the counter waiting for the orders, trying to see through the smog of 'stim smoke that filled the room.

Pushing his way in to the front of the bar, Vega ordered himself a JD, allowing for Darius to pick what he wanted as the Lord glanced about.

"Not much security in here," he murmured, "Could kill them all and not even be noticed."

Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:14:46 AM
Darius hummed to himself.

Ordering a scotch and water he plucked a thermal detonator from his fathers bandolier and set it to a timed fuse of five minutes, placing it nonchalantly on the bar he sipped his drink and looked around,

"I agree, shall we?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:20:34 AM
He looked down at the small bomb and span it around, giving a nod as he downed a some of his drink. Lifting Seraphim from its clip on his belt, he palmed the saber and began to walk away from the bar, scouting about for a likely first target. There was a wookie sitting alone at one table, drinking ale and generally looking sloshed.

"What about that to start us off?"

Darius Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:57:08 AM
"Yes, I was planning a trip to Hoth, I could do with some good boots, and a jacket."

Siezing up the detonator he lobbed it in a lazy arc to the back of the tavern, it landed unnoticed in a huge pitcher of ale.

Willing his hands into claws he struck out for the Wookie,

After you padre...

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:40:56 AM
Seraphim snapped to life with a loud crackle, causing hundreds of eyes to turn to see Vega driving the weapon forward into the unknowing wookies ribcage with a loud squelch and hiss. At the same time, the beast was wretched up into the air by and unseen hand, sending him straight into Darius' claws.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 4th, 2002, 01:48:58 PM
(Yet as the mortally-wounded Wookiee flew toward Darius, the Lupine soon found himself entangled in another matter entirely. A whirr of displaced air blew by his hand, as a meteor hammer ensnared both arms, and whirred around to smack against his left ear. With a sudden jerk, the entire tangle became taut, and Darius's arms drew inward to smack against his face, as he was wrangled to the ground)