View Full Version : A Chilling Rivalry (Wraith)

Jeran Conrad
Aug 31st, 2002, 08:28:39 PM
Good...doin fine...keep it up...two more miles... he thought to himself as he pushed through the snow. He had been her for a week now, this planet. It was a bed of death. An icy tomb that seemed to engulf life into its bowells. It was Hoth.

He trudged up the small hill, roughly 1.75 miles to go to his campsite. He had been carrying logs across the tundras for the last day, trying to complete the last of his training. It was important to him to spend time sharpening his skills--honing all the elements of his own survival. This time, however, it had become very important. He was hunting a new foe--and this person would not be so easily hunted. An icy Sith; one of comprable power to his own. The only way to tackle his new foe was to become tolerant of the ice himself. He thought it necessary to get used to the sting of cold.

Getting closer, he stopped for a break. He needed it and deserved it. He was making great time and was happy to see himself coming along so well. He stopped for a quick breather, as an unseen storm brewed on the horizon.

Odd...didn't feel that comin. No matter, he guessed, letting the cold air chill him.

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 31st, 2002, 09:01:23 PM
The blizzard swarmed up upon the hillside of where Jeran now stood. In the distance a dark figure moved almost as fast and violently as the oncoming storm itself. Wraith could see Jeran, for Jeran could not see him. The Sith could see through the bellowing snow as if it wasn't there. It was almost as if the storm went where Wraith went, almost commanded by his mind. He approached Jeran without a care in the world. He was on his terrain now, where he belonged. Wraith could manipulate the terrain to his will. "I have tracked you down Jeran. There is no way of escaping the fate of which has already been decided. I won't be turning back this time." Still no visible shape of Wraith could be seen in the vast blizzard.

Jeran Conrad
Aug 31st, 2002, 10:22:17 PM
He's early, he thought, hearing the voice of the warrior within the storm. He couldn't see the man, but he knew he was in there somewhere. He reached to his side to grab his saber--it wasn't there.

SONOFA--you stupid moron! Are you crazy? Leavin camp without your--dang you! he cursed at himself in his thoughts. He was defenseless. Only one thing to do--

"Come and get some, Ice Cube!" He yelled it into the storm, whose snowy currents whipped in the shape of a face. He turned his back to the mess and began to run. The campsite was only about 1 mile away now, so he figured he could make it. His feet dug into the snow and he was off.

Using the Force to enhance his speed, he pushed through the frozen wasteland. He was racing the blizzard, pushing against the wind to make it to his bags. It was hard, but he knew if he slowed, he would die.

C'mon...almost there...keep pushin.... He was within about 300 yards of the camp site. He could see the soft fire burning. The storm was coming down hard on his backl...he was begining to feel his sting. Pushing...pushing...he hoped he would make it...

Wraith Frostmourne
Aug 31st, 2002, 11:26:46 PM
That was a fatal error that Jeran would learn to regret. The storm moved ever so closer to Jeran and his camp. Destructive winds and hail flew from the sky at Jerans back. Not only would the storm eat Jeran, but it would devour his camp also. "You cannot run Jeran!," his voice echoed from behind the Jedi. At Wraith's command, the snow beneath Jeran became thicker and deeper, so thick that the Jedi could hardly even wade through it. Yet the snow allowed Wraith to pass over it as if he were a feather. Wraith was practically toying with him now. Jeran was doomed and there was no waay out of it. The storm began to envelop the two in the brisk and chilling winds. They were now almost in the center of it. Wraith walked out into the fray, close enough to where Jeran could see him. The storm quit moving as he halted. "Not a very wise thing you have done Jeran. For you have put yourself in an even worse situation." Wraith was starring at Jeran now who was up to his chest in snow.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 1st, 2002, 02:14:52 AM
Struggling to move, he felt like a fish being held on a line. He could only wiggle to get free and it wasn't doing any good. He glared at the Sith while he spoke. He let his mind wander through the storm, through the camp site. He searched for his saber, because he knew that Wraith had his scythe--the preferred weapon of the warrior. Neither hands nor his dagger would be able to defend against it.

As his mind wandered, he let the Force become one with his brain. He located his saber--in a dark place. Buried in snow, he thought. In that case, there was only one option. Grabbing to his belt, he fingered his bag for his breathing apparatus. He clutched it in his fingers and he got ready to do something he wasn't sure he was ready for.

"You're right--it wasn't too darn bright. But don't think I'm quittin on you yet. You came for a fight, ain't that right?" He looked the other in the eyes. "And yer gonna get one!" He plunged into the snow, crawling with his hands and feet. He would find his saber--he could feel it's location. Bringing the breathing apparatus to his mouth, he hoped it would be able to process any oxygen that was in the frozen powder.

If Wraith was to follow him, it would be like tunneling after a prarie dog. In any case, he wasn't going down without his weapon.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 1st, 2002, 08:39:22 AM
Wraith watched as the Jedi tried to swim through the snow. Jeran was not visible, but Wraith could sense him, knowing his exact location. At that moment, the snow over Jeran's head turned to a thick barrier of ice as he swam. It was about four to five feet thick and had a radius of about sixty feet. That breathing contraption would do him no good, for there was no oxygen in this snow, now that Wraith had sealed it all off. Once again Jeran was trapped.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 1st, 2002, 12:01:53 PM
The snow around him solidified. This wasn't good. He was so close, but he couldn't quite touch it. Feet away. He had to get to it, because the oxygen in his lungs was running out quick. He reached into the Force, trying to pull his saber to him...he couldn't get it.

C'mon, c'mon...I can do this... He reached for his saber. It was his only hope. Finally, it dawned on him. He had a solution. He let his mind reach out ans search for the saber. He could feel it now. He used the Force to ingite the blade, the snow melting around it's concentrated heat. Pulling the blade toward him was easy now, as the snow was melted around it. The hilt came to his hand as he melted the snow and ice above him.

I owe you, Lady Luck.

He came to the top of the snow pile. He needed to find some safe ground--here, Wraith was very powerful. But he needed a spot where the ground was a bit more safe for him to stand. Near the campsite was an old abandoned base--a great place for some solid ground. He began to take off towards the old base. Wraith would follow, he knew.

Finally jumping onto the abandonned hangar bay, his feet touched concrete. He wanted to kiss it. The bad part was, that through this all, he had been very cold. He had trained, but Wraith's control over the elements was more harsh than typical Hoth storms. He felt the sting of frost bite on his fingers and nose.

"C'mon iceball, let's get this over with." He saw the storm he had barely escaped coming towards the old hangar. Saber in hand, he felt much more powerful.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 1st, 2002, 12:43:51 PM
Wraith stepped out of the storm and approached Jeran upon his "concrete," with scythe ignited. As he walked, the concrete began to cover in a thin sheet of ice. "No more running Jeran. Your time has come." Wraith stood, unmoved by the horendous winds coming from outside the hangar. He brought his scythe up into the air then brought it down hard, cracking the ground before him, sending an icy white fire that split the concrete all the way towards Jeran. The storm was over the hangar now and began to intensify. The winds blew and the rafters above began to shake. Piece by piece the blizzard began to tear away the hangar as hailing sickles passed through the roof, falling down upon Jeran.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:14:15 PM
Jeran dodged the falling pieces with great agility. He danced through the onslaught of debris, keeping a good eye on the warrrior. As the snowdrift cleared, all that was left was the Hunter and the Sith, the storm raging above.

"It's time to end this once and for all." He was calm and collected as he made the statement. With his saber, he lunged into Wraith--a strong attack. It was easily blocked by Wraith--meant to be. He brought his foot around in a roundhouse motion, striking Wraith in the chest. As he stumbled back, Jeran unleashed an intense Force push, slamming the warrior into some of the broken hangar pieces.

"Grrrrrrrraaaaaerrgggghhhh!" He growled, an animalistic battle cry. Leaping into another attack, he stabbed downward at the fallen warrior...

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 1st, 2002, 07:27:21 PM
Wraith took the kick to the chest then slid forward to meet Jeran's attack. The ice beneath him boosted his attack speed. His attack was unexpected too soon for Jeran was caught off guard by the fast attack. The blue blade came up to meet Jeran's sabre. Wraith pushed outward, exerting enough force to realease his blade from the locked position with Jeran. The blade came through and Wraith pumeled Jeran in the stomach with the butt of his scythe. With a wave of his hand, an icy wind swept through the room and lifted Jeran up off his feet and into a wall. He laid there, suspended in midair. It was almost as if a shadowy hand held him in place. Wraith approached Jeran, forcing the wind even harder against Jeran. The Jedi was now being crushed between the wall and the chill wind.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 2nd, 2002, 01:07:45 AM
He pushed against the shrill wind as his body was flattened agains the wall. Pain pinched his body and he tried to stay alive--he didn't want to give up. He wouldn't die here. Not today.

He could only think of one thing to do. As Wraith approached him, he reached into his belt to pull out a small dagger he kept with him. Using the Force, pushing wind against wind, he threw the dagger at his chest. The sharp blade pierced his icy chest and he lost control of his wind.

As he dropped from the wall. he recuperated and lunged at him with his saber. Now would be a great time to strike--when he was injured. Jeran came in hard with a downward slash...

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 2nd, 2002, 09:40:48 AM
Wraith saw the dagger coming for him and could do nothing. Luckily, the blizzard had hardened the armor on his chest so the dagger had not pierced through him. He pullled it out as blood pured out, instantly turning into red shaded ice. Wraith twirled his scythe just in time to meet Jeran's attack towards his legs. A swift kick hit him in the chest, which hurt immensley becuase of the dagger wound. The ice stopped the bleeding, but it still stung. Moving back, he prepared for anothe attack. Wraith jumped into the air, firing four ice needles down upon Jeran, then landing to strike him in his midsection.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 4th, 2002, 09:32:17 AM
The four needles pierced the air with sharp whistles. The wind around him errupted them with the sound of their coming. He used the Force to concentrate on the needles. He speed his body up and closed his eyes--he only wanted to sense the needles. The first came towards his torso--he shifted right with blinding speed to avoid it. The second, less than an instant later grazed his arm as he doged. The third came towards his left thigh--he was too late. It pierced his leg painfully. With the distraction of pain, the fourth managed to strike him in the side. The needles hurt badly--he had felt them before. They were such a deadly attack--very hard to dodge.

Stumbling back from the pain, he did not prepare himself for Wraith's arial strike. As the cold warrior came down with the strike, Jeran was able to just dive left, avoiding the brunt of the attack. There was no escaping the cold burn of his scythe as it cut into his arm as he dove. It skinned down the side of his arm, searing flesh and shirt. The pain drove through his body--he was now severly injured. He brought himself to a sitting position despite the pain. Saber held for protection, he glared at Wraith, crimson blood staining his chin. He breathed heavily--he would need to remove the needles if he was to heal. He pulled the one in his leg out, for manuverabilty.

The one in his side, when touched, sent immense, immense pain into his body. The icy needle had surely pierced some vital organs. It was only for the cold blade that the wound was stopped. No permanent damage would be made, but he could not remove it for fear that damage would be done. This put him in a very, very bad spot.

This ain't good, he thought.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 4th, 2002, 05:44:38 PM
Wraith focsed on the embeded needle. Using the force, he caused the expansion of ice to form at a more rapid rate. The ice began to crystalize all around his side, constantly spreading. He grabbed a dagger and got ready. Wraith stormed towards Jeran with his scyhte high, hoping to land a final blow. If this did not work, Wraith had plenty more tricks up his sleeve. This was only the beginning.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 4th, 2002, 10:17:05 PM
As the weapon came crashing down it was met by a green blade, blocking the attack with brutal strength and accuracy. Wraith looked up to see a man standing before him dressed very similar to the one he attacked. The cloak he wore resembled Jeran's and the eyes were vaguely familiar as well.

"I apologize for the interruption," the man said twirling his saber to release the saber lock. He forced the Sith to take a few steps back. "I will not see him die." The new warrior glanced down to the wounded hunter. They had met before. From the battle on Coruscant with the Sith Zasz Grimm. The one with the others--the battle that turned bad and was disbanded.

He raised his saber to his face which was red and chapped by the cold winds. Holding it there, he stared the Sith down. He was becoming quite powerful in the GJO, and his presence was somewhat intimidating. He knew the Sith would fight well, but would he stay here to be double-teamed? That was the true question.

"I am Terran Starek, padawan of Verse Dawnstrider, servant to the Force, protector of the weak, and loyal member of the Greater Jedi Order." He paused. "This fight is over--he is wounded past combat condition. If you proceed with this fight, I will be forced to defend him." His eyes were stone as he said the words.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 5th, 2002, 05:30:20 PM
"I have no time for your insolence. You both will perish on this planet!" Wraith studied the man from top to bottom. Terran posed no threat. Jeran was wounded to the point where he didn't even count as a Jedi any more. The battle had resumed to a one on one. Oh well, another victim would be clamied upon this day. Wraith circled the man but kept his distance. He wasn't quite sure of what this man was capable of.

Wraith ran towards Terran with his scythe out in front. He misty flipped over the Jedi, then pulled something that Terran did not intend. From beneath the Jedi came a sudden ice solid spire. It cracked the earth as it rose to meet the surface. The ground rumbled as Terran stood stunned and confused, unable to comprhend the matter at hand. Wraith moved in towards the Jedi for an attack below his torso. This would take his attention off the soon to be spire. Wraith would keep him place, for there was only mere seconds until it reached the surface.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 5th, 2002, 09:49:53 PM
"So the choice has been made," he said under his breath. Halcyon came to life in Terran's hands as the ground rumbled below him. He blocked the Sith's attack easily, but wondered what danger the rumble posed. He hadn't heard about earthquakes much on Hoth. Nonetheless, he decided it best to get out of the way.

Backing away from what seemed to be the focal point of the shiver, he raised his saber to attack position. Keeping mind of what was happening below him, he came in strong with a thrust to the Sith's mid section. It was blocked. Coming next with a shot to the man's arm--blocked. He took a couple of steps back. He was not used to the cold, but he was a Jedi Elementist. He could feel the weather and, with enough concentration, control it. He let his mind out into the wind, calming it gently, like a master stroking a rabid dog. It settled. As it did, he released a furious strike aimed at Wraith's head--

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:03:08 PM
Wraith moved over the spot to where the spire would emit from, drawing Terran's position towards him. As the attack came, Wraith flipped backwards drawing Terran directly over the position as the ice spire peirced through the earth and cracked the ground. It was just offset as it merely glazed the Jedi's chin. Wraith could see his opponent stunned by the giant monument.

The winds out side began to calm. Wraith would not be beaten by his own game. He concentrated on the storm outside. It became more furious than ever. The south and east walls of the hangar were already almost gone. The roof was dilapidated and torn completely from its foundation. Winds began to whip through the open hangar, shifting the combatents as it whirled through.

Wraith sent a quick force push at the ice spire, smashing it into pieces. Every individual shard went flying at Terran. Wraith followed behind the projectile wall, ready to attack with a strike to the torso.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 6th, 2002, 02:34:04 PM
Using the Force to protect him, Terran was able to block the shards that flew towards him. Each one was like a seperate spike of glass--but the force shield that encompassed his body blocked the pieces from damaging him. As the shards blocked his view, he was only able to see a shadowy figure behind them, moving towards him. He brought his saber up and pushed into the mess, jumping towards the other. The two blades clashed, a beautiful splash of light illuminating the night around them as the familiar "CRASH" of the blades sung out.

With blades now apart, Terran had the chance. He grappled Wraith in mid-air with his free hand, pulling him close to his body. Wrapping his arm around Wraith's weapon arm and holding it tight to his body, he was able to contain the movement of the blade. With his other hand, he brought forward several punches to Wraith's face with his saber hilt. Letting go of the man, he then used the Force to slam his body down into the icy floor.

Terran landed safely and glanced in the direction of Jeran. He hoped the man was holding up. There was something different about him, and he hoped to find out what.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 7th, 2002, 12:08:19 PM
Wraith took the blows to his fave and felt the ground meet his back as he slammed into it. Pretty surprising move he thought to himself. He got up, chipping away a piece of crystalized blood from his lip. The cold nummed all pain.

Terran was now standing in the pile of glass shards. Wraith stood up straight and focused on the pile. The miniscule shards began to materialize and form a long ice tengrel around the Jedi. It coiled and wove itself around Terran, trapping him in a solid three foot thick rope. Wraith approached the frozen prison of the helpless warrior. "What are you going to do now Jedi?," Wraith said, blowing an icy mist in his face.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 7th, 2002, 01:06:41 PM
A saber came deadly close to Wraith's neck, almost touching it. If Jeran wished, he could easily sever the man's head. But he would not do so--it was against his honor.

"Wait a second there, bub," he said to the cold Sith. "This is a fight between you and me and only you and me. Ain't no reason to kill anybody else." Keeping his saber at Wraith's neck, he turned to look at Terran. He didn't know this guy--he had seen him once, but only in passing. Their appearance was similar, it was true. The difference was, however, that Jeran didn't care at all. Not about this Jedi or his cause. He only cared that Wraith didn't kill him. He didn't want to see an innocent man die in a battle he wanted for himself.

His side ached, but the wound had been stabalized when Jeran removed the ice needle. He would be ok. No problem. You've been in worse spots, ole boy. You can do this, he rassured himself.

"Now here's whats gonna happen. I am gonna get this thing outta your neck. You are gonna walk twenty meters back--south--while looking at me the whole time. That way, ya don't think I'm plotting to backstab ya. This guy (pointing at Jeran) is gonna get himself outta this mess and then get the hell outta here. Got that?" He said looking at Terran for confirmation. "So let's try this...nice...and easy..."

He removed the blade from Wraith's neck and waited to see what the Sith would do.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 7th, 2002, 06:34:37 PM
Wraith seized the advantage, turned, and landed a side kick to the warriors wounded side. "Here's a life lesson. Never trust your enemy." Wraith firmly planted himself on the ground as a terrible wind sewpt through the hangar and lifted Jeran off his feet. It took him out of the hangar and out into the bellowing blizzard. Wraith walked into the storm and dissapeared from Terran's sight. This was about to get very interesting. Terran would have to enter the storm if he wanted to save his Jedi friend.

At this moment the entire hangar began to collapse in on itself. If Terran didn't find a way out, he would be part of the debris also.

The hangar could no longer be seen. There was no telling where they were now, for Wraith had just upped the stakes. He was refreshed by the bitter coldness. The eyes of the Sith could see straight through to Jeran's position. Wraith crossed the snow and lifted up Jeran by his collar. "Its over. Our long lasting rivalry is finally at end. You don't expect to win do you?" Wraith pushed his face into the freezing cold snow and let go. He began to circle him as if he were the predator and Jeran was his prey.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 9th, 2002, 08:38:32 AM
He wanted to break the ice tentacles, break the snow, break the cold, and destroy the warrior. But he would not do so--he knew that Jeran wished he stay out of the fight. Worse than any darkside was to push someone to get help they don't want. He would not help the Hunter if he didn't wish. On the same token, he would not watch him die.

Using the Force, Terrans summoned nature. The storm above him toiled--clouds rumbling and thunder billowing. He brought an unnatural, small electrical storm from the clouds. As it mounted, he called into the Force, a bolt of lighhtning smashing down to his position, exploding the ice tentacles. Now, let loose of his trap, he escaped the debris.

He then came to the top of a small hill to watch the battle. He would not interevene any longer--but he wanted to remember the story to report to the Council.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 11th, 2002, 04:05:27 PM
Jeran crouched low as Wraith circled him. He felt like a bloody soldier in the ocean--Wraith was the shark that stalked him. The wound hurt more than ever. He could not give up.

"Say whatever makes ya feel better, Wraith. You know you can't win. Darkness will never win!" He yelled out into the storm, the blood from his internal bleeding spitting out of his mouth. His healing was working--it always did--but it was difficult in the cold. It seemed to slow everything around him. Everything except for Wraith...

He rose to his feet and lashed out at Wraith with his saber. He swung twice at him--one blocked as the other one almost grazed his head. Turning--pain--he went for a kick. It was weak, as he was, and it didn't seem to do much. Wraith merely took it in stride. Jeran stepped backwards...he was tiring. He didn't know what would happen. He only had one option.

Reaching deep into the Force--into the dark side and every aspect--he found inner power. He unleashed a frightening barrage of lightning aimed at Wraith. The crackling and power of it blew the Sith warrior over 100 feet back. The pure static and shock shook the other's body and inflicted as much pain as Jeran could enforce.

He collapsed to the ground--exhausted and hurt--to try to gain strength to get away.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:31:19 PM
Jeran's words were lost in the wind as the attack flew at Wraith. He dodged them all easily until the lightning bolt came. It burned in to his chest, melting some of his chest armor as Wraith flew back a good bit. He put his hand over his chest, trying to conceal the burning sensation with the cold. It burned deeply, for the fiery feeling would not leave.

Wraith got up to see the warrior collapse in the snow. He approached Jeran, still pressing on his own chest. Wraith struck his scythe into the ground, creating four ice thick walls that rose to the sky to surround the Jedi. The temperature began to drop rapidly inside the cage. Jeran struggled for warmth as Wraith prepared to collapse it on the warrior.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 11th, 2002, 05:45:20 PM
This was it. Jeran was tired of this abuse. The Sith would not quit--he was bent on killing the hunter. Have it your way, he thought. He prepared himself for the inevitable.

It was something he didn't like to do. It resembled what he hated--the dark side--way too much. But in this case, it seemed all too necessary. Jeran had found himself a wild youth. He was always fighting, always staying in trouble, and as a young jedi, he was angered easily. It wasn't dark side angry--but it was close.

Nonetheless, he had to do it. He unleashed the beast--a spirit within him that represented total rage. It made his body seem to take on a new posture--a seemingly crouching predator became what the hunter was. His eyes glowed bright white and his mouth foamed. He let his saber fall--he would not need it. He didn't use a weapon like this anyway. He barely rememebered what happened.

His hands changed--they became clawlike. He broke through the wall and scanned the snowy storm with refreshed vision. Eying the Sith he attacked--pouncing like a lion onto the dark warrior. The scythe flew from his hand as Jeran--or something like Jeran--began to maul the man. His clawed hands scraped and beat the warriors head and chest in an attempt to kill. It was truly frightening.

Finally, Wraith was able to push him off. Jeran then crouched--about two yards away--and glared at the warrior. Foam and blood--the Sith's blood--coated his mouth, face, and hands.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 11th, 2002, 07:22:48 PM
Many wounds and bloody scrapes covered Wraith's body. In the snow, he saw Jeran, or what was formerly Jeran, in a crouched position, eyes gleaming. "What the hell?" he said as he got up to face the newly transformed warrior. He would have to sit back and let his wounds heal for a moment. Wraith looked through the storm to find some resources.

Yes, he found it, he found the perfect host. Walking obliviously through the snow was a wampa snow creature. The beast was just as powerful as Jeran if not more, but its agility was a little more limited. Wraith reached out with the force and entered his icy mind, gaining control of the mammal. It stopped abruptly and turned it head towards the beast-like Jeran. Wraith commanded it with the force to attack Jeran, in the same manner that he was attacked. The beast charged and roared through the snow. It's scream could be heard through the storm. Wraith recalled his scythe to his hand and followed behind the creature as it stormed violently towards the Jedi.

The beast came in with a talon so fast and hard, that it gouged deep into the Jedi's shoulder. Wraith ran and flipped over the warrior's head, landing on the other side of him. Now Jeran would have opposing forces on both sides. The monster used his other claws to push off Jeran to remove the deeply embedded talon. Blood streamed out of Jeran's shoulder as Wraith laughed to himself, prepared for battle.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 13th, 2002, 12:29:09 AM
The pain of the talons would not effect Jeran in this state--he was unkowing of pain. However, he would surely feel it later. He let forth a battle cry like none other--an animal surrounded and cornered. The wampa first.

He crouched towards the beast. It threw down a heavy fist towards Jeran's shoulder--dodged. In the moment, as its neck was exposed, Jeran--or what was Jeran--lunged at it, tearing it's throat out with his claws. The creature thudded to the ground, painting the white snow with it's life blood.

Jeran turned to face Wraith. The wound inflicted had taken it's toll, and the man came back into Jeran's being. He was in great pain and his rage subsided because of it. He kept low--his body ached with pain he had not felt for some time. Aching, he crouched, calling his saber to his side. He waited for the Sith's move--it wasn't gonna be pretty. He was a sitting duck. He only hoped he could block any attack, if need be.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 13th, 2002, 02:20:59 PM
Wraith stared at the Jedi with the most vengeful look upon his face. The only feeling that flowed through his heart was that of the desire to kill. He wanted this man dead, no matter the cost. If it would cost his own life, so be it.

The blood began flow more intensely from the wounds on his arms. He couldnt keep this up much longer. Something soon would decide the fate of this fight, whether it be Wraith's own death or the doomed fate of Jeran. Wraith could tell that they were near a mountain now since the elevation was a little more higher and the temperature had dropped severely. Still, no visual image could confirm this because of the blizzard about them.

Wraith stepped out and raised his hands to the air, summoning all the force to him that he possibly could. The ground beneath the combatents began to shake violently. A deafening crack split the earth beneath Jeran's feet as a giant fissure opened up to conceal them both. The hole was so enormous that it swallowed Wraith also. Both of them fell into the dark and icy pit. Wraith grabbed hold of an edge of ice that portruded from the wall. One hand dangled as he looked down to see Jeran holding on not too far below him. There seemed to be no bottom to the hole.

Both of the warriors were about a good twenty feet into the fissure, Jeran about ten more feet below Wraith. Wraith could see his scythe waiting for him at the top of the giant crack. He had no weapon so there was no need to fight. His only choice was to go up. If he could reach the top, he could use the force to seal Jeran in. Realizing this, Wraith began the long climb up, finding little ridges here and there to scale upon. He would be out in no time.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 15th, 2002, 12:40:02 PM
Jeran hung on the ridge painfuly, the sharp, cold rocks ripping his hands apart. This was a deathtrap for both warriors--Wraith was possesed. He would stop at nothing to end this battle. Fine then. Jeran would do the same.

The Sith began to make his rapid climb up the wall. It was a show of his great strength as he scaled the cliffs swiftly. He made his way up the rock wall and was approaching the top. Not if Jeran had anything to say about it.

"Leavin so soon?" Jeran yelled up at the man and then pulled a bold move. He used the Force to push himself up with great speed. Tackling the Sith, he let himself go and both began to fall. Grappling with each other, the two warriors fell further down the gaping crevice. Jeran had an idea. He would find a proper ledge and let go of the warrior.

As soon as he saw one that would work, he let himself go, pushing off. He flew to one wall, crashing to the ledge and barely holding on. His hands gripped the ridge wildly, hanging by a thread.

The Sith, he could see, smashed into the other side. But he couldn't tell if he had held on or not. No matter now, as he struggled to pull himself up onto a safe position to climb.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 15th, 2002, 07:08:49 PM
Wraith wrestled with the Jedi as they were suspended in the air. A sudden impact forced him away from Jeran as he hit the opposite wall with a thud. He slid down the wall with increasing speed until he grabbed hold of an icy edge. It was a platform big enough for him to stand on, so Wraith got up and viewed the Jedi above him on the other side of the pit. Their positions were now oppostie from what they were before. As Jeran got in the state to climb, Wraith sent a force blow to the ice wall above Jeran. The ice cracked and tumbled down upon Jeran. He continued to put pressure on the wall as more and more shards of ice began to fall. It was almost as if a mini avalanche was occuring inside the dark rift. Now that the Jedi had another problem to be occupied with, Wraith began to climb again. To make his climb easier, Wraith summoned a slab of ice for every step he went up the wall. Jeran was still a good length above Wraith, so he would have to surpass him quick.

Wraith was now on level with Jeran as he continued to climb. Below him could be seen an icy ladder of stepping stones from where the platform was. The quicker he could get to the top and seal Jeran in, the better it would be for him.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 17th, 2002, 10:41:53 PM
Jeran could see the ice steps Wraith had made for himself. He thought this to be a great oppurtunity. He concentrated and then--whoosh--jumped to the opposite side of the crevice, gripping the newly formed pegs. He then began to climb--more furiously and easily on the beaten path Wraith had made--and was catching up with the Sith.

Less than two meters from the top, Jeran reached the other. Reaching up to pull him down, Jeran grabbed hold of his foot and tugged violently. He tried to bring the warrior down. He fought desperately to do so, knowing that if Wraith reached the mouth he would trie to trap him in here somehow.

"You ain't climbin yer way outta this, you son of a--" he pulled hard, trying to drag the man off.

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 18th, 2002, 02:18:27 PM
"Never! You shall not succeed!" Wraith yelled down at the Jedi trying to rip him off his foundations. His right hand was begining to slip, he could feel it. Summoning forth another gap in the wall, he brought his other hand up to grab it. Wraith was out of options and out of time. He was slowly slipping as Jeran pulled harder.

Realizing a possible solution, Wraith focused on the wall beneath him. Suddenly the wall that Jeran had climbed up lost all of its ridges and crevices that Wraith had formed up to the point to where Wraith now held on. The wall transformed into a smooth sheet of ice as Jeran lost his footing. Jeran was now hanging from Wraith's left leg, as the Sith hung from the two portruding ice steps. He could not hold the wieght of the Jedi and himself. He could not concentrate enough to summon more foot holds. They were now both trapped. There was no way to reach the top unless he lost Jeran. The Jedi was still holding on tightly, for it was his life line. Wraith regripped and tried to kick the man off.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 19th, 2002, 01:46:45 AM
"This ain't good," Jeran muttered aloud as his feet left him. His body now hung, against the thin sheet of ice that was a climbable wall, from Wraith's dangling foot. That was it. No ridges, no padding, no nothing. Just darkness below. The Sith kicked violently at him as he tried to hang on. It was too hard--he felt his grip slipping. He had so little to work with, and the kicking was hard enough.

Finally, Wraith was able to get good leverage on his hands and, with one swift push, he kicked Jeran's hand loose. The young hunter felt gravity pull as he slipped down and off of the ridge. His eyes widened and a scream left his throat as he finally came to the abrupt realization:

He was falling.........




He bashed onto one of the protruding edges, his body thudding against the tight ice of the ridge as he landed on his left side.. Every muscle went numb as he lay there, trying to regain his fleeting breath. Grunting with pain, he rolled onto his back. PAIN PAIN PAIN--he had broken his arm...and maybe a rib or two.

You know, this was a really, really bad day to get outta bed.... he thought to himself. Lucky it was that he landed on this ridge--who knew how far down the crevice sunk.

Looking up, however, showed he had little promise. Wraith was now totally out of his reach--even with the climbing skills Jeran had. He was at least 15-20 meters up--whew, that was a long fall--and with a broken arm, Jeran was useless in the climbing department.

He clung to one hope--that maybe, just maybe, the Force would smile upon him this day. He knew Wraith's intentions--it was obvious to any warrior. The best way to end this fight would be to trap him in the ice cave. He hoped upon hope that Wraith was like he was now--exhausted and battered. He hoped that he would not have the strength to close the icy tomb over his head. All he could do now, he realized, was hope...

Wraith Frostmourne
Sep 20th, 2002, 05:12:34 PM
Wraith found just enough strength to summon two more steps, and finally climbed out. The battle in the chasm had taken all his strength and power away. His endurance was low. There was nothing he could do now but return to his shuttle. The storm that once was, had subsided. In the distance could be seen the destroyed and ruined base camp. Wraith peered down into the rift looking for Jeran. The Jedi could be seen kneeling on a platform a great ways down the pit. It was going to take some work for him to get out now, with no way up. Wraith would leave him alone and recouperate, for he did not have the strength to continue on the battle. Slowly, he began the long journey back to his shuttle.

Jeran Conrad
Sep 21st, 2002, 01:20:29 PM
Jeran saw Wraith get to the top of the artificial cliff. He made his way over it. It seemed as though he was tired, barely scaling the wall. A difficult task, it was, as both warriors had nearly taken each other's lives.

Reaching the top, Wraith looked down at Jeran one last time, before turning his back and walking away. Jeran got the feeling that this battle was over. He looked to see the Sith leave.

Relief came over him--he knew that on this day, he would not die. He was lucky. Saved again by something--the Force and whatever it willed. Today, it's will was fine to him. He felt full of life again. He was going to be ok.

This isn't over, and you know it...not yet... he let the thought go, knowing it would find it's recipiant.