View Full Version : Restless Nights....

Obiwan2 Kenobi
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:27:09 PM
**His eyes gleamed with such evil as they peered at Obiwan2....and his laugh...it pierced the night. Obiwan2 and this strange individual battled...and a long, hard one it was. It had gone on for a long, long time...for this individual was among the most wanted of his time....and he hated Obiwan2 with a passion.....

There were...innocent people.....killed...a sentence fulfilled by the government of yesterday....

"Involuntary Manslaughter" rang out into the darkness like a shot into the dark sky.

Stripped of belongings........placed....down...into a chamber....Obiwan2 accepted his sentence...his fate...perhaps his death....

Suddenly, the evil face came back....and his voice whispered softly, carried by the wind throughout Obiwan2's head...."I'm back....."

Obiwan2 quickly sat up in bed, covered in his own sweat, breathing very hard. He looked around his room, knowing he was at GJO and it was all a dream.

Placing his hand on his head and rubbing it slightly, he tried to make sense of it all. These dreams had haunted him for quite some time but never had he told anyone about them...not even Leia. They had all started very slowly...only small details being told in a story at a time...and even now there were still holes in it all. He thought it might eventually go away...but instead they grew stronger...more intense....

The bed sheets all out of sort, Obi laid there in his boxers...trying to figure out what all this meant. What was it that was trying to be told to him?

Laying back against the headrest of his bed, Obiwan closed his eyes...and a tear gently streamed down his face as he heard the words pierce his heart again...."Involuntary Manslaughter...."**