View Full Version : Fan Force Portland became official today!

Sep 1st, 2002, 03:24:19 AM
With our third meeting, as announced on FanForce.net, Portland's Fan Force chapter became official today. We had our "largest" group so far, kinda sad, only 5 people, but it is picking up a bit anyway. In time, I think we should be able to grow quite a sizeable base here.

I have been appointed city representative :)

My friend Erik and I are almost like co-reps because we're in frequent contact and we're both fans, but it wouldn't make sense for him to be city rep. He is going to U of O and NOT bringing his car, which is kinda dumb IMO, and I'm going to OSU, which is closer by 30 minutes to Portland anyway, and I'm obviously bringing my Celica GT-S.

So, I'll be able to make it back up to Portland for all of the meetings that I'll help plan and organize, but he may not be able to be there. I was the one who drug him to the first meeting anyhow, so it only makes sense, even though I could tell he wanted to be city rep too, haha.

Him and I and this 16 year old chick Jasmin are the only people who have come to all 3 meetings, so nobody else was really in the running, and she is 16, which is too young to run a city Fan Force, not even an adult yet. Even 19 is not that old. I'd rather be 21, hehe.

Plus, who else went to Indy, up to Seattle to see it in digital (Erik too), and camped out 24 hours early for the movie (Erik too)? Saw AOTC 53 time? Nobody did all four but me :)

My AOTC count alone should have decided that whole nonsense, haha.

No but seriously it doesn't matter that much, it's just a group of Star Wars fans getting together to talk about various things, Star Wars included, and build a large chapter here in P-town, hehe. I'm excited about it though, nonetheless. Portland has 1.5 million people in the surrounding areas and the city itself, so I'm now in charge of that region. :)

Admiral Lebron
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:10:43 AM

Sep 1st, 2002, 09:26:02 PM
Congrats Jonathan, and welcome to the fanforce community!

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 1st, 2002, 09:57:48 PM

