View Full Version : The Power to Heal

Estelle Russard
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:39:38 PM
The co-ordinates were correct.

She had checked the handheld navigation comp repeatedly, and though she was no expert with such devices, it was a simple enough grid to read.

Up to this point, the speeder had been a quick and comfortable transport - even fun - easily dodging between the great Redwoods of the forrest as she made her way to her destination.
She had dismounted the transport and left it parked, hovering suspended beside a moss covered boulder on the edge of a slowly flowing stream.

But, no real structure was visible that she could see. She tapped on the glowing screen in her hand, knowing the action was redundant. The co-ordinates were correct.

She looked around again, pivotting where she stood, and called out aloud.

"Master Yoghurt?"

Master Yoghurt
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:58:32 PM
It was very quiet.. only the wind could be heard as it flew through the majestic treetops of Yavin. Sometimes, a whisper bird would call out with its melodic, yet very faint singing.

"Looking for someone, yes?"

On top of the giant boulder, sat the tiny green little Jedi Master known as "Yoghurt". His green appearance and old Jedi robes blended seamlessly with the moss of the bolder, making it the perfect disguise. In fact, the boulder she had parked her speeder bike next to, was also hovering, just a few inches above the ground. It was a mental exercise as he meditated.

Estelle Russard
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:04:46 PM
She twisted around to look at the Jedi Master, astonished she had not seen him.

"Excuse me, Master Yoghurt. I didn't see you."

Master Yoghurt
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:16:31 PM
"Sight deceptive is.. use the eye of the Force to see. Come, on top of this boulder, join me. Great view up here, it is"

The Jedi Master sat calmly with his hands extended outwards and his legs in a lotus position. He smiled as he gestured for Estelle to come closer. To his right side, there was a walking cane and a small backpack, just about the right size to wear for the tiny little creature.

Estelle Russard
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:42:47 PM
The boulder hovered a few feet above the ground now, and Yoghurt sat atop it as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Estelle, aided by her force ability, propelled herself in a graceful leap up beside him. She waved her arms awkwardly for a moment to gain her balance as she landed on her feet. Then crouching, she lifted the small cane and pack moving them to the side a little, and sat beside the Jedi Master.

Perched there beside him, she got a chance to really look at him for the first time. He was smaller than she had imagined..but his feet were HUGE. She tried not to stare.

Yoghurt was famous - she had heard many stories of him, and she was awed to just have his company all to herself. She knew he must have a great deal of knowledge. In fact, it was the reason she had sought him out.

But before she got to her many questions, she thought it best to atleast let him know who she was.

"Hello, Master Yoghurt. My name is a Estelle. I am a Knight of the Jedi Order, trained by ReaperFett

Master Yoghurt
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:06:40 PM
"Fett often talked about you. He always had a rather high opinion of you. I sense you will become a Great Jedi Master some day... I also sense you have some questions for me"

The creature opened up his backpack, picking up some very odd looking roots and herbs.

"Medicine, and food. Keeps me healthy. Very good too. Taste if you like. You must be tired traveling this far with that odd looking transport"

The old man chuckled lightly, before he proceeded chewing on a piece of bark from the gimmerstick tree..

Estelle Russard
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:21:20 PM
He held out a peice of bark for her and she took it dubiously from his hand.

She made a pretense of examining it, but her mind was actually some where else. Her thoughts had turned to ReaperFett and a wave of sadness came over her. It was getting easier to remember without the overwhelming sense of loss, but still. She didnt think she would ever stop missing her Master. She thanked Yog for his kind words and forced her thoughts back to here and now.

Yoghurt was chewing merrily on the bark, and so Estelle braved a bite.

It was tough and she really had to chomp to break off a peice. It was actually a little like beef-jerky they made back home on Tr' Nuva. "Not Bad"

The little old man "mmmd" and puckered his lips, his wise old eyes closing and opening again with enjoyment.

"You have lived a long time Master Yoghurt, you must know alot about such things as medicine. And about healing.....?"

Master Yoghurt
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:45:24 PM
"Yes, healing of mind and body. It is the finest of Jedi arts. Only those with a true heart may master it.. someone like you Estelle. Would you like to learn about it?"

The old man, took another bite of the bark, chewing with great confort as he let the huge boulder they sat on rise further and further up into the air. The elevation revealed a whole new perspective of the tall and slim trees that extended from the far below densely vegetated surface. From this altitude, woolamanders could be seen swinging from branch to branch through the lush green treetops. It was a magnificent view

"The air is fresher up here"

Estelle Russard
Sep 1st, 2002, 11:59:08 PM
Estelle hung on - well, as much as one could hang on to a smooth surfaced boulder covered in moss - and the Jedi Master raised it even further from the ground, giving them an amazing view.

She was surprised, and elated at what he had said to her. She beamed excitedly.

"I would like very much to learn, Master Yoghurt, if you would be willing to teach me."

Her eyes caught the movement of the creatures swinging frm the trees off in the distance and her eyes furrowed slightly in question.

"Are those creatures dangerous?"

Master Yoghurt
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:15:15 AM
"Those are Woolamanders. It is a lizard native to the jungles of Yavin 4. They are recognised by their purple fur with a yellow stripe down their backs and their long, thin tails with a bushy tuft of rainbow-colored hair. Notice their large bellies. They eat a lot.. fruit that is.. not us. They are totally harmless, and friendly by nature. Their natural enemies are the spider-anglers, which is a vicous predator"

The old man pucked his lips together so he could whistle. The high frequent tune caused one of the woolamanders to come closer. It quietly settled down on a nearby branch watching the two odd looking creatures that seemed to be able to hang high up in the air without clinging to a branch carrying a big stone. Yog smiled delightfully as he continued talking

"And to answer your question, yes I would like to teach you about healing"

Estelle Russard
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:27:05 AM
Her eyes widened as the creature came closer, and despite Yoghurts confidence that they were harmless, Estelle pulled her feet up toward her anyway. If they were apt to "nip" then it would be the little jedi's big toes that would be the target.

"He's lovely." The colourings of the animal were very pretty, especially the tail. What a wonderful place Yavin 4 was.
The Woolamander seemed as curious of them as they were of him and sat perched in his branch, content to look them over as they talked.

"I am very grateful to you and will try to learn quickly. I dont know anything of herbs and such, and even less Im afraid of force-healing techniques."

Yog nodded sagely and prodded the Woolamander a little with his cane to get some response.

"I do know what its like to be in need of healing though (she smiled) and at least I have the compassion and empathy side of healing in place."

The Woolamander leaned closer to nudge at Yog's cane, but found it difficult as the animals weight made the branch sway up and down erratically.

Estelle petted the creatures chin softly, turning her head to look again at the little fellow beside her. "Is there anything special you need from me?"

Master Yoghurt
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:47:24 AM
The woolamander finally took courage to leap from the branch down to the boulder. It seemed to have a slight limp as it moved closer to examine his new friends..

"Look! The poor creature is wounded. It's right leg needs some healing. I believe we have our first patient"

Estelle Russard
Sep 2nd, 2002, 12:55:54 AM
Looking to where Yoghurt was pointing, she could see that the animal was indeed hurt.

"I wonder if he is in much pain"

Master Yoghurt
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:27:39 AM
"I think so.." the old man petted the woolamander on its back carefully, to calm the creature down.

Yog closed his eyes, letting the Force flow freely between him, Estelle and the woolamander. The two Jedi, the woolamander, the boulder, the trees, the ground, they were all binded together by the mysterious energy field known as "The Force". The energy that span across the galaxy, binding the stars together. The seemingly forever spanning void of space was in reality a unity..

"Reach out with your feelings.."

Yog let tendrils of the Force search the woolamander's body for the spot of pain. Probing the mind of the creature, he could see the imagery how it got the injury: Images flashed by in rapid tempo - flashbacks of an escape in panic. A viccious and hungry spider-angler descended from its web spanning across the treetops, rifting the woolamander with its poinsonous fangs. Luckily, the cut was not deep, and the woolamander could escape.

"Can you sense it? He has a sad story to tell. The poor creature is in pain and needs our help"

Estelle Russard
Sep 5th, 2002, 08:41:40 PM
Oh, she could sense it alright.. At first the sensation had been similar to when Master Yoghurt had lifted the boulder they sat on, revealing the huge expanse of the Yavin forrest. Its beauty and vast sprawling natural grace was a wonderful thing to experience.

So, too, was the sensation as Yog knit together the force flowing within her own being, with his own, with the earth and elements around them.

It was a calm, peaceful sensation. But as shocked as the Woolamander must have been when the deadly creature attacked him - Estelle suffered the same reaction, so real was the fear and pain that was transferred.

With a squeal of fear, the Jedi Knight jerked backwards, coming alarmingly close to tumbling off the boulder completely. Her mind was in a turmoil as the spider-angler revealed its poisonous fangs and lunged toward her. The projection was so vivid, and Estelle had not been prepared for it. She didnt have the experience needed to embrace the woolamander's reality without taking it as her own.

She gripped the Jedi Masters robe in a terrified grasp uttering "Help me" feebly.