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Salemn Lysce
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:47:53 PM
After helping Temura settle in the Living Quarters, Salemn led her to Yoghurt's for food and drink. She pushed the doors open with the Force and let the girl in first, then followed.

< A Bantha Blaster is a type of drink that fizzles in your mouth and - Oh, here's an empty table. >

As of late, many newcomers and Jedi had begun to frequent the B&G, and it was harder to find vacant seats. After the two seated themselves, a droid came by to take their orders.

< A bantha blaster for me .. >

Salemn's "mental voice" trailed off as she waited for Temura.

Temura Morningstar
Sep 9th, 2002, 01:05:30 PM
"A bantha burger with fries and a bantha blaster. Fizzy sounds good right now." She smiled at Salemn. With her fundamental needs being taken care of, she was looking forward to beginning her training at the order.

She dismissed the droid and turned back to Salemn. She had decided to try something. She focused her mind on the young Jedi and "spoke" to her in much the same way she "spoke" to Podo, but instead of using images and emotions she used words: I was wondering -- how did you come to be a Jedi?

She studied Salemn's face for a reaction.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 9th, 2002, 04:44:44 PM
Salemn's eyebrows rose slightly as a smile broke across her face. Amazing, at how fast Temura picked up on the mental speech.

< I lived a hard life .. then one day I messed with the wrong people and came here for protection. Later, I realized this was the Jedi Order and things just took off from there. >

She had only outlined a few of the reasons of why she had joined, but they were the only ones that anyone had to know about. Her secrets ran deep - but luckily, she wasn't the only one who kept her past hidden.

< How did you hear of the Jedi ? >

Temura Morningstar
Sep 9th, 2002, 10:57:28 PM
Tem nodded her head as she listened to Salemn's "voice." The story was sketchy, but it was enough, and she wasn't about to pry. Then Salemn asked her how she came to hear of the Jedi.

She concentrated again, focusing her mind and aiming her thoghts at Salemn's mind. It wasn't all that different from when she was "talking" to Podo the afreet or to one of the great flying beasts Onderon was famous for, but it was on a much higher mental plane.

I've always known about the Jedi, she said, then broke back into normal speech. "My great-uncle, Oron, was a Jedi once, long ago. He gave me some rudimentry training and this," and she reached down to her side and withdrew a beautifully crafted lightsaber. "This is the Blue Legacy, his lightsaber. He gave it to me on the condition that I enter the Jedi order and keep the family tradition alive. So, here I am."

A server droid rolled up with the bantha blasters. "Here you go, miss," it said as it placed the tall, fizzy drinks on the table. "Burger'll be up in a moment."

Tem took a tenative sip of her drink and smiled broadly. It was sweet and tart and fizzy and -- she couldn't think of what else, other that good.

"How long have you been here -- well, since you realized where you were?" she asked. She was wondering how long one remained a padawan and how difficult the study was. She idly traced the pattern in the hilt of the Blue Legacy as it lay on the table.

OOC: Sorry 'bout that -- sometimes I just don't know who I am ;)

Salemn Lysce
Sep 12th, 2002, 06:35:47 PM
The lightsabre Temura had pulled out was beautifully crafted - although Salemn couldn't quite figure out how she sneaked it past the guard at the door. She smiled inwardly at this thought.

< I've been here for more than a couple of years, to put it that way .. Oh, and you might want to put the lightsabre away, no matter how beautiful it is ... The guard doesn't like it when people sneak weapons past him. >

After the droid came up with their drinks, Salemn reached into one of her pockets and pulled out some credits, dropping them in its open tray. Satisfied with its pay, the droid beeped and then rolled away, waiting for the burger to be fully cooked.

< I take it you like the Bantha Blaster. >

She grinned and took a sip of hers, relishing the bubbles that fizzed on her tongue.

[OOC- No problem. Sorry for my delayed post !]

Temura Morningstar
Sep 19th, 2002, 02:42:21 PM
She quickly covered the saber with her hand and put it away with a nervous smile. "Sorry 'bout that -- I tend not to think of it as a weapon but as more of a memento. Besides," she shrugged, "it doesn't work. I don't know what happened but when Uncle Oron died it just went fzzst." She took another sip of her Bantha Blaster, letting the bubbles tickle her nose and tongue. She nodded when Salemn noticed that she enjoyed her drink

"Do you think you could help me fix it so I can use it for my training?" she asked.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:20:00 PM
< Hm .. Yes, I will try. >

Salemn nodded slightly to indicate the conviction of her words as she leaned back in her seat. Indeed, she would try her best to help Temura, but couldn't guarantee anything. There was a moment of akward silence between the two before a beeping reached their ears.

The droid had come to serve Temura's burger.

Setting it down before the girl, the droid waited and was greeted by more credits. It rolled away happily.