View Full Version : Driving restrictions...

imported_Grev Drasen
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:06:55 PM
This just so happens to be the board I'm at right now, so I'll dump my venting out on here for now. I'm 15 right now and I turn 16 on the 1st of October. For the past few months me and my dad have been looking at vehicles and prices, getting ready for whenever I can get my drivers liscense. Well, the only law in my state restricting teenagers from getting their liscense is you can't be a drop out, and you gotta wait 6 months with a learners permit.

I'm not a drop out, and I'm an average student. I'll go through the year with D's & C's, and then the last month I'll bust my ass to get in the B's and C's range. Well last year I let myself slip, it was Sophomore year and I didn't really care so I ended up failing 3 of my classes. Two of them were just some crap classes that didn't even matter. Well this year my state decides to pass a law saying you must be passing atleast 5 of your classes for the year to even get a permit.

This year I'm retaking those 3 classes, but I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying I can't get my permit until I pass atleast one of these classes I failed, while passing all my other classes. I haven't let my dad in on it yet, and currently I'm still a little pissed about it. I can only imagine how he'll take it. I think he's more excited about my getting my license than I am.

I get how they're trying to get kids to do better in school, the kids who never really care in the first place. But people like me who go lazy every once and awhile, I'm getting the shaft. I picked the wrong year to screw up. So it looks like I won't be driving until my senior year in high school... which sucks.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 1st, 2002, 05:06:38 PM
Linking getting a licence to school results?

That's sooo -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ed up. You have a bunch of morons running the area

Admiral Lebron
Sep 1st, 2002, 05:08:07 PM
Don't feel bad. I'll be the last person in my class of 800 to drive. I get the permit in 9 months from now and a liscene 9 months after that. Ugh...which sucks because a lot of my friends have permits. Darn my state.

Nasseeri Haalleerraa
Sep 1st, 2002, 06:10:49 PM
My state is currently considering uping the driving age to 18. I can see both sides to this issue, but for parents who already have to work, this means an added burden on them with the continued and expanding hauling about of thier kids. And some of the kids have to work as well. Where does this leave them?

Yanagi Shindeiru
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:04:11 PM
*doesn't have her Driver's licence*

I could've got it when i was 16, me being a canadian and all, but I'm just lazy, I plan on owning a motorized scooter.

But yeah, that sucks that the lazy ppl get screwed over.

Xenodoros Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:42:50 PM
Yeah Canada!

*should make a small smiley of that*

Laine Eldarado
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:53:35 PM
Canada is way better than America:)

The fact that I am Canadian though, means that techniqually, I'm biased.

But I'd rather be a Lukie than a Hannie:)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:49:16 PM
I got my permit nearly a month ago. :) I could have had it last year in Feb. when I was 15 and 1/2 but I decided to wait. So here I am......17 (my b-day was the 29th of Aug :)) and I finally have taken drivers ed and have my permit.

I don't think my state has any corny laws about school and all that....your parents have the right to revoke your Permit though.
:( I'm not too worried about mine.......I haven't done anything too badly......hehehehe

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:56:52 PM
I'm turning 16 next month....and I'm planning on getting my driver liscence...some day ^_^; Me too lazy

Sejah Haversh
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:19:27 PM
I got my license when I was 19. I rode my bike everywhere before that, and for a long time I was biking thirty miles every day to work and back.

Not that I'm complaining, it saved me a lot of money on gas an insurance, and also got me into pretty goos shape. I could leg press half a ton....

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 1st, 2002, 10:30:14 PM
I'm 18, and although I passed the written exam flawlessly the last day of driver's ed (wayyyy back in sophomore year) I still failed my driving test twice and decided that the bus is much better than bastard DMV people. :]

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 3rd, 2002, 01:44:42 PM
got mine when I was 19 but I didn't like driving so I avoided for a bit until other reasons made me wanna drive..... *shudders at her bad bus experience* don't ask......

Sep 3rd, 2002, 06:49:28 PM
I do believe I was either 19 or 20 when I first got my license. It was never really a big deal to have one right away.

But now... it's a big deal as I'm in the market for my own car. :D

imported_Grev Drasen
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:03:45 PM
Once you've had to endure an hour long busride every morning and afternoon for nearly nine years it starts to become a big deal. Atleast to me.

Chimp the Rubber chicken
Sep 3rd, 2002, 07:14:04 PM
I'm 15 and got my permit 5 days ago. And I'm lazy when it comes to school and every thing else so if they passed that law in MO I would be mad as well.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:31:10 AM
I got my learners when I was 16 and then my license when I was 17. I do the bare minimum of driving to keep my skill up kinda and I bike or bus everywhere else if I can't get a ride with somebody else.

And I have to agree with the Canadians here that Canada is better then America, but then again, I'm biased since I am Canadian and dang proud of it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:06:40 PM

Well, as I was homeschooled, I never tookl Driver's Ed. I waited (as per CA law) until I was 17 1/2 (the age you have to be to get your permit without having taken Driver's Ed) and got mer permit, first try.

I then went to college..and had no one to help teach me how to drive. Permit #1 came and went. :(

Then I got my permit again...and drove a little more. Still at school, still not much opportunities to learn!! :( Permit #2 came and went.

I didn't get another permit for a year or so, when I came here to OR. I failed my first time :( and then the second time I took the permit test I got it. :) I was 21 years old. I bought my first car, a manual transmission, and so had to learn how to drive on a manual.

In February, I got my license! Yay! Oh yeah, I was 22. So, no more complaining from you young whippersnappers! And, unlike Ryla ;) I never failed a drivers test. :)

imported_Natia Telcontar
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:11:50 PM
I've had no reason to complain about getting my license since to get my learners, I got it first try and then on my road test to get my actual license, I kinda passed on my first try as well.

Khendon Sevon
Sep 4th, 2002, 02:15:36 PM
I... hate... NJ... drivers laws.

I turned 16, got my permit... I can drive restricted w/ a 21 year old right now...

next april... I go for my liscense... it's limited to basically the same thing as the permit just without the 21 yr old... and only one friend in the car at a time...

then... when i'm 18, i'll finally have full...

I say kill... -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-... die... defend the light!
Lemme drive when i'm 17 unrestricted!

It's 'cause NJ has too many people on the road, and they can't take it away from senior citizens, 'cause they vote... NJ sucks...

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 4th, 2002, 03:44:03 PM
I got My Liscense just awhile ago, roughly 4 weeks ago, and the next day, went on my first Road Trip. Went Camping with friends. We brought so much food, we couldn't eat it all.

Here is the Entire Story:

It was a Average Day when my friend Billy showed up at the Door. He wanted to know if I was willing to go camping. Of Course I did, we loaded up my truck, and loaded up his explorer, and drove to pick up John. Another Friend. Then we went to Costco and spent $60 Bucks on Junk Food. From there, In Billy's Explorer, and My little pickup, we left for Lake Alder and the All Church Camp-out. Now, its a 45-60 minute drive, and when we reached the lake, we found it slightly raining. After camping out one night we bailed. Turns out all the girls of our church do not like camping, so never showed. As we left, Billy got this crazy idea about going to a Log Fair. Now, this being the Evergreen State, we had all Seen Trees and Logs Before. John and I didn't want to go, But Billy wanted to go, and John was in Billy's Car. So He drove off in the opposite direction of home. We drove down the Mountain Highway at about 90 MPH for half'n'hour before reaching the Log Fair. I had never seen so many hicks, rednecks, Bikers, Loggers, and Truckers in one place in all of my life. Now, Billy is Indian, not native american, but Indian, from India. And he was the darkest person around. I was thinking something bad might just happen. And So did John. At the First Stop, John jumped out of Billy's Car and Jumped into mine. We Did a 180 and sped off. Laughing at Billy over the Walkie Talkies, taunting him about the white Trash until we where out of range. We drove almost all the way back, stoping at Alan's house to hang out for a bit. Billy cought up to us there. We watched a movie, talked about, and decided to have a Camp out at the Church Itself. Our Church is not out of the way either, its a big place opposite my school and next to the Spanaway Loop Road, which is very busy. And there we where, setting up Tents in front of the Church on a Grassy Island at 8 O clock at Night. We brought out a barbaque and made some Hamburgers. The Next Morning was Sunday, and there we where, sitting in a circle waving to all the morning guests. Offering them breakfast... which happened to be, more Hamburgers. We had a fun night. We and brought Billy's X-Box and John, being the PK, got us into the Church. We hooked up the Game system to some Telivisions and Played Halo half the night.

In the End, we had a total of 10 people spending the night at the Church.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 4th, 2002, 04:09:03 PM
Ok, let me tell you about SC.......

I got my permit at 16 (could have at 15, but you get an insurience discount if you get A's and B's), and got my licence at 17. Now that want to up the age to 18. I think that is f-ed up because you can join the Military at 17. In other words you can die for your country, but can't drive.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 4th, 2002, 04:10:08 PM
sucks to live where you do then.....

Lady Vader
Sep 4th, 2002, 06:24:45 PM
Hollie!!! Yet ANOTHER reason we're twins!!! I too was homeschooled! :lol Ok, the similarities are starting to get waaaaaaaaaay too creepy. O_o


Zasz Grimm
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:18:44 PM
I haven't gotten my permit yet. Texas State law just changed, people who were born in 1986 and up have to go through so many more hours to get their permit and license. But, people where were born 1985 and below, just have to do the written test, if you take it at home, do the hours in the car with your parents, and have them sign a paper.

Months later. Voila.

I'm 17, have no permit. Not a big deal to me, I am in the country, nothing to do. And when I do go out, I catch a ride from a friend.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:02:40 PM
Originally posted by Verse Dawnstrider
Ok, let me tell you about SC.......

I got my permit at 16 (could have at 15, but you get an insurience discount if you get A's and B's), and got my licence at 17. Now that want to up the age to 18. I think that is f-ed up because you can join the Military at 17. In other words you can die for your country, but can't drive.

Jeez, what is this world coming to? I think it's unfair to disallow people old enough to die for their country things that an adult would be allowed to get. Such as driving and even booze. I'm not big on alcohol, but for God sakes. If you can die fighting for America, why can't you drive? Why can't you even get a damn drink? If you're old enough to die, then you're old enough for everything there is in life. Thats how I see it, and thats why I don't respect America that much anymore these days. Now that I'm older, I look deeply into our faults. :\