View Full Version : Saber Skills (open spar)

Kack Mebuff
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:25:03 PM
Kack calmly meditated in one of the sparring chambers awaiting someone to challenge him. Hopefully, it would be more difficult than his last spar where he had taught the younger padawan a quick lesson in the Force.

Sep 2nd, 2002, 02:42:47 AM
Oriadin spotted Kack in one of the sparring chambers and entered. He wore his black Jedi robes and looked like a big man in them. He had been at the order for some time now and had mainly worked on his theory at the order but now he wanted to concentrate more on his battle abilities. He checked to make sure no one else was in the room before speaking.

--Are you waiting for anyone in particular?--

As far as he could recall he had never come into contact with the Padawan before and he always liked to meet new people.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:39:43 AM
He could feel a new presence enter the room. Kack looked up from his meditation.

"No, I'm waiting for anyone."

He rose to his feet.

"I am Kack Mebuff, Jedi Padawan to Dasquian Belargic. You are the one called Oriadin, yes?"

Sep 3rd, 2002, 02:49:38 AM
--Yeah, thats right. Dasquian Belargic you say. Im padawan to Helenias Q'Dunn but I am about to recieve some extra training from your Master too.--

Kack Mebuff
Sep 5th, 2002, 02:13:57 PM
Kack smiled. "That's great to hear. Hey, you're friends with Sejah, aren't you?"

Sep 7th, 2002, 02:19:12 AM
--I am indeed. We are at near enough the same stage in our training so weve bumped into each other a few times. We get on pretty well. Do you talk to him much Kack?--

Oriadins eyes glanced over Kack in order to get an allround view of the padawan. He hadnt had much dealings with him before but perhaps he was in the force class together, some time back, he thought to himself.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 7th, 2002, 04:57:20 PM
"Yeah, Sejah and I have bumped into each other quite a few times. We're becoming pretty good friends."

Kack searched Oriadin's mind. He was trying to figure out where Kack had known him from.

"Yeah, I was in the Force class. And I've just seen you around."

He smirked.

"Shall we get started?"

Sep 9th, 2002, 03:58:13 AM
Oriadin nodded with a knowing smile as he remembered Kack in the force class. It was good to hear that he and Sejah got on well. The padawans at the order were all coming together.

--Sure, why not--

Kack Mebuff
Sep 9th, 2002, 11:23:21 AM
Kack pulled out his lightsaber.

"You got one of these babies right?"

He extended the blade and took a few practice swings.

Sep 9th, 2002, 04:38:58 PM
Oriadin shook his head.

--No, not yet...--

He then turned to a small shelving unit hanging on the wall. He pointed over to the wall and within seconds one of the training room sabers flew into the padawans waiting hand. This was a skill he had practised many times now and was becoming almost second nature to him. He ignited the lush green blade and held the saber out in front of him with both hands. The hum from the saber was now getting to be a common sound.

--Hope your ready!--

Without wasting any time Oriadin moved in. He swivaled the saber in his hand as he moved in closer to his oponant before swiging the weapon towards Kack's middle. It wasnt a particularaly strong attack and one which should be easy to block. Oriadin was not an aggressive fighter usually so gave Kack a bit of a chance to defend against the sudden attack by making the blow a soft one.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 10th, 2002, 12:12:08 PM
Kack extended his saber's purple blade and easily blocked the attack and knocked Oriadin's saber upwards. He swung his saber around towards Oriadin's right side, but as the Jedi went to block, Kack kicked him square in the chest knocking him backwards.

Sep 10th, 2002, 12:35:31 PM
Oriadin sensed the kick coming and decided it was safer to allow Kack to strike him there rather than to try and defend against it. He stumbled backwards slightly but this was to do with giving himself more room rather than to regain his balance.

As he stumbled back Oriadin quickly took a large step to his left and brought a powerful inswinging blow to Kacks head. The strike was blocked but Oriadin was already on the move. He lifted his saber over the top of Kack and took a strike towards the back of the padawans head.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 20th, 2002, 11:44:55 PM
Kack ducked from Oriadin's swing and just saved his own head.

The two Jedi's movements became so precise it almost seemed as though they were dancing; their sabers flashing in the air. Both moved frantically to keep the other at bay while trying to get their own attacks in.

As the padawans dueled Kack saw an opening. Using the Force Kack pushed Oriadin back. Using this as a chance to attack, Kack ran towards his opponent, using the Forcce to speed his offense, and tackled Oriadin.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:48:46 AM
The two seemed to be relativly matched, for the time being anyway. Oriadin had been trying to develop a style of saber technique that was extreamly defensive. Once perfected it could almost render a Jedi invinceable. The idea being that you bide your time for your opponant to make a mistake before striking.

It was a technique Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobie had used. After seeing his master, Qui Gon Jinn killed before his eyes he decided that a more defensive style should be adopted. It was this very style that Oriadin was practising and learning. He still had a long way to go before mastering it though.

Kack was fighting very well. Both padawans took turns at being in control before the other fought back. Oriadin lost his concentration for a split second and Kack was ready to take full advantage. He spotted the opening and tackled Oriadin. He sent the Padawan to the floor with a bit of a thud.

Oriadin refused to be detered though and wasted no time in recovering the situation. He rolled away from Kack as so not to get hit by his weapon then managed to lift himself onto one knee. At this point Kack made another attack, Oriadin blocked and managed to stand.

A low strike from Kack this time and Oriadin was finding himself on the back foot all of a sudden. He concentraited his thoughts and managed to do a back flip. It was only the second time hed managed to do it but this time, he meant to. He landed on his feet to see Kack swing at the floor, leaving Oriadin enough space to strike back towards his opponants middle section.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:19:41 PM
Kack slashed down to block Oriadin's attack and held his saber to the ground. While holding his opponents saber down, Kack kicked high, attempting to catch Oriadin in the face. But the other padawan was too fast and dodged the attack.

Kack's reaction was instantaneous. Without thinking, while Oriadin was still moving his head, Kack dropped low and swept his opponent's feet out from underneath him. The Force had aided Kack's attack by speeding up his own reaction time.

Sep 24th, 2002, 05:17:34 AM
Oriadin fell to the ground again, this time landing on his backside. Kack didnt waste anytime in following up with another overhead strike with his saber. Oriadin rolled out to his left, leaving Kack nothing to hit but the floor. He then managed to get back on his feet. Another blow from Kack, this time easily deflected by Oriadins saber. The block managed to clear just enough room to shoulder barge kack. Kack fell backward a few steps, giving Oriadin enough room to use the force to activate a laser fireing sphere, aiming at Kack. As it was only in the training room the laser blasts would sting but not do much damage. The ball began firing at Kack, meanwhile Oriadin made a swing for the Padawans middle.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 24th, 2002, 11:49:54 PM
Kack saw the lasers coming at him and tapped into the Force. His saber moved without conscious thought and blocked each of the blaster shots, while still keeping Oriadin at bay.

Kack flipped over his fellow padawan, towards the weapon, and sliced the sphere in two, knocking it to the floor with a metallic thud.

He spun around immediately to face Oriadin who was preparing to attack.

Sep 25th, 2002, 04:58:38 AM
Oriadin wasted no time in closing in on Kack. He wasnt fully ready for Oriadins attack since he had to deal with the sphere as well. Oriadin made a quick swing towards Kacks legs. It was easily blocked. Oriadin then continued his attack. Blow after blow. Kack was managing to block all the stikes but he was losing ground. He was on the back foot and retreating. Oriadin took full advantage and continued his advancement.

Finally the Sabers locked. Oriadin had positioned himself in a slightly better position and managed to force his opponants saber far enough away to give himself enough room to strike Kacks stomach with his elbow.

Kack Mebuff
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:03:58 PM
Kack let out a loud "oof" as he stumbled backwards. He caught himself, though, and regained his footing. As Oriadin pushed Kack backwards, he had an idea.

Kack turned and ran towards the wall and flipped off it, send himself flying over his opponents head.

Before Oriadin could turn around Kack grabbed him from behind and lifted the padawan off his feet and onto the ground.