View Full Version : Heading off for Rogue Squadron...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:15:01 AM
The alarm rang loudly, it read 6:00 A.M. It was a brisk early morning, and the blazing suns had not yet peaked over the vast horizon. Kindo mustered up the energy to stumble out of his bed and into his bathroom for a morning shower. He then proceeded to dress himself, except instead of wearing his standard Jedi uniform, he was sporting a New Republic Fighter outfit. He had been asked because of his piloting skills to aid the New Republic by joining their team of advanced fighter pilots.

The Padawan had been one since the age of 16, for his father always encouraged him to " fly " when times were were of the worst. The Rogue Squadron required a large amount of his time, but he would not let it interfere with his training in any way. The Jedi Pilot had managed to gather enough time to have a quick breakfast before heading off to the New Republic Base. Once that was finished, he left his tranquil residence, heading for his ship. The ship had undergone special repairs due to damage from combat, now ready to fly high once again. He approached the fighter and began to enter the top opening to settle himself into the cockpit. With everything done and in order, he was ready for to head out for his destination, the NR Military Base.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:02:04 PM
Wei wasa also up early as he wached Kindo walk by. "Kindo, how's it going?"

Wei noticed Kindo's uniform. "Good luck, man!"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 1st, 2002, 04:28:47 PM
" Thank you friend. I'll shall be back later tonight. "

The ship's engine roared has it was prepared to soar off into the vast horizon.

" May the Force be with you Wei. "

With that said, the ship arose from the cold surface, hovering off the near ground. The fighter shot off rapidly into the far distance, heading for the New Republic Sector.

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2002, 04:53:59 AM
Lion was in his ship, the Black Dawn, heading off towards Home One's current location...while his computer handled the navigation, Lion and his crew sat in the living room, playig video games...time to report to the New Republic...

...as Lion was about to blast Haley's fighter, a beep rang out, and the next second, Lion found himself staring at"Game Over"...

...sighing, Lion hit a button to recieve the data...it seemed like Kindo's ship was out there, too. Lion smiled and opened up a com, putting on a T-shirt as he spoke into the speaker.

"Hey, Kindo...heading off to your post?"

Lion had also joined the New Republic, though as a starship commander...Lion liked capital ships...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 2nd, 2002, 08:06:39 AM
Kindo noticed an incoming signal on the database, so he flipped the transmitter radio on to broadcast the message. It was his good friend and fellow Jedi Lion El' Jonson, who also was a pilot.

" Sure am Lion. Been recruited for the Rogue Squadron. Where you headed off too? "

Lion El' Jonson
Sep 2nd, 2002, 05:05:39 PM
"Home One...joined up as a starship commander..." he said.

Lion still had no idea what he was going to be commanding, but he hoped it was something like a Corellian gunship...of course, if he ended up commanding a garbage barge he'd be a bit disappointed, but Admiral Ackbar had seemed sorta desperate for people...