View Full Version : The Initial Gathering (closed to those invited to this thread)

Sep 1st, 2002, 01:17:03 AM
An ordinary darkness and tranquility coursed the throughout the hollow corridors of the Halls Of Mortimeer, an ancient temple on the planet of Naboo. It was an brisk morning, for the heads of the scorching suns had just begun to peak over the vast horizon. Nevertheless, the present light exceptionally shown through the stone walls of the caliginous structure. Morpheus was perched into the comfort of his ruby chair, serile and stagnant. The ebony intellect was buried within the depths of his thoughts, his cloaked mind dwelling on what the day's events would bring about. The entire foundation appeared to remain in utter stillness.

Isaac Paine
Sep 2nd, 2002, 06:50:40 PM
:: I approached the Morpheus figure and nodded simply as I stopped before him. That was a greeting enough from me. I had been summoned so I had come. It was the why that I didn't know, but that didn't matter as long as we got somethin done. My arm reste in the sleeve of jacket and I waited to hear what Morpheus might say. If nothing then that was fine. We just had to wait for the others then they would commence.::

Xander Kace
Sep 5th, 2002, 07:37:53 PM
Xander entered the anceint and worn temple, his strides long and loud due to the metal tipped boots.

He entered the chamber silently though, nodded a greeting as well as crossing his arms as he neared the center. The 'invitation' gave a clear example of who the Morpheus guy was, plus the little extravigant chair he said in also tipped it off.

Xander waited.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:59:05 PM
The temple was beautiful--very serene. It was overgrown with nature and life that seemed to give it personality and character. Jeran liked that.

He made his way trhough the old hall, walking silently and slowly. He was always weary about enetering a new place. He found it nerveracking to run into things head first with no contemplation, so he kept cautious.

Morpheus...he had met him before. Somewhere in Coruscant. Briefly--but the man had helped him combat the dark. That, was to be commended. It commanded his trust.

The Hunter surveyed the room--one Morpheus, one weathered looking warrior, and one prissy little man. Odd. Jeran never judged though--those were just his first thoughts.

"Looks like a party," he said so that all would hear him and notice his presence. He leaned against a pillar in a dark corner of the hall. He liked the shadows--a good escape if something went wrong. Pulling out an old pack from his belt, he began to eat some dried meat, waiting for the meeting to commence.

Sep 9th, 2002, 03:28:23 PM
Raiden enters the ancient temple after the message was sent out to him. Raiden started to walk through the place. He enter a room where others have gathered. As Raiden observe the room he notices a seat and begain to head toward it. He starts to wonder why all these people have gathered and why was I asked to come.

Young Ki-Adi
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:23:42 PM
An armored individual calmly stepped into the large stone facility, silently studying all of his surroundings has he paced through the unlit halls. He had been notified to meet there by a rather mysterious man named Morpheus. His concealed face kept rather placid, a look he always seemed to maintain amongst strangers. He spotted a few others standing about, has if they were waiting about just has he was. Why were they here? He sure didn't know, but something told him he would soon find out.

Mahi Mahi
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:08:09 PM
Her boots made a clumping noise down the hallway of the stone ruins, she had been invited by a man named "Morpheus" so she had come. She adjusted the strap holding the large sword to her back as she entered the area in which the meeting was being held.

I'm probably the youngest frekking one here!

Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:08:32 PM
Sedate entered Morpheus's house. It was a big house. Sedate loked around and then looked at the invitation. How had he gotten it? He wasn;t sure. he walked in and found where everyone was gathered around Morpheus.

"I arrive." It was a statement that would have been considered bold if there had been any sort of arrogance in his voice. Sedate's voice lacked any sort of emotion, giving his statement a factual tone, like a machine.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 08:47:03 PM
Glistening slits of snow peered down upon an ever increasing party. The pair of lights offset an imposing frame, stained with midnight.

Nemesis stood within the hollows of a battered trellis which loomed above his guests. His gaze passed from one face to the next, carefully examining each. Some he recognized, others were unfamiliar. Deliberately he searched for any falsity in every visage.

At intervals the warrior's eyes would flash with anticipation. His obsidian helm tilted toward the seated Morpheus, urging his friend to begin.

Sep 25th, 2002, 08:17:18 PM
The obsidian intellect ascended from his scarlet seat, his stable appearance remaining apathetic.

" Gather. "

Has the others gradually encompassed him, Morpheus speechlessly contemplated numerous thoughts within his mind. The unrevealed proposition he was about to discuss was of utmost importance.

" I am greatly satisfied to see that all of you have arrived on schedule. For years, great evils of mass power have dominated this vast galaxy, from the lofty towers of Coruscant to the desert sands of Tatooine. The Black Hand, the Sith Order, the Shrine have all claimed their cruel domination in our lives and millions of other lives, controlling us with their vile hatred and lust for destruction. You would think that we could place our sacred trust into the Greater Jedi Order, but their arrogance and unwillingness to assist has lead us to why we our gathered here in this ancient temple on this very day. The living souls of the innocent cry out desperatly for relief, but who can they turn to? Us, the name of the squad, Plague. Our resolute mission is to put an abrupt end to the present iniquity, for the even the armies of darkness will atone for their sins. Our united goal will be to rid the worlds of the depravity that has been so dominate, to fight against it. You have been invited here not out of mere chance or lottery, but because you are the best of the best, and if we unite, our limits will be immeasurable. However you must submit any arrogance, pride, selfishness that lies within you, for this assemblage will be one family striving to accomplish one goal, toghether or not at all. If you decide to devote your life to a cause worthy of it, you must remain completely allegiant to the sole purpose, and never turn away. Do you accept, will you come toghether and stand against corruption? "

Sep 25th, 2002, 08:27:50 PM
Sedate held out his hand to Morpheus.

"I will join you," he said, his voice still lacking emotion.

Sedate had no real place to be. He was given jobs and he carried them out. That was his lot in life. Now he had a new task. Destroy darksiders.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:27:47 AM
Jeran leaned back to observe the scene. One man--an oddly dressed, almost mechanical man--had agreed to join Morpheus. He would watch for now. The idea interested him; there was little doubt of that. However, he was not so trusting. He was worried that maybe there was an alternative motive here.

He watched and waited--his decision would be made soon.

Mahi Mahi
Sep 26th, 2002, 03:21:47 PM
Tei just shrugged.

"Sure thang, I ain't got nothin' better to do, count me in Mate."

She placed her tanned hands on her hips and looked at the whole groups with her ruby eyes, and wondered who else was in or out.

Sep 26th, 2002, 05:08:30 PM
Raiden felt honored by Morpheus words and proud that he was chosen out of so many warriors in the galaxy. "It would be a privilege to be part of this group. I will dedicate everything I have to offer to the Plague. You have my word that I will do anything to help out the weak in fighting any and all evil."

Young Ki-Adi
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:19:05 PM
Raziel gradually drew closer to Morpheus, for he was intrigued by the grand speech that was given. Indeed the depraved galaxy had been corrupt for quite some time, and it seemed has if no other allegiance offered a solid solution, yet this one presented a new hope.

" I will give to this team my militaristic intelligence, combat proficiency, and if needed, my life. "

Jeran Conrad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:46:14 PM
Jeran looked around the room. He was gettin the eye--he hated that. He put away his food and took another look. It seemed as though he had to make the choice. He had thought he would just tag along for a bit. But now, the desicion must be made.

"Lemme say it now, and listen, cuz I ain't sayin it again." He spoke mostly to Morpheus, but to the others as well. "I ain't no man's playtoy and I ain't no loyal soldier. I work for one boss--me. Got that?" He said it with too much pride and alot of confidence.

"But I guess it won't hurt to run with this pack for a bit. While I am here, I got yer backs. All of ya." He said it with a different tone. Still rough and abrasive, but meaningful. He never said anything he didn't mean. He always gave himself and his full loyalty when he was dedicated to a cause. "One sign of somethin funny, and I'm outta here. Ya hear?"

Oct 4th, 2002, 11:08:04 PM
"Fair enough." The hunter's answer sprung from the inky recesses of a corner directly left of those that stood within.

Steady, hollow footfalls accompanied Nemesis' emergence, leaving behind the curtain of shadows which concealed him. The assassin had ensured his obscurity until the time was right, even to the point of masking his decent from the rafters. He halted, center stage. Now flanking Morpheus, he turned and looked upon the rag-tag assemblage of warriors.

"Be seated." His tone was cordial, yet firm. The attendees took their places, then he continued. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am called Nemesis, and for the lack of a better term, I am your commander. I had hoped that my first meeting with all of you would have supplied me with ample time to greet and welcome. Sadly, that is not the case."

The ebony soldier paused, then motioned a hand full of red bound envelops which lay on a large, ornately designed wooden table. Each package represented one member.

"Inside these rests all that you will need to know for your upcoming mission." Suddenly, a green tinted holograph appeared just behind the speaker. The image: the diagram for a rather impressive city.

"We have learned that a particular organization, The Reborn Dark Jedi, intend to assassinate the current Queen of Naboo, in just two days.

"At approximately 8:00am on this given date, forty of these dark siders will commit to a frontal assault on the Royal Palace. However, this brazen attack will only serve as a distraction in order to draw attention away from a second, smaller group that will then infiltrate the palace itself from an unknown sector. Once inside, this secondary squad will search out and murder the queen as well as any that are with her."

The projector hummed, as the picture closed in on the palace gates. An obsidian glove pointed to various locations along the building's walls and doorways.

"Our main force will enter here, and attempt to intercept and eradicate any and all of the Reborn. You will have some support from royal guards and scattered Naboo troopers, but a large part of the military, which typically remains in the city, are off dealing with several uprisings in the west.

"Dark Jedi that push through the Naboo defensive should be sparse enough to deal with swiftly, but be prepared for anything.

"Lastly, two members will accompany the queen and her staff as they move throughout the palace's corridors. Keep in mind, her majesty will not know we are there to aid her, so the pair will be forced to guard by stealth until the enemy make their move.

"The two assigned to this duty will be taking an enormous risk, for we do not know the exact number of them that will attempt the assassination. Maybe two, maybe twenty, quite frankly; we can't be certain."

The map vanished, as Nemesis began to pace about the room.

"Morpheus, who is my Lieutenant, will lead the main party against the oncoming Reborn. You will answer to him as you would answer to me.

"I will head the second phase, but because of the danger involved with guarding royalty I can not force someone to accompany me. I ask for a volunteer."

Moments of deafening silence passed.

"Are there questions?"

Isaac Paine
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:41:13 AM
:: I had no questions but one request.::

So, commander. When do you and I exactly begin the second phase?

Jeran Conrad
Oct 5th, 2002, 05:08:33 PM
Jeran heard the man speak, a rather confident tone.

"Just let me know when and where, chief. I'll be ready to go. Make sure everyone else is." His own confidence came into play. He was scared of nothing--all that had been his fears were shed when he left his old life. Now, he was a force of his own. A force to be reckonned with. If Paine ever backed out or got killed, he would be there to take his place. He and Nemesis had an unspoken bond.

Oct 5th, 2002, 09:41:07 PM
A portion of mask crinkled with the assassin's slight smirk, gladly acknowledging and accepting Isaac's brave offer. Nemesis then nodded to Paine.

"You and I will be stationed atop the palace itself. These listening devices..." He extended the right hand, in which rested a distinctively well crafted ear piece, "....will allow us to hear everything that goes on in the upper levels. We will be able to follow the Queen's every movement without having to see her. Once the second Reborn unit reveals themselves we will descend on her majesty's location and defend against any enemy that are present."

Crouching in order to shuffle through various items within a small bag, the Ranger retrieved several feet of long, thick rope, neatly bound. "Because there will be little time to waist once the Reborn make their move, repelling will be the quickest means of entry." He paused, then said in a subtle joking tone, "Hope you're not afraid of heights. I also suggest you remove your ear device before entering the fray, or things might get a bit louder than you had anticipated."

Both the ear piece and rope were returned to the bag below.

Indeed the warrior was gratified to hear Jeran's somewhat tentative pledge. Nemesis understood far too well the issues of suspicion and mistrust. Yet, the hunter was exceptional. His skill and dedication grew stronger with every day. There was little doubt that he would be a great asset to Plague.

"Are there any further questions? If not, Morpheus will now speak to those of you that are to defend the palace gates."

Faust Schwartzstrom
Oct 10th, 2002, 07:06:27 PM
A small framed boy about the age of 17 ran into the temple, yelling, waving a folded piece of paper around. He had smut black hair, a long shawl wrapped around his neck, and a longsword and smithy hammer strapped to his back. He finally came to a halt before Morpheus and said, "Oh, am I late?! Where is Morpheus? I got his letter!"

Oct 13th, 2002, 12:51:43 PM
" Everyone other than Nemesis and Isacc are to defend the palace entrance gates from the assaulting Reborn. Keep in mind these foes are proficient in combat and intelligent in strategy. Only by working toghether will be be able to halt the efforts of our opponents. "

Morpheus reached inside his concealing leather coat, gradually removing a potent obsidian firearm. Once elevating the steel blaster to his chest, he turned his attention back towards the others.

" I do hope you have ammunition, because you will need it. "

The ebony warrior reached into a covert pocket on his obscuring jacket, pulling out many watch-like devices. He began tossing one to each individual present.

" These are our com-links. With the assistance of these gadgets you can communincate with one another wherever you are, and the radio transmitions can only be picked up by alike, preventing anyone outside of this group from discovering our classified tactics or plans. "

Oct 14th, 2002, 06:04:48 PM
OOC- Here is our page. This is for posting any threads that take place at Plague's headquaters, which is below ground, directly underneath Morpheus's temple. All who are on the team live and train here. Visit and post here often, for we will discuss many missions and plans here. http://pub63.ezboard.com/fthedreamteam61203frm6

Faust Schwartzstrom
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:28:01 PM
Clutching the watch in his hand, he looked at the reflection in Morpheus' eyes. "I don't have a gun." He said calmly. "I got one back at my agency."

Oct 14th, 2002, 09:02:50 PM
The towering ebony warrior glanced at their latest arrival, a boy of no more than 18. Nemesis bore obvious misgivings about this one. Few of such youth boasted the necessary mettle to endure combat, but time would tell.

"You will find any weapons you need in the armory below." His reply had been sharp and to the point.

Then turning in order for his gaze to encompass the whole of the congregation he continued, " When you leave this room, TX..." motioning to a droid in the rear corner, "...will direct you all to the lower levels. There you will find your living quarters, the armory, training rooms, and food storage. Your comlinks will act as id cards. Without them you will not be given entry. I suggest you keep up with them."

His ivory watch floated from one member to the next.

"Take a good look at the people in this room. One day....they may be the only thing standing between you and death's door. Get to know them."

Halting, he allowed his words to be fully understood by all, as a grave silence permeated the air.


Jeran Conrad
Oct 14th, 2002, 09:20:06 PM
Jeran listened to Nemesis dismiss the group.

Ammunition...pffft. I got my ammunition right here, he thought, fingering the lightsaber hilt at his belt. He wondered how many other Force-users there were here. He hadn't sensed any outstanding auras--and that was something he was good at. Maybe there weren't. Good.

He wasn't used to being on a team. This would be a new learning experience for him. He was gonna give it a try--but he didn't promise anything. He walked towards Nemesis.

"Just tell 'em to keep outta my way." He said, supreme confidence and cockiness in his voice. He and Nemesis had a solid relationship--that was about the only reason he remained here. He was true to his friends. His loyalty didn't come cheap, and when someone had it, they had a great advantage in combat.

Slinging his small pack onto his shoulder he headed toward the living quarters to get settled in.

Oct 15th, 2002, 06:19:10 PM
Sedate shut his eyes, then opened them again.

"I will fight these people." Once again, another statement. Sedate had spoken his mind. No more would be said until after the mission was over with.

Mahi Mahi
Oct 15th, 2002, 06:21:43 PM
She resisted the urge to moan......Guns, the ONE weapon she hated...For good reasons anyways.

"Okay I'm in, just tell where to stand and who to kill."