View Full Version : Corellian Rhapsody: Bounty Hunter Blues

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Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:44:00 AM
She was expecting the approach and so was not suprised by the inadvertant bump on her shoulder as the rough-looking man took himself a seat next to her.

She didnt look at him, but rather glanced up into the mirror that lined the back of the bar to see him and sippled slowly from her drink.

He was your typical Corellian smalltime big-dream scum. Big broad and stupid. His shirt unbuttoned too far revealing a thick gold chain nestled against a hairy chest that was more fat than muscle. Hair slicked back like some longlost holovid movie star. Pouty pink lips set in between plump unshaven cheeks. She spun on the stool and took in a better look. Oh boy.

Yep, there it was. Hera smirked. The pants were way too tight and 2 inches too small round the waist. Who dressed these people.. And the blaster tucked none to discreetly in his belt.

"Let me guess....your name's Big Leo right?"

"Dont be cute" came the reply.

No sense of humour..another big surprise.

Hera looked over the mans shoulder and could see Daiquiri turning various shades of red and purple, trying not to bust a gut at the smalltime bruiser. Hera knew she should have made Daiq wait outside and tried not to look at her, trying harder not to laugh.

"So then...introductions aside. Who the hell is Crei and what does he think I can do for him?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:05:21 AM
She was as close to losing it as she ever had been. Meeting Barnaby Wednesdaydale had been a hoot and one she laughed at several times over the past few weeks. But this guy.....

Ya know if he bends over the crack of his ass is gonna blind me.

Daiq sent that dazzling thought over to Hera, expanding her mind to touch the others'. Gods, it takes all kinds, doesnt it? Old men, young girls and.....this guy.

Risking the chance that the Faene owner wouldnt be looking at her, Daiquiri turns back to peek over Lard Butt's shoulder and makes direct contact with Hera's eyes. That was all it took.

Tossing her head back, she roars with laughter, her shoulders shaking hard with her mirth. But she at least saves Hera the embarressment of acknowledging that yes, the blonde hyena works for me, and turns quickly around in her chair, the palm of one hand slapping the table top for emphasis.

Wiping her eyes on the black leather of her jacket, Daiq catches her breath and signals to the waitress for a refill.

This was going to be good.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:27:50 AM
Hera slapped a palm to her face at Daiqs antics, as "Big Leo" craned his thick neck around to see what the noise was about. Gads his head was big! It was even more enormous from the back.

Hera wanted to avoid trouble, atleast before she could find out what this meeting was all about. Daiq was peeling back in laughter and holding her sides, but fortunately, Leo didnt get he was the butt of the joke.

Hera was grinning when he again faced her and he jerked his thumb towards the laughing blonde behind him.

"Some people don' know proper bar-eddicut"

"No. No, they dont, its true." She tried to sound genuinely sincere.

Big Leo pulled out a scap of paper and handed it to her. Its edges were tatty and it was smugded with dirt or food or something greasy. And on it was a name.


The name meant nothing to her.


Big Leo took back the peice of paper and poked it down into his shirt pocket. He looked furtively around to see if anyone noticed the transaction. Satisfied they did'nt he leaned forward, sweeping the Sith with stale breath as he spoke.

"Kimiki Crei wants ya to take care'o 'im" and winked.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 2nd, 2002, 11:29:13 PM
Dropping a credit chit on the waitress's tray, Daiq lifted the glass to her mouth, neatly downing half the contents then grimacing as the Corellian whiskey leaves a slightly burning trail down her throat. Mmm...smoooth!

The stool behind her creaks as "Big Leo" shifts his double-cheeked ass and Daiquiri almost chokes as she takes another swallow of the amber liquid. A pretzel smacking her on the side of her face gave warning that Hera was all business now and that she had best behave, for now at least.

Picking the pretzel off the table where it landed, she munches it slowly, curious as to who this "Kimiiki Crei" was, who he wanted dead and why.

Sep 4th, 2002, 12:58:01 AM
As the two business men finish there meeting, the larger of the two stands up and bids farewell to the other. Then stumbling in relation to the K-9, exiting with the one while passing between the others legs, causing him to bump hard, pressed into a rather plump being setting at the bar...

Gaining his balance and composure..." My apologies to you sir... tossing credits on the bar to pay for their drinks he excuses himself and heads towards the exit......

Sep 5th, 2002, 07:12:35 PM
While Daiquiri feigned good-behaviour across the way, Big Leo waited for a reply.

Hera tapped her fingers irritably on the bar.
"ShadowFaene aren't Bounty Hunters. Crei ought to know that...He's wasting my time." The deal was souring.

Big Leo was quick to clarify.

"Crei just wants ya to bring 'im in. Like a delivery. Like a pizza."
Only Leo thought that funny and after a moment, his laughter trailed off lamely.

Wiping the beads of sweat off his forehead with a paper drink coaster, he tried again.

"The last numba Crei hired on this guy failed. She croaked. Kazaar killed her, and so he needs someone who can do the job."

He was appealing to her ego now, and Hera figured (rightly) that Kimikri Crei had told Leo to say it exactly that way.

Hera glanced at Daiq, who was now occupying herself by carving a trench into the tabletop with a sizeable dagger. She wasn't gonna "behave" much longer, Hera knew. Better get to "price".

But before she could say another word, Big Leo was half knocked from his seat by an exiting patron. The blustering bravado of indignant threats died even before they found voice from the gangsters throat - Leo being easily appeased by the polite apology and the ample credits tossed by the stranger to pay for their drinks.

Big Leo shrugged and bleated "nice bloke."

Swivelling on her stool, Hera looked after the man. Daiquiri from her vantage point did the same. Both women taking mental note and each sliding a hand to their saberclips.

A side-long glance to Daiq asked her if she'd seen that guy before..?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 5th, 2002, 11:16:04 PM
He was big, thats for sure. Daiq hadnt really been paying too much attention at the moment and instead had been blowing wood shavings out of the carving she was doing.

As the long legs and black boots had come into her line of vision, Daiq had lifted her head but by that time, he had drawn up beside her and she couldnt get a clear look at his face.

Meeting Hera's questioning glance, Daiq shakes her head negatively and quickly drains the rest of her drink while rising from her chair. Tucking the dagger back into the shaft of her boot, she strolls to the outer door of the bar, hoping to catch a better look at the man.

Sep 6th, 2002, 12:23:03 AM
As the woman's view from the door of the bar seamed innocent enough from across the street... The large man patted a k-9 on the head and with mild interest the dog followed him as he itched at his jaw. The Force sense nagged slowly at her mind as the large man, casually nodded at one of the towns occupants as he rounded the corner into an adjacent alley.

(actual events that transpired)

This place had few prospect's for what Mockadane thought of possible employees, until he overheard a little conversation. The smile that came across Eldoracks face when He heard Mock tell Him it was worth a try, Was erased by the well rehearsed departure scene, That even DOG played a part in. Once Eldorack exited, Mockadane threw a wink at DOG and raised from his chair, And the events that transpired allowed the big man to easily pull the tattered paper from The others pocket.

Once outside Mockadane read the name on the half sweat soaked paper. Making his way across the street to his all to familiar Friends k-9 companion he patted DOG a job well done as he spoke to Eldorack with his com-link... "Check the holo-net for a man named... KAZAAR,.... AREALIAS KAZAAR!" Then rounded the corner into an alley.

Sep 6th, 2002, 11:28:36 PM
Big Leo was talking again, but Hera barely heard him.

The second man exiting hard on the heels of the first just sent warning flags up all over the place in Hera's force sense. Something just did not sit well.

He passed by Daiquiri - he had to in order to exit the bar - and Hera noticed Daiq keeping her idea of a low a profile. Well, as low a profile as a gorgeous blonde dressed in leathers possibly could...She stared at him directly as he left.

Glancing back at Leo...he was still talking?? Gawds.

"Shutup Leo. Ive heard enough. "

Hera stood up. "Tell Crei its 25k a peice for me and Daiq. Delivery only."

Leo slid off his chair too, making an unfortunate squeeking sound as his weight shifted along the vinyl covered stool.

"Tell Crei I'll be in touch. Soon."

Leaving Leo to turn back to his free drinks, Hera made her way over to join Daiquiri. Both women watched across the street.
"You thinking what Im thinking?"

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 6th, 2002, 11:51:17 PM
"Im on the first guy. Meet back here?"

Both were already moving out of the bar and angling off after thier designated "targets". With a light smack to the back of her head, Hera gives Daiq a warning glower.

"Watch yourself. We dont know who these jokers are."

Parting company and direction, Daiq dodges a few pedestrians as she turns the corner, keeping Eldorack just in her line of sight. It wouldnt do to lose him too early--or at all for that matter.

With a last, quick glance over her shoulder, she sees Hera slip into the shadows of the alley behind her.

Sep 8th, 2002, 10:22:00 AM
The cloaked man sat on the floor at the corner of the street. He'd been there since Hera and her companion had entered. It had rained earlier and he was slightly wet. She'd been in there for about an hour before the plump man joined her. And about half twenty minutes later, she exited just after the tall leathered man. He went off into the alley shortly after, and Hera followed him. That's when Tel'Mah made his move. He stood slowly, leaving the money that passers-by had dropped before him. Cheeck buggers - thinking he was a simple beggar. Even if that's what he wanted them to think, it still insulted him!

He ran across the street and into an alley. The thief who folloed him in was very surprised when he reached a dead end. He didn't even notice Tel'Mah shoot across the roof above him. Nor did any of the pedestrians notice him fly across the street above them onto the next building. He was now on the roof above the alley Hera had entered before. Her companion had walked around the corner where he was sitting moments ago.

Sep 10th, 2002, 10:24:06 PM
From his vantage point, slightly down the street in front of the speeder repair shop, Synteck watched on with interest through his micro-binoculars.

Slipping his binoculars into their holder, Synteck spoke into his comlink as he started up his Air-2 Swoop.

"Blackbird has two tails, Bluebird has one. Raven returning to nest."

The high pitched whining sound of the Swoops powerful Ion engine roared as Syntck sped off...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2002, 10:50:17 PM
Pausing in mid stride, Daiq jerks her head around as the roar of a swoop fills the air then begins to fade. Her brows knit as a quick flash of memory brings a mental picture to mind, one from when she and Hera had entered the bar. Hadnt there been a beggar sitting on that corner across from the bar? Daiq files that in the back of her mind as she continues her cautious pursuit of the man just ahead of her, one who seems to slip around corners like a shadow.

Who were these guys?!

Sep 10th, 2002, 11:24:02 PM
She had slipped silently into the alley and kept among the shadows. There were the odd trash recepticals about and the stench seemed to rise up from them. The light rain that was falling intermittently added to the odor, the cool dampness a contrast to the steamy edge the city had to it.

She wondered how Daiquiri was fairing, but disciplined her mind to focus on where she herself was right now. Daiq could handle herself and anyone who tangled with her, Hera knew. And so she moved carefully forward.

Hera had drawn her blaster to have handy. Following a rather large fellow into a dark and secluded alley was not high on her "smart ideas" list. But it was necessary. She had the sneaking suspicion the 'bump' into Big Leo was not accidental and that this stanger, and his friend, and their mutt dog, had ideas of poking their noses where they didn't belong.

A slight scuffle noise overhead made the Sith instantly still. Her eyes were quite adjusted to the darkness now and she scanned the rooftops up above.

All seemed in order. Wait..there was a bulge or bump along one eave that seemed out of place. Definitely out of place.

Hera's senses didnt like this arrangement. An unknown ahead of her, an unknown above her. Time to take the initiative.

Drawing on her force ability, the Sith Master called to herself a surge of energy, drawing it from elements around her. She threw out one arm toward the roof and directed a powerful gust of wind towards it. The force would easily lift the tiles from the structure and be sure to topple the individual she could now see crouched against the skyline, to fall hard to the grimey alley floor.

Sep 11th, 2002, 12:20:57 AM
Coming to a side street adjacent to the second main street, Eldorack walked at a quick pace down, He came to a stop. The rural residential street that Eldorack had hidden his back-up plan in was in turmoil. The garbage removal droid had already made its way past his hiding spot leaving nothing in its wake.

"Raven , Raven, Change of plan..." The rather perterbed Eldorack started into a light jog. "Pick me up at Feeder one." He knew that his counterparts recognized the code he spoke into the com-link.

Sep 11th, 2002, 01:19:14 AM
The hackles on DOG's neck were raised in alert and Mockadane thought it was rightfully so, until his hand closed over the hidden nutrient frame at the bottom of a trash dumpster. With a slight adjustment of his swords scabbard, the Ysalamiri was attached to his back as the big man fastened the clasps that held tight the small nutrient frame. A slight bit of solemnness was felt as Mockadane heard Eldorack's words in the earpiece of his com.

Closing the breach of his rather archaic but deadly slug thrower, Mockadane snapped the silencing tube into place and returned it to its holster. A few loose papers that lay scattered about near the area where Mockadane stood, rushed instantly back down the way from which He came. A very little breeze danced through the slight drizzle in the air, so with this occurrence, Mockadane pointed a finger to DOG and watched him back knowingly into deeper shadows.

The slight bit of sounds produced down the alleyway had been the curiosity factor in which The big man dared to take a look back towards its origin instead of following the K-9's example and retreating into the night.

Sep 12th, 2002, 11:03:23 PM
The dog had sensed her long before the man even stopped and motioned for his pet to move back further into the shadows.

Hera had taken opportunity of the breif aftermanth of the commotion caused by her force-gale to close the distance between her and the man from the bar. What had happened to the rooftop spier, she hadnt waited around to see.

A very slight crackle of a receiver was heard, followed by the much louder click click of weapon being snapped into place.
Hera felt the nauseating and nullifying influence of what could only be one of those disgusting Ysalamiri creatures and had felt it as soon as she had gotten within such close proximity of her quarry. This just ticked her off.

Looking down from the building's iron grated fire-escape landing, she watched as the big man peered back into the gloom of the alley.

She silently levelled her blaster right at his head.

"Hey, up here punkass."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 13th, 2002, 08:12:08 AM
He had stopped and was looking up and down the street expectantly but what Daiquiri was picking up from him was puzzling frustration. Something or someone wasnt where it was supposed to be. Lifting his comm, hes sends a backup message to whoever his consort is....or was. If this guy was hailing the other male that Hera was trailing, it was quite possible that he was dead by now or at least out of commission. No help from that direction.

Now to find out who this guy was! If he received an answer it would have to be some other way than over his comlink. Stretching her hand out, Daiq expands the force around her, gathering it for a single purpose and focusing solely on his comm. Within seconds, she is rewarded by wispy tendrils of smoke rising from the shorted wiring in his compact device. A smirk curls her lips as she continues moving towards him.

He takes off at a faster pace and she increases hers, not to match his jog but to intercept. Enough was enough! Pouring on the speed, her rubber soled boots semi muffle her approach from behind.

Sep 13th, 2002, 04:22:48 PM
He was running along the roof, looking down at her. She was beautiful! Then the looks up, so Tel'Mah moved back further onto the roof so she didn't see him. Despite his efforts, she most definitely sensed him. What big force potential she had! All the better to floor him with! He hit the deck hard, but was unphased. Sadly, the roof was sloped, and he fell to the ground. But Tel'Mah did not land on the floor between Hera and the mysterious man. Rather, a large amount of blood splattered on the alley duracrete. It bubbled momentarily before Tel'Mah emerged from the pool, unharmed from the fall.

Sep 15th, 2002, 07:36:15 PM
Daring a glance back, Eldorack's fears were well founded, the figure moving up rather fast was going to overcome him in a matter of seconds. Rounding a corner building He drops two activated anti-pursuit grenades on the ground as he doubled his evasive efforts to make it the following block towards the Tap cafe...

The smoke filled shockwave poured forth from the two grenades,as the pursuer reached the corner,... (or Eldorack hoped)

Once the sound of the grenades died out the sound of a distant Ion engines whining could be heard. His labored breathing mingled with his own sweat were not as annoying as knowing he still had distance to close to reach his destination.

Sep 15th, 2002, 09:26:17 PM
The reflexive act of reaching to His grenade was well rehearsed. The quick turn of his head toward the assailant standing on the fire escape let Mockadane know his follower was well within the force empty bubble of the Ysalamiri.

The seven-second safety release initiated three seconds before the Merc tossed it up toward the woman standing on the deck above.

The Merc lunges towards his right, throwing his bodies weight against a door crashing thru it.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 15th, 2002, 09:28:32 PM
She heard it. Clunk clunk. One foot slipped as she leaned back, sliding to a near halt, then scrambling to regain her footing, Daiq flings herself sideways against the corner of the building just as the grenades go off, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. The sound would have covered any other grenades left behind so she counts off ten seconds then peeks quickly around the corner.

Dammit!! He was gone but she wasnt giving up that easily. Taking off at a fast trot, Daiquiri calls to the force, bidding it to direct her towards her elusive quarry. Ahead of her in the distance she again picked up the sounds of a swoop, its engine rumbling idlely.

And Im willing to bet its about ready to pick up a passenger. Frustration and anger spur her on as she runs flat out, quickly closing the distance between her and the intended target.

Sep 15th, 2002, 09:55:25 PM

one bounce on the iron landing......grenade!


two bounce on the iron landing.....frell it!!


the last bounce on the iron landing......and Hera disappeared over the railing to jump painfully onto the ground below.


At a stumbling run she made for the same door "bar guy" had crashed through, propelled violently forward by the shock of the detonation and shooting her blaster off wildly ahead of her.

Sep 15th, 2002, 10:55:14 PM
With a quick turn Mockadane planted his back against wall next to the door. The light from the cities street lights and businesses gave very little illumination in this darkened alleyway. The thunderclap outside was of little importance compared to the blaster bolts screaming through the opening the mercenary made. As the third bolt from the blaster randomly lit up the room for a microsecond, Mockadane reacted with a solid, semi-metallic gauntleted blow to her upper torso...

Sep 17th, 2002, 08:20:44 PM
The hit collected Hera right below the ribs and sent her in a back-sprawl to the floor. Her trigger finger pulling instinctively on the blaster sent another barrage of haphazard bolts through the dark interior of what would later prove the back end of a local delicatessan - specialising in "spicey salami & hot meats."

Fighting without benefit of her force ability was as confusing as it was painful. Sucking in great gulps of air to replace that which had been so rudely knocked out of her, the Sith scrambled to get to her feet, shots of laser light continuing to zing out in a protective arc around her.

When all fell silent, Hera stood against a wall hidden in the shadows from her attacker and listened for hints of where he was - or if he was even still there. She stilled her breathing by sheer will making her just another motionless shape in the dark.

There was nothing, no movement. And then she heard the rapid shallow breathing of.....mans best friend. The mans pet had loyally followed him into store and was standing ready and waiting for him.

She fired in the direction of the dogs immistakeable panting and was rewarded with a sharp yelp as the laser razzored along the animals hind leg. The scattering of paws on the hard linoleum floor as the dog's legs collapsed beneath himself and the animals small whimpers of pain was broken by Hera's voice.

"The next one goes through the mutts skull, unless you step out to where I can see you, with your weapon lowered."

Then moving as if an apparition, silent and unseen, Hera distanced herself from the place where she had called from in case the man chose to do the same as she had and shoot at the source of sound.

Sep 19th, 2002, 12:10:29 AM
The woman's rapid firing of her blaster painted a rather crude picture of the room they were in within the micro-light flashes that occurred from the blasters bolts. The last in fact showed him her exact coordinates.... The one where she shot DOG.

The smallish detonator rested in Mockadane's left hand even before the shot wounded DOG, but the item in his right amused Him slightly, given the circumstances.

The woman was undoubtedly a Sith, only they would shoot a defenseless being, and only one trained in combat tactics could survive that blow that has devastated so many. Hate trained their emotions and brought forth skills that made them the most lethal of opponents. A normal person would have been fitted for a toe tag after that hit, and that thought unnerved the big man slightly. That is why this child's toy he was about to use, bought from a street vendor for a special person, seamed amusing to the Bounty Hunter.

The tile floor echoed a most resounding tone in the room as Mockadane gently tossed the first marble away. The darkness can play tricks on ones imagination. The second he rolled away followed by a third bouncing harder, amidst the small sounds they made he spoke gently...

"I would suggest you put away your weapon.... For we have reached an impasse!" After a short pause .... "The Detonator I'm holding is Taleezian ,.. and primed!"

Sep 19th, 2002, 01:05:26 AM
Hera was frustrated by the explosives..What was it with men and bombs? But she was not a fool as to dismiss the threat that had just come rolling her way along the floor. Two of them, in fact. This guy wasn't fooling around. He would kill them all and for what?? Hera didnt even know.

Was he sent by Crei to doublecross her? No - that made no sense. Was he just a mental case who liked explosions...and dogs? Or was he what she thought - some schmoe trying to cut in on her action? Whatever his game.. This was NOT how she liked to play.

She liked to see her opponent-up close, all personal like. Feel them writhe under the pain she inflicted on them- see in their eyes the dawning of realisation that she would be the one to rip their life from them. Feed her darkside with the agression of it all.

But this was a new game. One where her force power was nullified...gonna rip that animal to shreds when I get my hands on it... and where her opponent was stronger and much larger (from the outline glimpsed on her breif flight through the air) than herself. She was well trained and fit, but still without the force, should he get his hands on her, her bulk pitted against his was not a match she cared to lay any wagers on.

Which didnt mean she wouldn't belt him across the head first chance she got.

It only meant she had to play it smart.

Which meant she had to play it sneaky.

Tossing her blaster with a loud clatter on the floor just infront of the dog, Hera, uncliped her lightsaber and held it half-hidden at her side as a precaution, and stepped forward to stand beside the animals wounded leg.

"One gun - and I raise you yours. Or do you still wanna blow us all through the roof before we get to be friends?"

Sep 25th, 2002, 10:36:00 PM
Not knowing the floor plans of this makeshift escape route made Mockadane a bit on edge, let alone the very tenacious female that was the latest thorn in his side. The extra tail Mockadane was informed of would weigh heavily on his mind as he made his next move.

The five shots He had in his hidden hold out blaster, the two armor piercing shells in the slug thrower at His side, and the sword He wore that was embued by Soth... were all Mockadane had left to bluff with. The quarter charged power cells of his gauntlets were good for one or two more hat tricks, Bit that was about it. Knowing his skill with a sword would suffice in combat, the tricks up this rather attractive opponents sleeve would be known soon enough.

The quick sound of Mockadane's ebony bladed bastard sword cleared its scabbard as he spoke...

"Your very good... perhaps we could reach an arrangement!"

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:28:26 AM
She heard, rather than saw the blade being unsheathed. Her fingers pressed tighter around her lightsaber in reaction, but she as yet left it unactivated.

"Well, hell - Im all for chitchat and making arrangements but Im less inclined to listen when facing the sharp end of a steel blade."

In the back of her mind, she wondered how Daiquiri was faring and hoped she had rounded up the other scoundrel with much less trouble than she herself was having.

"Why dont you put your little toy away, and talk like a reasonable man."

Oct 1st, 2002, 12:08:30 AM
The glow cube Mockadane had griped in his left hand, that he had semi-successfully passed off in the dark as something more, lay dormant until He pushed the button. The light that poured forth toward the female caught her image in full, only giving off the slightest hint of her opponent. The annoying beam of light, directed at the beautiful woman, only intensified the danger He faced.

The leather bound grip of the ebony bladed bastard sword creaked as Mockadane insured his grip on the handle..., she was a Sith, and never had he met a force user that didn't wield a lightsaber. Placing the cube on the ground from the kneeled position he was in, the big man stood placing his other hand on the swords handle. The swords tip pointed directly at the nuisance he faced, causing the glow cube to cast an ominous shadow across the ceiling of this establishment.

"Back off Sith... this isn't your lucky day!" Getting a glance at DOG's predicament didn't make Mockadane anymore pleased than he had hoped. "Back out the door ... closing it behind you, and you just might live to talk about this night with your colleagues!" The cold tones spoke from the darkness.

Mockadane Knew that Force users practiced a variances of disciplines in saber training. These held true in forms and functions yet none used sheer strength as a weapon. Without the Force was she willing to compete when the outcome could prove her undoing?... he thought to Himself. Tensed for battle,.... Mockadane knew her slightest actions would determine the next few moments.....

Oct 1st, 2002, 10:49:18 PM
The glance back let Eldorack know that He didnt have what it take's to out run his persuer, theirfor a split-second alternate plan had to break the streak of bad luck He seemed to be in.

Breaking his fast strides in front of an antique store, the reasuring feeling of the blaster that was slung on his side was gripped in His hand. Seconds later the concealed blaster in his left gauntlet was mechanically slapped into his palm. Turning quickly the two blasters poured forth a deadly barrage af lazer fire towards the oncoming female. Side stepping the couple of meters towards the store's entryway, Eldorack knew he was'nt intending to hit the female only make it known that she was in for more than she bargained for. A few of the blaster bolts slamed into the street sending hot fragments of concreate streeming towards her along with ear peircing deadly blaster fire.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 1st, 2002, 11:22:00 PM
Flinging herself in a horizontal flying leap, Daiq dives behind the closest building, the unknown males' blaster bolts cutting chunks of permacrete out of the street beneath her feet.

Sommersaulting to her feet, she mutters curses, scowling at the hideously foul muck she just rolled through, the stench clinging to her now like a leech on bare skin.

Waiting several beats, Daiq draws her own blaster and pokes her hand around the corner, opening up some blind fire at Eldorack's last known posistion, then pulling her hand back as her opponent returns the favor.

This could go on all day and her normally high patience level was bottomed out. Turning to face the building she takes note of a series of downspouts and thier respective anchorings. Holstering her blaster, Daiq begins her ascent, using the wall anchorings as hand and foot holds until she gains the roof.

Creeping low along the rooftop, she again draws her blaster, keeping it at the ready as she carefully peers over the edge, seeking Eldorack's whereabouts.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:24:40 AM
It was incredibly dark in the building. Why one would build such a construction with poor lighting without overhead benefits was beyond him. The window positions were providing insufficient illumination to alert Mockadane and Hera to the inhabitants presence. But a small, thin, almost invisible beam of light from a small, old railgun hole in the corner of the room was just enough to highlight the red tint of the Bradels eyes as it lay waiting on the ceiling above Mockadane. Where the other three were was anybody's guess!

Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:22:36 PM
The dog at her feet must have really been beginning to feel the pain of its wound, as it made a whimpering sound each time his master spoke. Hera thought it such a Hallmark moment. It was a tough little bugger, but regardless, would soon be needing attention if it wasnt to go into shock. It was growling lowly at something also, but Hera, quite incorrectly, put it down to animosity towards her..

As the light flashed into her eyes, making her squint and pull her head away from its glare, Hera immediately realised two things.

One - he wasnt holding a detonator after all. He had bluffed and she had bought it. So much for her time spent at the sabaac table. Ok, so he was good.

And two - he was bigger than she had first thought, if that was possible.
Which led her to the conclusion that without the force, she would just have to utilise her other weapons.

She made a show of bringing her lightsaber into view and deliberately clipping it to her utility belt. In the subdued light and the restless shadows cast by the cube on the ground, it was impossible to see her deftly take a small explosive disc and hold it firmly inside her palm with just her thumb, keeping her fingers extended. To all appearances, she was empty handed.

With her hands in view, she moved along side the length of the ebony blade, careful not to touch it, and slowly walked forward. The look in her eyes had changed from defiance to something infinitely more dangerous.

"You want me to leave? But I thought we were going to get acquainted.."

She sounded disappointed and even let her lips form into a slight pout.

As she neared, Mockadane could smell her perfume - something every women never went anywhere without wearing, it was as fundamental as shoes - and as the aroma subtly tugged at his senses, he was distracted by thoughts which seemed to spring out of nowhere.
Before he knew it, Hera had closed the distance completely and had draped both hands over his shoulders in a lazy embrace. She was smiling at him now, her brilliant blue eyes frank and inviting.
"But I guess I should tell you.."
She moved her hand to trace her finger down along his jawline

"..the small device I just attached to your backpack..." (the tone of her voice had remained silky, so it took a second for Mock to really hear what she was saying) "... can only be disarmed by a specfic sequence keyed in by me...

.....If you try remove it yourself, you will only trigger it.

I'll be quite protected by your bulk," (she tapped his chest significantly) "the explosive isnt too potent, but that little critter you are carrying, your spine and a good portion of the back of your head will be very, very messy."

And now her eyes hardened once more.

"So, you need to toss that pack outside, ysalamiri and all, so we can talk. I get some answers, your dog gets the medical attention it needs and we all get to go home before the Corelian police arrive in answer to the stores silent alarm, which Im sure is going off. "
The only sign Mockadane was listening to her, was the slight tauntness at the edges of his perfect lips.

"The bomb's ticking, and Id say you got, oh, about four seconds."

Oct 4th, 2002, 01:03:59 AM
Eldorack dove into the establishment just as a blasterbolt slamed into the storefront above Him. The security feature built into the building closed the blast doors sealing off the way He came. With a tuck and roll manuver He quickly gained his feet.

With rapid sucsession the extreamly wicked blaster was wedged under the chin of the shopkeeper, motioning him from behind the counter to the rear entrance of the antique store. The feel of the blasters muzzel against te mans neck insured the correct key code at the rear entrance, allowing Eldorack to exit into the darkened alley.... a silght sound of sirens whispered on the night air.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2002, 07:57:21 AM
A soft metallic "hiss--bump" told Daiquiri exactly where Eldorack had gone. Rocking forward over the edge of her perch on the adjoining buildings' roof proved that indeed the male had gone inside the store and was not lurking in the shadows below hoping to pick her off if she showed her head.

With several running steps along the edge, Daiq jumps from one roof to the other, her heavy boots landing with a thunk on the roof of the store. If this place had blast doors, then just maybe it had some type of reinforcing on its roof as well and her rough landing would go unnoticed.

A large ventilation cap a few yards away might prove useful to her hunt and she gingerly makes her way toward it. An unseen softspot in the roofing drops beneath her boot then immediately pops back up with a loud boing.

Freezing for just an instant, Daiq whirls then charges back across the store's roof, her boots pounding out a heavy beat as bolt after bolt from Eldorack's blaster tear through the roofing, following her every step.

Gathering momentum, she jumps flat footed and sails across the open space between the two buildings, landing one the rooftop she had started from. A couple of stray bolts splash against the building's side, burning holes into the bricks.

Reaching the apex of the roof, she stops then squats down, settling back on her heels. Daiquiri smirks as she looks over the series of holes left in the store's roof.

KInda looks like 'connect-the-dots' from here.

Oct 4th, 2002, 10:58:11 PM
Darting to the left, Eldorack ejects the clip from his hold out blaster while holstering his heavy blaster. Replacing the hold out blaster with a fresh clip, he deactivates the mechanism and the blaster returns to his gauntlet. Pulling his heavy blaster pistol out, the assasin rounds a corner heading down a maintenance corridor. He ejects the clip and replaces it with another from His belt. Holstering the weapon, Eldorack pulls his cloak closed while coming to a walking pace.

Stepping out of the narrow corridor, the nightlites of the brothel district next to the tap-cafe where Synteck sat on his idle running swoop.

"Hey..." the welcomed vision was a sight for sore eye's Eldorack thought as He spoke to His friend.

Oct 5th, 2002, 11:28:38 PM
Slightly watching Hera's moves, the big man was more focused on the expressions on Dogs face. The K-9's eye's that shifted from Mockadane to Hera also rested on an unknown intruder above. The theatrics the shaply woman was playing, Mockadane knew was a farce. Yet he let them play out so he could cast a slight glance above him. This knowledge was only second best as the knowledge that this female had planted a detonation devise on his back. Although the extreme beauty of this woman made Mockadane yearn for her, Her deceptiveness made his actions concrete.

The dark woman's rouse along with Dogs indications set Mockadane into motion. By the time Hera spoke the word "four" Mockadane dipping his right shoulder, slung the nutrient pack from his back onto his left arm. Feigning to throw it towards the door, He surprise Hera by lunging slightly forward and gripping her by the collar with His right hand. The huge man raps the pack around the dark lady using the flat of his swords blade He applies pressure on the nutrient frame. The Ysalamiri's liquid gold eye's seemed to pear into The woman's at the moment of truth. Will she deactivate the device or suffer its consequences?

The metallic cold frame pressed her from the front, containing the explosive, as the warm muscled body pressed firm from the rear... Her one free arm will prove the outcome of this predicament Mock knew.


Oct 6th, 2002, 12:16:04 AM
She would have cursed him, if she'd had the time. She definitely would have killed him, if she had the opportunity. But so far, Mockadane had proven a slippery eel to catch and right now, she would be doing none of the above if she blew her own chest apart.


She was so angry. And frustrated. And feeling incredibly weak as the closeness of the Ysalamiri made her literally weak in the knees.

Seems the bounty hunter indeed had "checkmated" her.

Hera could feel the strength of the man's body against her back, felt the warm breath of the bounty hunter on her cheek. Another time and place, and she might have been having a good time.

Right now, though, it was all she could do to stay upright.

She pressed her free hand to her utility belt and the low soft hum of the explosive disc stopped immediately.

She didnt realise it, but she was using Mockadane now as a support - the intense exposure to Ysalamiri's was having an enormous debilitating effect on her. It took major effort for her to growl out her next words.

"Get this disgusting creature the frell away from me."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:32:56 PM
Her quarry hadnt shown. Daiq had been hoping that Eldorack would do something simple, like in the front door and out the back.

Now, she would have to go in after him and the flush the punk out. Damnit! Why were these tasks never easy?

With a sigh she stands, moving along the opposite roof until reaching its far end. No way was she going to jump back down to where he had blasted holes through the ceiling. He might still be down there still waiting for her to do just that. Going in through the back door seemed a more logical and safe course of action.

As Daiquiri prepares to jump down on the corner of the stores' roof and then onto the street, a large swoop about two blocks down catches her eye.

Lounging easily on his machine, the driver rests one foot on the pavement as he glances up and down the alley, finally lifting a hand in greeting to a man approaching him from the side. Her man!

With a snarl, Daiq flings herself onto the store's roof and charges across it, racing from rooftop to rooftop in pursuit of the male who is now climbing onto the swoop behind the driver.

Oct 24th, 2002, 11:13:19 PM
"Yes, you muscle bound fool get rid of that thing"

Gavin had been there watching the melee with great interest. His father had told him of her thoughts about him. Who the hell was she to think he was so weak that she could hold him as a bidding tool against Saurron.

The prodigal son sauntered through the eatery wrinkling his nose at the animal flesh that had found its way there in abundance to the deli style establishment. Then he stopped, and picked up a slice of meat.

"How can you humans eat this stuff? Humph"

The meat met the counter with a wet slap behind him as he made his way toward Hera and Mockadane.

Oct 30th, 2002, 03:07:05 AM
The timing was a bit on the slow side, Mockadane vaguely thought as the warm soft fragrant smell of perfume and sweat wafted into his senses. The pompous entrance that Gavin made was a welcomed feeling compared to the options The big man faced. The easing pressure on the ebony blade's Ysalameres position, was followed quickly after the grip of the beautiful woman's neck.

The slight jerk that twisted His advisory away from him in a rolling motion, masked the fact that the woman's Lightsaber was wrested away from her with little ease. A flick of the wrist sent the saber flying through the air towards Gavin. Watching the Saber come to rest in the rather unique mans hand, Gavin's eye's showed neither the thanks nor the gratitude due.

"As you requested ..... one Miss Hera..."

Oct 31st, 2002, 12:34:14 AM
Her eyes followed in an arc as her weapon was tossed through the air to land into Gavin's expectant hand.

Mockadane was probably quite pleased with himself. She could hear it in his voice as he spoke to the man, whom he obviously knew. Hera hoped Mock was enjoying the moment. He was racking up a whole lotta hurt for himself in his future. And a promising glance his way, told him Hera was keeping tally.

Atleast, from what Mockadane had said, this whole business was getting a little clearer. A very little.

Turning back to Gavin, who was now critically examining the craftmanship of the weapon - her weapon. (Was he smirking?)

Her voice was cutting. "And who are you supposed to be?"

Nov 10th, 2002, 01:44:57 PM
Gavin continued to examine the weapon of Hera's not acknowledging her until he was done. Pompous was right. Gavin could care less about many things. The similarities were not apparent until he grinned. The perfect fangs protruded downward and were clearly visible until his lips met with each other once again. She had seen that grin before but on anothers face.. He cast a glance up at Hera and held the weapon up in a dangle between a few fingers.

"Cute toy."

Nov 10th, 2002, 10:10:45 PM

Hera knew what that meant.

She snapped her head around and glared almost accusingly at Mockadane.

"The Coven? You work for the Coven?"

So this had nothing to do with Kimiiki Crei, or Aurelias Kazaar after all. It was to do with Saurron. Great.
In the back of her mind, Hera now wished Daiq and she hadn't separated for the chase. Not that she'd had such an easy time of it with the burly bounty hunter, quite the contrary - but this new development put a different slant on things entirely.

Hera gave Mock a sour look.

"So the Vampyre sent a couple of strays and some young punk after me did he?"

She addressed Gavin as she snatched back her lightsaber. The smile he wore was familiar, though with a different sort of self-confidence to it than the one she knew.

"I take it you are Saurron's brat."

Nov 14th, 2002, 12:43:54 AM
Gavin tilted his head with a fake look of astonishment, his mouth agape, and eyes wide. Then he settled down with a more serious tone. Patronizing, but serious.

"You could say that I suppose, but if I were you I think I would spice up the story a bit."

Gavin looked her up and down as he half circled her.

"It did only take one man to bound you hot stuff. If it were a Vampyre after you, you would be dead...like this sandwich meat you killed."

If it weren't for Mockadane being so serious he probably would have chuckled at this point.

She was damn beautiful though, as his father had said. Probably meaner than a Rancor too he thought. He moved his head to the side as he inspected her. Then thought again..."Or a Sith Witch...hm."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:04:44 PM
Shifting in sound from a whine to a loud roar, the swoop takes off with Eldorack safely on the back of it, leaving Daiquiri to make a decision. Does she continue this futile chase, this game of cat and mouse or should she loop back in an attempt to find Hera?

With a pensive pursing of her lips, Daiq spins on her heels and breaking into a quick dog-trot, heads back the way she came, sans the rooftop travel.

Still keeping an ear tuned for the roar of the swoops' motor, Daiquiri has time to think about how the whole meeting in the bar turned out to be a charade and nothing more. It was designed to send Hera and herself off into opposite directions, thus preventing the duality of thier combined strength.

Reaching the street where she and the Faene mistress parted ways, Daiq heads into the alley and grins as she sees the damage left behind. Hera was giving someone a run for thier money, thats for sure!

Further down the darkening alleyway a door stands open but as she draws closer in proximity to it, an uneasy feeling creeps over her. Unclipping her saber from her belt, she grips the hilt tightly as she takes the a few more steps towards the door.

As if a curtain had fallen over her entire being, Daiq suddenly feels cutoff from everything and everybody. Her mental bond to Vega ceases to exist and as an afterthought, she realizes that she has not been able to sense Hera through the force for sometime. Steping away from this unknown 'inner' blackness, she breathes a sigh of relief as the force returns to her once again.

With a new task at hand she sets out to discover the perimeters of this 'boundary of darkness' and to find if there is a path through it. Knowing Hera and her penchant for wanting to be in the middle of anything interesting or profitable, Daiq knows right where to find her. Straight through the doorway ahead and into the mouth of the unknown emptiness.

Nov 15th, 2002, 10:55:53 PM
She didnt appreciate Gavin's comments at all. If he was trying to tick her off, he was succeeding. Hera had just about had enough - the effects of the Yslamiri were wearing her 'good humor' thin.

"Tell you what, Junior. (she poked him in the chest) Lets you and me get alone in a room and we'll see who ends up more dead than the other."

Her eyes slid back over to Mockadane. "That goes for you too, beautiful."

Hera crossed over to one of the refridgerated glass cases that housed a variety of deli-goods - cold meats, salami's, even cheeses. Opening the transparent door, she helped herself to a small chunk of jarlesburg and popped it into her mouth.

She shrugged as if in silent comment as to its taste. "These gormet things are seriously over-rated."

Turning again to the nefarious pair infront of her, she crossed her arms, wincing as she did so as her ribs were raw from Mockadanes punch earlier.

"So....Saurron doesn't have holonet or something that he has to send his errand boys? Just what does the lord of the undead want?"

She hoped she was coming off as completely unconcerned. Hera still owed the Vampyre Master Saurron from her dealings with him and Morag Prime during the Festival of the Five Moons on Duvray. Just what she owed wasn't exactly clear and that was the unsettling part. Hera had intended never to see the Vamp again and so far, so good. This still might turn out fine, yet. She forced herself to be optimistic.

With concerted effort to look bored, she added.

"Make it quick, I got things to do."

The Bradels clinging to the ceiling above - silent sentinals observing events below them - telepathically communicate to one another as they note the arrival of Daiquiri outside the building. DOG lays his head on his paws dispondently and blinks his eyes slowly as he fights to stay conscious.

Nov 16th, 2002, 10:36:27 PM
Gavin's brows lowered. Hera might of thought this was due to a cord finally struck by her course words. It was not due to this however, it was something much more severe. His eyes shifted towards the doorway then back to Mockadane who caught the eye movement and understood full well what it meant. Gavin tilted his head slightly as an animal would tuning in a sound. A sound of feet being placed ever so carefully upon a solid surface. A smell. A smell of fresh blood being pumped loudly with the beat of a bass drum through veins and arteries.

Gavin seemed now to peer straight through Hera while absentmindedly running his tongue around his extending fangs. He drew in a deep breath as if tasting the very air that sourounded them, then exhaled and spoke in a deeper tone than she had heard only a few minutes before. Things had gotten quite serious now. Not the back and forth pish posh that was taking place only moments earlier. Death was near, and she didn't need the force to tell her that.

Dinners here.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Nov 17th, 2002, 02:42:19 AM
Cautious in her actions and steps, Daiquiri methodically and systematically works her way around the entire perimeter of this 'circle of nothingness', the invisible barrier that denies access to the force, careful to remain just outside its' reach.

The perimeter seemed to end just in front of a deli, its plate glass windows dark, revealing nothing of what lies inside. to Daiq, that in itself was strange. For this time of evening, its booths and tables should be filled with customers out for a night on the town and busy, harried employees bustling behind the counter.

Daiq hesitates, knowing the moment she strides into that building all contact with the force will be torn from her grasp. Yet, she knows in her mind that Hera is somewhere close by and possibly in trouble. The Faene mistress would risk her life for Daiquiri and Daiq would do no less for her.

Taking a deep, centering breath Daiquiri quickly sends Vega a mental image of her locale, letting it act as a homing beacon if things inside the deli got out of hand and she didnt return.

With her saber still firmly held in one palm, Daiq strides forward into the building, forcing herself to ignore the immediate feeling of emptiness and to focus on the matters at hand.

Nov 17th, 2002, 03:23:17 AM
OOC: FYI Everyone: This is a Bradel (http://www.wcug.wwu.edu/~randyman/ROLEPLAY/creatures/bradel.htm)

*Side note - This is not a SW creature. But was used in a previous thread with Garrett Blade and Hera as Guardians of Sith Artifacts. Im not sure what Tel plans with them, but for now they are just watching.*


Nov 23rd, 2002, 03:27:57 AM
The conversation between Gavin and Hera was long enough for Mock to administer a med-pack on DOG. The random insults flung by the woman should have prompted a rhetorical response but instead the situation was turning worse and The big man was more concerned with the events at hand.

Gavin may have the appearance of casualness, but Mockadane has come to know that He never walks into anything without having a few hidden cards up His sleeve. With the disarmed explosive disk Hera placed on the nutrient frame, cast aside, The tenseness returned to the K-9 as the med-pack finished its cycle.

The look Gavin gave alerted Mockadane to a new presence other than the ones on the ceiling. Speaking into the com-link, during an exchange of words between the two, The affirmative came in loud and clear in his earpiece.

Positioning His pack once more, but keeping the ebony bladed bastard sword firmly gripped in his right hand, the armor piercing slug thrower cleared its scabbard and was pointing in the general vicinity of the opposing doorway. Whatever these creatures were that clung to the ceiling Mock was positioned well enough that if they decided to make a move He was ready! Besides there presence wasn't enough to bother Gavin in the least!

Nov 23rd, 2002, 08:11:22 PM
Hera gave Gavin a poke with the end of her lightsaber hilt, as he looked off toward the doorway.

"Hey, cat got your tongue?"

She followed his glance. Could be Daiq had returned and was casing things out outside...or it could be that other stranger that Hera had tossed from the rooftops earlier.

Could be the police too...could be anyone. No matter who it was, she had enough of her present company.

"Well, Id love to stay and chat and all, but Ive had enough playtime for one day."

Tucking her LS into its clip at her waist, Hera headed toward the door. She still felt weak and ill from the effects of the Yslarimi.

"Tell Saurron, next time to phone."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:25:53 PM
Silently, she eases forward, her foot placement carefully picked and executed. Hearing strianed to the limits, Daiq edges further into the darkness of the unlighted deli.

A soft scuttling sound, like dry leaves blowing across permacrete, drifts out to her through the side door. A few seconds later it stops, leaving Daiquiri to guess at its' source.

Dropping into a semi-crouch, she creeps up to the door, straining to pick up any other sounds.

Dec 3rd, 2002, 05:25:35 PM
"Aint it just like a woman to keep ya waitin"

Remkah's remark was directed to the protocol droid who simply tilted his chromed head at an angle in acknowledgement, not quite certain how to answer.

Lazy spirals of cigarette smoke curled about the swarthy pirate's eyes as he drew deep once more on the local brand tobacco, there was a corresponding crackle as the leaf burned in a red glowing tip.

Jonas T. Remkah - base captain, ShadowFaene Fortress, uncrossed, and recrossed his black leather booted feet which were propped atop the console of the "Paylode" as he looked out the view window to the port beyond. The Gat 12 Skipray Gunboat was technically Hera's work-horse and had been docked awaiting her return from her meeting with Crei's lackeys.

"Oh....she's probably sampling the Corellian rum supplies with that nutty girl-friend of hers. Or roughing up some tosser who was fool enough to look sideways at them..One blonde is bad enough, but two!" The smoke was expelled in short sputters as the pirate laughed to himself.

The droid attempted to comment, but Remkah frowned and waved his hand to belay him.

"She may even have gotten lucky, and Im sitting here wasting brain cells with you..no offence..."

"None taken, Mr. Remkah" assured the droid.

"Still...." he straightend up in his chair suddenly as the thought slowly forming began to worry him a little. He took his feet down and switched on his locator unit

".....she shoulda checked back in by now..."

The little red blip on the finder-screen showed the grid where Hera was. A similar yellow blip revealed Daiquiri was close by..within feet of each other.

He took another draw on his cigarette and looked thoughtfully at the screen. With a shrug that indicated a decision made, Remkah hailed Hera's personal communicator, just to make contact and find out what the hold up was.

Dec 5th, 2002, 02:50:30 AM
As Hera walked away the bounty hunter Mockdane matched her stride for stride. The stench that Gavin was brought up to hate and loath had just entered the arena. His wrist raised and what followed was an incomprehensible tongue. There were however some words that remained the same in all languages. One was in fact the word Garou. Small lights on his wrist comm flashed as a deep voice came back to answer.

Bring them both to me...

Hera then heard Gavins voice as if it was whispered into her ear in an intimate session...but it was passing... fading off towards the newcomer.

"Playtimes over mama."

In a surprising rush Gavin was now crouching before Daiquiri as she herself crouched. With one leg extended Gavins hands draped over one knee in a lazy fashion.

"You've been a bad girl." Came Gavin with a nonchalant point of a finger, and a fang laden grin. He took another deep breath, taking in her scent.

"Oh yeah, very bad, shame on you...there is someone that wants to see you."

Gavin sprang upwards with two blasters that came from nowhere. Both erupted with red blaster bolts flashing over Daiqs head in a leathal volley that left two enforcement officials in a smoldering heap. The rising smoke was highlighted by the flooding blue hue from sub light engines as they lit the area just outside of the deli. Soon they were mixed with clusters of red and green blaster fire being exchanged.

"Time to go ladies!!" Gavin yelled while spinning the blasters in his hands. He looked to Hera with a smirk on his face.

"Phones ringin babe!"

Coven troopers clad in black impact armor laid down a suppressive fire laying waste to the officials that were waiting for Hera and the rest to come outside. Two by two they advanced widening the circle around the shuttle...

Dec 7th, 2002, 05:27:40 AM
The vast amount of commotion that erupted in the small space of time was phenomenal. Chaos reigned supreme as the night's reverence was lit up by flashes from red and green blaster fire casting a cascade of shadowy reflections on the surrounding buildings. The very familiar sounds of the Raptors sub-light engines was a welcomed feeling of sanctuary, followed by the resounding thud of the fast approach and landing not far from the assault shuttle.

With dog beside him, Mockadane emerges as the last person in this small group to exit the deli out into the night of Correllia. With a point from the big man, DOG sprinted to the lowered ramp of the raptor that was itself spitting a deadly volley of laser fire from its upper Quad-laser turret at the oncoming defense forces. An ebony armored trooper fell in front of Mockadane, as a green blaster bolt penetrated his defenses and connected with the mans middle torso.

The evacuation was going as best as planned.... Considering.

With a grasping motion Mockadane grabbed the fallen warrior and brought him bodily into the Raptor. As the ramp raised the Mercenary felt the YT-1300 lift into the air...

Dec 14th, 2002, 02:37:23 AM
ooc: Im not certain if we are going in two separate crafts, but after re-reading a few times, I think we are. So Im gonna go with that. :)


The eruption of blaster fire was as sudden as it was furious. Streaks of red and green lasers careened from one direction and then another, lighting up the Corellian night in a crazy neon light show.

Black-clad troopers materialized from all directions, blasters firing and finding their marks with unswerving accuracy. Enforcement officers taking their last breaths on the gritty wet pavement under the farewell glow of the shuttle running lights.

Hera, (and her present company, she was sure) didnt waste a moments sympathy on lives that were so swiftly taken. They got in the way, simple as that.

Her first thoughts went to Daiquiri. She could see her friend safe just ahead of her as they were both herded toward the Coven Assault shuttle, both women ducking instinctively to avoid the crossfire.
Hera had heard the malice in Gavin's voice earlier as he spoke the word "Garou" into his wristcomm...and while she thought Vega was a lupine, the connecter-dots between he and Daiq and the tone of Gavin's voice were easily joined. Going to meet Saurron for a "friendly" chat and some negotiation fee's was one thing, going there under threat against Daiquiri because of her associations, was quite another.

As they moved quickly up the Shuttles ramp, a glance behind saw Mockadane and his DOG doing the same, boarding a YT-1300. Hera nudged Daiquiri who was now just ahead of her, and observed dryly, " We're finally rid of ol' Dorothy and Toto...And I was just starting to warm to them too." A pleased and dangerous grin creased at the corners of her eyes and the fact was not lost on the two women that they were also rid of the horrible little creature still latched in the nutrient cell..

The last of the troopers boarded, picking off the remaining Corellian authorities as the ramp closed behind them.

As the shuttle followed the Raptor's lead and lifted off, Gavin led the way to the cockpit and slumped himself into a plush leather chair . One leg cocked over the arm rest and swinging beligerently back and forth, as he looked at them where they stood. Hera wondered if he had been born with that leering grin on his face. Probably.

Thinking it a good idea to dis-arm the two women, a trooper stepped up to take Hera's blaster which she still held in her hand. Instead of relinquishing it, she turned and shot both the pilot, and co-pilot in clean crips bolts to their heads as they sat at their controls, both bodies slumping forwards with white spirals of smoke whisping from their skulls. "I dont think Im in the mood to visit Saurron tonight." The dead weight on the instruments sent the shuttle into a crazy tail spin, (Hera fired two more quick blasts into the instrument panel, one going wide due to the lurching ship, the other sizzling and sparking through the flight ciruits and adding to the out-of-control-spin) The radically lurching ship, caused those who were standing to loose their balance. One trooper was sent falling onto Gavin's lap as the vampyre was half-leaping out of his chair at the firing of Hera's blaster.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 15th, 2002, 02:03:31 PM
Perhaps it came from knowing each other so well or maybe it was the fact that both women resented the fact that they had been 'herded' up the shuttles' ramp like a couple of domestic sheep. It could have very well been thier mutual consensus that any attempt to disarm them was beyond the border of stupidity. Whichever reason one chose the end result was the same.

Hera's blaster lifted, spitting red death at those in the cockpit as Daiquiri thumbed the switch to her saber, its golden blade erupting to embed itself in the belly of the black-clad trroper standing before them. With an upwards jerk, Daiq pulls the saber up through the Coven members' chest and out through one shoulder, letting him drop at thier feet.

Hera's shots found thier mark, instantly killing both pilots and causing a small explosion of sparks as the bolts penetrated the control console. The resulting quick lurch of the ship sent Daiq falling back and to the right, her lightsaber slicing through two other Coven members legs as she hit the floor.

From the corner of her eye she catches sight of the Faene mistress grabbing hold of the hatch frame, fighting to keep her balance as Gavin tries to push the dead trooper from his lap.

Dec 16th, 2002, 11:15:37 PM
*Coming up behind Hera in a silent rush from a hidden spot, I bring my right arm around the top of her shoulder and my other arm traps one of her arms as I wrap it around her waist. The blades of my twin curved Cersea daggers are applied in two places, one against her abdomen and the other against her neck*

*I point at Daiquiri with my left blade and give fair warning*

"Relinquish your saber , or your mistress gets ventilated"

*I hiss as I push the tip of the dagger slowly against Hera's neck. and Daiquiri turns the saber off and places it on the pilot's chair next to her. I see Gavin getting up and I give him a fang filled grin. Turning my attention to Hera again, tilting my head I run my nose close to her neck and smell her perfume*

"mmmmm niiiiiice....."

*Hera's eyes avert to the side to look at me*

"Now what was that you said? not seeing the Boss tonight? " *soft chuckle* "Ohhh on the contrary madam....you ARE seeing the boss tonight"

Dec 17th, 2002, 01:45:04 PM
*Grinning as Kariss walks out of the shadows of the ship, she appears at Gavin's side, baring her fangs to him as she she helps him remove the dead body off of his lap. Gavin looks up at her in surprise and she winks at him, smiling secretly. She slides her gaze over him as he stands and then over to Ezra, smirking.

"You know Saurron will have your hide if you harm either one, Ezra." Kariss hisses. "He wants them in one piece." Ezra glares back at her, hissing and she laughs at him as she holds on to the chair that Gavin had been sitting in as the ship rumbles violently.*

Dec 17th, 2002, 07:28:49 PM
"Dont worry your pretty head off Kariss, Saurron says alive and in one peice, then thats what he gets"

*smirking and quickly touching her neck with the tip of my nose*

"Providing they behave themselves....as Im sure you will wont you ?"

Dec 17th, 2002, 07:30:15 PM
The ships navigation was intermittent. Hera's blaster bolt found its mark. Taking out the main inner atmosphere navigation circuits. The ship lurched violently seeming to straighten, then dive, rising up, then shifting course back down towards the buildings of Corelia from where they had just been.

Vampyres had a great sense of balance yet had a weakness. Well a few actually, but one that could be played upon time and time again...arrogance. Gavin rolled his eyes as what troopers that weren't killed filed into the main cabin from the holding area with weapons drawn. Daiq looked up as four troopers entered bearing down with heavy blasters ready to blast her to oblivion.

The buildings drew closer at a hasty pace.

Gavin rolled his tongue around inside his mouth nodding his head at the situation. Smiled then laughed at the two.

"Oh yeah, shoot everything up!..."

Gavin shifted his eyes from Hera to Ezra with a knowing yet irritated gaze which prompted him to remove his dagger from her abdomen.

With a swift kick Gavin launched the dead Coven Trooper up into air knocking Hera back into her seat.

"He's all yours bebe." Pointing at her black clad mate that pinned her.

Gavin held his hand out drawing Hera's saber from her side as she was hit with the two hundred some odd pounds of man and high impact armor. A blaster bolt flew in between himself and Kariss as he spun backwards and landed against her knees and the dead troopers armor as the blaster came up in her hand. His hands were securely wrapped around hers. She felt his crushing strength force her blaster in Daiqs direction...

As he turned the viciously fighting Hera's blaster towards her friends face Gavin's finger drew Kariss's attention towards the cockpit, and the failing controls...

"Might wanna look into that..."

Dec 17th, 2002, 07:45:24 PM
*Winking at Gavin, Kariss gives him a deadly smile and tells him she's on it as she quickly makes her way to the controls. She laughs as she hears loud voices coming from the back and knows that Ezra must be having some fun.

"Gotta love him!" Kariss mutters to herself as she tries desperately to gain control back of the ship and move it away from the oncoming buildings. "Piece o' cake." She chuckles, punching in a few commands, repeating them and then smiling in satisfaction as the controls come back online and under her power. Kariss grins, pulling the ship up just in time to miss the buildings and up to the safety of the skies. Ezra sticks his head in and gives her a wink.

"Way to go, Riss." *

Dec 17th, 2002, 08:01:28 PM
*standing by the controls I twirl my daggers and they disappear into my sleeves..... and I smile as Daiquiri glances at me in disgust*

*signaling the troops outside to go back to thier business of running the shuttle, I look at Gavin to see what he wants to do now that we have regained control of not only the ship, but of the situation that transpired*

*also keeping a sharp eye on the two mischievous but lovely "guests" *

Dec 17th, 2002, 08:39:49 PM
*Kariss relinquishes control of the ship to someone else and she gets up, pulling out her twin Baelin daggers in each hand, smirking as she takes her stanze near Ezra. They exchange looks and then Kariss turns her attention to Gavin, raising an eyebrow in his direction as he looks at them both. She lets her tongue run over her fangs, staring at Gavin intently. Ezra shifts besides her, leaning closer to whisper in her ear,

"Don't stare, he'll take your eyes out, Riss."

Kariss turns to look at Ezra, laughing off his warning. He glares at her and she turns her attention to the two 'lovelies' on board and then to Gavin, sending him a daunting smile. Ezra lets out an annoyed breath and leans against the wall, placing one of his booted feet up against it.*

Dec 18th, 2002, 09:40:38 PM
Gavin's cold smirk served to unmove her. His grip was undeniably strong as recognised by one force-weilder to another, but it was not a match of power that was being waged here, but one of wills. Of cunning. And each thought they could better the other. Hera's blue eyes and Gavin's immortal ones locked with one another in de'tant.

Feeling the effects of the Yslarimi subsiding, Hera matched Gavins smile. With no more effort than crushing an aluminum can, the Sith Mistress used the force and crumpled the end of the blaster, immediately removing any threat to Daiquiri.

Between the 3 Sith on board, there was enough power to obliterate both the shuttle, her crew, themselves and a good portion of Corellia which was fast disappearing into the stars behind them. If this conflict was to accellerate, none of them would come out alive. A sideways glance toward the cocky Ezra and the seductive Kariss...Hera decided that maybe it would not be such a loss. Two less Vamps in the galaxy could only be a plus.

However, she would not die because of the likes of the Coven and its blood-sucking adherers. And she would not make such a life or death choice for Daiquiri.

Still looking at Gavin, but completely aware of where Daiq, the crew, Ezra and Kariss were, Hera started to laugh lowly and shook her head.

"This is a hell of a party "Babe", but unless you want to see us all in as many peices as there are stars out there, I suggest you get this peice of coven scum off me."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 18th, 2002, 11:36:05 PM
Surrounded by the Coven troopers and now by Ezra, Kariss and Gavin as well, Daiq had given up her saber without a fight, not trusting the unknown vamp element to keep what little 'word' had been given.

A sidelong glance at Hera told Daiquiri that the Faene mistress would keep Gavin and his cronies occupied for a few minutes more. Physical or verbal, it mattered not. DrenKast loved a good fight and as the old saying went, its the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.

With Gavin's attention focused more on Hera and the lip she was dishing out, Daiq let her thoughts expand, touching the force and through it briefly, the mind of Gavin. In the few seconds it took him to understand what she was doing and to close his mind to her, Daiquiri saw the man that he was taking them to meet and more importantly to her, the path that would lead them there.

A hard prod to the calf of her leg with a steel-toed boot brought Daiquiri back to the moment and the hard stare of Ezra. With deliberate insolence she lifts one hand and blows a mock kiss at him.

Dec 19th, 2002, 10:00:04 PM
*standing there glaring at Daiquiri....my ice blue eyes showing their intent. Yet because of the instructions of our master, I cannot do anything at this time and she knows it*

*I lock eyes with her and my lip twitches. I take a deep breath then grin at her*

Dec 21st, 2002, 11:13:48 PM
The Assault shuttle still shook from blown wiring but managed to break away from the planets atmosphere. Another alarm sounded accompanied by flashing lights that illuminated the smoke that still rose from the perforated dash. Gavin rolled his eyes in disgust and let Hera's hand go dropping the now junk blaster.

He shook his head in time with hers..."Well are you finished tearing <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> up?" Gavin straightened in a cocky manner rolling his shoulders back flexing his trim but muscular body, and grabbed the Coven troopers lifeless body by his chest plate and shook him violently

"Hey you get off her!" Gavin shook him again. "You...you Coven Scum!" With that he threw the dead trooper to the floor then shifted his eyes and winked at Hera.

"There we go...all better?" He grinned, the tips of his fangs showing slightly.

Just then a small alarm rang out.

The Eclipse Class Star Destroyer Sanguine was near. Big enough to cast a shadow, it loomed in the distance like death in so many lives. The blackened hull and blood red lights along it's exterior told of the Darkside itself as the shuttle drew near.

Soon, four Tie Defender class fighters flanked the ship in escort guiding them toward an opening bay door that resided in the belly of pure evil.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 03:53:14 PM
Hera hadnt answered Remkah's hail, but the wily blonde had unobtrusively turned on her reciever and the SFF Captain had a blow by blow accounting of what was going on inside the shuttle as it took place.

There was a lot of noise and confusion, and some of the events were impossible to make out, but he could hear enough to determine one thing, if nothing else. His boss and the Lady Daiquiri had been taken against their will by the Vamps.

Remkah shook his head but remained his typical calm and understated self.

"I dont know who to feel more sorry for. The Vamps or the girls.

The Lupine crowd wont like this much.."

The SFF Captain had worked with Hera for long years, and they knew each other well, could read each other without effort. Hera had made him aware of her predicament via the open transmitter line, and for now, that was all she required of him. Remkah knew of Hera's loose affiliation with Saurron, the Vampyre Master, and to his knowledge it was more amiable than not. He thought it odd though that they be taken by force this way. Remkah would standby and be ready to act when she needed him. He, more than anyone else, knew the Sith Master could handle herself, Daiquiri as well, and didnt need him riding to the rescue, messing stuff up. Still, it was sound practice to have "back-up" no matter who you were.

Looking over to the droid, who was clasping and unclasping his hands worriedly, the dark pirate gave his order as he strapped himself in.

"Lets take her up."

The "Paylode" banked away from the lights of Correlia toward the vast expanse of stars above. The droid clicked his belt in place and rambled nervous mumblings of "..vampyres - I find them a little distressing.."

Dec 22nd, 2002, 04:33:57 PM
As the great underbelly of the "Sanguine" swallowed up the shuttle, a sense of inevitability washed over Hera.

She had not intended to ever see Saurron again after their encounter on Tsaro during the Festival of the Five Moons. But that point was now moot. She was being hand-delivered to him, and she couldnt help feeling somewhat like a trussed turkey. The fact that Daiquiri was now caught up as well, sat ill with her, and her mood toward the Vampyre was soured considerably.

Rising out of the chair into which she had been uncerimoniously shunted into, the Sith Mistress glared at Gavin. He was so, so..annoying. That smirking grin. He always seemed to be laughing at her. Well, one day she would wipe that smile right off for him. Maybe later today even. At that thought she smiled right back at him.

"Well, lets see what Daddy wants shall we?"

Another spark, and fizz, came from the flight console, and Hera wondered how they had been able to fly the craft at all. Pretty darn fine work, she had to admit. Nodding toward the smoking circuits, she barbed.

"Think he'll give you the keys to the shuttle again, Junior?"

Brushing past Ezra, gracing him with a snarl, she nodded to Daiq and fell into step beside her. All three followed Gavin to the exit. Kariss joined them in the rear and the small party stepped from the craft and into the docking area of the Star Destroyer.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 07:27:40 PM
*stepping out onto the ramp, I descend to the docking bay below, my long coat flowing behind me. My eyes back to their original color of a night sky, I walk past Hera and glare, then pass Daiquiri and give her an amused grin.*

*I walk up and to the side of Gavin . Kariss comes up behind the group and grins and I give her a wink. I patiently wait as the rest exit the shuttle*

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Dec 22nd, 2002, 08:11:58 PM
In spite of the situation she found herself in, Daiquiri had to admit that she was impressed. She had seen SSD's from a distance many times but had never been this close to one, much less viewed one from its own deck. tilting her head towards Hera, Daiq grins, whispering quietly.

"We have got to get us one of these."

Her quick, fleeting grin reverses as Ezra the Nasty, as shes now come to call him in her mind, brushes past her and tosses her an offhanded wink. Her discipline holds but for a split second the urge to casually stick her foot out and send his over-confident butt rolling down the ramp, had been close too close to call.

On the shuttle and now, Daiq had watched and listened as Gavin and Hera mutually sniped at each other. There was a vital piece of the puzzle missing for her, the one which would explain how Hera and Gavin seemed to know one another and why the two SFF females had been taken.

Glancing curiously at Hera, Daiquiri turns her focus back on the small crowd thats gathering at the foot of the shuttle's ramp.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 11:25:11 PM
Kariss shakes her head at Ezra's antics, knowing full well one of these days he's going to get what's coming to him if he keeps this up and she hopes she's either the one to give it to him or there to see it. Being the one to teach him a little humility makes her chuckle to herself. As if knowing what she is thinking, he turns around at the bottom of the ramp and glares at her. She raises her eyebrow, walking down the ramp and as she passes him, bringing her hand up to run her finger along his jawline.

Kariss rolls her eyes, listening to Gavin and the female snipe at each other. She looks at them and smirks. 'If I didn't know any better, I'd swear there was an attraction between the two of them.' Kariss thinks to herself. She looks at the other female and has to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. She looks like she wants to smack that grin off of Ezra's face. 'Can't blame her', Kariss thinks. 'I often want to do that at times myself.' Her gaze shifts quickly towards Kariss and she just nods her way, walking past her to stand next to Ezra.

Dec 22nd, 2002, 11:33:57 PM
The decks were gleaming - their polished surface reflecting the shuttle in perfection on its flawless surface.

Surrounding the perimiter walls of the docking bay were more of the same black-amored troopers that were on the shuttle, weapons at their sides and standing ramrod straight in attention.

It was impressive to say the least.

Gavin had descended the ramp ahead of them, stepping at a jump off the side and to an echoing "thwap" as his boots landed on the shining floor. Hera and Daiquiri walked the ramps length, both women looking the ship over.

"We have got to get us one of these."

Hera smiled at Daiqs comment - it was so like her friend to make such a remark.

Ezra didn't seem amused as he stood beside Gavin, though found time to flash a smile at his counterpart as he awaited further instruction. Looking the pair over, Hera remembered the Vamp still had her Lightsaber..

"Well, now that we are all here - what's next?"

Jan 5th, 2003, 01:31:48 AM
Looking at Hera, Ezra smiles and replies to her question.

"Patience Mistress, the boss will see you soon enough"

With that he headed off down the hangerbay chuckling as he stalked off. Only to turn back and stalk past.....pacing back and forth and getting a bit aggitated since he started to feel the hunger start to build. Hearing the pulse from both women.

they all watched him pace back and forth.......till he walked of and climbed up a crate to sit above them....fighting off the need to feed.
*can't! Not until after the boss comes down and deals with them.*

Ezra thought to himself

Jan 5th, 2003, 08:18:37 PM
Her eyes followed Ezra's movements, the look in his eye she had seen once before. In Saurron. An involuntary prickle at her throat accompanied the memory, a flashback to a dark labryinth in Duvray where the Sith Vampyre had peirced her throat with lethal fangs. He'd toyed with her then. Like he was doing now with his waiting game.

Dropping her gaze off Ezra and back to Gavin she sneered.

"Well, Im not gonna wait around all day. Take us somewhere to get a drink."

Jan 7th, 2003, 06:42:55 PM
"Relax killer", Gavin said with another patented smirk. "You'll get your chance to drink plenty." He finished adding a knowing nod.

"Let's go!" he yelled at the troopers.

The bay doors began closing adding to an already eerie sinking feeling. The group marched on with Ezra leading the way and Kariss following the group. Gavin strode in the middle with the two ladies. The trip through the ship took awhile. There was no direct way to where Saurron was. Even if one had been on an Eclipse class Star Destroyer before they would not know there way easily. Things had been changed here. They seemed twisted in some way laced with an air of confusion. Hard to see the Darkside is, and it was ever so dark here.

"So sweetness, when are you going to get me alone in a room and kill me?" When Hera looked to flash another glare at him he held his hands up and exclaimed a fanged grin...


Jan 7th, 2003, 08:44:37 PM
Kariss looked around the ship uneasily, not liking the feeling she was getting. Her eyes flew to Gavin to see him teasing one of he females and then she looked at Ezra, smirking as she noticed how tight his shoulders were as they walked. 'Must be feeding time for him.' She thought to herself. Her eyebrow lifted at the thought of the taste of warm blood filling her mouth. She groaned, hearing the blood pumping in everyone's veins. Kariss let out a deep breath and cleared her throat quietly to calm the desire.

Kariss looked around at everyone, trying to make a decision on who to feed upon and soon. 'If I feel like this, Ez must feel ten times worse.' She thought with a fang filled grin, her eyes boaring into Ezra's back. Kariss shook her head, letting out another deep breath as she tried to focus on what was happening infront of her.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 9th, 2003, 09:16:29 AM
Damned if it didnt feel like ants crawling all over her body. The sensation seemed to be emanating from the Nasty one as he paced along beside the knot of people marching through the large open corridors of the ship.

Quick, furtive glances at her and Hera's throats confirmed Daiq's suspicions that Ezra was hungry and was hoping that they were the main course to be served and soon. It was irritating to say the least.

Daiquiri listened as Hera and Gavin continued thier verbal dance and came to the conclusion that her boss was seeing Gavin as another Haman/Xilarian type male. Not too high classed, down and dirty....just her type. She had to admit that there was a certain allure about all of them and in some twisted way even a romantic aura. As long as her boss knew what she was in for, Daiq had no objections to Hera's choice of men. And it wouldnt have mattered if she did.

Left now at this junction and right at the next corridor, Daiq commits to memory the path theyre taking, while lightly reaching out with the force, touching those around her for any information that might prove helpful in the near furture.

Jan 10th, 2003, 01:29:16 AM
The ancient bound book slapped against itself causing an echo in his chambers as its own pages met one another in a dusty climax. Saurron sat there gazing with unblinking eyes upon the cover's surface for long moments as his hands held it between them. The side of his thumb stroked the material of the front as if trying to soften the future in some way and relieve his deep thought, but to no avail. He ran his tongue around his fang. Not in the passionate way as he had done so many times before but as if trying to taste something...something to come. His gaze then met with the smooth onyx floor where he could almost see his own ice blue eyes stare back at him, but then it must have been one of the shadows playing tricks on him. He grinned slightly showing the fact that the tips of his fangs protruded into his lower lip.

The Vampyre walked from his anti chamber into the main room and awaited Gavin, his son, and the company that came with him. Saurron wanted to know more about them. Hera he knew, he had tasted her, which for a Vampyre was enough to know. Then there was the one called Lady Daiquiri. Gavin had indicated that she had been "associating with Garou" to put it nicely. The chaotic beasts that were the Garou and Lupine had only one destiny in Saurron's eyes...

The Vampyre and Garou conflict was on the horizon, or the sunset... as it were.

Jan 10th, 2003, 08:53:55 AM
The Raptor Eased its scramble for space as the display showed the shuttle bucking and shuddering. Eldorack, seating himself in the co-pilots chair spoke with amused laughter interlaced in his words.

"My goodness... cant they controll there cargo.... IT'S JUST TWO WOMEN!!" the Mercenary hollerd into a com channel he had just clicked on.

Once the shuttle eased out of its deadly coarse and leveled off, Mockadane reeled the Raptor around and broke through Correllia's upper stratosphere driving hard for the awaiting Sanguine! Docking in one of the cargo receiving area, The mercenary took the many turbolifts and hover-cars that brought him near the command deck.

The rather loud repeditive sound of the big mans steel-shod boots echoing down the last dark corridor in rhythem with his arsenal of wheapons and gear that He carried, was silenced as he stopped in front of the elite guard's outside Saurrons chamber.

"Well.... Mockadane spoke, "Is He In?"

Jan 10th, 2003, 11:12:33 PM
The Elite Coven Gaurd turned his head nonchalantly to face the bounty hunter.

"Yes. Hold here."
"He will see you. Enter."

<center><img src=http://saurron.clanpages.com/saurronsgaurd.jpg></center>

With that the doors slid open revealing a gaping arch of a doorway that led into a much darker environment lit only by natural light.

Jan 11th, 2003, 01:21:38 AM
Nodding in acknowlegment to the guard, Mockadane procedes in the room. The Master Vampire seeted calmly in the room, watched as the Mercinary walked in. The dark forboding feeling this room permiated was ever present, as Mockadane's words broke the silence.

"Everything is going as planned. A few mishapps but nothing that could not be handled." Mockadane saw no changes in the stone cold structure of Saurron's face until he spoke next. "I see a lot of your essence precides in your son."

Glancing at his wrist chronometer, "They should be arriving any minute." The big man points towards the side wall and watches Saurron's approving nod. Pressing the activation strip on his sinth cloak pressed against the wall, the Bounty Hunter steps back and draped himself within the confins of the cloak. With the nutrient frame, Mockadane appeares as an empty hole in time and space. Revealing only a bare wall to the naked and trained eye.

Jan 11th, 2003, 03:28:37 AM
Walking down the final cooridoor to the huge doors of the Master's chamber, Ezra turns his head to look back and grins as Kariss is also feeling the urge. He turns back and sees the guard who side steps to allow Gavin and the group passage.

Pushing the huge doors open, and leaving his arms stretched out to the sides and his fingers spread wide, his long coat billowing behind him. He walks towards Saurron and bows in respect.

"Master Saurron, we bring you gifts."

He motions to the doorway as Gavin and the rest settle from their long walk. Ezra stalks off to the right of the room.

Leaning against the wall a the rest make their way into the main chamber. Ezra crossed his arms and brought a leg up to plant his foot against the wall behind him and he lowered his head so only his eyes could be seen through this long hair that fell over his face.

Jan 11th, 2003, 10:07:17 PM
The group passed into the main chamber, their combined footsteps echoing loudly on the gleaming floor. Daiquiri and Hera walked in silence, flanked by Ezra and Kariss, and all led by Gavin, passed between the guards and into the darkened room.

Ezra peeled off to the right, as Saurron rose from his chair. The darkhaired vampyre gazed at them balefully from hidden eyes through tousled black locks.

Saurron looked every bit as daunting as Hera remembered, but her anger at the manner in which she and Daiquiri had been brought before him helped counter-weigh the uncertainty she felt at being in his presence once more. Her throat throbbed and she resisted the urge to press her fingers against her skin to stop it.

A sidelong glance at Gavin and back to his father reinforced the recognised similarities she’d seen between the two. But where Gavin was brash and arogant, Saurron was steely and commanding.

"I would say its nice to see you again Saurron, but I never did lie too well."

Her voice was hard and clipped.

"All this has a purpose, I take it?" (She gestured with her hand, taking in their present escorts).

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 12th, 2003, 02:32:48 AM

Hera had just skimmed over his name once in conversation but even that brief mention had been enough to let Daiquiri know that on some deep level her boss found this man quiet disturbing.

Daiquiri now knew why. There was an aura about him that spoke of strength, knowledge, power and the discipline to use it. An almost visible cloak of cold aloofness shrouded his form and she could sense Hera's uneasiness beside her.

His eyes are what caught and held her attention. Sharp and ice blue, they gave Daiq the feeling that he could see right through her. If she had been wearing a robe, she would be pulling it more closely around her to ward off his stare.

A curling of her lip told what she thought of Ezra's bow and words. 'Master Saurron, we bring you gifts'. As if she and Hera had bows tied around thier necks or tags on thier asses. The only gift Daiquiri was willing to give any of them was the blade of her lightsaber as it sliced off thier heads.

When Hera spoke, her tone was tight and sharp, one that Daiq rarely heard her use and it let Daiquiri know that the 'Faene mistress was indeed taking this aspect of thier unintentional journey most seriously.

Jan 12th, 2003, 06:21:14 PM
Walking into the room, Kariss grinned sadistically as she looked at Saurron, bowing her head in respect for this great, powerful vampyre. She took her place on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest, watching as the others come to a stop in the room. Her gaze flickers over the females and over Gavin before snaking back to Saurron to watch him intently. 'This should be interesting.' She thought to herself.

Kariss looked at Daiquiri's neck, hearing the pounding noise of pulsating blood running through her veins and Kariss closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. The one thing she never did was take blood from another female. That just wasn't her style. Kariss liked the power she could have over the men, bend them to her whim and then take what she wanted with out a second thought. Opening her eyes again, she watched with interest the exchange between Hera and Saurron.

Jan 13th, 2003, 08:08:34 PM
The hulking bounty hunter had strode into Saurron's chambers, his braud shoulders squared and true as he came down the Onyx steps to the sunken chambers main floor. Passing several free
standing sconces he made his way to Saurron himself informing the Vampyre of the past events then faded into what seemed to be nothing.

The group entered without further escort from the Coven troopers. The clacking of boots had no echo here it was as if they were drawn away into a void never to be heard again. The grand arches drew to a close with a mechanical wail finaly meeting one another shutting off the outside psuedo light of the ships hallways and coridors as Hera and Daiquiri made their way to face Saurron.

Saurron first nodded to his Vampyres Ezra and Kariss in acknowledgement for doing well. Gavin had begun passing the Dark Gift now, as was evident with them both.

Hera immediatly confronted Saurron...
"All this has a purpose, I take it?"

Saurron's eyes casusually befell the blonde beauty.

Oh...everything has its own purpose wouldn't you say?

Saurron's smooth deep voice stated plainly but with somewhat of a trite tone. He arched a single eyebrow in accompaniment with his statement. It was a statement, and not one of interogative nature...and she knew it.
She could feel exactly where the two holes had been or were. In reality they never did totally heal, and they always reminded Hera of her unspoken deal with the Dark Side Master. His ice blue eyes shifted slowly to once again stare through Daiquiri.

Everything indeed. His voice settled down as an eerie whisper on Daiquiri and Hera's ears then deepend again as he softened his gaze upon Daiquiri.

Stretching his hand beyond the ambient light of the flames into total shadow he brought forth two ebony glasses filled with what appeared to be wine.

Drinks for my guests.

A quick look around the room reveiled the other Vampyre had the same ebony glasses in their hands as well.


Jan 13th, 2003, 11:08:58 PM
Hera remained obstinately where she was, not moving an inch toward the extended "courtesy" of Saurron, the wine glasses remaining where they were. Daiquiri, likewise, remained still also. Both women expected further explanation rather than some form of Vampyre tonic as if they were all attending a tea party.

Her anger was apparent as she matched Saurron's eyes with her hardened stare.

"You and your friends may have all the time of eternity to dilly-dally around with airs and graces, Master Saurron, but we on the other hand have things to do."

A darkness clouded her whole being, and all in the room could sense the shift in her demeanor. Hera was a Master of the Darkside and she carried herself with the confidence of such. Despite his cloak of civility, Saurron had heavy-handedly brought them here and she was not want to forget it.

"I am offended at your leeches and the manner in which Lady Daiquiri and I have been brought here." She scowled at everyone in the room.

"You will explain whats going on without further delay."

Jan 14th, 2003, 03:14:56 AM
Ezra stood straight and stared hard at Hera as his eyes burned into her.

"Mind how you speak to Master Saurron, woman! "

His body tense ,hands clenched at his sides, and was about to spring forward when a simple quick turn of the Master's head told him to stop. Ezra slowly eased back to where he was standing, eyes still on Hera. It mattered not to him what they were, they could easily kill him for all he knew, but they would not disrespect the Master like that. Not in his pressence.

Ezra averted his eyes to Daiquiri, as if daring her to tempt him to action also. The master offered them a courtesy, and they slap his hand away.
( These force users need alot to learn about manners )

Ezra thought to himself.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 14th, 2003, 08:16:26 AM
"What....no croissants?"

As if out of thin air, the twin glasses of wine emerged from the shadows, offered silently to both Hera and herself. A cursory glance at the tray was followed by a shifting of Daiquiri's eyes back up to Saurron.

Riiiiiiiightttt. We're kidnapped, forcibly held against our wills then you offer us something to drink and think we'd accept? These guys must think we just fell off a speeding skiff....or that we're completely stupid.........poodoo! Now Im insulted!

Not that it mattered if the Master vampire read her thoughts but Daiq was keeping those and her emotions masked for the time being. It wouldnt do to be too open around these people.

Hera's words seemed to trigger an anger in Saurron's lackeys and from the corner of her eye, Daiquiri saw Ezra's body shift, a slight leaning forward like he was coming off the wall. Angling her body only by a few millimeters in his direction, she let him know that he would be met head on if he attempted to harm the Faene mistress, despite Saurron's warning glance.

Daiq's resolve had never been in question but at the beginning of this escapade she had been more than a little curious about thier captors. Now, like Hera, she was totally whizzed off. Enough was enough!

Yeah, you, nasty boy....youre the first one Im going to take out, given the chance. Heh, you know Im thinking it, dont you?

Her eyes locked with Ezra's and she smiled ever so sweetly.

Jan 14th, 2003, 12:55:41 PM
"What....no croissants?" Daiquiri said.

Kariss couldn't help but grin at her sarcasm. Ezra shot her a look of pure disdain and Kariss raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to do something. Ezra stared hard at her for a moment, then turned his attention back to Daiquiri. Kariss watched with interest the silent exchange between Daiquiri and Ezra. A smirk played on her lips and she had to force herself to keep from laughing out loud.

'Looks like Ez will have his hands full soon enough with that one...that is, if the Master allows it.' Kariss thought to herself. She had to admit, Daiquiri definately peeked her curiousity. She had to give respect where it was due. Both of these women were strong and powerful, but not Vampyre. Kariss was taught a long time ago that any enemy of Master Saurron's was an enemy of all Vampyre.

Kariss let out a sigh, moving quietly away from the wall to make her way to the entrance of the room to perch herself on the back of a chair, placing her elbows on her knees, ready to spring at any sign of trouble.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 22nd, 2003, 02:31:58 PM
There weren’t many times when Vega felt genuinely concerned about something. The usual thoughts that passed through his mind made a puddle look deep, and he was quite content living like this. Any problem he had could be solved by the metal cylinder hanging at his waist, or by a simple flick of his wrist. It was rare, because of this, that he ever found himself doubting the security of the situation he was in. At this moment in time, however, he was doing just that.

“Where did she say she was going?” Darius Van-Derveld, the only remaining son of the family, remarked as his father made another pass by, still pacing the same space of the carpet he had been for the last twenty minutes.

“Business,” replied Vega, eyes darting up from the fire towards his protégé with a definite glint of anger in them,

“With Hera, something to do with bounty hunters.”

The young red-head gave a self smug smile. Both he and Vega knew what bounty hunters were like – not such much in the brains department, though fairly blessed when it came to reckless aggression. It would have been quite easy for one of them to launch themselves against Hera and Daiquiri, though not so easy for them to survive the encounter. Unless, of course, they had some way of incapacitating them by nulling their Force abilities.

“I haven’t been able to sense her for a few hours now.”

The Lupine Dark Lord had finally stopped walking back and forth, and was now occupying himself by spinning a small ornament he’d plucked from the fireplace between his fingertips. Patience was not a virtue that was common amongst the Van-Dervelds, and even with attempted restraint Vega was beginning to show the anger growing from this aggravation.

Admittedly, some time ago he had received a brief mental flash of Daiquiri’s surroundings, but it hadn’t been at all clear or provided him with anything more than a vague idea of what type of structure she was in. For a good while father and son stood in silence, before Darius finally departed for his afternoon hunt, leaving Vega to his thoughts.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” he finally muttered.

Jan 23rd, 2003, 01:48:45 AM
High above Corelia the Sanguine loomed. Blocking stars light with its immense black hull. Fitting as it where the massive star ship began to move under sublight speed allowing certain stars to shine their light once again, only to block out others...

The two ladies body language said no to the drinks offered. He gazed at them both for a moment then placed the tall slim ebony glasses back into passing shadows hands.

Perhaps another time then.

The Vampyre cast his gaze toward Daiquiri with an air of inquiry as he turned back toward them. His head tilted as if listening to something faint...a beating rythem but much faster than her own. Saurron grinned as his fangs once again revealed themselves from behind his pale lips.Perfect.

If you please...[/i] He turned and walked away leading them further into the his chambers parting the shadows only to reveal a lit path. Saurron raised his hand in a gesture of ease to bring more light upon the walls and surrounding areas. Hera and Daiquiri's eyes were surely mistaken at what they saw. Ancient tapistries adorned the walls accompanied by weapons obviously involved in battles as the blood of their victims still stained them. Depictions of Lycanthropes in melee with Vampyre...the race war to end them all...or so they thought.

Jan 24th, 2003, 09:25:48 PM
Gavin reached out with his hand to grasp her elbow ever so slightly as not to alarm Hera, but enough to slow her pace allowing Daiquiri to take the lead. Her harsh yet inquisitive glance was met with a slow shaking of the head from the prodigal son. His eyes were wide and sincere, something she had not seen in him since she met him only a few hours ago. He was Saurron's son, yet the cold touch was absent...it was almost warm.

With his other hand he motioned silently for Ezra and Kariss to follow. The Bounty hunter remained unseen against the wall cloaked by his sinth cloak. Unseen to humans at any rate.

As they followed his father Gavin thought to himself..."Its a wonder Ezra and Kariss didn't feed on his hiding bounty hunter <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>."


Jan 25th, 2003, 01:46:56 PM
Peering from the dark into the now illuminated inner room, Hera had all her attention on the tapestries displayed imposingly upon the walls. She hadn't noticed Gavin move up beside her.

His touch on her arm startled her, but his look made her pause. Her brow creased in confusion .....and suspicion. Gavin's hand was unexpectedly warm, the gesture only cautionary and non-threatening.

Obviously, Saurron had a point to his art tour - Daiq being the main beneficiary.

She shrugged off Gavin's touch roughly, more than was warrented, and she felt a slight reproach at herself for doing so. He let his hand drop simply to his side and Hera returned to her dark brooding. She watched each of the vampyres like a hawk, as Ezra and Kariss filed in. Her thoughts turned toward Daiquiri and what this could all mean.

Jan 26th, 2003, 12:16:52 AM
Walking up and behind the pack, Ezra stopped and turned his head to face the hidden Bounty Hunter and smiled.

"Nice disguise, too bad that cloak didnt mask your scent"

He tapped his nose to emphasize his meaning, then laughed

"Lets just hope Kariss didnt smell you out, and that she isnt very hungry"

He chuckled and stalked off to follow Gavin and the two force users as Kariss began walking over.

He entered the room and glanced at the tapestries he'd seen before. They spoke of an ancient war that was waged for centuries. He watched with interest as the group was brought here. Also the way Gavin had held Hera back to let Daiquiri ahead of them. Whatever the reason it was what the master wanted.
He watched Daiquiri closely. This force user is the first to pique his interest as well as push his buttons.
He remembered her smile and intent gaze in the main chamber. Something of a challenge that he may take her on later, if permitted. Walking to a spot a little distant from the group, he leaned against the wall and watched silently.

Jan 26th, 2003, 02:11:16 AM
Somethings in the universe, Mockadane umong them, never changed. To find humor amidst all this chaos was, to say the least, insane!

Saurrons deciple that leaned against the wall, not far from Mock, was semi-locked in the big man's gaze. The mercinary noticed the nostril flares with the cocked head as he tried to figure out his surroundings... the illusive part of this puzzle. The unseen facial expressions Mockadane made at this person intermingled with the finger geasture were masked by his cloak. That was all broken by Saurrons beccon and it appeared the vampire had given up on his for-thoughts untill he spoke.

The big man in one last geature activated both his gauntlets...

The male that fell inline beside the female at the rear of the pack as the entered the doorway glared at each other in an unrecognizable look.... (The male felt a thwat on the back of his head , as the female felt a gripping motion on her buttox!)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jan 26th, 2003, 11:34:12 AM
Daiquiri may be blonde but she wasnt stupid. Things were becoming clearer by the second and it was setting her teeth on edge. You sonofabit.......... No. Calm yourself, girl. You wont be helping anyone if you lose control now. Be smart.....Vega can handle himself.........calm.......caaalllmmmm......

Daiq walks forward, pausing before each depiction and studies them at length. Not that she really thought there would be but her eyes were hoping to find some small clue or hint of family resemblance. Here and there a tapestry showed a Lupine besting a vampire but overall the general theme was the painful and visceral demise of the wolves.

Keeping her expression as bland as a bowl of porridge, Daiquiri ends her perusal and turns slowly to face Saurron.

"You simply must give me the name of your decorator."

The razor sharp edge of her sarcasm would have drawn blood had the old vamp been standing any closer. Too bad he wasnt.

Jan 28th, 2003, 11:43:12 AM
Kariss felt a slight touch to her backside and before the hand could move away, she whirled around, fangs bared as she grabbed at the invisible arm. She may not have seen him, but she could not miss the stench of a bounty hunter. Kariss had known he was there and as thirsty as she was for blood, this human would not quench it.

Kariss let out a low growl, sniffing the air one more time before grimacing and then tightened her hold on the bounty hunter's arm until she could hear the crunch of bone and the howl of pain. Laughing, she pushed the invisible human against the wall for a moment, looking back at the doors they just came through. With a smirk, she slid the bounty hunter up the wall until his feet where dangling off the ground and then tossed him to the side, smiling when she saw the doors burst open and a loud 'thump' filled the room.

Jan 28th, 2003, 11:12:13 PM
Ezra turned to face the rukuss made by Kariss and chuckled. That bounty hunter should know better than to get a vampyre miffed.
He then averted his eyes to Daiquiri. As she stood facing one of the depictions on the wall and made a snide remark.

He narrowed his eyes yet kept silent for he didnt want to anger the boss. He took a deep sigh and took a glance at Gavin and Hera, they seem to be a little cozy even though she plays it off well. then again, he could be wrong.

He stayed where he was and just took everything in. especially the boss. The way he was leading Daiquiri forward and what message he was trying to get across. Ezra scrunched his eyebrows together in thought about it. He even didnt know what was going on, and he didnt really like that. All the secrecy and hush hush about this. But he was Saurron's soldier....and he would do as commanded. and right now that was to stay focused and silent.

Jan 29th, 2003, 01:38:04 AM
Mockadane left the tenuious tugging tractor implace untill the female, with a blinding speed turn, grasped at it firmly with one hand. Her flaring red eyes let the big man know that her hunger had overwhealmed her grasp on reality. As her grasp evertightened, The Mercinary stopped the tractor's workings, giving the effects of her hand closing tighter. The blood pumping in her vampirec ears distorted Mockadanes sarcastic squall into one of real pain.

From his possition against the wall, where he had not moved from was obscurred by any further events as the doors into the anti-chamber slid shut. Deactivating the cloaks masking abilities Mockadane remained a sole figure in the main chambers for a bit... With a waving motion, the big man becconed at the shadow's and watched as two goblets of Saurrons finest wine floated near him. Downing the first one with a gulp..." No since in letting this go to waist...." The robust flavor of the second glass came in smaller sips, yet never the less it was soon consumed, as Mockadane studdied the contents of this room with a somewhat passing interest.

Jan 31st, 2003, 03:17:21 PM
Ezra's eyes shifted from following Saurron and Daiquiri to roam casually about the room. Smooth brown eyes took in each player, momentarily finding a grin for Kariss for her dealing with Mockadane and his antics. As he then looked to Hera, he was surprised to see her intense blue eyes staring directly at him.

Her glance was mocking as she had read clearly in his face that Ezra hadn't a clue as to were this was all leading. It revealed plainly his place in the pecking order and a twisted smirk let him know she found it amusing.

She had seen too, his interest in Daiquiri..and somehow that one cruel grin conveyed all this to him.

The smile lingered even with the closing of the anti-chamber doors. Hera turned slightly, picking up now on another presence in the outside room. So, gauntlet boy was back..

Patience was not a virtue Hera possessed. Neither was diplomacy, and even though Gavin had encouraged her to stay back...it wasnt really in her nature to do so.

She stepped forward, passing behind Daiquiri whom she could sense was bristling beneath her flippant and unconcerned exterior. She looked closely at the details in the tapestries. Noticing bloodstains on the woven fabric. Well, isn't that a nice touch.

Her tone was dismissive and belittling when she finally spoke.

"So, you had a war, you fought some dogs. Geez Saurron, these tapestries are almost as old as you."

She turned and looked once more at the Master Vampyre and her friend Daiquiri beside him.

"This has nothing to do with us."

Feb 2nd, 2003, 04:53:25 PM
Saurron himself stood for long moments staring at the ancient hangings intently. His broad back faced Hera and Daiquiri as they too looked upon the picturesque scenes that adorned every tapestry. Hera had been spite full at every turn not fully understanding her place in the order of things. Saurron knew...he knew with the gift of insight, bestowed upon him from the Dark Side itself, that she would play a part in this final conflict. He turned briskly with eyes glowing in hatred. The calm of ice blue had become burning white that shed fear to the darkest shadow.

He moved without moving...graceful and slow to the minds eye yet quick as a blink. Coming to stand in front of Daiquiri his single nail rested on her stomach then drug across her clothing fabric tearing it with a scratching sound from side to side that echoed within the chambers of Saurron. His finger finished its travel then accompanied the rest in a clenched hand yet not totally closed.

Hera's neck and abdomen ached with intensifying pain that caused her to almost double over as the Vampyre held his hand up a little higher. Saurron's eyes turned slowly from Daiquiri's eyes of fear mixed with anger to the pained eyes of Hera.

You are mistaken...this has much to do with both of you.

The scars Saurron had left upon her bled lightly

Hera you will accompany my son in the retrieval of the Lycanthrope Vega Van Derveld. That will be your payment to me. If I am satisfied... then...and only then will I release the Blood Call that rests on your soul.

His hand relaxed releasing her from intense pain that had only begun to rack her body as he then turned his attention to Daiquiri once again while reaching to the wall.

The Lady Daiquiri and I have things to discuss.

The blood stained blade of just one of the fabled lycanthrope killing swords now reflected brightly in her glossy eyes as Gavin once again reached for Hera's arm...

edit: scares to scars :)

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 3rd, 2003, 08:08:04 PM
What held her in place was the fact that Saurron knew there was a life growing inside her belly. Outside of Vega, Daiquiri hadnt told anyone yet, not even Hera....and the fact that her best friend hadnt picked up on the embryo's lifeforce spoke volumes to her. Saurron was not simply your average run-of -the mill Dark Master. He was more.

A thin layer of sweat had formed on Hera's upper lip, which she quickly wiped off with the back one hand, her luminescent blue eyes boiling with unspent rage as she slowly straightened back up.

"Dont you have a doggie whistle to use? Call him or go get him yourself, Saurron. The four-legged isnt my type."

Gavin's fingers gently closed around Hera's elbow, pulling her slowly backwards from the room. Leaning his lips close to her ear, he whispers softly," Dont risk your friend's life by angering him further. Come."

Father and son exchanged the briefest of looks before Saurron dismissed Hera by turning his back on her and gesturing Daiquiri ahead of him as the midnight black shadows parted at his command once again.

Without turning, Daiq calls back to Hera, her voice calm and steady.

"Tell Vega that Katina and I are fine. He'll understand."

Feb 3rd, 2003, 10:21:35 PM
Ezra was still leaning against the wall as all this transpired. His arms crossed and his head tilted a little. Then as Master Saurron revealed his intentions His eyes widened a tad bit, then he watched as Hera was lead back by Gavin and Daiquiri was lead forward by the Master.

"Tell Vega that Katina and I are fine. He'll understand."

With that he knew right away, and stood straight from his leaning and watched her enter another chamber. Then his eyes drifted over towards the others.....Hera caught his gaze and he quickly masked his emotions. She had read him like a book earlier and he was very uncomfortable by that. He nodded to Gavin and stalked out the door to the Main chamber.

In the Main Hall, He stood waiting for the others. Looking at the floor, putting things together in his head. Fully understanding.

Feb 3rd, 2003, 11:41:00 PM
"This is bull <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>!"

Hera's rage at her summary dismissal and the fact that Saurron intended to keep Daiquiri in his sunless lair exploded in a violent expression of anger.

The two crystal chailises that Mockadane had just emptied, shattered where they sat, as chairs and furnishings of the main chamber were tossed wildly by her hand.

She rounded on Gavin getting right up in his face "Its bull <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>!"

Hera would gladly deliver any lycanthrope to Saurron and his cronies to be rid of his "Blood Call". She felt no loyalty to them other than the bond of the darkside which was tenuous at best and only held when self-preservation was required.

Even Vega - Hera had no qualms in the Vampyres getting their clutches into him in exchange for Daiq's well being - though her friend would not thank her for it.

And what the frell was this now...a child?

The look of a secret shared between Daiq and Saurron had confused Hera until Daiquiri's last words before the Chamber doors clanged shut.

Reaching up to her neck she touched the newly opened scars, inadvertently smearing the blood onto her throat and hand. The pain Saurron had just inflicted still as fresh as the crimson smudge.

She glared at Gavin, at Ezra. Her chest heaving as her anger swelled with no outlet. The vein in her temple throbbed visibly in her agitation.

"I am not leaving without Daiquiri." she ground out between clenched teeth.

"Go get Vega yourself."

Feb 7th, 2003, 07:48:12 PM
Kariss watched with wide eyes at the explosion from Hera. She, as well as Ezra, finally knew the extent of everything. Clenching her teeth, Kariss stepped infront of Hera, placing her hands at her side in an unthreatening gesture. She waited for Hera to look at her and when she did, Kariss involuntarily flinched at the hatred she saw in her eyes.

Daiquiri was lucky to have the strength of her friend on her side. The only loyalty she ever knew was that of Ezra, their friendship going back many hundreds of years. Kariss looked at Daiquiri for a moment, then turned back around to look at Hera. Risking the wrath of both Saurron and Gavin, Kariss spoke, her soft voice raising above everything else in the room.

"Hera, go on your mission. No harm will come to your friend Daiquiri. I swear that on my 'life'. I will watch over her and protect her while she is here. " Kariss glanced over at Daiquiri and smirked. "Not that she couldn't protect herself. But I will keep others away from her and her child. You may consider me a monster, Hera, but I am not monster enough to let anyone harm a woman with child."

Feb 9th, 2003, 12:51:03 PM
Gavin's hand hooked Hera's arm spinning her 180 degrees to face him immediately after Kariss's pledge to her. Kariss could only see her back at this point.

Gavin pointed violently towards the floor with every verse as he yelled back in her face like she did his. They were once again nose to nose,eye to eye, and everything else seemed to blacken around them.

"Listen to me! Right here...right now!!! For once in your life stop acting like a bad <smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont> or some kind of killer that can't be killed. You have no frelling idea what is going on here do you?!?!?! You have to walk out that frelling door and do what he says. That much is your DAMN fault and you know it!!!" His finger made contact with her chest, much like her own did his in the deli far below on Corellia. This was not a pithy comeback or some trite bickering. this conversation was of life and death.

Gavin stared at her searching her eyes back and forth for some sort of response, his jaws clinching in frustration and anger.

The smoke and flame had gone unnoticed by all in the room as Hera and Gavin squared off verbally. The tossed furniture had capsized one of the free standing sconces igniting the long dark hangings that adorned one of the pillars. The flames reached upwards as if having an agenda of their own, one to destroy their own surroundings as fire does so well. This would however not happen. As much as Saurron loved natural light as opposed to the manufactured alternative this room was his chambers and protected very well from all things that would destroy him...especially fire.

Hera and the others were surrounded by the gas that was jettisoned down on them from the un seeable ceiling high above. It hit the floor all at once refracting back into the air flooding the room and killing the flames choking their life...as well as Hera's. The sudden rush of oxygen extinguishing gas caught her off guard causing her knees to give way to her bodies weight. Being a master in the Force she surely could have feigned this situation had she had an inkling of time or not had her attention solely on Gavin as he laid it all down for her.

Gavin grabbed her, stopping her from collapsing to the cold obsidian surface in a heap, and carried her to the now opening arch way where the two coven gaurd where standing. Her blonde hair contrasted with the hallways floor as he laid her down to regain her breath. As she opened her eyes Gavin lightly spoke moving his head back and forth slowly.

"That temper is gonna get the best of you one of these days woman."

Feb 9th, 2003, 09:08:33 PM
Seeing the flames spring to life, Ezra knew what would come next... the Oxygen killing gas. He just didnt realize how fast. It was a split second he had to act unbelievably fast. He reached over and grabbed Kariss by the jacket and tossed her to the entrance. She landed feet first and rolled to a stop near Gavin and Hera.

He then leapt through the air with such swiftness. He nudged the Master into the rear chamber with one hand and the other he picked Daiquiri up and carried her into the chamber. placing her down, he slammed the doors shut and turned to stare into Saurron's eyes looking back at him.

He quickly slid to a kneeling position with this head down, looking at the floor.

"Forgive me Master....a tapestry caught fire and the extinguishing gas filled the chamber as you turned to leave.....I meant no disrespect."

He could feel both sets of eyes on him ,yet couldnt distinguish if they bore into him or they held understanding at what happened

Feb 9th, 2003, 10:40:54 PM
As Gavin's face came back into focus, Hera blinked her eyes in order to clear the sting from the chemical that had engulfed them all in the main chamber.

She still felt in a state of shock. Gavin had been yelling at her. Really yelling. She had feared he might pop a blood vessel..but she wasn't sure he had them..

It wasn't enough that Kariss's little speech had been completely unexpected and took her off guard. Hera had glimpsed the shred of humanity that still clung to Kariss - or Kariss to it - and the sincerity of her earnest pledge to protect Daiquiri and the child. But as earnest as she was, Kariss would not be able to cross Saurron and succeed in any way. She was a minion, and would surely find a bitter punishment for even voicing such disloyalty...shred of humanity or not.

Still, Hera would remember her compassion, even though she didnt understand it. Daiq was technically Kariss's enemy. Were Hera in the underling Vampyres place, child or not, Daiq would not get any sympathy from her. The distasteful thought that Kariss was perhaps more human than herself seeped through Hera's mind.

She looked up and Gavin was still shaking his head at her: "That temper is gonna get the best of you one of these days woman."

She pulled up on his shoulders, using him to help herself up, and he helped to lift her.

"I could say the same for you.." she found her feet, ."..But, I didn't know you could string so many words together and still make sense.."

And he had made sense, she was loath to admit. They were in this predicament mainly because of her. Because of Saurron, but still mainly her. Hera knew she owed the Vampyre Master, but had not counted on someone she held very dear being a part of that price. It was her fault Daiq was now in trouble. And Gavin had nailed it exactly.

She expelled a deep breath, resigned to the fact that she really had no choice.

Ezra was in the room with Daiq and Saurron, the doors closed tight. Hera locked her gaze with Kariss. The vampyre may not be able to control Saurron, but it was obvious she held sway with Ezra.

Whether Kariss came with them or stayed, Hera felt certain Ezra would not go against her wishes. Her blue eyes were coldly frank, but something of a trust passed unspoken between the two women.

"Make sure your friend keeps his distance. I will will hold you to your pledge."

She turned back to Gavin, only now remembering to let go of his arm. He was grinning and to hide the shade of embarressment that was creeping into her cheeks she spoke roughly.

"Fine, we'll go get Vega." She glanced around, taking in Mockadane leaning against the wall. She wasnt sure who else would be going on this 'mission' but decided she was done being told what to do for a while.

"We'll go" she repeated, "But, we're going in my ship."

Speaking now into her wrist-com she hailed Remkah and told him to bring the "Paylode" to dock with the "Sanguine"

Feb 9th, 2003, 11:35:19 PM
Gavin grinned to himself as she gathered herself. She was strong and beautiful not bad for a human he thought. Then he looked at her like she was crazy as she called to her ship. Tapping his nail on her wrist comm he kinda laughed.

"You actually think this pos is going to make a transmission out of here?"

He reached one hand to his other wrist and slid his sleeve up revealing a comm of his own only with a key board with small touch keys adorned with silver Vampyre glyphs. His fingers moved abnormaly fast clicking the keys.


"There we go. What would you do with out me? Nevermind don't answer that." He smirked. "Come on lets go they will allow your ship into the forward main hangar bay. Even by lift it will take a while to get there."

Feb 10th, 2003, 10:16:39 PM
The "Paylode" began to advance on the "Sanguine" after receiving the transmission from Hera, forwarded via Gavins comm.

Ascending up into the receiving dock of the massive ship, the droid looked questioningly at Remkah, his lit viewports having a marked sense of bewilderment emanating from them as to why they were coming to the Vamp ship.

Remkah shrugged in reply, as he reversed thrusters to make for a level docking. "The heck if I know.."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 12th, 2003, 11:44:10 PM
If there was one thing she didnt want, it was to be indebted to one of these people. Unfortunately, Ezra had taken that matter into his own hands by carting her off to safety. To show her gratitude, Daiquiri bestowed her best scowl on him as Ezra quickly dropped to one knee.

Saurron had turned and was now gazing down at his disciple. Had Daiquiri a clue to where she was, turning tail and running might have been an option. Except for the faint outlines of their forms, Daiq couldnt see squat. There would come a time for action but this wasnt it. Until that moment came, she would continue doing as she had done....watch, listen and learn.

The silence stretched uncomfortably for her and by this time Daiquiri had certain needs that required immediate attention for a pregnant female.

"Do something.....kick him, beat him, pat him on the head, I dont care which, but please, point the ladies room out to me first."

Feb 13th, 2003, 10:39:59 AM
Kariss softly chuckled at Daiquiri's words and laughed even more when she saw Ezra's head snap up to glare at her. Kariss took a few steps towards Daiquiri, blocking Ezra's view of her.

"I will show you." Kariss spoke quietly. Daiquiri stared at her for a moment. Her gaze swung to Saurron and he spared a look to her, nodding his head slowly. Ezra stood back to his full heigth and Kariss threw him a smirk as she walked past him with Daiquiri at her side.

Alone in the hallway, Kariss pointed the facilities out that Daiquiri needed. Daiquiri was stopped by a soft touch on her arm. She turned back around to look at Kariss.

"I meant what I said back there, Daiquiri. While you are here, no one will touch you." Daiquiri stared at her for a moment longer, then without a word, turned and hurried into the room off to the side.

Feb 13th, 2003, 08:27:18 PM
It had been long enough, which was not very long at all, before two of Saurron's elite guard showed. Coven troopers ten in all swept down the hall. They surrounded the door on both sides. Two probe droids hummed in mid air standing by. The ranking Dark Guard touched his wrist com with his gloved hand and one of the droids flew down the now open ventilation shaft with remarkable speed. With blasters drawn five of the troopers stormed the room with Saurron's guard close behind who were in turn followed by one of the probe droids hovering just over their shoulders.

A low mechanical voice came from the guards helmet.
Master Saurron awaits you Lady Daiquiri.
http://panic.hopto.org/swf/saurron/probedroid.jpg http://panic.hopto.org/swf/saurron/saurronsgaurd.jpg

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 15th, 2003, 12:36:10 AM
The first clue that she was begining to lose her edge was when she found herself quite content to sit on the white porcelan and the second was when her head jerked up at almost having fell asleep where she sat. The day had been too long and she could feel herself tiring with the slowly passing minutes.

Leaning over the sink, Daiquiri splashed water on her face, letting the long days dirt and grime sluice down the drain.

I would kill for a shower about now.........and maim for a bath.........yeah, maim....good word.

Scrubbing her face with the palms of her hands, she takes several mouthfuls of water, swishing the liquid in her mouth before spitting it out, then drinking deeply from her cupped hands as the water bubbles over her fingers.

Picking up a soft, thick towel, Daiq dabs the moisture from her face and begins drying her hands as the bathroom door bangs open, a horde of dark-clad troopers rushing in with blasters drawn and leveled in her direction.

All of this for little ol' me? Im flattered!

"An attendant would have been nice but really...this is too much. Here my good man, you may keep this."

Taking a step towards the weapons-bristling squad, she lightly slings the towel over the arm of the trooper who had spoken then
walks into the midst of them.

"Take me to your leader."

Feb 15th, 2003, 12:55:09 AM
Standing beside the turbolift, waiting for the doors to open and take her to a place she really did not want to be, the Sith smuggler looked back to the tightly shut doors of Saurron's inner chamber.

Hera wondered at how she had gotten to this point. Saurron held a charm, a seduction about him that had changed from being dangerous in an exciting kind of way, to dangerous in a deadly kind of way. And the change had come even before the Vampyre Master had held Daiquiri as a trading peice, even before the voice that would sometimes come to Hera in the dark hours. The change had come the moment she yeilded to his lure and felt the peirce of his fangs in her flesh. Yet she hadn't recognised it at the time.

She looked at Gavin. The same seduction was in his eyes, yet there was another element there that Hera couldnt identify. Gavin still held that smug grin, but Hera realised just in the short time here on the Eclipse that the he was much more than he appeared. He came off as the untouchable, favoured one, but she had glimpsed a deeper side of him. Not that it mattered. He was as much a pawn in the grand scheme of things as she and Daiquiri were. Saurron bid, and they obeyed.

"Well, looks like its you and me" she remarked, still with a hint of challenge in her voice, "unless we're bringing the big guy with us as chaperone."

Feb 15th, 2003, 01:02:51 AM
Rising from the floor where he knelt, Ezra slightly bows to his master. Then with his permission , turns and leaves. As he passes Kariss in the coridoor, he pauses and touches her face.

"Kariss, watch yourself.....I know you've angered master Saurron with your pledge to Daiquiri... don't anger him further."

As she smirks at him, he nods back at her.

"I have to hurry, or Gavin will leave me behind."

He nods to Daiquiri as she's brought in. Then hurries off to catch up with Gavin and Hera taking a shorter route to the hanger bay.

Feb 16th, 2003, 06:04:33 PM
The thumping of Mockadane's boots, kept a rythmaticly timed resonated sound, a few paces behind Gavin and Hera. The conversation that carried on between the two, made the Mercenary frown more than once. As Hera made mention of Mockadane as a chaperone, He had to interject his thoughts...

"I'm sorry, but I have seen your ship..." (He slightly laughs a little through his nose!) "And I'm wondering how that thing has passed the inspections to keep it flying... let alone, will it make it through a battle?"

Mockadane matched Hera's stare with an innocent smile.

Feb 19th, 2003, 12:33:09 AM
The turbo lift doors opened and the 3 of them stepped inside. Hera gave Mockadane a 'look'. So this was how it was gonna be.

"Do I sense a little 'ship envy' there big guy?"

The doors closed and the lift carried them swiftly and silently upward. Like everything aboard the Sanguine it was done with sleek precision. The lights from the passing levels almost bluring from the speed of their passage.

In the close confines of the elevator the three stood a little uncomfortably together. It got quiet, for some unfathomable reason that always seems to happen in lifts. Seems your thoughts shut right down and conversation stops. Inwardly, Hera put it down to some imbalance in gravitational pull on the brain. It was a quandry she always considered while riding in lifts. As if to reinforce her theory, she glanced at the two men beside her. Yep..definately a brain thing..

The three sets of eyes looked up down around, everywhere but at each other, until finally, thankfully, the doors opened once more and they exited into the main hangar where the Paylode was docked and Remkah was waiting.

Ezra was already approaching from the other side of the hangar to join up with them.

"You do realise" Hera spoke to Mockadane, "that if you intend to keep that creature on your back, you'll be travelling with it in the hold."

Feb 19th, 2003, 10:19:59 PM
You could hear the back of Gavin's hand make contact with Mockadane's huge biceps.

"Really, I mean what the frell... are you gonna marry that thing or what?" Gavin laughed as he began to step on board the loading ramp then caught himself and allowed Hera to go first. Meeting eyes with Remkah he pointed both index fingers at him with his thumbs straight in the air in gunfighter fashion and proceeded to look him up and down as he passed by...

"Nice threads there killer. Hey Mock doesn't Corellia have a fashion security outpost or something? Pfft."

Gavin caught Ezra coming up as he walked upward with Mockadane. "Where the hell have you been?" Then with a knowing glance having just read his mind at least enough to get the jist of things. He caught glimpses of Ezra and Daiquiri together in Ezra's mind. "You better watch that!" Shaking his finger at him. "They say women were spawned from the darkside you know."

Then as if to totally contradict himself he caught up with the blonde beauty. She had a stride about her so confident, so sleek, she would make one hell of a Vampyre he thought, but then why risk ruining a good thing she was perfect the way she was.

"So..." looking around the ship as he entered at the same time she did then turning to her to look her in the eyes..." this could be our first date." Gavin had that smug grin on his face as usual with one eyebrow arched.


Feb 19th, 2003, 10:40:55 PM
Remkah was slouching against the hull of the ship as the trio made their way up the ramp, his cool gaze a contrast to Gavin's lively greeting.

He was a bit confused as to the taking on of these passengers, and Hera could see his unvoiced question. She answered him as she boarded, walking past him behind Gavin.

"She's staying here. These goons are coming with us instead."

This news was startling, and the smuggler looked back to the empty turbolift as if expecting Daiquiri to be there and only straggling behind the others.

Mockadane was the next to board, Ezra the last.

Remkah took a cigarette from the packet in his inner jacket pocket, and with one more look back toward the turbolift, he too boarded the "Paylode" lighting his smoke as he went.

"<smallfont color={hovercolor}>-Censored-</smallfont>"

Feb 19th, 2003, 10:44:25 PM
Walking up behind the group, Ezra nods to Hera and smirks at Mockadane. He stands waiting for the group to board the rampway, and asks the bounty hunter.

"How's the arm?"

He laughs and pats the bounty hunter to let him know he was joking around, then begins to walk up behind Gavin who turns to see him and stops him with a irritated look on his face.

"Where the hell have you been?"

Ezra is about to answer when Gavin has the look that he already knows....and a little more than Ezra was comfortable with.

"You better watch that!" ......."They say women were spawned from the darkside you know."

As Gavin stops shaking his finger at him and turns to go up the ramp, Ezra mutters.

"Maybe SOME women, but not all."

Walking up Ezra sees what looks to be the Captain of the ship.

"Hey, how's it going."

Walking into the ship looking around....

"Nice ship you got here, I like your taste."

The takes a seat and gets comfy. His mind going back to the two he left behind with the master. Then pushes those thoughts back as he feels eyes on him without looking up. Going into his quiet reserved self again.

Feb 19th, 2003, 11:08:54 PM
Saurron's gaurd tilted his helmet in response. His arm snapped straight causing the towel to jump up into the palm of his dark gloved hand then with a few twists of the wrist it wrapped around his knuckles. For a moment Daiquiri thought he was going to hit her in the face with it until it fell to the floor being released from the gaurds grasp. These were the best of the best here. Light sabers were nothing to be trifled, with and both of Saurron's Gaurd wore them Daiquiri noticed. They allowed her to pass them then followed in after the five troopers filed in behind her.

The corridors were not of the usual capital ship. They were dark and foreboding the usual lights along the walls did not exist here. Arriving once again at the huge arched door way she was led in to where Saurron was waiting....waiting to tell her of things past...things that would make her think of the future. The enlarged arch slid open shedding only darkness, and flames light to her eyes. As they adjusted, Daiquiri beheld Saurron standing there hands foled inside his sleeves.

Welcome. Saurron said it as if it was her first time inside his chambers.

I know that you and the Sith Master Hera would like to think of yourself as chaotic and evil. Bowing down to no ones wishes. Shadowfaene reigns. His tone took a slight turn...

That with which you align yourself in life long partnership is the Darksides mistake, trust me when I say that Lycanthropes only know unsettling chaos that unwinds the very fabric of evil. They know not of who they are and their own wants and needs...dogs to the fullest yet...they are not mans nor any other creatures friend.

Saurron paused to let her soak in what he said then continued.

The Lycanthropes gathered all those years ago growing in numbers and strength...secretly. Saurron looked to her as if betrayed by life itself.. [i] Smelling what was not natural and undead they hunted us to no end. The war ensued. Don't you see Lady Daiquiri they are detrimental to the Darkside? Do you serve the Darkside or do you try to make it serve you my lady? The telling hour is here for you and your young one for there are those who are still of the old ways.

Saurron's eyes narrowed as they met Daiquiri's. It was becoming even more clear to her now with every passing moment. It was not Vega...it was his elders. The Lycanthrope assassins of old.


Feb 20th, 2003, 12:30:51 AM
Kariss tried to follow Daiquiri, but the tall black guards blocked her way into the room. She glared at them, then went to pace the length of the corridor, waiting impatiently for Daiquiri to emerge.

Kariss' thoughts went to those of Ezra and the looks of interest he gave Daiquiri. If she didn't know better, she thought he was interested in her. That raised her eyebrows. She stopped pacing long enough to think about that for a moment, feeling her own growing need for a companion in her ever lasting but lonely world. Letting out a sigh, Kariss turned back to the guards, taking a place against the wall with one booted foot propped up and her arms crossed over her chest, glaring at the guards with a smirk on her face. She kept her senses open and in tune with Daiquiri's where abouts.

'If anything happens to her in that room, those guards don't stand a chance.' Kariss thought to herself.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Feb 20th, 2003, 10:23:22 PM
The Lycanthropes gathered all those years ago growing in numbers and strength...secretly.

Saurron had looked at her then, his expression a cross between sadness and brooding.

Smelling what was not natural and undead they hunted us to no end. The war ensued. Don't you see, Lady Daiquiri they are detrimental to the Darkside? Do you serve the Darkside or do you try to make it serve you my lady? The telling hour is here for you and your young one for there are those who are still of the old ways.

Was Saurron looking for an ethinic cleansing of the Lupines? Or was it revenge he sought? Or both?

Daiquiri didnt have a clue as to the Master vampire's age, so perhaps he was speaking of an age past....yet he had said 'who still are. Vega had only spoken of vampires once or twice since they had become a couple and then she'd had to prod him to talk about it. He didnt go out looking for vampires, so it couldnt be Vega that Saurron referred to.

The only Lupine 'elder' that Daiquiri knew of was Vega's father, Diego. On the rare occasions that his name was mentioned, Vega almost spat in distaste upon hearing it. No love was lost there. Though she tried, Daiq couldnt recall her lover speaking of other 'elders' in his family, aside from his mother, whom he had lost all track of.

One element she did know was that Diego Van Derveld hated the Force and all that used it, including his son. Could that be what Saurron meant in 'detrimental to the Darkside'? Or was it a veiled warning that given the opportunity, Diego would try to kill her and her unborn baby?

That with which you align yourself in life long partnership is the Darksides' mistake, trust me when I say that Lycanthropes only know unsettling chaos that unwinds the very fabric of evil. They know not of who they are and their own wants and needs...dogs to the fullest yet...they are not mans nor any other creatures friend.

After moving into the castle Volfstadt with Vega, he had regaled her with stories of his and his son, Darius's exploits of madness and terror against the town and village people. She herself had witnessed Vega single-handedly killing every adult in the village, in retribution for their accousting his daughter, Morrigan. It was true that almost every peaceful moment at their home was broken by something one of the three of them had done. 'Chaos'
in this instance, was a fitting term.

Could Saurron be telling her that Lycanthropes share a tendency to self-destruct and if not careful, she and the child would be swallowed up as well? Daiquiri's mind swam as she mulled over and over again the Dark One's words.

Slowly, the replay in her head was begining to focus and she lifted her blue gaze to his.

"If it's not Vega youre after, then why have him brought here? I cant imagine him joining forces with you to wipe out his kind."

Feb 21st, 2003, 04:14:24 PM
She heard the others boarding behind her, Ezra taking a seat and making himself at home, Remkah taking his own seat and beginning the flight sequence. The Captain nodded to the Vampyre, his way of acknowledging the comment on his ship.

Hera thought about Gavin's remarks and matched his grin with her own. He was handsome in the arrogant way that was always so attractive. And she felt that smug smile growing on her.

"You ever hear that old gypsy curse - 'May you get what you want'....?"

She let him chew on that thought a moment as she instructed the droid to take Mockadane's nutrient pack and put it in the cargo hold. She must be getting used to the nulling effect of the yslarimi she thought, as she didnt feel so overwhelmingly nauseas as she had before on Corellia. Still, the thing was gonna be stored as far away from her as possible. With any luck, it might accidentally get shot out the garbage shoot somewhere in deep space. The thought brought a pleased smile to her lips.

The droid twittered about the huge Bounty Hunter afraid to obey, but even more afraid not to, and reached up to ease the straps off Mockadanes great shoulders.

"Remkah, set a course for SFF mobile station in the outer rim. And then get in contact with Vega, requesting him to meet us there. Code it urgent. And code it "Daiquiri."

ShadowFaene mobile station was Hera's original base of operations prior to setting up land-ops on the planet Enton. Her new base was secret location and guarded jealously. Only the Nemoidians of the Trade Federation, who helped her obtain it in the first place, knew the general area of the location. Her business contacts were made through a SFF owned bar on the planet close by the new set up.

Hera retained the space station as a satellite op and a constantly moving base that was hard to pin down. It was here they would meet Vega and set out the situation for him. And here that he would be told that he was going to visit Saurron.

As the "Paylode" turned 180 degree and departed the massive docking bay of the "Sanguine," Remkah looked once more at the retreating hangar, and his jawline tightened. Leaving Daiquiri behind did not sit will with him at all.

Hera noticed his look, but refused to do the same. Daiq would not come to harm, she felt certain. Saurron's beef was with the Lycanthropes, not her friend, and Daiquiri held her value as a bargaining chip only as long as she was kept safe and unharmed.
The fact the Kariss was there with her, afforded Hera some small comfort also. She didn't understand it, but the female Vampyre had taken a care for Daiquiri, and Hera felt the woman would be good to her word. What little that could help, that is.

Leaning to her Captain, she whispered softly for his hearing only, "Our turn will come..'

As the Skipray Blastboat banked and then forward thrusted away from the dark mass of the Eclipse, Remkah engaged the hyperdrive and they disappeared in a flurry of streaking stars.

"So, Gavin" she plonked herself down into a deep leather chair opposite him, and lifted her long legs to rest across his lap, "Why dont you fill us all in on this "Hatfield & McCoy" feud thing you Vamps have going with the Lupine?"

Mar 4th, 2003, 07:48:51 PM
Gavin rolled his eyes as Hera whispered to Remkah. A Skipray Blastboat had a big name but was hardly a large ship. Gavin could hear her quite well. Her legs plopped across his lap. Not a bad thing really, she had very shapely legs. They probably looked better out of those pants he thought.

She wanted to talk about such things. It was old news as far as Gavin was concerned and he didn't really care to discuss it.

"Tell you what bebe..."

His lighting fast movement caught her off guard, and before she knew it his hands slid between her rear and the soft leather seat she sat in. In one smooth, fluid motion he hoisted her into his lap. Now she herself sat on him not just her legs.

"...you sit right here, and we'll talk about the first thing that comes up instead of that boring fodder." He grinned allowing his fangs to show briefly.

Mar 4th, 2003, 08:47:03 PM
Seeing that bold move by his more than bold leader and friend, Ezra smiled and chuckled softly. Excusing himself, he walked to the rear of the ship and dove into his solitude.

His mind wandering again to the two they left behind. Kariss, his close, dear friend and confidant, and Daiquiri....the one woman who he has found to push his buttons and at the same time pique his interest.

He sighed and brought out one of the ancient cersea blades, fidgiting with the curved metal he sank deep into thought.

Mar 5th, 2003, 10:28:21 PM
Saurron's irides ran down over her body casting a cold blanket upon her where he gazed until it reached her womb, then it seemingly crawled back up slowly.

Oh...he will. Saurron said coldly.

I fear for the safety of your unborn daughter. You see, you and Vega are merely thinning the original bloodline of the Lycanthrope. That in itself the elder Lupine can not be happy with my dear.

Saurron sighed and turned away to gaze into one of the free standing sconces that Hera had not knocked over in her fury of being railroaded into submission.

Coupled with the self destructive ways of the race in question I see only pain and suffering for your child, and you...a human...for now.

He turned to face her again with unblinking eyes.

The elders of Vega's own race are detremental to the ways of the Sith and the Dark Side of the Force. You must see that...they must be destroyed.

Was he lying? She could not possibly know at this point.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 5th, 2003, 10:56:55 PM
Whether it was the opportunity for a pre-emptive strike or to settle an old score, Daiquiri didnt know but she was sure that the old vampire wouldnt be giving her the answer any time soon.

"Lets say that for the moment youre right and Vega's older relatives arent happy with his choice of mate and the baby. Or.....
I'll go one better for arguements' sake......lets go with the basis that I agree with you. The Lupine race is self-destructive and will cause hurt and even possible death to myself and the baby. What then? Are you going to offer me asylum? Youve yet to explain why youre telling me all of this. Theres a reason, Im sure but Im failing to see it. All of this.........this 'cloak and dagger' nonsense. Frankly, Im tired of the crap."

Mar 6th, 2003, 11:22:41 PM
Hera allowed herself to be rearranged on Gavin's knee, and didn't half mind it really, though she received a scowl from Remkah for 'fratenising' with the enemy so shamelessly.

"I understand if you dont want to talk about it. It couldn't have been much fun having your kind tore up by a bunch of drooling, howling quadripeds. (Big word, I know - you can look it up later)."

She then draped one arm around Gavin's shoulder, and the other she slid back and around his waist, leaning her face very close to his, holding his eyes to her own.

Her fingers curled around her own lightsaber that had spent far too much time out of her hand and much too long in Gavin's possession, and brought it back out to clip on her utility belt.

A sweet smile and a tap on Gavin's cheek, and she continued on.

"So a balance of the books, a slaughter of the sons for the sins of the fathers, and all will be well in the universe? Its a nice story."

She got off from Gavin's lap and walked leisurely around the cockpit, while her mind ticked over. A glance toward the rear of the room showed Ezra brooding, twisting his cersea blade absently as he sat. He was a strange egg she mused. She passed Mockadane, with arms folded against his broad chest as he leaned up against a console. Hera muscled him a step or too over so she had room to sit on the counter. Easing herself up on it, she swung her legs back and forwards in the air in an irritating fashion.

"But here's what I dont get.." her look was again for Gavin, "...is all this skullduggery. I mean, why not just take that huge boat Saurron has and blast their nest from the heavens? That'd be much easier to my way of thinking. Plus Saurron wouldnt have two very ticked-off blondes on his hands."

She took all 4 males in with one sweeping glance.

"But I guess, leave it to a man to do things the long way around, eh."

The ambivilent stares she received at her comment made her glad this trip back to SFF would not be a long one. And still she swung her legs obnoxiously to and fro under the counter.

Mar 8th, 2003, 01:34:09 AM
Sitting in one of the furthest rear chiars in the skipray blastboat, Mockadane watched the events unfold with a discerning eye. Thinking to himself, 'Oh what a tangled web we weave'.

With his arms folded across his chest, the Mercinary cast a slight glance down at his wrist chronometer. The obscured blue flashing dot on its surface let him know that everything was going according to plan. Casually glancing at the cockpits scanners, the large man was assured that the events that were unfolding were doing so...Unnoticed.

Mar 8th, 2003, 03:18:25 PM
Remkah lit a cigarette and held it between his lips as he continued to fly the ship, and also send the message to a relay frequency that Daiquiri had given them months back in case SFF needed to reach her at Fascinataru in a hurry.

They didn't know a direct frequency - seems the VanDerVeld's were just as fond of their privacy as the next guy.

He tosses over his shoulder to Hera and the others, keeping his eyes on his screens as he did so.

"Message to Vega is received. I blocked any return transmission - there's no need for him to answer. He will be at ShadowFaene when we arrive, I'll wager."

Mar 10th, 2003, 09:35:04 PM
The two TIE Defenders tossed and rolled as they spun in a three dimensional dive to follow the ship that had been allowed to leave the hangar bays of the Sanguine, and thus jump into hyperspace. The small fighters disapeared from the sight of the command deck scopes. The captain then walked nervously to the holopad to transmit to Saurron himself.

His ridged image lit the chambers inner room with a blue hue as he waited for the Master Vampyre to address him acknowledging his psuedo presence in the midst of Daquiri's verbal stand.

"Frankly, Im tired of the crap."

Saurron gazed at her for a moment How ever so eloquent. then turned away to address the officer.

He pointed at the Captain with a pale index finger...
Move the ship. Set your headings for Echnos.

Saurron drew long the s in Echnos. It was his home and he had not been there in some time. Long he yearned for the comforting arms of his princess. Even evil had its vices. Especially evil....

Saurron turned away from the bowing and fading officer to set his eyes on the Lady Daiquiri once again. His voice was smooth, deep, and soothing to her senses as a human. She found comfort in his speach pattern. It was now like washing waves rythmatic and pure.

But of course there is more my lady of the Sith. Soo much more...more than pirating, and mere happenstance could afford...more than a million credits could buy. Yes... He looked at her with the deepest gaze she had felt thus far. ...there is so much more. Use the Force... can you not see? Saurron sighed. Perhaps your use of the Force pales to mine.

Well, let me give you some insight as to what is upon us as we speak. That is if you want to see...

With Saurron, seeing always had a price...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Mar 11th, 2003, 02:40:45 AM
Daiquiri swayed on her feet.

Saurron's voice and eyes were so compelling that for a moment, in her tiredness, she almost went to him. For those brief seconds it would have felt natural to lean against him for comfort and support, to let her every care in the world fade away and to simple rest her head on his shoulder. Almost.

Blinking, Daiq fought and won her small battle against temptation, her mind working overtime at clearing away these newest cobwebs that threatened to cocoon her will.

She turns away sharply, tearing her eyes from his and focusing on the now empty holopad. Blowing out a deep, cleansing breath, Daiquiri reaches for the Force, pulling it to her, wrapping it around her body like a coat of armour. A few seconds more and she was centered again, ready to turn around and face her captor.

"Youre going to show me....what?"

Mar 12th, 2003, 02:00:25 AM
Sliding the blade back into its holder hidden beneath his sleeves, Ezra stands up and walks to the front. Passing by Hera he softly responds with his own answer.

"Because that's too easy, and there's no honor from it."

Knowing eyes are on him, he smiles and sits in the seat next to the pilot. He looks over at Remkah and says.

"I'll take that wager Captain. Say 200 that he isn't there."

Smiling as he sees that "you got it sucker" look on the pilot's face.

Vega Van-Derveld
Mar 12th, 2003, 12:23:50 PM
When the message had been received on Fascinataru by the guard squadron, Vega had ordered the ‘Gavourden’ be prepped for take off instantly. His being summoned to the ShadowFaene fortress couldn’t bode well, especially when Daiquiri had been absent for so long with no word of communication.

It did not take long for the ship to be readied, and within a short space of time it was lifting off from the outskirts of Meridian City, the capital of Fascinataru, and bursting off towards the violet sky. On board there were only four passengers; Vega, two mindless guards (whose purpose was basically to man the controls of the ship) and a mechanic from the village, to maintain the ship.

The Lupine sat alone with his thoughts, staring at nothing in particular whilst watching for the journey to pass by.

Mar 16th, 2003, 05:00:32 PM
The journey had passed without much event, the occupants of the "Paylode" falling eventually, and oddly enough, into a comfortable silence. Each with their own thoughts on how this scenario should all turn out. For her part, Hera's thoughts strayed between wondering how Daiquiri was faring, to how she was going to explain events to Vega. Not the best "first meeting" between herself and the Lupine, she mused. She could only guess what views Vega had formed of her. Sure, Daiq would have built her up as good friends always do, but prior to that - his only connection with her would be from his brother Ket. The brother she repeatedly and a little heartlessly kept rebuffing. This was gonna be a tough one.

Hera once in a while caught Gavin's eyes on her - the familiar smirk in place while behind his eyes his thoughts remained locked. Each time this happened Hera looked form Mockadane to Ezra, but they both seemed settled into a reverie of their own.

At last the space station and mobile base of ShadowFaene loomed into view.

Remkah went through the standard security protocals, and the Fortress created a small circle breach within its sheilds to allow the "Paylode" freedom to dock and closing once more once they had passed through.

The droid assisted in the docking sequences while Hera and her passengers stirred themselves to prepare to de-board.

"We're here lads." She clapped Mockadane on his shoulder, "And remember, your'e in my place now - I expect you to behave yourselves."

Mar 16th, 2003, 05:40:26 PM
Kariss continued to glare at the two guards, an idea forming in her mind. She smirked, turning to leave the corridor. She turned to the right and shrunk up against the wall, letting out a piercing shriek. She counted to five when the guards came running past her and she let out a chuckle, running as fast as she could to the door that Daiquiri had gone through.

Kariss opened it, quickly closing it behind her. She let out a low whistle, looking around in awe. Closing in on Daiquiri's location, she made her way in, keeping her wits about her as she knew she would be coming up on the Master himself and Daiquiri soon. How welcome she would be, she didn't know and she didn't care. She gave her word of protection and she planned on owning up to it.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 09:31:32 PM
Gavin made sort of a mocking snort/laugh after Hera said to behave themselves. He straightened, walking proper as he passed by her...

"I'll be on my best behavior...promise." Ofcourse the signature grin ensued.

Catching Mockadane he slapped him on his large rounded shoulder

"Don't be touching everything like you do at the Citadel damit."

He glanced back and winked at Hera as he trotted down the ramp onto the bay floor not showing any signs of hyperspace stiffness or any other side effects that comes along with space travel.

Apr 2nd, 2003, 11:26:32 PM
He watched her drawing from the Force bringing herself back too.

Yes, call to the Dark side lady. Pull it around you tightly, then unveil yourself. He turned and walked away from her slowly, yet with a beckoning that bid her to follow. His voice trailed off into a seemingly farther distance than that of the chambers were capable of producing. She watches his cloaks flow seamlessly with darkness itself. At times she could not discern the lines of fabric and shadow. Then all at once there was a great blaze of orange-yellow flame shrouded by a great hearth before her. There she stood, in front of Saurron's eternal fire.

All you have...is to gaze upon the flames.

They were both cast in the mixture of colors that produced a golden hue drenching them both. At first she felt the heat. Heat that would make one turn away then it seemed to cool the longer she gazed into it. The future was cold indeed. Cold and foreboding as a dark lake telling one not to swim in its waters...

Saurron's eyes moved over her watching her reactions and body language as she saw what was and what will be.

It was vague as only a Lycanthropes future could be. Shards of razor sharp teeth tore at young flesh, shredding it to oblivion. Blood ran, not staining but flooding the ground beneath. It was horror...horror only the Lycanthrope race could produce. Wrinkled noses and gigantic muscle bound forms faded as she gasped in her own horror.

Saurron whispered to her ear...
These things are not in stone..but...usually come to pass.

He stared at her waiting for her to turn her head from the flames...

Apr 3rd, 2003, 12:10:00 AM
Walking down the ramp behind the group, He looked around the docking bay. Nodding to himself, Ezra started to follow once more, catching up to the group. He got within talking distance and said to Gavin.

"Behave.... now....what is that again?"

He chuckled and smiled.

Apr 7th, 2003, 02:25:51 PM
The interior of the ShadowFaene Fortress docking bay was quite different to that where they had recently departed on the Sanguine.

It doubled not only as a hanger for docking passengers, but also as a receiving bay for cargo. Clustered all about the large interior were huge hydrolic lifts and cranes, chains and pulleys, crates and heavy mechanical equipment. It was working class, and it was busy.

Instead of the disciplined lined troopers of the Coven, stood a motley assortment of scum and villany - sweaty, smelly and surly in demeanor. The personell of SFF were smugglers and pirates of the most dire sort and it was very visilbe that they werent the welcome-wagon types at all.

Beligerent stares followed Gavin and his entourage as they exited the "Paylode." The reception was typical of SFF crew. They were inately suspicious, unfriendly and threatening just as a matter of nature. All halted in their work, hands dropping automatically to weapons either slung, clipped or tucked against their person and sullenly watched the new arrivals.

Hera ignored them as was her way, Remkah nodded here and there to those he was friendlier with and the small party proceeded to the turbolift.

Shooting upward 18 decks with such speed they felt as though they werent moving, Hera was then the first to step out of the lift when it halted.

"Remkah, take them to the guest rooms where they can freshen up." She addressed Gavin now, to explain, "Im stopping by my office to see where Vega is. If you're good, Ill come back."

As she split off from Gavin, Ezra and Mockadane, four of her crew armed with laser rifles and stun rods, joined Remkah to lead the guests away.

Remkah smiled as he walked beside Ezra..."She's given you guys the Sun-deck Suites."

The guest suites, (which included the Sundeck Suites - so named because they were on the side facing the outward of the structure and had views of the space outside) were heavily monitored and highly protected rooms, that did not appear so. They were comfortable and well stocked but could be completely contained within a hidden force-feild. This was just a caution measure. Gavin was here to contact Vega, and that is what would be done. But Hera felt no harm in being....prudent..

The sleek black doors of her inner office slid open with a swoosh and Hera stepped inside.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 8th, 2003, 08:12:25 AM
The noise of the doors open caused Vega’s head to snap up, as the Lupine looked over his shoulder at who had just walked in.

“… Ah. Hera.”

In one hand the Dark Jedi held a paperweight of some kind which he’d lifted off of the Faene Mistress’ desk and had been inspecting for some minuets now, to keep himself occupied whilst waiting for her arrival. The staff of the Fortress had been almost happy to oblige him by allowing him straight into Hera’s office to wait for her. Unfortunately, he hadn’t had to resort to violence.

Placing the trinket back down in its rightful place, Vega turned to face the Sith Mistress. He folded his arms neatly over his chest and leant back against the desk behind him.

“… Why am I here?”

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 8th, 2003, 10:05:32 AM
Saurron wanted her to follow and she did, docile and quiet behind him. Her physical nature was subdued but inwardly she churned. Anger at her 'host', anger at the way she and Hera had been duped, anger at being held against her will, anger at her biological voice which urged her to act protectively toward the child nestled in her belly.

Anger seemed to be the key emotion.

Yet, Daiquiri had to admit that Saurron was right....to a point. And from his point of view. Just as she knew Vega was right from his own point of view about vampires. It was a Catch 22 and somehow she had ended up right in the middle of it.

The Master vampire took a step to one side and at that moment a large flame leapt up, bathing them both in its goldish-orange glow.

He was speaking to her again, that damnable soft, enticing voice beguiling her to look into the flames and behold her future............

The heat from the flames was great and just as Daiquiri was about to lift an arm to shield her face, the fire took on a cooling sensation as visions began rising before her very eyes.

Lupines and Garou both - leaping, jumping, snarling, biting at anything or anyone that crossed their paths, regardless if it were friend or foe. Crimson blood ran in rivulets then streams until lakes were formed and filled by the life-giving liquid.

Saurron got his wish. Daiquiri turned her face from the scenes.

"He's different now. Perhaps at one time Vega was like that but no longer. I know that he would give his life for me or this child. Ive never doubted him and I wont start now."

Apr 8th, 2003, 12:29:53 PM
Kariss finally made her way to where Master Saurron and Lady Daiquiri were, making sure to let her presence known, but staying out of their immediate way. She knew that the Master would not harm Daiquiri, but she still felt she had to watch over her. The child she carried deserved that.

Apr 8th, 2003, 10:04:46 PM
Hera was both surprised and not surprised to see Vega sitting in her chair large as life. This was the first time she would meet him, though if he was even remotely like his brother Ket, would have an abundance of unhealthy self-confidence and ego to spare. This assumption was confirmed the minute she laid eyes on him.

Hera saw the family resemblence to Ket in Vega, but this Van DerVeld had a different bearing about himself than the other which she recognised immediately. Where Ket liked to banter and dance toward an issue, his brother instead was direct and no nonsence.

Which was just as well - Hera was far from being in a lighthearted mood, as showed in her face, in her stride, in her complete ommission to comment on Vega's tossing about of her priceless Artizo Jade paperweight.

"You're here for Daiquiri" she answered bluntly.

Vega's body stilled and imperceptibly stiffened, and for a moment only their combined breathing was heard as Hera matched his serious attitude, staring at him frankly with ice-blue eyes. The air seemed to bristle about the room as it was apparent all was not well.

"Lord Vega, Im glad you made it to ShadowFaene so quickly. There has been a.....development."

He was standing now, and Hera thought Vega might leap at her and try to rip her throat out before she got finished speaking.

"You know of the Vampyre Master, Saurron, I trust...?"

Vega's reaction was such that she saw he did.

"Well...He'd like you to come visit. And Daiquiri is his insurance that you do."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 9th, 2003, 07:07:43 AM
A bitter taste always formed in Vega’s mouth at the thought of vampires. At one time, he had been neutral, perhaps even cordial, towards a few of them. Amongst the ranks of the Sith Empire there had been a small number, though many had departed for reasons unknown to Vega. Truth be told, Vega had never liked them, especially Lynch – though he had grown to abide Saurron, Bowdin and Soth. It seemed that since that now the clock had rolled back and set the Garou and Lupine once against the Vampires.

“I see.”

Vega’s demeanour was cool – although it was the kind of cool that was bubbling under the surface, like ice being licked at by flames; just waiting to melt away and reveal a horrendous tumult beneath it. There was no sense in asking ‘what if I don’t go’, because the Lupine could already predict the answer to that question.

“Then I believe we should be leaving for the Coven.”

Stepping away from the desk he began walking, straight past Hera.


Apr 9th, 2003, 08:38:43 AM
Ezra looked at the SFF captain, his eyes showed surprise at the comment made.

"Excuse me? Sundeck suite? Man, that isn't funny."

He said as he caught up with him in three steps.

Apr 9th, 2003, 11:27:02 PM
As the men were left in the lavish suite, to relax and wait, Mockadane took it upon himself to examine the area.

The wet bar was first. It lit up with a soft light that glinted off the varios liquid filled bottles. "Oh... nice choices!" Helping himself to a couple of the bottles.

Walking over to the bedroom, he saw two beds. "Wow... it seams one of you two are gonna have to use the couch!" The big man said to the two men behind him.

The adjacent Bathroom was large and echoed his word out to the two as he spoke... "Man - o - man, this is the largest crapper Ive ever seen!" Feeling the linnen that was supplied in here... "I have to find out where they get there towels, I want some of these!" Looking into the huge mirror that adorned the wall Mockadane wore a smile of contentment .... but this whole roose was to get a non direct look at his wrist cronometer. Looking into the mirror he noticed the blinking green light's pace had quickend.

Apr 10th, 2003, 05:52:46 PM
She allowed him to walk brusquley past, as she bent to lean her palms on her desk, but caught him to halt with her words.

"Yes..we could do that. Jump, and run, and song and dance just as Saurron wants us to..."

Vega paused at the door, irritably, impatiently.

"Or....." she continued, a hint of cunning in her voice, "....we could discuss how we might use his beloved son who is waiting as we speak in my guest suites, to our advantage.."

She turned her head now to look back at Vega over her shoulder.

And arched an eyebrow conveying evil possibility.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 11th, 2003, 07:47:07 AM
“You might be willing to sit around while Saurron has her held up there, but I’m not. I know what he’s like, and I imagine you do to, and if there’s one thing Saurron is particularly good at its playing little games like these. He’ll call your bluff in a second.”

Turning to face Hera, Vega shook his head slowly. The final death of the vampire master would send terrible repercussions through the vampire community – weakening the blood of his progeny, who would weep at the fall of their patriarch. A smile came over the Lupine, at the thought of this.

“… This is a wonderful chance to take him out, once and for all. I’m not scared of him, and I think if the two of us worked together he’d fall in an instant.”

Folding his arms over his chest, he sighed.

“But you can wait around and play with little Lestat for as long as you want. I’m going.”

And with this said he turned from the Sith Mistress and walked straight out of the office door.

Apr 11th, 2003, 03:11:35 PM
The paperweight now in her hand was so tempting to peg Vega in the back of the head with.

She should have expected he would have the hot-tempered VanDerveld lack of foresight to see no further than the immediate. The typical male "to the rescue" routine was always lost on Hera, who, though she was not one to never act on impulse herself, but was sometimes inclined to consider an advantage gained today was a weapon to weild tomorrow.

She screamed in her throat in frustration. Vega had no idea what he was up against. She was a Sith Master, and not faint of heart like Vega suggested, and even she knew sometimes one had to feint and parry in order to finally find the mark and drive a saber deep into the heart of the enemy. Having Gavin in their grasp was an opportunity that would never come again, and Vega wanted to completely disregard it. And as much fun as it would be to "play" with him, Hera was not forgetting that Daiquiri was being held against her will. It was a serious game Hera had intended.

She clenched the paperweight in her fist and yelled out the door,

"Do you even know where you're going!"

Still, there was more than one way to skin a vornskr.
Crossing over to the other side of her desk, she tapped in a panel and connected to Remkah.

"Are they secured?"


"They are being watched?"


"And Hephaestus?"

...he's ready

"Good. We'll be leaving soon"

She ended the transmission and before catching up with Vega, she took from a locked cabinet a small item wrapped in scarlet velvet.

Apr 14th, 2003, 11:37:06 AM
:: A female voice spoke, audible only to Vega. He recognized it as Vicet, from their meeting in the dreamscape ::

"Lisssten to the woman, Animal."

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 14th, 2003, 11:48:23 AM
"Do you even know where you're going!"

Still storming off, Vega smirked to himself. It wouldn’t be that hard to find the only existing Eclipse class Star Destroyer, he knew that for sure - the thing would stick out like a sore thumb. The Lupine was in fact about to turn and quip in response to Hera, when a birdy - or bug rather - told him otherwise. The voice in his mind caused him to hesitate in his step for a moment, for it had been some time since he had first heard it.

If there was one thing he knew not to do, it was to ignore or - even worse - defy that voice, if he valued his life. Which, of course when he had such a wonderful life, he did.

"… What’ve you got planned then?" he asked, looking sidelong at the Sith Mistress whilst trying not to appear crest-fallen.

Apr 18th, 2003, 10:58:37 PM
Gavin walked into the room nudging Ezra with his elbow in jest raising his eyebrows up and down.

"Sun Room."

Mockadane was always showing one hand while dealing with the other. Gavin could only smirk as he bound about the room checking this, yelling about something from another part of the suite effectively putting on a show for the cameras that were probably watching their every movement. Gavin turned back to the door with the a most serious look then glanced at Ezra quickly. Yes he could hear it too. Vampyres had the most outstanding hearing. The in audible hum of the force field generators coming to life extending about the room was all but deafening to the two Vampyres once they homed in on the sound. That and the heartbeat of the infamous Remka and the four scum guards that causually loafed about outside with their pitiful laser rifles and stun rods. Those deep base drums were sounding.

He looked to Ezra...then glanced back at the door.

"I'm hungry...for real food."

The son of Saurron never took his eyes off the entrance way they had entered through. He stood ever so quietly raising his hands as if tracing a pattern with them then following them down to the floor just in front of the door. Kneeling on one knee his left hand raised upward as if slowly trying to catch a fly in a straining hand.

Ezra and Mockadane took notice to this as there erupted two thunderous booms one above shaking down pieces of ceiling and one down below the room causing the floor to buckle slightly.

Gavin glanced back to Ezra..."Dinner time."

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:17:41 PM
As the doors burst open from an explosive Mockadane had strapped to his torso into the main hallway, the smoke filled proxy is all that Mockadane needed to capture his half stunned mark. Remka was spared by the unnaturally fast events that the vampires produced, as he was drawn forcibly back into the room. The two Vampires fed on the incapacitated guards until there was nothing left of them.

The barely visible hold out blaster barrel that burried itself into Remka's temple caused him to stare straight forward towards the doorway as Gavin emerged back into the room.

The slight whispering in his ear from the big man let Remka know nothing went as planned...

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:33:59 PM
As the explosion rocked the area, and the doors fell open, Ezra was right alongside Gavin as they pounced the downed guards. One was crawling when Ezra jumped on him and tore into his neck with his fangs. Being kept from feeding earlier had pushed him a bit into a frenzy. After emptying that guard of his life's essence, he grabbed the other who tried to hit him with a stun rod. Ezra laughed at the futile attempt and slapped the rod from his hands.

Slamming the guard against the wall, he also tore into his neck like the one before him. Blood was everywhere, and he let the corpse drop to the floor and he turned to face Gavin with a huge smile.

"Love the room service here. We need to write a letter to the owner."

He laughed as he wiped his jaw clean. He turned to the Bounty Hunter.

"Hey Mock, you want some? I think I left some in that one over there."

Ezra laughed again at the expression on Mockadane's face.

Apr 18th, 2003, 11:42:24 PM
The plush chair that Remka came to rest in, violently, was a slight comfort to the words that he said.

"Someone wants to speak to you." And the blaster barrel presing into temple proved the point.

Apr 19th, 2003, 12:38:02 AM
"Gotta love that guy you know? Shaped charge...genious, and you my friend are a bad boy for locking that door." Gavin said shaking his finger at the stunned Remkah as they passed each other heading in opposite directions. Gavin was headed into the hall where the other two guards stirred. One had severe trauma to his legs but the other was coming too and seemed to be more of a threat. The smoke gave some cover to Gavin but the soon to be dead friend of Remkah nearly found his mark. He could hear the tendons in his fingers tighten as he pulled the trigger of his rifle sending two shots at Gavin in a close volley. Gavin arched his back letting the first one go by clear then was clipped by the second on his forarm. The barrel squared off at him again but to no avail. The Vampyre pointed violently at the raggity guards rifle powercell that charged the weapon. The cell exploded violently in the guards face.

He looked at his arm and burned jacket with an irritated expression. Opening his palm he drew the man from the floor using the Dark Side energies then swiped at his neck with his other hand in a chopping motion severing his head from his torso.

"Yeah! See that...green blood anyway. That stuff tastes like fodder!." Gavin looked quickly to the female trying to crawl. "Now this one here." He leaned down to her ear and whispered in a mocking tone. "You do know your going to die right?" With that he grabbed the back of her neck jerking it to the side and ceremoniously sank his teeth into her flesh. After a minute he came up and nodded to Ezra as he wiped his lips. Spotting a hidden camera he moved to it looking at it with his head cocked.

"So you say there are Lycanthropes on this tour? Hello?" Gavin breathed on the lens but didnt fog it up. " Huh huh...Hello?"

Chuckling he moved away and back into the room with the decapitaded body. Setting it next to Remkah Gavin tapped the odd couples knees with his open hands a couple of times in a light slapping motion.

"There, now we can all be friends again." he said with an Outer Rim twang.

Apr 20th, 2003, 07:11:35 PM
With his head tilted slightly off-center from the pressure of the blaster, Remkah could only slide his eyes sidewards to look at the Bounty Hunter to reply.

Taking in the carnage the 3 had wrought in a matter of only moments, the SFF Captain' s tone was level and serious when he spoke.

"My mistake.."

Gavin and Ezra looked towards him.

"...You lot are alot dumber than you look.

...And if you dont take that blaster off me, Mockadane, your'e gonna loose your junk."

Mock felt a tapping against his crotch and has he looked down he saw Remkah's 8-inch blade very precariously poised, and the SFF Captain's wicked grin broadened.

Apr 20th, 2003, 07:22:17 PM
"Hahahahahhaaaa....He got you there, Mock."

Walking past the others he looked over at Remkah and addressed him.

" Dumber? no, Hungry yeah, but not dumb. Be glad our hunger hadn't put us into a frenzy, or one of us mightv'e dined on you heir captain. Besides, they were only guards. That saves you what....four paychecks?"

Gavin's signature grin was on his face as Ezra made that analogy while walking to the open entry way.
He watched the outter hallway for any sign of rienforcements. Then turned back to the three.

" Mock, the gun. Might as well put it away, he won't cause trouble. Besides, I owe the man two hundred creds for that bet eh captain?"

Apr 20th, 2003, 07:33:48 PM
Vega never got an answer as Hera's office and the corridors beyond lit up like it was Christmas with flashing alarm lights. At the same moment, a voice buzzed over the intercom from her desk announcing a security breach in deck 9 - the Guest Suite level.

"GO LIVE!" Hera bellowed into the mouthpeice. She barely spared a glance for the Lupine who instantly reached for his weapon, and as she brushed passed him, a whole series of expletives erupted in such rapid and vehement fashion from her mouth that Vega was hard pressed to follow what she said. Suffice to say the Vamps had not behaved and Hera was a tad miffed.

Storming down the hallway, the Sith spoke curt commands into her handheld comm.

"NO! Do NOT engage them. We're live right?"

The reply came in the affirmative.

"Good. Im heading there now with Vega. We will deal with them, remain in place on levels above and below. When I give the signal, cut the current for 5 seconds and then resume. We'll do the rest."

Again, ther reply came back in the affirmative.

The Lupine and one very angry blonde stepped into the turbolift. And Hera quickly explained to Vega as they descended to deck 9.

"Upon security breach - the whole level goes into Lock-down. Every exitway on that level, including stairwell and turbolift doors, overhead vents etc are not only power sealed, but electrified with high-volt charges. Anyone touches them - WHAMO!" A hint of a smile touched her eyes as she said this.
"I will have the current interupted to allow us entrance and then it will become "live" once more. So remember...when you're kicking their asses, dont touch any doors."

She took her lightsaber in her hand and spoke again into the handheld giving the kill signal.

"Go Limp"

(Vega looked over at her strangely, and she gave him a smirk and a shrug, "...I made that code.")

The current was killed and the turbo lifts opened. "Resume" into the handheld once more, as they both sprang into the guest level corridor.

The first images were of two crumpled crew members outside the door of the Sun Deck and then as she came abreast or the doorway, Ezra was standing just inside.

Seizing him with the force, Hera pulled the toussle-haired Vampyre backwards and hurled him at the stairwell door, and she then stepped into the suite.

As soon as Ezra's body connected with the door, brilliant blue-white arcs of electricity licked and crackled all over his body and booted him back through the air again. He landed with a heavy dull thud on the corridor floor, his body smoking a little and spurts of current still visibly waving over him.

Hera had not seen the effect as she was already moving on. Mockadane had a blaster pushed against Remkah's head and she reacted immediately. Sending a powerful force push at the burly bounty hunter, Mockadane went sprawling through the air into the same bathroom he had been "admiring" only moments earlier. He crashed through the glass partition that housed the bathtub and was only stopped in his journey by the sturdy tiled wall that fortunately was just on the other side. As his bulky frame crashed against it, tile and plaster broke apart and as he slid down to land inside the tub, the broken ceramic showered down about him.

It had only taken a few seconds to send the two Coven members to their respective corners and then Hera turned her eyes on Gavin. Remkah had gotten to his feet and had his blaster aimed at him, while Vega was looking for where he could jump in and create some hurt himself. But this was Hera's joint, and she got first dib.

She sprang at Gavin, leaping at him bodily and knocked him to the floor.
Her lightsaber was ignited and she held it centimeters from his pale throat.

"You twisted little carnivore" she spat out "You owe me 5 crew members!"

Unblievably, his smirk was still in place, as he reminded her of the two crew she had killed on his shuttle.

"Fine" she glowered, "You owe me 4..One of mine is worth 2 of your bloodsucking, nightcrawling scum"

She so wanted to lift Gavins head off his shoulders and mount it as a trophy in her bedroom right at this moment. And he could read her thoughts easily. Hell, the corpse with no head could read her thoughts they were so obvious.

"You owe Daiquiri your life right now, prettyboy. But one day, I'll have no reason not to kill you. Just wait for that day."

The lightsaber moved closer, even though she struggled to keep it where it was.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:19:50 AM
The light saber moved closer, even though she struggled to keep it where it was...

The color of her saber almost reflected off of his pale skin and fangs as his smirk turned to a knowing grin.

"I'll tell you what we are sister. We're the top of the <smallfont color=gold>-Censored-</smallfont>ing food chain." He glanced over at Vega to take in his reaction to this statement then back to Hera.

"Do it. Cut me." Gavin spoke to her through his clinched fangs.
He snorted through his nose. "Humph, you can't, it's that simple." Then he did something totally unexpected to her, he leaned into the saber searing his own flesh sending it's aroma into the air of the suite. Hera had smelled burned flesh before and this did not smell the same. His eyes flickered a bit as Hera's hand began to shake then retracted involuntarily taking the saber blade from his throat. Gavins skin sizzled and cortorized then began to heal slowly. Her blood boiled at this point. No, not from anger but from something else. She took in a gasping breath as if realizing something. Something life altering, a reality that could no longer be ignored. The marks left upon her by Saurron wept, the blood staining her collar maroon. One of her hands absentmindedly touched the "marks".

Shaking her out of her revelation was the electric clash of saber blades as Gavin's own came round from horizontal where he lay on the floor knocking Hera's back and away. She held firm her grip but it was enough for him to gain his feet and he did so with typical flare. Rolling backwards to a one arm stand he pushed up and over with the other hand out pulling Remkah's blaster from his hand and landing on his feet twirling his saber. Pointing the blaster at Remkah and calmly walking around the couch where he once sat Gavin flicked his blade at Hera's tapping it playfully sending audible arcs as they touched. Not once through all of this did his attention leave the Lycanthrope. Gavin could hear the rippling muscles and tendons flex and retract within his flesh, ready to spring and make Gavin a permanent resident on this floating piece of crap.

Gavins smirk was back. He flicked his saber at Hera's then pointed it at Vega, then back to Hera all the while keeping a bead on Remkah with his own blaster.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 01:32:09 AM
Hearing the crackle of energy over his body, and smelling the scent of burnt leather. He snarled and slowly got up. Straightening his arms, he twitched his wrists and the twin Cerseas appeared in his hands. He slowly walked over and stood in the doorway behind Vega. Being close enough to pounce on him should he go for Gavin.

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2003, 03:51:33 AM
The situation was not exactly in their favor at this moment in time, but Vega wouldn’t let that put a downer on his spirit. The Lupines mind expanded as his eyes fixed on Gavin, and absorbed the plan of the room in its entirety, including those in and around it. A key point to note was the man stood behind him, who no doubt believed Vega was blissfully unaware of his presence. Vampires always were stupid.


The next few seconds were enlightening. To begin with Seraphim entered the fray, crashing to life with a burst of white light. The Dark Lord began to step forward, though paused after two steps and narrowed his eyes faintly. There was a barely audible wrum as a wave of pressure swept Ezra off of his feet. Instead of lobbing the vampire backwards, he instead was hurled into the room with Gavin and Hera. His body was vaulted straight over Vega, who ducked at the precise moment needed to allow the blood sucking leech to be right on target with crashing into his Master.

Apr 22nd, 2003, 08:51:12 AM
Water sprayed in a continious stream out of the place where the shower's faucet used to be. Dust settling around in this room gave it the smell of fresh paint. Lifting himself up onto his feet, The big man said to no one in particular..... "Well thats gonna leave a mark!"

Grabbing his med kit, He noticed The broken bottle of whiskey.
Tipping his sachel onto the counter amber liquid poured forth with a mixture of broken bottle peices and a few odds and ends that Mock called tools of the trade. The feeling of healing was washing over him as He spoke LOUDLY... "YOU IDIOTS... YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT BOTTLE COST'S?"

Gathering his items quickley he turned towards the main room taking a swig of the unbroken bottles contents. The burn and taste of correllian whiskey pushing the thoughts of bad luck from his mind. Wipping his face with the only monogramed towel left on the hanger, He stuffed it onto his satchel... "Im just gonna take this!"

"All right.... your all under citizens arrest!" Mockadane spoke the nonsince he heard on a late night vid-play and readied himself for the cotinuation of this confrontation

Apr 22nd, 2003, 09:33:20 AM
As he felt his body move, he began twisting his body in mid flight, Ezra ended up in a layup style sommersault. Using his limited knowledge of the force, he guided himself over Gavin and managed to avoid his Boss. Although he missed Gavin, he didn't miss the wall of the room, as he slammed into it back first.

Ending up on his backside, Ezra quickly pushed himself back up and into a crouching position with his twin blades "at the ready".

Apr 22nd, 2003, 02:12:49 PM
Being rendered blaster-less once again, Remkah shrugged and fished his cigarettes out of his jacket inner pocket.

Lighting up as Ezra once more sailed through the air and crashed against the wall, the Base Captain murmered between puffs as the Vampyre landed with a crash next to him.

"The flyin' lessons are't workin' out too well for you, huh."

Apr 23rd, 2003, 10:57:05 AM
Kariss linked with Ezra briefly to check on him while she stood in the darkened room away from the Master. She got a flash of what was going and she turned worried eyes upon Master Saurron.

"Master, please forgive my intrusion." She said softly, bowing her head in respect as she stepped out from the shadows. Her eyes quickly darting to Lady Daiquiri and then back. "Something is not right with Gavin and Ezra."

Apr 27th, 2003, 12:41:20 AM
Gavin had responded in what was his now familiarly brazen style, and obviously considered himself a bit of a cowboy to wave his light saber at all three of them the way he was. Hera would have made some sarcastic remark, if her mind wasn't in another place.

As it was, she held her own blade almost listlessly now, the crackling and sparking as Gavin provoked his own weapon against it, was quite lost on her.

Dabbing her fingers to her throat a shadow passed across her face and she turned aside a little in order to hide the weeping wounds from those who stood around her. Remkah's eyes had beat her though, as too more than likely all in the room had, with the exception of Ezra on the floor behind her.

In her mind she saw Saurron's face, intense eyes and a patient smile.

Mockadane strolled back into the room, swigging back on whiskey and bumping her elbow deliberately as he passed.

The Faene Mistress shook away the intrusive image of Saurron and found herself once more looking into the eyes of his son. The smell of Gavins burnt flesh still hung in the air, though his skin appeared now no worse off for it. Another haughty tap of the lightsaber and this time Hera retalliated with a hard, sharp strike of her own. The suddenness of her response after standing almost demurely caused Gavin to spring back a step or two.

Vega and Gavin still had weapons drawn, as did Ezra and this standoff could go either way, but most likely alot of damage and then back to standoff once again. So she de-activated her saber and said with finality.

"We got a trip to make."

She turned back to the bathroom and looked for a towel to wipe her throat. Finding none, which was annoying, and a little embarrasing - Hera prided herself on providing for her guests - she grabbed a white fluffy facecloth that was still folded neatly in a basket on the sink, and used that instead.

Apr 27th, 2003, 10:16:41 PM
Looking up at Remkah, Ezra smiled then laughed and shook his head "no".
Getting up from his crouch, he kept his twin blades in his hands. He moved slightly to the left to get a good view and clear way to anyone who was still feelin "skippy" about this situation. And he was prepared to oblige them.

Apr 29th, 2003, 11:35:03 PM
The black behemoth hurtled through space in its light speed corridor all the while those inside felt nothing but the deep low hum of the engines hyperdrive systems pushing the mass to its destination. In Saurron's chamber it was all together different however. Dead silence filled the room like a thousand corpses. Cold...still...unmoving.

Daiquiri defended her husband to the end.
"He's different now. Perhaps at one time Vega was like that but no longer. I know that he would give his life for me or this child.

Saurron's words were colder yet. Indeed...he may do that very thing.

The Patriarch Vampyre turned towards his sons fledgling who so blindly stayed behind to protect Daiquiri. Brushing the hair out of her eyes with the backs of his fingers he spoke to her in the ancient tongue. The words fell on her as a whisper spoken through a falling feather yet weighed heavy with meaning.

Dui sans leintu tie humni ahn timuei suir.

Then he answered her concern of Gavin, Ezra's, and Mockadane's welfare without any emotion to his tone. It is...as I have foreseen it Kariss. He gave pause then activated the ships holo system on the main bridge of the Despondent.

Follow the chase ships to the Shadowfane Fortress immediatly.
The blue image bowed and faded. Within minutes the Heavy Interdictor Cruiser Despondent lept into hyperspace as ordered in mid cloak. It was as if half a ship was making the jump. The two Tie Defenders that had followed Hera's ship came out of hyperspace immediatly transmitting coordinates of the floating fortress to the Sanguine.

The Sanguine continued on its course headed for Echnos. The Tinn systems magnetic shadow was fabled for stripping star ships of their hyperspace bottle shielding thus preventing a direct path to Saurron's home. Echnos was in full shadow now.


Apr 30th, 2003, 09:01:53 AM
Kariss bit her lips, unknowingly sinking one fang into her bottom lip. She tasted her own blood and immediately snapped back. Her worry for his son, Ezra and Mockadane grew increasingly. As much as she wanted to protect Daiquiri, she wished she would have went with the three. Her eyes drifted to Daiquiri's abdomen and she knew her place was there.

Kariss' eyes met Saurron's as he whispered to her and she felt a shudder ripple through her. This was the most time she had ever spent with him alone and she had to admit, it scared the frell out of her.

Her mind went quickly to Ezra, seeking him out.

'Be safe, Ez...' She sent to him quietly.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Apr 30th, 2003, 12:01:44 PM
Follow the chase ships to the Shadowfane Fortress immediatly.

As the blue of the holo image sprang to life, Daiquiri turned to look. Only a small portion of the bridge showed in the pale scene but she knew what she was looking at.

An Interdictor. Saurron was going to destroy the base...and everyone on it.

Daiq's blood ran cold while her mind leapt forward. The nutrient frame that carried the force-prohibiting creatures had been left in the outer chamber. She had felt the force rush back to greet her once she had moved from beyond it's radius.

Turning her back on the Master vampire, Daiquiri gathers the Force around her, letting the Darkness shield her from any retaliation that the Old One deemed necessary.

Her mind opened, expanding rapidly past the Sanguine in a race of time against the ship sent to wipe out ShadowFaene. Her message had to get there first!

.....get out of the Fortress now! Saurron has sent a ship to annihilate the base....and all who are there!!

Vega Van-Derveld
Apr 30th, 2003, 12:13:32 PM
Seraphim snapped down back into its hilt as Hera effectively set a temporary truce in place between the two parties present. Though the Lupine would have enjoyed nothing more than to tear into any of the leeches in the room, he trusted the Faene Mistresses judgment. The Dark Lord glanced around, wearing a smug expression very much like that which most of the other occupants of the room were wearing. He was, in fact, about to make an impeccably witty remark when his mind suddenly went a little fuzzy.

get out of the Fortress now! Saurron has sent a ship to annihilate the base....and all who are there!!

The mind link between himself and Daiquiri, though still growing, was strong enough for him to hear the message. Undoubtedly it was not a focused thought, and any – and perhaps all – of the people in the room heard what was said. The expressions on people’s faces said more than words could.

If Vega’s face could have said anything, it would have probably been a word outlawed in most of the known galaxies. Seraphim too had something to say:snap hiss vroom, only it was speaking directly to Gavin, whilst driving right for the vampires heart.

Apr 30th, 2003, 06:31:52 PM
Standing at the ready, Ezra watched them all carefully, all except Remkah whom the vampyre decided he liked. Plus he did owe the man two hundred creds from the earlier bet. And didnt think the man wanted him dead if he wanted his money.

Then he got a whisper from Kariss... *Be safe Ez..* And he smirked at that message. Then he got a loud warning , mustv'e been sent at a moments notice cause he knew who's voice it was and he looked at Hera then Gavin as the message rang loud and clear.

*get out of the Fortress now! Saurron has sent a ship to annihilate the base....and all who are there!!*

Then the lupine charged Gavin and Ezra did the job for what he was brought along for. He jumped too and with a two motion strike, blocked the saber from its intended target and locked it between the twin Cerseas. Shoulder to shoulder the lupine and vampyre stood. The twin blades crossed in an "X" style with the saber blade locked between them.

"Nice try pooch-boy, But not on my watch....Ever!"

Ezra hissed between bared fangs at the sneak attack against Gavin.

May 2nd, 2003, 01:55:42 PM
The shift in the air was as dramatic as it was confusing.

Remkah had thought that things were being defused - as much as they could be, given the present company - but suddenly everyone bristled and Vega charged at Gavin. Some shift if the force or some crap, he figured.

A quick glance showed him that Mockadane wasn't too clear on what just took place, but the burly Hunter had that "ready for anything" look about him anyway.

Remkah stepped forward, unsure what to do, if anything, but inwardly thought to himself what a pain in the butt force-users were.

May 2nd, 2003, 09:12:00 PM
"What are you doing? I thought you were in a big hurry."

As Hera adressed Vega in an annoyed fashion, she yanked back on Ezra's collar and using her force-augmented strength manhandled him to place at her side.

Gavin had lifted his blade instantly, and she doubted Ezra's defence had been necessary, though it was commendable the man's diligence to protect his master.

She had not heard Daiq's call, the actual physical distance between them was too great. She shared no link such as Vega did with her and the Lupine's attack had made no sense considering they had an objective to accomplish.

Hera shoved Ezra in Gavin's direction. "Put your men on a leash or something will you, because Im getting tired of doing it for you."

She moved to stand next to Vega and as she did so he opened his mind to her, echoing Daiqs warning. Bending her frosty gaze once more to Gavin, her tone derrided the Vampyres in general for being fools.

"Saurron is sending a ship to attack this Fortress? I wish he'd make up his mind. Does he want us to go there..or he come here?"

Saurron's move genuinely confused her (and Remkah, judging by the look on the pirate's face. Ezra seemed to know before hand and Hera thought that odd he should be so in tune with Daiquiri). But planning to attack her made no sense from a strategic stand point, not if he wanted to actaully meet with Vega. Now if he was simply grandstanding, that would be understandable. But that was something she expected from his son, not the Vamp Master himself.

"Well, I got news for you all. We will just go meet him."

Hera had no intention of abandoning her base. And while she stayed - they stayed, threat of annihilation or no. Not that annihilation was likely, its wasnt simply a fortress in name alone.

"Remkah, direct ShadowFaene on an intercept course with this Ship."

May 3rd, 2003, 12:58:01 AM
"BELAY THAT ORDER!" Mockadane spoke out as The pert female barked out the order to Remkah.

Ignoring Heras extreamly furious look... The Big Man looked at Vega.

"SO... your this Vega I've heard so much about?".... With his brows furrowed in dissapointment, "I expected so much more!" The smirk was very apparent that he wore.

Ignoring the tence situation The Mercinary pulled a holo-transmitter from his pouch and placed it on an inn table.

"Before everyone gets in a huff, and starts bringing there own hypothesis of the situation to the table .... perhaps you all can lay witness to this."

Mockadane pressed the activation button and watched as the small cube tranformed itself into a many faceted comunication device....

May 4th, 2003, 10:45:14 PM
Gavin's single blood red blade of his lightsaber (http://panic.hopto.org/swf/saurron/lightsaber2.wav) withdrew into the hilt. He merely stared at Vega and detached the double ended hilt revealing the twin set up hanging them on either side of his waist.

He winked at Vega then shifted his eyes to Hera as she spoke.

"Put your men on a leash or something will you, because I'm getting tired of doing it for you."

Gavin held his hands up in helpless gesture accompanied by a short laugh. "But honey, you do it so well. Besides, you have that leash thing all backwards." Gavin motioned to Vega

Gavin nodded to Ezra in approval at his lightning fast reaction. Vampyre protected their sire with the utmost viciousness, and Ezra was no exception. His twin daggers doing his bidding, bringing Seraphim to an abrupt halt just short of Gavin's heart.

The small cube unravelled revealing a portable holopad, among other things...

May 5th, 2003, 02:33:32 AM
The two TIE Defenders flew in a wide path around the fortress circling it. Shadowfane turbo lasers were sure to be trained on the two wayward craft giving away its position as they circled. Soon, the Despondent would arrive bearing an unknown fate upon the fortress and its inhabitants.

The portable holopad came to life. Red and green lights spinning around its base in one direction then slowing to a random blinking. From its base grew spider like legs making it totally portable. It leapt off the table onto the floor and gave birth to a holographic image surprisingly enough in full size. The projector made a high to low hum as it completed its link with the holopad on the other end. The image came to life revealing in detail the form that was coming through. It did not speak but the eyes were unmistakable even through the holonet. They searched the room glaring from Mockadane to Hera, then to Vega.

Unwise you are to take aggression against my son Darth Hera, His eyes shifted to the lycanthrope, and you... Darth Vega


Vega Van-Derveld
May 5th, 2003, 05:16:55 AM
“Cowering behind your holograms and starships, Saurron? How craven of you.”

Vega’s anger was turned from Gavin to the projection of the vampire master now. His saber hung still engaged at his side at he looked the intangible form up and down. How he wanted to seize the creature up by his throat and tear out those pearly fangs of his.

Almost appearing nonchalant, Vega lifted his saber and swept the tip back and forth in an offhand showoff skill. Now he was only regarding the hologram out of the corner of his eye.

“Tell me – and spare me the elaborate metaphors – why you have captured my fiancée, Daiquiri – and, if you would, enlighten us as to why it appears you are advancing aggressively on the fortress?”

May 10th, 2003, 01:18:07 PM
Even as Vega spoke, the SFF laser turrets trained on the circling TIE's fired. A streaking chase of brilliant light beams found their marks and it was not long until the fortress took care of the intruders in a manner much like slapping a couple insects from the sky.

With the unexpected arrival of the fighters and their intentions not quantified, SFF had gone on immediate defence and the security crew were hailing Hera over silent alert on the communicator she wore. Remkah wore the same device and too received the hail.

For now, she didnt answer - her attention focused on the interaction between Vega and the Vampyre Master instead.

Saurron was a great one for talking about her not taking agression against his own. Seemed to Hera, he'd done a fair share of agressing himself.

Stepping forward, Hera pulled Gavin close to her and with her hand propping his chin forward to Saurron's view she declared that he was fine. She even gave his head a little shake in a forced playful emphasis.

"As you can see for yourself, your dark prince is just fine. And before this goes any further, we want to see Daiquiri."

May 11th, 2003, 01:54:29 PM
Straightening out his trench with a couple shrugs of his shoulders, Ezra remained where Hera pushed him, And that was not too far far vega. He kept his twin blades out in plain sight as well. If the dog kept his saber out and engaged, then the Vamp will keep his out too. Only this time, if he dared to do that little stunt again, Ezra would not fool around. The wolf would get a silver blade stuck in him. His expressionless mug's only indication was the slight narrowing of his eyes.

His eyes, slowly averted to Hera. This woman who has been flaunting her anger around. Although it did help in the sith's use of the force, was also a bane if not minded. And if not careful could spell "mistake" on her part. Reckless, he thought. Her hard gaze shifted from Saurron's image to Ezra's stare. And as they kept one another's eyes for several seconds in silence, he winked then turned his attention back to Vega. Paying no more attention to the woman for now.

May 11th, 2003, 07:46:12 PM
The spider mechanism crawled along the floor giving full movement to Saurrons blue form. Both Vega and Hera had spoken to him by now. Shuttering and flickering from galactic interference the holo image of Saurron leaned down to look Vega in the eyes as he twirled his saber about...

What is the matter Lycanthrope? Afraid to gaze into my eyes. Afraid to see your demise. Or is it worse than I have foreseen, in that you are a coward hiding in the folds of the Dark Sides shadows. Saurron eyes narrowed as he straightened with his hands held out in crucifix form....I am here now in front you now, or was...surely your immense power could affect me. Sarcasm tinted Saurron's words. Vega was the spawn of chaos being what he was. Tell me how does it empower you to kill farmers with pitchforks having none so much as a simple commlink?Hmm?

It was then Hera grabbed his son...

The mobile holo pad turned centering itself in between Hera and Vega.

Indeed he is Darth Hera. Saurron's focus turned back to Vega, and with a turned hand resulting in a claw like form Vega began to feel his trachea collapse inside his throat cutting off the air that would fill his lungs and thus supply air to his blood stream. Saurron released him almost as soon as the grip of the Dark Side had fallen on Vega.

That was agression, and now that, that has been defined, you will board the Despondent docking inside its main hanger bay with your own craft for transport to meet with the Sanguine.

The two TIE Defender craft went unavenged for Saurron knew they would be destroyed upon entering the sector. No sooner that Saurron had spoken was the alert of a large ship entering the same sector. Darkened, the Despondent gave off that very feeling of its own name, as the gravity wells began to make their rotations coming to full speed. It loomed over the fortress Shadowfaene with its darkened transparasteel windows and wayward list of movement. It almost seemed dead itself as it floated to a full hault.


May 11th, 2003, 07:53:10 PM
As his fathers image faded he spun from out of Hera's hands only to press his body against hers. His eyes searched hers moving from her face then back to her eyes. She tried to move away but was held fast by his hand on the small of her back. Slowly he loosend his grip on her with a fading glance as he turned to Ezra.

"Lets go"

Walking down the hall he called back to Mockadane in a perturbed voice. He wasn't upset with Mockadane really, he didnt know why he was upset.

Are you still stealing @#%^ or are you coming with us?

May 12th, 2003, 03:18:43 AM
Ezra walked alongside Gavin. Keeping a watchful eye on Vega, he made the twin blades disappear into his sleeves. He turned to look at Mockadane and smirked. The burly man had indeed taken a few momentos from the Station. He walked past Remkah and nodded curtly with a grin.


May 12th, 2003, 02:02:15 PM
"Mind the door.." Hera called beligerently to the men, and most pointedly to Ezra. The electrified lock-down was still engaged and the Vamp was sure to get a repeat performance of his dazzling flight if he touched any of the exits.

Hera turned toward Vega both of whom had not left the room, and spoke lowly.

"He never did show us Daiquiri..."

She knew that point had not been lost on the Lupine and she wondered what he made of it. Hera was hopeful the link that seemed to be apparent between Daiq and her fiance would confirm her well being. Hera herself felt no shift in the force and was sure her friend was fine. Well, as sure as she could be given the distance between them.

Dealing with the Vamps had proven to be more of a challenge than Hera cared to admit. Saurron was an enigma...his son even more so. What was all that about just a moment ago? Gavin's actions gave her pause of thought. From the moment she met him on Corelia, to the protective warnings he gave her on the Sanguine to just now, his actions toward her werent adding up to his devil-may-care attitudes that he went to great pains in showing off. He managed to trigger a whole gambit of emotions in her with the slightest touch or the briefest look. It was most unsettling, and while Hera didnt like it...she didn't actually hate it either..

She watched him as he walked off, clearly angry about something, and her face had a strange expression on it. She just hoped she was messing with his head, half as much as he was with hers..

Focusing back to Vega, Hera grumbled like a sore looser in a rigged sabaac game, "Im so sick of Saurron telling me what to do. Damnit, if I aint gonna get myself some sort of satisfaction on his undead hide some day."

May 12th, 2003, 04:45:28 PM
Saurron turned and stepped down gracfully from the halo pad. It seemed as if he were floating as he walked not touching the ground as he neared Daiquiri.

My dear Daiquiri, if I were to send a ship to destroy Shadowfaene I would use the Sanguine and squash it like an insect without a shot fired.

Saurron was referring to the immense size of the Sanguine and the fact that it could tear through other ships due to its construction and shielding.

Unfortunately I require the ship and us to be somewhere else. Perhaps I can indulge you with that little event at a later date.
Saurron paused as he stared at her with as much as a twitch on his pale lips.

Being you are my guest here perhaps you would like to see the bridge of the ship?


May 15th, 2003, 10:39:06 PM
Mockadane watched the melee unfold in the room with little interest. His own agendas he kept and for good reason. The security-com he releaved from the body gavin set on the couch, came apart quickly and unnoticed in his hands.

While The group was tranfixed on Saurrons holo-image, Mockadane removed the micro transponder and reception chips, tucking them safely away.

Before leavin the room as the last of it's occupant's, (still alive that is) , Mockadane picked up the Transmitter as it returned to a non-descript cube and placed it back in his belongings.

Gavins words were perterbish to say the least, but The big man knew why. He sized up a throw pillow that lay unused on the couch and thought how uncomfortable the seats on Hera's ship were, and tucked it inder His arm, then walked out to follow...

Stathis Reslith
May 22nd, 2003, 10:48:23 PM
His boots clacked along the highly polished floor as he strode towards the infamous chambers with his copilot, partner and best friend. The Wookie gave a light alert at the guards that stood on either side of Saurron's chamber doors. They smelled funny to him. Dead in fact. The Wookie protested again to Stathis, his tone going from high to low.


Stathis didn't really like the looks of them either. He hated it when he couldnt see someones eyes, but was a great reader of body language. These were the toughest bodies to read however. They stood so still. Almost as if they were dead. Stathis reached up and brushed his hair back with one of his hands.

"We're here to see Saurron."

The doors opened, yet the guards didnt even move to push the buttons to operate it.

Stathis turned to see already staring eyes from behind ton of slicked backed hair.

"See, it's all good."

May 24th, 2003, 04:15:22 PM
Hera spoke to her wrist com, directing the Electric lock-down to be lifted.

As they strode past Mockadane, Hera giving him a slight push out of her way as she passed, they stepped into the Corridor, leaving him in the room behind them momentarily.

Coming up beside her Captain, they spoke a brief moment.

"Remkah, remain here on Base. I'll need to you to run things from here. Vega and I will go with this lot and get this done."

The rest of the party moved into the Turbo lift where they would return to the docking hangar and take a shuttle to the "Despondent."

Mockadane joined them at the last minute, pillow under arm, and Hera rolled her eyes, looking to Gavin. "Is he serious?"

May 24th, 2003, 04:18:21 PM
As the turbo lift closed, Remkah caught Ezra's eye, and pointed his fingers (the ever-present cigarette between them) at him.

"You owe me two hundred creds."

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
May 25th, 2003, 08:13:28 PM
Unfortunately I require the ship and us to be somewhere else. Perhaps I can indulge you with that little event at a later date.

A matching twitch quirked Daiq's lips as she stared back at the Old One.


The urge to roll her eyes was a strong one and this she didafter Saurron turned his back to her. Right. Watching ShadowFaene being destroyed was high on her list of things to see - not.

He didnt wait to hear her response on his offer of a 'tour'. In his arrogant self-assuredness, Saurron moved towards the doors, confident that his 'guest' would follow meekly along behind him. He wasnt disappointed.

"The bridge? Im all a-twitter."

In silence, the large doors swung slowly open as the Vampire Master neared and began to swing close as Daiquiri passed through, leaving Saurron's collection of priceless tapestries behind, the glow of the ever-present flames still casting dancing shadows across the depictions of the eternal enemies.

May 27th, 2003, 12:39:54 AM
Smirking at the Captain of the SFF, Ezra gives a curt nod.

"And you shall have it."

The doors closed as he replied, and he looked at Mockadane then pointed to the pillow under his arm.

"Mock, really.....that isn't even your color."

Vega Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2003, 04:04:44 AM
An infuriating little jingle was playing in the lift, which became oh-so loud when the group inside became silent. Narrowing his eyes and looking around, Vega swayed ever so slightly back and forth with the motion of the elevator. His gaze became firmly locked on the back of Gavin’s head, as he quietly wondered to himself whether or not you could kill a vampire by strangling them.

Jun 24th, 2003, 09:50:32 PM
The doors slid open with a hiss as if gas was escaping somwhere drawing the heavy arches that closed in Saurron's chambers. Stathis held fast in his tracks stopping the Wookie with a hand as the procession heading towards the bridge of the Sanguine filtered out into the hallway.

You are late...Yet your orders remain the same. Saurron never so much as broke his stride as he walked past the hired hand and his copilot causing the guard to turn blockimg his and the Wookie's path as they passed by.

The immense ship took several minutes to traverse as they made their way towards the bridge of the Eclipse class Star Destroyer. Even though Saurron had the most direct route. The turbolift doors slid open revealing the two, and two of Saurron's guard in their black armor and royal helms as well. Saurron motioned for Daiquiri to step out first into the darkened bridge. It was like no other bridge she had seen in her life, if in fact she had seen one at all. Darker than usual, the platform was littered with calculating computers gauging sunlight factors and system's star arrivals. Moons, sunlight, and shadows were being calculated.

Saurron's palm upturned again motioned for his guest to exit first. As she stepped out of the turbo lift she witnessed a sight to behold. The gas giant swirled in front of her through the forward transparasteel windows of the Sanguine's bridge. Blood red...with a touch of the cursed stars yellow sun mixed and spiraled slowly with no indication of its hyperspace shield stripping capability. The Sanguine had in fact exited hyperspace far before the Tinn system avoiding the stripping of its shielding. The bridge was lit more by the planet than by the it's own operating lights as Daiquiri made her way to the forward view window accompanied by her host.

Soon through the gas giants haze a vast shipyard hovering over one of it's moons came into view. Smaller ships bustled about in a frenzy and seemed to increase their rate movement at the arrival of the Sanguine. Star destroyers and the like were being built. War was on the horizon, or the cursed stars setting as it were. Many ships moved toward the Sanguine to refuel and equip as it approached the moon Tinn VI...Echnos...Saurron's home.

Saurron shifted his eyes to the side to see Daiquiri's expression. Not waiting for it to form on her face he turned to his bridge commander ordering him to download current movements from the Hapen cluster.

Saurron turned back to face the stars with Daiquiri drawing a deep breath in then letting it out.

Einsui ien sauiri? He said turning to his guest, laying his glowing eyes on his guest for an answer. Even though Daiq did not speak the ancient tongue of Vampyre she could sense the proud tone in his voice.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2003, 11:58:37 PM
The lack of normal lighting was something that Daiquiri was actually getting used to.

In an uncharacteristic gentlemanly moment, Saurron allowed Daiq to exit the lift before him. He had been correct in telling her that his ship was vastly different than other SSD's. The bridge layout and setup was like no other she had seen and despite the circumstances, Daiquiri was impressed. With everything.

Her eyes were drawn to the viewscreen as they neared the moon and the amount of activity she saw amazed her .... and worried her at the same time.

It was no ordinary shipyard she was looking at. It was huge and almost every slip held a vessel in some state of construction. Daiq turned and looked at Saurron over her shoulder.

"Who are you going to war against?"

Jun 28th, 2003, 07:11:34 PM
Remkah, remain here on Base. I'll need to you to run things from here. Vega and I will go with this lot and get this done."
Gavin rolled his eyes and tilted his side to side in rythem of her speech, moving his lips along as she spoke into her comm to Remkah, then straightend up with mere glance from her...


Gavin peered over his shoulder at Vega then raised an eyebrow while blowing air out of his mouth.

The door slid open allowing air from the hallway in. Gavin thought he had been saved. Moments passed quickly as take off procedures were hurried along sending the motley group of crewman scurrying away to avoid being fried by the blast of the shuttles engines as it left the bay on its short journey to meet with the Despondent.

The Despondent was the first ship of the Coven. A Heavy Interdictor Cruiser capable of fast jumps and of course pulling ships from hyperspace with its infamous gravity wells. Four in all, they spun inside the hull of the darkened ship even now as the shuttle made its way, leaving the protection of Shadowfaene.

Jul 1st, 2003, 03:31:13 PM
Watching from the view port as the shuttle swept out and aft of the Fortress' bulk, Remkah stretched back, a sardonic grin creeping across his features.

The shuttle and its occupants sped through the darkness of space toward the "Despondent" as the SFF Captain monitored its progress, murmering to one of the motley crew members who had just joined him from the hangar bay.

"And so goes the Trojan horse.."

The pair exchanged a glance and the grin broadened.

Jul 1st, 2003, 05:44:44 PM
Hera wasnt saying much. None of them, in fact, were saying much.

The large outline of the "Despondent" came into view, and though Hera was not eager for further company of the undead, she was looking forward to taking a gander at the battle ship and its capabilities.

Hera stood up and moved closer to the view screen, looking over the graceful lines of the Cruisers silohette.

"So Gavin..when you grow up, do you get to have one of those?"

Back in the very aft of the shuttle in a section that was roughly the size of a small room had been sealed of by the SFF prep crew earlier, a deep swirling red mist filled its confines. In its present state, the mist gave off no scent or sentient signature, making the occupants of the shuttle completely unaware of its presence, with the exception of Hera. She knew it was there, and that he, as was Remkah, would be waiting for her orders.

The distance closed and the shuttle was prepared for docking with the "Despondent". Another step closer to Daiquiri. And Saurron. And this business to come to an end..

Jul 2nd, 2003, 11:06:55 PM
His eyes seemed to trace over the very lines she gazed upon...

"Sure." Gavin said with no emotion, casting his eyes towards the floor then back up to the view screen slowly. "When I am a hundred years old and you are already dead and gone from me." His come back lacked fire, and Hera could tell he did not enjoy saying it at all. A stark contrast to what had taken place verbally over the past hours. Gavin just stared at the Despondent as it drew near. The typical fighter escort ensued following the shuttle as if from nowhere.

The darkened bay's blast door began to slide to a close immediately after the shuttle set down on the glossy black floors.Tech crews closed in on the shuttle even as gases escaped here and there. Coven troopers lined in two rows making for a lifeless greeting party. Black masks stared at the guests as they disembarked the shuttle. Clacking impact armor sounded as the columns turned once the "guests" reached the half way mark. Flanked on both sides the troopers guided the procession to the nearest turbo lift sending them aloft into the ships interior.

Gavin was unusually silent. Since his words to Hera on the shuttle he had not made eye contact with her at all...not once. She sensed an inner struggle but could not be certain. Vampyres were the undead after all. Did they have feelings in the first place. Born of the Darkside they were, so who could be certain of anything they exhibited. Who indeed.

Ezra walked alongside Gavin now with Hera and the Lycanthrope in tow, followed closely by Mockadane.

Gavin turned his head in obvious movement which was noticed by Hera and Vega "Nuisui, aguin seuran."

The Despondent wheeled about slowly taking a new heading. Astrogation computations were filed and mathematically worked inside the ships systems, then it happened. Remkah saw the tail end of the Interdictor leave as it leapt forward into hyperspace.

His grin faded into a stern stare...

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:44:01 AM
Falling into step with the others, Hera made her way along with the group as Gavin led the way.

He spoke the words of command in the strange Vampyric tongue and Hera saw, yet again, another side of Gavin as he gave instruction with authority for the "Despondent" to leap to hyperdrive. Black masked troopers walked obediently and respectfully along side him. Gavin was completely comfortable with being in charge, wether he liked it or not, one could only guess.

Hera hadnt responed to what he had said earlier. It was such a strange comment to make...and the way he had spoken..
And he had not even glanced her way since having said it.

She had pondered if this unusual show of emotion on Gavin's part could be exploited to her advantage. And somehow she felt an inner rebuke for thinking such a thing. She really didn't want to do that. Which, in itself, was quite contrary to her basic nature. Self first - others after. Thats how she lived. Thats how she survived. Watching Gavin now, her selfishness suddenly felt shameful.

Ezra's eyes had rested on her, and he was looking at her oddly as if he understood more of what was going on than she did.

"Whaddyou lookin at" she hissed, but a rough nudge from Mockadane moved her forward and passed Ezra, leaving the young vamp to watch her back. .

Her attention now on the bridge of the "Despondent" Hera was momentarily sidetracked by the sheer beauty of the ships command center. Sleek gleaming panels manned by officers every bit as sleek, surrounded her. Vega moved forward too, though the bridge of such a craft was not an unfamiliar sight to him. The power of the great ship seemed to hum through the flooring and up the length of her legs. She smirked to Gavin, finally breaking their self-imposed silence. "This is nice"

Walking around, inspecting everything, Hera's desire for such a vessel was obvious.

Aboard the shuttle, the red mist remained, concealed where it was until beckoned otherwise.

Jul 6th, 2003, 12:58:46 AM
Ezra smirked as she was coerced into moving ahead. he smiled at Mock as the huge Hunter had lumbered passed followed by Vega. As Vega walked by ,Ezra arched an eyebrow and his smile got bigger.

"Ruff, ruff"

Ezra mocked the lupine, having some vampyre fun at his expense. The scowl from Vega made Ezra chuckle.

Jul 6th, 2003, 06:12:26 PM
Once Mockadane set foot on the Despondant, He keyed his wrist-com and the slight blinking green light began blinking red.

The Yslamere frame that The Big Man wore, was tucked safely away in the cargo hold of Hera's personal skip-ray. With her ship still setting docked, back on the station that they had all left, the nasty little surprize Mockadane had left behind remotely came to life.

The golden metalic eyes of the salamander like creatures slowly watched as one of the nutrient tubes gained an extra set of lights. The redish glow glinted off the eyes and fur of the unknowing creatures as they gazed at it without care.

Jul 6th, 2003, 11:52:54 PM
"Well, thats if for now. All we can do is wait till we hear from Hera."

The blip that was the "Despondent" had disappeared off the datagrid as the massive ship leaped into Hyperspace.

Remkah lit another cigarette and put his feet up on the console as he stretched back in the chair.

The crewman was about to sit too, when the Base Captain intercepted him with an order.

"Better go over the Sunshine Suite, make sure its clean."

"Got some guys doing it now."

Remkah nodded. Of course. It was standard security and they would have began a hightech sweep immediately the suites were vacated.


He drew deeply on the cigarette, relaxing a little. The crewman had just lowered his butt into the other chair, when Remkah added as an afterthought.

"Dont forget to sweep the "Paylode" too... And we gotta figure what to do with that "thing" that bounty hunter was luggin around too."

The crewman lifted himself out the chair again and walked obediently from the control room.

Jul 20th, 2003, 12:12:54 AM

The light flashed and a small buzz went off, and Hera sat up immedately upon waking. She shot glances around her, short sharp looks, to gain her bearing.

Her surroundings were at first unfamiliar, and then with stark clarity, she remembered where she was, as the fog of a much needed sleep receded from her mind. She had retired to this room some hours before, at the hospitality and insistance of her undead Host.

She was still on board the "Despondent."

Tossing off the soft blanket, she got up from the bunk and hit the small alarm clock roughly. The buzzing ceased. They would come for her soon. The Despondent must be nearing their destination - Saurrons Eclipse - or so Hera assumed.

She rubbed a hand over her face, still feeling lethargic. Mentally, she should prepare herself for another confrontation with the Dark Vampyre Master. She in haled deeply, and crossed the thickly carpeted floor of the suite to the refresher.

Jul 30th, 2003, 11:12:06 PM
White irides peered back through the dim surroundings meeting with Daiquiri's gaze.

Why...the light of course, and the pseudo dark. The Darkside will spread across the galaxy once again.

He paused in thought as he normally did. Then spoke again.

Unfortunately, it takes all of this to achieve such a thing. Saurron said motioning gracefully with a single hand towards the ships being built.

He paused again then stepped to her side, coming very close to her.

She will find it for me.

Daiquiri was about to ask what the hell he was talking about but the longer she stared into his eyes the more she knew the bases of his query.

Her eyes widened in realization, fear, and intrigue. The very ship she stood upon was meant to bear a super laser. Inoperable as it was there was data to make it a most feared weapon, capable of cracking the very crust of a planet.



Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Aug 11th, 2003, 12:16:55 AM
He was going to have to be stopped - somehow, someway. The Master vampire was talking an all out war and not just against the Jedi but the Dark Jedi as well.....and that included Vega. It seemed to be fate regardless of which way one looked at the situation......either way, Saurron wanted Vega out of the picture.

Moving close enough that his robes brushed her clothing, he spoke again.

"She will find it for me."

Hera was getting the dirty end of the stick from her deal with Saurron and she wasnt even wearing gloves. The pictures and images filled her mind and she let them flow in, welcoming the visions this time instead of fighting. Perhaps she could sort out some small bit of information that could be turned against the one who now stood so closely beside her.

"What are you going to do when Hera decides shes had enough of your games?"

Aug 18th, 2003, 11:14:28 PM
After freshening up, Hera stepped through the door to the adjoining room, and watched as Vega prowled around his room.

He had been doing the same when she had left him a few hours before. Obviously, he had not taken a nap as she had, but instead had brooded impatiently.

"They are slowing the ship. If you stopped still for a moment, you might have noticed."

She thought she heard him growl.

"This is our que"

Vega Van-Derveld
Aug 27th, 2003, 07:12:12 AM
“To do what exactly?” he snapped, looking angrily about for a moment as though searching for something to relieve his stress upon.

He didn’t really want an answer. He just wanted to go. Vega was restless and more than eager to get to Daiquiri and Saurron, the latter in particular so that he could personally thank the vampire for leading them on this little sojourn. The Lupine motioned for Hera to lead the way as he checked his saber was still in place.

Aug 27th, 2003, 08:57:54 PM
The transfer from the"Despondent" to the "Sanguine" was carried out in typical Coven efficiency. Escorted once again to their shuttle, escorted once again off their shuttle, Hera and Vega were ushered to Saurron's chamber, Gavin leading the way.

The echo of their collective boots on the gleaming corridor floor hailed their approach and the doors to the inner rooms were opened by stone faced guards.

All stepping passed them, Gavin broke from the general group and walked confidently toward his father.

Vega was almost twitching beside Hera in his energy and anticipation. His eyes searched for, and locked onto Daiquiri immediately. Hera also looked to her, satisfied that she appeared unharmed, and then turned her gaze once again to Saurron. Vega too, had done the same and the Vampyre Master was graced with two very determined and baleful stares.

Hera stated the obvious.

"As you see, Saurron. We have arrived."

Aug 27th, 2003, 09:29:36 PM
The Sanguine had been in dock for some time before the Despondent and its cargo had caught up. Flashes lit space closest to its dark hull then soon faded. It was being fitted, and at a fast pace.

The human body was frail, and Daiquiri was no exception. Asleep she lay on one of Saurron's resting pieces within his chambers. He gazed down at her lying there in the shadows dark embrace. Walking away, his robes hovered above the floor as if by some magic of the Sith. Grasping his ebony hilt he turned back to the arches as they opened.

Yes...I can see this. In fact, I see more than you realize.

He made his way past the many pillars that reached into nothing...weaving in and out slowly, making his way forward to the entering group. Daiquiri lay before them, her hair strewn down almost reaching the black floor in a contrast of blonde vs. ebony. Saurron's irides seemed to lead the way arriving before he did. This appeared especially so to Hera but not so to Vega. Though new to the universe in lupine terms he was not affected by Saurron's gaze.

At last...I bid you welcome.

The over sized arches met one another with a defining closure at the end shutting out the hallways light that was intruding into his chambers.



Sep 3rd, 2003, 11:42:15 PM
Once the groop was moving accross the Sanguines hanger-bay, Mockadane reasured himself that the Infiltraitor was near by, making contact via his personal com. When the doors of the turbo-lift closed, Mockadane caught the disaproving look from Gavin. Shrugging it off, the ride seamed to take forever, and noone was making a sound....humpf! Gavin thoughts were halted as he caught Mocks slight nodding motion.... With his eyebrows raised The big man motioned his eyes in a pointing geasture towards Hera's well rounded back side and smiled! The angered look that gaven had on his face let Mock know he understood.

Once inside Saurron's chambers, all joking was put to the wayside. This Man only knew serious it seamed to Mockadane.

Hanging back Mockadane buisied himself with keeping the situation in controll. Leaning his back against the wall closest to him He took in his surroundings while resting his right hand on his blasters grip.

Sep 4th, 2003, 12:18:50 AM
The ride down was quiet indeed, brooding was abundant in that turbolift. Brown eyes slowly surveyed the occupants, Vega.....Hera.....Then to Mockadane who was smirking at Gavin. Ezra sowly averted his eyes to see what had made Gavin frown dangerously at Mockadane, and a smirk appeared on the vamps face as they rested on her well toned rear. A slow shake of the head was what he gave to them both as he turned his attention to Vega. The lupine was pretty much behaving himself for the time being anyway, but Ezra stayed sharp as talons.

The door opened to the huge chambers of the Dark Lord he served. He strode out, his boots creating a "clack clack clack" as he crossed the ebony tiled floor. His long coat billowing behind him as he walked to his station between Gavin and Saurron. His expressionless features carefully watching the "guests", making sure no funny business went on as they stood before him.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 4th, 2003, 09:11:43 PM
It swept over her like an eclipse, blocking out everything warm and good to be replaced with a chilling darkness that wasnt to be shaken until the Master vampire moved away to greet his newest guests.

Daiquiri had felt his presence from a distance and now it sang through her veins like a siren's call. Vega!

She continued lying motionless, her breathing still the same easy rise and fall of moments before, eyelids closed in gentle slumber.

Except that she was no longer sleeping. Her senses were thrumming, taking in all that she could, from the smallest sound to the barest whisper of air.

What the Old One had planned exactly was still something of a mystery and if she could level even the tiniest of odds on this strange playing field, she was going to do it.

Daiquiri 'slept' on.

Sep 6th, 2003, 07:48:46 PM
"Yes, well we even though we feel welcome and right at home, Master Saurron - you'll forgive us if we'd rather not linger."

She gestured to Vega who still stood beside her.

"Van-Derveld is here as you requested - say your piece and we'll be on our way."

Hera ignored Gavin's slight shaking of his head at her. He wondered if she would ever learn.

Sep 9th, 2003, 08:35:52 PM
"Well, since time seems to be short for you." Saurron said glaring at Hera. "I will obliege your request." He turned his eyes to Vega sinking them deep into his own. "The elders of your race must be destroyed...and this...you must do."

The was silence was defining. The ships low frequency hum filled the air. Gavin tensed, as his eyes shifted from his fathers to Vega's then to Hera's and back to Vega. His hand slipped to his saber hilt.

Sep 10th, 2003, 02:09:03 AM
Brown eyes slowly moved to the side, then the head followed. Ezra looked at Saurron with a slightly surprised expression. He then turned his attention to Gavin and gave him a questioning look. He knew what this meant, and it spelt "trouble".

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 10th, 2003, 07:42:28 AM

Vega’s lips turned into a momentarily sneer before a laugh spiraled past his lips.

“There’s only one left, vampire, and he can barely move. I winnowed Clan Van-Derveld of its impurities long ago. Only my father and great-uncle remain, and if they are the sole reason you have brought me here than I think you really should have researched a little more into this endeavor.

Neither of the Force-null Lupines have any sort of power and nor shall they ever. Granted they would be better dead, but I am in no particular hurry to off them.”

Sep 10th, 2003, 08:18:22 AM
Saurron moved closer to Vega.
"Perhaps you should reconsider your position Lycanthrope. The fact that they do not wield the Force is not the issue here. The fact that they remain, is. Their existance is detrimental to the power of the Darkside. Destroy them."

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 12th, 2003, 02:05:58 PM
“I’m not going to take orders from you. I’ll do it when I’m ready.”

Vega snorted, managing to look down his nose at the man who was almost exactly his own height. He folded his arms over his chest, further projecting the negative attitude.

“If you’re that eager, do it yourself.”

Sep 12th, 2003, 10:00:46 PM
Saurron's mind sifted through Vega's words, like running fingers through fine dry sand.

I’ll do it when I’m ready.”

Saurron arched a single eyebrow.

"Interesting, so you have been thinking of this."

Saurron turned away from Vega to face Daiquiri, laying there so quiet. Then continued with his back to the Lycanthrope.

"You know as well as I, there is no time for these mortals." He turned back towards the Lycanthrope, then his gaze shifted to Hera, then the ice blue irides befell Vega once again. "If not for me...at my order as you say... then do it for them. There was almost a pleading in his voice but Vega could hear the sarcasm within it and knew the full meaning of what he said. Heard echoing inside the chambers was old steel against steel...then the sound of (shiiing) something coming free. Vega could hear the chips of old blood hit the ebony floor...then quiet.


Sep 15th, 2003, 09:13:16 PM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
The paperweight now in her hand was so tempting to peg Vega in the back of the head with.

She should have expected he would have the hot-tempered VanDerveld lack of foresight to see no further than the immediate. The typical male "to the rescue" routine was always lost on Hera, who, though she was not one to never act on impulse herself, but was sometimes inclined to consider an advantage gained today was a weapon to weild tomorrow.

She screamed in her throat in frustration. Vega had no idea what he was up against. She was a Sith Master, and not faint of heart like Vega suggested, and even she knew sometimes one had to feint and parry in order to finally find the mark and drive a saber deep into the heart of the enemy. Having Gavin in their grasp was an opportunity that would never come again, and Vega wanted to completely disregard it. And as much fun as it would be to "play" with him, Hera was not forgetting that Daiquiri was being held against her will. It was a serious game Hera had intended.

She clenched the paperweight in her fist and yelled out the door,

"Do you even know where you're going!"

Still, there was more than one way to skin a vornskr.
Crossing over to the other side of her desk, she tapped in a panel and connected to Remkah.

"Are they secured?"


"They are being watched?"


"And Hephaestus?"

...he's ready

"Good. We'll be leaving soon"

She ended the transmission and before catching up with Vega, she took from a locked cabinet a small item wrapped in scarlet velvet.
post #157

While Saurron and Vega had been having their little "chat" Hera had casually walked to check on Daiquiri (who gave her a faint smile) and then moved to stand beside Gavin.

Her movement, of course, was noted by all in the room, but she was doing nothing that was threatening or even unnatural and so she had not been restricted.

Gavin's hand still rested on his saber hilt, she saw. She smiled almost indulgently and he replied with a wink.

Unobtrusively she unwrapped the scarlet velvet, taking out the treasure within and placed it subtly into Gavin's free hand. The touch of her was so slight, the brush of her fingers against his skin a delicate intimacy that startled him a little.

He looked up at her questioningly, and she said softly as her eyes found his "Hold on to it... Please." And then she stepped a pace or two away from him.

Inside his palm, Gavin ran his thumb against the item he held. It was smooth one direction, rough the other. It radiated warmth on one side, a chill on the other. It felt both featherly light and leaden weight. He didn't dare look at it. Not yet, while so many eyes could see. Only Hera knew exactly what it was. Hera, and Hephaestus..

Calling to her Senechal through their mental link, the red mist began to stir in its hidden space aboard the shuttle. Seeping out through the doorway, the red mist meanered silently, steadily, through vents, down maintanence crawls, along corridors, obediently answering his masters voice.

Hephaestus of Faene
Sep 15th, 2003, 09:34:17 PM
It had been a long time since she had called him.

Long days he had waited, and still she had not summoned.

But days and months do not toll on him as they do on other creatures.

He lived to serve. He existed for her. And he was obedient.

He could hear her voice, gently but firmly drawing him closer.

Other things he could hear too. There were dark things that lurked. He could feel them. Ancient things. Beings that were not of her world. Nor of his. He had not felt such evils since before the forrests of Kwaylon burned.

In his misted state, Hephaestus was only a presence. He passed this realm as a breathe. He couln't touch or be touched. He could only "sense." But, that was only in his misted state.

Red mist spilled down from the vent in the very far corner of Saurrons Chamber. Behind the meeting of Vampyre and Lupine, of Bounty Hunter and Sith. Behind his Mistress, and he who held the Dragon Scale. Deep in the shadows he filtered down.

And slowly the mystic creature took on form and flesh, claw and scale, and out of the shadows of the grand Vampric chamber, two amber coals with a black slash disecting each, blinked and peered into the meeting beyond. His massive bulk cast a draping shadow into the room and the smell of brimstone filled the air.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 16th, 2003, 09:59:41 PM
Someone or something had joined them. Her nostrils flared as the scent of sulpher assailed her senses. Odd. The last time she had smelled that was back at 'Faene when......

The dren was going to fly thick and fast - of that, there was no doubt. Hephaestus was here and his presence could only be interpreted one way. Not if or when....there was going to be a fight.

By now, Hera's 'pet' had tasted each individual's scent. His Master of course would be safe, as would she. It was her mate she worried about now. The beast wasnt familiar with the Lupine's scent and in the coming fight, Daiq wasnt sure that Heph would be able to differentiate good guy from bad.

The softest sound of metal against metal came from the opposite side of the chamber from where the dragon waited. Daiquiri thought back to when she and Saurron had first been in this room....what had been here that could produce the slight 'snicksnick' she had heard?

Tapestries, pillars, the large burning columnes of fire, the old swords still hanging in the scabbards.

Her eyes flew open.

Sep 19th, 2003, 07:59:46 AM
The acrid smell, the visions of the past, and the immediate danger... thrummed formost in Mockadane's thoughts and sences. The Thoughts passed feverishly, but only for a moment, in The Big Man's head.

The surge of power that Mock Felt as his gauntlets came to life was slight. The oath that He appeard to speak was in Hapen. His voice trailed off at the same instant His bastard-sword ended its metalic sounding exit from its scabbard.

The voice of Mockadane sounded clear in the com onboard the INFILTRAITOR... "Cleansweep!" With this the remote destruction of the fortress they had been on would be only one command away. The commander on the bridge if the Corvette nodded as She armed the sizemic charge's that Mock had left behind.

A slight smile crossed Mocks face as he remembered Saurron's words..." BE prepared Bounty Hunter, not all cards will be shown in this game of sabbac, They WILL come prepared!"

The Ebony blade of Mocks sword seemed to give off a dark mist as he started his direct approach across this chamber to confront the uninvited guest... this Dragon. He spoke aloud as so all could hear, "Hera... At the first actions from this beast I will make your space-station the newest brightspot in the galexy... right before I kill your red friend. Think of all the lives that will be lost !"

Sep 24th, 2003, 08:10:49 PM
Saurron's glowing irides shifted quickly from Vega to Hera with such a sharp glance that one could swear daggers had been cast in her direction.

His voice was deep now. There was no velvet lining in the tones of his speach anymore. He wanted certain things from them, yet they were not willing to adhere to the Master Vampyre's will.

His eyes still lay on Hera.

"How dare you."

Saurron was refering to the Dragon that had taken form in his own chambers.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Sep 25th, 2003, 08:24:38 PM
OOC: Hey, this is Charley. If something in this post isn't kosher, AIM me and lemme know, or drop me a PM.

<font size=7>THWOOM!!!</font>

The bridge of the Sanguine rocked, tossing about deck-hands, Vampyres, and Sith alike. The Master Vampyre whirled around, eyes fierce and blue as he glared to his tactical officer. The officer, already knowing his life in peril, was quick to offer an explanation.

Lord Saurron, enemy vessels have emerged from the outer moon's mass shadow!

Another rumble quaked through the Sanguine.

They must have followed far behind at sublight and evaded our sensors, m'lord!

Just then, the angular prow of a Cizerack Korri class battlegalleon maneuvered over the Sanguine's dorsal hull, rotating its axis 180 degrees so that the top of the ship could be seen...and the two massive Gorroka turrets that were trundling into firing position. The tactical officer's eyes widened, and his hands were a blur on his console.

Raising shie...

<font color=ff0000>boom!</font>

The particle cannons erupted in unison, throwing a massive salvo across the Sanguine's tower. Though the weapons did little structural damage, the power transfer rippled through the Sanguine's grid, polarizing the bridge defensive shield banks, and causing monitors and controls to erupt in showers of sparks. The tactical officer rolled on the floor, dead from a face full of shrapnel. As the command deck's reserve power temporarily kicked in, five more Cizerack battlegalleons trundled past the Sanguine's aft quarters, their gorroka cannons swinging to bear, as another, smaller ship raced past them, its contours far sleeker than the bigger Korri warships.

The audio channel on the Sanguine crackled to life, and a female's accented voice spoke.

"Pjirrrate warrrssshjip, thjisss jisss the galleon Ajiga'jirrrrrro'jirrrrrro'. Ssstand down jimmedjiateljy and prrreparrre to be boarrrded."

The Cizerack Pride had answered for the Coven's bullish intrusion onto their Shadowfaene colony.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 27th, 2003, 09:50:14 AM
Saurron was angry - no, beyond that - furious. The tone of his words hung like icicles in the recycled air of his chamber.

"How dare you?"

Daiquiri didnt have to be looking to know whom the words were directed to...there was no mistaking the dragon's presence now. Her belly contracted sharply - what immunity Hera might have gleaned from the Old One previously, had evaporated with Hephaestus' appearance.

In her mind, she did some quick math. Mockadane had committed himself to battling Hephaestus. There was no doubt that Vega would go after Saurron himself once the fight began. Hera and Gavin were a sure bet to duel, which left Daiquiri with Ezra.

She highly doubted that by now anyone really thought she was still asleep and as she needed to pinpoint Ezra's exact location, she began to lift her head.

The whole ship rocked and vibrated as the sound of distant thunder seeped into the chamber. Vampires, Lupine and humans alike were tossed from where they stood and Daiquiri was flung from the comfort of the small divan, sent rolling towards the scaled beast in the far end of the room.

Sep 28th, 2003, 02:59:31 AM
He stood still and motionless, as the giant lizard showed itself. Then they moved slowly to the right to look upon Saurron. The elder sneered at the dragon. The feeling of impending battle overtook him as his eyes took everyone in. *snikt* The twin Cersea's were in his hands in a heartbeat.

"This can't be good."

At that moment, the floor beneath him rose along with an echoing *THOOM*. The ship was under attack and it rolled to its side a bit, causing everyone to tumble, or stumble. Ezra stumbled, then went down. He rolled till he hit the adjacent wall.


His head quickly came up and brown eyes peered from behind equally colored, unruly hair.

"What the frell was THAT!!"

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 28th, 2003, 03:18:29 AM

Despite being thrown to one side and almost flat on his rear, Vega was laughing like a clown in a nitrous oxide factory. His eyes turned towards the great dragon Hephaestus – what a creature! - and mind to the fleet approaching. The tables hadn’t just been turned – they’d been flipped and shattered over the vampire’s heads.


A sudden bolt of pain struck the Lupine – not to his own form, but one with he was inexorably linked. Cyan gaze shifting about wildly, it finally came to set upon Daiquiri, motionless but conscious, sprawled on the floor.

Something careened towards him from behind, dislodged by the tremor. He jumped and watched as it continued its course to Daiquiri – halted in mere seconds by a swipe of the hand that sent the barrel crashing off in another direction. Another errant something above was sparking, and forced Vega to duck and run as he made for his fallen counterpart.

Hephaestus of Faene
Sep 29th, 2003, 10:18:14 PM
Twin amber coals burned in narrowed slits at Mockadane as he delivered his ultimatum.

But other than a slight protective shifting of his scaled tale to soften Daiquiri's fall to the floor, the great beast refrained from movement. Even with the sudden pitching of the Sanguine, he kept his previous posture.

Hera kept him restrained.

For the moment.

Sep 29th, 2003, 10:37:39 PM
The satisfied smile at Saurron's trip in poise could not be hidden. Indeed, Hera didn't try.

She dared, because she could, and it showed in the brazen expression on her face as she turned to face Saurron.

Hephaestus' arrival had had the desired effect and Mockadane, for all his bravado, could not hide his shock at seeing the great beast seated in front of him. The potential for disaster in this elaborate chamber had just been escalated on a grand scale. And everyone knew it.

Mockadane's threat to destroy ShadowFaene was real - Hera didnt doubt it for a second.

But she did not doubt her crew either, or more pointedly, Remkah. SFF may consist of scoundrels and theives, but as such, they are very attuned to self-preservation. Hera felt certain the Bounty Hunter's booby-trap would have been discovered and de-armed. Or possibly, and even better, - jettisoned out into the deep space of the Unknown Regions. That deplorable Ysalamiri creature along with it.

The tremendous boom that reverbated throughout the massive Destroyer and caused the deck to lurch, changed things even further to their favor. Excepting the fact that she and her companions weren't destroyed in what seemed certain was a surprise attack against the Vampyre Flag ship.

Hera caught Saurron's eyes and the Vamypre Master could see in them in an excited and strangely twisted gleam. A dark laugh caught in her throat, as her sight skimmed over to Gavin and back to Mockadane - detonation communicator still held in his hand.

"Something tells me, you got bigger worries than ShadowFaene, Bounty Hunter."

Oct 2nd, 2003, 10:54:04 PM
The ship rocked then settled...

He watched with unblinking eyes while his hand lay at his side then was touched. Vampyres sensed things... they felt things as no other would or could, and the warmth that he felt touching him now took him by complete surprise. Then as soon as it came, it left him, with only a whisper of what to do with an unknown object placed in his hand. He did not look at it. He did not question her. His focus was on the Lycanthrope.

Mockadane walked away. The smell of the dragon was abounding. It filled the room as the beast breathed in and out. It's great lungs expelling the smell that would mix with the cold air of Saurron's chambers. The heavy heart beat was unmistakable as a dragon. The Coven Citadel was surrounded by them. Ever flying, able to tear any craft approaching to pieces with talons and teeth. It was almost like home. His thoughts ran back to Sari, his mother, in a split second they came back to his father. His eyes widened.

The Sith Sword flew swiftly via the Darkside of the force from the shadows. The sound of wind passing steal filled Vega's ears as he bolted toward Daiquiri.

Gavin's eyes widened at hearing the ringing sound as well. Stepping in, the hand that grasped the object also now grasped her waist. His hand grasped her waist as a passionate lovers would driving her backwards from him as he kept step with her. Gleaming red light and the sound of his igniting lightsaber filled eyes and ears. Deflecting the sword he pushed her further backwards toward the steps in front of the great arch almost making her fall backward on them. He looked at his father in disbelief. He thought she was to be one of them.

The Sith Sword flew end over end in a short arc after being blocked impaling Saurron at a downward angle almost driving him to the ebony floor. The blade drove deep into his chest moving him backwards several steps.

Gavin peered down at his own chest as he began to stagger backwards. The sword had not been deflected at all. It was too fast. It all happend too fast... The Sith sword seemed to continue toward its mark as Gavin faltered. Hera was driven backwards to the steps by the point of the relic. Then, Gavin caught himself and pitched forward landing on both knees slapping a single palm to the floor stopping himself just short of total collapse. He was the one that had been impaled in reality.

The son of Saurron glanced upward then rocked back sitting on his own legs and finally fell to the same stairs that Hera was now rising up from. The sword tip met with the ebony steps and was forced from Gavin's chest clanging on the floor as it fell freely from his gapping wound. His chest burned deeply. This was no ordinary wound, and no ordinary sword. Gavins head turned to the side only to meet with the side of Hera's boot. He could not move nor look up in her eyes. He just stared directly at her soul...

"Hehhh...I knew I'd be licking your boot one night."

The wounds blood soaked his shirt and continued on, taking one step at a time as if in some triumphant march marking gravities pull.

The large arched doorway opened immediately. Not slow and dramatic as usual, but quickly. In an instant, the two well trained guards of Saurron were moving down the steps toward Hera and Gavin, sabers drawn, casting a bloody hue upon there dark armor. One of them a master could handle, but two?

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2003, 01:13:54 PM
Still on the floor from where she was thrown, but well protected on either side by both Hephaestus and Vega, Daiquiri snapped her head up, her incredulous blue eyes following the path of the dully shining sword.

Opening her mouth to yell out a warning to the 'Faene mistress, she was too slow as Gavin had already seen and felt the danger, forcibly dragging Hera behind him and using his body as a shield for hers.

The heavy, thick blade sliced through his flesh, embedding its hilt deep within the son's chest and almost knocking the female Sith from her footing. Vega's mate watched long enough to see Hera stagger but stay upright, then she moved.

Ducking between the massive trunks of Hephaestus' legs and staying well out of the way of the large bounty hunter, Daiquiri made her way around the edge of the chamber until she reached her goal. The other sword was still hanging from its original spot.

Wrapping both hands around the hilt, she leaned back and pulled hard. Shiing! It came off the wall so easily that Daiquiri almost lost her balance but quickly recovered by throwing a steadying hand out against the chamber wall.

A hurried glance at Vega told her that he was on his feet, ready to move again in her defense or an outright attack on the Master vampire himself.

Daiquiri didnt hold any illusions that Saurron would be surprised by the sword she now held at the ready but he might be taken off guard if both she and her mate moved in at the same time.

Through their strong mental link, Daiq sent her thoughts to Vega.

Hephaestus of Faene
Oct 4th, 2003, 01:29:05 AM
As the two guards moved forward, their threat was immistakeable.

Hepaestus turned his great head on his long slender neck, dropping one leathered wing to sheild his Mistress and the wounded Dragon-scale bearer. Opening his mighty jaws, Hephaestus spewed forward a burst of flame, engulfing instantly Saurrons men in its napalm-like blaze. The flame rolled forward and caught one of the ancient apestries on fire.

Oct 4th, 2003, 02:05:00 AM
Looking down at Gavin, Hera masked her shock at what had just happened with a reproving jibe.

"I knew you had no brains" she said shakily as she knelt beside him, taking in quickly the severity of the wound.

It was bad. And Hera had thought you could'nt kill these Vamps with such mortal weapons. Her eyes turned to examine the offending sword and then flicked quickly to Daiquiri.

"Be careful" she warned.

Obviously, the weapon was drenched in some Vampyre voo-doo conjury judging by the way it fell one of their own, and could just as easily harm its weilder as its target.

Gavin winced beside her, doing his best to shrug her concern off, but he fooled no one. All could see what peril he was in. She brushed his hair from his eyes, and shook her head, not understanding such a selfless action on his part to protect her.

Standing now, Daiquiri and Vega on either side of Saurron, Hera strode toward him, taking out her own blade and igniting it

Mockadane and Ezra responded in kind and all present were brandishing their weapons of choice. In the red orange glow of the burning tapestry a silhoette of impending violence was framed in the ornate chamber, accompanied by the lyrical "booms" of further assault by the Cizerack forces.

Allowing the anger now at what Saurron had done - his direct attack against her and the mortal wounding of Gavin, the long time frustration of his blood call upon her life and the withholding of Daiquiri for his own designs - Hera's rage drove her forward and all restraint fled.

The brilliant blue of "Atropos" carved a perfect arc through the air as Hera swung her lightsaber blade forcefully, intending to slice into Saurron's lower body.

Oct 5th, 2003, 04:29:57 PM
*SNIKT* The twin Cerseas were out and his back was to the wall. He crouched and brought the blades up to bear. His head going left then right, the look of shock prominent on him. Everything was happening too fast! Gavin down, Hera going after Saurron....Mockadane on the other side, and Daiquiri and Vega near the huge lizard.

" Kr'gas!!" He swore in his native tongue. "Knew this was bad!."

He tucked the blades along his forearms while holding the hilt of the daggers and made a beeline for Gavin, sliding beside his friend, he stayed there and glared at Saurron....whether by accident or not, he struck his own son down, and another vampyre. That was against their laws, it simply was not done.

"Hold on my friend."

He spoke to his fallen comrade. He watched the fight closely, a building feeling rising.....deciding whether to strike at Hera or the Dark Lord who struck another of his kind down.....his upbringing was winning the battle as he eyed Saurron. He whispered so Gavin could hear.

"He will pay for this atrocity Gavin."

Oct 7th, 2003, 11:40:19 PM
The desk was the only option Mockadane had! The massive peice of furniture was upended at the first sound of breath intake from the dragon. The makeshift sheild caught the brunt of the attacking fires residules, As Mockadane crouched behind it. The two Guards had to fend for themselfs. With a quick move, The mercinary held his two breath masks, placing one on his face. Seconds after the flames lept forth, Mock knew the HALON systems would activate ... and they did spewing forth a white mist!

The vampires would be unaffected, but all the air breathers would be. The halon system reacted in the room removing the oxygen at an alarming rate. The threat of the dragons flames was no more, yet its physical attack was just as perilous...

The Bounty Hunter had a few unfinished things to do before time had ran out.

The thruming of Mockadane's gauntlet pulled hera toward him with the tractor implacement in mid arc at Saurron. The feeling of falling subsided in Hera when her feet touched the ground. The deadly blue arc of her light-saber in reflexive action was haulted when it landed uncerimoniosly against Mocks bastard-sword blade. The arcing white hue and slightly muffled voice came as a shock to the woman....

"Here's five minutes of life!" Thrusting the mask in her free hand,... "Do with them as you will but remember, you have friends that need your help!"

Releasing the beautiful blonde Mockadane stepped backwards into the mist, and on to more pressing matters!

Oct 8th, 2003, 10:40:25 PM
Saurron's eyes fell upon Gavin, his son. The shuttle in which the master Vampyre and the Princess Sari conceived Gavin entered his mind...forcibly. The Sith Vampyre Sword had impaled his own son when it was meant to release Hera from the Blood Call Saurron held over her. Gavin had chosen this. His unlife for her life. Saurron's irides shone white in anger, and pain at not realizing nor seeing that this was to come...Gavin...his son...in love.

Hera seemed to make her way to Saurron with ill intent then fade away as if being pulled by the force itself. Two others were flanking him now. In and out they wove through the many pillars that adorned his chambers. The Lycan and his mate Daiquiri. With Hera removed, Saurron made haste to Gavin's side.

"My son....you have chosen your path. Only she can save you now. "

This was a half truth as Saurron touched Gavin's gaping wound and blood soaked black shirt in what appeared to be a simple gesture. In truth it held much more than that. It took much more than that from Gavin's father. The master Vampyre's pale hand shook then drew away from his sons chest.

Saurron turned to peer over his shoulder, his gaze slicing through shadow and fire's light. If they would not join him then they would perish. Saurron was not merely a master, but a master in combat against multiple targets since far before the fall of The Sith Empire...when he once wore golden armor...when he himself had been human...centuries gone past.

The black wrapped hilt slipped into his hand comfortably which was more than words could have spoken of the ill fit Daiquiri was experiencing with her newly acquired weapon. Blue sparks spewed as metal blessed by the Dark Side of the Force met with another. Daiquiri's hands felt the blow reverberate within the hilt of her longsword with such a strength that was Vampyre. The meeting of metal sent her back a step or two, and on the circle of a swing that had first met with Daiquiri's weapon...Saurron's blade continued on, encompassing his own body as he spun. The Sith Sword met with Vega's lightsaber igniting the darkened room with bright flashes of brilliant blue and purple, he backed the Lycanthrope toward one of the pillars.

The arcs of multicolored light faded away trying their best to crawl up the pillars that reached upwards only to be smothered by the immense darkness that lay above.

Vega's canines where met with fangs born of the Dark Side. Both grit their teeth, and glared at one another through saber and sword crossed in front of their faces. The Lycanthrope and Vampyre matched each other in a temporary stalemate.

The end had begun...

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2003, 09:59:49 PM
The situation was decaying quickly as the chamber's occupants flew into a frenzy of action.

Hephaestus had sought a fast and easy death for Mockadane. Fire billowed forth from the dragon's huge gullet, igniting anything flameable. The tapestries, the cot and Saurron's two armed guards were now burning at a rapid pace, while the intended victim himself was now huddled behind a firebreak.

At the same time across the open chamber, the Master vampire had spun, his sword meeting the one that Daiquiri now weilded. The strength of the blow sent her reeling back, her hands and arms reverberating from the strike.

Saurron now continued his circular attack by spinning and bringing his sword to bear against Vega's lightsaber and putting the Lupine on the defensive.

It was at this time that the Sanguine's sensors picked up the blaze and let loose with an outpouring of halon gas, which was not only extinguishing the blaze but the oxygen as well.

A blade of electric blue now sprang to life as Hera stalked toward the elder vampire, her eyes conveying his death at her hands.

Still ducked behind his makeshift shield, Mockadane pulled a small gas mask from his belt and smacked it to his face. Heras jump into the battle was slowed when the hunter activated a small tractor beam on his gauntlet, focusing the pull on the 'Faene mistress' lightsaber. The result was quick as Hera was pulled from her feet and to the floor.

The white clouds of deadly vapor was expanding now toward the outer walls of the large room. Time and air was running out for the humans in the room.

Safe in his mask and preoccupied with keeping DrenKast out of the fight, Mockadane was unprepared for the blindside attack from the other blonde in the room. Daiquiri had seen a spare gas mask on the big man's utility belt and came to the conclusion that he didnt need either of them.

One hand shot out, blue eyes narrowing as Daiquiri focused on the implement residing on his face. An invisible hand snatched it from his grasp and zipped it through the haze into her waiting palm. The mask still on the hunters belt trembled as it answered the call of the force and flew obediently to her.

Daiquiri's decision had already been made. Neither Hera, Vega or herself would make through this fight alive if they couldnt breath. She was the weakest of three Force-users and their purpose would be better served if the two strongest continued the fight.

Taking one last gulp of air, she ran towards Vega, tossing a mask to him, then skittered past Hera, dropping the other in front of her.

It was almost impossible to see now and feeling along the walls with her hands, she located the chamber doors, which whoosed open at her touch. Sweet, cool air rushed to fill the room while some of the halon gas was sucked out through the open doorway.

Oct 11th, 2003, 08:27:25 PM
Saurron had stooped to bow over his son. And touching him, some form of transferrence had taken place, Hera could feel it. The slight illumination that came into Gavin's eyes, if only for a moment, confirmed as much.

But she had no time to respond. Mockadane had set off the oxygen-devouring gas, and it demanded action.

Fortunately, Daiquiri's quick thinking solved what could have been a dreadful result from the Bounty Hunter's action. If he had stayed holding the mask to her face for a moment longer, Hera would have driven the cold steel of her dagger in between his ribs for his efforts.

Being denied that, she instead spoke in her mind to Hephaestus, and obediently the great creature did as commanded. Curling his scaley claw about Gavin's waist, the dragon lifted him and brought him close to his chest, craddling Saurron's son carefully and protectively against himself.

As Vega and Saurron stood with clashed swords locked one against the other in the air, Hera caught the Lupine's eye breifly as she spoke her intention defiantly to Saurron.

"We are leaving. Vega has heard your wishes and seems he is dis-inclined to heed them."

Neither of the two men relented in their guard, but stared with hatred at each other.

"We have your son, Saurron - or what is left of him. Dont force me to snuff his life out completely by delaying our departure any longer."

Another volley from the Cizerack forces shook the Sanguine, reminding them all that there was yet another threat to be delt with.

She turned her voice now to Vega, who could chose as he would what he wanted to do.

"I suggest we take our leave, Vega, while we hold the upper hand."

Hephaestus of Faene
Oct 11th, 2003, 08:35:34 PM
ooc: FYI guys, Heph's fire was directed at the guards, but away from Mock. Mockadane was positioned infront of Heph, and the dragon turned his head and "fired". Sorry if that wasn't clear, but carry on :)

Swinging his huge body about, tail cutting as a scythe about the Chamber, but carefully not touching anyone in its path, the Dragon took hold of the scale-bearer as Hera commanded.

With a roar that originated from the base of his throat, Hephaestus began to move through the now open doors, pulling at the frame with his free hand to widen the exit way for his easy passing. His charge laying still, but bleeding in his protection.

Oct 12th, 2003, 04:55:55 AM
Fawn colored eyes watched the blonde walk through the opened doors. His hand was on the switch and precious air was sucked in. Ezra crouched as the huge creatrue who held his friend lumbered passed. He stared in awe at the size of this thing. He motioned for Hera and Vega to hurry. He wasn't wearing a face mask and was beginning to feel the effectsof the oxygen stealing gas.